commit 7047aa80efe1fcf8d5dbd8e81502b5cbf5626894
Author: Adam Słaboń <asaillen456esx(a)>
AuthorDate: Fri Apr 5 00:01:11 2019 +0200
Commit: Hermès BÉLUSCA - MAÏTO <hermes.belusca-maito(a)>
CommitDate: Fri Apr 5 10:34:10 2019 +0200
[TRANSLATION] Polish translation update
Polish translation update for calc, fltmc, magnify, notepad, osk, sndvol32, usetup,
fdebug, appwiz, mmsys, sysdm, acppage, ziplfdr, browseui, cryptui, jscript, shell32,
themeui and inf. Added translation for cyrptext, vcdcontroltool, and (not yet complete)
base/applications/calc/lang/pl-PL.rc | 40 +-
base/applications/fltmc/lang/pl-PL.rc | 24 +-
base/applications/magnify/lang/pl-PL.rc | 4 +-
base/applications/notepad/lang/pl-PL.rc | 2 +-
base/applications/osk/lang/pl-PL.rc | 46 +-
base/applications/sndvol32/lang/pl-PL.rc | 40 +-
base/setup/usetup/lang/pl-PL.h | 14 +-
boot/freeldr/fdebug/lang/pl-PL.rc | 4 +-
dll/cpl/appwiz/lang/pl-PL.rc | 8 +-
dll/cpl/mmsys/lang/pl-PL.rc | 68 +-
dll/cpl/sysdm/lang/pl-PL.rc | 44 +-
dll/shellext/acppage/lang/pl-PL.rc | 4 +-
dll/shellext/cryptext/cryptext.rc | 3 +
dll/shellext/cryptext/lang/pl-PL.rc | 13 +
dll/shellext/zipfldr/lang/pl-PL.rc | 12 +-
dll/win32/browseui/lang/pl-PL.rc | 6 +-
dll/win32/cryptui/lang/cryptui_Pl.rc | 18 +-
dll/win32/getuname/getuname.rc | 3 +
dll/win32/getuname/lang/pl-PL.rc | 37976 +++++++++++++++++++
dll/win32/jscript/lang/jscript_Pl.rc | 78 +-
dll/win32/shell32/lang/pl-PL.rc | 156 +-
dll/win32/themeui/lang/pl-PL.rc | 8 +-
media/inf/NET_NIC.inf | 6 +-
media/inf/acpi.inf | 2 +-
media/inf/audio.inf | 2 +-
media/inf/battery.inf | 2 +-
media/inf/bda.inf | 2 +-
media/inf/bth.inf | 2 +-
media/inf/c_image.inf | 2 +-
media/inf/cdrom.inf | 2 +-
media/inf/cpu.inf | 2 +-
media/inf/disk.inf | 2 +-
media/inf/display.inf | 2 +-
media/inf/fdc.inf | 2 +-
media/inf/flpydisk.inf | 2 +-
media/inf/hal.inf | 2 +-
media/inf/hdc.inf | 2 +-
media/inf/input.inf | 2 +-
media/inf/intl.inf | 360 +-
media/inf/keyboard.inf | 2 +-
media/inf/ks.inf | 2 +-
media/inf/kscaptur.inf | 2 +-
media/inf/legcydrv.inf | 2 +-
media/inf/machine.inf | 2 +-
media/inf/monitor.inf | 2 +-
media/inf/msmouse.inf | 5 +-
media/inf/netamd.inf | 4 +-
media/inf/nete1000.inf | 41 +
media/inf/netisa.inf | 4 +-
media/inf/netrtl.inf | 8 +-
media/inf/netrtpnt.inf | 4 +-
media/inf/nettcpip.inf | 2 +-
media/inf/ports.inf | 2 +-
media/inf/scsi.inf | 2 +-
media/inf/unknown.inf | 2 +-
media/inf/usb.inf | 2 +-
media/inf/usbport.inf | 2 +-
media/inf/usbstor.inf | 2 +-
media/inf/wdmaudio.inf | 14 +
media/inf/wmiacpi.inf | 2 +-
media/inf/xboxdisp.inf | 2 +-
.../applications/vcdcontroltool/lang/pl-PL.rc | 62 +
.../applications/vcdcontroltool/vcdcontroltool.rc | 3 +
win32ss/user/user32/lang/pl-PL.rc | 6 +-
64 files changed, 38814 insertions(+), 334 deletions(-)
diff --git a/base/applications/calc/lang/pl-PL.rc b/base/applications/calc/lang/pl-PL.rc
index 24de8f13c5..bb022ad14b 100644
--- a/base/applications/calc/lang/pl-PL.rc
+++ b/base/applications/calc/lang/pl-PL.rc
@@ -438,8 +438,8 @@ END
/* Angles */
- IDS_ANGLE_ARCMINUTES "Minute of arc"
- IDS_ANGLE_ARCSECONDS "Second of arc"
+ IDS_ANGLE_ARCMINUTES "Minuty kątowe"
+ IDS_ANGLE_ARCSECONDS "Sekundy kątowe"
@@ -502,15 +502,15 @@ BEGIN
@@ -523,7 +523,7 @@ END
IDS_ENERGY_15_C_CALORIES "15 °C kalorie"
- IDS_ENERGY_BTUS "British Thermal Unit"
IDS_ENERGY_EVS "Elektronowolty"
@@ -543,7 +543,7 @@ BEGIN
@@ -551,7 +551,7 @@ BEGIN
@@ -564,7 +564,7 @@ BEGIN
@@ -573,13 +573,13 @@ BEGIN
+ IDS_LENGTH_RI_JAPAN "Ri (Japonia)"
@@ -697,22 +697,22 @@ BEGIN
IDS_WEIGHT_OUNCES_TROY "Uncje, aptekarskie"
diff --git a/base/applications/fltmc/lang/pl-PL.rc
index 97bb55b74a..5e62746aa1 100644
--- a/base/applications/fltmc/lang/pl-PL.rc
+++ b/base/applications/fltmc/lang/pl-PL.rc
IDS_USAGE "\nPrawidłowe polecenia:\n\
- load Ładuje sterownik filtra\n\
- unload Wyładowuje sterownik filtra\n\
+ load Ładuje sterownik filtru\n\
+ unload Zwalnia sterownik filtru\n\
filters Wyświetla listę aktualnie zarejestrowanych filtrów\n\n\
- volumes Lists all volumes\n\n"
+ volumes Wyświetla listę wszystkich woluminów\n\n"
- IDS_USAGE_LOAD "Ładuje sterownik filtra\n"
- IDS_USAGE_UNLOAD "Wyładowuje sterownik filtra\n"
+ IDS_USAGE_LOAD "Ładuje sterownik filtru\n"
+ IDS_USAGE_UNLOAD "Zwalnia sterownik filtru\n"
IDS_USAGE_FILTERS "Wyświetla listę zarejestrowanych filtrów\n"
- IDS_USAGE_VOLUMES "Lists all volumes\n"
+ IDS_USAGE_VOLUMES "Wyświetla listę wszystkich woluminów\n"
- IDS_DISPLAY_FILTERS1 "Nazwa filtra Liczba wystąpień
Wysokość Ramka\n"
- IDS_DISPLAY_FILTERS2 "Nazwa filtra Liczba wystąpień
- IDS_DISPLAY_VOLUMES "Dos Name Volume Name
FileSystem Status\n"
+ IDS_DISPLAY_FILTERS1 "Nazwa filtru Liczba wystąpień
Wysokość Ramka\n"
+ IDS_DISPLAY_FILTERS2 "Nazwa filtru Liczba wystąpień
+ IDS_DISPLAY_VOLUMES "Nazwa systemu DOS Nazwa woluminu
System plików Stan\n"
IDS_ERROR_PRIV "Nie udało się ustawić uprawnienia do załadowania sterownika
IDS_ERROR_FILTERS "Nie udało się wyświetlić listy filtrów (0x%X)\n"
- IDS_ERROR_LOAD "Nie udało się załadować filtra (0x%X)\n"
- IDS_ERROR_UNLOAD "Nie udało się wyładować filtra (0x%X)\n"
- IDS_ERROR_VOLUMES "Failed to list the volumes (0x%X)\n"
+ IDS_ERROR_LOAD "Nie udało się załadować filtru (0x%X)\n"
+ IDS_ERROR_UNLOAD "Nie udało się zwolnić filtru (0x%X)\n"
+ IDS_ERROR_VOLUMES "Nie udało się wyświetlić listy woluminów (0x%X)\n"
diff --git a/base/applications/magnify/lang/pl-PL.rc
index b053af920d..9d36fa5569 100644
--- a/base/applications/magnify/lang/pl-PL.rc
+++ b/base/applications/magnify/lang/pl-PL.rc
@@ -68,8 +68,8 @@ FONT 8, "MS Shell Dlg", 400, 0, 0x1
DEFPUSHBUTTON "OK", IDOK, 193, 76, 50, 14
ICON IDI_ICON, IDC_STATIC, 7, 17, 20, 20
- LTEXT "Lupa ma za zadanie dostarczyć podstawowy poziom funkcjonalności dla osób
z niewielkimi problemami ze wzrokiem. Użytkownicy ze znaczniejszymi problemami ze wzrokiem
mogą być zmuszeni użyć bardziej zaawansowanego narzędzia.", IDC_STATIC, 36, 7, 207,
- CONTROL "Nie pokazuj więcej tej wiadomości", IDC_SHOWWARNINGCHECK,
+ LTEXT "Lupa ma za zadanie zapewnić podstawowy poziom funkcjonalności dla osób z
niewielkimi problemami ze wzrokiem. Użytkownicy ze znaczniejszymi problemami ze wzrokiem
mogą potrzebować bardziej zaawansowanego narzędzia.", IDC_STATIC, 36, 7, 207, 33
+ CONTROL "Nie pokazuj więcej tego komunikatu", IDC_SHOWWARNINGCHECK,
diff --git a/base/applications/notepad/lang/pl-PL.rc
index dd86d2a081..db4265487e 100644
--- a/base/applications/notepad/lang/pl-PL.rc
+++ b/base/applications/notepad/lang/pl-PL.rc
@@ -62,7 +62,7 @@ BEGIN
+ MENUITEM "&Notatnik - informacje", CMD_HELP_ABOUT_NOTEPAD
diff --git a/base/applications/osk/lang/pl-PL.rc b/base/applications/osk/lang/pl-PL.rc
index 7e845c8cf7..7997b9790e 100644
--- a/base/applications/osk/lang/pl-PL.rc
+++ b/base/applications/osk/lang/pl-PL.rc
@@ -128,7 +128,7 @@ BEGIN
-CAPTION "On screen keyboard"
+CAPTION "Klawiatura ekranowa"
FONT 8, "MS Shell Dlg"
@@ -248,58 +248,58 @@ END
- POPUP "File"
+ POPUP "Pl&ik"
- POPUP "Keyboard"
+ POPUP "&Klawiatura"
- MENUITEM "Standard Keyboard", IDM_STANDARD_KB
+ MENUITEM "&Klawiatura rozszerzona", IDM_ENHANCED_KB, CHECKED
+ MENUITEM "Klawiatura &standardowa", IDM_STANDARD_KB
- MENUITEM "102 keys", IDM_102_KEYS, GRAYED
- MENUITEM "106 keys", IDM_106_KEYS, GRAYED
+ MENUITEM "10&1 klawiszy", IDM_101_KEYS, CHECKED, GRAYED
+ MENUITEM "10&2 klawiszy", IDM_102_KEYS, GRAYED
+ MENUITEM "10&6 klawiszy", IDM_106_KEYS, GRAYED
- POPUP "Settings"
+ POPUP "Ust&awienia"
+ MENUITEM "&Zawsze na wierzchu", IDM_ON_TOP, CHECKED, GRAYED
+ MENUITEM "&Użyj dźwięku kliknięcia", IDM_CLICK_SOUND
+ MENUITEM "&Tryb wpisywania...", IDM_TYPE_MODE, GRAYED
- POPUP "Help"
+ POPUP "Pomo&c"
- MENUITEM "&About On-Screen Keyboard...", IDM_ABOUT
+ MENUITEM "&Klawiatura ekranowa - informacje...", IDM_ABOUT
-CAPTION "On-Screen Keyboard"
+CAPTION "Klawiatura ekranowa"
FONT 8, "MS Shell Dlg", 400, 0, 0x1
DEFPUSHBUTTON "OK", IDOK, 193, 76, 50, 14
ICON IDI_OSK, IDC_STATIC, 7, 17, 20, 20
- LTEXT "On-Screen Keyboard provides a minimum level of functionality for
mobility-impaired users. Mobility-impaired users will need a utility program with higher
functionality for daily use.", IDC_STATIC, 36, 7, 207, 33
- CONTROL "Do not show this message again", IDC_SHOWWARNINGCHECK,
+ LTEXT "Klawiatura ekranowa zapewnia podstawowy poziom funkcjonalności dla osób z
upośledzeniem funkcji motorycznych. Takie osoby będą potrzebować bardziej zaawansowanego
narzędzia dla codziennego użytku.", IDC_STATIC, 36, 7, 207, 33
+ CONTROL "Nie pokazuj więcej tego komunikatu", IDC_SHOWWARNINGCHECK,
- STRING_OSK "On-Screen Keyboard"
+ STRING_OSK "Klawiatura ekranowa"
STRING_AUTHORS "Copyright Denis Robert"
diff --git a/base/applications/sndvol32/lang/pl-PL.rc
index bc0a5d19b5..049b3e5403 100644
--- a/base/applications/sndvol32/lang/pl-PL.rc
+++ b/base/applications/sndvol32/lang/pl-PL.rc
@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ BEGIN
POPUP "&Opcje"
+ MENUITEM "&Sterowniki zaawansowane", IDM_ADVANCED_CONTROLS
@@ -29,8 +29,8 @@ STRINGTABLE
IDS_SNDVOL32 "Regulacja głośności"
IDS_NOMIXERDEVICES "Nie jest dostępne żadne aktywne urządzenie miksujące!
Program zostanie zamknięty."
- IDS_SELECT "&Select"
- IDS_ADVANCED_CONTROLS "Advanced Controls for %s"
+ IDS_SELECT "&Zaznacz"
+ IDS_ADVANCED_CONTROLS "Zaawansowane sterowniki dla %s"
@@ -66,7 +66,7 @@ BEGIN
LTEXT "Głośność", -1, 4, 58, 80, 8
CONTROL "", IDC_LINE_SLIDER_VERT, "msctls_trackbar32", TBS_VERT |
AUTOCHECKBOX "&Wycisz", IDC_LINE_SWITCH, 4, 123, 55, 12
- PUSHBUTTON "&Advanced", IDC_LINE_ADVANCED, 4, 138, 80, 14, WS_TABSTOP
+ PUSHBUTTON "&Zaawansowane", IDC_LINE_ADVANCED, 4, 138, 80, 14,
WS_VISIBLE, 90, 1, 1, 137
@@ -74,7 +74,7 @@ IDD_NORMAL_LINE DIALOG 0, 0, 70, 138
FONT 8, "MS Shell Dlg"
- LTEXT "Line", IDC_LINE_NAME, 4, 7, 60, 8
+ LTEXT "Linia", IDC_LINE_NAME, 4, 7, 60, 8
4, 19, 72, 1
LTEXT "Balans", -1, 4, 25, 60, 8
CONTROL "", IDC_LINE_SLIDER_HORZ, "msctls_trackbar32", TBS_HORZ |
WS_CHILD | WS_VISIBLE | WS_TABSTOP, 15, 35, 40, 17
@@ -83,7 +83,7 @@ BEGIN
LTEXT "Głośność", -1, 4, 58, 60, 8
CONTROL "", IDC_LINE_SLIDER_VERT, "msctls_trackbar32", TBS_VERT |
AUTOCHECKBOX "&Wycisz", IDC_LINE_SWITCH, 4, 123, 55, 12
- PUSHBUTTON "&Advanced", IDC_LINE_ADVANCED, 7, 138, 55, 14, WS_TABSTOP
+ PUSHBUTTON "&Zaawansowane", IDC_LINE_ADVANCED, 7, 138, 55, 14,
WS_VISIBLE, 70, 25, 1, 113
@@ -102,7 +102,7 @@ IDD_SMALL_LINE DIALOG 0, 0, 42, 100
FONT 8, "MS Shell Dlg"
- CTEXT "Line", IDC_LINE_NAME, 3, 3, 39, 8
+ CTEXT "Linia", IDC_LINE_NAME, 3, 3, 39, 8
CONTROL "", IDC_LINE_SLIDER_HORZ, "msctls_trackbar32", TBS_HORZ |
CONTROL "", IDC_LINE_SLIDER_VERT, "msctls_trackbar32", TBS_VERT |
AUTOCHECKBOX "&Wycisz", IDC_LINE_SWITCH, 1, 85, 41, 10
@@ -121,24 +121,24 @@ END
-CAPTION "Advanced Controls for Volume Control"
+CAPTION "Zaawansowane sterowniki regulacji głośności"
FONT 8, "MS Shell Dlg"
32, 32
- LTEXT "These settings can be used to make fine adjustments to your audio.",
-1, 44, 7, 200, 32
- GROUPBOX "Tone Controls", IDC_ADV_TONE_CONTROLS, 7, 33, 240, 80
- LTEXT "These settings control how the tone of your audio sounds.", -1, 17,
48, 200, 14
- LTEXT "&Bass:", -1, 17, 62, 50, 8
- LTEXT "Low", IDC_ADV_BASS_LOW, 77, 62, 20, 8
- LTEXT "High", IDC_ADV_BASS_HIGH, 182, 62, 20, 8
+ LTEXT "Te ustawienia mogą być używane do dokładniejszej konfiguracji
dźwięku.", -1, 44, 7, 200, 32
+ GROUPBOX "Sterowniki tonu", IDC_ADV_TONE_CONTROLS, 7, 33, 240, 80
+ LTEXT "Te ustawienia sterują barwą tonów dźwięku.", -1, 17, 48, 200, 14
+ LTEXT "&Tony niskie:", -1, 17, 62, 50, 8
+ LTEXT "Cicho", IDC_ADV_BASS_LOW, 77, 62, 20, 8
+ LTEXT "Głośno", IDC_ADV_BASS_HIGH, 182, 62, 20, 8
CONTROL "", IDC_ADV_BASS_SLIDER, "msctls_trackbar32", TBS_HORZ |
WS_CHILD | WS_VISIBLE | WS_TABSTOP, 97, 62, 80, 20
- LTEXT "&Treble:", -1, 17, 90, 50, 8
- LTEXT "Low", IDC_ADV_TREBLE_LOW, 77, 90, 20, 8
- LTEXT "High", IDC_ADV_TREBLE_HIGH, 182, 90, 20, 8
+ LTEXT "Tony &wysokie:", -1, 17, 90, 50, 8
+ LTEXT "Cicho", IDC_ADV_TREBLE_LOW, 77, 90, 20, 8
+ LTEXT "Głośno", IDC_ADV_TREBLE_HIGH, 182, 90, 20, 8
CONTROL "", IDC_ADV_TREBLE_SLIDER, "msctls_trackbar32", TBS_HORZ
| WS_CHILD | WS_VISIBLE | WS_TABSTOP, 97, 90, 80, 20
- GROUPBOX "Other Controls", IDC_ADV_OTHER_CONTROLS, 7, 119, 240, 66
- LTEXT "These settings make other changes to how your audio sounds. See your
hardware documentation for details.", IDC_ADV_OTHER_TEXT, 17, 135, 220, 28
+ GROUPBOX "Inne sterowniki", IDC_ADV_OTHER_CONTROLS, 7, 119, 240, 66
+ LTEXT "Te ustawienia wprowadzają inne zmiany do konfiguracji dźwięku.
Szczegółowe informacje można znaleźć w dokumentacji sprzętu.", IDC_ADV_OTHER_TEXT,
17, 135, 220, 28
AUTOCHECKBOX "&1 ", IDC_ADV_OTHER_CHECK1, 17, 159, 220, 14
AUTOCHECKBOX "&2 ", IDC_ADV_OTHER_CHECK2, 17, 174, 220, 14
- DEFPUSHBUTTON "Close", IDOK, 197, 120, 50, 14, WS_CHILD | WS_VISIBLE |
+ DEFPUSHBUTTON "Zamknij", IDOK, 197, 120, 50, 14, WS_CHILD | WS_VISIBLE |
diff --git a/base/setup/usetup/lang/pl-PL.h b/base/setup/usetup/lang/pl-PL.h
index 305f7bf473..6f6061dde5 100644
--- a/base/setup/usetup/lang/pl-PL.h
+++ b/base/setup/usetup/lang/pl-PL.h
@@ -23,19 +23,19 @@ static MUI_ENTRY plPLSetupInitPageEntries[] =
- "Please wait while the ReactOS Setup initializes itself",
+ "Poczekaj, a\276 uruchomi si\251 Instalator systemu ReactOS",
- "and discovers your devices...",
+ "i wykryje wszystkie twoje urz\245dzenia...",
- "Please wait...",
+ "Prosz\251 czeka\206...",
@@ -508,7 +508,7 @@ static MUI_ENTRY plPLRepairPageEntries[] =
- "ESC = Menu g\210\242wne ENTER = Restart",
+ "ESC = Menu g\210\242wne ENTER = Ponowne uruchomienie komputera",
@@ -658,13 +658,13 @@ static MUI_ENTRY plPLFlushPageEntries[] =
- "To mo\276e zaj\245\206 kilka minut.",
+ "To mo\276e potrwa\206 kilka minut.",
- "Po zako\344czeniu, system zrestartuje komputer automatycznie.",
+ "Po zako\344czeniu, komputer automatycznie zostanie ponownie
@@ -1144,7 +1144,7 @@ static MUI_ENTRY plPLFileCopyEntries[] =
- "To mo\276e zaj\245\206 kilka minut.",
+ "To mo\276e potrwa\206 kilka minut.",
diff --git a/boot/freeldr/fdebug/lang/pl-PL.rc b/boot/freeldr/fdebug/lang/pl-PL.rc
index 8dcadc6c49..7a3af80d95 100644
--- a/boot/freeldr/fdebug/lang/pl-PL.rc
+++ b/boot/freeldr/fdebug/lang/pl-PL.rc
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ BEGIN
- MENUITEM "&Wyczyść wyświetlacz", IDM_FILE_CLEARDISPLAY
+ MENUITEM "W&yczyść wyświetlacz", IDM_FILE_CLEARDISPLAY
@@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ END
IDD_ABOUTBOX DIALOGEX 22, 17, 259, 210
-CAPTION "O debuggerze FreeLoadera"
+CAPTION "O debugerze programu FreeLoader"
FONT 8, "MS Shell Dlg"
CONTROL "FreeLoader Debugger v1.0\nCopyright (C) 2003\nby Brian Palmer
(brianp(a)"quot;, IDC_STATIC, "Static", SS_LEFTNOWORDWRAP | WS_GROUP,
53, 28, 122, 26
diff --git a/dll/cpl/appwiz/lang/pl-PL.rc b/dll/cpl/appwiz/lang/pl-PL.rc
index b2d9371e60..5af34f868d 100644
--- a/dll/cpl/appwiz/lang/pl-PL.rc
+++ b/dll/cpl/appwiz/lang/pl-PL.rc
@@ -89,10 +89,10 @@ BEGIN
IDS_INSTALLING "Instalowanie..."
IDS_INVALID_SHA "Nieoczekiwana suma kontrolna pobranego pliku. Instalacja
uszkodzonego pliku została przerwana."
IDS_NEW_INTERNET_SHORTCUT "Nowy skrót internetowy"
- IDS_DWL_FAILED "Nie udało się pobrać pakietu Gecko. Upewnij się, że masz
połączenie z internetem, aby pobrać pakiet. Instalacja będzie kontynuowana bez pakietu
+ IDS_DWL_FAILED "Nie można pobrać pakietu Gecko. Upewnij się, że masz połączenie
z internetem, aby pobrać pakiet. Instalacja będzie kontynuowana bez pakietu Gecko."
IDS_CANTMAKEINETSHORTCUT "Nie można utworzyć skrótu internetowego."
IDS_CANTMAKESHORTCUT "Nie można utworzyć skrótu."
- IDS_NO_MEMORY "No memory could be allocated!"
- IDS_NO_DIRECTORY "No directory given!"
- IDS_INVALID_PATH "The given path is invalid!"
+ IDS_NO_MEMORY "Nie można przydzielić pamięci!"
+ IDS_NO_DIRECTORY "Nie podano ścieżki!"
+ IDS_INVALID_PATH "Podana ścieżka jest niepoprawna!"
diff --git a/dll/cpl/mmsys/lang/pl-PL.rc b/dll/cpl/mmsys/lang/pl-PL.rc
index f90b8c977b..4d659aa079 100644
--- a/dll/cpl/mmsys/lang/pl-PL.rc
+++ b/dll/cpl/mmsys/lang/pl-PL.rc
CAPTION "Dźwięki"
FONT 8, "MS Shell Dlg"
- LTEXT "Schemat dźwiękowy to zestaw dźwięków dla każdego ze zdarzeń systemowych w
ReactOS i aplikacjach. Możesz wybrać istniejący już schemat albo stworzyć i zapisać
własny.", -1, 8, 7, 230, 40
+ LTEXT "Schemat dźwiękowy to zestaw dźwięków stosowanych dla zdarzeń w systemie
ReactOS i programach. Możesz wybrać istniejący schemat lub zapisać schemat
zmodyfikowany", -1, 8, 7, 230, 40
LTEXT "S&chemat dźwiękowy:", -1, 8, 42, 150, 17
PUSHBUTTON "Za&pisz jako...", IDC_SAVEAS_BTN, 134, 70, 50, 15
@@ -64,19 +64,19 @@ BEGIN
LTEXT "Urządzen&ie domyślne:", -1, 50, 20, 80, 17
PUSHBUTTON "&Głośność...", IDC_VOLUME1_BTN, 85, 47, 70, 15
- PUSHBUTTON "Zaa&wansowane", IDC_ADV2_BTN, 160, 47, 70, 15
+ PUSHBUTTON "Zaa&wansowane...", IDC_ADV2_BTN, 160, 47, 70, 15
GROUPBOX "Nagrywanie dźwięku", -1, 7, 75, 230, 60, WS_GROUP
LTEXT "U&rządzenie domyślne:", -1, 50, 88, 80, 17
- PUSHBUTTON "Gł&ośność....", IDC_VOLUME2_BTN, 85, 115, 70, 15
- PUSHBUTTON "Zaawan&sowane", IDC_ADV1_BTN, 160, 115, 70, 15
+ PUSHBUTTON "Gł&ośność...", IDC_VOLUME2_BTN, 85, 115, 70, 15
+ PUSHBUTTON "Zaawan&sowane...", IDC_ADV1_BTN, 160, 115, 70, 15
GROUPBOX "Odtwarzanie MIDI", -1, 7, 145, 230, 60, WS_GROUP
LTEXT "Urzą&dzenie domyślne:", -1, 50, 158, 80, 17
- PUSHBUTTON "Głoś&ność....", IDC_VOLUME3_BTN, 85, 185, 70, 15
- PUSHBUTTON "In&formacje", IDC_ADV3_BTN, 160, 185, 70, 15
+ PUSHBUTTON "Głoś&ność...", IDC_VOLUME3_BTN, 85, 185, 70, 15
+ PUSHBUTTON "In&formacje...", IDC_ADV3_BTN, 160, 185, 70, 15
AUTOCHECKBOX "&Użyj wyłącznie urządzeń domyślnych",
@@ -90,15 +90,15 @@ BEGIN
LTEXT "&Urządzenie domyślne:", -1, 50, 50, 80, 17
- PUSHBUTTON "&Głośność....", IDC_VOLUME4_BTN, 85, 77, 70, 15
- PUSHBUTTON "&Zaawansowane", IDC_ADV4_BTN, 160, 77, 70, 15
+ PUSHBUTTON "&Głośność...", IDC_VOLUME4_BTN, 85, 77, 70, 15
+ PUSHBUTTON "&Zaawansowane...", IDC_ADV4_BTN, 160, 77, 70, 15
GROUPBOX "Nagrywanie głosu", -1, 7, 105, 230, 60, WS_GROUP
LTEXT "U&rządzenie domyślne:", -1, 50, 118, 80, 17
- PUSHBUTTON "Gł&ośność....", IDC_VOLUME5_BTN, 85, 145, 70, 15
- PUSHBUTTON "Zaa&wansowane", IDC_ADV5_BTN, 160, 145, 70, 15
- PUSHBUTTON "&Test sprzętu", IDC_TEST_HARDWARE, 160, 175, 70, 15,
+ PUSHBUTTON "Gł&ośność...", IDC_VOLUME5_BTN, 85, 145, 70, 15
+ PUSHBUTTON "Zaa&wansowane...", IDC_ADV5_BTN, 160, 145, 70, 15
+ PUSHBUTTON "&Testowanie sprzętu...", IDC_TEST_HARDWARE, 160, 175, 70,
CAPTION "Wydajność"
FONT 8, "MS Shell Dlg"
- LTEXT "Niniejsze ustawienia mają wpływ na dźwięk, odtwarzany przez ReactOS.
Możesz, dzięki nim, zdiagnozować niektóre problemy z dźwiękiem.", 8492, 34, 7, 218,
+ LTEXT "Te ustawienia mają wpływ na dźwięk, odtwarzany przez system ReactOS. Mogą
one pomóc w rozwiązywaniu problemów związanych z dźwiękiem..", 8492, 34, 7, 218, 23
GROUPBOX "Odtwarzanie", 8494, 7, 32, 243, 152
ICON 4379, 8512, 8, 8, 20, 20
LTEXT "&Przyspieszanie sprzętowe:", 8495, 13, 56, 111, 14
@@ -148,8 +148,8 @@ BEGIN
LTEXT "Pełne", 8498, 214, 56, 21, 9
LTEXT "Słaba", 8499, 128, 123, 21, 10
LTEXT "Najlepsza", 8500, 214, 123, 23, 9
- LTEXT "Ustawienia sprzętowe urządzenia nagrywania", 5399, 13, 145, 227, 21
- LTEXT "Ustawienia sprzętowe urządzenia odtwarzania", 5398, 13, 78, 227, 22
+ LTEXT "Ten ciąg opisuje ustawienie sprzętu dla urządzenia
przechwytującego", 5399, 13, 145, 227, 21
+ LTEXT "Ten ciąg opisuje ustawienie sprzętu dla urządzenia renderującego",
5398, 13, 78, 227, 22
CAPTION "Wydajność"
FONT 8, "MS Shell Dlg"
- LTEXT "Niniejsze ustawienia mają wpływ na dźwięk, odtwarzany przez ReactOS.
