commit 07e1f6ed47521cc5ef7f76009c175d030354345a
Author: Katayama Hirofumi MZ <>
AuthorDate: Sun Dec 29 13:12:39 2019 +0900
Commit: GitHub <noreply(a)>
CommitDate: Sun Dec 29 13:12:39 2019 +0900
[KERNEL32_APITEST] More power to ConsoleCP testcase (#2187)
Strengthen kernel32_apitest ConsoleCP testcase for COMMON_LVB_LEADING_BYTE and
modules/rostests/apitests/kernel32/ConsoleCP.c | 638 ++++++++++++++++++++++++-
1 file changed, 629 insertions(+), 9 deletions(-)
diff --git a/modules/rostests/apitests/kernel32/ConsoleCP.c
index 3a381977ed4..315f182761a 100644
--- a/modules/rostests/apitests/kernel32/ConsoleCP.c
+++ b/modules/rostests/apitests/kernel32/ConsoleCP.c
@@ -18,9 +18,10 @@
#define ATTR \
-static const WCHAR u0414[] = { 0x0414, 0 }; /* Д */
-static const WCHAR u9580[] = { 0x9580, 0 }; /* 門 */
-static const WCHAR ideograph_space = (WCHAR)0x3000; /* fullwidth space */
+static const WCHAR u0414[] = {0x0414, 0}; /* Д */
+static const WCHAR u9580[] = {0x9580, 0}; /* 門 */
+static const WCHAR space[] = {L' ', 0};
+static const WCHAR ideograph_space = (WCHAR)0x3000; /* fullwidth space */
static BOOL s_bIs8Plus;
@@ -73,8 +74,7 @@ static void test_cp855(HANDLE hConOut)
ret = GetConsoleScreenBufferInfo(hConOut, &csbi);
ok(ret, "GetConsoleScreenBufferInfo failed\n");
trace("csbi.dwSize.X:%d, csbi.dwSize.Y:%d\n", csbi.dwSize.X,
- count = csbi.dwSize.X * 3 / 2;
- trace("count: %d\n", count);
+ count = 200;
/* "\u0414" */
@@ -263,11 +263,13 @@ static void test_cp932(HANDLE hConOut)
DWORD oldcp;
int n;
DWORD len;
- COORD c;
+ COORD c, buffSize;
int count;
WCHAR str[32];
- WORD attr;
+ WORD attr, attrs[4];
+ CHAR_INFO buff[16];
if (!IsValidCodePage(932))
@@ -289,8 +291,7 @@ static void test_cp932(HANDLE hConOut)
ret = GetConsoleScreenBufferInfo(hConOut, &csbi);
ok(ret, "GetConsoleScreenBufferInfo failed\n");
trace("csbi.dwSize.X:%d, csbi.dwSize.Y:%d\n", csbi.dwSize.X,
- count = csbi.dwSize.X * 3 / 2;
- trace("count: %d\n", count);
+ count = 200;
/* "\u0414" */
@@ -470,6 +471,625 @@ static void test_cp932(HANDLE hConOut)
+ {
+ /* set cursor */
+ c.X = c.Y = 0;
+ SetConsoleCursorPosition(hConOut, c);
+ okCURSOR(hConOut, c);
+ /* fill by 'A' */
+ ret = FillConsoleOutputCharacterW(hConOut, L'A', csbi.dwSize.X * 2, c,
+ ok_int(ret, 1);
+ ok_long(len, csbi.dwSize.X * 2);
+ /* reset buff */
+ buffSize.X = ARRAYSIZE(buff);
+ buffSize.Y = 1;
+ memset(buff, 0x7F, sizeof(buff));
+ /* read output */
+ c.X = c.Y = 0;
+ ZeroMemory(&sr, sizeof(sr));
+ sr.Right = buffSize.X - 1;
+ ret = ReadConsoleOutputW(hConOut, buff, buffSize, c, &sr);
