Update KPROCESS structure to latest version and document all its fields on the Wiki page. Move Kernel Structures to ke.h from ps.h, remove stuff from ntifs.h that shouldnt be there
Modified: trunk/reactos/ntoskrnl/include/internal/i386/ke.h
Modified: trunk/reactos/ntoskrnl/include/internal/ke.h
Modified: trunk/reactos/ntoskrnl/include/internal/ps.h
Modified: trunk/reactos/ntoskrnl/ke/dpc.c
Modified: trunk/reactos/ntoskrnl/ke/event.c
Modified: trunk/reactos/ntoskrnl/ke/i386/ldt.c
Modified: trunk/reactos/ntoskrnl/ke/i386/v86m.c
Modified: trunk/reactos/ntoskrnl/ke/i386/vdm.c
Modified: trunk/reactos/ntoskrnl/ke/kthread.c
Modified: trunk/reactos/ntoskrnl/ke/process.c
Modified: trunk/reactos/ntoskrnl/mm/i386/page.c
Modified: trunk/reactos/ntoskrnl/ps/psmgr.c
Modified: trunk/reactos/w32api/include/ddk/ntifs.h

Modified: trunk/reactos/ntoskrnl/include/internal/i386/ke.h
--- trunk/reactos/ntoskrnl/include/internal/i386/ke.h	2005-05-05 22:36:25 UTC (rev 15026)
+++ trunk/reactos/ntoskrnl/include/internal/i386/ke.h	2005-05-05 22:40:05 UTC (rev 15027)
@@ -179,6 +179,38 @@
    ULONG Eflags;
+typedef struct _KGDTENTRY {
+    USHORT LimitLow;
+    USHORT BaseLow;
+    union {
+        struct {
+            UCHAR BaseMid;
+            UCHAR Flags1;
+            UCHAR Flags2;
+            UCHAR BaseHi;
+        } Bytes;
+        struct {
+            ULONG BaseMid       : 8;
+            ULONG Type          : 5;
+            ULONG Dpl           : 2;
+            ULONG Pres          : 1;
+            ULONG LimitHi       : 4;
+            ULONG Sys           : 1;
+            ULONG Reserved_0    : 1;
+            ULONG Default_Big   : 1;
+            ULONG Granularity   : 1;
+            ULONG BaseHi        : 8;
+        } Bits;
+    } HighWord;
+typedef struct _KIDTENTRY {
+    USHORT Offset;
+    USHORT Selector;
+    USHORT Access;
+    USHORT ExtendedOffset;
 extern ULONG Ke386CacheAlignment;
 struct _KPCR;

Modified: trunk/reactos/ntoskrnl/include/internal/ke.h
--- trunk/reactos/ntoskrnl/include/internal/ke.h	2005-05-05 22:36:25 UTC (rev 15026)
+++ trunk/reactos/ntoskrnl/include/internal/ke.h	2005-05-05 22:40:05 UTC (rev 15027)
@@ -29,6 +29,191 @@
 #include "arch/ke.h"
+/* INTERNAL KERNEL TYPES ****************************************************/
+#ifndef __ASM__
+#ifndef __USE_W32API
+typedef struct _KPROCESS *PKPROCESS;
+#endif /* __USE_W32API */
+typedef struct _HARDWARE_PTE_X86 {
+    ULONG Valid             : 1;
+    ULONG Write             : 1;
+    ULONG Owner             : 1;
+    ULONG WriteThrough      : 1;
+    ULONG CacheDisable      : 1;
+    ULONG Accessed          : 1;
+    ULONG Dirty             : 1;
+    ULONG LargePage         : 1;
+    ULONG Global            : 1;
+    ULONG CopyOnWrite       : 1;
+    ULONG Prototype         : 1;
+    ULONG reserved          : 1;
+    ULONG PageFrameNumber   : 20;
+typedef struct _WOW64_PROCESS
+  PVOID Wow64;
+#include <pshpack1.h>
+typedef struct _KTHREAD
+   /* For waiting on thread exit */
+   DISPATCHER_HEADER DispatcherHeader;    /* 00 */
+   /* List of mutants owned by the thread */
+   LIST_ENTRY        MutantListHead;      /* 10 */
+   PVOID             InitialStack;        /* 18 */
+   ULONG_PTR         StackLimit;          /* 1C */
+   /* Pointer to the thread's environment block in user memory */
+   struct _TEB       *Teb;                /* 20 */
+   /* Pointer to the thread's TLS array */
+   PVOID             TlsArray;            /* 24 */
+   PVOID             KernelStack;         /* 28 */
+   UCHAR             DebugActive;         /* 2C */
+   /* Thread state (one of THREAD_STATE_xxx constants below) */
+   UCHAR             State;               /* 2D */
+   BOOLEAN           Alerted[2];          /* 2E */
+   UCHAR             Iopl;                /* 30 */
