Author: mc
Date: Mon Aug 21 01:02:10 2006
New Revision: 23627
modified porting-tools/rdesktop-core-tester/activex.cpp
modified porting-tools/rdesktop-core-tester/rdesktop-core-tester.cpp
And from the chrysalis out came... the caterpillar. MissTosca stops just short of
being demonstrable. I'll keep working on it, but the Google Summer of Code is, for all
intent and purposes, over. The matter is in the hands of my judges now. Wish me luck
modified rdesktop/iso.c
modified rdesktop/proto.h
modified rdesktop/rdesktop.h
modified rdesktop/rdp.c
Very minor fixes
modified rdesktop/tcp.c
Use asynchronous I/O and alertable waits to allow aborting the protocol thread ASAP
Mon Aug 21 01:02:10 2006
@@ -52,29 +52,53 @@
-LPSTR BstrToLpsz(BSTR bstr)
- int cch = WideCharToMultiByte(CP_ACP, 0, bstr, -1, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL);
+void FreeLpsz(LPSTR lpsz)
+ if(lpsz)
+ delete[] lpsz;
+LPSTR AllocLpsz(const CHAR * lpsz, size_t cb)
+ LPSTR lpszNew = new CHAR[cb + 1];
+ if(lpszNew == NULL)
+ return NULL;
+ CopyMemory(lpszNew, lpsz, cb);
+ lpszNew[cb] = 0;
+ return lpszNew;
+LPSTR AllocLpsz(const WCHAR * lpwsz, int cchIn)
+ int cch = WideCharToMultiByte(CP_ACP, 0, lpwsz, cchIn, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL);
if(cch <= 0)
return NULL;
- LPSTR lpsz = new char[cch];
+ LPSTR lpsz = new CHAR[cch];
if(lpsz == NULL)
return NULL;
- cch = WideCharToMultiByte(CP_ACP, 0, bstr, -1, lpsz, cch, NULL, NULL);
+ cch = WideCharToMultiByte(CP_ACP, 0, lpwsz, cchIn, lpsz, cch, NULL, NULL);
if(cch <= 0)
- delete[] lpsz;
+ FreeLpsz(lpsz);
return NULL;
return lpsz;
+LPSTR BstrToLpsz(BSTR bstr)
+ return AllocLpsz(bstr, SysStringLen(bstr));
BSTR LpszToBstr(LPSTR lpsz)
int cch = MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, 0, lpsz, -1, NULL, 0);
@@ -99,6 +123,168 @@
+template<class T, class U> T aligndown(const T& X, const U& align)
+ return X & ~(T(align) - 1);
+template<class T, class U> T alignup(const T& X, const U& align)
+ return aligndown(X + (align - 1), align);
+/* Convert between bitmap formats */
+uint8 * win32_convert_scanlines(int width, int height, int bitcount, int fromalign, int
toalign, const uint8 * data, uint8 ** buffer)
+ // TBD: profile & optimize the most common cases
+ assert(width > 0);
+ assert(height);
+ assert(bitcount && bitcount <= 32);
+ assert(fromalign <= toalign);
+ assert(data);
+ assert(buffer);
+ bool flipped = height < 0;
+ if(flipped)
+ height = - height;
+ int bytesperrow = alignup(width * bitcount, 8) / 8;
+ int fromstride = alignup(bytesperrow, fromalign);
+ int tostride = alignup(bytesperrow, toalign);
+ assert(fromstride <= tostride);
+ int datasize = tostride * height;
+ uint8 * dibits = new uint8[datasize];
+ const uint8 * src = data;
+ uint8 * dest = dibits;
+ const int pad = tostride - fromstride;
+ assert(pad < 4);
+ __assume(pad < 4);
+ if(flipped)
+ {
+ dest += (height - 1) * tostride;
+ tostride = - tostride;
+ }
+ for(int i = 0; i < height; ++ i)
+ {
+ memcpy(dest, src, fromstride);
+ memset(dest + fromstride, 0, pad);
+ src += fromstride;
+ dest += tostride;
+ }
+ *buffer = dibits;
+ return dibits;
+/* Creates bitmaps */
+HBITMAP win32_create_dib(LONG width, LONG height, WORD bitcount, const BYTE * data)
+ struct b_
+ {
+ }
+ b;
+ b.bmi.bmiHeader.biSize = sizeof(b.bmi.bmiHeader);
+ b.bmi.bmiHeader.biWidth = width;
+ b.bmi.bmiHeader.biHeight = height;
+ b.bmi.bmiHeader.biPlanes = 1;
+ b.bmi.bmiHeader.biBitCount = bitcount;
+ b.bmi.bmiHeader.biCompression = BI_RGB;
+ b.bmi.bmiHeader.biSizeImage = 0;
+ b.bmi.bmiHeader.biXPelsPerMeter = 0;
+ b.bmi.bmiHeader.biYPelsPerMeter = 0;
+ if(bitcount > 8)
+ {
+ b.bmi.bmiHeader.biClrUsed = 0;
+ b.bmi.bmiHeader.biClrImportant = 0;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ b.bmi.bmiHeader.biClrUsed = 2 << bitcount;
+ b.bmi.bmiHeader.biClrImportant = 2 << bitcount;
