  • 5788 discussions

DLL registration during setup: new rbuild task?
by Ge van Geldorp
19 years, 1 month

RE: [ros-dev] 0.3 release plan - Again
by Murphy, Ged (Bolton)
19 years, 1 month

Re: [ros-diffs] [ion] 19352: - Reimplement Fast Mutex implementation in HAL/NT to be compatible with the real implementation. (Fast Mutex needs to raise IRQL).
by Hartmut Birr
19 years, 1 month

ReactOS not installable
by Hartmut Birr
19 years, 1 month

Re: [ros-svn] [weiden] 19334: - define STATUS_* codes correctly in winnt.h and ntstatus.h
by James Tabor
19 years, 1 month

Announce mailing list, newsletter, TC & automated testing
by Drew Scott Daniels
19 years, 1 month

RE: [ros-diffs] [ion] 19327: Due to CcRos's abusive usage and dep endency on our broken Fast Mutex implementation, Fast Mutex can't be fixe d until the Cc Rewrite is complete. Since that seems to take longer and w e've identified drivers which need the corre
by Murphy, Ged (Bolton)
19 years, 1 month

Re: [ros-diffs] [hbirr] 19329: - Changed all registry functions to WCHAR.
by Alex Ionescu
19 years, 1 month

[Fwd: [ros-general] BIOS]
by David Hinz
19 years, 1 month

Re: [ros-svn] [sedwards] 19259: created crt public headers directory. Moved excpt.h there
by Thomas Weidenmueller
19 years, 1 month
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