Możesz, dzięki nim, zdiagnozować niektóre problemy z dźwiękiem.", 8492, 34, 7, 217,
+ LTEXT "Te ustawienia mają wpływ na dźwięk, odtwarzany przez system ReactOS. Mogą
one pomóc w rozwiązywaniu problemów związanych z dźwiękiem.", 8492, 34, 7, 217, 20
GROUPBOX "Nagrywanie", 8494, 7, 29, 242, 122
ICON 4380, 8512, 8, 7, 20, 20
LTEXT "&Przyspieszanie sprzętowe:", 8495, 13, 46, 103, 17
WS_TABSTOP | 0x00000401, 150, 43, 62, 18
LTEXT "&Jakość próbkowania dźwięku:", 8496, 13, 103, 103, 17
0x00000401, 150, 101, 62, 18
- PUSHBUTTON "&Odtwórz domyślne", 5400, 9, 158, 110, 14
+ PUSHBUTTON "&Przywróć domyślne", 5400, 9, 158, 110, 14
LTEXT "Brak", 8497, 125, 46, 24, 10
LTEXT "Pełne", 8498, 217, 46, 19, 9
LTEXT "Słaba", 8499, 125, 103, 24, 10
LTEXT "Najlepsza", 8500, 217, 103, 19, 9
- LTEXT "Ustawienia sprzętowe urządzenia nagrywania", 5399, 13, 125, 222, 21
- LTEXT "Ustawienia sprzętowe urządzenia odtwarzania", 5398, 13, 68, 218, 24
+ LTEXT "Ten ciąg opisuje ustawienie sprzętu dla urządzenia
przechwytującego", 5399, 13, 125, 222, 21
+ LTEXT "Ten ciąg opisuje ustawienie sprzętu dla urządzenia renderującego",
5398, 13, 68, 218, 24
IDD_SETUP1 DIALOGEX 0, 0, 227, 206
@@ -181,10 +181,10 @@ BEGIN
GROUPBOX "Usługa ReactOS Audio", 10243, 7, 5, 213, 192
ICON 4393, 10241, 26, 26, 20, 20
LTEXT "Ten komputer nie może odtwarzać dźwięku, ponieważ usługa ReactOS Audio
nie została włączona.", 10245, 60, 25, 150, 40
- AUTOCHECKBOX "&Włącz ReactOS Audio", 10253, 60, 68, 150, 9
+ AUTOCHECKBOX "&Włącz usługę ReactOS Audio", 10253, 60, 68, 150, 9
LTEXT "Uwagi", 10246, 58, 87, 150, 11
LTEXT "1. Musisz mieć uprawnienia administratora, by włączyć tę usługę. Jeśli
nie masz uprawnień, konieczne będzie przelogowanie się na konto administratora.",
10247, 60, 100, 150, 40
- LTEXT "2. Po włączeniu usługi ReactOS Audio konieczne będzie zrestartowanie
komputera.", 10248, 60, 140, 150, 40
+ LTEXT "2. Po włączeniu usługi ReactOS Audio konieczne będzie ponowne
uruchomienie komputera.", 10248, 60, 140, 150, 40
@@ -236,9 +236,9 @@ FONT 8, "MS Shell Dlg"
GROUPBOX "Usługa ReactOS Audio", 10259, 7, 5, 213, 192
ICON 4394, 10257, 25, 25, 20, 20
- LTEXT "Usługa ReactOS Audio została pomyślnie włączona. Jednakże dźwięk może nie
być poprawnie odtwarzany, dopóki nie zrestartujesz systemu. Przed restartem upewnij się,
czy wszystkie twoje dokumenty zostały zapisane.", 10261, 60, 25, 150, 50
- LTEXT "Aby zrestartować ReactOS, naciśnij OK.", 10262, 60, 75, 150, 20
- LTEXT "Jeśli wciśniesz Anuluj, konieczny będzie pózniejszy restart systemu aby
usługa ReactOS Audio zadziałała prawidłowo.", 10263, 60, 100, 150, 40
+ LTEXT "Usługa ReactOS Audio została pomyślnie włączona. Jednak audio może nie
działać poprawnie, dopóki system ReactOS nie zostanie uruchomiony ponownie. Jeśli chcesz
teraz uruchomić system ReactOS, zapisz swoją pracę i zamknij wszystkie programy.",
10261, 60, 25, 150, 50
+ LTEXT "Aby ponownie uruchomić system ReactOS, naciśnij OK.", 10262, 60, 75,
150, 20
+ LTEXT "Jeśli klikniesz Anuluj, musisz pózniej uruchomić ponownie system ReactOS,
aby usługa ReactOS Audio działała prawidłowo.", 10263, 60, 100, 150, 40
@@ -247,13 +247,13 @@ BEGIN
IDS_CPLDESCRIPTION "Zmień schemat dźwiękowy dla tego komputera lub skonfiguruj
ustawienia głośników i urządzeń nagrywających."
IDS_NO_DEVICES "Brak urządzeń"
- IDS_SPEAKER_VOLUME "Speaker Volume"
+ IDS_SPEAKER_VOLUME "Siła głosu głośników"
+ IDS_SPEAKER_BACK_LEFT "Lewy $tylny:"
+ IDS_SPEAKER_BACK_RIGHT "Prawy t&ylny:"
+ IDS_SPEAKER_LOW_FREQUENCY "&Niska częstotliwość:"
5825 "Błąd programu"
5826 "Zamknij program"
5827 "Krytyczny stan baterii"
@@ -275,14 +275,14 @@ BEGIN
5843 "Gwiazdka"
5844 "Dźwięk domyślny"
5845 "Wykrzyknik"
- 5846 "Zamknięcie ReactOS"
+ 5846 "Zamknięcie systemu ReactOS"
5847 "Błąd krytyczny"
5848 "Powiadomienie systemowe"
5849 "Znak zapytania"
- 5850 "Uruchomienie ReactOS"
+ 5850 "Uruchomienie systemu ReactOS"
5851 "Menu Start"
- IDS_REACTOS_LOGOFF "Wylogowanie z ReactOS"
- IDS_REACTOS_LOGON "Logowanie do ReactOS"
+ IDS_REACTOS_LOGOFF "Wylogowanie z systemu ReactOS"
+ IDS_REACTOS_LOGON "Logowanie do systemu ReactOS"
5854 "Eksplorator ReactOS"
IDS_BROWSE_FOR_SOUND "Wyszukaj nowe dźwięki"
IDS_WAVE_FILES_FILTER "Pliki Wav (*.wav)|*.wav|"
diff --git a/dll/cpl/sysdm/lang/pl-PL.rc b/dll/cpl/sysdm/lang/pl-PL.rc
index 8242fa9ec4..f4cdac25ad 100644
--- a/dll/cpl/sysdm/lang/pl-PL.rc
+++ b/dll/cpl/sysdm/lang/pl-PL.rc
@@ -176,29 +176,29 @@ END
-CAPTION "Change Profile Type"
+CAPTION "Zmienianie typu profilu"
FONT 8, "MS Shell Dlg"
49, 145, 10
145, 10
49, 145, 10
145, 10
DEFPUSHBUTTON "OK", IDOK, 60, 82, 50, 14
- PUSHBUTTON "Cancel", IDCANCEL, 122, 82, 50, 14
+ PUSHBUTTON "Anuluj", IDCANCEL, 122, 82, 50, 14
-CAPTION "Copy To"
+CAPTION "Kopiowanie do"
FONT 8, "MS Shell Dlg"
- GROUPBOX "Copy &profile to", -1, 8, 9, 185, 52
+ GROUPBOX "&Kopiowanie profilu do", -1, 8, 9, 185, 52
- GROUPBOX "Permitted to use", -1, 8, 77, 185, 48
+ PUSHBUTTON "&Przeglądaj", IDC_USERPROFILE_COPY_BROWSE, 15, 41, 50, 14
+ GROUPBOX "Pozwolenie na używanie", -1, 8, 77, 185, 48
DEFPUSHBUTTON "OK", IDOK, 204, 13, 50, 14
- PUSHBUTTON "Cancel", IDCANCEL, 204, 30, 50, 14
+ PUSHBUTTON "Anuluj", IDCANCEL, 204, 30, 50, 14
@@ -312,7 +312,7 @@ END
- IDS_CPLSYSTEMDESCRIPTION "Wyświetl informacje o swoim systemie komputerowym,
zmień ustawienia dotyczące sprzętu i wydajności"
+ IDS_CPLSYSTEMDESCRIPTION "Wyświetl informacje o Twoim systemie komputerowym,
zmień ustawienia dotyczące sprzętu i wydajności"
@@ -330,24 +330,24 @@ BEGIN
- IDS_USERPROFILE_CONFIRM_DELETE "Are you sure you want to delete %s's
- IDS_USERPROFILE_TYPE_TEXT "When %s logs onto this computer, should the operating
system use the roaming profile or just the locally cached copy of the roaming
+ IDS_USERPROFILE_CONFIRM_DELETE "Czy na pewno chcesz usunąć profil użytkownika
+ IDS_USERPROFILE_TYPE_TEXT "Czy po zalogowaniu się użytkownika %s na tym
komputerze, system operacyjny powinien użyć profilu mobilnego, czy zapisanej lokalnie
kopii profilu mobilnego?"
IDS_WARNINITIALSIZE "Wprowadź wielkość dla początkowego rozmiaru pliku
IDS_WARNMAXIMUMSIZE "Wprowadź wielkość dla maksymalnego rozmiaru pliku
- IDS_WARNINITIALRANGE "Początkowy rozmiar pliku stronicowania nie może być
mniejszy niż 16MB i nie może przekraczać dostępnej ilości miejsca w wybranym
+ IDS_WARNINITIALRANGE "Początkowy rozmiar pliku stronicowania nie może być
mniejszy niż 16 MB i nie może przekraczać dostępnej ilości miejsca w wybranym
IDS_WARNMAXIMUMRANGE "Maksymalny rozmiar pliku stronicowania nie może być
mniejszy niż jego rozmiar początkowy i nie może przekraczać dostępnej ilości miejsca w
wybranym napędzie."
IDS_PAGEFILE_SYSTEM "Kontrolowany przez system"
IDS_INFOREBOOT "Musisz ponownie uruchomić komputer, aby zastosować
- IDS_DEVS "\nEkipa ReactOS\n\nKoordynator Projektu\n\nAleksey Bragin\n\nEkipa
Programistów\n\nAleksandar Andrejevic\nAleksey Bragin\nAlexander Shaposhnikov\nAmine
Khaldi\nAndrew Greenwood\nAndrey Korotaev\nArt Yerkes\nBenedikt Freisen\nCameron
Gutman\nChristoph von Wittich\nColin Finck\nDaniel Reimer\nDavid Quintana\nDmitry
Chapyshev\nEric Kohl\nGed Murphy\nGiannis Adamopoulos\nGregor Brunmar\nHermès
Bélusca-Maïto\nHervé Poussineau\nJames Tabor\nJeffrey Morlan\nJérôme Gardou\nJohannes
+ IDS_DEVS "\nZespół ReactOS\n\nKoordynator Projektu\n\nAleksey Bragin\n\nZespół
Programistów\n\nAleksandar Andrejevic\nAleksey Bragin\nAlexander Shaposhnikov\nAmine
Khaldi\nAndrew Greenwood\nAndrey Korotaev\nArt Yerkes\nBenedikt Freisen\nCameron
Gutman\nChristoph von Wittich\nColin Finck\nDaniel Reimer\nDavid Quintana\nDmitry
Chapyshev\nEric Kohl\nGed Murphy\nGiannis Adamopoulos\nGregor Brunmar\nHermès
Bélusca-Maïto\nHervé Poussineau\nJames Tabor\nJeffrey Morlan\nJérôme Gardou\nJohann [...]
IDS_HWPROFILE_CONFIRM_DELETE_TITLE "Potwierdź usunięcie profilu"
IDS_HWPROFILE_CONFIRM_DELETE "Czy napewno chcesz usunąć profil sprzętu
IDS_HWPROFILE_ALREADY_IN_USE "Nazwa profilu jest już w użyciu."
diff --git a/dll/shellext/acppage/lang/pl-PL.rc b/dll/shellext/acppage/lang/pl-PL.rc
index d8de978e44..4583393ce7 100644
--- a/dll/shellext/acppage/lang/pl-PL.rc
+++ b/dll/shellext/acppage/lang/pl-PL.rc
@@ -32,8 +32,8 @@ BEGIN
PUSHBUTTON "&OK",IDOK,174,114,60,14
PUSHBUTTON "&Anuluj",IDCANCEL,240,114,60,14
- LTEXT "Available modes",-1,6,6,52,8
- LTEXT "Selected modes",-1,168,6,51,8
+ LTEXT "Dostępne tryby",-1,6,6,52,8
+ LTEXT "Wybrane tryby",-1,168,6,51,8
diff --git a/dll/shellext/cryptext/cryptext.rc b/dll/shellext/cryptext/cryptext.rc
index 5bd241cdaf..078b26cd80 100644
--- a/dll/shellext/cryptext/cryptext.rc
+++ b/dll/shellext/cryptext/cryptext.rc
@@ -29,6 +29,9 @@
#include "lang/it-IT.rc"
+ #include "lang/pl-PL.rc"
#include "lang/ro-RO.rc"
diff --git a/dll/shellext/cryptext/lang/pl-PL.rc b/dll/shellext/cryptext/lang/pl-PL.rc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..082354f7de
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dll/shellext/cryptext/lang/pl-PL.rc
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+ * PROJECT: ReactOS CryptExt Shell Extension
+ * LICENSE: GPL-2.0+ (
+ * PURPOSE: Polish resource translation
+ */
+ IDS_INVALIDFILE "To nie jest prawidłowy plik certyfikatu."
+ IDS_CER_FILE "Plik certyfikatu"
diff --git a/dll/shellext/zipfldr/lang/pl-PL.rc b/dll/shellext/zipfldr/lang/pl-PL.rc
index 098e11d1d3..c4130cb6db 100644
--- a/dll/shellext/zipfldr/lang/pl-PL.rc
+++ b/dll/shellext/zipfldr/lang/pl-PL.rc
@@ -45,15 +45,15 @@ END
-CAPTION "Password needed"
+CAPTION "Wymagane hasło"
FONT 8, "MS Shell Dlg", 400, 0, 0x1
- PUSHBUTTON "Skip File",IDSKIP,186,24,50,14
- PUSHBUTTON "Cancel",IDCANCEL,186,42,50,14
+ PUSHBUTTON "Pomiń plik",IDSKIP,186,24,50,14
+ PUSHBUTTON "Anuluj",IDCANCEL,186,42,50,14
LTEXT "Static",IDC_MESSAGE,24,6,156,30
- LTEXT "Password:",IDC_STATIC,24,44,44,8
+ LTEXT "Hasło:",IDC_STATIC,24,44,44,8
@@ -76,8 +76,8 @@ BEGIN
IDS_WIZ_BROWSE_TITLE "Wybierz miejsce, w którym chcesz wyodrębnić wybrane
IDS_OVERWRITEFILE_TEXT "Ten folder zawiera już plik o nazwie '%1'.\nCzy
chcesz zamienić istniejący plik?"
- IDS_PASSWORD_FILE_TEXT "The file '%1' is password protected. Please
enter the password."
- IDS_PASSWORD_ZIP_TEXT "Please specify the password to use when extracting this
zip file."
+ IDS_PASSWORD_FILE_TEXT "Plik '%1' jest chroniony hasłem. Wprowadź hasło
w polu poniżej"
+ IDS_PASSWORD_ZIP_TEXT "Wprowadź hasło do użycia podczas wyodrębniania zawartości
tego pliku zip."
IDS_MENUITEM "Wy&odrębnij wszystkie..."
IDS_HELPTEXT "Wyodrębnia zawartość folderów"
diff --git a/dll/win32/browseui/lang/pl-PL.rc b/dll/win32/browseui/lang/pl-PL.rc
index 296ce91352..7f904c4095 100644
--- a/dll/win32/browseui/lang/pl-PL.rc
+++ b/dll/win32/browseui/lang/pl-PL.rc
@@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ BEGIN
@@ -80,7 +80,7 @@ BEGIN
+ MENUITEM "&ReactOS - informacje", IDM_HELP_ABOUT
@@ -294,7 +294,7 @@ STRINGTABLE
IDS_BACK "Powrót do %s"
IDS_FORWARD "Naprzód do %s"
- IDS_FOLDER_OPTIONS "Folder Options"
+ IDS_FOLDER_OPTIONS "Opcje folderów"
diff --git a/dll/win32/cryptui/lang/cryptui_Pl.rc b/dll/win32/cryptui/lang/cryptui_Pl.rc
index 58c2bdb179..fbe43b3784 100644
--- a/dll/win32/cryptui/lang/cryptui_Pl.rc
+++ b/dll/win32/cryptui/lang/cryptui_Pl.rc
@@ -171,11 +171,11 @@ STRINGTABLE
IDS_EXPORT_PRIVATE_KEY_UNAVAILABLE "Uwaga: Nie można otworzyć klucza prywatnego
dla tego certyfikatu."
IDS_EXPORT_PRIVATE_KEY_NON_EXPORTABLE "Uwaga: Klucz prywatny dla tego
certyfikatu jest oznaczony jako nie do eksportu."
- IDS_SELECT_CERT_TITLE "Select Certificate"
- IDS_SELECT_CERT "Select a certificate"
- IDS_NO_IMPL "Not yet implemented"
+ IDS_SELECT_CERT_TITLE "Wybierz certyfikat"
+ IDS_SELECT_CERT "Wybierz certyfikat, którego chcesz użyć"
+ IDS_NO_IMPL "Jeszcze nie zaimplementowane"
@@ -464,13 +464,13 @@ BEGIN
-CAPTION "Select Certificate"
+CAPTION "Wybierz certyfikat"
FONT 8, "MS Shell Dlg"
- LTEXT "Select a certificate you want to use", IDC_SELECT_DISPLAY_STRING,
+ LTEXT "Wybierz certyfikat, którego chcesz użyć", IDC_SELECT_DISPLAY_STRING,
- PUSHBUTTON "Cancel", IDCANCEL, 149,136,51,14
- PUSHBUTTON "&View Certificate", IDC_SELECT_VIEW_CERT, 207,136,65,14,
+ PUSHBUTTON "Anuluj", IDCANCEL, 149,136,51,14
+ PUSHBUTTON "&Wyświetl certyfikat", IDC_SELECT_VIEW_CERT, 207,136,65,14,
diff --git a/dll/win32/getuname/getuname.rc b/dll/win32/getuname/getuname.rc
index f54bc0d9eb..2448fc16a6 100644
--- a/dll/win32/getuname/getuname.rc
+++ b/dll/win32/getuname/getuname.rc
@@ -18,6 +18,9 @@
#include "lang/fr-FR.rc"
+ #include "lang/pl-PL.rc"
#include "lang/ro-RO.rc"
diff --git a/dll/win32/getuname/lang/pl-PL.rc b/dll/win32/getuname/lang/pl-PL.rc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..356d71028b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dll/win32/getuname/lang/pl-PL.rc
@@ -0,0 +1,37976 @@
+ * PROJECT: Unicode name dll
+ * FILE: dll/win32/getuname/lang/pl-PL.rc
+ * PURPOSE: pl-PL resource file
+ */
+ 0 "Pusty"
+ 1 "Początek nagłówka"
+ 2 "Początek tekstu"
+ 3 "Koniec tekstu"
+ 4 "Koniec transmisji"
+ 5 "Zapytanie"
+ 6 "Potwierdzenie"
+ 7 "Dzwonek"
+ 8 "Backspace"
+ 9 "Tabulacja znaku"
+ 10 "Znak nowego wiersza (N1)"
+ 11 "Tabulacja w wierszu"
+ 12 "Wysuw strony"
+ 13 "Powrót karetki"
+ 14 "Shift zwolniony"
+ 15 "Shift wciśnięty"
+ 16 "Escape linku danych"
+ 17 "Sterownik urządzenia jeden"
+ 18 "Sterownik urządzenia dwa"
+ 19 "Sterownik urządzenia trzy"
+ 20 "Sterownik urządzenia cztery"
+ 21 "Potwierdzenie negatywne"
+ 22 "Synchroniczny bezczynny"
+ 23 "Koniec bloku transmisji"
+ 24 "Anuluj"
+ 25 "Koniec nośnika"
+ 26 "Podstawianie"
+ 27 "Escape"
+ 28 "Separator plików"
+ 29 "Separator grup"
+ 30 "Separator rekordów"
+ 31 "Separator jednostki"
+ 32 "Spacja"
+ 33 "Wykrzyknik"
+ 34 "Cudzysłów"
+ 35 "Znak numeru"
+ 36 "Znak dolara"
+ 37 "Znak procentu"
+ 38 "Handlowe „i”"
+ 39 "Apostrof"
+ 40 "Lewy nawias okrągły"
+ 41 "Prawy nawias okrągły"
+ 42 "Gwiazdka"
+ 43 "Plus"
+ 44 "Przecinek"
+ 45 "Łącznik. Minus"
+ 46 "Kropka"
+ 47 "Kreska ułamkowa"
+ 48 "Cyfra zero"
+ 49 "Cyfra jeden"
+ 50 "Cyfra dwa"
+ 51 "Cyfra trzy"
+ 52 "Cyfra cztery"
+ 53 "Cyfra pięć"
+ 54 "Cyfra sześć"
+ 55 "Cyfra siedem"
+ 56 "Cyfra osiem"
+ 57 "Cyfra dziewięć"
+ 58 "Dwukropek"
+ 59 "Średnik"
+ 60 "Mniejszy od"
+ 61 "Znak równości"
+ 62 "Większy od"
+ 63 "Znak zapytania"
+ 64 "Handlowe „przy”"
+ 65 "Wielka litera A"
+ 66 "Wielka litera B"
+ 67 "Wielka litera C"
+ 68 "Wielka litera D"
+ 69 "Wielka litera E"
+ 70 "Wielka litera F"
+ 71 "Wielka litera G"
+ 72 "Wielka litera H"
+ 73 "Wielka litera I"
+ 74 "Wielka litera J"
+ 75 "Wielka litera K"
+ 76 "Wielka litera L"
+ 77 "Wielka litera M"
+ 78 "Wielka litera N"
+ 79 "Wielka litera O"
+ 80 "Wielka litera P"
+ 81 "Wielka litera Q"
+ 82 "Wielka litera R"
+ 83 "Wielka litera S"
+ 84 "Wielka litera T"
+ 85 "Wielka litera U"
+ 86 "Wielka litera V"
+ 87 "Wielka litera W"
+ 88 "Wielka litera X"
+ 89 "Wielka litera Y"
+ 90 "Wielka litera Z"
+ 91 "Lewy nawias kwadratowy"
+ 92 "Kreska ułamkowa odwrócona"
+ 93 "Prawy nawias kwadratowy"
+ 94 "Znak akcentu cyrkumfleksowego"
+ 95 "Podkreślenie"
+ 96 "Akcent słaby"
+ 97 "Mała litera A"
+ 98 "Mała litera B"
+ 99 "Mała litera C"
+ 100 "Mała litera D"
+ 101 "Mała litera E"
+ 102 "Mała litera F"
+ 103 "Mała litera G"
+ 104 "Mała litera H"
+ 105 "Mała litera I"
+ 106 "Mała litera J"
+ 107 "Mała litera K"
+ 108 "Mała litera L"
+ 109 "Mała litera M"
+ 110 "Mała litera N"
+ 111 "Mała litera O"
+ 112 "Mała litera P"
+ 113 "Mała litera Q"
+ 114 "Mała litera R"
+ 115 "Mała litera S"
+ 116 "Mała litera T"
+ 117 "Mała litera U"
+ 118 "Mała litera V"
+ 119 "Mała litera W"
+ 120 "Mała litera X"
+ 121 "Mała litera Y"
+ 122 "Mała litera Z"
+ 123 "Lewy nawias klamrowy"
+ 124 "Kreska pionowa"
+ 125 "Prawy nawias klamrowy"
+ 126 "Tylda"
+ 127 "Usuń"
+ 128 "<Control>"
+ 129 "<Control>"
+ 130 "Break Permitted Here"
+ 131 "No Break Here"
+ 132 "<Control>"
+ 133 "Next Line (Nel)"
+ 134 "Start of Selected Area"
+ 135 "End of Selected Area"
+ 136 "Character Tabulation Set"
+ 137 "Character Tabulation with Justification"
+ 138 "Line Tabulation Set"
+ 139 "Partial Line Forward"
+ 140 "Partial Line Backward"
+ 141 "Reverse Line Feed"
+ 142 "Single Shift Two"
+ 143 "Single Shift Three"
+ 144 "Device Control String"
+ 145 "Private Use One"
+ 146 "Private Use Two"
+ 147 "Set Transmit State"
+ 148 "Cancel Character"
+ 149 "Message Waiting"
+ 150 "Start of Guarded Area"
+ 151 "End of Guarded Area"
+ 152 "Start of String"
+ 153 "<Control>"
+ 154 "Single Character Introducer"
+ 155 "Control Sequence Introducer"
+ 156 "String Terminator"
+ 157 "Operating System Command"
+ 158 "Privacy Message"
+ 159 "Application Program Command"
+ 160 "No-Break Space"
+ 161 "Inverted Exclamation Mark"
+ 162 "Cent Sign"
+ 163 "Pound Sign"
+ 164 "Currency Sign"
+ 165 "Yen Sign"
+ 166 "Broken Bar"
+ 167 "Section Sign"
+ 168 "Diaeresis"
+ 169 "Copyright Sign"
+ 170 "Feminine Ordinal Indicator"
+ 171 "Left-Pointing Double Angle Quotation Mark"
+ 172 "Not Sign"
+ 173 "Soft Hyphen"
+ 174 "Registered Sign"
+ 175 "Macron"
+ 176 "Degree Sign"
+ 177 "Plus-Minus Sign"
+ 178 "Superscript Two"
+ 179 "Superscript Three"
+ 180 "Acute Accent"
+ 181 "Micro Sign"
+ 182 "Pilcrow Sign"
+ 183 "Middle Dot"
+ 184 "Cedilla"
+ 185 "Superscript One"
+ 186 "Masculine Ordinal Indicator"
+ 187 "Right-Pointing Double Angle Quotation Mark"
+ 188 "Vulgar Fraction One Quarter"
+ 189 "Vulgar Fraction One Half"
+ 190 "Vulgar Fraction Three Quarters"
+ 191 "Inverted Question Mark"
+ 192 "Latin Capital Letter A with Grave"
+ 193 "Latin Capital Letter A with Acute"
+ 194 "Latin Capital Letter A with Circumflex"
+ 195 "Latin Capital Letter A with Tilde"
+ 196 "Latin Capital Letter A with Diaeresis"
+ 197 "Latin Capital Letter A with Ring Above"
+ 198 "Latin Capital Letter Ae"
+ 199 "Latin Capital Letter C with Cedilla"
+ 200 "Latin Capital Letter E with Grave"
+ 201 "Latin Capital Letter E with Acute"
+ 202 "Latin Capital Letter E with Circumflex"
+ 203 "Latin Capital Letter E with Diaeresis"
+ 204 "Latin Capital Letter I with Grave"
+ 205 "Latin Capital Letter I with Acute"
+ 206 "Latin Capital Letter I with Circumflex"
+ 207 "Latin Capital Letter I with Diaeresis"
+ 208 "Latin Capital Letter Eth"
+ 209 "Latin Capital Letter N with Tilde"
+ 210 "Latin Capital Letter O with Grave"
+ 211 "Latin Capital Letter O with Acute"
+ 212 "Latin Capital Letter O with Circumflex"
+ 213 "Latin Capital Letter O with Tilde"
+ 214 "Latin Capital Letter O with Diaeresis"
+ 215 "Multiplication Sign"
+ 216 "Latin Capital Letter O with Stroke"
+ 217 "Latin Capital Letter U with Grave"
+ 218 "Latin Capital Letter U with Acute"
+ 219 "Latin Capital Letter U with Circumflex"
+ 220 "Latin Capital Letter U with Diaeresis"
+ 221 "Latin Capital Letter Y with Acute"
+ 222 "Latin Capital Letter Thorn"
+ 223 "Latin Small Letter Sharp S"
+ 224 "Latin Small Letter A with Grave"
+ 225 "Latin Small Letter A with Acute"
+ 226 "Latin Small Letter A with Circumflex"
+ 227 "Latin Small Letter A with Tilde"
+ 228 "Latin Small Letter A with Diaeresis"
+ 229 "Latin Small Letter A with Ring Above"
+ 230 "Latin Small Letter Ae"
+ 231 "Latin Small Letter C with Cedilla"
+ 232 "Latin Small Letter E with Grave"
+ 233 "Latin Small Letter E with Acute"
+ 234 "Latin Small Letter E with Circumflex"
+ 235 "Latin Small Letter E with Diaeresis"
+ 236 "Latin Small Letter I with Grave"
+ 237 "Latin Small Letter I with Acute"
+ 238 "Latin Small Letter I with Circumflex"
+ 239 "Latin Small Letter I with Diaeresis"
+ 240 "Latin Small Letter Eth"
+ 241 "Latin Small Letter N with Tilde"
+ 242 "Latin Small Letter O with Grave"
+ 243 "Latin Small Letter O with Acute"
+ 244 "Latin Small Letter O with Circumflex"
+ 245 "Latin Small Letter O with Tilde"
