Author: cmihail
Date: Tue May 17 22:18:21 2011
New Revision: 51816
GSoC todo list.
branches/GSoC_2011/TcpIpDriver/todo_gsoc.txt (with props)
Added: branches/GSoC_2011/TcpIpDriver/todo_gsoc.txt
--- branches/GSoC_2011/TcpIpDriver/todo_gsoc.txt (added)
+++ branches/GSoC_2011/TcpIpDriver/todo_gsoc.txt [iso-8859-1] Tue May 17 22:18:21 2011
@@ -1,0 +1,23 @@
+Tasks to do by the end of GSoC (sorted in decending order by importance):
+1) Make sure all basic functinalities are working
+ - accept so far is not which should be fixed
+2) Create a test application that simulates heavy usage
+ of networking. Preferably multi threaded. This should
+ check whether we have any memory leaks, broken functionality
+ or fatal blue screen errors.
+3) Improve existing IOCTLs.
+4) Improve support for netstat (e.g. netstat -na).
+ - 2) Worth looking into how we can take advantage of firefox's
+stress tests (e.g. xmlhttprequest)
+ - 1) 2) and a bit of 3) should be completed before the midterm
Propchange: branches/GSoC_2011/TcpIpDriver/todo_gsoc.txt
svn:eol-style = native
Propchange: branches/GSoC_2011/TcpIpDriver/todo_gsoc.txt
svn:mime-type = text/