+   UCHAR             NpxState;            /* 31 */
+   CHAR              Saturation;          /* 32 */
+   CHAR              Priority;            /* 33 */
+   KAPC_STATE        ApcState;            /* 34 */
+   ULONG             ContextSwitches;     /* 4C */
+   LONG              WaitStatus;          /* 50 */
+   KIRQL             WaitIrql;            /* 54 */
+   CHAR              WaitMode;            /* 55 */
+   UCHAR             WaitNext;            /* 56 */
+   UCHAR             WaitReason;          /* 57 */
+   union {                                /* 58 */
+      PKWAIT_BLOCK   WaitBlockList;       /* 58 */
+      PKGATE         GateObject;          /* 58 */
+   };                                     /* 58 */
+   LIST_ENTRY        WaitListEntry;       /* 5C */
+   ULONG             WaitTime;            /* 64 */
+   CHAR              BasePriority;        /* 68 */
+   UCHAR             DecrementCount;      /* 69 */
+   UCHAR             PriorityDecrement;   /* 6A */
+   CHAR              Quantum;             /* 6B */
+   KWAIT_BLOCK       WaitBlock[4];        /* 6C */
+   PVOID             LegoData;            /* CC */
+   union {
+          struct {
+              USHORT KernelApcDisable;
+              USHORT SpecialApcDisable;
+          };
+          ULONG      CombinedApcDisable;  /* D0 */
+   };
+   KAFFINITY         UserAffinity;        /* D4 */
+   UCHAR             SystemAffinityActive;/* D8 */
+   UCHAR             PowerState;          /* D9 */
+   UCHAR             NpxIrql;             /* DA */
+   UCHAR             Pad[1];              /* DB */
+   PVOID             ServiceTable;        /* DC */
+   PKQUEUE           Queue;               /* E0 */
+   KSPIN_LOCK        ApcQueueLock;        /* E4 */
+   KTIMER            Timer;               /* E8 */
+   LIST_ENTRY        QueueListEntry;      /* 110 */
+   KAFFINITY         Affinity;            /* 118 */
+   UCHAR             Preempted;           /* 11C */
+   UCHAR             ProcessReadyQueue;   /* 11D */
+   UCHAR             KernelStackResident; /* 11E */
+   UCHAR             NextProcessor;       /* 11F */
+   PVOID             CallbackStack;       /* 120 */
+   struct _W32THREAD *Win32Thread;        /* 124 */
+   struct _KTRAP_FRAME *TrapFrame;        /* 128 */
+   PKAPC_STATE       ApcStatePointer[2];  /* 12C */
+   UCHAR             EnableStackSwap;     /* 134 */
+   UCHAR             LargeStack;          /* 135 */
+   UCHAR             ResourceIndex;       /* 136 */
+   UCHAR             PreviousMode;        /* 137 */
+   ULONG             KernelTime;          /* 138 */
+   ULONG             UserTime;            /* 13C */
+   KAPC_STATE        SavedApcState;       /* 140 */
+   UCHAR             Alertable;           /* 158 */
+   UCHAR             ApcStateIndex;       /* 159 */
+   UCHAR             ApcQueueable;        /* 15A */
+   UCHAR             AutoAlignment;       /* 15B */
+   PVOID             StackBase;           /* 15C */
+   KAPC              SuspendApc;          /* 160 */
+   KSEMAPHORE        SuspendSemaphore;    /* 190 */
+   LIST_ENTRY        ThreadListEntry;     /* 1A4 */
+   CHAR              FreezeCount;         /* 1AC */
+   UCHAR             SuspendCount;        /* 1AD */
+   UCHAR             IdealProcessor;      /* 1AE */
+   UCHAR             DisableBoost;        /* 1AF */
+   UCHAR             QuantumReset;        /* 1B0 */
+#include <poppack.h>
+typedef struct _KEXECUTE_OPTIONS
+    UCHAR ExecuteDisable:1;
+    UCHAR ExecuteEnable:1;
+    UCHAR DisableThunkEmulation:1;
+    UCHAR Permanent:1;
+    UCHAR ExecuteDispatchEnable:1;
+    UCHAR ImageDispatchEnable:1;
+    UCHAR Spare:2;
+ * NAME:           KPROCESS
+ * DESCRIPTION:    Internal Kernel Process Structure.
