fireball(a) wrote:
> - Use Zw* functions instead of Nt* where necessary in LdrQueryImageFileKeyOption().
'where necessary'm I don't understand this change.
People prefer (and Microsoft recommend) that Nt* is used in usermode.
Nt and Zw APIs point to the same address in usermode, so why is it necessary?
this is a reminder about the Status meeting, which is to happen
tomorrow, 25th of August at 19:00 UTC. Please don't miss it.
Proposed agenda for the meeting:
1. Arwinss adoption voting.
2. CMake adoption voting.
3. Release preparation status report, deciding on the next release date.
4. Driver signing. Discussing possible threats and deciding on an
official position wrt driver signing in future.
4. Party related to GSoC results.
I propose to move individual devs status reports to ros-dev mailing
list, because there is no reason to just sit in the irc channel and
listen to them for hours.
List of participants:
- Giannis Adamopoulos (smiley1_)
- Johannes Anderwald (janderwald)
- Javier Agustìn Fernàndez Arroyo (elhoir)
- Maciej Bialas (niski)
- Jan Blomqvist-Kinander (JaixBly)
- Aleksey Bragin (abragin)
- Thomas Faber (ThFabba)
- Colin Finck (Colin_Finck)
- Jérôme Gardou (zefklop)
- Danny Götte (dangerground)
- Cameron Gutman (aicom)
- Ziliang Guo (ZWabbit)
- Rafal Harabien (rafalh)
- Andrew Hill (ash77)
- Kamil Hornicek (Pigglesworth)
- Gabriel Ilardi (gabriel_it)
- Alex Ionescu (Alex_Ionescu)
- Amine Khaldi (AmineKhaldi)
- Igor Koshpaev (tower)
- Timo Kreuzer (tkreuzer)
- Matthias Kupfer (Collibri)
- Michael Martin (mjmartin)
- Victor Martinez (vicmarcal)
- Roel Messiant (Mephisto)
- Claudiu Mihail (KlausM)
- Andrew Munger (WaxDragon)
- Ged Murphy (GedMurphy)
- Igor Paliychuk (igorko)
- Sylvain Petreolle (Usurp)
- Hervé Poussineau (hpoussin)
- Daniel Reimer (dreimer)
- Pierre Schweitzer (HeisSpiter)
- Samuel Serapion (encoded)
- Olaf Siejka (Caemyr)
- James Tabor (jimtabor)
- Christoph von Wittich (Christoph_vW)
- Art Yerkes (arty)
Aleksey Bragin.
r53425 broke CMake build. To make the things worse, this is our only working test\iso provider at the moment. I would reckon fixing it a priority.
CMakeFiles/hal.dir/generic/halinit.c.obj: In function `HalInitSystem@8':
P:/Trunk_slave/x86_CMake/build/hal/halx86/generic/halinit.c:116: undefined reference to `HaliInitPnpDriver@0'
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
With best regards
LwIP is in the final stage of testing, pending one bug fix before all known bugs are fixed. I would greatly appreciate everyone to try it and reply to this email with the results of your tests. I've already tried many apps including telnetd, chargen, and abyss web server, samba tng, and Opera 9.6. During my testing, the lwIP implementation performed flawlessly. It handled several chargen sessions while serving web pages and servicing open telnet sessions plus being probed by nmap. The only thing that finally killed the server was a pool leak that caused a win32k assert failure. I also ran a BitTorrent download and it peaked at 2.3 MB/s down. Web browsing is an absolute pleasure on lwIP. It really feels like I'm browsing on the host system directly. There are no more stutters like oskit had. I'd encourage everyone to try it. It's surprising how well it works especially since I thought oskit was fairly good. My testing on lwIP has been perfect and I hope everyone else has a similar experience. Please only report bugs that don't also happen with oskit. Happy testing!
LwIP ISO Link:
Thanks in advance,
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