Ros-diffs April 2010
  • 22 participants
  • 435 discussions

[tkreuzer] 47067: [WIN32K] - Fix IntDumpHandleTable, it was very broken.
14 years, 10 months

[tkreuzer] 47066: [NTOSKRNL] - Fix RtlWalkFrameChain to do usermode back traces for threads that are not system threads. Also use _SEH2_YIELD when leaving the SEH block.
14 years, 10 months

[mjmartin] 47065: [win32k] - When calling NtUserCallNextHookEx check that the current hook is not the first in the chain. If so don't call the hook proc and just return, as it has already been called and it makes no sense for the NextHook function to call the first hook proc. Fixes bugs #4461 and #4407. - The previous commit claiming to fix bug #4461 was incorrect, it may have actually fixed bug #5320. Testers please test.
14 years, 10 months

[cgutman] 47064: [NTOSKRNL] - Fix a horrible casting bug - EventCategoryData1 is a pointer to a GUID not a pointer to a UNICODE_STRING - Convert the GUID into a UNICODE_STRING properly by using RtlStringFromGUID and pass that string to RtlCompareUnicodeString - Fix another bug which results in us sending EventCategoryHardwareProfileChange and EventCategoryTargetDeviceChange events to everyone registered for PnP notifications - Fixes sending EventCategoryDeviceInterfaceChange notifications that h
14 years, 10 months

[tkreuzer] 47063: [MSIMTF] Silence debug spam
14 years, 10 months

[bfreisen] 47062: [PAINT] - angle rounding for lines and polygons when SHIFT key is pressed - equal width and height for (rounded) rectangles and ellipses when SHIFT key is pressed Based on a patch by Katayama Hirofumi, see #5285
14 years, 10 months

[cgutman] 47061: [INF] - Comment out the service installation for VBE and VGA so the configuration set in first-stage won't get overwritten - Nasty graphical glitches still remain in VGA mode - Fixes bug 2073 and bug 4192
14 years, 10 months

[tkreuzer] 47060: [NTOSKRNL] - On backtraces, print the address of the call instruction (assumed 5 bytes lentgh) instead of the return address, which in many cases does not make sense. (WinDbg does it this way, too) - Fix Ke386SaveFpuState to store the fpu state in the buffer, but in the pointer to the buffer - Anable Ke386SaveFpuState to save the floating point state in KiNpxHandler and KiTrap13Handler, so we know what error we got. - Disable saving debug registers in the trap frame, as long as
14 years, 10 months

[mjmartin] 47059: [win32k] - Fix a problem where application that used WH_CBT hook procedures were receiving destroy window notification on windows that were never created. The window was never created because the application had returned a non zero value when it was notified of window creation, which effectively destroys the window and returns failure for window creation. See CBTProc Function on MSDN. Fixes bug #4461.
14 years, 10 months

[gadamopoulos] 47058: [win32k] - Do not do callbacks to user mode while holding a lock - Fix when WH_MOUSE_LL and WH_JOURNALRECORD are called See issue #4926 for more details.
14 years, 10 months
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