Author: tkreuzer
Date: Mon Dec 28 18:53:26 2009
New Revision: 44795
Remove the totally broken asm implementation of KeQueryPerformanceCounter and replace it
with a much simpler C version using __rdtsc().
Modified: branches/ros-amd64-bringup/reactos/hal/halamd64/generic/misc.c
--- branches/ros-amd64-bringup/reactos/hal/halamd64/generic/misc.c [iso-8859-1]
+++ branches/ros-amd64-bringup/reactos/hal/halamd64/generic/misc.c [iso-8859-1] Mon Dec 28
18:53:26 2009
@@ -5,6 +5,7 @@
* PURPOSE: Miscellanous Routines
* PROGRAMMERS: Alex Ionescu (alex.ionescu(a)
* Eric Kohl (ekohl(a)
+ * Timo Kreuzer (timo.kreuzer(a)
/* INCLUDES ******************************************************************/
@@ -12,6 +13,8 @@
#include <hal.h>
#define NDEBUG
#include <debug.h>
+LARGE_INTEGER HalpPerformanceFrequency;
/* PRIVATE FUNCTIONS *********************************************************/
@@ -103,3 +106,23 @@
/* Not implemented on x86 */
+ ASSERT(HalpPerformanceFrequency.QuadPart != 0);
+ /* Does the caller want the frequency? */
+ if (PerformanceFrequency)
+ {
+ /* Return value */
+ *PerformanceFrequency = HalpPerformanceFrequency;
+ }
+ Result.QuadPart = __rdtsc();
+ return Result;
Modified: branches/ros-amd64-bringup/reactos/hal/halamd64/generic/systimer.S
--- branches/ros-amd64-bringup/reactos/hal/halamd64/generic/systimer.S [iso-8859-1]
+++ branches/ros-amd64-bringup/reactos/hal/halamd64/generic/systimer.S [iso-8859-1] Mon
Dec 28 18:53:26 2009
@@ -8,21 +8,24 @@
/* INCLUDES ******************************************************************/
#include <asm.h>
-#include <internal/i386/asmmacro.S>
-.intel_syntax noprefix
+#include <ndk/amd64/asmmacro.S>
/* GLOBALS *******************************************************************/
-_HalpLastPerfCounterLow: .long 0
-_HalpLastPerfCounterHigh: .long 0
-_HalpPerfCounterLow: .long 0
-_HalpPerfCounterHigh: .long 0
-_HalpSystemHardwareFlags: .long 0
.asciz "\n\x7\x7!!! Unhandled or Unexpected Code at line: %lx!!!\n" _MsgUnimplemented
+.asciz "WARNING: %s at %s:%d is UNIMPLEMENTED!\n"
/* FUNCTIONS *****************************************************************/
.global _HalpReleaseCmosSpinLock
.func HalpReleaseCmosSpinLock
@@ -106,207 +109,10 @@
- _KeQueryPerformanceCounter
-.func KeQueryPerformanceCounter
- /* Check if we were called too early */
- cmp dword ptr _HalpCurrentRollOver, 0
- je NoCount
- /* Save volatiles */
- push rbx
- push rsi
- /* Disable interrupts */
- pushf
- cli
- /* Get the current value */
- mov ebx, _HalpPerfCounterLow
- mov esi, _HalpPerfCounterHigh
- /* Read 8254 timer */
- mov al, 0
- out 0x43, al
- jmp $+2
- in al, 0x40
- jmp $+2
- movzx ecx, al
- in al, 0x40
- mov ch, al
- /* Enable interrupts and do a short wait */
- popf
- nop
- jmp $+2
- /* Disable them again */
- pushf
- cli
- /* Get the counter value again */
- mov eax, _HalpPerfCounterLow
- mov edx, _HalpPerfCounterHigh
- /* Check if someone updated the counter */
- cmp eax, ebx
- jnz LoopPostInt
- cmp edx, esi
- jnz LoopPostInt
- /* Check if the current 8254 value causes rollover */
- neg ecx
- add ecx, _HalpCurrentRollOver
- jnb DoRollOver
- /* Calculate the sum */
- add eax, ecx
- adc edx, 0
- /* Check if we're above or below the last high value */
- cmp edx, _HalpLastPerfCounterHigh
- jb short BelowHigh
- jnz short BelowLow
- /* Check if we're above or below the last low value */
- cmp eax, _HalpLastPerfCounterLow
- jb BelowHigh
- /* Update the last value and bring back interrupts */
- mov _HalpLastPerfCounterLow, eax
- mov _HalpLastPerfCounterHigh, edx
- popf
- /* Check if caller wants frequency */
- cmp dword ptr [esp+12], 0
- jz ReturnNoFreq
- /* Save hard-coded frequency */
- mov ecx, dword ptr [esp+12]
- mov dword ptr [ecx], 1193182
- mov dword ptr [ecx+4], 0
- /* Restore volatiles */
- pop rsi
- pop rbx
- ret 4
- /* Return empty, called too soon */
- mov eax, 0
- mov edx, 0
- ret 4
- /* We might have an incoming interrupt, save EFLAGS and reset rollover */
- mov esi, [esp]
- mov ecx, _HalpCurrentRollOver
- popf
- /* Check if interrupts were enabled and try again */
- jnz LoopPreInt
- /* They're not, continue where we left */
- pushf
- jmp SetSum
- /* Get the last counter values */
- mov ebx, _HalpLastPerfCounterLow
- mov esi, _HalpLastPerfCounterHigh
- /* Check if the previous value was 0 and go back if yes */
- mov ecx, ebx
- or ecx, esi
- jz BelowLow
- /* Make sure that the count is still valid */
- sub ebx, eax
- sbb esi, edx
- jnz InvalidCount
- cmp ebx, _HalpCurrentRollOver
- jg InvalidCount
- /* Fixup the count with the last known value */
- sub eax, ebx
- sbb edx, esi
- /* We might have an incoming interrupt, save EFLAGS */
- mov ecx, [esp]
- popf
- /* Check if interrupts were enabled and try again */
- jnz LoopPreInt
- /* They're not, continue where we left */
- pushf
- jmp BelowLow
- popf
- xor eax, eax
- mov _HalpLastPerfCounterLow, eax
- mov _HalpLastPerfCounterHigh, eax
- jmp LoopPreInt
+.globl _HalpClockInterrupt
+.func HalpClockInterrupt
+ UNIMPLEMENTED _HalpClockInterrupt
+ iret
-.globl _HalpClockInterrupt
-.func HalpClockInterrupt
-//TRAP_FIXUPS hci_a, hci_t, DoFixupV86, DoFixupAbios
- /* Enter trap */
-// INT_PROLOG hci_a, hci_t, DoPushFakeErrorCode
- /* Push vector and make stack for IRQL */
- push 0x30
- sub esp, 4
- /* Begin the interrupt */
- push rsp
- push 0x30
-// call _HalBeginSystemInterrupt
- /* Check if it's spurious */
- or al, al
- jz Spurious
- /* Update the performance counter */
- xor ebx, ebx
- mov eax, _HalpCurrentRollOver
- add _HalpPerfCounterLow, eax
- adc _HalpPerfCounterHigh, ebx
- /* Get the time increment and check if someone changed the clock rate */
- mov eax, _HalpCurrentTimeIncrement
- cmp _HalpClockSetMSRate, ebx
- jz _KeUpdateSystemTime
- /* FIXME: Someone did! */
- int 3
- /* Exit the interrupt */
- add esp, 8
-// jmp _Kei386EoiHelper