Author: ion
Date: Sun Nov 6 17:17:16 2011
New Revision: 54318
[KERNEL32]: Rewrite GetLong/ShortPathNameW away from Wine. Some changes:
- Windows allows the two input buffers to overlap. This means we have to be very
careful with copying (and always use RtlMoveMemory) -- the old function was not handling
this at all.
- We also have to handle cases where we need to make our own local buffer copy.
- Length validation is more stringent now.
- Checking for short/long path names wasn't correct w.r.t ANSI file mode, as it was
calling Rtl which assumes OEM.
- Shortcuts were taken while parsing slashes and path separators. We now call into Rtl
to support this, and also support unlimited slashes (note that
\\??\c:\\\windows\\\\system32 is actully a valid path, for example).
- ErrorMode is now correctly set for the thread, to avoid "Insert floppy" or
"Close CDROM bay door" errors as we are using the FindFile API.
- Correct LastError is set where appropriate.
- An application compatibility flag is now supported.
Modified: trunk/reactos/dll/win32/kernel32/client/path.c
--- trunk/reactos/dll/win32/kernel32/client/path.c [iso-8859-1] (original)
+++ trunk/reactos/dll/win32/kernel32/client/path.c [iso-8859-1] Sun Nov 6 17:17:16 2011
@@ -18,7 +18,241 @@
UNICODE_STRING BaseDllDirectory;
UNICODE_STRING NoDefaultCurrentDirectoryInExePath =
+/* This is bitmask for each illegal filename character */
+/* If someone has time, please feel free to use 0b notation */
+DWORD IllegalMask[4] =
+ 0xFFFFFFFF, // None allowed (00 to 1F)
+ 0xFC009C05, // 20, 22, 2A, 2B, 2C, 2F, 3A, 3B, 3C, 3D, 3E, 3F not allowed
+ 0x38000000, // 5B, 5C, 5D not allowed
+ 0x10000000 // 7C not allowed
/* FUNCTIONS ******************************************************************/
+ * Why not use RtlIsNameLegalDOS8Dot3? In fact the actual algorithm body is
+ * identical (other than the Rtl can optionally check for spaces), however the
+ * Rtl will always convert to OEM, while kernel32 has two possible file modes
+ * (ANSI or OEM). Therefore we must duplicate the algorithm body to get
+ * the correct compatible results
+ */
+IsShortName_U(IN PWCHAR Name,
+ IN ULONG Length)
+ BOOLEAN HasExtension;
+ WCHAR c;
+ NTSTATUS Status;
+ ULONG i, Dots;
+ CHAR AnsiBuffer[MAX_PATH];
+ ASSERT(Name);
+ /* What do you think 8.3 means? */
+ if (Length > 12) return FALSE;
+ /* Sure, any emtpy name is a short name */
+ if (!Length) return TRUE;
+ /* This could be . or .. or somethign else */
+ if (*Name == L'.')
+ {
+ /* Which one is it */
+ if ((Length == 1) || ((Length == 2) && *(Name + 1) == L'.'))
+ {
+ /* . or .., this is good */
+ return TRUE;
+ }
+ /* Some other bizare dot-based name, not good */
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ /* Initialize our two strings */
+ RtlInitEmptyAnsiString(&AnsiName, AnsiBuffer, MAX_PATH);
+ RtlInitEmptyUnicodeString(&UnicodeName, Name, Length * sizeof(WCHAR));
+ UnicodeName.Length = UnicodeName.MaximumLength;
+ /* Now do the conversion */
+ Status = BasepUnicodeStringTo8BitString(&AnsiName, &UnicodeName, FALSE);
+ if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) return FALSE;
+ /* Now we loop the name */
+ HasExtension = FALSE;
+ for (i = 0, Dots = Length - 1; i < AnsiName.Length; i++, Dots--)
+ {
+ /* Read the current byte */
+ c = AnsiName.Buffer[i];
+ /* Is it DBCS? */
+ if (IsDBCSLeadByte(c))
+ {
+ /* If we're near the end of the string, we can't allow a DBCS */
+ if ((!(HasExtension) && (i >= 7)) || (i == AnsiName.Length - 1))
+ {
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ /* Otherwise we skip over it */
+ continue;
+ }
+ /* Check for illegal characters */
+ if ((c > 0x7F) || (IllegalMask[c / 32] && (1 << (c % 32))))
+ {
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ /* Check if this is perhaps an extension? */
+ if (c == L'.')