+ * PORTABILITY:    Architecture Dependent.
+ * DOCUMENTATION:  http://reactos.com/wiki/index.php/KPROCESS
+ */
+typedef struct _KPROCESS 
+    DISPATCHER_HEADER     Header;                    /* 000 */
+    LIST_ENTRY            ProfileListHead;           /* 010 */
+    PHYSICAL_ADDRESS      DirectoryTableBase;        /* 018 */
+    KGDTENTRY             LdtDescriptor;             /* 020 */
+    KIDTENTRY             Int21Descriptor;           /* 028 */
+    USHORT                IopmOffset;                /* 030 */
+    UCHAR                 Iopl;                      /* 032 */
+    UCHAR                 Unused;                    /* 033 */
+    ULONG                 ActiveProcessors;          /* 034 */
+    ULONG                 KernelTime;                /* 038 */  
+    ULONG                 UserTime;                  /* 03C */
+    LIST_ENTRY            ReadyListHead;             /* 040 */
+    LIST_ENTRY            SwapListEntry;             /* 048 */
+    PVOID                 VdmTrapcHandler;           /* 04C */
+    LIST_ENTRY            ThreadListHead;            /* 050 */
+    KSPIN_LOCK            ProcessLock;               /* 058 */
+    KAFFINITY             Affinity;                  /* 05C */
+    union {    
+        struct {
+            ULONG         AutoAlignment:1;           /* 060.0 */
+            ULONG         DisableBoost:1;            /* 060.1 */
+            ULONG         DisableQuantum:1;          /* 060.2 */
+            ULONG         ReservedFlags:29;          /* 060.3 */
+        };
+        ULONG             ProcessFlags;              /* 060 */
+    };
+    CHAR                  BasePriority;              /* 064 */
+    CHAR                  QuantumReset;              /* 065 */
+    UCHAR                 State;                     /* 066 */
+    UCHAR                 ThreadSeed;                /* 067 */
+    UCHAR                 PowerState;                /* 068 */
+    UCHAR                 IdealNode;                 /* 069 */
+    UCHAR                 Visited;                   /* 06A */
+    KEXECUTE_OPTIONS      Flags;                     /* 06B */
+    ULONG                 StackCount;                /* 06C */
+    LIST_ENTRY            ProcessListEntry;          /* 070 */
 /* INTERNAL KERNEL FUNCTIONS ************************************************/
 #ifdef __USE_W32API
@@ -36,9 +221,6 @@
 VOID KeSetGdtSelector(ULONG Entry, ULONG Value1, ULONG Value2);
-#ifndef __ASM__
-struct _KTHREAD;
 struct _KPCR;
 struct _KPRCB;
@@ -82,6 +264,10 @@
     } \
+#ifndef __USE_W32API
+#define KeGetCurrentProcessorNumber() (KeGetCurrentKPCR()->ProcessorNumber)
 /* threadsch.c ********************************************************************/
 /* Thread Scheduler Functions */

Modified: trunk/reactos/ntoskrnl/include/internal/ps.h
--- trunk/reactos/ntoskrnl/include/internal/ps.h	2005-05-05 22:36:25 UTC (rev 15026)
+++ trunk/reactos/ntoskrnl/include/internal/ps.h	2005-05-05 22:40:05 UTC (rev 15027)
@@ -42,110 +42,12 @@
 #ifndef __ASM__
 #include <internal/mm.h>
+#include <internal/ke.h>
 #include <napi/teb.h>
-#ifndef KeGetCurrentProcessorNumber
-#define KeGetCurrentProcessorNumber() (KeGetCurrentKPCR()->ProcessorNumber)
 extern LCID PsDefaultThreadLocaleId;
 extern LCID PsDefaultSystemLocaleId;
-#include <pshpack1.h>
-typedef struct _KTHREAD
-   /* For waiting on thread exit */
-   DISPATCHER_HEADER DispatcherHeader;    /* 00 */
-   /* List of mutants owned by the thread */
-   LIST_ENTRY        MutantListHead;      /* 10 */
-   PVOID             InitialStack;        /* 18 */
-   ULONG_PTR         StackLimit;          /* 1C */
-   /* Pointer to the thread's environment block in user memory */
-   PTEB              Teb;                 /* 20 */
-   /* Pointer to the thread's TLS array */
-   PVOID             TlsArray;            /* 24 */
-   PVOID             KernelStack;         /* 28 */
-   UCHAR             DebugActive;         /* 2C */
-   /* Thread state (one of THREAD_STATE_xxx constants below) */
