- Move some assembly functions around in better suited locations.
- Merge syscall.S and trap.S into trap.S, and nicely document the software interrupt table that we service, as well as special cases.
Modified: trunk/reactos/ntoskrnl/ke/i386/cpu.S
Modified: trunk/reactos/ntoskrnl/ke/i386/ctxswitch.S
Deleted: trunk/reactos/ntoskrnl/ke/i386/syscall.S
Modified: trunk/reactos/ntoskrnl/ke/i386/trap.s
Modified: trunk/reactos/ntoskrnl/ntoskrnl.xml

Modified: trunk/reactos/ntoskrnl/ke/i386/cpu.S
--- trunk/reactos/ntoskrnl/ke/i386/cpu.S	2006-01-17 05:54:35 UTC (rev 20935)
+++ trunk/reactos/ntoskrnl/ke/i386/cpu.S	2006-01-17 06:36:35 UTC (rev 20936)
@@ -46,3 +46,26 @@
     mov cr3, eax
+.globl _KiCoprocessorError@0
+.func KiCoprocessorError@0
+    /* Get the NPX Thread's Initial stack */
+    mov eax, [fs:KPCR_NPX_THREAD]
+    mov eax, [eax+KTHREAD_INITIAL_STACK]
+    /* Make space for the FPU Save area */
+    sub eax, SIZEOF_FX_SAVE_AREA
+    /* Set the CR0 State */
+    mov dword ptr [eax+FN_CR0_NPX_STATE], 8
+    /* Update it */
+    mov eax, cr0
+    or eax, 8
+    mov cr0, eax
+    /* Return to caller */
+    ret

Modified: trunk/reactos/ntoskrnl/ke/i386/ctxswitch.S
--- trunk/reactos/ntoskrnl/ke/i386/ctxswitch.S	2006-01-17 05:54:35 UTC (rev 20935)
+++ trunk/reactos/ntoskrnl/ke/i386/ctxswitch.S	2006-01-17 06:36:35 UTC (rev 20936)
@@ -329,3 +329,37 @@
     add esp, 4 * 4
+.globl _Ki386AdjustEsp0@4
+.func Ki386AdjustEsp0@4
+    /* Get the current thread */
+    mov eax, [fs:KPCR_CURRENT_THREAD]
+    /* Get trap frame and stack */
+    mov edx, [esp+4]
+    mov eax, [eax+KTHREAD_INITIAL_STACK]
+    /* Check if V86 */
+    test dword ptr [edx+KTRAP_FRAME_EFLAGS], EFLAGS_V86_MASK
+    jnz 1f
+    /* Bias the stack */
+    /* Skip FX Save Area */
+    sub eax, SIZEOF_FX_SAVE_AREA
+    /* Disable interrupts */
+    pushf
+    cli
+    /* Adjust ESP0 */
+    mov edx, [fs:KPCR_TSS]
+    mov ss:[edx+KTSS_ESP0], eax
+    /* Enable interrupts and return */
+    popf
+    ret 4

Deleted: trunk/reactos/ntoskrnl/ke/i386/syscall.S
--- trunk/reactos/ntoskrnl/ke/i386/syscall.S	2006-01-17 05:54:35 UTC (rev 20935)
+++ trunk/reactos/ntoskrnl/ke/i386/syscall.S	2006-01-17 06:36:35 UTC (rev 20936)
@@ -1,584 +0,0 @@
- * FILE:            ntoskrnl/ke/i386/syscall.S
- * COPYRIGHT:       See COPYING in the top level directory
- * PURPOSE:         System Call Handler
- * PROGRAMMER:      Alex Ionescu (alex@relsoft.net)
- */
-#include <asm.h>
-#include <internal/i386/asmmacro.S>
-.globl _KiServiceExit
-.globl _KiServiceExit2
-.globl _KiFastCallEntry
-.globl _KiSystemService
-.globl _KiDebugService
-.globl _Kei386EoiHelper@0
-.globl _NtRaiseException@12
-.globl _NtContinue@8
-.intel_syntax noprefix
-  * FIXMEs:
-  *         - Figure out why ES/DS gets messed up in VMWare, when doing KiServiceExit only,
-  *           and only when called from user-mode, and returning to user-mode.
-  *         - Merge with trap.S and document all traps.