+ ok_int(ret, 1);
+ ok_int(sr.Left, 0);
+ ok_int(sr.Top, 0);
+ ok_int(sr.Right, buffSize.X - 1);
+ ok_int(sr.Bottom, 0);
+ /* check buff */
+ ok_int(buff[0].Char.UnicodeChar, L'A');
+ ok_int(buff[0].Attributes, ATTR);
+ /* read attr */
+ ret = ReadConsoleOutputAttribute(hConOut, &attr, 1, c, &len);
+ ok_int(ret, 1);
+ ok_int(attr, ATTR);
+ ok_long(len, 1);
+ /* read char */
+ c.X = c.Y = 0;
+ memset(str, 0x7F, sizeof(str));
+ ret = ReadConsoleOutputCharacterW(hConOut, str, 4, c, &len);
+ ok_int(ret, 1);
+ ok_int(str[0], L'A');
+ ok_int(str[1], L'A');
+ ok_int(str[2], L'A');
+ ok_int(str[3], L'A');
+ /* set cursor */
+ c.X = c.Y = 0;
+ SetConsoleCursorPosition(hConOut, c);
+ okCURSOR(hConOut, c);
+ /* write u0414 */
+ ret = WriteConsoleW(hConOut, u0414, 1, &len, NULL);
+ ok_int(ret, 1);
+ ok_long(len, 1);
+ /* reset buff */
+ buffSize.X = ARRAYSIZE(buff);
+ buffSize.Y = 1;
+ memset(buff, 0x7F, sizeof(buff));
+ /* read output */
+ c.X = c.Y = 0;
+ ZeroMemory(&sr, sizeof(sr));
+ sr.Right = buffSize.X - 1;
+ ret = ReadConsoleOutputW(hConOut, buff, buffSize, c, &sr);
+ ok_int(ret, 1);
+ ok_int(sr.Left, 0);
+ ok_int(sr.Top, 0);
+ ok_int(sr.Right, buffSize.X - 1);
+ ok_int(sr.Bottom, 0);
+ /* check buff */
+ if (s_bIs8Plus)
+ {
+ ok_int(buff[0].Char.UnicodeChar, 0x0414);
+ ok_int(buff[0].Attributes, ATTR | COMMON_LVB_LEADING_BYTE);
+ ok_int(buff[1].Char.UnicodeChar, 0x0414);
+ ok_int(buff[1].Attributes, ATTR | COMMON_LVB_TRAILING_BYTE);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ ok_int(buff[0].Char.UnicodeChar, 0x0414);
+ ok_int(buff[0].Attributes, ATTR);
+ ok_int(buff[1].Char.UnicodeChar, L'A');
+ ok_int(buff[1].Attributes, ATTR);
+ }
+ ok_int(buff[2].Char.UnicodeChar, L'A');
+ ok_int(buff[2].Attributes, ATTR);
+ ok_int(buff[3].Char.UnicodeChar, L'A');
+ ok_int(buff[3].Attributes, ATTR);
+ /* read attr */
+ ret = ReadConsoleOutputAttribute(hConOut, attrs, ARRAYSIZE(attrs), c, &len);
+ ok_int(ret, 1);
+ ok_long(len, ARRAYSIZE(attrs));
+ ok_int(attrs[0], ATTR | COMMON_LVB_LEADING_BYTE);
+ ok_int(attrs[1], ATTR | COMMON_LVB_TRAILING_BYTE);
+ ok_int(attrs[2], ATTR);
+ ok_int(attrs[3], ATTR);
+ /* read char */
+ c.X = c.Y = 0;
+ memset(str, 0x7F, sizeof(str));
+ ret = ReadConsoleOutputCharacterW(hConOut, str, 4, c, &len);
+ ok_int(ret, 1);
+ ok_int(str[0], 0x0414);
+ ok_int(str[1], L'A');
+ ok_int(str[2], L'A');
+ if (s_bIs8Plus)
+ ok_int(str[3], 0);
+ else
+ ok_int(str[3], 0x7F7F);
+ /* set cursor */
+ c.X = 1;
+ c.Y = 0;
+ SetConsoleCursorPosition(hConOut, c);
