- Implement more of RtlInsertUnicodePrefix: handle case where tree was
found, and a match in the tree was found (handle case-sensitive and
case-insensitve match).
- Partially umplement CompareUnicodeStrings to scan the two strings
(Can't use RtlCompareUnicodeString because we want control over how many
chars to case-compare.
Modified: trunk/reactos/lib/rtl/unicodeprefix.c
Modified: trunk/reactos/lib/rtl/unicodeprefix.c
--- trunk/reactos/lib/rtl/unicodeprefix.c 2005-11-07 21:17:49 UTC
(rev 19044)
+++ trunk/reactos/lib/rtl/unicodeprefix.c 2005-11-07 21:57:50 UTC
(rev 19045)
@@ -44,6 +44,73 @@
return NamesFound;
+CompareUnicodeStrings(IN PUNICODE_STRING String,
+ IN ULONG CaseCheckChar)
+ ULONG StringLength = String->Length / sizeof(WCHAR);
+ ULONG PrefixLength = Prefix->Length / sizeof(WCHAR);
+ ULONG ScanLength = min(StringLength, PrefixLength);
+ ULONG i;
+ WCHAR FoundPrefix, FoundString;
+ /* Validate the Case Check Character Position */
+ if (CaseCheckChar > ScanLength) CaseCheckChar = ScanLength;
+ /* Do the case sensitive comparison first */
+ for (i = 0; i < CaseCheckChar; i++)
+ {
+ /* Compare the two characters */
+ if (Prefix->Buffer[i] != String->Buffer[i]) break;
+ }
+ /* Save the characters we found */
+ FoundPrefix = Prefix->Buffer[i];
+ FoundString = String->Buffer[i];
+ /* Check if we exausted the search above */
+ if (i == CaseCheckChar)
+ {
+ /* FIXME: Do a case-insensitive search */
+ }
+ /* Check if we weren't able to find a match in the loops */
+ if (i < ScanLength)
+ {
+ /* If the prefix character found was a backslash, this is a
less */
+ if (FoundPrefix == '\\') return GenericLessThan;
+ /* If the string character found was a backslack, then this is
a more */
+ if (FoundString == '\\') return GenericGreaterThan;
+ /* None of those two special cases, do a normal check */
+ if (FoundPrefix < FoundString) return GenericLessThan;
+ /* The only choice left is that Prefix > String */
+ return GenericGreaterThan;
+ }
+ /* If we got here, a match was found. Check if the prefix is
smaller */
+ if (PrefixLength < StringLength)
+ {
+ /* Check if the string is actually a prefix */
+ if (String->Buffer[PrefixLength] == '\\') return -1;
+ /* It's not a prefix, and it's shorter, so it's a less */
+ return GenericLessThan;
+ }
+ /* Check if the prefix is longer */
+ if (PrefixLength > StringLength) return GenericGreaterThan;
+ /* If we got here, then they are 100% equal */
+ return GenericEqual;
* @unimplemented
@@ -86,13 +153,15 @@
* - init splay links DONE
* - find a matching tree DONE
* - if !found, insert a new NTC_ROOT entry and return TRUE; DONE
- * - if found, loop tree and compare strings:
- * if equal, handle casematch/nomatch
+ * - if found, loop tree and compare strings: DONE
+ * if equal, handle casematch/nomatch DONE
* if greater or lesser equal, then add left/right childs
- * - splay the tree
+ * - splay the tree DONE
- PUNICODE_PREFIX_TABLE_ENTRY CurrentEntry, PreviousEntry;
+ PUNICODE_PREFIX_TABLE_ENTRY CurrentEntry, PreviousEntry, Entry,
ULONG NameCount;
/* Find out how many names there are */
NameCount = ComputeUnicodeNameLength(Prefix);
@@ -127,9 +196,77 @@
return TRUE;
- /* FIXME */
- return FALSE;
+ /* We found a tree, so star thte search loop */
+ Entry = CurrentEntry;
+ while (TRUE)
+ {
+ /* Do a case-insensitive comparison to find out the match level
+ Result = CompareUnicodeStrings(Entry->Prefix, Prefix, 0);
+ if (Result == GenericEqual)
+ {
+ /* We have a match, start doing a case-sensitive search */
+ NextEntry = Entry;
+ /* Search the circular case-match list */
+ do
+ {
+ /* Check if we found a match */
+ if (CompareUnicodeStrings(NextEntry->Prefix, Prefix,
-1) ==
+ (GenericEqual))
+ {
+ /* We must fail the insert: it already exists */
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ /* Move to the next entry in the circular list */
+ NextEntry = NextEntry->CaseMatch;
+ }
+ while (NextEntry != Entry);
+ /*
+ * No match found, so we can safely insert it. Remember
that a
+ * case insensitive match was found, so this is not a ROOT
+ * but a Case Match NTC instead.
+ */
+ PrefixTableEntry->NodeTypeCode = PFX_NTC_CASE_MATCH;
+ PrefixTableEntry->NextPrefixTree = NULL;
+ /* Insert it into the circular list */
+ PrefixTableEntry->CaseMatch = Entry->CaseMatch;
+ Entry->CaseMatch = PrefixTableEntry;
+ }
+ else if (Result == GenericGreaterThan)
+ {
+ /* TODO: Check out the left child and add us */
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ /* TODO: Check out the right child and add us */
+ }
+ }
+ /* Get the next tree entry */
+ NextEntry = CurrentEntry->NextPrefixTree;
+ /* Set what was the current entry to a child entry */
+ CurrentEntry->NodeTypeCode = PFX_NTC_CHILD;
+ CurrentEntry->NextPrefixTree = NULL;
+ /* Splay the tree */
+ SplayLinks = RtlSplay(&Entry->Links);
+ /* The link points to the root, get it */
+ /* Mark the root as a root entry */
+ Entry->NodeTypeCode = PFX_NTC_ROOT;
+ /* Add it to the tree list */
+ PreviousEntry->NextPrefixTree = Entry;
+ Entry->NextPrefixTree = NextEntry;
+ /* Return success */
+ return TRUE;