commit 601871955f030d3eb38ca1c933b4be6f00c43c63
Author: Serge Gautherie <reactos-git_serge_171003(a)>
AuthorDate: Mon Mar 5 00:23:45 2018 +0100
Commit: Mark Jansen <mark.jansen(a)>
CommitDate: Wed Mar 7 20:42:14 2018 +0100
[APPHELP_APITEST] env.c: Fix a 3rd Windows S2003 special case
Test_Shimdata() already has a TODO with 2 special cases.
- Special-case "dwLayerCount" too.
- Add extra-safety checks.
modules/rostests/apitests/apphelp/env.c | 28 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++--
1 file changed, 26 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)
diff --git a/modules/rostests/apitests/apphelp/env.c
index 39a9ece74d..2ec1a46faf 100644
--- a/modules/rostests/apitests/apphelp/env.c
+++ b/modules/rostests/apitests/apphelp/env.c
@@ -685,10 +685,34 @@ static void Test_Shimdata(SDBQUERYRESULT_VISTA* result, const WCHAR*
investigate when we have support for multible db's! */
if (dwSize == sizeof(ShimData_Win2k3))
- /* Fake it for now, so the memcmp works. */
SDBQUERYRESULT_2k3* input = (SDBQUERYRESULT_2k3*)result;
SDBQUERYRESULT_2k3* output = (SDBQUERYRESULT_2k3*)&result2;
- ok(output->dwCustomSDBMap == 0, "Expected output->dwCustomSDBMap
to be 0, was %u for %s\n", output->dwCustomSDBMap, wine_dbgstr_w(szLayer));
+ const GUID rgGuidDB0 = {0x11111111, 0x1111, 0x1111, {0x11, 0x11, 0x11, 0x11,
0x11, 0x11, 0x11, 0x11}};
+ // Check expected data.
+ ok(input->dwLayerCount == 1,
+ "Expected input->dwLayerCount to be 1, was %u for %s\n",
+ input->dwLayerCount, wine_dbgstr_w(szLayer));
+ ok(input->dwCustomSDBMap == 1,
+ "Expected input->dwCustomSDBMap to be 1, was %u for %s\n",
+ input->dwCustomSDBMap, wine_dbgstr_w(szLayer));
+ ok(IsEqualGUID(&input->rgGuidDB[0], &rgGuidDB0),
+ "Expected input->rgGuidDB[0] to be %s, was %s for %s\n",
+ wine_dbgstr_guid(&rgGuidDB0),
wine_dbgstr_guid(&input->rgGuidDB[0]), wine_dbgstr_w(szLayer));
+ // Check missing data.
+ ok(output->dwLayerCount == 0,
+ "Expected output->dwLayerCount to be 0, was %u for %s\n",
+ output->dwLayerCount, wine_dbgstr_w(szLayer));
+ ok(output->dwCustomSDBMap == 0,
+ "Expected output->dwCustomSDBMap to be 0, was %u for %s\n",
+ output->dwCustomSDBMap, wine_dbgstr_w(szLayer));
+ ok(IsEqualGUID(&output->rgGuidDB[0], &empty_result.rgGuidDB[0]),
+ "Expected output->rgGuidDB[0] to be empty, was %s for %s\n",
+ wine_dbgstr_guid(&output->rgGuidDB[0]), wine_dbgstr_w(szLayer));
+ // Fake it for now, so the memcmp works.
+ output->dwLayerCount = input->dwLayerCount;
output->dwCustomSDBMap = input->dwCustomSDBMap;
output->rgGuidDB[0] = input->rgGuidDB[0];