  • 5788 discussions

Re: [ros-dev] [ros-diffs] [tfaber] 66365: [KERNEL32] - Make BaseSetLastNTError return the converted Win32 error code. This will determine the upper 24 bits of EAX in functions that return BOOLEAN FALSE right after calling B...
by Timo Kreuzer
9 years, 10 months

Re: [ros-dev] [ros-diffs] [gadamopoulos] 66383: [SHELL32] - Implement progress dialogs for SHFileOperation - Patch by Hwu Davies CORE-4476
by Pierre Schweitzer
9 years, 10 months

Where is the Patchbot??
9 years, 10 months

Re: [ros-dev] [jira] (ROSTESTS-153) gdi32_winetest:bitmap test_mono_bitmap skipped because it takes too long and spams the debug log with too many failures
by Thomas Faber
9 years, 10 months

Re: [ros-dev] [ros-diffs] [jgardou] 66342: [WIN32SS/NTGDI] - Reject bits data early in SetBitmapBits when it's clear that they can't fit in the destination bitmap. Fixes ugly Office 2007 rulers showing garbage.
by Timo Kreuzer
9 years, 10 months

Re: [ros-dev] [ros-diffs] [jgardou] 66323: [KERNEL32] Revert r64525 - Always allocate a guard page at the bottom of the stack.
by Alex Ionescu
9 years, 10 months

Re: [ros-dev] [ros-diffs] [jimtabor] 66244: [NtUser] - Use a real timer for caret. This should cleanup message testing from those random system timer messages. See CORE-7447.
9 years, 11 months

Re: [ros-dev] [ros-diffs] [tkreuzer] 66250: [CMAKE] Add support for "module groups". These are meta targets that automatically include all targets using set_module_type() that are included between start_module_group(name) a...
by Jerome Gardou
9 years, 11 months

Re: [ros-dev] [ros-diffs] [hbelusca] 66240: [WINLOGON] - Implement KillComProcesses that just kills with force and without any notification back to winlogon, any remaining app that is still alive even if we asked before to ...
by Thomas Faber
9 years, 11 months

9 years, 11 months
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