2011/2/3 Colin Finck <colin@reactos.org>
Hi all,

Even if it has already been reported through the newsletter, here is the announcement for mailing list readers: The ReactOS Project will have a booth at the Chemnitzer Linux-Tage 2011, the second-largest Open-Source-related exhibition in Germany, from 19th to 20th March.

Our project is going to be represented by the ReactOS developers Colin Finck, Timo Kreuzer, Matthias Kupfer, Daniel Reimer and Christoph von Wittich. This year, we will also be joined by Kai Tietz from the MinGW-w64 Project.
Like in the last years, you will be able to try out the latest development state of ReactOS as well as getting some merchandising articles.

So if you have the time to visit Chemnitz, stop by and say hello at our booth.



Ros-general mailing list

Hi all!!!
          Thank you for your invitation, i will see if i found some energy to come there couse i can't walk well but if i could i will be there to say a great hello guys to all our great developers.

Mattia Tristo



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