+ 246 "Latin Small Letter O with Diaeresis"
+ 247 "Division Sign"
+ 248 "Latin Small Letter O with Stroke"
+ 249 "Latin Small Letter U with Grave"
+ 250 "Latin Small Letter U with Acute"
+ 251 "Latin Small Letter U with Circumflex"
+ 252 "Latin Small Letter U with Diaeresis"
+ 253 "Latin Small Letter Y with Acute"
+ 254 "Latin Small Letter Thorn"
+ 255 "Latin Small Letter Y with Diaeresis"
+ 256 "Latin Capital Letter A with Macron"
+ 257 "Latin Small Letter A with Macron"
+ 258 "Latin Capital Letter A with Breve"
+ 259 "Latin Small Letter A with Breve"
+ 260 "Latin Capital Letter A with Ogonek"
+ 261 "Latin Small Letter A with Ogonek"
+ 262 "Latin Capital Letter C with Acute"
+ 263 "Latin Small Letter C with Acute"
+ 264 "Latin Capital Letter C with Circumflex"
+ 265 "Latin Small Letter C with Circumflex"
+ 266 "Latin Capital Letter C with Dot Above"
+ 267 "Latin Small Letter C with Dot Above"
+ 268 "Latin Capital Letter C with Caron"
+ 269 "Latin Small Letter C with Caron"
+ 270 "Latin Capital Letter D with Caron"
+ 271 "Latin Small Letter D with Caron"
+ 272 "Latin Capital Letter D with Stroke"
+ 273 "Latin Small Letter D with Stroke"
+ 274 "Latin Capital Letter E with Macron"
+ 275 "Latin Small Letter E with Macron"
+ 276 "Latin Capital Letter E with Breve"
+ 277 "Latin Small Letter E with Breve"
+ 278 "Latin Capital Letter E with Dot Above"
+ 279 "Latin Small Letter E with Dot Above"
+ 280 "Latin Capital Letter E with Ogonek"
+ 281 "Latin Small Letter E with Ogonek"
+ 282 "Latin Capital Letter E with Caron"
+ 283 "Latin Small Letter E with Caron"
+ 284 "Latin Capital Letter G with Circumflex"
+ 285 "Latin Small Letter G with Circumflex"
+ 286 "Latin Capital Letter G with Breve"
+ 287 "Latin Small Letter G with Breve"
+ 288 "Latin Capital Letter G with Dot Above"
+ 289 "Latin Small Letter G with Dot Above"
+ 290 "Latin Capital Letter G with Cedilla"
+ 291 "Latin Small Letter G with Cedilla"
+ 292 "Latin Capital Letter H with Circumflex"
+ 293 "Latin Small Letter H with Circumflex"
+ 294 "Latin Capital Letter H with Stroke"
+ 295 "Latin Small Letter H with Stroke"
+ 296 "Latin Capital Letter I with Tilde"
+ 297 "Latin Small Letter I with Tilde"
+ 298 "Latin Capital Letter I with Macron"
+ 299 "Latin Small Letter I with Macron"
+ 300 "Latin Capital Letter I with Breve"
+ 301 "Latin Small Letter I with Breve"
+ 302 "Latin Capital Letter I with Ogonek"
+ 303 "Latin Small Letter I with Ogonek"
+ 304 "Latin Capital Letter I with Dot Above"
+ 305 "Latin Small Letter Dotless I"
+ 306 "Latin Capital Ligature Ij"
+ 307 "Latin Small Ligature Ij"
+ 308 "Latin Capital Letter J with Circumflex"
+ 309 "Latin Small Letter J with Circumflex"
+ 310 "Latin Capital Letter K with Cedilla"
+ 311 "Latin Small Letter K with Cedilla"
+ 312 "Latin Small Letter Kra"
+ 313 "Latin Capital Letter L with Acute"
+ 314 "Latin Small Letter L with Acute"
+ 315 "Latin Capital Letter L with Cedilla"
+ 316 "Latin Small Letter L with Cedilla"
+ 317 "Latin Capital Letter L with Caron"
+ 318 "Latin Small Letter L with Caron"
+ 319 "Latin Capital Letter L with Middle Dot"
+ 320 "Latin Small Letter L with Middle Dot"
+ 321 "Latin Capital Letter L with Stroke"
+ 322 "Latin Small Letter L with Stroke"
+ 323 "Latin Capital Letter N with Acute"
+ 324 "Latin Small Letter N with Acute"
+ 325 "Latin Capital Letter N with Cedilla"
+ 326 "Latin Small Letter N with Cedilla"
+ 327 "Latin Capital Letter N with Caron"
+ 328 "Latin Small Letter N with Caron"
+ 329 "Latin Small Letter N Preceded By Apostrophe"
+ 330 "Latin Capital Letter Eng"
+ 331 "Latin Small Letter Eng"
+ 332 "Latin Capital Letter O with Macron"
+ 333 "Latin Small Letter O with Macron"
+ 334 "Latin Capital Letter O with Breve"
+ 335 "Latin Small Letter O with Breve"
+ 336 "Latin Capital Letter O with Double Acute"
+ 337 "Latin Small Letter O with Double Acute"
+ 338 "Latin Capital Ligature Oe"
+ 339 "Latin Small Ligature Oe"
+ 340 "Latin Capital Letter R with Acute"
+ 341 "Latin Small Letter R with Acute"
+ 342 "Latin Capital Letter R with Cedilla"
+ 343 "Latin Small Letter R with Cedilla"
+ 344 "Latin Capital Letter R with Caron"
+ 345 "Latin Small Letter R with Caron"
+ 346 "Latin Capital Letter S with Acute"
+ 347 "Latin Small Letter S with Acute"
+ 348 "Latin Capital Letter S with Circumflex"
+ 349 "Latin Small Letter S with Circumflex"
+ 350 "Latin Capital Letter S with Cedilla"
+ 351 "Latin Small Letter S with Cedilla"
+ 352 "Latin Capital Letter S with Caron"
+ 353 "Latin Small Letter S with Caron"
+ 354 "Latin Capital Letter T with Cedilla"
+ 355 "Latin Small Letter T with Cedilla"
+ 356 "Latin Capital Letter T with Caron"
+ 357 "Latin Small Letter T with Caron"
+ 358 "Latin Capital Letter T with Stroke"
+ 359 "Latin Small Letter T with Stroke"
+ 360 "Latin Capital Letter U with Tilde"
+ 361 "Latin Small Letter U with Tilde"
+ 362 "Latin Capital Letter U with Macron"
+ 363 "Latin Small Letter U with Macron"
+ 364 "Latin Capital Letter U with Breve"
+ 365 "Latin Small Letter U with Breve"
+ 366 "Latin Capital Letter U with Ring Above"
+ 367 "Latin Small Letter U with Ring Above"
+ 368 "Latin Capital Letter U with Double Acute"
+ 369 "Latin Small Letter U with Double Acute"
+ 370 "Latin Capital Letter U with Ogonek"
+ 371 "Latin Small Letter U with Ogonek"
+ 372 "Latin Capital Letter W with Circumflex"
+ 373 "Latin Small Letter W with Circumflex"
+ 374 "Latin Capital Letter Y with Circumflex"
+ 375 "Latin Small Letter Y with Circumflex"
+ 376 "Latin Capital Letter Y with Diaeresis"
+ 377 "Latin Capital Letter Z with Acute"
+ 378 "Latin Small Letter Z with Acute"
+ 379 "Latin Capital Letter Z with Dot Above"
+ 380 "Latin Small Letter Z with Dot Above"
+ 381 "Latin Capital Letter Z with Caron"
+ 382 "Latin Small Letter Z with Caron"
+ 383 "Latin Small Letter Long S"
+ 384 "Latin Small Letter B with Stroke"
+ 385 "Latin Capital Letter B with Hook"
+ 386 "Latin Capital Letter B with Topbar"
+ 387 "Latin Small Letter B with Topbar"
+ 388 "Latin Capital Letter Tone Six"
+ 389 "Latin Small Letter Tone Six"
+ 390 "Latin Capital Letter Open O"
+ 391 "Latin Capital Letter C with Hook"
+ 392 "Latin Small Letter C with Hook"
+ 393 "Latin Capital Letter African D"
+ 394 "Latin Capital Letter D with Hook"
+ 395 "Latin Capital Letter D with Topbar"
+ 396 "Latin Small Letter D with Topbar"
+ 397 "Latin Small Letter Turned Delta"
+ 398 "Latin Capital Letter Reversed E"
+ 399 "Latin Capital Letter Schwa"
+ 400 "Latin Capital Letter Open E"
+ 401 "Latin Capital Letter F with Hook"
+ 402 "Latin Small Letter F with Hook"
+ 403 "Latin Capital Letter G with Hook"
+ 404 "Latin Capital Letter Gamma"
+ 405 "Latin Small Letter Hv"
+ 406 "Latin Capital Letter Iota"
+ 407 "Latin Capital Letter I with Stroke"
+ 408 "Latin Capital Letter K with Hook"
+ 409 "Latin Small Letter K with Hook"
+ 410 "Latin Small Letter L with Bar"
+ 411 "Latin Small Letter Lambda with Stroke"
+ 412 "Latin Capital Letter Turned M"
+ 413 "Latin Capital Letter N with Left Hook"
+ 414 "Latin Small Letter N with Long Right Leg"
+ 415 "Latin Capital Letter O with Middle Tilde"
+ 416 "Latin Capital Letter O with Horn"
+ 417 "Latin Small Letter O with Horn"
+ 418 "Latin Capital Letter Oi"
+ 419 "Latin Small Letter Oi"
+ 420 "Latin Capital Letter P with Hook"
+ 421 "Latin Small Letter P with Hook"
+ 422 "Latin Letter Yr"
+ 423 "Latin Capital Letter Tone Two"
+ 424 "Latin Small Letter Tone Two"
+ 425 "Latin Capital Letter Esh"
+ 426 "Latin Letter Reversed Esh Loop"
+ 427 "Latin Small Letter T with Palatal Hook"
+ 428 "Latin Capital Letter T with Hook"
+ 429 "Latin Small Letter T with Hook"
+ 430 "Latin Capital Letter T with Retroflex Hook"
+ 431 "Latin Capital Letter U with Horn"
+ 432 "Latin Small Letter U with Horn"
+ 433 "Latin Capital Letter Upsilon"
+ 434 "Latin Capital Letter V with Hook"
+ 435 "Latin Capital Letter Y with Hook"
+ 436 "Latin Small Letter Y with Hook"
+ 437 "Latin Capital Letter Z with Stroke"
+ 438 "Latin Small Letter Z with Stroke"
+ 439 "Latin Capital Letter Ezh"
+ 440 "Latin Capital Letter Ezh Reversed"
+ 441 "Latin Small Letter Ezh Reversed"
+ 442 "Latin Small Letter Ezh with Tail"
+ 443 "Latin Letter Two with Stroke"
+ 444 "Latin Capital Letter Tone Five"
+ 445 "Latin Small Letter Tone Five"
+ 446 "Latin Letter Inverted Glottal Stop with Stroke"
+ 447 "Latin Letter Wynn"
+ 448 "Latin Letter Dental Click"
+ 449 "Latin Letter Lateral Click"
+ 450 "Latin Letter Alveolar Click"
+ 451 "Latin Letter Retroflex Click"
+ 452 "Latin Capital Letter Dz with Caron"
+ 453 "Latin Capital Letter D with Small Letter Z with Caron"
+ 454 "Latin Small Letter Dz with Caron"
+ 455 "Latin Capital Letter Lj"
+ 456 "Latin Capital Letter L with Small Letter J"
+ 457 "Latin Small Letter Lj"
+ 458 "Latin Capital Letter Nj"
+ 459 "Latin Capital Letter N with Small Letter J"
+ 460 "Latin Small Letter Nj"
+ 461 "Latin Capital Letter A with Caron"
+ 462 "Latin Small Letter A with Caron"
+ 463 "Latin Capital Letter I with Caron"
+ 464 "Latin Small Letter I with Caron"
+ 465 "Latin Capital Letter O with Caron"
+ 466 "Latin Small Letter O with Caron"
+ 467 "Latin Capital Letter U with Caron"
+ 468 "Latin Small Letter U with Caron"
+ 469 "Latin Capital Letter U with Diaeresis and Macron"
+ 470 "Latin Small Letter U with Diaeresis and Macron"
+ 471 "Latin Capital Letter U with Diaeresis and Acute"
+ 472 "Latin Small Letter U with Diaeresis and Acute"
+ 473 "Latin Capital Letter U with Diaeresis and Caron"
+ 474 "Latin Small Letter U with Diaeresis and Caron"
+ 475 "Latin Capital Letter U with Diaeresis and Grave"
+ 476 "Latin Small Letter U with Diaeresis and Grave"
+ 477 "Latin Small Letter Turned E"
+ 478 "Latin Capital Letter A with Diaeresis and Macron"
+ 479 "Latin Small Letter A with Diaeresis and Macron"
+ 480 "Latin Capital Letter A with Dot Above and Macron"
+ 481 "Latin Small Letter A with Dot Above and Macron"
+ 482 "Latin Capital Letter Ae with Macron"
+ 483 "Latin Small Letter Ae with Macron"
+ 484 "Latin Capital Letter G with Stroke"
+ 485 "Latin Small Letter G with Stroke"
+ 486 "Latin Capital Letter G with Caron"
+ 487 "Latin Small Letter G with Caron"
+ 488 "Latin Capital Letter K with Caron"
+ 489 "Latin Small Letter K with Caron"
+ 490 "Latin Capital Letter O with Ogonek"
+ 491 "Latin Small Letter O with Ogonek"
+ 492 "Latin Capital Letter O with Ogonek and Macron"
+ 493 "Latin Small Letter O with Ogonek and Macron"
+ 494 "Latin Capital Letter Ezh with Caron"
+ 495 "Latin Small Letter Ezh with Caron"
+ 496 "Latin Small Letter J with Caron"
+ 497 "Latin Capital Letter Dz"
+ 498 "Latin Capital Letter D with Small Letter Z"
+ 499 "Latin Small Letter Dz"
+ 500 "Latin Capital Letter G with Acute"
+ 501 "Latin Small Letter G with Acute"
+ 502 "Latin Capital Letter Hwair"
+ 503 "Latin Capital Letter Wynn"
+ 504 "Latin Capital Letter N with Grave"
+ 505 "Latin Small Letter N with Grave"
+ 506 "Latin Capital Letter A with Ring Above and Acute"
+ 507 "Latin Small Letter A with Ring Above and Acute"
+ 508 "Latin Capital Letter Ae with Acute"
+ 509 "Latin Small Letter Ae with Acute"
+ 510 "Latin Capital Letter O with Stroke and Acute"
+ 511 "Latin Small Letter O with Stroke and Acute"
+ 512 "Latin Capital Letter a with Double Grave"
+ 513 "Latin Small Letter A with Double Grave"
+ 514 "Latin Capital Letter a with Inverted Breve"
+ 515 "Latin Small Letter A with Inverted Breve"
+ 516 "Latin Capital Letter E with Double Grave"
+ 517 "Latin Small Letter E with Double Grave"
+ 518 "Latin Capital Letter E with Inverted Breve"
+ 519 "Latin Small Letter E with Inverted Breve"
+ 520 "Latin Capital Letter I with Double Grave"
+ 521 "Latin Small Letter I with Double Grave"
+ 522 "Latin Capital Letter I with Inverted Breve"
+ 523 "Latin Small Letter I with Inverted Breve"
+ 524 "Latin Capital Letter O with Double Grave"
+ 525 "Latin Small Letter O with Double Grave"
+ 526 "Latin Capital Letter O with Inverted Breve"
+ 527 "Latin Small Letter O with Inverted Breve"
+ 528 "Latin Capital Letter R with Double Grave"
+ 529 "Latin Small Letter R with Double Grave"
+ 530 "Latin Capital Letter R with Inverted Breve"
+ 531 "Latin Small Letter R with Inverted Breve"
+ 532 "Latin Capital Letter U with Double Grave"
+ 533 "Latin Small Letter U with Double Grave"
+ 534 "Latin Capital Letter U with Inverted Breve"
+ 535 "Latin Small Letter U with Inverted Breve"
+ 536 "Latin Capital Letter S with Comma Below"
+ 537 "Latin Small Letter S with Comma Below"
+ 538 "Latin Capital Letter T with Comma Below"
+ 539 "Latin Small Letter T with Comma Below"
+ 540 "Latin Capital Letter Yogh"
+ 541 "Latin Small Letter Yogh"
+ 542 "Latin Capital Letter H with Caron"
+ 543 "Latin Small Letter H with Caron"
+ 544 "Latin Capital Letter N with Long Right Leg"
+ 545 "Latin Small Letter D with Curl"
+ 546 "Latin Capital Letter Ou"
+ 547 "Latin Small Letter Ou"
+ 548 "Latin Capital Letter Z with Hook"
+ 549 "Latin Small Letter Z with Hook"
+ 550 "Latin Capital Letter A with Dot Above"
+ 551 "Latin Small Letter A with Dot Above"
+ 552 "Latin Capital Letter E with Cedilla"
+ 553 "Latin Small Letter E with Cedilla"
+ 554 "Latin Capital Letter O with Diaeresis and Macron"
+ 555 "Latin Small Letter O with Diaeresis and Macron"
+ 556 "Latin Capital Letter O with Tilde and Macron"
+ 557 "Latin Small Letter O with Tilde and Macron"
+ 558 "Latin Capital Letter O with Dot Above"
+ 559 "Latin Small Letter O with Dot Above"
+ 560 "Latin Capital Letter O with Dot Above and Macron"
+ 561 "Latin Small Letter O with Dot Above and Macron"
+ 562 "Latin Capital Letter Y with Macron"
+ 563 "Latin Small Letter Y with Macron"
+ 564 "Latin Small Letter L with Curl"
+ 565 "Latin Small Letter N with Curl"
+ 566 "Latin Small Letter T with Curl"
+ 567 "Latin Small Letter Dotless J"
+ 568 "Latin Small Letter Db Digraph"
+ 569 "Latin Small Letter Qp Digraph"
+ 570 "Latin Capital Letter a with Stroke"
+ 571 "Latin Capital Letter C with Stroke"
+ 572 "Latin Small Letter C with Stroke"
+ 573 "Latin Capital Letter L with Bar"
+ 574 "Latin Capital Letter T with Diagonal Stroke"
+ 575 "Latin Small Letter S with Swash Tail"
+ 576 "Latin Small Letter Z with Swash Tail"
+ 577 "Latin Capital Letter Glottal Stop"
+ 578 "Latin Small Letter Glottal Stop"
+ 579 "Latin Capital Letter B with Stroke (Bitcoin)"
+ 580 "Latin Capital Letter U Bar"
+ 581 "Latin Capital Letter Turned V"
+ 582 "Latin Capital Letter E with Stroke"
+ 583 "Latin Small Letter E with Stroke"
+ 584 "Latin Capital Letter J with Stroke"
+ 585 "Latin Small Letter J with Stroke"
+ 586 "Latin Capital Letter Small Q with Hook Tail"
+ 587 "Latin Small Letter Q with Hook Tail"
+ 588 "Latin Capital Letter R with Stroke"
+ 589 "Latin Small Letter R with Stroke"
+ 590 "Latin Capital Letter Y with Stroke"
+ 591 "Latin Small Letter Y with Stroke"
+ 592 "Latin Small Letter Turned A"
+ 593 "Latin Small Letter Alpha"
+ 594 "Latin Small Letter Turned Alpha"
+ 595 "Latin Small Letter B with Hook"
+ 596 "Latin Small Letter Open O"
+ 597 "Latin Small Letter C with Curl"
+ 598 "Latin Small Letter D with Tail"
+ 599 "Latin Small Letter D with Hook"
+ 600 "Latin Small Letter Reversed E"
+ 601 "Latin Small Letter Schwa"
+ 602 "Latin Small Letter Schwa with Hook"
+ 603 "Latin Small Letter Open E"
+ 604 "Latin Small Letter Reversed Open E"
+ 605 "Latin Small Letter Reversed Open E with Hook"
+ 606 "Latin Small Letter Closed Reversed Open E"
+ 607 "Latin Small Letter Dotless J with Stroke"
+ 608 "Latin Small Letter G with Hook"
+ 609 "Latin Small Letter Script G"
+ 610 "Latin Letter Small Capital G"
+ 611 "Latin Small Letter Gamma"
+ 612 "Latin Small Letter Rams Horn"
+ 613 "Latin Small Letter Turned H"
+ 614 "Latin Small Letter H with Hook"
+ 615 "Latin Small Letter Heng with Hook"
+ 616 "Latin Small Letter I with Stroke"
+ 617 "Latin Small Letter Iota"
+ 618 "Latin Letter Small Capital I"
+ 619 "Latin Small Letter L with Middle Tilde"
+ 620 "Latin Small Letter L with Belt"
+ 621 "Latin Small Letter L with Retroflex Hook"
+ 622 "Latin Small Letter Lezh"
+ 623 "Latin Small Letter Turned M"
+ 624 "Latin Small Letter Turned M with Long Leg"
+ 625 "Latin Small Letter M with Hook"
+ 626 "Latin Small Letter N with Left Hook"
+ 627 "Latin Small Letter N with Retroflex Hook"
+ 628 "Latin Letter Small Capital N"
+ 629 "Latin Small Letter Barred O"
+ 630 "Latin Letter Small Capital Oe"
+ 631 "Latin Small Letter Closed Omega"
+ 632 "Latin Small Letter Phi"
+ 633 "Latin Small Letter Turned R"
+ 634 "Latin Small Letter Turned R with Long Leg"
+ 635 "Latin Small Letter Turned R with Hook"
+ 636 "Latin Small Letter R with Long Leg"
+ 637 "Latin Small Letter R with Tail"
+ 638 "Latin Small Letter R with Fishhook"
+ 639 "Latin Small Letter Reversed R with Fishhook"
+ 640 "Latin Letter Small Capital R"
+ 641 "Latin Letter Small Capital Inverted R"
+ 642 "Latin Small Letter S with Hook"
+ 643 "Latin Small Letter Esh"
+ 644 "Latin Small Letter Dotless J with Stroke and Hook"
+ 645 "Latin Small Letter Squat Reversed Esh"
+ 646 "Latin Small Letter Esh with Curl"
+ 647 "Latin Small Letter Turned T"
+ 648 "Latin Small Letter T with Retroflex Hook"
+ 649 "Latin Small Letter U Bar"
+ 650 "Latin Small Letter Upsilon"
+ 651 "Latin Small Letter V with Hook"
+ 652 "Latin Small Letter Turned V"
+ 653 "Latin Small Letter Turned W"
+ 654 "Latin Small Letter Turned Y"
+ 655 "Latin Letter Small Capital Y"
+ 656 "Latin Small Letter Z with Retroflex Hook"
+ 657 "Latin Small Letter Z with Curl"
+ 658 "Latin Small Letter Ezh"
+ 659 "Latin Small Letter Ezh with Curl"
+ 660 "Latin Letter Glottal Stop"
+ 661 "Latin Letter Pharyngeal Voiced Fricative"
+ 662 "Latin Letter Inverted Glottal Stop"
+ 663 "Latin Letter Stretched C"
+ 664 "Latin Letter Bilabial Click"
+ 665 "Latin Letter Small Capital B"
+ 666 "Latin Small Letter Closed Open E"
+ 667 "Latin Letter Small Capital G with Hook"
+ 668 "Latin Letter Small Capital H"
+ 669 "Latin Small Letter J with Crossed-Tail"
+ 670 "Latin Small Letter Turned K"
+ 671 "Latin Letter Small Capital L"
+ 672 "Latin Small Letter Q with Hook"
+ 673 "Latin Letter Glottal Stop with Stroke"
+ 674 "Latin Letter Reversed Glottal Stop with Stroke"
+ 675 "Latin Small Letter Dz Digraph"
+ 676 "Latin Small Letter Dezh Digraph"
+ 677 "Latin Small Letter Dz Digraph with Curl"
+ 678 "Latin Small Letter Ts Digraph"
+ 679 "Latin Small Letter Tesh Digraph"
+ 680 "Latin Small Letter Tc Digraph with Curl"
+ 681 "Latin Small Letter Feng Digraph"
+ 682 "Latin Small Letter Ls Digraph"
+ 683 "Latin Small Letter Lz Digraph"
+ 684 "Latin Letter Bilabial Percussive"
+ 685 "Latin Letter Bidental Percussive"
+ 686 "Latin Small Letter Turned H with Fishhook"
+ 687 "Latin Small Letter Turned H with Fishhook and Tail"
+ 688 "Modifier Letter Small H"
+ 689 "Modifier Letter Small H with Hook"
+ 690 "Modifier Letter Small J"
+ 691 "Modifier Letter Small R"
+ 692 "Modifier Letter Small Turned R"
+ 693 "Modifier Letter Small Turned R with Hook"
+ 694 "Modifier Letter Small Capital Inverted R"
+ 695 "Modifier Letter Small W"
+ 696 "Modifier Letter Small Y"
+ 697 "Modifier Letter Prime"
+ 698 "Modifier Letter Double Prime"
+ 699 "Modifier Letter Turned Comma"
+ 700 "Modifier Letter Apostrophe"
+ 701 "Modifier Letter Reversed Comma"
+ 702 "Modifier Letter Right Half Ring"
+ 703 "Modifier Letter Left Half Ring"
+ 704 "Modifier Letter Glottal Stop"
+ 705 "Modifier Letter Reversed Glottal Stop"
+ 706 "Modifier Letter Left Arrowhead"
+ 707 "Modifier Letter Right Arrowhead"
+ 708 "Modifier Letter Up Arrowhead"
+ 709 "Modifier Letter Down Arrowhead"
+ 710 "Modifier Letter Circumflex Accent"
+ 711 "Caron"
+ 712 "Modifier Letter Vertical Line"
+ 713 "Modifier Letter Macron"