-   UCHAR             State;               /* 2D */
-   BOOLEAN           Alerted[2];          /* 2E */
-   UCHAR             Iopl;                /* 30 */
-   UCHAR             NpxState;            /* 31 */
-   CHAR              Saturation;          /* 32 */
-   CHAR              Priority;            /* 33 */
-   KAPC_STATE        ApcState;            /* 34 */
-   ULONG             ContextSwitches;     /* 4C */
-   LONG              WaitStatus;          /* 50 */
-   KIRQL             WaitIrql;            /* 54 */
-   CHAR              WaitMode;            /* 55 */
-   UCHAR             WaitNext;            /* 56 */
-   UCHAR             WaitReason;          /* 57 */
-   union {                                /* 58 */
-      PKWAIT_BLOCK   WaitBlockList;       /* 58 */
-      PKGATE         GateObject;          /* 58 */
-   };                                     /* 58 */
-   LIST_ENTRY        WaitListEntry;       /* 5C */
-   ULONG             WaitTime;            /* 64 */
-   CHAR              BasePriority;        /* 68 */
-   UCHAR             DecrementCount;      /* 69 */
-   UCHAR             PriorityDecrement;   /* 6A */
-   CHAR              Quantum;             /* 6B */
-   KWAIT_BLOCK       WaitBlock[4];        /* 6C */
-   PVOID             LegoData;            /* CC */
-   union {
-          struct {
-              USHORT KernelApcDisable;
-              USHORT SpecialApcDisable;
-          };
-          ULONG      CombinedApcDisable;  /* D0 */
-   };
-   KAFFINITY         UserAffinity;        /* D4 */
-   UCHAR             SystemAffinityActive;/* D8 */
-   UCHAR             PowerState;          /* D9 */
-   UCHAR             NpxIrql;             /* DA */
-   UCHAR             Pad[1];              /* DB */
-   SSDT_ENTRY        *ServiceTable;       /* DC */
-   PKQUEUE           Queue;               /* E0 */
-   KSPIN_LOCK        ApcQueueLock;        /* E4 */
-   KTIMER            Timer;               /* E8 */
-   LIST_ENTRY        QueueListEntry;      /* 110 */
-   KAFFINITY         Affinity;            /* 118 */
-   UCHAR             Preempted;           /* 11C */
-   UCHAR             ProcessReadyQueue;   /* 11D */
-   UCHAR             KernelStackResident; /* 11E */
-   UCHAR             NextProcessor;       /* 11F */
-   PVOID             CallbackStack;       /* 120 */
-   struct _W32THREAD *Win32Thread;        /* 124 */
-   struct _KTRAP_FRAME *TrapFrame;        /* 128 */
-   PKAPC_STATE       ApcStatePointer[2];  /* 12C */
-   UCHAR             EnableStackSwap;     /* 134 */
-   UCHAR             LargeStack;          /* 135 */
-   UCHAR             ResourceIndex;       /* 136 */
-   UCHAR             PreviousMode;        /* 137 */
-   ULONG             KernelTime;          /* 138 */
-   ULONG             UserTime;            /* 13C */
-   KAPC_STATE        SavedApcState;       /* 140 */
-   UCHAR             Alertable;           /* 158 */
-   UCHAR             ApcStateIndex;       /* 159 */
-   UCHAR             ApcQueueable;        /* 15A */
-   UCHAR             AutoAlignment;       /* 15B */
-   PVOID             StackBase;           /* 15C */
-   KAPC              SuspendApc;          /* 160 */
-   KSEMAPHORE        SuspendSemaphore;    /* 190 */
-   LIST_ENTRY        ThreadListEntry;     /* 1A4 */
-   CHAR              FreezeCount;         /* 1AC */
-   UCHAR             SuspendCount;        /* 1AD */
-   UCHAR             IdealProcessor;      /* 1AE */
-   UCHAR             DisableBoost;        /* 1AF */
-#include <poppack.h>
 /* Top level irp definitions. */
 #define	FSRTL_FSP_TOP_LEVEL_IRP			(0x01)
 #define	FSRTL_CACHE_TOP_LEVEL_IRP		(0x02)
@@ -219,105 +121,12 @@
 #include <poppack.h>
 #ifndef __USE_W32API
 typedef struct _ETHREAD *PETHREAD;
 #endif /* __USE_W32API */
-typedef struct _KPROCESS 
-  /* So it's possible to wait for the process to terminate */
-  DISPATCHER_HEADER 	DispatcherHeader;             /* 000 */
-  /* 
-   * Presumably a list of profile objects associated with this process,
-   * currently unused.
