Hi to All,


I just would like to express my feeling about the current little debate about including Python and such.


The thing that puts me off the most is the fact that the newest Windows and Linux versions/distros are all bundling a lot of software with their installations.  Now being a advance uses for some time now, I have found a lot of software I like to use more that the standard stuff that comes with all the OS’s.  Now every time I install a new copy of Windows, I need to go and remove a lot of the stuff I don’t use, because I found suitable replacements.  For instance I use Winamp rather that Media Player, or Firefox rather than Internet Explorer (and recently have started using Chrome more often). 


When you install a new OS the size of the installation astonish me everytime.  I looked at Ubuntu that seems to be so nice according to everybody, but it uses almost 10Gig after installation.  And look at Vista starting at 7Gig.  I don’t want all the gizmo’s that come with them, yet I do not have the choice of installing them or not, I always have to go and remove them afterwards. 


So what I expect from a decent OS is to support all the current hardware (not that I should come with the drivers, just to be able to work with the drivers) and to provide a platform that all my other software I like to use can run on.


I have a lot of PC’s running at my house, and I use each one for different purposes, so having the same set of software on all of them is just taking up resources and slowing down the more important software I use on each. 


I can’t wait for ReactOS to start supporting more API calls or what ever is needed to allow me to run my everyday software. 



Bernard du Toit