+ {
+ /* Unless the extension is too large or there's more than one */
+ if ((HasExtension) || (Dots > 3)) return FALSE;
+ /* This looks like an extension */
+ HasExtension = TRUE;
+ }
+ /* 8.3 length was validated, but now we must guard against 9.2 or similar */
+ if ((i >= 8) && !(HasExtension)) return FALSE;
+ }
+ /* You survived the loop, this is a good short name */
+ return TRUE;
+IsLongName_U(IN PWCHAR FileName,
+ IN ULONG Length)
+ BOOLEAN HasExtension;
+ ULONG i, Dots;
+ /* More than 8.3, any combination of dots, and NULL names are all long */
+ if (!(Length) || (Length > 12) || (*FileName == L'.')) return TRUE;
+ /* Otherwise, initialize our scanning loop */
+ HasExtension = FALSE;
+ for (i = 0, Dots = Length - 1; i < Length; i++, Dots--)
+ {
+ /* Check if this could be an extension */
+ if (*FileName == '.')
+ {
+ /* Unlike the short case, we WANT more than one extension, or a long one */
+ if ((HasExtension) || (Dots > 3)) return TRUE;
+ HasExtension = TRUE;
+ }
+ /* Check if this would violate the "8" in 8.3, ie. 9.2 */
+ if ((i >= 8) && (!HasExtension)) return TRUE;
+ }
+ /* The name *seems* to conform to 8.3 */
+ return FALSE;
+ OUT PWCHAR *First,
+ IN BOOL UseShort)
+ ULONG Length;
+ BOOL Found = 0;
+ ASSERT(Path);
+ /* Loop while there is something in the path */
+ while (TRUE)
+ {
+ /* Loop within the path skipping slashes */
+ while ((*Path) && ((*Path == L'\\') || (*Path == L'/')))
+ /* Make sure there's something after the slashes too! */
+ if (*Path == UNICODE_NULL) break;
+ /* Now do the same thing with the last marker */
+ p = Path + 1;
+ while ((*p) && ((*p == L'\\') || (*p == L'/'))) p++;
+ /* Whatever is in between those two is now the file name length */
+ Length = p - Path;
+ /*
+ * Check if it is valid
+ * Note that !IsShortName != IsLongName, these two functions simply help
+ * us determine if a conversion is necessary or not.
+ */
+ Found = UseShort ? IsShortName_U(Path, Length) : IsLongName_U(Path, Length);
+ /* "Found" really means: "Is a conversion necessary?", hence
the ! */
+ if (!Found)
+ {
+ /* It is! did the caller request to know the markers? */
+ if ((First) && (Last))
+ {
+ /* Return them */
+ *First = Path;
+ *Last = p;
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ /* Is there anything else following this sub-path/filename? */
+ if (*p == UNICODE_NULL) break;
+ /* Yes, keep going */
+ Path = p + 1;
+ }
+ /* Return if anything was found and valid */
+ return !Found;
+SkipPathTypeIndicator_U(IN PWCHAR Path)
+ PWCHAR ReturnPath;
+ ULONG i;
+ /* Check what kind of path this is and how many slashes to skip */
+ switch (RtlDetermineDosPathNameType_U(Path))
+ {
+ case RtlPathTypeDriveAbsolute:
+ return Path + 3;
+ case RtlPathTypeDriveRelative:
+ return Path + 2;
+ case RtlPathTypeRooted:
+ return Path + 1;
+ case RtlPathTypeRelative:
+ return Path;
+ case RtlPathTypeRootLocalDevice:
+ default:
+ return NULL;
+ case RtlPathTypeUncAbsolute:
+ case RtlPathTypeLocalDevice:
+ /* Keep going until we bypass the path indicators */
+ for (ReturnPath = Path + 2, i = 2; (i > 0) && (*ReturnPath);
+ {
+ /* We look for 2 slashes, so keep at it until we find them */
+ if ((*ReturnPath == L'\\') || (*ReturnPath == L'/'))
+ }
+ return ReturnPath;
+ }
@@ -536,108 +770,221 @@