-  *         - Use MmProbe when copying arguments to syscall.
-  *         - Add DR macro/save and VM macro/save.
-  *         - Implement KiCallbackReturn, KiGetTickCount, KiRaiseAssertion
-  */
-/* FUNCTIONS ***************************************************************/
-.func KiSystemService
-    /* Enter the shared system call prolog */
-    /* Jump to the actual handler */
-    jmp SharedCode
-    /* Restore ESP0 stack */
-    mov ecx, [fs:KPCR_TSS]
-    mov esp, ss:[ecx+KTSS_ESP0]
-    /* Generate V86M Stack for Trap 6 */
-    push 0
-    push 0
-    push 0
-    push 0
-    /* Generate interrupt stack for Trap 6 */
-    push KGDT_R3_DATA + RPL_MASK
-    push 0
-    push 0x20202
-    push KGDT_R3_CODE + RPL_MASK
-    push 0
-    jmp _KiTrap6
-.func KiFastCallEntry
-    /* Set FS to PCR */
-    mov ecx, KGDT_R0_PCR
-    mov fs, cx
-    /* Set DS/ES to Kernel Selector */
-    mov ecx, KGDT_R0_DATA
-    mov ds, cx
-    mov es, cx
-    /* Set the current stack to Kernel Stack */
-    mov ecx, [fs:KPCR_TSS]
-    mov esp, ss:[ecx+KTSS_ESP0]
-    /* Set up a fake INT Stack. */
-    push KGDT_R3_DATA + RPL_MASK
-    push edx                            /* Ring 3 SS:ESP */
-    pushf                               /* Ring 3 EFLAGS */
-    push 2                              /* Ring 0 EFLAGS */
-    add edx, 8                          /* Skip user parameter list */
-    popf                                /* Set our EFLAGS */
-    or dword ptr [esp], EFLAGS_INTERRUPT_MASK   /* Re-enable IRQs in EFLAGS, to fake INT */
-    push KGDT_R3_CODE + RPL_MASK
-    /* Setup the Trap Frame stack */
-    push 0
-    push ebp
-    push ebx
-    push esi
-    push edi
-    push KGDT_R3_TEB + RPL_MASK
-    /* Save pointer to our PCR */
-    mov ebx, [fs:KPCR_SELF]
-    /* Get a pointer to the current thread */
-    mov esi, [ebx+KPCR_CURRENT_THREAD]
-    /* Set the exception handler chain terminator */
-    push [ebx+KPCR_EXCEPTION_LIST]
-    mov dword ptr [ebx+KPCR_EXCEPTION_LIST], -1
-    /* Use the thread's stack */
-    mov ebp, [esi+KTHREAD_INITIAL_STACK]
-    /* Push previous mode */
-    push UserMode
-    /* Skip the other registers */
-    sub esp, 0x48
-    /* Hack: it seems that on VMWare someone damages ES/DS on exit. Investigate! */
-    mov dword ptr [esp+KTRAP_FRAME_DS], KGDT_R3_DATA + RPL_MASK
-    mov dword ptr [esp+KTRAP_FRAME_ES], KGDT_R3_DATA + RPL_MASK
-    /* Make space for us on the stack */
-    sub ebp, 0x29C
-    /* Write the previous mode */
-    mov byte ptr [esi+KTHREAD_PREVIOUS_MODE], UserMode
-    /* Sanity check */
-    cmp ebp, esp
-    jnz BadStack
-    /* Flush DR7 */
-    and dword ptr [ebp+KTRAP_FRAME_DR7], 0
-    /* Check if the thread was being debugged */
-    test byte ptr [esi+KTHREAD_DEBUG_ACTIVE], 0xFF
-    /* Set the thread's trap frame */
-    mov [esi+KTHREAD_TRAP_FRAME], ebp
-    /* Save DR registers if needed */
-    //jnz Dr_FastCallDrSave
-    /* Set the trap frame debug header */
-#ifdef DBG // FIXME: Is this for GDB? Can it be moved in the stub?
-    /*
-     * We want to know the address from where the syscall stub was called.
-     * If PrevMode is KernelMode, that address is stored in our own (kernel)
-     * stack, at location KTRAP_FRAME_ESP.