+ 714 "Modifier Letter Acute Accent"
+ 715 "Modifier Letter Grave Accent"
+ 716 "Modifier Letter Low Vertical Line"
+ 717 "Modifier Letter Low Macron"
+ 718 "Modifier Letter Low Grave Accent"
+ 719 "Modifier Letter Low Acute Accent"
+ 720 "Modifier Letter Triangular Colon"
+ 721 "Modifier Letter Half Triangular Colon"
+ 722 "Modifier Letter Centred Right Half Ring"
+ 723 "Modifier Letter Centred Left Half Ring"
+ 724 "Modifier Letter Up Tack"
+ 725 "Modifier Letter Down Tack"
+ 726 "Modifier Letter Plus Sign"
+ 727 "Modifier Letter Minus Sign"
+ 728 "Breve"
+ 729 "Dot Above"
+ 730 "Ring Above"
+ 731 "Ogonek"
+ 732 "Small Tilde"
+ 733 "Double Acute Accent"
+ 734 "Modifier Letter Rhotic Hook"
+ 735 "Modifier Letter Cross Accent"
+ 736 "Modifier Letter Small Gamma"
+ 737 "Modifier Letter Small L"
+ 738 "Modifier Letter Small S"
+ 739 "Modifier Letter Small X"
+ 740 "Modifier Letter Small Reversed Glottal Stop"
+ 741 "Modifier Letter Extra-High Tone Bar"
+ 742 "Modifier Letter High Tone Bar"
+ 743 "Modifier Letter Mid Tone Bar"
+ 744 "Modifier Letter Low Tone Bar"
+ 745 "Modifier Letter Extra-Low Tone Bar"
+ 746 "Modifier Letter Yin Departing Tone Mark"
+ 747 "Modifier Letter Yang Departing Tone Mark"
+ 748 "Modifier Letter Voicing"
+ 749 "Modifier Letter Unaspirated"
+ 750 "Modifier Letter Double Apostrophe"
+ 751 "Modifier Letter Low Down Arrowhead"
+ 752 "Modifier Letter Low Up Arrowhead"
+ 753 "Modifier Letter Low Left Arrowhead"
+ 754 "Modifier Letter Low Right Arrowhead"
+ 755 "Modifier Letter Low Ring"
+ 756 "Modifier Letter Middle Grave Accent"
+ 757 "Modifier Letter Middle Double Grave Accent"
+ 758 "Modifier Letter Middle Double Acute Accent"
+ 759 "Modifier Letter Low Tilde"
+ 760 "Modifier Letter Raised Colon"
+ 761 "Modifier Letter Begin High Tone"
+ 762 "Modifier Letter End High Tone"
+ 763 "Modifier Letter Begin Low Tone"
+ 764 "Modifier Letter End Low Tone"
+ 765 "Modifier Letter Shelf"
+ 766 "Modifier Letter Open Shelf"
+ 767 "Modifier Letter Low Left Arrow"
+ 768 "Combining Grave Accent"
+ 769 "Combining Acute Accent"
+ 770 "Combining Circumflex Accent"
+ 771 "Combining Tilde"
+ 772 "Combining Macron"
+ 773 "Combining Overline"
+ 774 "Combining Breve"
+ 775 "Combining Dot Above"
+ 776 "Combining Diaeresis"
+ 777 "Combining Hook Above"
+ 778 "Combining Ring Above"
+ 779 "Combining Double Acute Accent"
+ 780 "Combining Caron"
+ 781 "Combining Vertical Line Above"
+ 782 "Combining Double Vertical Line Above"
+ 783 "Combining Double Grave Accent"
+ 784 "Combining Candrabindu"
+ 785 "Combining Inverted Breve"
+ 786 "Combining Turned Comma Above"
+ 787 "Combining Comma Above"
+ 788 "Combining Reversed Comma Above"
+ 789 "Combining Comma Above Right"
+ 790 "Combining Grave Accent Below"
+ 791 "Combining Acute Accent Below"
+ 792 "Combining Left Tack Below"
+ 793 "Combining Right Tack Below"
+ 794 "Combining Left Angle Above"
+ 795 "Combining Horn"
+ 796 "Combining Left Half Ring Below"
+ 797 "Combining Up Tack Below"
+ 798 "Combining Down Tack Below"
+ 799 "Combining Plus Sign Below"
+ 800 "Combining Minus Sign Below"
+ 801 "Combining Palatalized Hook Below"
+ 802 "Combining Retroflex Hook Below"
+ 803 "Combining Dot Below"
+ 804 "Combining Diaeresis Below"
+ 805 "Combining Ring Below"
+ 806 "Combining Comma Below"
+ 807 "Combining Cedilla"
+ 808 "Combining Ogonek"
+ 809 "Combining Vertical Line Below"
+ 810 "Combining Bridge Below"
+ 811 "Combining Inverted Double Arch Below"
+ 812 "Combining Caron Below"
+ 813 "Combining Circumflex Accent Below"
+ 814 "Combining Breve Below"
+ 815 "Combining Inverted Breve Below"
+ 816 "Combining Tilde Below"
+ 817 "Combining Macron Below"
+ 818 "Combining Low Line"
+ 819 "Combining Double Low Line"
+ 820 "Combining Tilde Overlay"
+ 821 "Combining Short Stroke Overlay"
+ 822 "Combining Long Stroke Overlay"
+ 823 "Combining Short Solidus Overlay"
+ 824 "Combining Long Solidus Overlay"
+ 825 "Combining Right Half Ring Below"
+ 826 "Combining Inverted Bridge Below"
+ 827 "Combining Square Below"
+ 828 "Combining Seagull Below"
+ 829 "Combining X Above"
+ 830 "Combining Vertical Tilde"
+ 831 "Combining Double Overline"
+ 832 "Combining Grave Tone Mark"
+ 833 "Combining Acute Tone Mark"
+ 834 "Combining Greek Perispomeni"
+ 835 "Combining Greek Koronis"
+ 836 "Combining Greek Dialytika Tonos"
+ 837 "Combining Greek Ypogegrammeni"
+ 838 "Combining Bridge Above"
+ 839 "Combining Equals Sign Below"
+ 840 "Combining Double Vertical Line Below"
+ 841 "Combining Left Angle Below"
+ 842 "Combining Not Tilde Above"
+ 843 "Combining Homothetic Above"
+ 844 "Combining Almost Equal To Above"
+ 845 "Combining Left Right Arrow Below"
+ 846 "Combining Upwards Arrow Below"
+ 847 "Combining Grapheme Joiner"
+ 848 "Combining Right Arrowhead Above"
+ 849 "Combining Left Half Ring Above"
+ 850 "Combining Fermata"
+ 851 "Combining X Below"
+ 852 "Combining Left Arrowhead Below"
+ 853 "Combining Right Arrowhead Below"
+ 854 "Combining Right Arrowhead and Up Arrowhead Below"
+ 855 "Combining Right Half Ring Above"
+ 856 "Combining Dot Above Right"
+ 857 "Combining Asterisk Below"
+ 858 "Combining Double Ring Below"
+ 859 "Combining Zigzag Above"
+ 860 "Combining Double Breve Below"
+ 861 "Combining Double Breve"
+ 862 "Combining Double Macron"
+ 863 "Combining Double Macron Below"
+ 864 "Combining Double Tilde"
+ 865 "Combining Double Inverted Breve"
+ 866 "Combining Double Rightwards Arrow Below"
+ 867 "Combining Latin Small Letter A"
+ 868 "Combining Latin Small Letter E"
+ 869 "Combining Latin Small Letter I"
+ 870 "Combining Latin Small Letter O"
+ 871 "Combining Latin Small Letter U"
+ 872 "Combining Latin Small Letter C"
+ 873 "Combining Latin Small Letter D"
+ 874 "Combining Latin Small Letter H"
+ 875 "Combining Latin Small Letter M"
+ 876 "Combining Latin Small Letter R"
+ 877 "Combining Latin Small Letter T"
+ 878 "Combining Latin Small Letter V"
+ 879 "Combining Latin Small Letter X"
+ 880 "Greek Capital Letter Heta"
+ 881 "Greek Small Letter Heta"
+ 882 "Greek Capital Letter Archaic Sampi"
+ 883 "Greek Small Letter Archaic Sampi"
+ 884 "Greek Numeral Sign"
+ 885 "Greek Lower Numeral Sign"
+ 886 "Greek Capital Letter Pamphylian Digamma"
+ 887 "Greek Small Letter Pamphylian Digamma"
+ 888 ""
+ 889 ""
+ 890 "Greek Ypogegrammeni"
+ 891 "Greek Small Reversed Lunate Sigma Symbol"
+ 892 "Greek Small Dotted Lunate Sigma Symbol"
+ 893 "Greek Small Reversed Dotted Lunate Sigma Symbol"
+ 894 "Greek Question Mark"
+ 895 "Greek Capital Letter Yot"
+ 896 ""
+ 897 ""
+ 898 ""
+ 899 ""
+ 900 "Greek Tonos"
+ 901 "Greek Dialytika Tonos"
+ 902 "Greek Capital Letter Alpha with Tonos"
+ 903 "Greek Ano Teleia"
+ 904 "Greek Capital Letter Epsilon with Tonos"
+ 905 "Greek Capital Letter Eta with Tonos"
+ 906 "Greek Capital Letter Iota with Tonos"
+ 907 ""
+ 908 "Greek Capital Letter Omicron with Tonos"
+ 909 ""
+ 910 "Greek Capital Letter Upsilon with Tonos"
+ 911 "Greek Capital Letter Omega with Tonos"
+ 912 "Greek Small Letter Iota with Dialytika and Tonos"
+ 913 "Greek Capital Letter Alpha"
+ 914 "Greek Capital Letter Beta"
+ 915 "Greek Capital Letter Gamma"
+ 916 "Greek Capital Letter Delta"
+ 917 "Greek Capital Letter Epsilon"
+ 918 "Greek Capital Letter Zeta"
+ 919 "Greek Capital Letter Eta"
+ 920 "Greek Capital Letter Theta"
+ 921 "Greek Capital Letter Iota"
+ 922 "Greek Capital Letter Kappa"
+ 923 "Greek Capital Letter Lamda"
+ 924 "Greek Capital Letter Mu"
+ 925 "Greek Capital Letter Nu"
+ 926 "Greek Capital Letter Xi"
+ 927 "Greek Capital Letter Omicron"
+ 928 "Greek Capital Letter Pi"
+ 929 "Greek Capital Letter Rho"
+ 930 ""
+ 931 "Greek Capital Letter Sigma"
+ 932 "Greek Capital Letter Tau"
+ 933 "Greek Capital Letter Upsilon"
+ 934 "Greek Capital Letter Phi"
+ 935 "Greek Capital Letter Chi"
+ 936 "Greek Capital Letter Psi"
+ 937 "Greek Capital Letter Omega"
+ 938 "Greek Capital Letter Iota with Dialytika"
+ 939 "Greek Capital Letter Upsilon with Dialytika"
+ 940 "Greek Small Letter Alpha with Tonos"
+ 941 "Greek Small Letter Epsilon with Tonos"
+ 942 "Greek Small Letter Eta with Tonos"
+ 943 "Greek Small Letter Iota with Tonos"
+ 944 "Greek Small Letter Upsilon with Dialytika and Tonos"
+ 945 "Greek Small Letter Alpha"
+ 946 "Greek Small Letter Beta"
+ 947 "Greek Small Letter Gamma"
+ 948 "Greek Small Letter Delta"
+ 949 "Greek Small Letter Epsilon"
+ 950 "Greek Small Letter Zeta"
+ 951 "Greek Small Letter Eta"
+ 952 "Greek Small Letter Theta"
+ 953 "Greek Small Letter Iota"
+ 954 "Greek Small Letter Kappa"
+ 955 "Greek Small Letter Lamda"
+ 956 "Greek Small Letter Mu"
+ 957 "Greek Small Letter Nu"
+ 958 "Greek Small Letter Xi"
+ 959 "Greek Small Letter Omicron"
+ 960 "Greek Small Letter Pi"
+ 961 "Greek Small Letter Rho"
+ 962 "Greek Small Letter Final Sigma"
+ 963 "Greek Small Letter Sigma"
+ 964 "Greek Small Letter Tau"
+ 965 "Greek Small Letter Upsilon"
+ 966 "Greek Small Letter Phi"
+ 967 "Greek Small Letter Chi"
+ 968 "Greek Small Letter Psi"
+ 969 "Greek Small Letter Omega"
+ 970 "Greek Small Letter Iota with Dialytika"
+ 971 "Greek Small Letter Upsilon with Dialytika"
+ 972 "Greek Small Letter Omicron with Tonos"
+ 973 "Greek Small Letter Upsilon with Tonos"
+ 974 "Greek Small Letter Omega with Tonos"
+ 975 "Greek Capital Kai Symbol"
+ 976 "Greek Beta Symbol"
+ 977 "Greek Theta Symbol"
+ 978 "Greek Upsilon with Hook Symbol"
+ 979 "Greek Upsilon with Acute and Hook Symbol"
+ 980 "Greek Upsilon with Diaeresis and Hook Symbol"
+ 981 "Greek Phi Symbol"
+ 982 "Greek Pi Symbol"
+ 983 "Greek Kai Symbol"
+ 984 "Greek Letter Archaic Koppa"
+ 985 "Greek Small Letter Archaic Koppa"
+ 986 "Greek Letter Stigma"
+ 987 "Greek Small Letter Stigma"
+ 988 "Greek Letter Digamma"
+ 989 "Greek Small Letter Digamma"
+ 990 "Greek Letter Koppa"
+ 991 "Greek Small Letter Koppa"
+ 992 "Greek Letter Sampi"
+ 993 "Greek Small Letter Sampi"
+ 994 "Coptic Capital Letter Shei"
+ 995 "Coptic Small Letter Shei"
+ 996 "Coptic Capital Letter Fei"
+ 997 "Coptic Small Letter Fei"
+ 998 "Coptic Capital Letter Khei"
+ 999 "Coptic Small Letter Khei"
+ 1000 "Coptic Capital Letter Hori"
+ 1001 "Coptic Small Letter Hori"
+ 1002 "Coptic Capital Letter Gangia"
+ 1003 "Coptic Small Letter Gangia"
+ 1004 "Coptic Capital Letter Shima"
+ 1005 "Coptic Small Letter Shima"
+ 1006 "Coptic Capital Letter Dei"
+ 1007 "Coptic Small Letter Dei"
+ 1008 "Greek Kappa Symbol"
+ 1009 "Greek Rho Symbol"
+ 1010 "Greek Lunate Sigma Symbol"
+ 1011 "Greek Letter Yot"
+ 1012 "Greek Capital Theta Symbol"
+ 1013 "Greek Lunate Epsilon Symbol"
+ 1014 "Greek Reversed Lunate Epsilon Symbol"
+ 1015 "Greek Capital Letter Sho"
+ 1016 "Greek Small Letter Sho"
+ 1017 "Greek Capital Lunate Sigma Symbol"
+ 1018 "Greek Capital Letter San"
+ 1019 "Greek Small Letter San"
+ 1020 "Greek Rho with Stroke Symbol"
+ 1021 "Greek Capital Reversed Lunate Sigma Symbol"
+ 1022 "Greek Capital Dotted Lunate Sigma Symbol"
+ 1023 "Greek Capital Reversed Dotted Lunate Sigma Symbol"
+ 1024 "Cyrillic Capital Letter Ie with Grave"
+ 1025 "Cyrillic Capital Letter Io"
+ 1026 "Cyrillic Capital Letter Dje"
+ 1027 "Cyrillic Capital Letter Gje"
+ 1028 "Cyrillic Capital Letter Ukrainian Ie"
+ 1029 "Cyrillic Capital Letter Dze"
+ 1030 "Cyrillic Capital Letter Byelorussian-Ukrainian I"
+ 1031 "Cyrillic Capital Letter Yi"
+ 1032 "Cyrillic Capital Letter Je"
+ 1033 "Cyrillic Capital Letter Lje"
+ 1034 "Cyrillic Capital Letter Nje"
+ 1035 "Cyrillic Capital Letter Tshe"
+ 1036 "Cyrillic Capital Letter Kje"
+ 1037 "Cyrillic Capital Letter I with Grave"
+ 1038 "Cyrillic Capital Letter Short U"
+ 1039 "Cyrillic Capital Letter Dzhe"
+ 1040 "Cyrillic Capital Letter A"
+ 1041 "Cyrillic Capital Letter Be"
+ 1042 "Cyrillic Capital Letter Ve"
+ 1043 "Cyrillic Capital Letter Ghe"
+ 1044 "Cyrillic Capital Letter De"
+ 1045 "Cyrillic Capital Letter Ie"
+ 1046 "Cyrillic Capital Letter Zhe"
+ 1047 "Cyrillic Capital Letter Ze"
+ 1048 "Cyrillic Capital Letter I"
+ 1049 "Cyrillic Capital Letter Short I"
+ 1050 "Cyrillic Capital Letter Ka"
+ 1051 "Cyrillic Capital Letter El"
+ 1052 "Cyrillic Capital Letter Em"
+ 1053 "Cyrillic Capital Letter En"
+ 1054 "Cyrillic Capital Letter O"
+ 1055 "Cyrillic Capital Letter Pe"
+ 1056 "Cyrillic Capital Letter Er"
+ 1057 "Cyrillic Capital Letter Es"
+ 1058 "Cyrillic Capital Letter Te"
+ 1059 "Cyrillic Capital Letter U"
+ 1060 "Cyrillic Capital Letter Ef"
+ 1061 "Cyrillic Capital Letter Ha"
+ 1062 "Cyrillic Capital Letter Tse"
+ 1063 "Cyrillic Capital Letter Che"
+ 1064 "Cyrillic Capital Letter Sha"
+ 1065 "Cyrillic Capital Letter Shcha"
+ 1066 "Cyrillic Capital Letter Hard Sign"
+ 1067 "Cyrillic Capital Letter Yeru"
+ 1068 "Cyrillic Capital Letter Soft Sign"
+ 1069 "Cyrillic Capital Letter E"
+ 1070 "Cyrillic Capital Letter Yu"
+ 1071 "Cyrillic Capital Letter Ya"
+ 1072 "Cyrillic Small Letter A"
+ 1073 "Cyrillic Small Letter Be"
+ 1074 "Cyrillic Small Letter Ve"
+ 1075 "Cyrillic Small Letter Ghe"
+ 1076 "Cyrillic Small Letter De"
+ 1077 "Cyrillic Small Letter Ie"
+ 1078 "Cyrillic Small Letter Zhe"
+ 1079 "Cyrillic Small Letter Ze"
+ 1080 "Cyrillic Small Letter I"
+ 1081 "Cyrillic Small Letter Short I"
+ 1082 "Cyrillic Small Letter Ka"
+ 1083 "Cyrillic Small Letter El"
+ 1084 "Cyrillic Small Letter Em"
+ 1085 "Cyrillic Small Letter En"
+ 1086 "Cyrillic Small Letter O"
+ 1087 "Cyrillic Small Letter Pe"
+ 1088 "Cyrillic Small Letter Er"
+ 1089 "Cyrillic Small Letter Es"
+ 1090 "Cyrillic Small Letter Te"
+ 1091 "Cyrillic Small Letter U"
+ 1092 "Cyrillic Small Letter Ef"
+ 1093 "Cyrillic Small Letter Ha"
+ 1094 "Cyrillic Small Letter Tse"
+ 1095 "Cyrillic Small Letter Che"
+ 1096 "Cyrillic Small Letter Sha"
+ 1097 "Cyrillic Small Letter Shcha"
+ 1098 "Cyrillic Small Letter Hard Sign"
+ 1099 "Cyrillic Small Letter Yeru"
+ 1100 "Cyrillic Small Letter Soft Sign"
+ 1101 "Cyrillic Small Letter E"
+ 1102 "Cyrillic Small Letter Yu"
+ 1103 "Cyrillic Small Letter Ya"
+ 1104 "Cyrillic Small Letter Ie with Grave"
+ 1105 "Cyrillic Small Letter Io"
+ 1106 "Cyrillic Small Letter Dje"
+ 1107 "Cyrillic Small Letter Gje"
+ 1108 "Cyrillic Small Letter Ukrainian Ie"
+ 1109 "Cyrillic Small Letter Dze"
+ 1110 "Cyrillic Small Letter Byelorussian-Ukrainian I"
+ 1111 "Cyrillic Small Letter Yi"
+ 1112 "Cyrillic Small Letter Je"
+ 1113 "Cyrillic Small Letter Lje"
+ 1114 "Cyrillic Small Letter Nje"
+ 1115 "Cyrillic Small Letter Tshe"
+ 1116 "Cyrillic Small Letter Kje"
+ 1117 "Cyrillic Small Letter I with Grave"
+ 1118 "Cyrillic Small Letter Short U"
+ 1119 "Cyrillic Small Letter Dzhe"
+ 1120 "Cyrillic Capital Letter Omega"
+ 1121 "Cyrillic Small Letter Omega"
+ 1122 "Cyrillic Capital Letter Yat"
+ 1123 "Cyrillic Small Letter Yat"
+ 1124 "Cyrillic Capital Letter Iotified E"
+ 1125 "Cyrillic Small Letter Iotified E"
+ 1126 "Cyrillic Capital Letter Little Yus"
+ 1127 "Cyrillic Small Letter Little Yus"
+ 1128 "Cyrillic Capital Letter Iotified Little Yus"
+ 1129 "Cyrillic Small Letter Iotified Little Yus"
+ 1130 "Cyrillic Capital Letter Big Yus"
+ 1131 "Cyrillic Small Letter Big Yus"
+ 1132 "Cyrillic Capital Letter Iotified Big Yus"
+ 1133 "Cyrillic Small Letter Iotified Big Yus"
+ 1134 "Cyrillic Capital Letter Ksi"
+ 1135 "Cyrillic Small Letter Ksi"
+ 1136 "Cyrillic Capital Letter Psi"
+ 1137 "Cyrillic Small Letter Psi"
+ 1138 "Cyrillic Capital Letter Fita"
+ 1139 "Cyrillic Small Letter Fita"
+ 1140 "Cyrillic Capital Letter Izhitsa"
+ 1141 "Cyrillic Small Letter Izhitsa"
+ 1142 "Cyrillic Capital Letter Izhitsa with Double Grave Accent"
+ 1143 "Cyrillic Small Letter Izhitsa with Double Grave Accent"
+ 1144 "Cyrillic Capital Letter Uk"
+ 1145 "Cyrillic Small Letter Uk"
+ 1146 "Cyrillic Capital Letter Round Omega"
+ 1147 "Cyrillic Small Letter Round Omega"
+ 1148 "Cyrillic Capital Letter Omega with Titlo"
+ 1149 "Cyrillic Small Letter Omega with Titlo"
+ 1150 "Cyrillic Capital Letter Ot"
+ 1151 "Cyrillic Small Letter Ot"
+ 1152 "Cyrillic Capital Letter Koppa"
+ 1153 "Cyrillic Small Letter Koppa"
+ 1154 "Cyrillic Thousands Sign"
+ 1155 "Combining Cyrillic Titlo"
+ 1156 "Combining Cyrillic Palatalization"
+ 1157 "Combining Cyrillic Dasia Pneumata"
+ 1158 "Combining Cyrillic Psili Pneumata"
+ 1159 "Combining Cyrillic Pokrytie"
+ 1160 "Combining Cyrillic Hundred Thousands Sign"
+ 1161 "Combining Cyrillic Millions Sign"
+ 1162 "Cyrillic Capital Letter Short I with Tail"
+ 1163 "Cyrillic Small Letter Short I with Tail"
+ 1164 "Cyrillic Capital Letter Semisoft Sign"
+ 1165 "Cyrillic Small Letter Semisoft Sign"
+ 1166 "Cyrillic Capital Letter Er with Tick"
+ 1167 "Cyrillic Small Letter Er with Tick"
+ 1168 "Cyrillic Capital Letter Ghe with Upturn"
+ 1169 "Cyrillic Small Letter Ghe with Upturn"
+ 1170 "Cyrillic Capital Letter Ghe with Stroke"
+ 1171 "Cyrillic Small Letter Ghe with Stroke"
+ 1172 "Cyrillic Capital Letter Ghe with Middle Hook"
+ 1173 "Cyrillic Small Letter Ghe with Middle Hook"
+ 1174 "Cyrillic Capital Letter Zhe with Descender"
+ 1175 "Cyrillic Small Letter Zhe with Descender"
+ 1176 "Cyrillic Capital Letter Ze with Descender"
+ 1177 "Cyrillic Small Letter Ze with Descender"
+ 1178 "Cyrillic Capital Letter Ka with Descender"
+ 1179 "Cyrillic Small Letter Ka with Descender"
+ 1180 "Cyrillic Capital Letter Ka with Vertical Stroke"
+ 1181 "Cyrillic Small Letter Ka with Vertical Stroke"
+ 1182 "Cyrillic Capital Letter Ka with Stroke"
+ 1183 "Cyrillic Small Letter Ka with Stroke"
+ 1184 "Cyrillic Capital Letter Bashkir Ka"
+ 1185 "Cyrillic Small Letter Bashkir Ka"
+ 1186 "Cyrillic Capital Letter En with Descender"
+ 1187 "Cyrillic Small Letter En with Descender"
+ 1188 "Cyrillic Capital Ligature En Ghe"
+ 1189 "Cyrillic Small Ligature En Ghe"
+ 1190 "Cyrillic Capital Letter Pe with Middle Hook"
+ 1191 "Cyrillic Small Letter Pe with Middle Hook"
+ 1192 "Cyrillic Capital Letter Abkhasian Ha"
+ 1193 "Cyrillic Small Letter Abkhasian Ha"
+ 1194 "Cyrillic Capital Letter Es with Descender"
+ 1195 "Cyrillic Small Letter Es with Descender"
+ 1196 "Cyrillic Capital Letter Te with Descender"
+ 1197 "Cyrillic Small Letter Te with Descender"
+ 1198 "Cyrillic Capital Letter Straight U"
+ 1199 "Cyrillic Small Letter Straight U"
+ 1200 "Cyrillic Capital Letter Straight U with Stroke"
+ 1201 "Cyrillic Small Letter Straight U with Stroke"
+ 1202 "Cyrillic Capital Letter Ha with Descender"
+ 1203 "Cyrillic Small Letter Ha with Descender"
+ 1204 "Cyrillic Capital Ligature Te Tse"
+ 1205 "Cyrillic Small Ligature Te Tse"
+ 1206 "Cyrillic Capital Letter Che with Descender"
+ 1207 "Cyrillic Small Letter Che with Descender"
+ 1208 "Cyrillic Capital Letter Che with Vertical Stroke"
+ 1209 "Cyrillic Small Letter Che with Vertical Stroke"
+ 1210 "Cyrillic Capital Letter Shha"
+ 1211 "Cyrillic Small Letter Shha"
+ 1212 "Cyrillic Capital Letter Abkhasian Che"
+ 1213 "Cyrillic Small Letter Abkhasian Che"
+ 1214 "Cyrillic Capital Letter Abkhasian Che with Descender"
+ 1215 "Cyrillic Small Letter Abkhasian Che with Descender"
+ 1216 "Cyrillic Letter Palochka"
+ 1217 "Cyrillic Capital Letter Zhe with Breve"
+ 1218 "Cyrillic Small Letter Zhe with Breve"
+ 1219 "Cyrillic Capital Letter Ka with Hook"
+ 1220 "Cyrillic Small Letter Ka with Hook"
+ 1221 "Cyrillic Capital Letter El with Tail"
+ 1222 "Cyrillic Small Letter El with Tail"
+ 1223 "Cyrillic Capital Letter En with Hook"
+ 1224 "Cyrillic Small Letter En with Hook"
+ 1225 "Cyrillic Capital Letter En with Tail"
+ 1226 "Cyrillic Small Letter En with Tail"
+ 1227 "Cyrillic Capital Letter Khakassian Che"
+ 1228 "Cyrillic Small Letter Khakassian Che"
+ 1229 "Cyrillic Capital Letter Em with Tail"
+ 1230 "Cyrillic Small Letter Em with Tail"
+ 1231 "Cyrillic Small Letter Palochka"
+ 1232 "Cyrillic Capital Letter a with Breve"
