Author: mkupfer
Date: Mon Apr 20 23:41:48 2009
New Revision: 40612
- changelog template generator for wiki changelog page
- creates a complete changelog for the given xml file and try to put all entries in the best fitting section
- the section file needs update to represent the whole wiki page structure
- entries which don't fit (due to different paths) to a section are collected in "uncategorized" section
trunk/tools/changelog/ (with props)
trunk/tools/changelog/sections (with props)
Added: trunk/tools/changelog/
--- trunk/tools/changelog/ (added)
+++ trunk/tools/changelog/ [iso-8859-1] Mon Apr 20 23:41:48 2009
@@ -1,0 +1,172 @@
+# Creates basic changelog wiki page from svn log
+# - argument is the generated xml log file with log entries
+# created by 'svn log -v --xml -r revision1:revision2 repository'
+# - needs internet access for retrieving the author names from wiki
+# (
+# - needs a section file 'sections'
+# this file contains all generated wiki-sections and the according paths
+# to assign the log messages correctly
+# (c) Matthias Kupfer 2009
+import xml.sax # for the parser
+import sys # for system functions
+import string # for string operations
+import re # for regular expressions
+import time # for sorting
+import urllib # for downloading the developer wiki page
+class XMLLogParser:
+ class XMLLogHandler(xml.sax.handler.ContentHandler):
+ __logentries = [] # log entries list
+ __logentry = {}
+ def startElement(self, name, attrs):
+ "Process all start tags."
+ self.__data = ''
+ attr = {} # temporary dictionary of attributes
+ for i in attrs.items(): # iterate over all attributes
+ tmp = i[1] # save attribute value
+ if tmp: # if value exists
+ tmp = tmp.encode('utf-8') # encode as utf-8
+ attr[i[0].encode('utf-8')] = tmp # encode attribute name too
+ if name == 'logentry':
+ # save the log entry revision number (currently unused)
+ self.__logentry["revision"] = attr.get("revision")
+ elif name == 'paths':
+ # collect files and paths
+ self.__logentry["paths"] = [] # reset path
+ elif name == 'path':
+ # save file or path attributes
+ self.__pathattr = (attr.get("action"),
+ attr.get("copyfrom-path"),
+ attrs.get("copyfrom-rev")) # copy path attributes
+ def endElement(self, name):
+ "Process all end tags."
+ if name == 'logentry':
+ # append the created log entry and clear the temporary one
+ self.__logentries.append(self.__logentry)
+ self.__logentry = {} # clear current log entry
+ elif name == 'author':
+ # save the author name in the current log entry
+ self.__logentry["author"] = self.__data # copy author
+ elif name == 'date':
+ # extract timestamp and save it in the current log entry
+ m = re.match(r"(\d{4})-(\d{2})-(\d{2})T(\d{2}):(\d{2}):" \
+ "(\d{2})\.(\d{6})Z", self.__data) # regular expression for time
+ self.__logentry["time"] = time.mktime((int(,
+ int(, int(, int(,
+ int(, int(, -1, -1, -1)) + \
+ (float("0." # build time entry
+ elif name == 'path':
+ # append a file or path entry to current log entry
+ self.__logentry["paths"].append((self.__data, self.__pathattr))
+ elif name == 'msg':
+ # save message in current log entry
+ self.__logentry["msg"] = self.__data
+ def characters(self, ch):
+ "Save character data."
+ self.__data += ch.encode('utf-8')
+ def get_entry_list(self):
+ "Sort created list by revision in ascending order."
+ self.__logentries.sort(lambda x,y : cmp(y["revision"], x["revision"]))
+ return self.__logentries
+ __Handler = XMLLogHandler() # instance of content handler
+ get_entry_list = __Handler.get_entry_list
+ def __init__(self, file = None):
+ "Create a XML parser, set content handler and load the file."
+ self.parser = xml.sax.make_parser() # create a xml parser
+ self.parser.setContentHandler(self.__Handler) # set content handler
+ if file:
+ self.load(file)
+ def load(self, file):
+ "Parse a file."
