commit ae649656dbc174358cb87b1b1e63b9e72fc58f93
Author: Hermès Bélusca-Maïto <hermes.belusca-maito(a)>
AuthorDate: Sat Jul 11 23:15:20 2020 +0200
Commit: Hermès Bélusca-Maïto <hermes.belusca-maito(a)>
CommitDate: Wed Aug 19 20:36:07 2020 +0200
[CMD] RMDIR: Improve some aspects of the /S option.
- First, the option and the APIs called by it can work directly on
paths relative to the current directory. So there is no need to
call GetFullPathName(), with the risk of going over MAX_PATH if the
current path is quite long (or nested) but the RMDIR is called on a
(short-length) relative sub-directory.
- Append a path-separator (backslash), only if the specified directory
does not have one already, and, that it does not specify a current
directory via the "drive-root" method, e.g. "C:" without any
- In case there are errors during deletion of sub-directories or
sub-files, print the error but continue deleting the other sub-dirs
or files.
- Monitor the Ctrl-C breaker as well, and stop deleting if it has been
- When removing file/directory read-only attribute, just remove this
attribute, but keep the other ones.
- When deleting the directory, first try to do it directly; if it fails
with access denied, check whether it was read-only, and if so, remove
this attribute and retry deletion, otherwise fails.
- When recursively deleting a drive root directory, ultimately resolve
the dir pattern and check whether it's indeed a drive root, e.g.
"C:\\", and if so, just return success. Indeed, calling
RemoveDirectory() on such drive roots will return ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED
otherwise, but we want to succeed even if, of course, we won't
actually "delete" the drive root.
base/shell/cmd/internal.c | 108 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-------------
1 file changed, 79 insertions(+), 29 deletions(-)
diff --git a/base/shell/cmd/internal.c b/base/shell/cmd/internal.c
index 3de6368583f..3f2c1b6b233 100644
--- a/base/shell/cmd/internal.c
+++ b/base/shell/cmd/internal.c
@@ -377,43 +377,68 @@ INT cmd_mkdir (LPTSTR param)
-BOOL DeleteFolder(LPTSTR FileName)
+BOOL DeleteFolder(LPTSTR Directory)
- TCHAR TempFileName[MAX_PATH];
+ LPTSTR pFileName;
+ DWORD dwAttribs;
+ TCHAR szFullPath[MAX_PATH];
- _tcscpy(Base, FileName);
- _tcscat(Base, _T("\\*"));
- hFile = FindFirstFile(Base, &f);
- Base[_tcslen(Base) - 1] = _T('\0');
+ _tcscpy(szFullPath, Directory);
+ pFileName = &szFullPath[_tcslen(szFullPath)];
+ /*
+ * Append a path separator if we don't have one already, and if this a drive
+ * path is not specified (paths like "C:" mean the current directory on
drive C:).
+ */
+ if (*szFullPath && *(pFileName - 1) != _T(':') && *(pFileName
- 1) != _T('\\'))
+ *pFileName++ = _T('\\');
+ _tcscpy(pFileName, _T("*"));
+ hFile = FindFirstFile(szFullPath, &f);
+ /* Check Breaker */
+ if (bCtrlBreak)
+ break;
if (!_tcscmp(f.cFileName, _T(".")) ||
!_tcscmp(f.cFileName, _T("..")))
- _tcscpy(TempFileName, Base);
- _tcscat(TempFileName, f.cFileName);
+ _tcscpy(pFileName, f.cFileName);
- if (f.dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY)
+ dwAttribs = f.dwFileAttributes;
- DeleteFolder(TempFileName);
+ if (!DeleteFolder(szFullPath))
+ {
+ /* Couldn't delete the file, print out the error */
+ ErrorMessage(GetLastError(), szFullPath);
+ /* Continue deleting files/subfolders */
+ }
- /* Force file deletion */
- SetFileAttributes(TempFileName, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL);
- if (!DeleteFile(TempFileName))
+ /* Force file deletion even if it's read-only */
+ SetFileAttributes(szFullPath, dwAttribs &
+ if (!DeleteFile(szFullPath))
- FindClose(hFile);
- return 0;
+ /* Couldn't delete the file, print out the error */
+ ErrorMessage(GetLastError(), szFullPath);
+ /* Restore file attributes */
+ SetFileAttributes(szFullPath, dwAttribs);
+ /* Continue deleting files/subfolders */
@@ -421,9 +446,42 @@ BOOL DeleteFolder(LPTSTR FileName)
- /* Force directory deletion even if it's read-only */
- SetFileAttributes(FileName, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL);
- return RemoveDirectory(FileName);
+ /* Ignore directory deletion if the user pressed Ctrl-C */
+ if (bCtrlBreak)
+ return TRUE;
+ /*
+ * Detect whether we are trying to delete a pure root drive (e.g. "C:\\",
but not "C:");
+ * if so, just return success. Otherwise the RemoveDirectory() call below would fail
+ * and return ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED.
+ */
+ if (GetFullPathName(Directory, ARRAYSIZE(szFullPath), szFullPath, NULL) == 3
+ szFullPath[1] == _T(':') && szFullPath[2] == _T('\\'))
+ {
+ return TRUE;
+ }
+ /* First attempt to delete the directory */
+ if (RemoveDirectory(Directory))
+ return TRUE;
+ /*
+ * It failed; if it was due to an denied access, check whether it was
+ * due to the directory being read-only. If so, remove its attribute
+ * and retry deletion.
+ */
+ if (GetLastError() == ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED)
+ {
+ /* Force directory deletion even if it's read-only */
+ dwAttribs = GetFileAttributes(Directory);
+ {
+ SetFileAttributes(Directory, dwAttribs & ~FILE_ATTRIBUTE_READONLY);
+ return RemoveDirectory(Directory);
+ }
+ }
+ return FALSE;
INT cmd_rmdir(LPTSTR param)
@@ -437,7 +495,6 @@ INT cmd_rmdir(LPTSTR param)
BOOL bRecurseDir = FALSE;
BOOL bQuiet = FALSE;
- TCHAR szFullPath[MAX_PATH];
if (!_tcsncmp(param, _T("/?"), 2))
@@ -498,14 +555,7 @@ INT cmd_rmdir(LPTSTR param)
bQuiet = TRUE;
- /* Get the folder name */
- GetFullPathName(arg[i], ARRAYSIZE(szFullPath), szFullPath, NULL);
- /* Remove trailing \ if any, but ONLY if dir is not the root dir */
- if (_tcslen(szFullPath) >= 2 && szFullPath[_tcslen(szFullPath) -
1] == _T('\\'))
- szFullPath[_tcslen(szFullPath) - 1] = _T('\0');
- res = DeleteFolder(szFullPath);
+ res = DeleteFolder(arg[i]);