+ okCURSOR(hConOut, c);
+ /* write u0414 */
+ ret = WriteConsoleW(hConOut, u0414, 1, &len, NULL);
+ ok_int(ret, 1);
+ ok_long(len, 1);
+ /* read output */
+ c.X = c.Y = 0;
+ ZeroMemory(&sr, sizeof(sr));
+ sr.Right = buffSize.X - 1;
+ ret = ReadConsoleOutputW(hConOut, buff, buffSize, c, &sr);
+ ok_int(ret, 1);
+ ok_int(sr.Left, 0);
+ ok_int(sr.Top, 0);
+ ok_int(sr.Right, buffSize.X - 1);
+ ok_int(sr.Bottom, 0);
+ /* check buff */
+ if (s_bIs8Plus)
+ {
+ ok_int(buff[0].Char.UnicodeChar, 0x0414);
+ ok_int(buff[0].Attributes, ATTR | COMMON_LVB_LEADING_BYTE);
+ ok_int(buff[1].Char.UnicodeChar, 0x0414);
+ ok_int(buff[1].Attributes, ATTR | COMMON_LVB_LEADING_BYTE);
+ ok_int(buff[2].Char.UnicodeChar, 0x0414);
+ ok_int(buff[2].Attributes, ATTR | COMMON_LVB_TRAILING_BYTE);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ ok_int(buff[0].Char.UnicodeChar, L' ');
+ ok_int(buff[0].Attributes, ATTR);
+ ok_int(buff[1].Char.UnicodeChar, 0x0414);
+ ok_int(buff[1].Attributes, ATTR);
+ ok_int(buff[2].Char.UnicodeChar, L'A');
+ ok_int(buff[2].Attributes, ATTR);
+ }
+ ok_int(buff[3].Char.UnicodeChar, L'A');
+ ok_int(buff[3].Attributes, ATTR);
+ /* read attr */
+ c.X = c.Y = 0;
+ ret = ReadConsoleOutputAttribute(hConOut, attrs, ARRAYSIZE(attrs), c, &len);
+ ok_int(ret, 1);
+ ok_long(len, ARRAYSIZE(attrs));
+ if (s_bIs8Plus)
+ ok_int(attrs[0], ATTR | COMMON_LVB_LEADING_BYTE);
+ else
+ ok_int(attrs[0], ATTR);
+ ok_int(attrs[1], ATTR | COMMON_LVB_LEADING_BYTE);
+ ok_int(attrs[2], ATTR | COMMON_LVB_TRAILING_BYTE);
+ ok_int(attrs[3], ATTR);
+ /* read char */
+ c.X = c.Y = 0;
+ memset(str, 0x7F, sizeof(str));
+ ret = ReadConsoleOutputCharacterW(hConOut, str, 4, c, &len);
+ ok_int(ret, 1);
+ if (s_bIs8Plus)
+ {
+ ok_int(str[0], 0x0414);
+ ok_int(str[1], 0x0414);
+ ok_int(str[2], L'A');
+ ok_int(str[3], 0);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ ok_int(str[0], L' ');
+ ok_int(str[1], 0x0414);
+ ok_int(str[2], L'A');
+ ok_int(str[3], 0x7F7F);
+ }
+ /* set cursor */
+ c.X = csbi.dwSize.X - 1;
+ c.Y = 0;
+ SetConsoleCursorPosition(hConOut, c);
+ okCURSOR(hConOut, c);
+ /* write u0414 */
+ WriteConsoleW(hConOut, u0414, 1, &len, NULL);
+ ok_int(ret, 1);
+ ok_long(len, 1);
+ /* reset buff */
+ buffSize.X = ARRAYSIZE(buff);
+ buffSize.Y = 1;
+ memset(buff, 0x7F, sizeof(buff));
+ /* read output */
+ c.X = c.Y = 0;
+ sr.Left = csbi.dwSize.X - 2;
+ sr.Top = 0;
+ sr.Right = csbi.dwSize.X - 1;
+ sr.Bottom = 0;
+ ret = ReadConsoleOutputW(hConOut, buff, buffSize, c, &sr);
+ ok_int(ret, 1);
+ ok_int(sr.Left, csbi.dwSize.X - 2);