+ self.parser.parse(file) # parse file
+def get_common_part(paths):
+ "returns the longest common path part of all file entries"
+ index = 0 # length
+ mypaths = [] # list of all paths
+ for i in paths: # extract all path from list
+ mypaths.append(i[0][0:string.rfind(i[0],'/')])
+ if len(mypaths) == 1: # if only one path
+ return mypaths[0] # the return the whole path
+ else:
+ cmp = mypaths[0] # set first path for comparison
+ while index < len(cmp):
+ isequal = True
+ for i in mypaths[1:]: # for all remaining paths
+ if index >= len(i) or i[index] != cmp[index]:
+ isequal = False
+ break
+ if isequal == True: # if equal then next character
+ index += 1
+ else: # else finish
+ break;
+ return cmp[0:index]
+def find_section(i,sections):
+ "find the best fitting (longest path) section"
+ section = "" # no section found
+ path = "" # no path
+ for k in sections.keys(): # iterate over all section paths
+ if i.startswith(k) and len(k) > len(path): # if i starts with path and
+ #is longer then the previous path then update path and section
+ section = sections[k]
+ path = k
+ return section # return wiki section name
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ if len(sys.argv) != 2:
+ print "This script generates a template for the wiki changelog"
+ print
+ print "Syntax: %s <svn-log-xml-file>" % sys.argv[0]
+ print "log file should be created with:"
+ print "svn log -v --xml [-r revision1:revision2] repository > svn-log-xml-file"
+ exit(1)
+ sec_order = [] # list for the sections (to preserve) order
+ authors = {} # dictionary for commit name -> real names
+ sections = {} # dictionary for path -> sections
+ messages = {} # dictionary for section -> log messages
+ author = urllib.urlopen("").readlines()
+ for i in author:
+ m = re.match("^.*\[\[(.*)\]\].*\|\|[^|]*\|\|\s([^ ]*)\s\|\|.*$",i)
+ if m:
+ authors[] = # fill author dictionary
+ section = open('sections').readlines() # read sections
+ for i in section:
+ m = re.match("^(/.*?) (.*)$",i)
+ if m:
+ sections[] = # fill section dictionary
+ sec_order.append( # and section list
+ log = XMLLogParser(sys.argv[1]) # read log entries
+ for i in log.get_entry_list():
+ lns = []
+ lines = string.split(i['msg'],'\n');
+ for k in lines:
+ m = re.match(r"^\s*[-*]*\s*(.*)\s*$",k)
+ if m:
+ l = string.strip(
+ if len(l) > 0:
+ lns.append(l)
+ msg = string.join(lns)
+ author = authors[i['author']]
+ if not i.has_key('paths'):
+ print "Error: no path information found"
+ print "Did you really use the option '-v' in 'svn log'?"
+ print "Can't create template without path information"
+ exit(1)
+ path = get_common_part(i['paths'])
+ this_section = find_section(path,sections)
+ if messages.has_key(this_section):
+ messages[this_section].append((msg,author))
+ else:
+ messages[this_section] = [(msg,author)]
+ for i in sec_order:
+ print i
+ if messages.has_key(i):
+ for k in messages[i]:
+ print '*',k[0],'([['+k[1]+']])'
+# vim: set ts=4 sw=4:
Propchange: trunk/tools/changelog/
svn:eol-style = native
Propchange: trunk/tools/changelog/
svn:executable = *
Added: trunk/tools/changelog/sections
--- trunk/tools/changelog/sections (added)
+++ trunk/tools/changelog/sections [iso-8859-1] Mon Apr 20 23:41:48 2009
@@ -1,0 +1,42 @@
+This file contains the sections for the wiki page
+every line that doens't start with '/' is ignored
+the line consist of 2 parts: path wiki-header
+This file is fairly incomplete, please add path information step by step!
+/trunk/reactos/boot/freeldr == Bootloader (FreeLoader) ==
+/trunk/reactos/ntoskrnl == Kernel and Executive (NTOSKRNL) ==
+/trunk/reactos/ntoskrnl/cc === CC ===
+/trunk/reactos/ntoskrnl/cm === CM ===
+/trunk/reactos/ntoskrnl/dbgk === DBGK ===
+/trunk/reactos/ntoskrnl/ex === EX ===
+/trunk/reactos/ntoskrnl/io === IO ===
+/trunk/reactos/ntoskrnl/kd === KD ===
+/trunk/reactos/ntoskrnl/mm === MM ===
+/trunk/reactos/dll/cpl == CPL ==
+/trunk/reactos/subsystems == Subsystems ==
+/trunk/reactos/drivers == Kernel Mode Drivers ==
+/trunk/reactos/drivers/bus/acpi === ACPI ===
+/trunk/reactos/drivers/network/afd === AFD ===
+/trunk/reactos/drivers/bus/filesystems/cdfs === CDFS ===
+/trunk/reactos/drivers/bus/filesystems/ext2 === EXT2 ===
+/trunk/reactos/drivers/bus/filesystems/fastfat === FASTFAT ===
+/trunk/reactos/drivers/bus/filesystems/fs_rec === FS_REC ===
+/trunk/reactos/drivers/bus/filesystems/npfs === NPFS ===
+/trunk/reactos/drivers/bus/usb === USB ===
+/trunk/reactos/dll/ntdll == NT System Library (NTDLL) ==
+/trunk/reactos/dll/keyboard === Keyboard Layouts ===
+/trunk/reactos/base/setup == Setup ==
+/trunk/reactos/base/setup/usetup === USETUP ===
+/trunk/reactos/subsystems == Win32™ Personality ==
+/trunk/reactos/subsystems/win32/csrss === User mode subsystem (CSRSS) ===
+/trunk/reactos/subsystems/win32/win32k === Kernel-mode subsystem Server (Win32K) ===
+/trunk/reactos/dll/cpl == Control panel applets ==
+/trunk/reactos/dll/cpl/appwiz === APPWIZ ===
+/trunk/reactos/dll/cpl/desk === DESKTOP ===
+/trunk/reactos/dll/cpl/intl === INTL ===
+/trunk/reactos/dll/cpl/sysdm === SYSDM ===
+/trunk/reactos/dll/cpl/timedate === TIMEDATE ===
+/trunk/reactos/base/applications == Win32™ Applications ==
+/trunk/reactos/base/dll/win32 == Win32™ Libraries ==
+/trunk/reactos == uncategorized ==
Propchange: trunk/tools/changelog/sections
svn:eol-style = native