I'm interested in the Testing Coordinator position. A few ideas I have for
testing in general are,
1) One step update and compile
2) Divide and conquer testing.
Testing would be divided up into teams. Each team will have its own leader.
Each team will be assigned (or assign themselves) a mixed slate of verified
unverified bugs. After a team says that it has fixed the bug or the bug is a
false positive, another team will come and verify their findings. All this
activity will be logged as it happens.
3) Testing Mentor Program
Each team may have mentees associated with it. The teams would then help
and guide their mentees in testing and coding, and these mentees will help
with the work load that the regular testers have. The goal here is to guide
the mentees to be regular developers and either stay in testing or move on to
other parts of the project and have. The goal of this project is to grow the
4) I will try to listen and consider any ideas that other people have and try
to work with people instead of against them.
If you have any questions, be free to ask. I hope to be able to serve this
project better.
Even if i am not a developer in this proyect, may I give an advice?
1) You need two trunks, one experimental, the other 1 day old "booting trunk".
2)Your bot build the experimental trunk (you already have the build bot).
3) Once a day a "boot bot" would try boot the experimental trunk, if it is sucessful (i supouse, sending a "all ok" message throug com1) then it overwrithe the "booting trunk" with that experimental revision.
4)That way there is always a very recent trunk that is stable enough to boot, the testing is automatic, and you have quite narrowed the revisions with the problem.
That way you could be working in a somewhat stable trunk, that can not be older than 1, 2 or 3 days if the experimental is failing.
Best Regards,
Lucio Diaz-Flores
LLama Gratis a cualquier PC del Mundo.
Llamadas a fijos y móviles desde 1 céntimo por minuto.
Ok, please don't shoot me if this is 'to large a request' for what im
offering, or to little. But here goes..
World of Warcraft on ReactOS, w/ NVidia Drivers AND guide complete to
logging in and speaking with some NPC's (from what i understand the
latest wine works well with WoW as far as right clicking, correct me
if im wrong)
Beings as i dont know how much work will be involved, what im offering
is a copy of WoW to the DevTeam, (or you can use a 10 day trial free
from Blizzard) and a $50/Bounty upfront. If this amount is to low,
willing to go as far as $150/total, mind you i fall under the
'student' classification.
Other then the mentioned, i would also like windowed mode to work (my
preferred). And i use a NVidia Card.
Thank you.
I have thought long time before writing this email, and finally it's
time to write it...
N.B. I don't intend to hurt or offense anyone in this email. And
there is not so much use from a project leader who only says "yes",
"good", "agreed".
We all see ReactOS became quite a big thing. Big everywhere - source
code, goals, development time... I think one would wish every FOSS
project to gain that level and speed of development.
If someone of you played Civ during youth, you certainly remember
that your cities can't grow, grow and grow without any efforts -
people become unhappy, city is ovecrowded, demanding sanitation and
special facilities in order to continue growth. If you don't provide
those needed facilities, the city is going to at least stop its
development, and usually goes into disorder due to unhappines.
Similar thing happens in software development too. Once project
reached certain size (even in terms of SLOC), developers' "tools"
should be upgraded and enhanced.
That's it for theory. Let's have a look at ReactOS, and more
specifically its trunk.
I'm getting more and more complaints that trunk is unstable, remains
unstable, and most of the time doesn't even boot, and the time came
to actually solve this problem, once and for ever.
As an example, I will show only one of common scenario:
Some developer commits his code, which works for him on his, say,
qemu but doesn't work for another dev on his real hardware. That
developer continues to commit code, and in some time encounters that
dev whose machine doesn't boot reactos and he says: "hey,
you ...ng ...rd, you broke trunk!". I don't even dare to cite which
reply follows, because it would take a few pages to quote. The
developer who broke trunk starts to regress test, reverting revision
by revision, spending time to identify the regressed revision (this
may take a few days, and we don't have fulltime paid developers), and
then finally finds the bug, fixes and commits. By that time, another
developer commits code with a regression in other place, and trunk is
still unbootable. And blaming continues, flamewars start, who broke
what, instead of actually enjoying the development process.
Pretty unproductive, yeah? And you, the reader, are definately
wondering - what is the solution?
I answer: There are a few solutions, but as always I will list only a
1) "Wine"-method. There is one leader who decides what, how and when
to commit. He maintains the tree, he makes sure tree is in good
shape, he spends all of his time to do testing, merging, reverting,
It works really good for Wine. Will it work good for us? I am in
doubts, really.
2) Improving our current development system. That's the direction I
would like to use.
Major and the first improvement needed is testing. Testing often,
testing early, automating testing, getting more people to test,
regress test and feed results back to developers.
Buildbot was a step in this direction, but more steps are needed.
If someone broke booting, a proper recognized complain would be
"Revision NNXXY regresses 3rd boot with a bugcheck code NN stack
trace attached". The sooner this information is available and
developer is notified - the faster this bug will be solved.
If developer is inaccessible within a long period of time, a decision
to revert this revision might be taken (that should be a really rare
This shouldn't come to absurd of course, I can tolerate having trunk
broken for a few hours certainly, when developer is working on a
certain feature, and, well, of course he may mistake, not fully
commit something and so forth.
But having it half-broken for 2 weeks AND noone took time to regress
test and find the guilty revision.
Or yet another example, fortunately last for this email. I
implemented an "alpha" version of usb mouse driver, along with that
recently incorporated NT4 compatible usb driver. And assumed, and
even asked in irc to test it - it's not that hard, but gives me a
chance to fix not-so-obvious issues before it'll be enabled by
default in trunk and will drive people crazy with some regress which
I didn't see on my machine, and, at last, even hearing "yay, your usb
mouse driver works!" just simply motivates me to finish e.g. a usb
keyboard driver, find and fix bugs, etc.
1) To improve development quality we must improve testing. Automate,
gather bigger testing team, etc.
2) Developers must be way more careful during commit. Just remember a
simple rule: Trunk is not a wastebin where you dump code to. It's
quite the opposite.
Your feedback is greatly encouraged and awaited. Feel free to discuss
this in this ML.
With the best regards,
Aleksey Bragin
ReactOS Project Coordinator
Testing Coordinator, position open November 22.
You are going to work 90 more days due to that GOD! DAMNED! AUDIT!
Thank you for your service,