+ ok_int(sr.Top, 0);
+ ok_int(sr.Right, csbi.dwSize.X - 1);
+ ok_int(sr.Bottom, 0);
+ /* check buff */
+ ok_int(buff[0].Char.UnicodeChar, L'A');
+ ok_int(buff[0].Attributes, ATTR);
+ ok_int(buff[1].Char.UnicodeChar, L'A');
+ ok_int(buff[1].Attributes, ATTR);
+ /* read attrs */
+ c.X = csbi.dwSize.X - 2;
+ c.Y = 0;
+ ret = ReadConsoleOutputAttribute(hConOut, attrs, ARRAYSIZE(attrs), c, &len);
+ ok_int(ret, 1);
+ ok_long(len, ARRAYSIZE(attrs));
+ ok_int(attrs[0], ATTR);
+ ok_int(attrs[1], ATTR);
+ /* read char */
+ ret = ReadConsoleOutputCharacterW(hConOut, str, 2, c, &len);
+ ok_int(ret, 1);
+ ok_int(str[0], L'A');
+ ok_int(str[1], L'A');
+ /* fill by 'A' */
+ c.X = c.Y = 0;
+ ret = FillConsoleOutputCharacterW(hConOut, L'A', 10, c, &len);
+ ok_int(ret, 1);
+ ok_long(len, 10);
+ /* fill by u0414 */
+ c.X = 1;
+ c.Y = 0;
+ ret = FillConsoleOutputCharacterW(hConOut, 0x0414, 1, c, &len);
+ c.X = c.Y = 0;
+ ok_int(ret, 1);
+ ok_long(len, 1);
+ /* reset buff */
+ buffSize.X = ARRAYSIZE(buff);
+ buffSize.Y = 1;
+ memset(buff, 0x7F, sizeof(buff));
+ /* read output */
+ c.X = c.Y = 0;
+ sr.Left = 0;
+ sr.Top = 0;
+ sr.Right = 4;
+ sr.Bottom = 0;
+ ret = ReadConsoleOutputW(hConOut, buff, buffSize, c, &sr);
+ ok_int(ret, 1);
+ ok_int(sr.Left, 0);
+ ok_int(sr.Top, 0);
+ ok_int(sr.Right, 4);
+ ok_int(sr.Bottom, 0);
+ /* check buff */
+ ok_int(buff[0].Char.UnicodeChar, 'A');
+ ok_int(buff[0].Attributes, ATTR);
+ if (s_bIs8Plus)
+ {
+ ok_int(buff[1].Char.UnicodeChar, 0x0414);
+ ok_int(buff[1].Attributes, ATTR | COMMON_LVB_LEADING_BYTE);
+ ok_int(buff[2].Char.UnicodeChar, 0x0414);
+ ok_int(buff[2].Attributes, ATTR | COMMON_LVB_TRAILING_BYTE);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ ok_int(buff[1].Char.UnicodeChar, L' ');
+ ok_int(buff[1].Attributes, ATTR);
+ ok_int(buff[2].Char.UnicodeChar, 'A');
+ ok_int(buff[2].Attributes, ATTR);
+ }
+ ok_int(buff[3].Char.UnicodeChar, 'A');
+ ok_int(buff[3].Attributes, ATTR);
+ ok_int(buff[4].Char.UnicodeChar, 'A');
+ ok_int(buff[4].Attributes, ATTR);
+ /* read attrs */
+ c.X = 0;
+ c.Y = 0;
+ ret = ReadConsoleOutputAttribute(hConOut, attrs, 4, c, &len);
+ ok_int(ret, 1);
+ ok_long(len, ARRAYSIZE(attrs));
+ ok_int(attrs[0], ATTR);
+ if (s_bIs8Plus)
+ {
+ ok_int(attrs[1], ATTR | COMMON_LVB_LEADING_BYTE);
+ ok_int(attrs[2], ATTR | COMMON_LVB_TRAILING_BYTE);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ ok_int(attrs[1], ATTR);
+ ok_int(attrs[2], ATTR);
+ }
+ ok_int(attrs[3], ATTR);
+ }
+ {
+ /* set cursor */
+ c.X = c.Y = 0;
