Hi all,
let me forward this email that i have received
i dunno if this is useful for you, as its a *hardware *meeting, but
anyway.... have a look and let me know!
P.S.: email is in english language at the bottom
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Syvic <syvic(a)sindormir.net>
Date: 2011/3/18
Subject: [hm] Open Source Hardware Convention 2011 en Madrid
To: Hackmeeting <hackmeeting(a)listas.sindominio.net>
(Perdón si os llega por duplicado)
Hoy, tras unos cuantos meses de curro, lanzamos al mundo las OSHWCon 2011:
(Catalán e inglés más abajo)
La OSHWCon <http://oshwcon.org/es> es un encuentro anual de 3 días que
organiza el colectivo Synusia <http://synusia.es/> en un esfuerzo de
difundir el uso delHardware Libre<http://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hardware_libre>
y de promocionar la electrónica y la filosofía del «Hazlo tú
Tendrá lugar en el Centro de Formación Padre Piquer<http://www.padrepiquer.com/>
de Madrid los *días 23, 24 y 25 de Septiembre de 2011*.
Durante la OSHWCon se ofrecerán *charlas*, *talleres*, *mesas redondas*,
exposición de *proyectos personales* y sobre todo, un *lugar de encuentro
para profesionales y aficionados al mundo de la electrónica*. La *asistencia
* es *libre y gratuita* y está pensada para que nadie se quede fuera. Se
programarán desde actividades de iniciación, hasta charlas y talleres de
alto nivel técnico.
Estamos trabajando para que durante la OSHWCon todo el mundo disfrute
aprendiendo, intercambiando conocimientos, concursando e incluso jugando con
la electrónica o la robótica, siempre desde la filosofía del *Open Source
Hardware*. Contamos con *cuatro espacios* para celebrar varias *actividades
simultáneas*, de forma que siempre habrá algo que hacer.
Si tienes algo que aportar, quieres compartir tu última creación
electrónica, eres experto en cierta materia electrónica y deseas explicarlo
al mundo, háznoslo saber en el apartado «Propón tu
Mira antes el «Call4Papers <http://jhl.synusia.es/call4papers>» para obtener
más información acerca de las actividades en las que estamos interesados. Si
quieres saber más acerca de qué nos motiva a realizar este encuentro,
consulta la página «Manifiesto <http://jhl.synusia.es/manifiesto>».
Estáis todos invitados a participar, ya sea como visitantes o como ponentes
durante la Con. *¡Te esperamos el fin de semana del 23 al 25 de Septiembre!*
Recuerda inscribirte <http://jhl.synusia.es/inscripcion> en la web si
tienes pensado asistir. Además, una vez finalizada la OSHWCon, pondremos a
disposición de todo el mundo las grabaciones de todas las actividades.
Sobre Synusia
Synusia <http://synusia.es/> es el grupo de trabajo de electrónica
establecido en el C.F. Padre Piquer <http://www.padrepiquer.com/> que
organiza esta Con. Synusia nació de la necesidad de crear un punto de
encuentro donde compartir libremente y profundizar en el conocimiento de
diferentes tecnologías electrónicas y el OSHW. Si estás interesado en
participar en la OSHWCon o en saber más acerca de Synusia, no dudes en
mandarnos un correo (Encontrarás más información en nuestra página
Cualquier sugerencia será bienvenida.
La Convenció de Hardware Lliure, Electrònica i Robòtica<http://oshwcon.org/ca>
és una trobada anual de 3 dies que organitza el col.lectiu Synusia en un
esforç per difondre l'ús del Maquinari Lliure i de promocionar l'electrònica
i la filosofia de “Fes-ho tu
Tindrà lloc en el Centre de Formació Padre Piquer<http://www.padrepiquer.com/>
de Madrid els dies *23, 24 i 25 de setembre del 2011*.
Durant el OSHWCon s'oferiran *xerrades*, *tallers*, *taules rodones*,
exposició de *projectes personals* i, sobretot, un lloc de trobada pels
professionals i aficionats al món de l'electrònica. *L'assistència és lliure
i gratuïta* i està pensada perquè ningú es quedi fora. Es programaran des
d'activitats d'iniciació fins a xerrades i tallers d' un alt nivell tècnic.