-   */
-  LIST_ENTRY            ProfileListHead;              /* 010 */
-  /*
-   * We use the first member of this array to hold the physical address of
-   * the page directory for this process.
-   */
-  PHYSICAL_ADDRESS      DirectoryTableBase;           /* 018 */
-  /*
-   * Presumably a descriptor for the process's LDT, currently unused.
-   */
-  ULONG                 LdtDescriptor[2];             /* 020 */
-  /*
-   * Virtual Dos Machine flag.
-   */
-  ULONG                 NtVdmFlag;                    /* 028 */
-  ULONG                 VdmUnused;                    /* 02C */
-  /* Is the i/o permission map enabled for the process. */
-  USHORT                IopmOffset;                   /* 030 */
-  /* 
-   * Presumably I/O privilege level to be used for this process, currently
-   * unused.
-   */
-  UCHAR                 Iopl;                         /* 032 */
-  /* Set if this process is a virtual dos machine? */
-  UCHAR                 VdmFlag;                      /* 033 */
-  /* Bitmask of the processors being used by this process's threads? */
-  ULONG                 ActiveProcessors;             /* 034 */
-  /* Aggregate of the time this process's threads have spent in kernel mode? */
-  ULONG                 KernelTime;                   /* 038 */
-  /* Aggregate of the time this process's threads have spent in user mode? */
-  ULONG                 UserTime;                     /* 03C */
-  /* List of this process's threads that are ready for execution? */
-  LIST_ENTRY            ReadyListHead;                /* 040 */
-  /* List of this process's threads that have their stacks swapped out? */
-  LIST_ENTRY            SwapListEntry;                /* 048 */
-  /* List of this process's threads? */
-  LIST_ENTRY            ThreadListHead;               /* 050 */
-  /* Maybe a lock for this data structure, the type is assumed. */
-  KSPIN_LOCK            ProcessLock;                  /* 058 */
-  /* Default affinity mask for this process's threads? */
-  ULONG                 Affinity;                     /* 05C */
-  /* Count of the stacks allocated for this process's threads? */
-  USHORT                StackCount;                   /* 060 */
-  /* Base priority for this process's threads? */
-  KPRIORITY             BasePriority;                 /* 062 */
-  /* Default quantum for this process's threads */
-  UCHAR		        ThreadQuantum;                /* 063 */
-  /* Unknown. */
-  UCHAR                 AutoAlignment;                /* 064 */
-  /* Process execution state, currently either active or terminated. */
-  UCHAR		        State;                        /* 065 */
-  /* Seed for generating thread ids for this process's threads? */
-  UCHAR		        ThreadSeed;                   /* 066 */
-  /* Disable priority boosts? */
-  UCHAR		        DisableBoost;                 /* 067 */
-#ifndef __USE_W32API
-typedef struct _KPROCESS *PKPROCESS;
-typedef struct _HARDWARE_PTE_X86 {
-    ULONG Valid             : 1;
-    ULONG Write             : 1;
-    ULONG Owner             : 1;
-    ULONG WriteThrough      : 1;
-    ULONG CacheDisable      : 1;
-    ULONG Accessed          : 1;
-    ULONG Dirty             : 1;
-    ULONG LargePage         : 1;
-    ULONG Global            : 1;
-    ULONG CopyOnWrite       : 1;
