Son of a gun.

I had even spent time on various sourceforge spots that 4.6 Alpha download took me to -- but didn't find the 4.5 stuff.

THANK YOU Jeimerson!

On 10/11/2017 1:08 PM, Jeimerson Chaves wrote:


Com os melhores cumprimentos,

Jeimerson Chaves

Analista de Rede
E-mail: jeimerson.chaves <>
Telefone: +351 938855802

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2017-10-11 15:54 GMT+01:00 fc <>:

Hello Folks:

(if this is the wrong mailing list to ask, please just redirect me)

Running the 4.6 Alpha LiveCD in VirtualBox (allocating 2GB of RAM and 2.54
GB disk space, on an i7 with 16 GB of RAM) completely freezes VirtualBox
during the install, right after you pick language.

*So, where the heck do you get a 4.5 LiveCD?*

I went through the web page (which is not set up well for browser usage --
to much junk bouncing around, too little content) and all I can find it 4.6

I've been to the builds page,
the wiki,
and I can't find prior builds.

Little help please?

#thank you

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