+ 1233 "Cyrillic Small Letter a with Breve"
+ 1234 "Cyrillic Capital Letter a with Diaeresis"
+ 1235 "Cyrillic Small Letter a with Diaeresis"
+ 1236 "Cyrillic Capital Ligature a Ie"
+ 1237 "Cyrillic Small Ligature a Ie"
+ 1238 "Cyrillic Capital Letter Ie with Breve"
+ 1239 "Cyrillic Small Letter Ie with Breve"
+ 1240 "Cyrillic Capital Letter Schwa"
+ 1241 "Cyrillic Small Letter Schwa"
+ 1242 "Cyrillic Capital Letter Schwa with Diaeresis"
+ 1243 "Cyrillic Small Letter Schwa with Diaeresis"
+ 1244 "Cyrillic Capital Letter Zhe with Diaeresis"
+ 1245 "Cyrillic Small Letter Zhe with Diaeresis"
+ 1246 "Cyrillic Capital Letter Ze with Diaeresis"
+ 1247 "Cyrillic Small Letter Ze with Diaeresis"
+ 1248 "Cyrillic Capital Letter Abkhasian Dze"
+ 1249 "Cyrillic Small Letter Abkhasian Dze"
+ 1250 "Cyrillic Capital Letter I with Macron"
+ 1251 "Cyrillic Small Letter I with Macron"
+ 1252 "Cyrillic Capital Letter I with Diaeresis"
+ 1253 "Cyrillic Small Letter I with Diaeresis"
+ 1254 "Cyrillic Capital Letter O with Diaeresis"
+ 1255 "Cyrillic Small Letter O with Diaeresis"
+ 1256 "Cyrillic Capital Letter Barred O"
+ 1257 "Cyrillic Small Letter Barred O"
+ 1258 "Cyrillic Capital Letter Barred O with Diaeresis"
+ 1259 "Cyrillic Small Letter Barred O with Diaeresis"
+ 1260 "Cyrillic Capital Letter E with Diaeresis"
+ 1261 "Cyrillic Small Letter E with Diaeresis"
+ 1262 "Cyrillic Capital Letter U with Macron"
+ 1263 "Cyrillic Small Letter U with Macron"
+ 1264 "Cyrillic Capital Letter U with Diaeresis"
+ 1265 "Cyrillic Small Letter U with Diaeresis"
+ 1266 "Cyrillic Capital Letter U with Double Acute"
+ 1267 "Cyrillic Small Letter U with Double Acute"
+ 1268 "Cyrillic Capital Letter Che with Diaeresis"
+ 1269 "Cyrillic Small Letter Che with Diaeresis"
+ 1270 "Cyrillic Capital Letter Ghe with Descender"
+ 1271 "Cyrillic Small Letter Ghe with Descender"
+ 1272 "Cyrillic Capital Letter Yeru with Diaeresis"
+ 1273 "Cyrillic Small Letter Yeru with Diaeresis"
+ 1274 "Cyrillic Capital Letter Ghe with Stroke and Hook"
+ 1275 "Cyrillic Small Letter Ghe with Stroke and Hook"
+ 1276 "Cyrillic Capital Letter Ha with Hook"
+ 1277 "Cyrillic Small Letter Ha with Hook"
+ 1278 "Cyrillic Capital Letter Ha with Stroke"
+ 1279 "Cyrillic Small Letter Ha with Stroke"
+ 1280 "Cyrillic Capital Letter Komi De"
+ 1281 "Cyrillic Small Letter Komi De"
+ 1282 "Cyrillic Capital Letter Komi Dje"
+ 1283 "Cyrillic Small Letter Komi Dje"
+ 1284 "Cyrillic Capital Letter Komi Zje"
+ 1285 "Cyrillic Small Letter Komi Zje"
+ 1286 "Cyrillic Capital Letter Komi Dzje"
+ 1287 "Cyrillic Small Letter Komi Dzje"
+ 1288 "Cyrillic Capital Letter Komi Lje"
+ 1289 "Cyrillic Small Letter Komi Lje"
+ 1290 "Cyrillic Capital Letter Komi Nje"
+ 1291 "Cyrillic Small Letter Komi Nje"
+ 1292 "Cyrillic Capital Letter Komi Sje"
+ 1293 "Cyrillic Small Letter Komi Sje"
+ 1294 "Cyrillic Capital Letter Komi Tje"
+ 1295 "Cyrillic Small Letter Komi Tje"
+ 1296 "Cyrillic Capital Letter Reversed Ze"
+ 1297 "Cyrillic Small Letter Reversed Ze"
+ 1298 "Cyrillic Capital Letter El with Hook"
+ 1299 "Cyrillic Small Letter El with Hook"
+ 1300 "Cyrillic Capital Letter Lha"
+ 1301 "Cyrillic Small Letter Lha"
+ 1302 "Cyrillic Capital Letter Rha"
+ 1303 "Cyrillic Small Letter Rha"
+ 1304 "Cyrillic Capital Letter Yae"
+ 1305 "Cyrillic Small Letter Yae"
+ 1306 "Cyrillic Capital Letter Qa"
+ 1307 "Cyrillic Small Letter Qa"
+ 1308 "Cyrillic Capital Letter We"
+ 1309 "Cyrillic Small Letter We"
+ 1310 "Cyrillic Capital Letter Aleut Ka"
+ 1311 "Cyrillic Small Letter Aleut Ka"
+ 1312 "Cyrillic Capital Letter El with Middle Hook"
+ 1313 "Cyrillic Small Letter El with Middle Hook"
+ 1314 "Cyrillic Capital Letter En with Middle Hook"
+ 1315 "Cyrillic Small Letter En with Middle Hook"
+ 1316 "Cyrillic Capital Letter Pe with Descender"
+ 1317 "Cyrillic Small Letter Pe with Descender"
+ 1318 "Cyrillic Capital Letter Shha with Descender"
+ 1319 "Cyrillic Small Letter Shha with Descender"
+ 1320 "Cyrillic Capital Letter En with Left Hook"
+ 1321 "Cyrillic Small Letter En with Left Hook"
+ 1322 "Cyrillic Capital Letter Dzzhe"
+ 1323 "Cyrillic Small Letter Dzzhe"
+ 1324 "Cyrillic Capital Letter Dche"
+ 1325 "Cyrillic Small Letter Dche"
+ 1326 "Cyrillic Capital Letter El with Descender"
+ 1327 "Cyrillic Small Letter El with Descender"
+ 1328 ""
+ 1329 "Armenian Capital Letter Ayb"
+ 1330 "Armenian Capital Letter Ben"
+ 1331 "Armenian Capital Letter Gim"
+ 1332 "Armenian Capital Letter Da"
+ 1333 "Armenian Capital Letter Ech"
+ 1334 "Armenian Capital Letter Za"
+ 1335 "Armenian Capital Letter Eh"
+ 1336 "Armenian Capital Letter Et"
+ 1337 "Armenian Capital Letter To"
+ 1338 "Armenian Capital Letter Zhe"
+ 1339 "Armenian Capital Letter Ini"
+ 1340 "Armenian Capital Letter Liwn"
+ 1341 "Armenian Capital Letter Xeh"
+ 1342 "Armenian Capital Letter Ca"
+ 1343 "Armenian Capital Letter Ken"
+ 1344 "Armenian Capital Letter Ho"
+ 1345 "Armenian Capital Letter Ja"
+ 1346 "Armenian Capital Letter Ghad"
+ 1347 "Armenian Capital Letter Cheh"
+ 1348 "Armenian Capital Letter Men"
+ 1349 "Armenian Capital Letter Yi"
+ 1350 "Armenian Capital Letter Now"
+ 1351 "Armenian Capital Letter Sha"
+ 1352 "Armenian Capital Letter Vo"
+ 1353 "Armenian Capital Letter Cha"
+ 1354 "Armenian Capital Letter Peh"
+ 1355 "Armenian Capital Letter Jheh"
+ 1356 "Armenian Capital Letter Ra"
+ 1357 "Armenian Capital Letter Seh"
+ 1358 "Armenian Capital Letter Vew"
+ 1359 "Armenian Capital Letter Tiwn"
+ 1360 "Armenian Capital Letter Reh"
+ 1361 "Armenian Capital Letter Co"
+ 1362 "Armenian Capital Letter Yiwn"
+ 1363 "Armenian Capital Letter Piwr"
+ 1364 "Armenian Capital Letter Keh"
+ 1365 "Armenian Capital Letter Oh"
+ 1366 "Armenian Capital Letter Feh"
+ 1367 ""
+ 1368 ""
+ 1369 "Armenian Modifier Letter Left Half Ring"
+ 1370 "Armenian Apostrophe"
+ 1371 "Armenian Emphasis Mark"
+ 1372 "Armenian Exclamation Mark"
+ 1373 "Armenian Comma"
+ 1374 "Armenian Question Mark"
+ 1375 "Armenian Abbreviation Mark"
+ 1376 ""
+ 1377 "Armenian Small Letter Ayb"
+ 1378 "Armenian Small Letter Ben"
+ 1379 "Armenian Small Letter Gim"
+ 1380 "Armenian Small Letter Da"
+ 1381 "Armenian Small Letter Ech"
+ 1382 "Armenian Small Letter Za"
+ 1383 "Armenian Small Letter Eh"
+ 1384 "Armenian Small Letter Et"
+ 1385 "Armenian Small Letter To"
+ 1386 "Armenian Small Letter Zhe"
+ 1387 "Armenian Small Letter Ini"
+ 1388 "Armenian Small Letter Liwn"
+ 1389 "Armenian Small Letter Xeh"
+ 1390 "Armenian Small Letter Ca"
+ 1391 "Armenian Small Letter Ken"
+ 1392 "Armenian Small Letter Ho"
+ 1393 "Armenian Small Letter Ja"
+ 1394 "Armenian Small Letter Ghad"
+ 1395 "Armenian Small Letter Cheh"
+ 1396 "Armenian Small Letter Men"
+ 1397 "Armenian Small Letter Yi"
+ 1398 "Armenian Small Letter Now"
+ 1399 "Armenian Small Letter Sha"
+ 1400 "Armenian Small Letter Vo"
+ 1401 "Armenian Small Letter Cha"
+ 1402 "Armenian Small Letter Peh"
+ 1403 "Armenian Small Letter Jheh"
+ 1404 "Armenian Small Letter Ra"
+ 1405 "Armenian Small Letter Seh"
+ 1406 "Armenian Small Letter Vew"
+ 1407 "Armenian Small Letter Tiwn"
+ 1408 "Armenian Small Letter Reh"
+ 1409 "Armenian Small Letter Co"
+ 1410 "Armenian Small Letter Yiwn"
+ 1411 "Armenian Small Letter Piwr"
+ 1412 "Armenian Small Letter Keh"
+ 1413 "Armenian Small Letter Oh"
+ 1414 "Armenian Small Letter Feh"
+ 1415 "Armenian Small Ligature Ech Yiwn"
+ 1416 ""
+ 1417 "Armenian Full Stop"
+ 1418 "Armenian Hyphen"
+ 1419 ""
+ 1420 ""
+ 1421 "Right-Facing Armenian Eternity Sign"
+ 1422 "Left-Facing Armenian Eternity Sign"
+ 1423 "Armenian Dram Sign"
+ 1424 ""
+ 1425 "Hebrew Accent Etnahta"
+ 1426 "Hebrew Accent Segol"
+ 1427 "Hebrew Accent Shalshelet"
+ 1428 "Hebrew Accent Zaqef Qatan"
+ 1429 "Hebrew Accent Zaqef Gadol"
+ 1430 "Hebrew Accent Tipeha"
+ 1431 "Hebrew Accent Revia"
+ 1432 "Hebrew Accent Zarqa"
+ 1433 "Hebrew Accent Pashta"
+ 1434 "Hebrew Accent Yetiv"
+ 1435 "Hebrew Accent Tevir"
+ 1436 "Hebrew Accent Geresh"
+ 1437 "Hebrew Accent Geresh Muqdam"
+ 1438 "Hebrew Accent Gershayim"
+ 1439 "Hebrew Accent Qarney Para"
+ 1440 "Hebrew Accent Telisha Gedola"
+ 1441 "Hebrew Accent Pazer"
+ 1442 "Hebrew Accent Atnah Hafukh"
+ 1443 "Hebrew Accent Munah"
+ 1444 "Hebrew Accent Mahapakh"
+ 1445 "Hebrew Accent Merkha"
+ 1446 "Hebrew Accent Merkha Kefula"
+ 1447 "Hebrew Accent Darga"
+ 1448 "Hebrew Accent Qadma"
+ 1449 "Hebrew Accent Telisha Qetana"
+ 1450 "Hebrew Accent Yerah Ben Yomo"
+ 1451 "Hebrew Accent Ole"
+ 1452 "Hebrew Accent Iluy"
+ 1453 "Hebrew Accent Dehi"
+ 1454 "Hebrew Accent Zinor"
+ 1455 "Hebrew Mark Masora Circle"
+ 1456 "Hebrew Point Sheva"
+ 1457 "Hebrew Point Hataf Segol"
+ 1458 "Hebrew Point Hataf Patah"
+ 1459 "Hebrew Point Hataf Qamats"
+ 1460 "Hebrew Point Hiriq"
+ 1461 "Hebrew Point Tsere"
+ 1462 "Hebrew Point Segol"
+ 1463 "Hebrew Point Patah"
+ 1464 "Hebrew Point Qamats"
+ 1465 "Hebrew Point Holam"
+ 1466 "Hebrew Point Holam Haser for Vav"
+ 1467 "Hebrew Point Qubuts"
+ 1468 "Hebrew Point Dagesh or Mapiq"
+ 1469 "Hebrew Point Meteg"
+ 1470 "Hebrew Punctuation Maqaf"
+ 1471 "Hebrew Point Rafe"
+ 1472 "Hebrew Punctuation Paseq"
+ 1473 "Hebrew Point Shin Dot"
+ 1474 "Hebrew Point Sin Dot"
+ 1475 "Hebrew Punctuation Sof Pasuq"
+ 1476 "Hebrew Mark Upper Dot"
+ 1477 "Hebrew Mark Lower Dot"
+ 1478 "Hebrew Punctuation Nun Hafukha"
+ 1479 "Hebrew Point Qamats Qatan"
+ 1480 ""
+ 1481 ""
+ 1482 ""
+ 1483 ""
+ 1484 ""
+ 1485 ""
+ 1486 ""
+ 1487 ""
+ 1488 "Hebrew Letter Alef"
+ 1489 "Hebrew Letter Bet"
+ 1490 "Hebrew Letter Gimel"
+ 1491 "Hebrew Letter Dalet"
+ 1492 "Hebrew Letter He"
+ 1493 "Hebrew Letter Vav"
+ 1494 "Hebrew Letter Zayin"
+ 1495 "Hebrew Letter Het"
+ 1496 "Hebrew Letter Tet"
+ 1497 "Hebrew Letter Yod"
+ 1498 "Hebrew Letter Final Kaf"
+ 1499 "Hebrew Letter Kaf"
+ 1500 "Hebrew Letter Lamed"
+ 1501 "Hebrew Letter Final Mem"
+ 1502 "Hebrew Letter Mem"
+ 1503 "Hebrew Letter Final Nun"
+ 1504 "Hebrew Letter Nun"
+ 1505 "Hebrew Letter Samekh"
+ 1506 "Hebrew Letter Ayin"
+ 1507 "Hebrew Letter Final Pe"
+ 1508 "Hebrew Letter Pe"
+ 1509 "Hebrew Letter Final Tsadi"
+ 1510 "Hebrew Letter Tsadi"
+ 1511 "Hebrew Letter Qof"
+ 1512 "Hebrew Letter Resh"
+ 1513 "Hebrew Letter Shin"
+ 1514 "Hebrew Letter Tav"
+ 1515 ""
+ 1516 ""
+ 1517 ""
+ 1518 ""
+ 1519 ""
+ 1520 "Hebrew Ligature Yiddish Double Vav"
+ 1521 "Hebrew Ligature Yiddish Vav Yod"
+ 1522 "Hebrew Ligature Yiddish Double Yod"
+ 1523 "Hebrew Punctuation Geresh"
+ 1524 "Hebrew Punctuation Gershayim"
+ 1525 ""
+ 1526 ""
+ 1527 ""
+ 1528 ""
+ 1529 ""
+ 1530 ""
+ 1531 ""
+ 1532 ""
+ 1533 ""
+ 1534 ""
+ 1535 ""
+ 1536 "Arabic Number Sign"
+ 1537 "Arabic Sign Sanah"
+ 1538 "Arabic Footnote Marker"
+ 1539 "Arabic Sign Safha"
+ 1540 "Arabic Sign Samvat"
+ 1541 "Arabic Number Mark Above"
+ 1542 "Arabic-Indic Cube Root"
+ 1543 "Arabic-Indic Fourth Root"
+ 1544 "Arabic Ray"
+ 1545 "Arabic-Indic Per Mille Sign"
+ 1546 "Arabic-Indic Per Ten Thousand Sign"
+ 1547 "Afghani Sign"
+ 1548 "Arabic Comma"
+ 1549 "Arabic Date Separator"
+ 1550 "Arabic Poetic Verse Sign"
+ 1551 "Arabic Sign Misra"
+ 1552 "Arabic Sign Sallallahou Alayhe Wassallam"
+ 1553 "Arabic Sign Alayhe Assallam"
+ 1554 "Arabic Sign Rahmatullah Alayhe"
+ 1555 "Arabic Sign Radi Allahou Anhu"
+ 1556 "Arabic Sign Takhallus"
+ 1557 "Arabic Small High Tah"
+ 1558 "Arabic Small High Ligature Alef with Lam with Yeh"
+ 1559 "Arabic Small High Zain"
+ 1560 "Arabic Small Fatha"
+ 1561 "Arabic Small Damma"
+ 1562 "Arabic Small Kasra"
+ 1563 "Arabic Semicolon"
+ 1564 "Arabic Letter Mark"
+ 1565 ""
+ 1566 "Arabic Triple Dot Punctuation Mark"
+ 1567 "Arabic Question Mark"
+ 1568 "Arabic Letter Kashmiri Yeh"
+ 1569 "Arabic Letter Hamza"
+ 1570 "Arabic Letter Alef with Madda Above"
+ 1571 "Arabic Letter Alef with Hamza Above"
+ 1572 "Arabic Letter Waw with Hamza Above"
+ 1573 "Arabic Letter Alef with Hamza Below"
+ 1574 "Arabic Letter Yeh with Hamza Above"
+ 1575 "Arabic Letter Alef"
+ 1576 "Arabic Letter Beh"
+ 1577 "Arabic Letter Teh Marbuta"
+ 1578 "Arabic Letter Teh"
+ 1579 "Arabic Letter Theh"
+ 1580 "Arabic Letter Jeem"
+ 1581 "Arabic Letter Hah"
+ 1582 "Arabic Letter Khah"
+ 1583 "Arabic Letter Dal"
+ 1584 "Arabic Letter Thal"
+ 1585 "Arabic Letter Reh"
+ 1586 "Arabic Letter Zain"
+ 1587 "Arabic Letter Seen"
+ 1588 "Arabic Letter Sheen"
+ 1589 "Arabic Letter Sad"
+ 1590 "Arabic Letter Dad"
+ 1591 "Arabic Letter Tah"
+ 1592 "Arabic Letter Zah"
+ 1593 "Arabic Letter Ain"
+ 1594 "Arabic Letter Ghain"
+ 1595 "Arabic Letter Keheh with Two Dots Above"
+ 1596 "Arabic Letter Keheh with Three Dots Below"
+ 1597 "Arabic Letter Farsi Yeh with Inverted V"
+ 1598 "Arabic Letter Farsi Yeh with Two Dots Above"
+ 1599 "Arabic Letter Farsi Yeh with Three Dots Above"
+ 1600 "Arabic Tatweel"
+ 1601 "Arabic Letter Feh"
+ 1602 "Arabic Letter Qaf"
+ 1603 "Arabic Letter Kaf"
+ 1604 "Arabic Letter Lam"
+ 1605 "Arabic Letter Meem"
+ 1606 "Arabic Letter Noon"
+ 1607 "Arabic Letter Heh"
+ 1608 "Arabic Letter Waw"
+ 1609 "Arabic Letter Alef Maksura"
+ 1610 "Arabic Letter Yeh"
+ 1611 "Arabic Fathatan"
+ 1612 "Arabic Dammatan"
+ 1613 "Arabic Kasratan"
+ 1614 "Arabic Fatha"
+ 1615 "Arabic Damma"
+ 1616 "Arabic Kasra"
+ 1617 "Arabic Shadda"
+ 1618 "Arabic Sukun"
+ 1619 "Arabic Maddah Above"
+ 1620 "Arabic Hamza Above"
+ 1621 "Arabic Hamza Below"
+ 1622 "Arabic Subscript Alef"
+ 1623 "Arabic Inverted Damma"
+ 1624 "Arabic Mark Noon Ghunna"
+ 1625 "Arabic Zwarakay"
+ 1626 "Arabic Vowel Sign Small V Above"
+ 1627 "Arabic Vowel Sign Inverted Small V Above"
+ 1628 "Arabic Vowel Sign Dot Below"
+ 1629 "Arabic Reversed Damma"
+ 1630 "Arabic Fatha with Two Dots"
+ 1631 "Arabic Wavy Hamza Below"
+ 1632 "Arabic-Indic Digit Zero"
+ 1633 "Arabic-Indic Digit One"
+ 1634 "Arabic-Indic Digit Two"
+ 1635 "Arabic-Indic Digit Three"
+ 1636 "Arabic-Indic Digit Four"
+ 1637 "Arabic-Indic Digit Five"
+ 1638 "Arabic-Indic Digit Six"
+ 1639 "Arabic-Indic Digit Seven"
+ 1640 "Arabic-Indic Digit Eight"
+ 1641 "Arabic-Indic Digit Nine"
+ 1642 "Arabic Percent Sign"
+ 1643 "Arabic Decimal Separator"
+ 1644 "Arabic Thousands Separator"
+ 1645 "Arabic Five Pointed Star"
+ 1646 "Arabic Letter Dotless Beh"
+ 1647 "Arabic Letter Dotless Qaf"
+ 1648 "Arabic Letter Superscript Alef"
+ 1649 "Arabic Letter Alef Wasla"
+ 1650 "Arabic Letter Alef with Wavy Hamza Above"
+ 1651 "Arabic Letter Alef with Wavy Hamza Below"
+ 1652 "Arabic Letter High Hamza"
+ 1653 "Arabic Letter High Hamza Alef"
+ 1654 "Arabic Letter High Hamza Waw"
+ 1655 "Arabic Letter U with Hamza Above"
+ 1656 "Arabic Letter High Hamza Yeh"
+ 1657 "Arabic Letter Tteh"
+ 1658 "Arabic Letter Tteheh"
+ 1659 "Arabic Letter Beeh"
+ 1660 "Arabic Letter Teh with Ring"
+ 1661 "Arabic Letter Teh with Three Dots Above Downwards"
+ 1662 "Arabic Letter Peh"
+ 1663 "Arabic Letter Teheh"
+ 1664 "Arabic Letter Beheh"
+ 1665 "Arabic Letter Hah with Hamza Above"
+ 1666 "Arabic Letter Hah with Two Dots Vertical Above"
+ 1667 "Arabic Letter Nyeh"
+ 1668 "Arabic Letter Dyeh"
+ 1669 "Arabic Letter Hah with Three Dots Above"
+ 1670 "Arabic Letter Tcheh"
+ 1671 "Arabic Letter Tcheheh"
+ 1672 "Arabic Letter Ddal"
+ 1673 "Arabic Letter Dal with Ring"
+ 1674 "Arabic Letter Dal with Dot Below"
+ 1675 "Arabic Letter Dal with Dot Below and Small Tah"
+ 1676 "Arabic Letter Dahal"
+ 1677 "Arabic Letter Ddahal"
+ 1678 "Arabic Letter Dul"
+ 1679 "Arabic Letter Dal with Three Dots Above Downwards"
+ 1680 "Arabic Letter Dal with Four Dots Above"
+ 1681 "Arabic Letter Rreh"
+ 1682 "Arabic Letter Reh with Small V"
+ 1683 "Arabic Letter Reh with Ring"
+ 1684 "Arabic Letter Reh with Dot Below"
+ 1685 "Arabic Letter Reh with Small V Below"
+ 1686 "Arabic Letter Reh with Dot Below and Dot Above"
+ 1687 "Arabic Letter Reh with Two Dots Above"
+ 1688 "Arabic Letter Jeh"
+ 1689 "Arabic Letter Reh with Four Dots Above"
+ 1690 "Arabic Letter Seen with Dot Below and Dot Above"
+ 1691 "Arabic Letter Seen with Three Dots Below"
+ 1692 "Arabic Letter Seen with Three Dots Below and Three Dots Above"
+ 1693 "Arabic Letter Sad with Two Dots Below"
+ 1694 "Arabic Letter Sad with Three Dots Above"
+ 1695 "Arabic Letter Tah with Three Dots Above"
+ 1696 "Arabic Letter Ain with Three Dots Above"
+ 1697 "Arabic Letter Dotless Feh"
+ 1698 "Arabic Letter Feh with Dot Moved Below"
+ 1699 "Arabic Letter Feh with Dot Below"
+ 1700 "Arabic Letter Veh"
+ 1701 "Arabic Letter Feh with Three Dots Below"
+ 1702 "Arabic Letter Peheh"
+ 1703 "Arabic Letter Qaf with Dot Above"
+ 1704 "Arabic Letter Qaf with Three Dots Above"
+ 1705 "Arabic Letter Keheh"
+ 1706 "Arabic Letter Swash Kaf"
+ 1707 "Arabic Letter Kaf with Ring"
+ 1708 "Arabic Letter Kaf with Dot Above"
+ 1709 "Arabic Letter Ng"
+ 1710 "Arabic Letter Kaf with Three Dots Below"
+ 1711 "Arabic Letter Gaf"
+ 1712 "Arabic Letter Gaf with Ring"
+ 1713 "Arabic Letter Ngoeh"
+ 1714 "Arabic Letter Gaf with Two Dots Below"
+ 1715 "Arabic Letter Gueh"
+ 1716 "Arabic Letter Gaf with Three Dots Above"
+ 1717 "Arabic Letter Lam with Small V"
+ 1718 "Arabic Letter Lam with Dot Above"
+ 1719 "Arabic Letter Lam with Three Dots Above"
+ 1720 "Arabic Letter Lam with Three Dots Below"
+ 1721 "Arabic Letter Noon with Dot Below"
+ 1722 "Arabic Letter Noon Ghunna"
+ 1723 "Arabic Letter Rnoon"
+ 1724 "Arabic Letter Noon with Ring"
+ 1725 "Arabic Letter Noon with Three Dots Above"
+ 1726 "Arabic Letter Heh Doachashmee"
+ 1727 "Arabic Letter Tcheh with Dot Above"
+ 1728 "Arabic Letter Heh with Yeh Above"
+ 1729 "Arabic Letter Heh Goal"
+ 1730 "Arabic Letter Heh Goal with Hamza Above"
+ 1731 "Arabic Letter Teh Marbuta Goal"
+ 1732 "Arabic Letter Waw with Ring"
+ 1733 "Arabic Letter Kirghiz Oe"
+ 1734 "Arabic Letter Oe"
+ 1735 "Arabic Letter U"
+ 1736 "Arabic Letter Yu"
+ 1737 "Arabic Letter Kirghiz Yu"
+ 1738 "Arabic Letter Waw with Two Dots Above"
+ 1739 "Arabic Letter Ve"
+ 1740 "Arabic Letter Farsi Yeh"
+ 1741 "Arabic Letter Yeh with Tail"
+ 1742 "Arabic Letter Yeh with Small V"
+ 1743 "Arabic Letter Waw with Dot Above"
+ 1744 "Arabic Letter E"
+ 1745 "Arabic Letter Yeh with Three Dots Below"
+ 1746 "Arabic Letter Yeh Barree"
+ 1747 "Arabic Letter Yeh Barree with Hamza Above"
+ 1748 "Arabic Full Stop"
+ 1749 "Arabic Letter Ae"
+ 1750 "Arabic Small High Ligature Sad with Lam with Alef Maksura"
+ 1751 "Arabic Small High Ligature Qaf with Lam with Alef Maksura"
+ 1752 "Arabic Small High Meem Initial Form"
+ 1753 "Arabic Small High Lam Alef"
+ 1754 "Arabic Small High Jeem"
+ 1755 "Arabic Small High Three Dots"
+ 1756 "Arabic Small High Seen"
+ 1757 "Arabic End of Ayah"
+ 1758 "Arabic Start of Rub El Hizb"
+ 1759 "Arabic Small High Rounded Zero"
+ 1760 "Arabic Small High Upright Rectangular Zero"
+ 1761 "Arabic Small High Dotless Head of Khah"
+ 1762 "Arabic Small High Meem Isolated Form"
+ 1763 "Arabic Small Low Seen"
+ 1764 "Arabic Small High Madda"
+ 1765 "Arabic Small Waw"
+ 1766 "Arabic Small Yeh"
+ 1767 "Arabic Small High Yeh"
+ 1768 "Arabic Small High Noon"
+ 1769 "Arabic Place of Sajdah"
+ 1770 "Arabic Empty Centre Low Stop"
+ 1771 "Arabic Empty Centre High Stop"
+ 1772 "Arabic Rounded High Stop with Filled Centre"
+ 1773 "Arabic Small Low Meem"
+ 1774 "Arabic Letter Dal with Inverted V"
+ 1775 "Arabic Letter Reh with Inverted V"
+ 1776 "Extended Arabic-Indic Digit Zero"
+ 1777 "Extended Arabic-Indic Digit One"
+ 1778 "Extended Arabic-Indic Digit Two"
+ 1779 "Extended Arabic-Indic Digit Three"
+ 1780 "Extended Arabic-Indic Digit Four"
+ 1781 "Extended Arabic-Indic Digit Five"
+ 1782 "Extended Arabic-Indic Digit Six"
+ 1783 "Extended Arabic-Indic Digit Seven"
+ 1784 "Extended Arabic-Indic Digit Eight"
+ 1785 "Extended Arabic-Indic Digit Nine"
+ 1786 "Arabic Letter Sheen with Dot Below"
+ 1787 "Arabic Letter Dad with Dot Below"