return ret;
* @implemented
- *
- * GetLongPathNameW (KERNEL32.@)
- *
- * observed (Win2000):
- * shortpath=NULL: LastError=ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER, ret=0
- * shortpath="": LastError=ERROR_PATH_NOT_FOUND, ret=0
- */
-DWORD WINAPI GetLongPathNameW( LPCWSTR shortpath, LPWSTR longpath, DWORD longlen )
-#define MAX_PATHNAME_LEN 1024
- WCHAR tmplongpath[MAX_PATHNAME_LEN];
- DWORD sp = 0, lp = 0;
- DWORD tmplen;
- BOOL unixabsolute;
- HANDLE goit;
- if (!shortpath)
- {
+ */
+GetLongPathNameW(IN LPCWSTR lpszShortPath,
+ IN LPWSTR lpszLongPath,
+ IN DWORD cchBuffer)
+ PWCHAR Path, Original, First, Last, Buffer, Src, Dst;
+ ULONG Length;
+ WCHAR LastChar;
+ HANDLE FindHandle;
+ DWORD ReturnLength;
+ ULONG ErrorMode;
+ BOOLEAN Found;
+ WIN32_FIND_DATAW FindFileData;
+ /* Initialize so Quickie knows there's nothing to do */
+ Buffer = Original = NULL;
+ ReturnLength = 0;
+ /* First check if the input path was obviously NULL */
+ if (!lpszShortPath)
+ {
+ /* Fail the request */
return 0;
- if (!shortpath[0])
- {
- return 0;
- }
- DPRINT("GetLongPathNameW(%s,%p,%ld)\n", shortpath, longpath, longlen);
- if (shortpath[0] == '\\' && shortpath[1] == '\\')
- {
- DPRINT1("ERR: UNC pathname %s\n", shortpath);
- lstrcpynW( longpath, shortpath, longlen );
- return wcslen(longpath);
- }
- unixabsolute = (shortpath[0] == '/');
- /* check for drive letter */
- if (!unixabsolute && shortpath[1] == ':' )
- {
- tmplongpath[0] = shortpath[0];
- tmplongpath[1] = ':';
- lp = sp = 2;
- }
- while (shortpath[sp])
- {
- /* check for path delimiters and reproduce them */
- if (shortpath[sp] == '\\' || shortpath[sp] == '/')
- {
- if (!lp || tmplongpath[lp-1] != '\\')
+ /* We will be touching removed, removable drives -- don't warn the user */
+ /* Do a simple check to see if the path exists */
+ if (GetFileAttributesW(lpszShortPath) == 0xFFFFFFF)
+ {
+ /* It doesn't, so fail */
+ ReturnLength = 0;
+ goto Quickie;
+ }
+ /* Now get a pointer to the actual path, skipping indicators */
+ Path = SkipPathTypeIndicator_U((PWCHAR)lpszShortPath);
+ /* Try to find a file name in there */
+ if (Path) Found = FindLFNorSFN_U(Path, &First, &Last, FALSE);
+ /* Is there any path or filename in there? */
+ if (!(Path) || (*Path == UNICODE_NULL) || !(Found))
+ {
+ /* There isn't, so the long path is simply the short path */
+ ReturnLength = wcslen(lpszShortPath);
+ /* Is there space for it? */
+ if ((cchBuffer > ReturnLength) && (lpszLongPath))
+ {
+ /* Make sure the pointers aren't already the same */
+ if (lpszLongPath != lpszShortPath)
- /* strip double "\\" */
- tmplongpath[lp++] = '\\';
+ /* They're not -- copy the short path into the long path */
+ RtlMoveMemory(lpszLongPath,
+ lpszShortPath,
+ ReturnLength * sizeof(WCHAR) + sizeof(UNICODE_NULL));
- tmplongpath[lp] = 0; /* terminate string */
- sp++;
- continue;
- }
- p = shortpath + sp;
- if (sp == 0 && p[0] == '.' && (p[1] == '/' ||
p[1] == '\\'))
- {
- tmplongpath[lp++] = *p++;
- tmplongpath[lp++] = *p++;
- }
- for (; *p && *p != '/' && *p != '\\'; p++);
- tmplen = p - (shortpath + sp);
- lstrcpynW(tmplongpath + lp, shortpath + sp, tmplen + 1);
- /* Check if the file exists and use the existing file name */
- goit = FindFirstFileW(tmplongpath, &wfd);