Estem treballat per a que durant la convenció tothom disfruti aprenent,
concursant i, fins i tot, jugant amb l'electrònica o la robòtica, sempre des
de la filosofia de l' Open Source Hardware. Comptem amb *quatre espais* per
celebrar diverses*activitats simultànies*, de manera que sempre hi haurà
alguna cosa a fer.
Si tens alguna cosa per aportar, vols compartir la teva darrera creació
electrònica, ets expert en certa matèria electrònica i vols explicar-ho a
tothom, fes-nos-ho saber en l'apartat “Proposa la teva
Mira abans el “Call4Papers <http://oshwcon.org/ca/call4papers>” per obtenir
més informació sobre les activitats que realitzem. Si vols saber més sobre
què ens motiva a realitzar aquesta trobada, consulta la pàgina
Esteu tots convidats a participar, ja sigui com a visitants o com a membres
actius de el OSHWCon. *T'esperem el cap de setmana del 23 al 25 de setembre!
* Recorda inscriure't a la web si tens pensat assistir-hi. A més, una vegada
finalitzat la convenció, posarem a la disposició de tothom els
enregistraments de les activitats.
Sobre Synusia
Synusia <http://synusia.es/> és el grup de treball d'electrònica establert
en el C.F. Padre Piquer <http://www.padrepiquer.com/> que organitza aquesta
convenció. Synusia va nèixer de la necessitat de crear un punt de trobada on
es pogués compartir lliurement y profunditzar en el coneixement de diverses
tecnologies electròniques i el OSHW. Si estàs interessat en participar en
el OSHWCon o en saber més sobre Synusia, no dubtis en enviar-nos un correu
(Trobaràs més informació a la nostra pàgina web <http://synusia.es/>).
Qualsevol suggerència serà benvinguda.
Open Source Hardware, Electronics and Robotics Convention<http://oshwcon.org/en>
is a 3-days event organized by the Synusia group in an effort to spread the
Open Source Software <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Open-source_hardware> and
to promote Electronics and the philosophy of "do it
The event will take place in Madrid, in C. F. Padre
from *23 to 25 September 2011*.
During the OSHWCon, visitors will be able to watch and participate in *talks,
workshops, round table discussions*,*personal projects exhibitions* and,
above all, we'll offer a meeting place for professionals and amateurs of the
world of electronics. *Attendance is free and open to everyone*. Activities
are intended to be for everybody: from beginners to hi-level talks and
Our objective is for everybody to enjoy learning, sharing knowledge, taking
part or even playing with electronics and robotics throughout the OSHWCon...
All of it from the Open Source Hardware philosophy. There are *four
different rooms/halls* to hold several *simultaneous activities*, so there
will always be something interesting to do.
If you have something to contribute with, you want to share your latest
electronic creation or you are an expert on some electronic matters and you
want to explain it to the world, let us know in "Suggest your
Check out first "Call4Papers <http://oshwcon.org/en/call4papers>" for more
information about the activities we are into. In case you wonder what make
us organize this event, take a look at our
You are all welcome to participate, either as a visitor or as an active
member of the OSHWCon. *We'll be waiting for you on September 23 to
25!* Please,
remember to register first on our site if you are intended to come. We'll
also offer the recordings of every activity once the OSHWCon come to close.
About Synusia
Synusia <http://synusia.es/> is the working group established in C. F. Padre
Piquer <http://www.padrepiquer.com/> that organizes this Convention.
was born from the need of setting up a meeting point where sharing and
deepen into the knowledge of different electronic technologies. If you are
willing to participate in the OSHWCon or you want to know more about
Synusia, feel free to send us an email (you'll find out more in our
web site<http://synusia.es/>).
Any suggestions will be welcome!
HackMeeting mailing list
I have been investigating a lot of aspects about theming, and my make
that my proposal.
Though I have been thinking that will not be of much valuable in the
short term or in learning ongoing skills that will be needed in
reactos. Of course on of the stated goals of gsoc or to give
programmers the skills to contribute in the long term.
So I was wondering what were your ideas on what would be considered
valuable short term and what would give the skills to to help reactos
in the long term.
I know it is still 18 hours until google summer of code organizations
are announced, but I'm sure reactos will be accepted.
Any thoughts or suggestions would be much appreciated.