+ SetConsoleCursorPosition(hConOut, c);
+ okCURSOR(hConOut, c);
+ /* fill by 'A' */
+ ret = FillConsoleOutputCharacterW(hConOut, L'A', csbi.dwSize.X * 2, c,
+ ok_int(ret, 1);
+ ok_long(len, csbi.dwSize.X * 2);
+ /* reset buff */
+ buffSize.X = ARRAYSIZE(buff);
+ buffSize.Y = 1;
+ memset(buff, 0x7F, sizeof(buff));
+ /* read output */
+ c.X = c.Y = 0;
+ ZeroMemory(&sr, sizeof(sr));
+ sr.Right = buffSize.X - 1;
+ ret = ReadConsoleOutputW(hConOut, buff, buffSize, c, &sr);
+ ok_int(ret, 1);
+ ok_int(sr.Left, 0);
+ ok_int(sr.Top, 0);
+ ok_int(sr.Right, buffSize.X - 1);
+ ok_int(sr.Bottom, 0);
+ /* check buff */
+ ok_int(buff[0].Char.UnicodeChar, L'A');
+ ok_int(buff[0].Attributes, ATTR);
+ /* read attr */
+ ret = ReadConsoleOutputAttribute(hConOut, &attr, 1, c, &len);
+ ok_int(ret, 1);
+ ok_int(attr, ATTR);
+ ok_long(len, 1);
+ /* read char */
+ memset(str, 0x7F, sizeof(str));
+ ret = ReadConsoleOutputCharacterW(hConOut, str, 2, c, &len);
+ ok_int(ret, 1);
+ ok_int(str[0], L'A');
+ ok_int(str[1], L'A');
+ /* set cursor */
+ c.X = 0;
+ c.Y = 0;
+ SetConsoleCursorPosition(hConOut, c);
+ okCURSOR(hConOut, c);
+ /* write u9580 */
+ ret = WriteConsoleW(hConOut, u9580, 1, &len, NULL);
+ ok_int(ret, 1);
+ ok_long(len, 1);
+ /* reset buff */
+ buffSize.X = ARRAYSIZE(buff);
+ buffSize.Y = 1;
+ memset(buff, 0x7F, sizeof(buff));
+ /* read output */
+ c.X = c.Y = 0;
+ ZeroMemory(&sr, sizeof(sr));
+ sr.Right = buffSize.X - 1;
+ ret = ReadConsoleOutputW(hConOut, buff, buffSize, c, &sr);
+ ok_int(ret, 1);
+ ok_int(sr.Left, 0);
+ ok_int(sr.Top, 0);
+ ok_int(sr.Right, buffSize.X - 1);
+ ok_int(sr.Bottom, 0);
+ /* check buff */
+ if (s_bIs8Plus)
+ {
+ ok_int(buff[0].Char.UnicodeChar, 0x9580);
+ ok_int(buff[0].Attributes, ATTR | COMMON_LVB_LEADING_BYTE);
+ ok_int(buff[1].Char.UnicodeChar, 0x9580);
+ ok_int(buff[1].Attributes, ATTR | COMMON_LVB_TRAILING_BYTE);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ ok_int(buff[0].Char.UnicodeChar, 0x9580);
+ ok_int(buff[0].Attributes, ATTR);
+ ok_int(buff[1].Char.UnicodeChar, L'A');
+ ok_int(buff[1].Attributes, ATTR);
+ }
+ ok_int(buff[2].Char.UnicodeChar, L'A');
+ ok_int(buff[2].Attributes, ATTR);
+ ok_int(buff[3].Char.UnicodeChar, L'A');
+ ok_int(buff[3].Attributes, ATTR);
+ /* read attr */
+ ret = ReadConsoleOutputAttribute(hConOut, attrs, ARRAYSIZE(attrs), c, &len);
+ ok_int(ret, 1);
+ ok_long(len, ARRAYSIZE(attrs));
+ ok_int(attrs[0], ATTR | COMMON_LVB_LEADING_BYTE);
+ ok_int(attrs[1], ATTR | COMMON_LVB_TRAILING_BYTE);
+ ok_int(attrs[2], ATTR);
+ ok_int(attrs[3], ATTR);
