  • 13 participants
  • 81035 discussions

[reactos] 01/01: [SHELL32] Enable Apply button when shortcut show mode is changed (#5807)
by Whindmar Saksit
1 year, 2 months

[reactos] 01/01: [TASKMGR] *.rc Deduplicate dynamic menu strings (#5772)
by Joachim Henze
1 year, 2 months

[reactos] 03/03: [DESK] Add the current screensaver in the list if it isn't already present (#5766)
by Hermès Bélusca-Maïto
1 year, 2 months

[reactos] 02/03: [DESK] Reimplement InstallScreenSaverW to behave similarly to Windows' one (#5766)
by Hermès Bélusca-Maïto
1 year, 2 months

[reactos] 01/03: [DESK] Cleanup some functions.
by Hermès Bélusca-Maïto
1 year, 2 months

[reactos] 01/01: [NVNET] Remove NdisEqualMemory hack by linking with memcmp library
by Stanislav Motylkov
1 year, 2 months

[reactos] 01/01: [DC21X4] Add driver for DECchip 21x4-compatible network adapters (#5614)
by Dmitry Borisov
1 year, 2 months

[reactos] 01/01: [KERNEL32] Export more Vista functions
by Timo Kreuzer
1 year, 2 months

[reactos] 01/01: [CMAKE] Improve configure script to work with newer CMake versions (#5742)
by Timo Kreuzer
1 year, 3 months

[reactos] 01/01: [XDK] Fix / improve some definitions
by Timo Kreuzer
1 year, 3 months
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