1) As you all know, ReactOS is an open source operating system whose goal is to clone windows NT (and in the road, to be compatible with all the new NTs from microsoft, that goes from NT 4.0 to XP).
2) And this mean? Just that ANY Windows compatible aplication will work in ReactOS (yes, your games too), thats why NOONE is programing aplications for ReactOS, there are ALREADY THOUSANDS of aplications READY FOR USE, with any finality you could imagine.
3) Then, why X dont work in ReactOS? Cause ReactOS is not finished yet, the kernel is almost complete, but there are many functions (all those funny DLLs inside windows) that are still half finished, so some programs will work, but if they have to call a function inside a DLL that is not yet there, the program will crash or just wont start. Thats the reason everybody in reactos is working in the windows API (those DLLs that draw beautifull windows in your computer) and finishing the kernel, so your favourite aplication can work in reactos as soon as posible.
4) I know they are programing in C++, will they suport Visual Basic (or Delphy...)?. As you know all those are programing languages, but at the end all of them have to be translated into something the computer can understand (01010010101), those are the Exe files (among others), so if you make an aplication with C++ and then rebuild the same one with Visual Basic they will be very similar at the end, as both have to do the same things. Thus programs made with VB, C++, Delphy... are already suported by reactos, it just that if they call any function still not implemented in reactos your program wont work, and sadly, VB usually relies more in windows DLLs and windows tricks than C++ , that is a bit more windows independant. –This is how i understand it, but i am not a coder-
5) What can i do for Reactos? To work in the API or the kernel you would need a lot of knowledge of the windows API, and programming skill, something that even some programers out of the university have not mastered, but if you dont have those you (as i does, cause i dont have the necesary skill) could help installing and testing the OS, reporting bugs, translating texts to your language and spreading the word or ReactOS.
Lucio Diaz.