- {
- DPRINT("not found %s!\n", tmplongpath);
- SetLastError ( ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND );
- return 0;
- }
- FindClose(goit);
- wcscpy(tmplongpath + lp, wfd.cFileName);
- lp += wcslen(tmplongpath + lp);
- sp += tmplen;
- }
- tmplen = wcslen(shortpath) - 1;
- if ((shortpath[tmplen] == '/' || shortpath[tmplen] == '\\')
- (tmplongpath[lp - 1] != '/' && tmplongpath[lp - 1] !=
- tmplongpath[lp++] = shortpath[tmplen];
- tmplongpath[lp] = 0;
- tmplen = wcslen(tmplongpath) + 1;
- if (tmplen <= longlen)
- {
- wcscpy(longpath, tmplongpath);
- DPRINT("returning %s\n", longpath);
- tmplen--; /* length without 0 */
- }
- return tmplen;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ /* Otherwise, let caller know we need a bigger buffer, include NULL */
+ ReturnLength++;
+ }
+ goto Quickie;
+ }
+ /* We are still in the game -- compute the current size */
+ Length = wcslen(lpszShortPath) + sizeof(ANSI_NULL);
+ Original = RtlAllocateHeap(RtlGetProcessHeap(), 0, Length * sizeof(WCHAR));
+ if (!Original) goto ErrorQuickie;
+ /* Make a copy ofi t */
+ RtlMoveMemory(Original, lpszShortPath, Length * sizeof(WCHAR));
+ /* Compute the new first and last markers */
+ First = &Original[First - lpszShortPath];
+ Last = &Original[Last - lpszShortPath];
+ /* Set the current destination pointer for a copy */
+ Dst = lpszLongPath;
+ /*
+ * Windows allows the paths to overlap -- we have to be careful with this and
+ * see if it's same to do so, and if not, allocate our own internal buffer
+ * that we'll return at the end.
+ *
+ * This is also why we use RtlMoveMemory everywhere. Don't use RtlCopyMemory!
+ */
+ if ((cchBuffer) && (lpszLongPath) &&
+ (((lpszLongPath >= lpszShortPath) && (lpszLongPath <
&lpszShortPath[Length])) ||
+ ((lpszLongPath < lpszShortPath) && (&lpszLongPath[cchBuffer]
>= lpszShortPath))))
+ {
+ Buffer = RtlAllocateHeap(RtlGetProcessHeap(), 0, cchBuffer * sizeof(WCHAR));
+ if (!Buffer) goto ErrorQuickie;
+ /* New destination */
+ Dst = Buffer;
+ }
+ /* Prepare for the loop */
+ Src = Original;
+ ReturnLength = 0;
+ while (TRUE)
+ {
+ /* Current delta in the loop */
+ Length = First - Src;
+ /* Update the return length by it */
+ ReturnLength += Length;
+ /* Is there a delta? If so, is there space and buffer for it? */
+ if ((Length) && (cchBuffer > ReturnLength) && (lpszLongPath))
+ {
+ RtlMoveMemory(Dst, Src, Length * sizeof(WCHAR));
+ Dst += Length;
+ }
+ /* "Terminate" this portion of the path's substring so we can do a
find */
+ LastChar = *Last;
+ FindHandle = FindFirstFileW(Original, &FindFileData);
+ *Last = LastChar;
+ /* This portion wasn't found, so fail */
+ if (FindHandle == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE)
+ {
+ ReturnLength = 0;
+ break;
+ }
+ /* Close the find handle */
+ FindClose(FindHandle);
+ /* Now check the length of the long name */
+ Length = wcslen(FindFileData.cFileName);
+ if (Length)
+ {
+ /* This is our new first marker */
+ First = FindFileData.cFileName;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ /* Otherwise, the name is the delta between our current markers */
+ Length = Last - First;
+ }
+ /* Update the return length with the short name length, if any */
+ ReturnLength += Length;