-     * If we're coming from UserMode, we load the usermode stack pointer
-     * and go back two frames (first frame is the syscall stub, second call
-     * is the caller of the stub).
-     */
-    mov edi, [ebp+KTRAP_FRAME_ESP]
-    test byte ptr [esi+KTHREAD_PREVIOUS_MODE], 0x01
-    jz PrevWasKernelMode
-    mov edi, [edi+4]
-    mov [ebp+KTRAP_FRAME_DEBUGEIP], edi
-    /* Enable interrupts */
-    sti
-    /*
-     * Find out which table offset to use. Converts 0x1124 into 0x10.
-     * The offset is related to the Table Index as such: Offset = TableIndex x 10
-     */
-    mov edi, eax
-    and edi, SERVICE_TABLE_MASK
-    mov ecx, edi
-    /* Now add the thread's base system table to the offset */
-    add edi, [esi+KTHREAD_SERVICE_TABLE]
-    /* Get the true syscall ID and check it */
-    mov ebx, eax
-    cmp eax, [edi+SERVICE_DESCRIPTOR_LIMIT]
-    /* Invalid ID, try to load Win32K Table */
-    jnb KiBBTUnexpectedRange
-#if 0 // <== Disabled for two reasons: We don't save TEB in 0x18, but KPCR.
-      // <== We don't have a KeGdiFlushUserBatch callback yet (needs to be
-      //     sent through the PsInitializeWin32Callouts structure)
-    /* Check if this was Win32K */
-    cmp ecx, SERVICE_TABLE_TEST
-    jnz NotWin32K
-    /* Get the TEB */
-    mov ecx, [fs:KPCR_TEB]
-    /* Check if we should flush the User Batch */
-    xor ebx, ebx
-    or ebx, [ecx+TEB_GDI_BATCH_COUNT]
-    jz NoWin32K
-    /* Flush it */
-    push edx
-    push eax
-    call [_KeGdiFlushUserBatch]
-    pop eax
-    pop edx
-    /* Increase total syscall count */
-    inc dword ptr fs:[KPCR_SYSTEM_CALLS]
-#ifdef DBG
-    /* Increase per-syscall count */
-    mov ecx, [edi+SERVICE_DESCRIPTOR_COUNT]
-    jecxz NoCountTable
-    inc dword ptr [ecx+eax*4]
-    /* Users's current stack frame pointer is source */
-    mov esi, edx
-    /* Allocate room for argument list from kernel stack */
-    xor ecx, ecx
-    mov cl, [eax+ebx]
-    /* Get pointer to function */
-    mov edi, [edi+SERVICE_DESCRIPTOR_BASE]
-    mov ebx, [edi+eax*4]
-    /* Allocate space on our stack */
-    sub esp, ecx
-    /* 
-     * Copy the arguments from the user stack to our stack
-     * FIXME: This needs to be probed with MmSystemRangeStart
-     */
-    shr ecx, 2
-    mov edi, esp
-    rep movsd
-#ifdef DBG
-    /* Make sure this isn't a user-mode call at elevated IRQL */
-    test byte ptr [ebp+KTRAP_FRAME_CS], MODE_MASK
-    jz SkipCheck
-    call _KeGetCurrentIrql@0
-    or al, al
-    jnz InvalidIrql
-    /*
-     * The following lines are for the benefit of GDB. It will see the return
-     * address of the "call ebx" below, find the last label before it and
-     * thinks that that's the start of the function. It will then check to see
-     * if it starts with a standard function prolog (push ebp, mov ebp,esp).
-     * When that standard function prolog is not found, it will stop the
-     * stack backtrace. Since we do want to backtrace into usermode, let's
-     * make GDB happy and create a standard prolog.