+ /* read char */
+ c.X = c.Y = 0;
+ memset(str, 0x7F, sizeof(str));
+ ret = ReadConsoleOutputCharacterW(hConOut, str, 4, c, &len);
+ ok_int(ret, 1);
+ ok_int(str[0], 0x9580);
+ ok_int(str[1], L'A');
+ ok_int(str[2], L'A');
+ if (s_bIs8Plus)
+ ok_int(str[3], 0);
+ else
+ ok_int(str[3], 0x7F7F);
+ /* set cursor */
+ c.X = 1;
+ c.Y = 0;
+ SetConsoleCursorPosition(hConOut, c);
+ okCURSOR(hConOut, c);
+ /* write u9580 */
+ ret = WriteConsoleW(hConOut, u9580, 1, &len, NULL);
+ ok_int(ret, 1);
+ ok_long(len, 1);
+ /* read output */
+ c.X = c.Y = 0;
+ ZeroMemory(&sr, sizeof(sr));
+ sr.Right = buffSize.X - 1;
+ ret = ReadConsoleOutputW(hConOut, buff, buffSize, c, &sr);
+ ok_int(ret, 1);
+ ok_int(sr.Left, 0);
+ ok_int(sr.Top, 0);
+ ok_int(sr.Right, buffSize.X - 1);
+ ok_int(sr.Bottom, 0);
+ /* check buff */
+ if (s_bIs8Plus)
+ {
+ ok_int(buff[0].Char.UnicodeChar, 0x9580);
+ ok_int(buff[0].Attributes, ATTR | COMMON_LVB_LEADING_BYTE);
+ ok_int(buff[1].Char.UnicodeChar, 0x9580);
+ ok_int(buff[1].Attributes, ATTR | COMMON_LVB_LEADING_BYTE);
+ ok_int(buff[2].Char.UnicodeChar, 0x9580);
+ ok_int(buff[2].Attributes, ATTR | COMMON_LVB_TRAILING_BYTE);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ ok_int(buff[0].Char.UnicodeChar, L' ');
+ ok_int(buff[0].Attributes, ATTR);
+ ok_int(buff[1].Char.UnicodeChar, 0x9580);
+ ok_int(buff[1].Attributes, ATTR);
+ ok_int(buff[2].Char.UnicodeChar, L'A');
+ ok_int(buff[2].Attributes, ATTR);
+ }
+ ok_int(buff[3].Char.UnicodeChar, L'A');
+ ok_int(buff[3].Attributes, ATTR);
+ /* read attr */
+ c.X = c.Y = 0;
+ ret = ReadConsoleOutputAttribute(hConOut, attrs, ARRAYSIZE(attrs), c, &len);
+ ok_int(ret, 1);
+ ok_long(len, ARRAYSIZE(attrs));
+ if (s_bIs8Plus)
+ {
+ ok_int(attrs[0], ATTR | COMMON_LVB_LEADING_BYTE);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ ok_int(attrs[0], ATTR);
+ }
+ ok_int(attrs[1], ATTR | COMMON_LVB_LEADING_BYTE);
+ ok_int(attrs[2], ATTR | COMMON_LVB_TRAILING_BYTE);
+ ok_int(attrs[3], ATTR);
+ /* set cursor */
+ c.X = csbi.dwSize.X - 1;
+ c.Y = 0;
+ SetConsoleCursorPosition(hConOut, c);
+ okCURSOR(hConOut, c);
+ /* write u9580 */
+ WriteConsoleW(hConOut, u9580, 1, &len, NULL);
+ ok_int(ret, 1);
+ ok_long(len, 1);
+ /* reset buff */
+ buffSize.X = ARRAYSIZE(buff);
+ buffSize.Y = 1;
+ memset(buff, 0x7F, sizeof(buff));
+ /* read output */
+ c.X = c.Y = 0;
+ sr.Left = csbi.dwSize.X - 2;
+ sr.Top = 0;
+ sr.Right = csbi.dwSize.X - 1;
+ sr.Bottom = 0;
+ ret = ReadConsoleOutputW(hConOut, buff, buffSize, c, &sr);
+ ok_int(ret, 1);
+ ok_int(sr.Left, csbi.dwSize.X - 2);