+ 1788 "Arabic Letter Ghain with Dot Below"
+ 1789 "Arabic Sign Sindhi Ampersand"
+ 1790 "Arabic Sign Sindhi Postposition Men"
+ 1791 "Arabic Letter Heh with Inverted V"
+ 1792 "Syriac End of Paragraph"
+ 1793 "Syriac Supralinear Full Stop"
+ 1794 "Syriac Sublinear Full Stop"
+ 1795 "Syriac Supralinear Colon"
+ 1796 "Syriac Sublinear Colon"
+ 1797 "Syriac Horizontal Colon"
+ 1798 "Syriac Colon Skewed Left"
+ 1799 "Syriac Colon Skewed Right"
+ 1800 "Syriac Supralinear Colon Skewed Left"
+ 1801 "Syriac Sublinear Colon Skewed Right"
+ 1802 "Syriac Contraction"
+ 1803 "Syriac Harklean Obelus"
+ 1804 "Syriac Harklean Metobelus"
+ 1805 "Syriac Harklean Asteriscus"
+ 1806 ""
+ 1807 "Syriac Abbreviation Mark"
+ 1808 "Syriac Letter Alaph"
+ 1809 "Syriac Letter Superscript Alaph"
+ 1810 "Syriac Letter Beth"
+ 1811 "Syriac Letter Gamal"
+ 1812 "Syriac Letter Gamal Garshuni"
+ 1813 "Syriac Letter Dalath"
+ 1814 "Syriac Letter Dotless Dalath Rish"
+ 1815 "Syriac Letter He"
+ 1816 "Syriac Letter Waw"
+ 1817 "Syriac Letter Zain"
+ 1818 "Syriac Letter Heth"
+ 1819 "Syriac Letter Teth"
+ 1820 "Syriac Letter Teth Garshuni"
+ 1821 "Syriac Letter Yudh"
+ 1822 "Syriac Letter Yudh He"
+ 1823 "Syriac Letter Kaph"
+ 1824 "Syriac Letter Lamadh"
+ 1825 "Syriac Letter Mim"
+ 1826 "Syriac Letter Nun"
+ 1827 "Syriac Letter Semkath"
+ 1828 "Syriac Letter Final Semkath"
+ 1829 "Syriac Letter E"
+ 1830 "Syriac Letter Pe"
+ 1831 "Syriac Letter Reversed Pe"
+ 1832 "Syriac Letter Sadhe"
+ 1833 "Syriac Letter Qaph"
+ 1834 "Syriac Letter Rish"
+ 1835 "Syriac Letter Shin"
+ 1836 "Syriac Letter Taw"
+ 1837 "Syriac Letter Persian Bheth"
+ 1838 "Syriac Letter Persian Ghamal"
+ 1839 "Syriac Letter Persian Dhalath"
+ 1840 "Syriac Pthaha Above"
+ 1841 "Syriac Pthaha Below"
+ 1842 "Syriac Pthaha Dotted"
+ 1843 "Syriac Zqapha Above"
+ 1844 "Syriac Zqapha Below"
+ 1845 "Syriac Zqapha Dotted"
+ 1846 "Syriac Rbasa Above"
+ 1847 "Syriac Rbasa Below"
+ 1848 "Syriac Dotted Zlama Horizontal"
+ 1849 "Syriac Dotted Zlama Angular"
+ 1850 "Syriac Hbasa Above"
+ 1851 "Syriac Hbasa Below"
+ 1852 "Syriac Hbasa-Esasa Dotted"
+ 1853 "Syriac Esasa Above"
+ 1854 "Syriac Esasa Below"
+ 1855 "Syriac Rwaha"
+ 1856 "Syriac Feminine Dot"
+ 1857 "Syriac Qushshaya"
+ 1858 "Syriac Rukkakha"
+ 1859 "Syriac Two Vertical Dots Above"
+ 1860 "Syriac Two Vertical Dots Below"
+ 1861 "Syriac Three Dots Above"
+ 1862 "Syriac Three Dots Below"
+ 1863 "Syriac Oblique Line Above"
+ 1864 "Syriac Oblique Line Below"
+ 1865 "Syriac Music"
+ 1866 "Syriac Barrekh"
+ 1867 ""
+ 1868 ""
+ 1869 "Syriac Letter Sogdian Zhain"
+ 1870 "Syriac Letter Sogdian Khaph"
+ 1871 "Syriac Letter Sogdian Fe"
+ 1872 "Arabic Letter Beh with Three Dots Horizontally Below"
+ 1873 "Arabic Letter Beh with Dot Below and Three Dots Above"
+ 1874 "Arabic Letter Beh with Three Dots Pointing Upwards Below"
+ 1875 "Arabic Letter Beh with Three Dots Pointing Upwards Below and Two Dots
+ 1876 "Arabic Letter Beh with Two Dots Below and Dot Above"
+ 1877 "Arabic Letter Beh with Inverted Small V Below"
+ 1878 "Arabic Letter Beh with Small V"
+ 1879 "Arabic Letter Hah with Two Dots Above"
+ 1880 "Arabic Letter Hah with Three Dots Pointing Upwards Below"
+ 1881 "Arabic Letter Dal with Two Dots Vertically Below and Small Tah"
+ 1882 "Arabic Letter Dal with Inverted Small V Below"
+ 1883 "Arabic Letter Reh with Stroke"
+ 1884 "Arabic Letter Seen with Four Dots Above"
+ 1885 "Arabic Letter Ain with Two Dots Above"
+ 1886 "Arabic Letter Ain with Three Dots Pointing Downwards Above"
+ 1887 "Arabic Letter Ain with Two Dots Vertically Above"
+ 1888 "Arabic Letter Feh with Two Dots Below"
+ 1889 "Arabic Letter Feh with Three Dots Pointing Upwards Below"
+ 1890 "Arabic Letter Keheh with Dot Above"
+ 1891 "Arabic Letter Keheh with Three Dots Above"
+ 1892 "Arabic Letter Keheh with Three Dots Pointing Upwards Below"
+ 1893 "Arabic Letter Meem with Dot Above"
+ 1894 "Arabic Letter Meem with Dot Below"
+ 1895 "Arabic Letter Noon with Two Dots Below"
+ 1896 "Arabic Letter Noon with Small Tah"
+ 1897 "Arabic Letter Noon with Small V"
+ 1898 "Arabic Letter Lam with Bar"
+ 1899 "Arabic Letter Reh with Two Dots Vertically Above"
+ 1900 "Arabic Letter Reh with Hamza Above"
+ 1901 "Arabic Letter Seen with Two Dots Vertically Above"
+ 1902 "Arabic Letter Hah with Small Arabic Letter Tah Below"
+ 1903 "Arabic Letter Hah with Small Arabic Letter Tah and Two Dots"
+ 1904 "Arabic Letter Seen with Small Arabic Letter Tah and Two Dots"
+ 1905 "Arabic Letter Reh with Small Arabic Letter Tah and Two Dots"
+ 1906 "Arabic Letter Hah with Small Arabic Letter Tah Above"
+ 1907 "Arabic Letter Alef with Extended Arabic-Indic Digit Two Above"
+ 1908 "Arabic Letter Alef with Extended Arabic-Indic Digit Three Above"
+ 1909 "Arabic Letter Farsi Yeh with Extended Arabic-Indic Digit Two Above"
+ 1910 "Arabic Letter Farsi Yeh with Extended Arabic-Indic Digit Three
+ 1911 "Arabic Letter Farsi Yeh with Extended Arabic-Indic Digit Four Below"
+ 1912 "Arabic Letter Waw with Extended Arabic-Indic Digit Two Above"
+ 1913 "Arabic Letter Waw with Extended Arabic-Indic Digit Three Above"
+ 1914 "Arabic Letter Yeh Barree with Extended Arabic-Indic Digit Two Above"
+ 1915 "Arabic Letter Yeh Barree with Extended Arabic-Indic Digit Three
+ 1916 "Arabic Letter Hah with Extended Arabic-Indic Digit Four Below"
+ 1917 "Arabic Letter Seen with Extended Arabic-Indic Digit Four Above"
+ 1918 "Arabic Letter Seen with Inverted V"
+ 1919 "Arabic Letter Kaf with Two Dots Above"
+ 1920 "Thaana Letter Haa"
+ 1921 "Thaana Letter Shaviyani"
+ 1922 "Thaana Letter Noonu"
+ 1923 "Thaana Letter Raa"
+ 1924 "Thaana Letter Baa"
+ 1925 "Thaana Letter Lhaviyani"
+ 1926 "Thaana Letter Kaafu"
+ 1927 "Thaana Letter Alifu"
+ 1928 "Thaana Letter Vaavu"
+ 1929 "Thaana Letter Meemu"
+ 1930 "Thaana Letter Faafu"
+ 1931 "Thaana Letter Dhaalu"
+ 1932 "Thaana Letter Thaa"
+ 1933 "Thaana Letter Laamu"
+ 1934 "Thaana Letter Gaafu"
+ 1935 "Thaana Letter Gnaviyani"
+ 1936 "Thaana Letter Seenu"
+ 1937 "Thaana Letter Daviyani"
+ 1938 "Thaana Letter Zaviyani"
+ 1939 "Thaana Letter Taviyani"
+ 1940 "Thaana Letter Yaa"
+ 1941 "Thaana Letter Paviyani"
+ 1942 "Thaana Letter Javiyani"
+ 1943 "Thaana Letter Chaviyani"
+ 1944 "Thaana Letter Ttaa"
+ 1945 "Thaana Letter Hhaa"
+ 1946 "Thaana Letter Khaa"
+ 1947 "Thaana Letter Thaalu"
+ 1948 "Thaana Letter Zaa"
+ 1949 "Thaana Letter Sheenu"
+ 1950 "Thaana Letter Saadhu"
+ 1951 "Thaana Letter Daadhu"
+ 1952 "Thaana Letter To"
+ 1953 "Thaana Letter Zo"
+ 1954 "Thaana Letter Ainu"
+ 1955 "Thaana Letter Ghainu"
+ 1956 "Thaana Letter Qaafu"
+ 1957 "Thaana Letter Waavu"
+ 1958 "Thaana Abafili"
+ 1959 "Thaana Aabaafili"
+ 1960 "Thaana Ibifili"
+ 1961 "Thaana Eebeefili"
+ 1962 "Thaana Ubufili"
+ 1963 "Thaana Ooboofili"
+ 1964 "Thaana Ebefili"
+ 1965 "Thaana Eybeyfili"
+ 1966 "Thaana Obofili"
+ 1967 "Thaana Oaboafili"
+ 1968 "Thaana Sukun"
+ 1969 "Thaana Letter Naa"
+ 1970 ""
+ 1971 ""
+ 1972 ""
+ 1973 ""
+ 1974 ""
+ 1975 ""
+ 1976 ""
+ 1977 ""
+ 1978 ""
+ 1979 ""
+ 1980 ""
+ 1981 ""
+ 1982 ""
+ 1983 ""
+ 1984 "Nko Digit Zero"
+ 1985 "Nko Digit One"
+ 1986 "Nko Digit Two"
+ 1987 "Nko Digit Three"
+ 1988 "Nko Digit Four"
+ 1989 "Nko Digit Five"
+ 1990 "Nko Digit Six"
+ 1991 "Nko Digit Seven"
+ 1992 "Nko Digit Eight"
+ 1993 "Nko Digit Nine"
+ 1994 "Nko Letter A"
+ 1995 "Nko Letter Ee"
+ 1996 "Nko Letter I"
+ 1997 "Nko Letter E"
+ 1998 "Nko Letter U"
+ 1999 "Nko Letter Oo"
+ 2000 "Nko Letter O"
+ 2001 "Nko Letter Dagbasinna"
+ 2002 "Nko Letter N"
+ 2003 "Nko Letter Ba"
+ 2004 "Nko Letter Pa"
+ 2005 "Nko Letter Ta"
+ 2006 "Nko Letter Ja"
+ 2007 "Nko Letter Cha"
+ 2008 "Nko Letter Da"
+ 2009 "Nko Letter Ra"
+ 2010 "Nko Letter Rra"
+ 2011 "Nko Letter Sa"
+ 2012 "Nko Letter Gba"
+ 2013 "Nko Letter Fa"
+ 2014 "Nko Letter Ka"
+ 2015 "Nko Letter La"
+ 2016 "Nko Letter Na Woloso"
+ 2017 "Nko Letter Ma"
+ 2018 "Nko Letter Nya"
+ 2019 "Nko Letter Na"
+ 2020 "Nko Letter Ha"
+ 2021 "Nko Letter Wa"
+ 2022 "Nko Letter Ya"
+ 2023 "Nko Letter Nya Woloso"
+ 2024 "Nko Letter Jona Ja"
+ 2025 "Nko Letter Jona Cha"
+ 2026 "Nko Letter Jona Ra"
+ 2027 "Nko Combining Short High Tone"
+ 2028 "Nko Combining Short Low Tone"
+ 2029 "Nko Combining Short Rising Tone"
+ 2030 "Nko Combining Long Descending Tone"
+ 2031 "Nko Combining Long High Tone"
+ 2032 "Nko Combining Long Low Tone"
+ 2033 "Nko Combining Long Rising Tone"
+ 2034 "Nko Combining Nasalization Mark"
+ 2035 "Nko Combining Double Dot Above"
+ 2036 "Nko High Tone Apostrophe"
+ 2037 "Nko Low Tone Apostrophe"
+ 2038 "Nko Symbol Oo Dennen"
+ 2039 "Nko Symbol Gbakurunen"
+ 2040 "Nko Comma"
+ 2041 "Nko Exclamation Mark"
+ 2042 "Nko Lajanyalan"
+ 2043 ""
+ 2044 ""
+ 2045 ""
+ 2046 ""
+ 2047 ""
+ 2048 "Samaritan Letter Alaf"
+ 2049 "Samaritan Letter Bit"
+ 2050 "Samaritan Letter Gaman"
+ 2051 "Samaritan Letter Dalat"
+ 2052 "Samaritan Letter Iy"
+ 2053 "Samaritan Letter Baa"
+ 2054 "Samaritan Letter Zen"
+ 2055 "Samaritan Letter It"
+ 2056 "Samaritan Letter Tit"
+ 2057 "Samaritan Letter Yut"
+ 2058 "Samaritan Letter Kaaf"
+ 2059 "Samaritan Letter Labat"
+ 2060 "Samaritan Letter Mim"
+ 2061 "Samaritan Letter Nun"
+ 2062 "Samaritan Letter Singaat"
+ 2063 "Samaritan Letter In"
+ 2064 "Samaritan Letter Fi"
+ 2065 "Samaritan Letter Tsaadiy"
+ 2066 "Samaritan Letter Quf"
+ 2067 "Samaritan Letter Rish"
+ 2068 "Samaritan Letter Shan"
+ 2069 "Samaritan Letter Taaf"
+ 2070 "Samaritan Mark In"
+ 2071 "Samaritan Mark In-Alaf"
+ 2072 "Samaritan Mark Occlusion"
+ 2073 "Samaritan Mark Dagesh"
+ 2074 "Samaritan Modifier Letter Epenthetic Yut"
+ 2075 "Samaritan Mark Epenthetic Yut"
+ 2076 "Samaritan Vowel Sign Long E"
+ 2077 "Samaritan Vowel Sign E"
+ 2078 "Samaritan Vowel Sign Overlong Aa"
+ 2079 "Samaritan Vowel Sign Long Aa"
+ 2080 "Samaritan Vowel Sign Aa"
+ 2081 "Samaritan Vowel Sign Overlong A"
+ 2082 "Samaritan Vowel Sign Long A"
+ 2083 "Samaritan Vowel Sign A"
+ 2084 "Samaritan Modifier Letter Short A"
+ 2085 "Samaritan Vowel Sign Short A"
+ 2086 "Samaritan Vowel Sign Long U"
+ 2087 "Samaritan Vowel Sign U"
+ 2088 "Samaritan Modifier Letter I"
+ 2089 "Samaritan Vowel Sign Long I"
+ 2090 "Samaritan Vowel Sign I"
+ 2091 "Samaritan Vowel Sign O"
+ 2092 "Samaritan Vowel Sign Sukun"
+ 2093 "Samaritan Mark Nequdaa"
+ 2094 ""
+ 2095 ""
+ 2096 "Samaritan Punctuation Nequdaa"
+ 2097 "Samaritan Punctuation Afsaaq"
+ 2098 "Samaritan Punctuation Anged"
+ 2099 "Samaritan Punctuation Bau"
+ 2100 "Samaritan Punctuation Atmaau"
+ 2101 "Samaritan Punctuation Shiyyaalaa"
+ 2102 "Samaritan Abbreviation Mark"
+ 2103 "Samaritan Punctuation Melodic Qitsa"
+ 2104 "Samaritan Punctuation Ziqaa"
+ 2105 "Samaritan Punctuation Qitsa"
+ 2106 "Samaritan Punctuation Zaef"
+ 2107 "Samaritan Punctuation Turu"
+ 2108 "Samaritan Punctuation Arkaanu"
+ 2109 "Samaritan Punctuation Sof Mashfaat"
+ 2110 "Samaritan Punctuation Annaau"
+ 2111 ""
+ 2112 "Mandaic Letter Halqa"
+ 2113 "Mandaic Letter Ab"
+ 2114 "Mandaic Letter Ag"
+ 2115 "Mandaic Letter Ad"
+ 2116 "Mandaic Letter Ah"
+ 2117 "Mandaic Letter Ushenna"
+ 2118 "Mandaic Letter Az"
+ 2119 "Mandaic Letter It"
+ 2120 "Mandaic Letter Att"
+ 2121 "Mandaic Letter Aksa"
+ 2122 "Mandaic Letter Ak"
+ 2123 "Mandaic Letter Al"
+ 2124 "Mandaic Letter Am"
+ 2125 "Mandaic Letter An"
+ 2126 "Mandaic Letter As"
+ 2127 "Mandaic Letter In"
+ 2128 "Mandaic Letter Ap"
+ 2129 "Mandaic Letter Asz"
+ 2130 "Mandaic Letter Aq"
+ 2131 "Mandaic Letter Ar"
+ 2132 "Mandaic Letter Ash"
+ 2133 "Mandaic Letter At"
+ 2134 "Mandaic Letter Dushenna"
+ 2135 "Mandaic Letter Kad"
+ 2136 "Mandaic Letter Ain"
+ 2137 "Mandaic Affrication Mark"
+ 2138 "Mandaic Vocalization Mark"
+ 2139 "Mandaic Gemination Mark"
+ 2140 ""
+ 2141 ""
+ 2142 "Mandaic Punctuation"
+ 2143 ""
+ 2144 ""
+ 2145 ""
+ 2146 ""
+ 2147 ""
+ 2148 ""
+ 2149 ""
+ 2150 ""
+ 2151 ""
+ 2152 ""
+ 2153 ""
+ 2154 ""
+ 2155 ""
+ 2156 ""
+ 2157 ""
+ 2158 ""
+ 2159 ""
+ 2160 ""
+ 2161 ""
+ 2162 ""
+ 2163 ""
+ 2164 ""
+ 2165 ""
+ 2166 ""
+ 2167 ""
+ 2168 ""
+ 2169 ""
+ 2170 ""
+ 2171 ""
+ 2172 ""
+ 2173 ""
+ 2174 ""
+ 2175 ""
+ 2176 ""
+ 2177 ""
+ 2178 ""
+ 2179 ""
+ 2180 ""
+ 2181 ""
+ 2182 ""
+ 2183 ""
+ 2184 ""
+ 2185 ""
+ 2186 ""
+ 2187 ""
+ 2188 ""
+ 2189 ""
+ 2190 ""
+ 2191 ""
+ 2192 ""
+ 2193 ""
+ 2194 ""
+ 2195 ""
+ 2196 ""
+ 2197 ""
+ 2198 ""
+ 2199 ""
+ 2200 ""
+ 2201 ""
+ 2202 ""
+ 2203 ""
+ 2204 ""
+ 2205 ""
+ 2206 ""
+ 2207 ""
+ 2208 "Arabic Letter Beh with Small V Below"
+ 2209 "Arabic Letter Beh with Hamza Above"
+ 2210 "Arabic Letter Jeem with Two Dots Above"
+ 2211 "Arabic Letter Tah with Two Dots Above"
+ 2212 "Arabic Letter Feh with Dot Below and Three Dots Above"
+ 2213 "Arabic Letter Qaf with Dot Below"
+ 2214 "Arabic Letter Lam with Double Bar"
+ 2215 "Arabic Letter Meem with Three Dots Above"
+ 2216 "Arabic Letter Yeh with Two Dots Below and Hamza Above"
+ 2217 "Arabic Letter Yeh with Two Dots Below and Dot Above"
+ 2218 "Arabic Letter Reh with Loop"
+ 2219 "Arabic Letter Waw with Dot Within"
+ 2220 "Arabic Letter Rohingya Yeh"
+ 2221 "Arabic Letter Low Alef"
+ 2222 "Arabic Letter Dal with Three Dots Below"
+ 2223 "Arabic Letter Sad with Three Dots Below"
+ 2224 "Arabic Letter Gaf with Inverted Stroke"
+ 2225 "Arabic Letter Straight Waw"
+ 2226 "Arabic Letter Zain with Inverted V Above"
+ 2227 "Arabic Letter Ain with Three Dots Below"
+ 2228 "Arabic Letter Kaf with Dot Below"
+ 2229 ""
+ 2230 "Arabic Letter Beh with Small Meem Above"
+ 2231 "Arabic Letter Peh with Small Meem Above"
+ 2232 "Arabic Letter Teh with Small Teh Above"
+ 2233 "Arabic Letter Reh with Small Noon Above"
+ 2234 "Arabic Letter Yeh with Two Dots Below and Small Noon Above"
+ 2235 "Arabic Letter African Feh"
+ 2236 "Arabic Letter African Qaf"
+ 2237 "Arabic Letter African Noon"
+ 2238 ""
+ 2239 ""
+ 2240 ""
+ 2241 ""
+ 2242 ""
+ 2243 ""
+ 2244 ""
+ 2245 ""
+ 2246 ""
+ 2247 ""
+ 2248 ""
+ 2249 ""
+ 2250 ""
+ 2251 ""
+ 2252 ""
+ 2253 ""
+ 2254 ""
+ 2255 ""
+ 2256 ""
+ 2257 ""
+ 2258 ""
+ 2259 ""
+ 2260 "Arabic Small High Word Ar-Rub"
+ 2261 "Arabic Small High Sad"
+ 2262 "Arabic Small High Ain"
+ 2263 "Arabic Small High Qaf"
+ 2264 "Arabic Small High Noon with Kasra"
+ 2265 "Arabic Small Low Noon with Kasra"
+ 2266 "Arabic Small High Word Ath-Thalatha"
+ 2267 "Arabic Small High Word As-Sajda"
+ 2268 "Arabic Small High Word An-Nisf"
+ 2269 "Arabic Small High Word Sakta"
+ 2270 "Arabic Small High Word Qif"
+ 2271 "Arabic Small High Word Waqfa"
+ 2272 "Arabic Small High Footnote Marker"
+ 2273 "Arabic Small High Sign Safha"
+ 2274 "Arabic Disputed End of Ayah"
+ 2275 "Arabic Turned Damma Below"
+ 2276 "Arabic Curly Fatha"
+ 2277 "Arabic Curly Damma"
+ 2278 "Arabic Curly Kasra"
+ 2279 "Arabic Curly Fathatan"
+ 2280 "Arabic Curly Dammatan"
+ 2281 "Arabic Curly Kasratan"
+ 2282 "Arabic Tone One Dot Above"
+ 2283 "Arabic Tone Two Dots Above"
+ 2284 "Arabic Tone Loop Above"
+ 2285 "Arabic Tone One Dot Below"
+ 2286 "Arabic Tone Two Dots Below"
+ 2287 "Arabic Tone Loop Below"
+ 2288 "Arabic Open Fathatan"
+ 2289 "Arabic Open Dammatan"
+ 2290 "Arabic Open Kasratan"
+ 2291 "Arabic Small High Waw"
+ 2292 "Arabic Fatha with Ring"
+ 2293 "Arabic Fatha with Dot Above"
+ 2294 "Arabic Kasra with Dot Below"
+ 2295 "Arabic Left Arrowhead Above"
+ 2296 "Arabic Right Arrowhead Above"
+ 2297 "Arabic Left Arrowhead Below"
+ 2298 "Arabic Right Arrowhead Below"
+ 2299 "Arabic Double Right Arrowhead Above"
+ 2300 "Arabic Double Right Arrowhead Above with Dot"
+ 2301 "Arabic Right Arrowhead Above with Dot"
+ 2302 "Arabic Damma with Dot"
+ 2303 "Arabic Mark Sideways Noon Ghunna"
+ 2304 "Devanagari Sign Inverted Candrabindu"
+ 2305 "Devanagari Sign Candrabindu"
+ 2306 "Devanagari Sign Anusvara"
+ 2307 "Devanagari Sign Visarga"
+ 2308 "Devanagari Letter Short A"
+ 2309 "Devanagari Letter A"
+ 2310 "Devanagari Letter Aa"
+ 2311 "Devanagari Letter I"
+ 2312 "Devanagari Letter Ii"
+ 2313 "Devanagari Letter U"
+ 2314 "Devanagari Letter Uu"
+ 2315 "Devanagari Letter Vocalic R"
+ 2316 "Devanagari Letter Vocalic L"
+ 2317 "Devanagari Letter Candra E"
+ 2318 "Devanagari Letter Short E"
+ 2319 "Devanagari Letter E"
+ 2320 "Devanagari Letter Ai"
+ 2321 "Devanagari Letter Candra O"
+ 2322 "Devanagari Letter Short O"
+ 2323 "Devanagari Letter O"
+ 2324 "Devanagari Letter Au"
+ 2325 "Devanagari Letter Ka"
+ 2326 "Devanagari Letter Kha"
+ 2327 "Devanagari Letter Ga"
+ 2328 "Devanagari Letter Gha"
+ 2329 "Devanagari Letter Nga"
+ 2330 "Devanagari Letter Ca"
+ 2331 "Devanagari Letter Cha"
+ 2332 "Devanagari Letter Ja"
+ 2333 "Devanagari Letter Jha"
+ 2334 "Devanagari Letter Nya"
+ 2335 "Devanagari Letter Tta"
+ 2336 "Devanagari Letter Ttha"
+ 2337 "Devanagari Letter Dda"
+ 2338 "Devanagari Letter Ddha"
+ 2339 "Devanagari Letter Nna"
+ 2340 "Devanagari Letter Ta"
+ 2341 "Devanagari Letter Tha"
+ 2342 "Devanagari Letter Da"
+ 2343 "Devanagari Letter Dha"
+ 2344 "Devanagari Letter Na"
+ 2345 "Devanagari Letter Nnna"
+ 2346 "Devanagari Letter Pa"
+ 2347 "Devanagari Letter Pha"
+ 2348 "Devanagari Letter Ba"
+ 2349 "Devanagari Letter Bha"
+ 2350 "Devanagari Letter Ma"
+ 2351 "Devanagari Letter Ya"
+ 2352 "Devanagari Letter Ra"
+ 2353 "Devanagari Letter Rra"
+ 2354 "Devanagari Letter La"
+ 2355 "Devanagari Letter Lla"
+ 2356 "Devanagari Letter Llla"
+ 2357 "Devanagari Letter Va"
+ 2358 "Devanagari Letter Sha"
+ 2359 "Devanagari Letter Ssa"
+ 2360 "Devanagari Letter Sa"
+ 2361 "Devanagari Letter Ha"
+ 2362 "Devanagari Vowel Sign Oe"
+ 2363 "Devanagari Vowel Sign Ooe"
+ 2364 "Devanagari Sign Nukta"
+ 2365 "Devanagari Sign Avagraha"
+ 2366 "Devanagari Vowel Sign Aa"
+ 2367 "Devanagari Vowel Sign I"
+ 2368 "Devanagari Vowel Sign Ii"
+ 2369 "Devanagari Vowel Sign U"
+ 2370 "Devanagari Vowel Sign Uu"
+ 2371 "Devanagari Vowel Sign Vocalic R"
+ 2372 "Devanagari Vowel Sign Vocalic Rr"
+ 2373 "Devanagari Vowel Sign Candra E"
+ 2374 "Devanagari Vowel Sign Short E"
+ 2375 "Devanagari Vowel Sign E"
+ 2376 "Devanagari Vowel Sign Ai"
+ 2377 "Devanagari Vowel Sign Candra O"
+ 2378 "Devanagari Vowel Sign Short O"
+ 2379 "Devanagari Vowel Sign O"
+ 2380 "Devanagari Vowel Sign Au"
+ 2381 "Devanagari Sign Virama"
+ 2382 "Devanagari Vowel Sign Prishthamatra E"
+ 2383 "Devanagari Vowel Sign Aw"
+ 2384 "Devanagari Om"
+ 2385 "Devanagari Stress Sign Udatta"
+ 2386 "Devanagari Stress Sign Anudatta"
+ 2387 "Devanagari Grave Accent"
+ 2388 "Devanagari Acute Accent"
+ 2389 "Devanagari Vowel Sign Candra Long E"
+ 2390 "Devanagari Vowel Sign Ue"
+ 2391 "Devanagari Vowel Sign Uue"
+ 2392 "Devanagari Letter Qa"
+ 2393 "Devanagari Letter Khha"
+ 2394 "Devanagari Letter Ghha"
+ 2395 "Devanagari Letter Za"
+ 2396 "Devanagari Letter Dddha"
+ 2397 "Devanagari Letter Rha"
+ 2398 "Devanagari Letter Fa"
+ 2399 "Devanagari Letter Yya"
+ 2400 "Devanagari Letter Vocalic Rr"
+ 2401 "Devanagari Letter Vocalic Ll"
+ 2402 "Devanagari Vowel Sign Vocalic L"
+ 2403 "Devanagari Vowel Sign Vocalic Ll"
+ 2404 "Devanagari Danda"
+ 2405 "Devanagari Double Danda"
+ 2406 "Devanagari Digit Zero"
+ 2407 "Devanagari Digit One"
+ 2408 "Devanagari Digit Two"
+ 2409 "Devanagari Digit Three"
+ 2410 "Devanagari Digit Four"
+ 2411 "Devanagari Digit Five"
+ 2412 "Devanagari Digit Six"
+ 2413 "Devanagari Digit Seven"
+ 2414 "Devanagari Digit Eight"
+ 2415 "Devanagari Digit Nine"
+ 2416 "Devanagari Abbreviation Sign"
+ 2417 "Devanagari Sign High Spacing Dot"
+ 2418 "Devanagari Letter Candra A"
+ 2419 "Devanagari Letter Oe"
+ 2420 "Devanagari Letter Ooe"
+ 2421 "Devanagari Letter Aw"
+ 2422 "Devanagari Letter Ue"
+ 2423 "Devanagari Letter Uue"
+ 2424 "Devanagari Letter Marwari Dda"
+ 2425 "Devanagari Letter Zha"
+ 2426 "Devanagari Letter Heavy Ya"
+ 2427 "Devanagari Letter Gga"
+ 2428 "Devanagari Letter Jja"
