Author: hpoussin
Date: Sun Aug 6 19:40:47 2006
New Revision: 23500
Update French translation
Modified: trunk/reactos/base/shell/cmd/Fr.rc
--- trunk/reactos/base/shell/cmd/Fr.rc (original)
+++ trunk/reactos/base/shell/cmd/Fr.rc Sun Aug 6 19:40:47 2006
@@ -387,7 +387,8 @@
STRING_REN_HELP3, " %lu fichiers renommés\n"
STRING_RMDIR_HELP, "Efface un répertoire.\n\n\
-RMDIR [lecteur:]chemin\nRD [lecteur:]chemin"
+RMDIR [lecteur:]chemin\nRD [lecteur:]chemin"
+STRING_RMDIR_HELP2, "Le répertoire n'est pas vide !\n"
STRING_SCREEN_HELP, "Déplace le curseur, optionnellement affiche du texte\n\n\
SCREEN lig col [texte]\n\n\
@@ -471,7 +472,7 @@
STRING_VERSION_HELP4, "\n This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify\n\
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by\n\
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or\n\
- (at your option) any later version."
+ (at your option) any later version.\n"
STRING_VERSION_HELP5, "\nEnvoyer les rapports d'erreur à <ros-dev(a)>.\n\
Les mises à jour sont disponibles à :"
@@ -502,13 +503,69 @@
RESTORE restaure la fenêtre\n\
titre titre de la fenêtre"
+STRING_HELP1, "List of all available commands (+ description)\n\n\
+ command /? For more information on a specific command\n\n\
+? List all available commands without description).\n\
+ALIAS Sets, removes or shows aliases.\n\
+ATTRIB Displays or changes file attributes.\n\
+BEEP Beep the speaker.\n\
+CALL Calls one batch program from another.\n\
+CD Displays the name of or changes the current directory.\n\
+CHCP Displays or sets the active code page number.\n\
+CHOICE Waits for the user to choose one of a set of choices.\n\
+CLS Clears the screen.\n\
+CMD Starts a new instance of the ReactOS command interpreter.\n\
+COLOR Sets the default console foreground and background colors.\n\
+COPY Copies one or more files to another location.\n\
+DATE Displays or sets the date.\n\
+DELETE Deletes one or more files.\n\
+DIR Displays a list of files and subdirectories in a directory.\n\
+ECHO Displays messages, or turns command echoing on or off.\n\
+ERASE Deletes one or more files.\n\
+EXIT Quits the CMD.EXE program (command interpreter).\n\
+FOR Runs a specified command for each file in a set of files.\n\
+FREE (free) disc space.\n\
+GOTO Directs the ReactOS command interpreter to a labeled line in\n\
+ a batch program.\n\
+HELP Provides Help information for ReactOS commands.\n\
+HISTORY List alle commands which has been used\n\
+IF Performs conditional processing in batch programs.\n\
+LABEL Creates, changes, or deletes the volume label of a disk.\n\
+MD Creates a directory.\n\
+MKDIR Creates a directory.\n\
+MOVE Moves one or more files from one directory to another\n\
+ directory.\n\
+PATH Displays or sets a search path for executable files.\n\
+PAUSE Suspends processing of a batch file and displays a message.\n\
+POPD Restores the previous value of the current directory saved by\n\
+ PUSHD.\n\
+PROMPT Changes the command prompt.\n\
+PUSHD Saves the current directory then changes it.\n\
+RD Removes a directory.\n\
+REM Records comments (remarks) in batch files.\n\
+REN Renames a file or files.\n\
+RENAME Renames a file or files.\n\
+RMDIR Removes a directory.\n\
+SCREEN Move cursor and optionally print text.\n\
+SET Displays, sets, or removes ReactOS environment variables.\n\
+SHIFT Shifts the position of replaceable parameters in batch files.\n"
+STRING_HELP2, "START Starts a separate window to run a specified program or command.\n\
+ Executes command.\n\
+TIME Displays or sets the system time.\n\
+TIMER Allow the use of ten stopwaches.\n\
+TITLE Sets the window title for a CMD.EXE session.\n\
+TYPE Displays the contents of a text file.\n\
+VER Displays the ReactOS version.\n\
+VERIFY Tells ReactOS whether to verify that your files are written\n\
+ correctly to a disk.\n\
+VOL Displays a disk volume label and serial number.\n"
STRING_ALIAS_ERROR, "Ligne de commande trop longue après remplacement de l'alias!\n"
STRING_BATCH_ERROR, "Erreur à l'ouverture du fichier batch\n"
STRING_CHCP_ERROR1, "Page de codes actuelle : %u\n"
-STRING_ERROR_INVALID_PARAM_FORMAT, "Format de paramètre incorrect - %s\n"
STRING_CHCP_ERROR4, "Page de code invalide \n"
STRING_CHOICE_ERROR, "Option invalide. Format attendu: /C[:]options"
STRING_CHOICE_ERROR_TXT, "Option invalide. Format attendu: /T[:]c,nn"
@@ -545,8 +602,6 @@
STRING_MOVE_ERROR2, "[Erreur]\n"
-STRING_PATH_ERROR, "CMD: Pas dans l'environnement '%s'\n"
STRING_REN_ERROR1, "MoveFile() a échoué. Erreur: %lu\n"
STRING_START_ERROR1, "No batch support at the moment!"
@@ -564,6 +619,16 @@
STRING_ERROR_PATH_NOT_FOUND, "Chemin non trouvé\n"
STRING_ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND, "Fichier non trouvé\n"
STRING_ERROR_REQ_PARAM_MISSING, "Paramètre requis manquant\n"
+STRING_ERROR_INVALID_DRIVE, "Lecteur spécifié introuvable\n"
+STRING_ERROR_INVALID_PARAM_FORMAT, "Format de paramètre incorrect - %s\n"
+STRING_ERROR_BADCOMMAND, "Commande ou nom de fichier inconnu\n"
+STRING_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY, "Erreur Pas assez de mémoire.\n"
+STRING_ERROR_CANNOTPIPE, "Error! Cannot pipe! Cannot open temporary file!\n"
+STRING_ERROR_D_PAUSEMSG, "Appuyez sur une touche pour continuer . . ."
+STRING_PATH_ERROR, "CMD: Pas dans l'environnement '%s'\n"
STRING_CMD_SHELLINFO, "\n Interpréteur de ligne de commandes ReactOS"
STRING_VERSION_RUNVER, " tournant sur %s"
STRING_COPY_FILE, " %d fichier(s) copié(s)\n"
@@ -572,4 +637,10 @@
STRING_SCREEN_COL, "valeur invalide pour col"
STRING_SCREEN_ROW, "valeur invalide pour lig"
STRING_TIMER_TIME "Le timer n°%d est %s: "
+STRING_INVALID_OPERAND, "Opérande invalide."
+STRING_EXPECTED_NUMBER_OR_VARIABLE,"Attendu nombre ou nom de variable."
+STRING_SYNTAX_COMMAND_INCORRECT, "La syntaxe the la commande est incorrecte."