-     */
-    push ebp
-    mov ebp,esp
-    pop ebp
-    /* Do the System Call */
-    call ebx
-#ifdef DBG
-    /* Make sure the user-mode call didn't return at elevated IRQL */
-    test byte ptr [ebp+KTRAP_FRAME_CS], MODE_MASK
-    jz SkipCheck2
-    mov esi, eax                /* We need to save the syscall's return val */
-    call _KeGetCurrentIrql@0
-    or al, al
-    jnz InvalidIrql
-    mov eax, esi                /* Restore it */
-    /* Get our temporary current thread pointer for sanity check */
-    mov ecx, fs:[KPCR_CURRENT_THREAD]
-    /* Make sure that we are not attached and that APCs are not disabled */
-    mov dl, [ecx+KTHREAD_APC_STATE_INDEX]
-    or dl, dl
-    jnz InvalidIndex
-    or edx, edx
-    jnz InvalidIndex
-    /* Deallocate the kernel stack frame  */
-    mov esp, ebp
-    /* Get the Current Thread */
-    mov ecx, [fs:KPCR_CURRENT_THREAD]
-    /* Restore the old trap frame pointer */
-    mov edx, [ebp+KTRAP_FRAME_EDX]
-    mov [ecx+KTHREAD_TRAP_FRAME], edx
-.func KiServiceExit
-    /* Disable interrupts */
-    cli
-    /* Check for, and deliver, User-Mode APCs if needed */
-    /* Hack for VMWare: Sometimes ES/DS seem to be invalid when returning to user-mode. Investigate! */
-    mov es, [ebp+KTRAP_FRAME_ES]
-    mov ds, [ebp+KTRAP_FRAME_DS]
-    /* Exit and cleanup */
-    TRAP_EPILOG FromSystemCall, DoRestorePreviousMode, DoNotRestoreSegments, DoNotRestoreVolatiles, DoRestoreEverything
-    /* If this isn't a Win32K call, fail */
-    cmp ecx, 0x10
-    jne InvalidCall
-    /* Set up Win32K Table */
-    push edx
-    push ebx
-    call _PsConvertToGuiThread@0
-    /* FIXME: Handle failure */
-    pop eax
-    pop edx
-    /* Reset trap frame address */
-    mov ebp, esp
-    mov [esi+KTHREAD_TRAP_FRAME], ebp
-    /* Try the Call again */
-    jmp SharedCode
-    /* Invalid System Call */
-    jmp KeReturnFromSystemCall
-#ifdef DBG
-    /* Save current IRQL */
-    push fs:[KPCR_IRQL]
-    /* Set us at passive */
-    mov dword ptr fs:[KPCR_IRQL], 0
-    cli
-    /* Bugcheck */
-    push 0
-    push 0
-    push eax
-    push ebx
-    call _KeBugCheckEx@20
-    /* Get the index and APC state */
-    movzx eax, byte ptr [ecx+KTHREAD_APC_STATE_INDEX]
-    /* Bugcheck */
-    push 0
-    push edx
-    push eax
-    push ebx
-    call _KeBugCheckEx@20
-    ret
-.func KiServiceExit2
-    /* Disable interrupts */
-    cli
-    /* Check for, and deliver, User-Mode APCs if needed */
-    /* Exit and cleanup */
-    TRAP_EPILOG NotFromSystemCall, DoRestorePreviousMode, DoRestoreSegments, DoRestoreVolatiles, DoNotRestoreEverything
-.func Kei386EoiHelper@0
-    /* Disable interrupts */
-    cli
-    /* Check for, and deliver, User-Mode APCs if needed */
-    /* Exit and cleanup */
-    TRAP_EPILOG NotFromSystemCall, DoNotRestorePreviousMode, DoRestoreSegments, DoRestoreVolatiles, DoNotRestoreEverything
-    /* Move to EDX position */
-    add esp, KTRAP_FRAME_EDX
-    /* Restore volatiles */
-    pop edx
-    pop ecx
-    pop eax
-    /* Move to non-volatiles */
-    lea esp, [ebp+KTRAP_FRAME_EDI]
-    pop edi
-    pop esi
-    pop ebx
-    pop ebp
-    /* Skip error code and return */
-    add esp, 4
-    iret
-    /* Not yet supported */
-    int 3
-    /* Push error code */
-    push 0
-    /* Enter trap */
-    TRAP_PROLOG(kids)
-    /* Increase EIP so we skip the INT3 */
-    //inc dword ptr [ebp+KTRAP_FRAME_EIP]
-    /* Call debug service dispatcher */
-    mov eax, [ebp+KTRAP_FRAME_EAX]
-    mov ecx, [ebp+KTRAP_FRAME_ECX]