+ 2429 "Devanagari Letter Glottal Stop"
+ 2430 "Devanagari Letter Ddda"
+ 2431 "Devanagari Letter Bba"
+ 2432 "Bengali Anji"
+ 2433 "Bengali Sign Candrabindu"
+ 2434 "Bengali Sign Anusvara"
+ 2435 "Bengali Sign Visarga"
+ 2436 ""
+ 2437 "Bengali Letter A"
+ 2438 "Bengali Letter Aa"
+ 2439 "Bengali Letter I"
+ 2440 "Bengali Letter Ii"
+ 2441 "Bengali Letter U"
+ 2442 "Bengali Letter Uu"
+ 2443 "Bengali Letter Vocalic R"
+ 2444 "Bengali Letter Vocalic L"
+ 2445 ""
+ 2446 ""
+ 2447 "Bengali Letter E"
+ 2448 "Bengali Letter Ai"
+ 2449 ""
+ 2450 ""
+ 2451 "Bengali Letter O"
+ 2452 "Bengali Letter Au"
+ 2453 "Bengali Letter Ka"
+ 2454 "Bengali Letter Kha"
+ 2455 "Bengali Letter Ga"
+ 2456 "Bengali Letter Gha"
+ 2457 "Bengali Letter Nga"
+ 2458 "Bengali Letter Ca"
+ 2459 "Bengali Letter Cha"
+ 2460 "Bengali Letter Ja"
+ 2461 "Bengali Letter Jha"
+ 2462 "Bengali Letter Nya"
+ 2463 "Bengali Letter Tta"
+ 2464 "Bengali Letter Ttha"
+ 2465 "Bengali Letter Dda"
+ 2466 "Bengali Letter Ddha"
+ 2467 "Bengali Letter Nna"
+ 2468 "Bengali Letter Ta"
+ 2469 "Bengali Letter Tha"
+ 2470 "Bengali Letter Da"
+ 2471 "Bengali Letter Dha"
+ 2472 "Bengali Letter Na"
+ 2473 ""
+ 2474 "Bengali Letter Pa"
+ 2475 "Bengali Letter Pha"
+ 2476 "Bengali Letter Ba"
+ 2477 "Bengali Letter Bha"
+ 2478 "Bengali Letter Ma"
+ 2479 "Bengali Letter Ya"
+ 2480 "Bengali Letter Ra"
+ 2481 ""
+ 2482 "Bengali Letter La"
+ 2483 ""
+ 2484 ""
+ 2485 ""
+ 2486 "Bengali Letter Sha"
+ 2487 "Bengali Letter Ssa"
+ 2488 "Bengali Letter Sa"
+ 2489 "Bengali Letter Ha"
+ 2490 ""
+ 2491 ""
+ 2492 "Bengali Sign Nukta"
+ 2493 "Bengali Sign Avagraha"
+ 2494 "Bengali Vowel Sign Aa"
+ 2495 "Bengali Vowel Sign I"
+ 2496 "Bengali Vowel Sign Ii"
+ 2497 "Bengali Vowel Sign U"
+ 2498 "Bengali Vowel Sign Uu"
+ 2499 "Bengali Vowel Sign Vocalic R"
+ 2500 "Bengali Vowel Sign Vocalic Rr"
+ 2501 ""
+ 2502 ""
+ 2503 "Bengali Vowel Sign E"
+ 2504 "Bengali Vowel Sign Ai"
+ 2505 ""
+ 2506 ""
+ 2507 "Bengali Vowel Sign O"
+ 2508 "Bengali Vowel Sign Au"
+ 2509 "Bengali Sign Virama"
+ 2510 "Bengali Letter Khanda Ta"
+ 2511 ""
+ 2512 ""
+ 2513 ""
+ 2514 ""
+ 2515 ""
+ 2516 ""
+ 2517 ""
+ 2518 ""
+ 2519 "Bengali Au Length Mark"
+ 2520 ""
+ 2521 ""
+ 2522 ""
+ 2523 ""
+ 2524 "Bengali Letter Rra"
+ 2525 "Bengali Letter Rha"
+ 2526 ""
+ 2527 "Bengali Letter Yya"
+ 2528 "Bengali Letter Vocalic Rr"
+ 2529 "Bengali Letter Vocalic Ll"
+ 2530 "Bengali Vowel Sign Vocalic L"
+ 2531 "Bengali Vowel Sign Vocalic Ll"
+ 2532 "<Reserved>"
+ 2533 "<Reserved>"
+ 2534 "Bengali Digit Zero"
+ 2535 "Bengali Digit One"
+ 2536 "Bengali Digit Two"
+ 2537 "Bengali Digit Three"
+ 2538 "Bengali Digit Four"
+ 2539 "Bengali Digit Five"
+ 2540 "Bengali Digit Six"
+ 2541 "Bengali Digit Seven"
+ 2542 "Bengali Digit Eight"
+ 2543 "Bengali Digit Nine"
+ 2544 "Bengali Letter Ra with Middle Diagonal"
+ 2545 "Bengali Letter Ra with Lower Diagonal"
+ 2546 "Bengali Rupee Mark"
+ 2547 "Bengali Rupee Sign"
+ 2548 "Bengali Currency Numerator One"
+ 2549 "Bengali Currency Numerator Two"
+ 2550 "Bengali Currency Numerator Three"
+ 2551 "Bengali Currency Numerator Four"
+ 2552 "Bengali Currency Numerator One Less Than the Denominator"
+ 2553 "Bengali Currency Denominator Sixteen"
+ 2554 "Bengali Isshar"
+ 2555 "Bengali Ganda Mark"
+ 2556 ""
+ 2557 ""
+ 2558 ""
+ 2559 ""
+ 2560 ""
+ 2561 "Gurmukhi Sign Adak Bindi"
+ 2562 "Gurmukhi Sign Bindi"
+ 2563 "Gurmukhi Sign Visarga"
+ 2564 ""
+ 2565 "Gurmukhi Letter A"
+ 2566 "Gurmukhi Letter Aa"
+ 2567 "Gurmukhi Letter I"
+ 2568 "Gurmukhi Letter Ii"
+ 2569 "Gurmukhi Letter U"
+ 2570 "Gurmukhi Letter Uu"
+ 2571 ""
+ 2572 ""
+ 2573 ""
+ 2574 ""
+ 2575 "Gurmukhi Letter Ee"
+ 2576 "Gurmukhi Letter Ai"
+ 2577 ""
+ 2578 ""
+ 2579 "Gurmukhi Letter Oo"
+ 2580 "Gurmukhi Letter Au"
+ 2581 "Gurmukhi Letter Ka"
+ 2582 "Gurmukhi Letter Kha"
+ 2583 "Gurmukhi Letter Ga"
+ 2584 "Gurmukhi Letter Gha"
+ 2585 "Gurmukhi Letter Nga"
+ 2586 "Gurmukhi Letter Ca"
+ 2587 "Gurmukhi Letter Cha"
+ 2588 "Gurmukhi Letter Ja"
+ 2589 "Gurmukhi Letter Jha"
+ 2590 "Gurmukhi Letter Nya"
+ 2591 "Gurmukhi Letter Tta"
+ 2592 "Gurmukhi Letter Ttha"
+ 2593 "Gurmukhi Letter Dda"
+ 2594 "Gurmukhi Letter Ddha"
+ 2595 "Gurmukhi Letter Nna"
+ 2596 "Gurmukhi Letter Ta"
+ 2597 "Gurmukhi Letter Tha"
+ 2598 "Gurmukhi Letter Da"
+ 2599 "Gurmukhi Letter Dha"
+ 2600 "Gurmukhi Letter Na"
+ 2601 ""
+ 2602 "Gurmukhi Letter Pa"
+ 2603 "Gurmukhi Letter Pha"
+ 2604 "Gurmukhi Letter Ba"
+ 2605 "Gurmukhi Letter Bha"
+ 2606 "Gurmukhi Letter Ma"
+ 2607 "Gurmukhi Letter Ya"
+ 2608 "Gurmukhi Letter Ra"
+ 2609 ""
+ 2610 "Gurmukhi Letter La"
+ 2611 "Gurmukhi Letter Lla"
+ 2612 ""
+ 2613 "Gurmukhi Letter Va"
+ 2614 "Gurmukhi Letter Sha"
+ 2615 ""
+ 2616 "Gurmukhi Letter Sa"
+ 2617 "Gurmukhi Letter Ha"
+ 2618 ""
+ 2619 ""
+ 2620 "Gurmukhi Sign Nukta"
+ 2621 ""
+ 2622 "Gurmukhi Vowel Sign Aa"
+ 2623 "Gurmukhi Vowel Sign I"
+ 2624 "Gurmukhi Vowel Sign Ii"
+ 2625 "Gurmukhi Vowel Sign U"
+ 2626 "Gurmukhi Vowel Sign Uu"
+ 2627 ""
+ 2628 ""
+ 2629 ""
+ 2630 ""
+ 2631 "Gurmukhi Vowel Sign Ee"
+ 2632 "Gurmukhi Vowel Sign Ai"
+ 2633 ""
+ 2634 ""
+ 2635 "Gurmukhi Vowel Sign Oo"
+ 2636 "Gurmukhi Vowel Sign Au"
+ 2637 "Gurmukhi Sign Virama"
+ 2638 ""
+ 2639 ""
+ 2640 ""
+ 2641 "Gurmukhi Sign Udaat"
+ 2642 ""
+ 2643 ""
+ 2644 ""
+ 2645 ""
+ 2646 ""
+ 2647 ""
+ 2648 ""
+ 2649 "Gurmukhi Letter Khha"
+ 2650 "Gurmukhi Letter Ghha"
+ 2651 "Gurmukhi Letter Za"
+ 2652 "Gurmukhi Letter Rra"
+ 2653 ""
+ 2654 "Gurmukhi Letter Fa"
+ 2655 ""
+ 2656 ""
+ 2657 ""
+ 2658 ""
+ 2659 ""
+ 2660 "<Reserved>"
+ 2661 "<Reserved>"
+ 2662 "Gurmukhi Digit Zero"
+ 2663 "Gurmukhi Digit One"
+ 2664 "Gurmukhi Digit Two"
+ 2665 "Gurmukhi Digit Three"
+ 2666 "Gurmukhi Digit Four"
+ 2667 "Gurmukhi Digit Five"
+ 2668 "Gurmukhi Digit Six"
+ 2669 "Gurmukhi Digit Seven"
+ 2670 "Gurmukhi Digit Eight"
+ 2671 "Gurmukhi Digit Nine"
+ 2672 "Gurmukhi Tippi"
+ 2673 "Gurmukhi Addak"
+ 2674 "Gurmukhi Iri"
+ 2675 "Gurmukhi Ura"
+ 2676 "Gurmukhi Ek Onkar"
+ 2677 "Gurmukhi Sign Yakash"
+ 2678 ""
+ 2679 ""
+ 2680 ""
+ 2681 ""
+ 2682 ""
+ 2683 ""
+ 2684 ""
+ 2685 ""
+ 2686 ""
+ 2687 ""
+ 2688 ""
+ 2689 "Gujarati Sign Candrabindu"
+ 2690 "Gujarati Sign Anusvara"
+ 2691 "Gujarati Sign Visarga"
+ 2692 ""
+ 2693 "Gujarati Letter A"
+ 2694 "Gujarati Letter Aa"
+ 2695 "Gujarati Letter I"
+ 2696 "Gujarati Letter Ii"
+ 2697 "Gujarati Letter U"
+ 2698 "Gujarati Letter Uu"
+ 2699 "Gujarati Letter Vocalic R"
+ 2700 "Gujarati Letter Vocalic L"
+ 2701 "Gujarati Vowel Candra E"
+ 2702 ""
+ 2703 "Gujarati Letter E"
+ 2704 "Gujarati Letter Ai"
+ 2705 "Gujarati Vowel Candra O"
+ 2706 ""
+ 2707 "Gujarati Letter O"
+ 2708 "Gujarati Letter Au"
+ 2709 "Gujarati Letter Ka"
+ 2710 "Gujarati Letter Kha"
+ 2711 "Gujarati Letter Ga"
+ 2712 "Gujarati Letter Gha"
+ 2713 "Gujarati Letter Nga"
+ 2714 "Gujarati Letter Ca"
+ 2715 "Gujarati Letter Cha"
+ 2716 "Gujarati Letter Ja"
+ 2717 "Gujarati Letter Jha"
+ 2718 "Gujarati Letter Nya"
+ 2719 "Gujarati Letter Tta"
+ 2720 "Gujarati Letter Ttha"
+ 2721 "Gujarati Letter Dda"
+ 2722 "Gujarati Letter Ddha"
+ 2723 "Gujarati Letter Nna"
+ 2724 "Gujarati Letter Ta"
+ 2725 "Gujarati Letter Tha"
+ 2726 "Gujarati Letter Da"
+ 2727 "Gujarati Letter Dha"
+ 2728 "Gujarati Letter Na"
+ 2729 ""
+ 2730 "Gujarati Letter Pa"
+ 2731 "Gujarati Letter Pha"
+ 2732 "Gujarati Letter Ba"
+ 2733 "Gujarati Letter Bha"
+ 2734 "Gujarati Letter Ma"
+ 2735 "Gujarati Letter Ya"
+ 2736 "Gujarati Letter Ra"
+ 2737 ""
+ 2738 "Gujarati Letter La"
+ 2739 "Gujarati Letter Lla"
+ 2740 ""
+ 2741 "Gujarati Letter Va"
+ 2742 "Gujarati Letter Sha"
+ 2743 "Gujarati Letter Ssa"
+ 2744 "Gujarati Letter Sa"
+ 2745 "Gujarati Letter Ha"
+ 2746 ""
+ 2747 ""
+ 2748 "Gujarati Sign Nukta"
+ 2749 "Gujarati Sign Avagraha"
+ 2750 "Gujarati Vowel Sign Aa"
+ 2751 "Gujarati Vowel Sign I"
+ 2752 "Gujarati Vowel Sign Ii"
+ 2753 "Gujarati Vowel Sign U"
+ 2754 "Gujarati Vowel Sign Uu"
+ 2755 "Gujarati Vowel Sign Vocalic R"
+ 2756 "Gujarati Vowel Sign Vocalic Rr"
+ 2757 "Gujarati Vowel Sign Candra E"
+ 2758 ""
+ 2759 "Gujarati Vowel Sign E"
+ 2760 "Gujarati Vowel Sign Ai"
+ 2761 "Gujarati Vowel Sign Candra O"
+ 2762 ""
+ 2763 "Gujarati Vowel Sign O"
+ 2764 "Gujarati Vowel Sign Au"
+ 2765 "Gujarati Sign Virama"
+ 2766 ""
+ 2767 ""
+ 2768 "Gujarati Om"
+ 2769 ""
+ 2770 ""
+ 2771 ""
+ 2772 ""
+ 2773 ""
+ 2774 ""
+ 2775 ""
+ 2776 ""
+ 2777 ""
+ 2778 ""
+ 2779 ""
+ 2780 ""
+ 2781 ""
+ 2782 ""
+ 2783 ""
+ 2784 "Gujarati Letter Vocalic Rr"
+ 2785 "Gujarati Letter Vocalic Ll"
+ 2786 "Gujarati Vowel Sign Vocalic L"
+ 2787 "Gujarati Vowel Sign Vocalic Ll"
+ 2788 "<Reserved>"
+ 2789 "<Reserved>"
+ 2790 "Gujarati Digit Zero"
+ 2791 "Gujarati Digit One"
+ 2792 "Gujarati Digit Two"
+ 2793 "Gujarati Digit Three"
+ 2794 "Gujarati Digit Four"
+ 2795 "Gujarati Digit Five"
+ 2796 "Gujarati Digit Six"
+ 2797 "Gujarati Digit Seven"
+ 2798 "Gujarati Digit Eight"
+ 2799 "Gujarati Digit Nine"
+ 2800 "Gujarati Abbreviation Sign"
+ 2801 "Gujarati Rupee Sign"
+ 2802 ""
+ 2803 ""
+ 2804 ""
+ 2805 ""
+ 2806 ""
+ 2807 ""
+ 2808 ""
+ 2809 "Gujarati Letter ZHA"
+ 2810 ""
+ 2811 ""
+ 2812 ""
+ 2813 ""
+ 2814 ""
+ 2815 ""
+ 2816 ""
+ 2817 "Oriya Sign Candrabindu"
+ 2818 "Oriya Sign Anusvara"
+ 2819 "Oriya Sign Visarga"
+ 2820 ""
+ 2821 "Oriya Letter A"
+ 2822 "Oriya Letter Aa"
+ 2823 "Oriya Letter I"
+ 2824 "Oriya Letter Ii"
+ 2825 "Oriya Letter U"
+ 2826 "Oriya Letter Uu"
+ 2827 "Oriya Letter Vocalic R"
+ 2828 "Oriya Letter Vocalic L"
+ 2829 ""
+ 2830 ""
+ 2831 "Oriya Letter E"
+ 2832 "Oriya Letter Ai"
+ 2833 ""
+ 2834 ""
+ 2835 "Oriya Letter O"
+ 2836 "Oriya Letter Au"
+ 2837 "Oriya Letter Ka"
+ 2838 "Oriya Letter Kha"
+ 2839 "Oriya Letter Ga"
+ 2840 "Oriya Letter Gha"
+ 2841 "Oriya Letter Nga"
+ 2842 "Oriya Letter Ca"
+ 2843 "Oriya Letter Cha"
+ 2844 "Oriya Letter Ja"
+ 2845 "Oriya Letter Jha"
+ 2846 "Oriya Letter Nya"
+ 2847 "Oriya Letter Tta"
+ 2848 "Oriya Letter Ttha"
+ 2849 "Oriya Letter Dda"
+ 2850 "Oriya Letter Ddha"
+ 2851 "Oriya Letter Nna"
+ 2852 "Oriya Letter Ta"
+ 2853 "Oriya Letter Tha"
+ 2854 "Oriya Letter Da"
+ 2855 "Oriya Letter Dha"
+ 2856 "Oriya Letter Na"
+ 2857 ""
+ 2858 "Oriya Letter Pa"
+ 2859 "Oriya Letter Pha"
+ 2860 "Oriya Letter Ba"
+ 2861 "Oriya Letter Bha"
+ 2862 "Oriya Letter Ma"
+ 2863 "Oriya Letter Ya"
+ 2864 "Oriya Letter Ra"
+ 2865 ""
+ 2866 "Oriya Letter La"
+ 2867 "Oriya Letter Lla"
+ 2868 ""
+ 2869 "Oriya Letter Va"
+ 2870 "Oriya Letter Sha"
+ 2871 "Oriya Letter Ssa"
+ 2872 "Oriya Letter Sa"
+ 2873 "Oriya Letter Ha"
+ 2874 ""
+ 2875 ""
+ 2876 "Oriya Sign Nukta"
+ 2877 "Oriya Sign Avagraha"
+ 2878 "Oriya Vowel Sign Aa"
+ 2879 "Oriya Vowel Sign I"
+ 2880 "Oriya Vowel Sign Ii"
+ 2881 "Oriya Vowel Sign U"
+ 2882 "Oriya Vowel Sign Uu"
+ 2883 "Oriya Vowel Sign Vocalic R"
+ 2884 "Oriya Vowel Sign Vocalic Rr"
+ 2885 ""
+ 2886 ""
+ 2887 "Oriya Vowel Sign E"
+ 2888 "Oriya Vowel Sign Ai"
+ 2889 ""
+ 2890 ""
+ 2891 "Oriya Vowel Sign O"
+ 2892 "Oriya Vowel Sign Au"
+ 2893 "Oriya Sign Virama"
+ 2894 ""
+ 2895 ""
+ 2896 ""
+ 2897 ""
+ 2898 ""
+ 2899 ""
+ 2900 ""
+ 2901 ""
+ 2902 "Oriya Ai Length Mark"
+ 2903 "Oriya Au Length Mark"
+ 2904 ""
+ 2905 ""
+ 2906 ""
+ 2907 ""
+ 2908 "Oriya Letter Rra"
+ 2909 "Oriya Letter Rha"
+ 2910 ""
+ 2911 "Oriya Letter Yya"
+ 2912 "Oriya Letter Vocalic Rr"
+ 2913 "Oriya Letter Vocalic Ll"
+ 2914 "Oriya Vowel Sign Vocalic L"
+ 2915 "Oriya Vowel Sign Vocalic Ll"
+ 2916 "<Reserved>"
+ 2917 "<Reserved>"
+ 2918 "Oriya Digit Zero"
+ 2919 "Oriya Digit One"
+ 2920 "Oriya Digit Two"
+ 2921 "Oriya Digit Three"
+ 2922 "Oriya Digit Four"
+ 2923 "Oriya Digit Five"
+ 2924 "Oriya Digit Six"
+ 2925 "Oriya Digit Seven"
+ 2926 "Oriya Digit Eight"
+ 2927 "Oriya Digit Nine"
+ 2928 "Oriya Isshar"
+ 2929 "Oriya Letter Wa"
+ 2930 "Oriya Fraction One Quarter"
+ 2931 "Oriya Fraction One Half"
+ 2932 "Oriya Fraction Three Quarters"
+ 2933 "Oriya Fraction One Sixteenth"
+ 2934 "Oriya Fraction One Eighth"
+ 2935 "Oriya Fraction Three Sixteenths"
+ 2936 ""
+ 2937 ""
+ 2938 ""
+ 2939 ""
+ 2940 ""
+ 2941 ""
+ 2942 ""
+ 2943 ""
+ 2944 ""
+ 2945 ""
+ 2946 "Tamil Sign Anusvara"
+ 2947 "Tamil Sign Visarga"
+ 2948 ""
+ 2949 "Tamil Letter A"
+ 2950 "Tamil Letter Aa"
+ 2951 "Tamil Letter I"
+ 2952 "Tamil Letter Ii"
+ 2953 "Tamil Letter U"
+ 2954 "Tamil Letter Uu"
+ 2955 ""
+ 2956 ""
+ 2957 ""
+ 2958 "Tamil Letter E"
+ 2959 "Tamil Letter Ee"
+ 2960 "Tamil Letter Ai"
+ 2961 ""
+ 2962 "Tamil Letter O"
+ 2963 "Tamil Letter Oo"
+ 2964 "Tamil Letter Au"
+ 2965 "Tamil Letter Ka"
+ 2966 ""
+ 2967 ""
+ 2968 ""
+ 2969 "Tamil Letter Nga"
+ 2970 "Tamil Letter Ca"
+ 2971 ""
+ 2972 "Tamil Letter Ja"
+ 2973 ""
+ 2974 "Tamil Letter Nya"
+ 2975 "Tamil Letter Tta"
+ 2976 ""
+ 2977 ""
+ 2978 ""
+ 2979 "Tamil Letter Nna"
+ 2980 "Tamil Letter Ta"
+ 2981 ""
+ 2982 ""
+ 2983 ""
+ 2984 "Tamil Letter Na"
+ 2985 "Tamil Letter Nnna"
+ 2986 "Tamil Letter Pa"
+ 2987 ""
+ 2988 ""
+ 2989 ""
+ 2990 "Tamil Letter Ma"
+ 2991 "Tamil Letter Ya"
+ 2992 "Tamil Letter Ra"
+ 2993 "Tamil Letter Rra"
+ 2994 "Tamil Letter La"
+ 2995 "Tamil Letter Lla"
+ 2996 "Tamil Letter Llla"
+ 2997 "Tamil Letter Va"
+ 2998 "Tamil Letter Sha"
+ 2999 "Tamil Letter Ssa"
+ 3000 "Tamil Letter Sa"
+ 3001 "Tamil Letter Ha"
+ 3002 ""
+ 3003 ""
+ 3004 ""
+ 3005 ""
+ 3006 "Tamil Vowel Sign Aa"
+ 3007 "Tamil Vowel Sign I"
+ 3008 "Tamil Vowel Sign Ii"
+ 3009 "Tamil Vowel Sign U"
+ 3010 "Tamil Vowel Sign Uu"
+ 3011 ""
+ 3012 ""
+ 3013 ""
+ 3014 "Tamil Vowel Sign E"
+ 3015 "Tamil Vowel Sign Ee"
+ 3016 "Tamil Vowel Sign Ai"
+ 3017 ""
+ 3018 "Tamil Vowel Sign O"
+ 3019 "Tamil Vowel Sign Oo"
+ 3020 "Tamil Vowel Sign Au"
+ 3021 "Tamil Sign Virama"
+ 3022 ""
+ 3023 ""
+ 3024 "Tamil Om"
+ 3025 ""
+ 3026 ""
+ 3027 ""
+ 3028 ""
+ 3029 ""
+ 3030 ""
+ 3031 "Tamil Au Length Mark"
+ 3032 ""
+ 3033 ""
+ 3034 ""
+ 3035 ""
+ 3036 ""
+ 3037 ""
+ 3038 ""
+ 3039 ""
+ 3040 ""
+ 3041 ""
+ 3042 ""
+ 3043 ""
+ 3044 "<Reserved>"
+ 3045 "<Reserved>"
+ 3046 "Tamil Digit Zero"
+ 3047 "Tamil Digit One"
+ 3048 "Tamil Digit Two"
+ 3049 "Tamil Digit Three"
+ 3050 "Tamil Digit Four"
+ 3051 "Tamil Digit Five"
+ 3052 "Tamil Digit Six"
+ 3053 "Tamil Digit Seven"
+ 3054 "Tamil Digit Eight"
+ 3055 "Tamil Digit Nine"
+ 3056 "Tamil Number Ten"
+ 3057 "Tamil Number One Hundred"
+ 3058 "Tamil Number One Thousand"
+ 3059 "Tamil Day Sign"
+ 3060 "Tamil Month Sign"
+ 3061 "Tamil Year Sign"
+ 3062 "Tamil Debit Sign"
+ 3063 "Tamil Credit Sign"
+ 3064 "Tamil As Above Sign"
+ 3065 "Tamil Rupee Sign"
+ 3066 "Tamil Number Sign"
+ 3067 ""
+ 3068 ""
+ 3069 ""
+ 3070 ""
+ 3071 ""
+ 3072 "Telugu Sign Combining Candrabindu Above"
+ 3073 "Telugu Sign Candrabindu"
+ 3074 "Telugu Sign Anusvara"
+ 3075 "Telugu Sign Visarga"
+ 3076 ""
+ 3077 "Telugu Letter A"
+ 3078 "Telugu Letter Aa"
+ 3079 "Telugu Letter I"
+ 3080 "Telugu Letter Ii"
+ 3081 "Telugu Letter U"
+ 3082 "Telugu Letter Uu"
+ 3083 "Telugu Letter Vocalic R"
+ 3084 "Telugu Letter Vocalic L"
+ 3085 ""
+ 3086 "Telugu Letter E"
+ 3087 "Telugu Letter Ee"
+ 3088 "Telugu Letter Ai"
+ 3089 ""
+ 3090 "Telugu Letter O"
+ 3091 "Telugu Letter Oo"
+ 3092 "Telugu Letter Au"
+ 3093 "Telugu Letter Ka"
+ 3094 "Telugu Letter Kha"
+ 3095 "Telugu Letter Ga"
+ 3096 "Telugu Letter Gha"
+ 3097 "Telugu Letter Nga"
+ 3098 "Telugu Letter Ca"
+ 3099 "Telugu Letter Cha"
+ 3100 "Telugu Letter Ja"
+ 3101 "Telugu Letter Jha"
+ 3102 "Telugu Letter Nya"
+ 3103 "Telugu Letter Tta"
+ 3104 "Telugu Letter Ttha"
+ 3105 "Telugu Letter Dda"
+ 3106 "Telugu Letter Ddha"
+ 3107 "Telugu Letter Nna"
+ 3108 "Telugu Letter Ta"
+ 3109 "Telugu Letter Tha"
+ 3110 "Telugu Letter Da"
+ 3111 "Telugu Letter Dha"
+ 3112 "Telugu Letter Na"
+ 3113 ""
+ 3114 "Telugu Letter Pa"
+ 3115 "Telugu Letter Pha"
+ 3116 "Telugu Letter Ba"
+ 3117 "Telugu Letter Bha"
+ 3118 "Telugu Letter Ma"
+ 3119 "Telugu Letter Ya"
+ 3120 "Telugu Letter Ra"
+ 3121 "Telugu Letter Rra"
+ 3122 "Telugu Letter La"
+ 3123 "Telugu Letter Lla"
+ 3124 "Telugu Letter Llla"
+ 3125 "Telugu Letter Va"
+ 3126 "Telugu Letter Sha"
+ 3127 "Telugu Letter Ssa"
+ 3128 "Telugu Letter Sa"
+ 3129 "Telugu Letter Ha"
+ 3130 ""
+ 3131 ""
+ 3132 ""
+ 3133 "Telugu Sign Avagraha"
+ 3134 "Telugu Vowel Sign Aa"
+ 3135 "Telugu Vowel Sign I"
+ 3136 "Telugu Vowel Sign Ii"
+ 3137 "Telugu Vowel Sign U"
+ 3138 "Telugu Vowel Sign Uu"
+ 3139 "Telugu Vowel Sign Vocalic R"
+ 3140 "Telugu Vowel Sign Vocalic Rr"
+ 3141 ""
+ 3142 "Telugu Vowel Sign E"
+ 3143 "Telugu Vowel Sign Ee"
+ 3144 "Telugu Vowel Sign Ai"
+ 3145 ""
+ 3146 "Telugu Vowel Sign O"
+ 3147 "Telugu Vowel Sign Oo"
+ 3148 "Telugu Vowel Sign Au"
+ 3149 "Telugu Sign Virama"
+ 3150 ""
+ 3151 ""
+ 3152 ""
+ 3153 ""
+ 3154 ""
+ 3155 ""
+ 3156 ""
+ 3157 "Telugu Length Mark"
+ 3158 "Telugu Ai Length Mark"
+ 3159 ""
+ 3160 "Telugu Letter Tsa"
+ 3161 "Telugu Letter Dza"
+ 3162 "Telugu Letter Rrra"
+ 3163 ""
+ 3164 ""
+ 3165 ""
+ 3166 ""
+ 3167 ""
+ 3168 "Telugu Letter Vocalic Rr"
+ 3169 "Telugu Letter Vocalic Ll"
+ 3170 "Telugu Vowel Sign Vocalic L"
+ 3171 "Telugu Vowel Sign Vocalic Ll"
+ 3172 "<Reserved>"
+ 3173 "<Reserved>"
+ 3174 "Telugu Digit Zero"
+ 3175 "Telugu Digit One"
+ 3176 "Telugu Digit Two"
+ 3177 "Telugu Digit Three"
+ 3178 "Telugu Digit Four"
+ 3179 "Telugu Digit Five"
+ 3180 "Telugu Digit Six"
+ 3181 "Telugu Digit Seven"
+ 3182 "Telugu Digit Eight"
+ 3183 "Telugu Digit Nine"
+ 3184 ""
+ 3185 ""
+ 3186 ""
+ 3187 ""
+ 3188 ""
+ 3189 ""
+ 3190 ""
+ 3191 ""
+ 3192 "Telugu Fraction Digit Zero for Odd Powers of Four"
+ 3193 "Telugu Fraction Digit One for Odd Powers of Four"
+ 3194 "Telugu Fraction Digit Two for Odd Powers of Four"
+ 3195 "Telugu Fraction Digit Three for Odd Powers of Four"
+ 3196 "Telugu Fraction Digit One for Even Powers of Four"
+ 3197 "Telugu Fraction Digit Two for Even Powers of Four"
+ 3198 "Telugu Fraction Digit Three for Even Powers of Four"
+ 3199 "Telugu Sign Tuumu"
+ 3200 "Kannada Sign Spacing Candrabindu"
+ 3201 "Kannada Sign Candrabindu"
+ 3202 "Kannada Sign Anusvara"
+ 3203 "Kannada Sign Visarga"
+ 3204 ""
+ 3205 "Kannada Letter A"
+ 3206 "Kannada Letter Aa"
+ 3207 "Kannada Letter I"
+ 3208 "Kannada Letter Ii"
+ 3209 "Kannada Letter U"
+ 3210 "Kannada Letter Uu"
+ 3211 "Kannada Letter Vocalic R"
+ 3212 "Kannada Letter Vocalic L"
+ 3213 ""
+ 3214 "Kannada Letter E"
+ 3215 "Kannada Letter Ee"
+ 3216 "Kannada Letter Ai"
+ 3217 ""
+ 3218 "Kannada Letter O"
+ 3219 "Kannada Letter Oo"
+ 3220 "Kannada Letter Au"
+ 3221 "Kannada Letter Ka"
+ 3222 "Kannada Letter Kha"
+ 3223 "Kannada Letter Ga"
+ 3224 "Kannada Letter Gha"
+ 3225 "Kannada Letter Nga"
+ 3226 "Kannada Letter Ca"
+ 3227 "Kannada Letter Cha"
+ 3228 "Kannada Letter Ja"
+ 3229 "Kannada Letter Jha"
+ 3230 "Kannada Letter Nya"
+ 3231 "Kannada Letter Tta"
+ 3232 "Kannada Letter Ttha"
+ 3233 "Kannada Letter Dda"
+ 3234 "Kannada Letter Ddha"
+ 3235 "Kannada Letter Nna"
+ 3236 "Kannada Letter Ta"
+ 3237 "Kannada Letter Tha"
+ 3238 "Kannada Letter Da"
+ 3239 "Kannada Letter Dha"
+ 3240 "Kannada Letter Na"
+ 3241 ""
+ 3242 "Kannada Letter Pa"
+ 3243 "Kannada Letter Pha"
+ 3244 "Kannada Letter Ba"
+ 3245 "Kannada Letter Bha"
+ 3246 "Kannada Letter Ma"
+ 3247 "Kannada Letter Ya"
+ 3248 "Kannada Letter Ra"
+ 3249 "Kannada Letter Rra"
+ 3250 "Kannada Letter La"
+ 3251 "Kannada Letter Lla"
+ 3252 ""
+ 3253 "Kannada Letter Va"
+ 3254 "Kannada Letter Sha"
+ 3255 "Kannada Letter Ssa"
+ 3256 "Kannada Letter Sa"
+ 3257 "Kannada Letter Ha"
+ 3258 ""
+ 3259 ""
+ 3260 "Kannada Sign Nukta"
+ 3261 "Kannada Sign Avagraha"
+ 3262 "Kannada Vowel Sign Aa"
+ 3263 "Kannada Vowel Sign I"
+ 3264 "Kannada Vowel Sign Ii"
+ 3265 "Kannada Vowel Sign U"
+ 3266 "Kannada Vowel Sign Uu"
+ 3267 "Kannada Vowel Sign Vocalic R"
+ 3268 "Kannada Vowel Sign Vocalic Rr"
+ 3269 ""
+ 3270 "Kannada Vowel Sign E"