+ /* Once again check for appropriate space and buffer */
+ if ((cchBuffer > ReturnLength) && (lpszLongPath))
+ {
+ /* And do the copy if there is */
+ RtlMoveMemory(Dst, First, Length * sizeof(WCHAR));
+ Dst += Length;
+ }
+ /* Now update the source pointer */
+ Src = Last;
+ if (*Src == UNICODE_NULL) break;
+ /* Are there more names in there? */
+ Found = FindLFNorSFN_U(Src, &First, &Last, FALSE);
+ if (!Found) break;
+ }
+ /* The loop is done, is there anything left? */
+ if (ReturnLength)
+ {
+ /* Get the length of the straggling path */
+ Length = wcslen(Src);
+ ReturnLength += Length;
+ /* Once again check for appropriate space and buffer */
+ if ((cchBuffer > ReturnLength) && (lpszLongPath))
+ {
+ /* And do the copy if there is -- accounting for NULL here */
+ RtlMoveMemory(Dst, Src, Length * sizeof(WCHAR) + sizeof(UNICODE_NULL));
+ /* What about our buffer? */
+ if (Buffer)
+ {
+ /* Copy it into the caller's long path */
+ RtlMoveMemory(lpszLongPath,
+ Buffer,
+ ReturnLength * sizeof(WCHAR) + sizeof(UNICODE_NULL));
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ /* Buffer is too small, let the caller know, making space for NULL */
+ ReturnLength++;
+ }
+ }
+ /* We're all done */
+ goto Quickie;
+ /* This is the goto for memory failures */
+ /* General function end: free memory, restore error mode, return length */
+ if (Original) RtlFreeHeap(RtlGetProcessHeap(), 0, Original);
+ if (Buffer) RtlFreeHeap(RtlGetProcessHeap(), 0, Buffer);
+ SetErrorMode(ErrorMode);
+ return ReturnLength;
@@ -660,13 +1007,13 @@
LongPathAnsi.Buffer = NULL;
ShortPathUni.Buffer = NULL;
Result = 0;
if (!lpszShortPath)
return 0;
Status = Basep8BitStringToDynamicUnicodeString(&ShortPathUni, lpszShortPath);
if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) goto Quickie;
@@ -686,7 +1033,7 @@
PathLength = GetLongPathNameW(ShortPathUni.Buffer, LongPath, PathLength);
if (!PathLength) goto Quickie;
ShortPathUni.MaximumLength = PathLength * sizeof(WCHAR) + sizeof(UNICODE_NULL);
@@ -741,13 +1088,13 @@
ShortPathAnsi.Buffer = NULL;
LongPathUni.Buffer = NULL;
Result = 0;
if (!lpszLongPath)
return 0;
Status = Basep8BitStringToDynamicUnicodeString(&LongPathUni, lpszLongPath);
if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) goto Quickie;
@@ -767,7 +1114,7 @@
PathLength = GetLongPathNameW(LongPathUni.Buffer, ShortPath, PathLength);
if (!PathLength) goto Quickie;
LongPathUni.MaximumLength = PathLength * sizeof(WCHAR) + sizeof(UNICODE_NULL);
@@ -802,109 +1149,225 @@
return Result;
- * NOTE: Copied from Wine.
* @implemented
-GetShortPathNameW (
- LPCWSTR longpath,
- LPWSTR shortpath,
- DWORD shortlen
- )
- WCHAR tmpshortpath[MAX_PATH];
- DWORD sp = 0, lp = 0;
- DWORD tmplen;
- HANDLE goit;
- WCHAR ustr_buf[8+1+3+1];
- DPRINT("GetShortPathNameW: %S\n",longpath);
- if (!longpath)
- {
+GetShortPathNameW(IN LPCWSTR lpszLongPath,
+ IN LPWSTR lpszShortPath,
+ IN DWORD cchBuffer)
+ PWCHAR Path, Original, First, Last, Buffer, Src, Dst;
+ ULONG Length;
+ WCHAR LastChar;
+ HANDLE FindHandle;
+ DWORD ReturnLength;
+ ULONG ErrorMode;
+ BOOLEAN Found;
+ WIN32_FIND_DATAW FindFileData;
+ /* Initialize so Quickie knows there's nothing to do */
+ Buffer = Original = NULL;
+ ReturnLength = 0;
+ /* First check if the input path was obviously NULL */