-    mov edx, [ebp+KTRAP_FRAME_EAX]
-    /* Check for V86 mode */
-    test dword ptr [ebp+KTRAP_FRAME_EFLAGS], EFLAGS_V86_MASK
-    jnz NotUserMode
-    /* Check if this is kernel or user-mode */
-    test byte ptr [ebp+KTRAP_FRAME_CS], 1
-    jz CallDispatch
-    cmp word ptr [ebp+KTRAP_FRAME_CS], KGDT_R3_CODE + RPL_MASK
-    jnz NotUserMode
-    /* Re-enable interrupts */
-    sti
-    /* Call the debug routine */
-    mov esi, ecx
-    mov edi, edx
-    mov edx, eax
-    mov ecx, 3
-    push edi
-    push esi
-    push edx
-    call _KdpServiceDispatcher@12
-    /* Get the current process */
-    mov ebx, [fs:KPCR_CURRENT_THREAD]
-    mov ebx, [ebx+KTHREAD_APCSTATE_PROCESS]
-    /* Check if this is a VDM Process */
-    //cmp dword ptr [ebx+KPROCESS_VDM_OBJECTS], 0
-    //jz VdmProc
-    /* Exit through common routine */
-    jmp _Kei386EoiHelper@0
-    /* NOTE: We -must- be called by Zw* to have the right frame! */
-    /* Push the stack frame */
-    push ebp
-    /* Get the current thread and restore its trap frame */
-    mov ebx, [fs:KPCR_CURRENT_THREAD]
-    mov edx, [ebp+KTRAP_FRAME_EDX]
-    mov [ebx+KTHREAD_TRAP_FRAME], edx
-    /* Set up stack frame */
-    mov ebp, esp
-    /* Get the Trap Frame in EBX */
-    mov ebx, [ebp+0]
-    /* Get the exception list and restore */
-    mov eax, [ebx+KTRAP_FRAME_EXCEPTION_LIST]
-    mov [fs:KPCR_EXCEPTION_LIST], eax
-    /* Get the parameters */
-    mov edx, [ebp+16] /* Search frames */
-    mov ecx, [ebp+12] /* Context */
-    mov eax, [ebp+8]  /* Exception Record */
-    /* Raise the exception */
-    push edx
-    push ebx
-    push 0
-    push ecx
-    push eax
-    call _KiRaiseException@20
-    /* Restore trap frame in EBP */
-    pop ebp
-    mov esp, ebp
-    /* Check the result */
-    or eax, eax
-    jz _KiServiceExit2
-    /* Restore debug registers too */
-    jmp _KiServiceExit
-    /* NOTE: We -must- be called by Zw* to have the right frame! */
-    /* Push the stack frame */
-    push ebp
-    /* Get the current thread and restore its trap frame */
-    mov ebx, [fs:KPCR_CURRENT_THREAD]
-    mov edx, [ebp+KTRAP_FRAME_EDX]
-    mov [ebx+KTHREAD_TRAP_FRAME], edx
-    /* Set up stack frame */
-    mov ebp, esp
-    /* Save the parameters */
-    mov eax, [ebp+0]
-    mov ecx, [ebp+8]
-    /* Call KiContinue */
-    push eax
-    push 0
-    push ecx
-    call _KiContinue@12
-    /* Check if we failed (bad context record) */
-    or eax, eax
-    jnz Error
-    /* Check if test alert was requested */
-    cmp dword ptr [ebp+12], 0
-    je DontTest
-    /* Test alert for the thread */
-    mov al, [ebx+KTHREAD_PREVIOUS_MODE]
-    push eax
-    call _KeTestAlertThread@4
-    /* Return to previous context */
-    pop ebp
-    mov esp, ebp
-    jmp _KiServiceExit2
-    pop ebp
-    mov esp, ebp
-    jmp _KiServiceExit

Modified: trunk/reactos/ntoskrnl/ke/i386/trap.s
--- trunk/reactos/ntoskrnl/ke/i386/trap.s	2006-01-17 05:54:35 UTC (rev 20935)
+++ trunk/reactos/ntoskrnl/ke/i386/trap.s	2006-01-17 06:36:35 UTC (rev 20936)
@@ -1,31 +1,625 @@
- * PROJECT:         ReactOS kernel
- * FILE:            ntoskrnl/ke/i386/trap.s
- * PURPOSE:         Exception handlers
- * PROGRAMMERS:     Alex Ionescu (alex@relsoft.net)
+ * FILE:            ntoskrnl/ke/i386/trap.S
+ * COPYRIGHT:       See COPYING in the top level directory
+ * PURPOSE:         System Traps, Entrypoints and Exitpoints
+ * PROGRAMMER:      Alex Ionescu (alex@relsoft.net)
+ * NOTE:            See asmmacro.S for the shared entry/exit code.