+ ok_int(sr.Top, 0);
+ ok_int(sr.Right, csbi.dwSize.X - 1);
+ ok_int(sr.Bottom, 0);
+ /* check buff */
+ ok_int(buff[0].Char.UnicodeChar, 'A');
+ ok_int(buff[0].Attributes, ATTR);
+ ok_int(buff[1].Char.UnicodeChar, 'A');
+ ok_int(buff[1].Attributes, ATTR);
+ /* read attr */
+ c.X = csbi.dwSize.X - 2;
+ c.Y = 0;
+ ret = ReadConsoleOutputAttribute(hConOut, attrs, ARRAYSIZE(attrs), c, &len);
+ ok_int(ret, 1);
+ ok_long(len, ARRAYSIZE(attrs));
+ ok_int(attrs[0], ATTR);
+ ok_int(attrs[1], ATTR);
+ /* read char */
+ memset(str, 0x7F, sizeof(str));
+ ret = ReadConsoleOutputCharacterW(hConOut, str, 2, c, &len);
+ ok_int(ret, 1);
+ ok_int(str[0], L'A');
+ ok_int(str[1], L'A');
+ /* fill by 'A' */
+ c.X = c.Y = 0;
+ ret = FillConsoleOutputCharacterW(hConOut, L'A', 10, c, &len);
+ ok_int(ret, 1);
+ ok_long(len, 10);
+ /* fill by u9580 */
+ c.X = 1;
+ c.Y = 0;
+ ret = FillConsoleOutputCharacterW(hConOut, 0x9580, 1, c, &len);
+ c.X = c.Y = 0;
+ ok_int(ret, 1);
+ ok_long(len, 1);
+ /* reset buff */
+ buffSize.X = ARRAYSIZE(buff);
+ buffSize.Y = 1;
+ memset(buff, 0x7F, sizeof(buff));
+ /* read output */
+ c.X = c.Y = 0;
+ sr.Left = 0;
+ sr.Top = 0;
+ sr.Right = 4;
+ sr.Bottom = 0;
+ ret = ReadConsoleOutputW(hConOut, buff, buffSize, c, &sr);
+ ok_int(ret, 1);
+ ok_int(sr.Left, 0);
+ ok_int(sr.Top, 0);
+ ok_int(sr.Right, 4);
+ ok_int(sr.Bottom, 0);
+ /* check buff */
+ ok_int(buff[0].Char.UnicodeChar, 'A');
+ ok_int(buff[0].Attributes, ATTR);
+ if (s_bIs8Plus)
+ {
+ ok_int(buff[1].Char.UnicodeChar, 0x9580);
+ ok_int(buff[1].Attributes, ATTR | COMMON_LVB_LEADING_BYTE);
+ ok_int(buff[2].Char.UnicodeChar, 0x9580);
+ ok_int(buff[2].Attributes, ATTR | COMMON_LVB_TRAILING_BYTE);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ ok_int(buff[1].Char.UnicodeChar, L' ');
+ ok_int(buff[1].Attributes, ATTR);
+ ok_int(buff[2].Char.UnicodeChar, 'A');
+ ok_int(buff[2].Attributes, ATTR);
+ }
+ ok_int(buff[3].Char.UnicodeChar, 'A');
+ ok_int(buff[3].Attributes, ATTR);
+ ok_int(buff[4].Char.UnicodeChar, 'A');
+ ok_int(buff[4].Attributes, ATTR);
+ /* read attrs */
+ c.X = 0;
+ c.Y = 0;
+ ret = ReadConsoleOutputAttribute(hConOut, attrs, 4, c, &len);
+ ok_int(ret, 1);
+ ok_long(len, ARRAYSIZE(attrs));
+ ok_int(attrs[0], ATTR);
+ if (s_bIs8Plus)
+ {
+ ok_int(attrs[1], ATTR | COMMON_LVB_LEADING_BYTE);
+ ok_int(attrs[2], ATTR | COMMON_LVB_TRAILING_BYTE);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ ok_int(attrs[1], ATTR);
+ ok_int(attrs[2], ATTR);
+ }
+ ok_int(attrs[3], ATTR);
+ }
/* Restore code page */