+ if (!lpszLongPath)
+ {
+ /* Fail the request */
return 0;
- if (!longpath[0])
- {
- return 0;
- }
- /* check for drive letter */
- if (longpath[0] != '/' && longpath[1] == ':' )
- {
- tmpshortpath[0] = longpath[0];
- tmpshortpath[1] = ':';
- sp = lp = 2;
- }
- ustr.Buffer = ustr_buf;
- ustr.Length = 0;
- ustr.MaximumLength = sizeof(ustr_buf);
- while (longpath[lp])
- {
- /* check for path delimiters and reproduce them */
- if (longpath[lp] == '\\' || longpath[lp] == '/')
- {
- if (!sp || tmpshortpath[sp-1] != '\\')
+ /* We will be touching removed, removable drives -- don't warn the user */
+ /* Do a simple check to see if the path exists */
+ if (GetFileAttributesW(lpszShortPath) == 0xFFFFFFF)
+ {
+ /* Windows checks for an application compatibility flag to allow this */
+ if (!(NtCurrentPeb()) || !(NtCurrentPeb()->AppCompatFlags.LowPart & 1))
+ {
+ /* It doesn't, so fail */
+ ReturnLength = 0;
+ goto Quickie;
+ }
+ }
+ /* Now get a pointer to the actual path, skipping indicators */
+ Path = SkipPathTypeIndicator_U((PWCHAR)lpszShortPath);
+ /* Try to find a file name in there */
+ if (Path) Found = FindLFNorSFN_U(Path, &First, &Last, TRUE);
+ /* Is there any path or filename in there? */
+ if (!(Path) || (*Path == UNICODE_NULL) || !(Found))
+ {
+ /* There isn't, so the long path is simply the short path */
+ ReturnLength = wcslen(lpszLongPath);
+ /* Is there space for it? */
+ if ((cchBuffer > ReturnLength) && (lpszLongPath))
+ {
+ /* Make sure the pointers aren't already the same */
+ if (lpszLongPath != lpszShortPath)
- /* strip double "\\" */
- tmpshortpath[sp] = '\\';
- sp++;
+ /* They're not -- copy the short path into the long path */
+ RtlMoveMemory(lpszShortPath,
+ lpszLongPath,
+ ReturnLength * sizeof(WCHAR) + sizeof(UNICODE_NULL));
- tmpshortpath[sp] = 0; /* terminate string */
- lp++;
- continue;
- }
- for (p = longpath + lp; *p && *p != '/' && *p !=
'\\'; p++);
- tmplen = p - (longpath + lp);
- lstrcpynW(tmpshortpath + sp, longpath + lp, tmplen + 1);
- /* Check, if the current element is a valid dos name */
- if (tmplen <= 8+1+3)
- {
- BOOLEAN spaces;
- memcpy(ustr_buf, longpath + lp, tmplen * sizeof(WCHAR));
- ustr_buf[tmplen] = '\0';
- ustr.Length = (USHORT)tmplen * sizeof(WCHAR);
- if (RtlIsNameLegalDOS8Dot3(&ustr, NULL, &spaces) && !spaces)
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ /* Otherwise, let caller know we need a bigger buffer, include NULL */
+ ReturnLength++;
+ }
+ goto Quickie;
+ }
+ /* We are still in the game -- compute the current size */
+ Length = wcslen(lpszLongPath) + sizeof(ANSI_NULL);
+ Original = RtlAllocateHeap(RtlGetProcessHeap(), 0, Length * sizeof(WCHAR));
+ if (!Original) goto ErrorQuickie;
+ /* Make a copy of it */
+ wcsncpy(Original, lpszLongPath, Length);
+ /* Compute the new first and last markers */
+ First = &Original[First - lpszLongPath];
+ Last = &Original[Last - lpszLongPath];
+ /* Set the current destination pointer for a copy */
+ Dst = lpszShortPath;
+ /*
+ * Windows allows the paths to overlap -- we have to be careful with this and
+ * see if it's same to do so, and if not, allocate our own internal buffer
+ * that we'll return at the end.
+ *
+ * This is also why we use RtlMoveMemory everywhere. Don't use RtlCopyMemory!