 /* INCLUDES ******************************************************************/
 #include <asm.h>
 #include <internal/i386/asmmacro.S>
+.intel_syntax noprefix
-/* NOTES:
- * Why not share the epilogue?
- * 1) An extra jmp is expensive (jmps are very costly)
- * 2) Eventually V86 exit should be handled through ABIOS, and we
- *    handle ABIOS exit in the shared trap exit code already.
- * Why not share the KiTrapHandler call?
- * 1) Would make using the trap-prolog macro much harder.
- * 2) Eventually some of these traps might be re-implemented in assembly
- *    to improve speed and depend less on the compiler and/or use features
- *    not present as C keywords. When that happens, less traps will use the
- *    shared C handler, so the shared-code would need to be un-shared.
- */
+  * FIXMEs:
+  *         - Figure out why ES/DS gets messed up in VMWare, when doing KiServiceExit only,
+  *           and only when called from user-mode, and returning to user-mode.
+  *         - Use MmProbe when copying arguments to syscall.
+  *         - Handle failure after PsConvertToGuiThread.
+  *         - Figure out what the DEBUGEIP hack is for and how it can be moved away.
+  *         - Add DR macro/save and VM macro/save.
+  *         - Add .func .endfunc to everything that doesn't have it yet.
+  *         - Implement KiCallbackReturn, KiGetTickCount, KiRaiseAssertion.
+  */
-/* FUNCTIONS *****************************************************************/
+/* GLOBALS ******************************************************************/
-.globl _KiTrap0
+/* This is the Software Interrupt Table that we handle in this file:        */
+.globl _KiTrap0                     /* INT 0: Divide Error (#DE)            */
+.globl _KiTrap1                     /* INT 1: Debug Exception (#DB)         */
+.globl _KiTrap2                     /* INT 2: NMI Interrupt                 */
+.globl _KiTrap3                     /* INT 3: Breakpoint Exception (#BP)    */
+.globl _KiTrap4                     /* INT 4: Overflow Exception (#OF)      */
+.globl _KiTrap5                     /* INT 5: BOUND Range Exceeded (#BR)    */
+.globl _KiTrap6                     /* INT 6: Invalid Opcode Code (#UD)     */
+.globl _KiTrap7                     /* INT 7: Device Not Available (#NM)    */
+.globl _KiTrap8                     /* INT 8: Double Fault Exception (#DF)  */
+.globl _KiTrap9                     /* INT 9: RESERVED                      */
+.globl _KiTrap10                    /* INT 10: Invalid TSS Exception (#TS)  */
+.globl _KiTrap11                    /* INT 11: Segment Not Present (#NP)    */
+.globl _KiTrap12                    /* INT 12: Stack Fault Exception (#SS)  */
+.globl _KiTrap13                    /* INT 13: General Protection (#GP)     */
+.globl _KiTrap14                    /* INT 14: Page-Fault Exception (#PF)   */
+.globl _KiTrap15                    /* INT 15: RESERVED                     */
+.globl _KiTrap16                    /* INT 16: x87 FPU Error (#MF)          */
+.globl _KiTrap17                    /* INT 17: Align Check Exception (#AC)  */
+.globl _KiTrap18                    /* INT 18: Machine Check Exception (#MC)*/
+.globl _KiTrap19                    /* INT 19: SIMD FPU Exception (#XF)     */
+.globl _KiTrapUnknown               /* INT 20-30: UNDEFINED INTERRUPTS      */
+.globl _KiDebugService              /* INT 31: Get Tick Count Handler       */
+.globl _KiCallbackReturn            /* INT 32: User-Mode Callback Return    */
+.globl _KiRaiseAssertion            /* INT 33: Debug Assertion Handler      */
+.globl _KiDebugService              /* INT 34: Debug Service Handler        */
+.globl _KiSystemService             /* INT 35: System Call Service Handler  */