-    ULONG Prototype         : 1;
-    ULONG reserved          : 1;
-    ULONG PageFrameNumber   : 20;
-typedef struct _WOW64_PROCESS
-  PVOID Wow64;
-#endif /* __USE_W32API */
 struct _EPROCESS
   /* Microkernel specific process state. */

Modified: trunk/reactos/ntoskrnl/ke/dpc.c
--- trunk/reactos/ntoskrnl/ke/dpc.c	2005-05-05 22:36:25 UTC (rev 15026)
+++ trunk/reactos/ntoskrnl/ke/dpc.c	2005-05-05 22:40:05 UTC (rev 15027)
@@ -444,9 +444,10 @@
     /* Check if Quantum expired */
     if (CurrentThread->Quantum <= 0) {
-        /* Set the new Quantum */
-        CurrentThread->Quantum = Process->ThreadQuantum;
+        /* Reset the new Quantum */
+        CurrentThread->Quantum = CurrentThread->QuantumReset;
         /* Calculate new priority */
         OldPriority = CurrentThread->Priority;
         if (OldPriority < LOW_REALTIME_PRIORITY) {

Modified: trunk/reactos/ntoskrnl/ke/event.c
--- trunk/reactos/ntoskrnl/ke/event.c	2005-05-05 22:36:25 UTC (rev 15026)
+++ trunk/reactos/ntoskrnl/ke/event.c	2005-05-05 22:40:05 UTC (rev 15027)
@@ -259,7 +259,7 @@
         if ARGUMENT_PRESENT(Thread) *Thread = WaitingThread;
         /* Reset the Quantum and Unwait the Thread */
-        WaitingThread->Quantum = WaitingThread->ApcState.Process->ThreadQuantum;
+        WaitingThread->Quantum = WaitingThread->QuantumReset;
         KiAbortWaitThread(WaitingThread, STATUS_SUCCESS, EVENT_INCREMENT);

Modified: trunk/reactos/ntoskrnl/ke/i386/ldt.c
--- trunk/reactos/ntoskrnl/ke/i386/ldt.c	2005-05-05 22:36:25 UTC (rev 15026)
+++ trunk/reactos/ntoskrnl/ke/i386/ldt.c	2005-05-05 22:40:05 UTC (rev 15027)
@@ -84,7 +84,7 @@
   KeAcquireSpinLock(&LdtLock, &oldIrql);
-  LdtDescriptor = (PUSHORT) &KeGetCurrentProcess()->LdtDescriptor[0];
+  LdtDescriptor = (PUSHORT) &KeGetCurrentProcess()->LdtDescriptor;
   LdtBase = LdtDescriptor[1] |
                   ((LdtDescriptor[2] & 0xff) << 16) |
                   ((LdtDescriptor[3] & ~0xff) << 16);

Modified: trunk/reactos/ntoskrnl/ke/i386/v86m.c
--- trunk/reactos/ntoskrnl/ke/i386/v86m.c	2005-05-05 22:36:25 UTC (rev 15026)
+++ trunk/reactos/ntoskrnl/ke/i386/v86m.c	2005-05-05 22:40:05 UTC (rev 15027)
@@ -688,7 +688,8 @@
-  if(KeGetCurrentProcess()->NtVdmFlag)
+  /* FIXME: This should use ->VdmObjects */
+  if(KeGetCurrentProcess()->Unused)
     VTf->regs->PStatus = (PNTSTATUS) ExceptionNr;
     if(ExceptionNr != 14) return 1;
@@ -799,7 +800,8 @@
 	if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status))
-            if(KeGetCurrentProcess()->NtVdmFlag)
+            /* FIXME: This should use ->VdmObjects */
+            if(KeGetCurrentProcess()->Unused)
               return 1;

Modified: trunk/reactos/ntoskrnl/ke/i386/vdm.c
--- trunk/reactos/ntoskrnl/ke/i386/vdm.c	2005-05-05 22:36:25 UTC (rev 15026)
+++ trunk/reactos/ntoskrnl/ke/i386/vdm.c	2005-05-05 22:40:05 UTC (rev 15027)
@@ -64,9 +64,12 @@
       if(!NT_SUCCESS(ret)) return ret;
-      KeGetCurrentProcess()->NtVdmFlag = 1;
+      /* FIXME: This should use ->VdmObjects */
+      KeGetCurrentProcess()->Unused = 1;
       Ki386RetToV86Mode(&V86Registers, &V86Registers);
-      KeGetCurrentProcess()->NtVdmFlag = 0;
+      /* FIXME: This should use ->VdmObjects */
+      KeGetCurrentProcess()->Unused = 0;
       ret = MmCopyToCaller(ControlData,

Modified: trunk/reactos/ntoskrnl/ke/kthread.c
