Ros-diffs November 2023
  • 20 participants
  • 274 discussions

[reactos] 01/01: [NTOS:KE] Remove KiMask32Array
by Timo Kreuzer
1 year, 3 months

[reactos] 01/01: [KERNEL32] Fix 64-bit bug in SetProcessAffinityMask
by Timo Kreuzer
1 year, 3 months

[reactos] 01/01: [IMM32][SDK][NTUSER] Implement CtfImmTIMActivate (#6041)
by Katayama Hirofumi MZ
1 year, 3 months

[reactos] 01/01: [UMPNPMGR] Move the pnp event thread to a separate file
by Eric Kohl
1 year, 3 months

[reactos] 01/01: [BOOTDATA] Add explicit value types as we do for the others.
by Hermès Bélusca-Maïto
1 year, 3 months

[reactos] 01/01: [BOOTDATA] hivesft: Fix URL Protocol registry value (#6058)
by Whindmar Saksit
1 year, 3 months

[reactos] 01/01: [SHELL32][SHELL32_APITEST][SDK] Implement PathIsEqualOrSubFolder (#5714)
by Katayama Hirofumi MZ
1 year, 3 months

[reactos] 01/01: [PORTCLS] Don't repeat "PORTCLS" module name in version info
by Thamatip Chitpong
1 year, 3 months

[reactos] 01/01: [WS2HELP] Add ws2help.rc to CMakeLists (#6055)
by Thamatip Chitpong
1 year, 3 months

[reactos] 01/01: [SETUPAPI] Add dll version info (#6050)
by Thamatip Chitpong
1 year, 3 months
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