+ */
+ if ((cchBuffer) && (lpszShortPath) &&
+ (((lpszShortPath >= lpszLongPath) && (lpszShortPath <
&lpszLongPath[Length])) ||
+ ((lpszShortPath < lpszLongPath) && (&lpszShortPath[cchBuffer]
>= lpszLongPath))))
+ {
+ Buffer = RtlAllocateHeap(RtlGetProcessHeap(), 0, cchBuffer * sizeof(WCHAR));
+ if (!Buffer) goto ErrorQuickie;
+ /* New destination */
+ Dst = Buffer;
+ }
+ /* Prepare for the loop */
+ Src = Original;
+ ReturnLength = 0;
+ while (TRUE)
+ {
+ /* Current delta in the loop */
+ Length = First - Src;
+ /* Update the return length by it */
+ ReturnLength += Length;
+ /* Is there a delta? If so, is there space and buffer for it? */
+ if ((Length) && (cchBuffer > ReturnLength) &&
+ {
+ RtlMoveMemory(Dst, Src, Length * sizeof(WCHAR));
+ Dst += Length;
+ }
+ /* "Terminate" this portion of the path's substring so we can do a
find */
+ LastChar = *Last;
+ FindHandle = FindFirstFileW(Original, &FindFileData);
+ *Last = LastChar;
+ /* This portion wasn't found, so fail */
+ if (FindHandle == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE)
+ {
+ ReturnLength = 0;
+ break;
+ }
+ /* Close the find handle */
+ FindClose(FindHandle);
+ /* Now check the length of the short name */
+ Length = wcslen(FindFileData.cAlternateFileName);
+ if (Length)
+ {
+ /* This is our new first marker */
+ First = FindFileData.cAlternateFileName;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ /* Otherwise, the name is the delta between our current markers */
+ Length = Last - First;
+ }
+ /* Update the return length with the short name length, if any */
+ ReturnLength += Length;
+ /* Once again check for appropriate space and buffer */
+ if ((cchBuffer > ReturnLength) && (lpszShortPath))
+ {
+ /* And do the copy if there is */
+ RtlMoveMemory(Dst, First, Length * sizeof(WCHAR));
+ Dst += Length;
+ }
+ /* Now update the source pointer */
+ Src = Last;
+ if (*Src == UNICODE_NULL) break;
+ /* Are there more names in there? */
+ Found = FindLFNorSFN_U(Src, &First, &Last, TRUE);
+ if (!Found) break;
+ }
+ /* The loop is done, is there anything left? */
+ if (ReturnLength)
+ {
+ /* Get the length of the straggling path */
+ Length = wcslen(Src);
+ ReturnLength += Length;
+ /* Once again check for appropriate space and buffer */
+ if ((cchBuffer > ReturnLength) && (lpszShortPath))
+ {
+ /* And do the copy if there is -- accounting for NULL here */
+ RtlMoveMemory(Dst, Src, Length * sizeof(WCHAR) + sizeof(UNICODE_NULL));
+ /* What about our buffer? */
+ if (Buffer)
- sp += tmplen;
- lp += tmplen;
- continue;
+ /* Copy it into the caller's long path */
+ RtlMoveMemory(lpszShortPath,
+ Buffer,
+ ReturnLength * sizeof(WCHAR) + sizeof(UNICODE_NULL));
- /* Check if the file exists and use the existing short file name */
- goit = FindFirstFileW(tmpshortpath, &wfd);
- if (goit == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) goto notfound;
- FindClose(goit);
- lstrcpyW(tmpshortpath + sp, wfd.cAlternateFileName);
- sp += lstrlenW(tmpshortpath + sp);
- lp += tmplen;
- }
- tmpshortpath[sp] = 0;
- tmplen = lstrlenW(tmpshortpath) + 1;
- if (tmplen <= shortlen)
- {
- lstrcpyW(shortpath, tmpshortpath);
- tmplen--; /* length without 0 */
- }
- return tmplen;
- notfound:
- SetLastError ( ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND );
- return 0;
+ else
+ {
+ /* Buffer is too small, let the caller know, making space for NULL */
+ ReturnLength++;
+ }
+ }
+ /* We're all done */
+ goto Quickie;
+ /* This is the goto for memory failures */
+ /* General function end: free memory, restore error mode, return length */
+ if (Original) RtlFreeHeap(RtlGetProcessHeap(), 0, Original);
+ if (Buffer) RtlFreeHeap(RtlGetProcessHeap(), 0, Buffer);
+ SetErrorMode(ErrorMode);
+ return ReturnLength;
/* EOF */