--- trunk/reactos/ntoskrnl/ke/kthread.c	2005-05-05 22:36:25 UTC (rev 15026)
+++ trunk/reactos/ntoskrnl/ke/kthread.c	2005-05-05 22:40:05 UTC (rev 15027)
@@ -272,7 +272,7 @@
         } else {
-            Thread->Quantum = Thread->ApcState.Process->ThreadQuantum;
+            Thread->Quantum = Thread->QuantumReset;
         if (WaitStatus != NULL) {
@@ -771,7 +771,8 @@
     /* Setup scheduler Fields based on Parent */
     DPRINT("Thread context created, setting Scheduler Data\n");
     Thread->BasePriority = Process->BasePriority;
-    Thread->Quantum = Process->ThreadQuantum;
+    Thread->Quantum = Process->QuantumReset;
+    Thread->QuantumReset = Process->QuantumReset;
     Thread->Affinity = Process->Affinity;
     Thread->Priority = Process->BasePriority;
     Thread->UserAffinity = Process->Affinity;

Modified: trunk/reactos/ntoskrnl/ke/process.c
--- trunk/reactos/ntoskrnl/ke/process.c	2005-05-05 22:36:25 UTC (rev 15026)
+++ trunk/reactos/ntoskrnl/ke/process.c	2005-05-05 22:40:05 UTC (rev 15027)
@@ -73,7 +73,7 @@
     DPRINT("KeInitializeProcess. Process: %x, DirectoryTableBase: %x\n", Process, DirectoryTableBase);
     /* Initialize the Dispatcher Header */
-    KeInitializeDispatcherHeader(&Process->DispatcherHeader,
+    KeInitializeDispatcherHeader(&Process->Header,
@@ -81,7 +81,7 @@
     /* Initialize Scheduler Data, Disable Alignment Faults and Set the PDE */
     Process->Affinity = Affinity;
     Process->BasePriority = Priority;
-    Process->ThreadQuantum = 6;
+    Process->QuantumReset = 6;
     Process->DirectoryTableBase = DirectoryTableBase;
     Process->AutoAlignment = TRUE;
     Process->IopmOffset = 0xFFFF;
@@ -104,11 +104,11 @@
     OldIrql = KeAcquireDispatcherDatabaseLock();
     /* Get Old State */
-    OldState = Process->DispatcherHeader.SignalState;
+    OldState = Process->Header.SignalState;
     /* Signal the Process */
-    Process->DispatcherHeader.SignalState = TRUE;
-    if ((OldState == 0) && IsListEmpty(&Process->DispatcherHeader.WaitListHead) != TRUE) {
+    Process->Header.SignalState = TRUE;
+    if ((OldState == 0) && IsListEmpty(&Process->Header.WaitListHead) != TRUE) {
         /* Satisfy waits */
         KiWaitTest((PVOID)Process, Increment);
@@ -198,19 +198,12 @@
-KiSwapProcess(PKPROCESS NewProcess, PKPROCESS OldProcess) 
+KiSwapProcess(PKPROCESS NewProcess, 
+              PKPROCESS OldProcess) 
-    //PKPCR Pcr = KeGetCurrentKpcr();
-    /* Do they have an LDT? */
-    if ((NewProcess->LdtDescriptor) || (OldProcess->LdtDescriptor)) {
-        /* FIXME : SWitch GDT/IDT */
-    }
+    /* FIXME: Write this in ASM. Much easier */
     DPRINT("Switching CR3 to: %x\n", NewProcess->DirectoryTableBase.u.LowPart);
-    /* FIXME: Set IopmOffset in TSS */

Modified: trunk/reactos/ntoskrnl/mm/i386/page.c
--- trunk/reactos/ntoskrnl/mm/i386/page.c	2005-05-05 22:36:25 UTC (rev 15026)
+++ trunk/reactos/ntoskrnl/mm/i386/page.c	2005-05-05 22:40:05 UTC (rev 15027)
@@ -203,7 +203,7 @@
    DPRINT("Mmi386ReleaseMmInfo(Process %x)\n",Process);
-   LdtDescriptor = (PUSHORT) &Process->Pcb.LdtDescriptor[0];
+   LdtDescriptor = (PUSHORT) &Process->Pcb.LdtDescriptor;
    LdtBase = LdtDescriptor[1] |
              ((LdtDescriptor[2] & 0xff) << 16) |
              ((LdtDescriptor[3] & ~0xff) << 16);

Modified: trunk/reactos/ntoskrnl/ps/psmgr.c
