Could not BOTH the .com and .org point you to the same website??? Just push the .org name for the future. Then it's the best of both worlds.
-----Original Message-----
From: []
Sent: August 24, 2005 2:54 PM
To: ReactOS General List
Subject: Re: [ros-general] or
I do not think it is a good idea. for to many people know already .com and a
normal person use .com trying find a project or company. then .org.
So I think .com is best as primary domain.
Quoting Ge van Geldorp <>:
> I was wondering if, together with the launch of the new website, we should
> switch our "primary" domain from to We have control
> of both domains. An .org domain seems better suited for a open source
> project. What do you all think?
> Gé van Geldorp (aka :-))
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