Ros-diffs October 2006
  • 17 participants
  • 357 discussions

[ion] 24363: - Combine SeInit1 and SeInit2 into SeInit since both can be done together now. - Call PsInitSystem instead of PspInitPhase0, since PsInitsystem is the "external" phase-choosing routine. - Implement ExComputeTickCountMultiplier to create a 24-bit precision remainder + whole integer of the ms/clock tick used in SharedUserData. - Set the OS version and Machine Type (i386/PPC (<3 Arty) in SharedUserData. - Move some HAL calls in Phase 2 (actually Phase 1...), same for KeInit2. - Break i
17 years, 11 months

[ion] 24362: - Setup memory limits in shared user data. - Loop security descriptors to find NLS data and make a copy of it in kernel pool, because the NLS buffer from NTLDR will be freed on NT. Also discovered a bug in Freeldr where it doesn't allocate ths NLS files sequentially, leaving a hole of 0x1000 between them. Added a hack to compensate (won't break NTLDR booting, just will waste 8KB of memory). - Allocate the system call count table on checked builds. - Refactor Ob/Se booting to match m
17 years, 11 months

[weiden] 24361: Fix some warnings
17 years, 11 months

[ion] 24360: - Implement Phase 0 Ex initialization (Resource, Lookaside initialization) and generic Ex initialization routine. - Clear the crypto exponent on boot-up. - Set default global flags for checked builds. - Set NtSystemRoot (SharedUserData) to C:<NT BOOT PATH> on startup. - Cleanup lookas.c file and implement routines to initialize the system lookaside list in phase 0.
17 years, 11 months

[weiden] 24359: Define NTOSAPI before including ntddk.h to avoid including function prototypes with dllimport
17 years, 11 months

[ion] 24358: - Continue implementation of KiRosFrldrLpbToNtLpb by parsing the FreeLDR command line and: * Removing the ARC Boot path and splitting it into the ARC Boot Device Name, the ARC HAL Device Name, and the NT Boot and HAL Path Names, saved in their respective LoaderBlock pointers. * Converting every slash to a space. ("/DEBUGPORT" -> " DEBUGPORT") * Now we can fully parse and read NTLDR command lines. - Update various code in the kernel to: * Use LoaderBlock->ArcDeviceNamePath & friends
17 years, 11 months

[arty] 24357: A 'boot logo' of sorts to show we're about to switch to kernel mode. We'll pass the FB address into kernel land so we can continue writing on it.
17 years, 11 months

[fireball] 24356: - Add a check to the boot.ini-changing code, to prevent creation of a new ReactOS entry after each installation.
17 years, 11 months

[amunger] 24355: Resource sync from trunk. Merged 24269, 24281, 24285, 24292, 24294-24295, 24298-24299, and 24303.
17 years, 11 months

[fireball] 24354: - Implement loading of NLS data, SYSTEM hive data (just simple loading into memory, without any kind of parsing or even checking if that data is correct) - Add a function for creating a stub of hardware config (config consisting of only one node - root) - Implement two steps of LPB initialization (names Phase 0 and Phase 1 are used internally by me, and doesn't correspond to anything) - Implement a WinLdrSetupForNt, which allocates and initializes some specific structures (PCR,
17 years, 11 months
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