--- trunk/reactos/ntoskrnl/ps/psmgr.c	2005-05-05 22:36:25 UTC (rev 15026)
+++ trunk/reactos/ntoskrnl/ps/psmgr.c	2005-05-05 22:40:05 UTC (rev 15027)
@@ -182,14 +182,12 @@
    PsIdleProcess->Pcb.Affinity = 0xFFFFFFFF;
    PsIdleProcess->Pcb.IopmOffset = 0xffff;
-   PsIdleProcess->Pcb.LdtDescriptor[0] = 0;
-   PsIdleProcess->Pcb.LdtDescriptor[1] = 0;
    PsIdleProcess->Pcb.BasePriority = PROCESS_PRIO_IDLE;
-   PsIdleProcess->Pcb.ThreadQuantum = 6;
+   PsIdleProcess->Pcb.QuantumReset = 6;
-   KeInitializeDispatcherHeader(&PsIdleProcess->Pcb.DispatcherHeader,
+   KeInitializeDispatcherHeader(&PsIdleProcess->Pcb.Header,
@@ -217,14 +215,13 @@
    /* System threads may run on any processor. */
+   RtlZeroMemory(PsInitialSystemProcess, sizeof(EPROCESS));
    PsInitialSystemProcess->Pcb.Affinity = 0xFFFFFFFF;
    PsInitialSystemProcess->Pcb.IopmOffset = 0xffff;
-   PsInitialSystemProcess->Pcb.LdtDescriptor[0] = 0;
-   PsInitialSystemProcess->Pcb.LdtDescriptor[1] = 0;
    PsInitialSystemProcess->Pcb.BasePriority = PROCESS_PRIO_NORMAL;
-   PsInitialSystemProcess->Pcb.ThreadQuantum = 6;
+   PsInitialSystemProcess->Pcb.QuantumReset = 6;
-   KeInitializeDispatcherHeader(&PsInitialSystemProcess->Pcb.DispatcherHeader,
+   KeInitializeDispatcherHeader(&PsInitialSystemProcess->Pcb.Header,
@@ -234,8 +231,6 @@
    KeInitializeEvent(&PsInitialSystemProcess->LockEvent, SynchronizationEvent, FALSE);
-   PsInitialSystemProcess->LockCount = 0;
-   PsInitialSystemProcess->LockOwner = NULL;
 #if defined(__GNUC__)
    KProcess->DirectoryTableBase = 

Modified: trunk/reactos/w32api/include/ddk/ntifs.h
--- trunk/reactos/w32api/include/ddk/ntifs.h	2005-05-05 22:36:25 UTC (rev 15026)
+++ trunk/reactos/w32api/include/ddk/ntifs.h	2005-05-05 22:40:05 UTC (rev 15027)
@@ -464,7 +464,6 @@
 typedef PVOID PEJOB;
@@ -530,22 +529,6 @@
-typedef struct _HARDWARE_PTE_X86 {
-    ULONG Valid             : 1;
-    ULONG Write             : 1;
-    ULONG Owner             : 1;
-    ULONG WriteThrough      : 1;
-    ULONG CacheDisable      : 1;
-    ULONG Accessed          : 1;
-    ULONG Dirty             : 1;
-    ULONG LargePage         : 1;
-    ULONG Global            : 1;
-    ULONG CopyOnWrite       : 1;
-    ULONG Prototype         : 1;
-    ULONG reserved          : 1;
-    ULONG PageFrameNumber   : 20;
 typedef struct _KAPC_STATE {
     LIST_ENTRY  ApcListHead[2];
     PKPROCESS   Process;
@@ -554,38 +537,6 @@
     BOOLEAN     UserApcPending;
-typedef struct _KGDTENTRY {
-    USHORT LimitLow;
-    USHORT BaseLow;
-    union {
-        struct {
-            UCHAR BaseMid;
-            UCHAR Flags1;
-            UCHAR Flags2;
-            UCHAR BaseHi;
-        } Bytes;
-        struct {
-            ULONG BaseMid       : 8;
-            ULONG Type          : 5;
-            ULONG Dpl           : 2;
-            ULONG Pres          : 1;
-            ULONG LimitHi       : 4;
-            ULONG Sys           : 1;
-            ULONG Reserved_0    : 1;
-            ULONG Default_Big   : 1;
-            ULONG Granularity   : 1;
-            ULONG BaseHi        : 8;
-        } Bits;
-    } HighWord;
-typedef struct _KIDTENTRY {
-    USHORT Offset;
-    USHORT Selector;
-    USHORT Access;
-    USHORT ExtendedOffset;
 #if (VER_PRODUCTBUILD >= 2600)
 typedef struct _MMSUPPORT_FLAGS {