+/* We also handle LSTAR Entry                                               */
+.globl _KiFastCallEntry
+/* And special system-defined software traps                                */
+.globl _NtRaiseException@12
+.globl _NtContinue@8
+/* We implement the following trap exit points:                             */
+.globl _KiServiceExit               /* Exit from syscall                    */
+.globl _KiServiceExit2              /* Exit from syscall with complete frame*/
+.globl _Kei386EoiHelper@0           /* Exit from interrupt or H/W trap      */
+/* FUNCTIONS ****************************************************************/
+.func KiSystemService
+    /* Enter the shared system call prolog */
+    /* Jump to the actual handler */
+    jmp SharedCode
+.func KiFastCallEntry
+    /* Set FS to PCR */
+    mov ecx, KGDT_R0_PCR
+    mov fs, cx
+    /* Set DS/ES to Kernel Selector */
+    mov ecx, KGDT_R0_DATA
+    mov ds, cx
+    mov es, cx
+    /* Set the current stack to Kernel Stack */
+    mov ecx, [fs:KPCR_TSS]
+    mov esp, ss:[ecx+KTSS_ESP0]
+    /* Set up a fake INT Stack. */
+    push KGDT_R3_DATA + RPL_MASK
+    push edx                            /* Ring 3 SS:ESP */
+    pushf                               /* Ring 3 EFLAGS */
+    push 2                              /* Ring 0 EFLAGS */
+    add edx, 8                          /* Skip user parameter list */
+    popf                                /* Set our EFLAGS */
+    or dword ptr [esp], EFLAGS_INTERRUPT_MASK   /* Re-enable IRQs in EFLAGS, to fake INT */
+    push KGDT_R3_CODE + RPL_MASK
+    /* Setup the Trap Frame stack */
+    push 0
+    push ebp
+    push ebx
+    push esi
+    push edi
+    push KGDT_R3_TEB + RPL_MASK
+    /* Save pointer to our PCR */
+    mov ebx, [fs:KPCR_SELF]
+    /* Get a pointer to the current thread */
+    mov esi, [ebx+KPCR_CURRENT_THREAD]
+    /* Set the exception handler chain terminator */
+    push [ebx+KPCR_EXCEPTION_LIST]
+    mov dword ptr [ebx+KPCR_EXCEPTION_LIST], -1
+    /* Use the thread's stack */
+    mov ebp, [esi+KTHREAD_INITIAL_STACK]
+    /* Push previous mode */
+    push UserMode
+    /* Skip the other registers */
+    sub esp, 0x48
+    /* Hack: it seems that on VMWare someone damages ES/DS on exit. Investigate! */
+    mov dword ptr [esp+KTRAP_FRAME_DS], KGDT_R3_DATA + RPL_MASK
+    mov dword ptr [esp+KTRAP_FRAME_ES], KGDT_R3_DATA + RPL_MASK
+    /* Make space for us on the stack */
+    sub ebp, 0x29C
+    /* Write the previous mode */
+    mov byte ptr [esi+KTHREAD_PREVIOUS_MODE], UserMode
+    /* Sanity check */
+    cmp ebp, esp
+    jnz BadStack
+    /* Flush DR7 */
+    and dword ptr [ebp+KTRAP_FRAME_DR7], 0
+    /* Check if the thread was being debugged */
+    test byte ptr [esi+KTHREAD_DEBUG_ACTIVE], 0xFF
+    /* Set the thread's trap frame */
+    mov [esi+KTHREAD_TRAP_FRAME], ebp
+    /* Save DR registers if needed */
+    //jnz Dr_FastCallDrSave
+    /* Set the trap frame debug header */
+#ifdef DBG // FIXME: Is this for GDB? Can it be moved in the stub?
+    /*
+     * We want to know the address from where the syscall stub was called.
+     * If PrevMode is KernelMode, that address is stored in our own (kernel)
+     * stack, at location KTRAP_FRAME_ESP.
+     * If we're coming from UserMode, we load the usermode stack pointer
+     * and go back two frames (first frame is the syscall stub, second call
+     * is the caller of the stub).
+     */
+    mov edi, [ebp+KTRAP_FRAME_ESP]
+    test byte ptr [esi+KTHREAD_PREVIOUS_MODE], 0x01
+    jz PrevWasKernelMode
+    mov edi, [edi+4]
+    mov [ebp+KTRAP_FRAME_DEBUGEIP], edi
+    /* Enable interrupts */
+    sti
+    /*
+     * Find out which table offset to use. Converts 0x1124 into 0x10.
