Ros-diffs February 2025
  • 17 participants
  • 79 discussions

[reactos] 01/01: [SHIMGVW] Update Portuguese (pt-PT) translation (#7688)
by Jose Carlos Jesus
4 weeks

[reactos] 01/01: [e1000][ne2000][pcnet][rtl8139] Add missing UpperRange and LowerRange values to network adapter inf files
by Eric Kohl
4 weeks, 1 day

[reactos] 03/03: [NTOS:IO] Rewrite OpenRegistryHandlesFromSymbolicLink Also add a new IopOpenOrCreateSymbolicLinkSubKeys routine, which does some work for it. CORE-17361
by Oleg Dubinskiy
4 weeks, 1 day

[reactos] 02/03: [NTOS:IO] Implement IoGetDeviceInterfaceAlias Required by XP/2003 audio stack to be loaded properly. CORE-17361
by Oleg Dubinskiy
4 weeks, 1 day

[reactos] 01/03: [KMTESTS:IO] Rewrite IoDeviceInterface kmtest Add new kernel-mode test for Device Interface functions, based on the patch by Mark Jansen. The previous one was buggy and crashed even on Windows. The new one doesn't fail, and works without bugs. Although there is missing one test case (for IoRegisterDeviceInterface). Also perhaps IoRegister/UnregisterPlugPlayNotification testcases should be keept, if they correspond to Device Interface functions. CORE-17361
by Oleg Dubinskiy
4 weeks, 1 day

[reactos] 03/03: [NTOS:KE/x86] Detect more KeFeatureBits
by Timo Kreuzer
1 month

[reactos] 02/03: [NTOS:KE/x64] Add detection of SSE 4.2
by Timo Kreuzer
1 month

[reactos] 01/03: [NTOS] Make KeFeatureBits 64 bit
by Timo Kreuzer
1 month

[reactos] 01/01: [SHELL32] CMenuBand must set ShowWindow value for InvokeCommand (#7695)
by Whindmar Saksit
1 month
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