I would like to point out to actions in my opinion necessary to be done
after the release:
1. Syncing:
Starting a new development/release cycle is the best moment for winesync to
be performed. Syncing early will give us much time to find and wipe all
Wine-originated bugs, which are simply unavoidable. The Winesync itself
should be spreaded to as many revisions as its possible/feasible, as it will
help out testers to regress-test any issues more precisely.
Before Winesync can be performed, CMake branch should be synchronized with
current trunk and the revision synchronized - locked up as reference frame
for any Trunk-CMake comparison tests.
We would not want CMake effort to be delayed due to any issues with WINE
code in trunk.
2. Patches
Now guys, i know i`m repeating myself, but please be warned that i will not
drop this issue. The way our project is handling patches from outside is
absolutely counterproductive. This is the only way new devs can be recruited
and get commit access, but delays in reviewing and even reacting to patches
is disgraceful. We are driving away potential newcomers, something no one
should wonder about, if it often takes months for someone to write down a
simple question about the patch content... We are risking a potential
project dawnfall if we continue doing this way. I know you are busy with
real life, project and other stuff, but seriously, this approach will only
make things even more difficult. I did all things i could think of to help
you out. Patches are now clearly tagged, listed in accessible way (
http://www.reactos.org/wiki/Bug_Filters ), i even tried to filter them,
moving old and questionable stuff into separate directory (WIP aka Work in
progress). Right now i took the more direct step of assigning patches to
devs personally. It might be questionable, please react in such cases and
comment, i will gladly relocate, but please do react. Due to Daniel recent
issues and lack of free time, i volunteered for commit translation patches,
at least those that can be done easily. Next thing planned here, is a
builder dedicated to patch testing, but this is just a rough plan for futher
discussion. I would be grateful for ANY feedback from you, perhaps some
things could be done better/differently.
Thanks in advance for your comments
Hi all!
Since everyone works so fast to ride my ass for breaking things, I
hope one of you have a fix for this one and also hope this did not
make it into branch! The commit breaks things, I wanted Michael to
review the patch before hand. I'm sure any of the IRC archives can
find my comments.
Going on Holiday,
I made a mistake, this patch was written by Rafal Harabien.
Aleksey Bragin.
On Mar 11, 2011, at 1:07 AM, fireball(a)svn.reactos.org wrote:
> Author: fireball
> Date: Thu Mar 10 22:07:56 2011
> New Revision: 51013
> URL: http://svn.reactos.org/svn/reactos?rev=51013&view=rev
> Log:
> - Edijs: Zero initialize the caption string.
> See issue #5992 for more details.
> Modified:
> trunk/reactos/base/applications/notepad/dialog.c
this commits just shows you didn't understand how that function works. If you had, you wouldn't have said:
"- Implement parameters checking in FsRtlIsNameInExpressionPrivate."
It's already done.
"- Add two shortcuts for common wildcard invocations to make the function faster."
If you look at the algorithm, it will take at maximum as much loop iterations as name length.
"- Second (main part of the function) is still under review."
Thanks for discussing the issue with the original author of the algorithm, especially since you don't understand it. Furthermore, if you're not happy with said algorithm, you were asked to review it more than a year ago, and for at least 6 months. Thing that you NEVER did.
So, now you discovered what my mail address is, contact me before committing anything wrong/useless to current code.
And as you said less than a week ago, focus on fixing things that don't work, instead of rewriting working code.
And as someone else also said once: 1:1 isn't the solution everywhere. Or if you think so, start dropping arwinss.
Of course, don't take that personal, I like everyone ;-).
P. Schweitzer
On Mar 7, 2011, at 4:33 PM, jgardou(a)svn.reactos.org wrote:
> Author: jgardou
> /* Check if the CPU is too old to support SYSENTER */
> - if ((Prcb->CpuType < 6) ||
> - ((Prcb->CpuType == 6) && (Prcb->CpuStep < 0x0303)))
> + if ((Reg[0] & 0x0FFF3FFF) < 0x00000633)
> {
It was intentionally done over CpuType and CpuStep. Now you
criptified it back to a raw Reg[0] value and weird hardcoded
constant. Could you please 1) elaborate this change and 2) if you
still think it's correct, and if you still tihnk(!) Windows does it
same way, then rework it to use Prcb->Cpu* instead of these magic
Not to say adding a hack for VirtualBox is far from being a
beautiful, and would need to be *at least* marked so that it's not
Aleksey Bragin.