+     * The offset is related to the Table Index as such: Offset = TableIndex x 10
+     */
+    mov edi, eax
+    and edi, SERVICE_TABLE_MASK
+    mov ecx, edi
+    /* Now add the thread's base system table to the offset */
+    add edi, [esi+KTHREAD_SERVICE_TABLE]
+    /* Get the true syscall ID and check it */
+    mov ebx, eax
+    cmp eax, [edi+SERVICE_DESCRIPTOR_LIMIT]
+    /* Invalid ID, try to load Win32K Table */
+    jnb KiBBTUnexpectedRange
+#if 0 // <== Disabled for two reasons: We don't save TEB in 0x18, but KPCR.
+      // <== We don't have a KeGdiFlushUserBatch callback yet (needs to be
+      //     sent through the PsInitializeWin32Callouts structure)
+    /* Check if this was Win32K */
+    cmp ecx, SERVICE_TABLE_TEST
+    jnz NotWin32K
+    /* Get the TEB */
+    mov ecx, [fs:KPCR_TEB]
+    /* Check if we should flush the User Batch */
+    xor ebx, ebx
+    or ebx, [ecx+TEB_GDI_BATCH_COUNT]
+    jz NoWin32K
+    /* Flush it */
+    push edx
+    push eax
+    call [_KeGdiFlushUserBatch]
+    pop eax
+    pop edx
+    /* Increase total syscall count */
+    inc dword ptr fs:[KPCR_SYSTEM_CALLS]
+#ifdef DBG
+    /* Increase per-syscall count */
+    mov ecx, [edi+SERVICE_DESCRIPTOR_COUNT]
+    jecxz NoCountTable
+    inc dword ptr [ecx+eax*4]
+    /* Users's current stack frame pointer is source */
+    mov esi, edx
+    /* Allocate room for argument list from kernel stack */
+    xor ecx, ecx
+    mov cl, [eax+ebx]
+    /* Get pointer to function */
+    mov edi, [edi+SERVICE_DESCRIPTOR_BASE]
+    mov ebx, [edi+eax*4]
+    /* Allocate space on our stack */
+    sub esp, ecx
+    /* 
+     * Copy the arguments from the user stack to our stack
+     * FIXME: This needs to be probed with MmSystemRangeStart
+     */
+    shr ecx, 2
+    mov edi, esp
+    rep movsd
+#ifdef DBG
+    /* Make sure this isn't a user-mode call at elevated IRQL */
+    test byte ptr [ebp+KTRAP_FRAME_CS], MODE_MASK
+    jz SkipCheck
+    call _KeGetCurrentIrql@0
+    or al, al
+    jnz InvalidIrql
+    /*
+     * The following lines are for the benefit of GDB. It will see the return
+     * address of the "call ebx" below, find the last label before it and
+     * thinks that that's the start of the function. It will then check to see
+     * if it starts with a standard function prolog (push ebp, mov ebp,esp).
+     * When that standard function prolog is not found, it will stop the
+     * stack backtrace. Since we do want to backtrace into usermode, let's
+     * make GDB happy and create a standard prolog.
+     */
+    push ebp
+    mov ebp,esp
+    pop ebp
+    /* Do the System Call */
+    call ebx
+#ifdef DBG
+    /* Make sure the user-mode call didn't return at elevated IRQL */
+    test byte ptr [ebp+KTRAP_FRAME_CS], MODE_MASK
+    jz SkipCheck2
+    mov esi, eax                /* We need to save the syscall's return val */
+    call _KeGetCurrentIrql@0
+    or al, al
+    jnz InvalidIrql
+    mov eax, esi                /* Restore it */
+    /* Get our temporary current thread pointer for sanity check */
+    mov ecx, fs:[KPCR_CURRENT_THREAD]
+    /* Make sure that we are not attached and that APCs are not disabled */
+    mov dl, [ecx+KTHREAD_APC_STATE_INDEX]
+    or dl, dl
+    jnz InvalidIndex
+    or edx, edx
+    jnz InvalidIndex
[truncated at 1000 lines; 538 more skipped]