+ 3271 "Kannada Vowel Sign Ee"
+ 3272 "Kannada Vowel Sign Ai"
+ 3273 ""
+ 3274 "Kannada Vowel Sign O"
+ 3275 "Kannada Vowel Sign Oo"
+ 3276 "Kannada Vowel Sign Au"
+ 3277 "Kannada Sign Virama"
+ 3278 ""
+ 3279 ""
+ 3280 ""
+ 3281 ""
+ 3282 ""
+ 3283 ""
+ 3284 ""
+ 3285 "Kannada Length Mark"
+ 3286 "Kannada Ai Length Mark"
+ 3287 ""
+ 3288 ""
+ 3289 ""
+ 3290 ""
+ 3291 ""
+ 3292 ""
+ 3293 ""
+ 3294 "Kannada Letter Fa"
+ 3295 ""
+ 3296 "Kannada Letter Vocalic Rr"
+ 3297 "Kannada Letter Vocalic Ll"
+ 3298 "Kannada Vowel Sign Vocalic L"
+ 3299 "Kannada Vowel Sign Vocalic Ll"
+ 3300 "<Reserved>"
+ 3301 "<Reserved>"
+ 3302 "Kannada Digit Zero"
+ 3303 "Kannada Digit One"
+ 3304 "Kannada Digit Two"
+ 3305 "Kannada Digit Three"
+ 3306 "Kannada Digit Four"
+ 3307 "Kannada Digit Five"
+ 3308 "Kannada Digit Six"
+ 3309 "Kannada Digit Seven"
+ 3310 "Kannada Digit Eight"
+ 3311 "Kannada Digit Nine"
+ 3312 ""
+ 3313 "Kannada Sign Jihvamuliya"
+ 3314 "Kannada Sign Upadhmaniya"
+ 3315 ""
+ 3316 ""
+ 3317 ""
+ 3318 ""
+ 3319 ""
+ 3320 ""
+ 3321 ""
+ 3322 ""
+ 3323 ""
+ 3324 ""
+ 3325 ""
+ 3326 ""
+ 3327 ""
+ 3328 ""
+ 3329 "Malayalam Sign Candrabindu"
+ 3330 "Malayalam Sign Anusvara"
+ 3331 "Malayalam Sign Visarga"
+ 3332 ""
+ 3333 "Malayalam Letter A"
+ 3334 "Malayalam Letter Aa"
+ 3335 "Malayalam Letter I"
+ 3336 "Malayalam Letter Ii"
+ 3337 "Malayalam Letter U"
+ 3338 "Malayalam Letter Uu"
+ 3339 "Malayalam Letter Vocalic R"
+ 3340 "Malayalam Letter Vocalic L"
+ 3341 ""
+ 3342 "Malayalam Letter E"
+ 3343 "Malayalam Letter Ee"
+ 3344 "Malayalam Letter Ai"
+ 3345 ""
+ 3346 "Malayalam Letter O"
+ 3347 "Malayalam Letter Oo"
+ 3348 "Malayalam Letter Au"
+ 3349 "Malayalam Letter Ka"
+ 3350 "Malayalam Letter Kha"
+ 3351 "Malayalam Letter Ga"
+ 3352 "Malayalam Letter Gha"
+ 3353 "Malayalam Letter Nga"
+ 3354 "Malayalam Letter Ca"
+ 3355 "Malayalam Letter Cha"
+ 3356 "Malayalam Letter Ja"
+ 3357 "Malayalam Letter Jha"
+ 3358 "Malayalam Letter Nya"
+ 3359 "Malayalam Letter Tta"
+ 3360 "Malayalam Letter Ttha"
+ 3361 "Malayalam Letter Dda"
+ 3362 "Malayalam Letter Ddha"
+ 3363 "Malayalam Letter Nna"
+ 3364 "Malayalam Letter Ta"
+ 3365 "Malayalam Letter Tha"
+ 3366 "Malayalam Letter Da"
+ 3367 "Malayalam Letter Dha"
+ 3368 "Malayalam Letter Na"
+ 3369 "Malayalam Letter Nnna"
+ 3370 "Malayalam Letter Pa"
+ 3371 "Malayalam Letter Pha"
+ 3372 "Malayalam Letter Ba"
+ 3373 "Malayalam Letter Bha"
+ 3374 "Malayalam Letter Ma"
+ 3375 "Malayalam Letter Ya"
+ 3376 "Malayalam Letter Ra"
+ 3377 "Malayalam Letter Rra"
+ 3378 "Malayalam Letter La"
+ 3379 "Malayalam Letter Lla"
+ 3380 "Malayalam Letter Llla"
+ 3381 "Malayalam Letter Va"
+ 3382 "Malayalam Letter Sha"
+ 3383 "Malayalam Letter Ssa"
+ 3384 "Malayalam Letter Sa"
+ 3385 "Malayalam Letter Ha"
+ 3386 "Malayalam Letter Ttta"
+ 3387 ""
+ 3388 ""
+ 3389 "Malayalam Sign Avagraha"
+ 3390 "Malayalam Vowel Sign Aa"
+ 3391 "Malayalam Vowel Sign I"
+ 3392 "Malayalam Vowel Sign Ii"
+ 3393 "Malayalam Vowel Sign U"
+ 3394 "Malayalam Vowel Sign Uu"
+ 3395 "Malayalam Vowel Sign Vocalic R"
+ 3396 "Malayalam Vowel Sign Vocalic Rr"
+ 3397 ""
+ 3398 "Malayalam Vowel Sign E"
+ 3399 "Malayalam Vowel Sign Ee"
+ 3400 "Malayalam Vowel Sign Ai"
+ 3401 ""
+ 3402 "Malayalam Vowel Sign O"
+ 3403 "Malayalam Vowel Sign Oo"
+ 3404 "Malayalam Vowel Sign Au"
+ 3405 "Malayalam Sign Virama"
+ 3406 "Malayalam Letter Dot Reph"
+ 3407 "Malayalam Sign Para"
+ 3408 ""
+ 3409 ""
+ 3410 ""
+ 3411 ""
+ 3412 "Malayalam Letter Chillu M"
+ 3413 "Malayalam Letter Chillu Y"
+ 3414 "Malayalam Letter Chillu Lll"
+ 3415 "Malayalam Au Length Mark"
+ 3416 "Malayalam Fraction One One-Hundred-and-Sixtieth"
+ 3417 "Malayalam Fraction One Fortieth"
+ 3418 "Malayalam Fraction Three Eightieths"
+ 3419 "Malayalam Fraction One Twentieth"
+ 3420 "Malayalam Fraction One Tenth"
+ 3421 "Malayalam Fraction Three Twentieths"
+ 3422 "Malayalam Fraction One Fifth"
+ 3423 "Malayalam Letter Archaic Ii"
+ 3424 "Malayalam Letter Vocalic Rr"
+ 3425 "Malayalam Letter Vocalic Ll"
+ 3426 "Malayalam Vowel Sign Vocalic L"
+ 3427 "Malayalam Vowel Sign Vocalic Ll"
+ 3428 "<Reserved>"
+ 3429 "<Reserved>"
+ 3430 "Malayalam Digit Zero"
+ 3431 "Malayalam Digit One"
+ 3432 "Malayalam Digit Two"
+ 3433 "Malayalam Digit Three"
+ 3434 "Malayalam Digit Four"
+ 3435 "Malayalam Digit Five"
+ 3436 "Malayalam Digit Six"
+ 3437 "Malayalam Digit Seven"
+ 3438 "Malayalam Digit Eight"
+ 3439 "Malayalam Digit Nine"
+ 3440 "Malayalam Number Ten"
+ 3441 "Malayalam Number One Hundred"
+ 3442 "Malayalam Number One Thousand"
+ 3443 "Malayalam Fraction One Quarter"
+ 3444 "Malayalam Fraction One Half"
+ 3445 "Malayalam Fraction Three Quarters"
+ 3446 "Malayalam Fraction One Sixteenth"
+ 3447 "Malayalam Fraction One Eighth"
+ 3448 "Malayalam Fraction Three Sixteenths"
+ 3449 "Malayalam Date Mark"
+ 3450 "Malayalam Letter Chillu Nn"
+ 3451 "Malayalam Letter Chillu N"
+ 3452 "Malayalam Letter Chillu Rr"
+ 3453 "Malayalam Letter Chillu L"
+ 3454 "Malayalam Letter Chillu Ll"
+ 3455 "Malayalam Letter Chillu K"
+ 3456 ""
+ 3457 ""
+ 3458 "Sinhala Sign Anusvaraya"
+ 3459 "Sinhala Sign Visargaya"
+ 3460 ""
+ 3461 "Sinhala Letter Ayanna"
+ 3462 "Sinhala Letter Aayanna"
+ 3463 "Sinhala Letter Aeyanna"
+ 3464 "Sinhala Letter Aeeyanna"
+ 3465 "Sinhala Letter Iyanna"
+ 3466 "Sinhala Letter Iiyanna"
+ 3467 "Sinhala Letter Uyanna"
+ 3468 "Sinhala Letter Uuyanna"
+ 3469 "Sinhala Letter Iruyanna"
+ 3470 "Sinhala Letter Iruuyanna"
+ 3471 "Sinhala Letter Iluyanna"
+ 3472 "Sinhala Letter Iluuyanna"
+ 3473 "Sinhala Letter Eyanna"
+ 3474 "Sinhala Letter Eeyanna"
+ 3475 "Sinhala Letter Aiyanna"
+ 3476 "Sinhala Letter Oyanna"
+ 3477 "Sinhala Letter Ooyanna"
+ 3478 "Sinhala Letter Auyanna"
+ 3479 ""
+ 3480 ""
+ 3481 ""
+ 3482 "Sinhala Letter Alpapraana Kayanna"
+ 3483 "Sinhala Letter Mahaapraana Kayanna"
+ 3484 "Sinhala Letter Alpapraana Gayanna"
+ 3485 "Sinhala Letter Mahaapraana Gayanna"
+ 3486 "Sinhala Letter Kantaja Naasikyaya"
+ 3487 "Sinhala Letter Sanyaka Gayanna"
+ 3488 "Sinhala Letter Alpapraana Cayanna"
+ 3489 "Sinhala Letter Mahaapraana Cayanna"
+ 3490 "Sinhala Letter Alpapraana Jayanna"
+ 3491 "Sinhala Letter Mahaapraana Jayanna"
+ 3492 "Sinhala Letter Taaluja Naasikyaya"
+ 3493 "Sinhala Letter Taaluja Sanyooga Naaksikyaya"
+ 3494 "Sinhala Letter Sanyaka Jayanna"
+ 3495 "Sinhala Letter Alpapraana Ttayanna"
+ 3496 "Sinhala Letter Mahaapraana Ttayanna"
+ 3497 "Sinhala Letter Alpapraana Ddayanna"
+ 3498 "Sinhala Letter Mahaapraana Ddayanna"
+ 3499 "Sinhala Letter Muurdhaja Nayanna"
+ 3500 "Sinhala Letter Sanyaka Ddayanna"
+ 3501 "Sinhala Letter Alpapraana Tayanna"
+ 3502 "Sinhala Letter Mahaapraana Tayanna"
+ 3503 "Sinhala Letter Alpapraana Dayanna"
+ 3504 "Sinhala Letter Mahaapraana Dayanna"
+ 3505 "Sinhala Letter Dantaja Nayanna"
+ 3506 ""
+ 3507 "Sinhala Letter Sanyaka Dayanna"
+ 3508 "Sinhala Letter Alpapraana Payanna"
+ 3509 "Sinhala Letter Mahaapraana Payanna"
+ 3510 "Sinhala Letter Alpapraana Bayanna"
+ 3511 "Sinhala Letter Mahaapraana Bayanna"
+ 3512 "Sinhala Letter Mayanna"
+ 3513 "Sinhala Letter Amba Bayanna"
+ 3514 "Sinhala Letter Yayanna"
+ 3515 "Sinhala Letter Rayanna"
+ 3516 ""
+ 3517 "Sinhala Letter Dantaja Layanna"
+ 3518 ""
+ 3519 ""
+ 3520 "Sinhala Letter Vayanna"
+ 3521 "Sinhala Letter Taaluja Sayanna"
+ 3522 "Sinhala Letter Muurdhaja Sayanna"
+ 3523 "Sinhala Letter Dantaja Sayanna"
+ 3524 "Sinhala Letter Hayanna"
+ 3525 "Sinhala Letter Muurdhaja Layanna"
+ 3526 "Sinhala Letter Fayanna"
+ 3527 ""
+ 3528 ""
+ 3529 ""
+ 3530 "Sinhala Sign Al-Lakuna"
+ 3531 ""
+ 3532 ""
+ 3533 ""
+ 3534 ""
+ 3535 "Sinhala Vowel Sign Aela-Pilla"
+ 3536 "Sinhala Vowel Sign Ketti Aeda-Pilla"
+ 3537 "Sinhala Vowel Sign Diga Aeda-Pilla"
+ 3538 "Sinhala Vowel Sign Ketti Is-Pilla"
+ 3539 "Sinhala Vowel Sign Diga Is-Pilla"
+ 3540 "Sinhala Vowel Sign Ketti Paa-Pilla"
+ 3541 ""
+ 3542 "Sinhala Vowel Sign Diga Paa-Pilla"
+ 3543 ""
+ 3544 "Sinhala Vowel Sign Gaetta-Pilla"
+ 3545 "Sinhala Vowel Sign Kombuva"
+ 3546 "Sinhala Vowel Sign Diga Kombuva"
+ 3547 "Sinhala Vowel Sign Kombu Deka"
+ 3548 "Sinhala Vowel Sign Kombuva Haa Aela-Pilla"
+ 3549 "Sinhala Vowel Sign Kombuva Haa Diga Aela-Pilla"
+ 3550 "Sinhala Vowel Sign Kombuva Haa Gayanukitta"
+ 3551 "Sinhala Vowel Sign Gayanukitta"
+ 3552 ""
+ 3553 ""
+ 3554 ""
+ 3555 ""
+ 3556 ""
+ 3557 ""
+ 3558 "Sinhala Lith Digit Zero"
+ 3559 "Sinhala Lith Digit One"
+ 3560 "Sinhala Lith Digit Two"
+ 3561 "Sinhala Lith Digit Three"
+ 3562 "Sinhala Lith Digit Four"
+ 3563 "Sinhala Lith Digit Five"
+ 3564 "Sinhala Lith Digit Six"
+ 3565 "Sinhala Lith Digit Seven"
+ 3566 "Sinhala Lith Digit Eight"
+ 3567 "Sinhala Lith Digit Nine"
+ 3568 ""
+ 3569 ""
+ 3570 "Sinhala Vowel Sign Diga Gaetta-Pilla"
+ 3571 "Sinhala Vowel Sign Diga Gayanukitta"
+ 3572 "Sinhala Punctuation Kunddaliya"
+ 3573 ""
+ 3574 ""
+ 3575 ""
+ 3576 ""
+ 3577 ""
+ 3578 ""
+ 3579 ""
+ 3580 ""
+ 3581 ""
+ 3582 ""
+ 3583 ""
+ 3584 ""
+ 3585 "Thai Character Ko Kai"
+ 3586 "Thai Character Kho Khai"
+ 3587 "Thai Character Kho Khuat"
+ 3588 "Thai Character Kho Khwai"
+ 3589 "Thai Character Kho Khon"
+ 3590 "Thai Character Kho Rakhang"
+ 3591 "Thai Character Ngo Ngu"
+ 3592 "Thai Character Cho Chan"
+ 3593 "Thai Character Cho Ching"
+ 3594 "Thai Character Cho Chang"
+ 3595 "Thai Character So So"
+ 3596 "Thai Character Cho Choe"
+ 3597 "Thai Character Yo Ying"
+ 3598 "Thai Character Do Chada"
+ 3599 "Thai Character To Patak"
+ 3600 "Thai Character Tho Than"
+ 3601 "Thai Character Tho Nangmontho"
+ 3602 "Thai Character Tho Phuthao"
+ 3603 "Thai Character No Nen"
+ 3604 "Thai Character Do Dek"
+ 3605 "Thai Character To Tao"
+ 3606 "Thai Character Tho Thung"
+ 3607 "Thai Character Tho Thahan"
+ 3608 "Thai Character Tho Thong"
+ 3609 "Thai Character No Nu"
+ 3610 "Thai Character Bo Baimai"
+ 3611 "Thai Character Po Pla"
+ 3612 "Thai Character Pho Phung"
+ 3613 "Thai Character Fo Fa"
+ 3614 "Thai Character Pho Phan"
+ 3615 "Thai Character Fo Fan"
+ 3616 "Thai Character Pho Samphao"
+ 3617 "Thai Character Mo Ma"
+ 3618 "Thai Character Yo Yak"
+ 3619 "Thai Character Ro Rua"
+ 3620 "Thai Character Ru"
+ 3621 "Thai Character Lo Ling"
+ 3622 "Thai Character Lu"
+ 3623 "Thai Character Wo Waen"
+ 3624 "Thai Character So Sala"
+ 3625 "Thai Character So Rusi"
+ 3626 "Thai Character So Sua"
+ 3627 "Thai Character Ho Hip"
+ 3628 "Thai Character Lo Chula"
+ 3629 "Thai Character O Ang"
+ 3630 "Thai Character Ho Nokhuk"
+ 3631 "Thai Character Paiyannoi"
+ 3632 "Thai Character Sara A"
+ 3633 "Thai Character Mai Han-Akat"
+ 3634 "Thai Character Sara Aa"
+ 3635 "Thai Character Sara Am"
+ 3636 "Thai Character Sara I"
+ 3637 "Thai Character Sara Ii"
+ 3638 "Thai Character Sara Ue"
+ 3639 "Thai Character Sara Uee"
+ 3640 "Thai Character Sara U"
+ 3641 "Thai Character Sara Uu"
+ 3642 "Thai Character Phinthu"
+ 3643 ""
+ 3644 ""
+ 3645 ""
+ 3646 ""
+ 3647 "Thai Currency Symbol Baht"
+ 3648 "Thai Character Sara E"
+ 3649 "Thai Character Sara Ae"
+ 3650 "Thai Character Sara O"
+ 3651 "Thai Character Sara Ai Maimuan"
+ 3652 "Thai Character Sara Ai Maimalai"
+ 3653 "Thai Character Lakkhangyao"
+ 3654 "Thai Character Maiyamok"
+ 3655 "Thai Character Maitaikhu"
+ 3656 "Thai Character Mai Ek"
+ 3657 "Thai Character Mai Tho"
+ 3658 "Thai Character Mai Tri"
+ 3659 "Thai Character Mai Chattawa"
+ 3660 "Thai Character Thanthakhat"
+ 3661 "Thai Character Nikhahit"
+ 3662 "Thai Character Yamakkan"
+ 3663 "Thai Character Fongman"
+ 3664 "Thai Digit Zero"
+ 3665 "Thai Digit One"
+ 3666 "Thai Digit Two"
+ 3667 "Thai Digit Three"
+ 3668 "Thai Digit Four"
+ 3669 "Thai Digit Five"
+ 3670 "Thai Digit Six"
+ 3671 "Thai Digit Seven"
+ 3672 "Thai Digit Eight"
+ 3673 "Thai Digit Nine"
+ 3674 "Thai Character Angkhankhu"
+ 3675 "Thai Character Khomut"
+ 3676 ""
+ 3677 ""
+ 3678 ""
+ 3679 ""
+ 3680 ""
+ 3681 ""
+ 3682 ""
+ 3683 ""
+ 3684 ""
+ 3685 ""
+ 3686 ""
+ 3687 ""
+ 3688 ""
+ 3689 ""
+ 3690 ""
+ 3691 ""
+ 3692 ""
+ 3693 ""
+ 3694 ""
+ 3695 ""
+ 3696 ""
+ 3697 ""
+ 3698 ""
+ 3699 ""
+ 3700 ""
+ 3701 ""
+ 3702 ""
+ 3703 ""
+ 3704 ""
+ 3705 ""
+ 3706 ""
+ 3707 ""
+ 3708 ""
+ 3709 ""
+ 3710 ""
+ 3711 ""
+ 3712 ""
+ 3713 "Lao Letter Ko"
+ 3714 "Lao Letter Kho Sung"
+ 3715 ""
+ 3716 "Lao Letter Kho Tam"
+ 3717 ""
+ 3718 ""
+ 3719 "Lao Letter Ngo"
+ 3720 "Lao Letter Co"
+ 3721 ""
+ 3722 "Lao Letter So Tam"
+ 3723 ""
+ 3724 ""
+ 3725 "Lao Letter Nyo"
+ 3726 ""
+ 3727 ""
+ 3728 ""
+ 3729 ""
+ 3730 ""
+ 3731 ""
+ 3732 "Lao Letter Do"
+ 3733 "Lao Letter To"
+ 3734 "Lao Letter Tho Sung"
+ 3735 "Lao Letter Tho Tam"
+ 3736 ""
+ 3737 "Lao Letter No"
+ 3738 "Lao Letter Bo"
+ 3739 "Lao Letter Po"
+ 3740 "Lao Letter Pho Sung"
+ 3741 "Lao Letter Fo Tam"
+ 3742 "Lao Letter Pho Tam"
+ 3743 "Lao Letter Fo Sung"
+ 3744 ""
+ 3745 "Lao Letter Mo"
+ 3746 "Lao Letter Yo"
+ 3747 "Lao Letter Lo Ling"
+ 3748 ""
+ 3749 "Lao Letter Lo Loot"
+ 3750 ""
+ 3751 "Lao Letter Wo"
+ 3752 ""
+ 3753 ""
+ 3754 "Lao Letter So Sung"
+ 3755 "Lao Letter Ho Sung"
+ 3756 ""
+ 3757 "Lao Letter O"
+ 3758 "Lao Letter Ho Tam"
+ 3759 "Lao Ellipsis"
+ 3760 "Lao Vowel Sign A"
+ 3761 "Lao Vowel Sign Mai Kan"
+ 3762 "Lao Vowel Sign Aa"
+ 3763 "Lao Vowel Sign Am"
+ 3764 "Lao Vowel Sign I"
+ 3765 "Lao Vowel Sign Ii"
+ 3766 "Lao Vowel Sign Y"
+ 3767 "Lao Vowel Sign Yy"
+ 3768 "Lao Vowel Sign U"
+ 3769 "Lao Vowel Sign Uu"
+ 3770 ""
+ 3771 "Lao Vowel Sign Mai Kon"
+ 3772 "Lao Semivowel Sign Lo"
+ 3773 "Lao Semivowel Sign Nyo"
+ 3774 ""
+ 3775 ""
+ 3776 "Lao Vowel Sign E"
+ 3777 "Lao Vowel Sign Ei"
+ 3778 "Lao Vowel Sign O"
+ 3779 "Lao Vowel Sign Ay"
+ 3780 "Lao Vowel Sign Ai"
+ 3781 ""
+ 3782 "Lao Ko La"
+ 3783 ""
+ 3784 "Lao Tone Mai Ek"
+ 3785 "Lao Tone Mai Tho"
+ 3786 "Lao Tone Mai Ti"
+ 3787 "Lao Tone Mai Catawa"
+ 3788 "Lao Cancellation Mark"
+ 3789 "Lao Niggahita"
+ 3790 ""
+ 3791 ""
+ 3792 "Lao Digit Zero"
+ 3793 "Lao Digit One"
+ 3794 "Lao Digit Two"
+ 3795 "Lao Digit Three"
+ 3796 "Lao Digit Four"
+ 3797 "Lao Digit Five"
+ 3798 "Lao Digit Six"
+ 3799 "Lao Digit Seven"
+ 3800 "Lao Digit Eight"
+ 3801 "Lao Digit Nine"
+ 3802 ""
+ 3803 ""
+ 3804 "Lao Ho No"
+ 3805 "Lao Ho Mo"
+ 3806 "Lao Letter Khmu Go"
+ 3807 "Lao Letter Khmu Nyo"
+ 3808 ""
+ 3809 ""
+ 3810 ""
+ 3811 ""
+ 3812 ""
+ 3813 ""
+ 3814 ""
+ 3815 ""
+ 3816 ""
+ 3817 ""
+ 3818 ""
+ 3819 ""
+ 3820 ""
+ 3821 ""
+ 3822 ""
+ 3823 ""
+ 3824 ""
+ 3825 ""
+ 3826 ""
+ 3827 ""
+ 3828 ""
+ 3829 ""
+ 3830 ""
+ 3831 ""
+ 3832 ""
+ 3833 ""
+ 3834 ""
+ 3835 ""
+ 3836 ""
+ 3837 ""
+ 3838 ""
+ 3839 ""
+ 3840 "Tibetan Syllable Om"
+ 3841 "Tibetan Mark Gter Yig Mgo Truncated A"
+ 3842 "Tibetan Mark Gter Yig Mgo -Um Rnam Bcad Ma"
+ 3843 "Tibetan Mark Gter Yig Mgo -Um Gter Tsheg Ma"
+ 3844 "Tibetan Mark Initial Yig Mgo Mdun Ma"
+ 3845 "Tibetan Mark Closing Yig Mgo Sgab Ma"
+ 3846 "Tibetan Mark Caret Yig Mgo Phur Shad Ma"
+ 3847 "Tibetan Mark Yig Mgo Tsheg Shad Ma"
+ 3848 "Tibetan Mark Sbrul Shad"
+ 3849 "Tibetan Mark Bskur Yig Mgo"
+ 3850 "Tibetan Mark Bka- Shog Yig Mgo"
+ 3851 "Tibetan Mark Intersyllabic Tsheg"
+ 3852 "Tibetan Mark Delimiter Tsheg Bstar"
+ 3853 "Tibetan Mark Shad"
+ 3854 "Tibetan Mark Nyis Shad"
+ 3855 "Tibetan Mark Tsheg Shad"
+ 3856 "Tibetan Mark Nyis Tsheg Shad"
+ 3857 "Tibetan Mark Rin Chen Spungs Shad"
+ 3858 "Tibetan Mark Rgya Gram Shad"
+ 3859 "Tibetan Mark Caret -Dzud Rtags Me Long Can"
+ 3860 "Tibetan Mark Gter Tsheg"
+ 3861 "Tibetan Logotype Sign Chad Rtags"
+ 3862 "Tibetan Logotype Sign Lhag Rtags"
+ 3863 "Tibetan Astrological Sign Sgra Gcan -Char Rtags"
+ 3864 "Tibetan Astrological Sign -Khyud Pa"
+ 3865 "Tibetan Astrological Sign Sdong Tshugs"
+ 3866 "Tibetan Sign Rdel Dkar Gcig"
+ 3867 "Tibetan Sign Rdel Dkar Gnyis"
+ 3868 "Tibetan Sign Rdel Dkar Gsum"
+ 3869 "Tibetan Sign Rdel Nag Gcig"
+ 3870 "Tibetan Sign Rdel Nag Gnyis"
+ 3871 "Tibetan Sign Rdel Dkar Rdel Nag"
+ 3872 "Tibetan Digit Zero"
+ 3873 "Tibetan Digit One"
+ 3874 "Tibetan Digit Two"
+ 3875 "Tibetan Digit Three"
+ 3876 "Tibetan Digit Four"
+ 3877 "Tibetan Digit Five"
+ 3878 "Tibetan Digit Six"
+ 3879 "Tibetan Digit Seven"
+ 3880 "Tibetan Digit Eight"
+ 3881 "Tibetan Digit Nine"
+ 3882 "Tibetan Digit Half One"
+ 3883 "Tibetan Digit Half Two"
+ 3884 "Tibetan Digit Half Three"
+ 3885 "Tibetan Digit Half Four"
+ 3886 "Tibetan Digit Half Five"
+ 3887 "Tibetan Digit Half Six"
+ 3888 "Tibetan Digit Half Seven"
+ 3889 "Tibetan Digit Half Eight"
+ 3890 "Tibetan Digit Half Nine"
+ 3891 "Tibetan Digit Half Zero"
+ 3892 "Tibetan Mark Bsdus Rtags"
+ 3893 "Tibetan Mark Ngas Bzung Nyi Zla"
+ 3894 "Tibetan Mark Caret -Dzud Rtags Bzhi Mig Can"
+ 3895 "Tibetan Mark Ngas Bzung Sgor Rtags"
+ 3896 "Tibetan Mark Che Mgo"
+ 3897 "Tibetan Mark Tsa -Phru"
+ 3898 "Tibetan Mark Gug Rtags Gyon"
+ 3899 "Tibetan Mark Gug Rtags Gyas"
+ 3900 "Tibetan Mark Ang Khang Gyon"
+ 3901 "Tibetan Mark Ang Khang Gyas"
+ 3902 "Tibetan Sign Yar Tshes"
+ 3903 "Tibetan Sign Mar Tshes"
+ 3904 "Tibetan Letter Ka"
+ 3905 "Tibetan Letter Kha"
+ 3906 "Tibetan Letter Ga"
+ 3907 "Tibetan Letter Gha"
+ 3908 "Tibetan Letter Nga"
+ 3909 "Tibetan Letter Ca"
+ 3910 "Tibetan Letter Cha"
+ 3911 "Tibetan Letter Ja"
+ 3912 ""
+ 3913 "Tibetan Letter Nya"
+ 3914 "Tibetan Letter Tta"
+ 3915 "Tibetan Letter Ttha"
+ 3916 "Tibetan Letter Dda"
+ 3917 "Tibetan Letter Ddha"
+ 3918 "Tibetan Letter Nna"
+ 3919 "Tibetan Letter Ta"
+ 3920 "Tibetan Letter Tha"
+ 3921 "Tibetan Letter Da"
+ 3922 "Tibetan Letter Dha"
+ 3923 "Tibetan Letter Na"
+ 3924 "Tibetan Letter Pa"
+ 3925 "Tibetan Letter Pha"
+ 3926 "Tibetan Letter Ba"
+ 3927 "Tibetan Letter Bha"
+ 3928 "Tibetan Letter Ma"
+ 3929 "Tibetan Letter Tsa"
+ 3930 "Tibetan Letter Tsha"
+ 3931 "Tibetan Letter Dza"
+ 3932 "Tibetan Letter Dzha"
+ 3933 "Tibetan Letter Wa"
+ 3934 "Tibetan Letter Zha"
+ 3935 "Tibetan Letter Za"
+ 3936 "Tibetan Letter -A"
+ 3937 "Tibetan Letter Ya"
+ 3938 "Tibetan Letter Ra"
+ 3939 "Tibetan Letter La"
+ 3940 "Tibetan Letter Sha"
+ 3941 "Tibetan Letter Ssa"
+ 3942 "Tibetan Letter Sa"
+ 3943 "Tibetan Letter Ha"
+ 3944 "Tibetan Letter A"
+ 3945 "Tibetan Letter Kssa"
+ 3946 "Tibetan Letter Fixed-Form Ra"
+ 3947 "Tibetan Letter Kka"
+ 3948 "Tibetan Letter Rra"
+ 3949 ""
+ 3950 ""
+ 3951 ""
+ 3952 ""
+ 3953 "Tibetan Vowel Sign Aa"
+ 3954 "Tibetan Vowel Sign I"
+ 3955 "Tibetan Vowel Sign Ii"
+ 3956 "Tibetan Vowel Sign U"
+ 3957 "Tibetan Vowel Sign Uu"
+ 3958 "Tibetan Vowel Sign Vocalic R"
+ 3959 "Tibetan Vowel Sign Vocalic Rr"
+ 3960 "Tibetan Vowel Sign Vocalic L"
+ 3961 "Tibetan Vowel Sign Vocalic Ll"
+ 3962 "Tibetan Vowel Sign E"
+ 3963 "Tibetan Vowel Sign Ee"
+ 3964 "Tibetan Vowel Sign O"
+ 3965 "Tibetan Vowel Sign Oo"
+ 3966 "Tibetan Sign Rjes Su Nga Ro"
+ 3967 "Tibetan Sign Rnam Bcad"
+ 3968 "Tibetan Vowel Sign Reversed I"
+ 3969 "Tibetan Vowel Sign Reversed Ii"
+ 3970 "Tibetan Sign Nyi Zla Naa Da"
+ 3971 "Tibetan Sign Sna Ldan"
+ 3972 "Tibetan Mark Halanta"
+ 3973 "Tibetan Mark Paluta"
+ 3974 "Tibetan Sign Lci Rtags"
+ 3975 "Tibetan Sign Yang Rtags"
+ 3976 "Tibetan Sign Lce Tsa Can"
+ 3977 "Tibetan Sign Mchu Can"
+ 3978 "Tibetan Sign Gru Can Rgyings"
+ 3979 "Tibetan Sign Gru Med Rgyings"
+ 3980 "Tibetan Sign Inverted Mchu Can"
+ 3981 "Tibetan Subjoined Sign Lce Tsa Can"
+ 3982 "Tibetan Subjoined Sign Mchu Can"
+ 3983 "Tibetan Subjoined Sign Inverted Mchu Can"
+ 3984 "Tibetan Subjoined Letter Ka"
+ 3985 "Tibetan Subjoined Letter Kha"
+ 3986 "Tibetan Subjoined Letter Ga"
+ 3987 "Tibetan Subjoined Letter Gha"
+ 3988 "Tibetan Subjoined Letter Nga"
+ 3989 "Tibetan Subjoined Letter Ca"
+ 3990 "Tibetan Subjoined Letter Cha"
+ 3991 "Tibetan Subjoined Letter Ja"
+ 3992 ""
+ 3993 "Tibetan Subjoined Letter Nya"
+ 3994 "Tibetan Subjoined Letter Tta"
+ 3995 "Tibetan Subjoined Letter Ttha"
+ 3996 "Tibetan Subjoined Letter Dda"
... 35515 lines suppressed ...