> -----Original Message-----
> From: Thomas Weidenmueller [mailto:w3seek@reactos.com]
> Sent: 18 November 2005 12:03
> To: ReactOS Development List
> Subject: Re: [ros-dev] Re: [ros-diffs] [gedmurphy] 19312:
> Improve stopping control of the service
> Murphy, Ged (Bolton) wrote:
> > This function is new to me.
> Now that you're writing multithreaded code it's about time to learn
> about these functions ;)
> > I'm just doing a bit of research on it now to better
> understand it, but
> > could you just give me a bit of background of the
> difference between this,
> > and using something like a mutex or CS, and why it's better in this
> > scenario?
> Of course you can use mutexes or critical sections, but for
> this purpose
> interlocked operations are much more lightweight because with
> mutexes or
> critical sections you'd have to protect the read operation as
> well. The
> Interlocked* functions basically guarantee that a certain
> operation on a
> variable shared by multiple threads is performed in an atomic
> matter. I
> probably should mention that reads are always atomic, so reading a
> variable with the size smaller or equal as the size of a
> general purpose
> register does not need to be protected, writes however have
> to be protected.
> You should read the following articles:
> http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/default.asp?url=/library/en-
> us/dllproc/base/interlocked_variable_access.asp
> http://blogs.msdn.com/oldnewthing/archive/2004/09/15/229915.aspx
Thanks for the info, much appreciated.
I've been reading up on Interlocked Variable Access this morning and have
now implemented it into the code.
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> -----Original Message-----
> From: Thomas Weidenmueller [mailto:w3seek@reactos.com]
> Sent: 17 November 2005 23:38
> To: ReactOS Development List
> Subject: Re: [ros-dev] Re: [ros-diffs] [gedmurphy] 19312:
> Improve stopping control of the service
> Ged Murphy wrote:
> > Could you explain what you mean?
> As you want to change the value of the variables which are used in a
> multithreaded environment you need to used the Interlocked*
> functions to
> ensure an atomic change in all environments (UP, MP, ...), and also to
> make sure it's portable.
> > Those variables are only modified within the base thread, all other
> > threads just check the value and act upon it.
> > Why would that not be thread safe?
> You're assuming the code will only run on a x86 system. In
> fact, as long
> as the variables are aligned properly it is an atomic operation. But
> don't forget the other architectures and possibly upcoming
> technologies
> based on x86 that could void this assumption.
> I have to admit that the code wouldn't break, even in circumstances
> where the operation wouldn't be atomic, but technically the code still
> isn't thread-safe this way.
> - Thomas
This function is new to me.
I'm just doing a bit of research on it now to better understand it, but
could you just give me a bit of background of the difference between this,
and using something like a mutex or CS, and why it's better in this
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Further information can be found at www.exide.com
Mike Swanson wrote:
> In the branch of press-media, there are two documents currently. An MS
> Word and MS PowerPoint document.
> I'm calling for SVN committers for _no more_ MS Office documents. They
> are a proprietary format, of which not all the features are currently
> known. I recommend instead the use of OASIS OpenDocument. Not only
> does it save much space, but it also does not contain any secrets in
> which need to be reverse engineered to discover.
> Please, for the good of the project, use the free OpenDocument format.
> If not for the reason of being open or free, but simply for the fact
> that it ensures that everybody will be able to view such documents (no
> need to buy any pricey office suites here!).
I disagree with this. I don't know how to use oo.o or variants, and I don't
intend on learning something I have no interest in.
I'm currently putting together a presentation for the speeches I have coming
up on ReactOS. If a rule was put in place where we could only commit
OpenDocument files, I would simply not put it into the repository and would
instead share it with anyone who wanted it via email.
This isn't because I'm being awkward, it's because I have no time or
interest to learn a new office suite .... and I certainly don't want to
install oo.o on my machine.
I suppose it's this attitude which keeps MS Office up as a monopoly, which
now make me realise why they don't want to support OpenDocument.
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Further information can be found at www.exide.com
> From: gvg(a)svn.reactos.com
> Wine-0_9_1 vendor import
"svn update" will probably fail, you'll need to delete lib\dplay +
lib\dplayx and do a second "svn update". Sorry about this, there seems to be
no way around it.
Freeldr currently contains an ugly (imo) wrapper around the GUI where
every drawing operation is supposed to have multiple "modes" (some fancy
3d gizmo whizmo GUI and the normal text-mode interface). I would really
like to simply this interface and make the drawing operations much
simpler and just draw, instead of going through all the hoops they do
now. But before I do, does anyone have any objections? Is anyone working
on fancy 3D GUI for Freeldr, or can I go ahead with my changes? Note
nothing would change to the user, everything will look and act the exact
same way as it does now.
Best regards,
Alex Ionescu
I'm getting "Couldn't open CodePage registry key. With OK".
I copied freeldr.sys and the rest and reinstall everything, including
config files from hives. Installs and go. 1st install system, 2nd reboot
ok run fine, and 3rd reboot and get the above error at freeldr.
Revision: 18820
Node Kind: directory
Schedule: normal
Last Changed Author: cwittich
Last Changed Rev: 18820
cwittich(a)svn.reactos.com wrote:
> implemented CreateServiceA
This implementation theoretically is wrong, at least in windows this is
also done using RPC (see the .idl file, there should be methods for ansi
and unicode).
- Thomas
Hi All,
My how history repeats itself. I would like to call for a feature freeze on Jan 1st with the
approval of the Testing Coordinator. Although we have not had that many releases of the 0.2.x line
I feel enough has changed to and that we need to bump to 0.3. Lets review some history
0.1.x - winhello
0.2.x - explorer and a few wine dlls
0.3.x - OpenGL games, Firefox, Mirc, OpenOffice, third party drivers, start of PnP, USB, Xbox
support, Initial DirectX Support, etc
For the record we really did not plan on all of this other stuff for 0.3 and a year ago most of us
would have been happy with just Firefox and Mirc working under VMware and Qemu. In fact we were
planning on that work for the 0.3 line to be included in 0.4 release. Which is great! I am happy
to see that we have gone much further beyond our once limited goals.
What I propose now is that everyone that has a open project try to either get it to a Alpha state
by Jan 1st or admit that it just wont be ready for 0.3 and accept that.
Current major works in progress:
DirectX - GreatLord
USB - Fireball
PnP - hpoussin
Ws2 - Ionescu
msvcDDK - sedwards
Can we get all of these in for 0.3? Ws2 is a showstopper for 0.3, USB at least for the Xbox in my
mind is a showstopper as well. PnP would be really, really nice to have but if its not ready I
think we should ship anyway and plan on doing a short run to 0.4 before we fully support PnP.
DirectX I have no idea how close it is to working and my current pet project for MSVC/DDK and
rbuild is not a feature. I would like to be able to build ReactOS with our DDK under msvc in the
hopes of getting more developers to join the project and improve the quality of our code but I am
happy to admit this is not a priority.
So what does everyone think? Can we shot for a feeze for Jan 1st? How does Feb 1st sound for a
Yahoo! Mail - PC Magazine Editors' Choice 2005