+ // TODO: palette
+ }
+ // FIXME: beyond ugly
+ HDC hdc = CreateCompatibleDC(NULL);
+ if(hdc == NULL)
+ return NULL;
+ HBITMAP hbm = CreateDIBitmap(hdc, &b.bmi.bmiHeader, CBM_INIT, data, &b.bmi,
+ if(hbm == NULL)
+ error("CreateDIBitmap %dx%dx%d failed\n", width, height, bitcount);
+ DeleteDC(hdc);
+ return hbm;
+/* Creates brushes */
+HBRUSH win32_create_brush(BRUSH * brush, COLORREF fgcolour)
+ if(brush == NULL)
+ return (HBRUSH)GetStockObject(NULL_BRUSH);
+ switch(brush->style)
+ {
+ case BS_SOLID:
+ case BS_NULL:
+ case BS_HATCHED:
+ case BS_PATTERN:
+ case BS_PATTERN8X8:
+ break;
+ default:
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ switch(brush->style)
+ {
+ case BS_SOLID:
+ return CreateSolidBrush(fgcolour);
+ case BS_HATCHED:
+ return CreateHatchBrush(brush->pattern[0], fgcolour);
+ case BS_NULL:
+ return (HBRUSH)GetStockObject(NULL_BRUSH);
+ case BS_PATTERN:
+ case BS_PATTERN8X8:
+ {
+ uint16 pattern[8];
+ for(size_t i = 0; i < 8; ++ i)
+ pattern[i] = brush->pattern[i];
+ HBITMAP hpattern = CreateBitmap(8, 8, 1, 1, pattern);
+ HBRUSH hbr = CreatePatternBrush(hpattern);
+ DeleteObject(hpattern);
+ return hbr;
+ }
+ }
"sealed" can improve optimizations by asserting a class cannot be derived
from, optimizing out accesses to the v-table from inside the class
@@ -109,9 +295,952 @@
#define SEALED_
+/* Class that implements the RDP client GUI */
+class RdpClientUI
+ // TODO: pass the client settings relevant to the GUI here
+ HRESULT Initialize(HWND hwndParent)
+ {
+ // TODO: create the various windows
+ // TODO: create display window thread
+ // TODO: create input thread
+ return E_FAIL;
+ }
+ static BOOL Startup()
+ {
+ WNDCLASSEX wcexUI = { sizeof(wcexUI) };
+ WNDCLASSEX wcexConsole = { sizeof(wcexConsole) };
+ WNDCLASSEX wcexDisplay = { sizeof(wcexDisplay) };
+ WNDCLASSEX wcexInput = { sizeof(wcexInput) };
+ HBRUSH nullBrush = (HBRUSH)GetStockObject(HOLLOW_BRUSH);
+ wcexUI.lpfnWndProc = NULL; // TODO
+ wcexUI.hInstance = GetCurrentModule();
+ wcexUI.hCursor = LoadCursor(NULL, IDC_ARROW);
+ wcexUI.hbrBackground = nullBrush;
+ wcexUI.lpszClassName = TEXT("MissTosca_UI");
+ wcexConsole.lpfnWndProc = NULL; // TODO
+ wcexConsole.hInstance = GetCurrentModule();
+ wcexConsole.hCursor = LoadCursor(NULL, IDC_ARROW);
+ wcexConsole.hbrBackground = nullBrush;
+ wcexConsole.lpszClassName = TEXT("MissTosca_Console");
+ wcexDisplay.lpfnWndProc = NULL; // TODO
+ wcexDisplay.hInstance = GetCurrentModule();
+ wcexDisplay.hCursor = LoadCursor(NULL, IDC_ARROW);
+ wcexDisplay.hbrBackground = nullBrush;
+ wcexDisplay.lpszClassName = TEXT("MissTosca_Display");
+ wcexInput.lpfnWndProc = NULL; // TODO
+ wcexInput.hInstance = GetCurrentModule();
+ wcexInput.hCursor = NULL;
+ wcexInput.hbrBackground = nullBrush;
+ wcexInput.lpszClassName = TEXT("MissTosca_Input");
+ return
+ RegisterClassEx(&wcexUI) &&
+ RegisterClassEx(&wcexConsole) &&
+ RegisterClassEx(&wcexDisplay) &&
+ RegisterClassEx(&wcexInput);
+ }
+ static void Shutdown()
+ {
+ // TODO
+ }
+ /*
+ This is the main UI window. It's the direct child of the control
+ window, it fills its whole extent and it contains the scrollbars.
+ When activated, it will move keyboard focus to the input window
+ */
+ HWND m_uiWindow;
+ LONG m_scrollHPos;
+ LONG m_scrollVPos;
+ LRESULT UIWindowProc(UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam)
+ {
+ switch(uMsg)
+ {
+ // Keep the keyboard focus on the input window
+ switch(LOWORD(wParam))
+ {
+ break;
+ case WA_ACTIVE:
+ if(!HIWORD(wParam))
+ SetFocus(m_inputWindow);
+ }
+ return 0;
+ // Resized: rearrange children windows, adjust scrollbars
+ case WM_SIZE:
+ {
+ if(IsIconic(m_uiWindow))
+ break;
+ RECT rcClient;
+ GetWindowRect(m_uiWindow, &rcClient);
+ if(m_smartSizing)
+ {
+ // we are not supposed to maintain aspect ratio. Container has to do that
+ m_consoleX = 0;
+ m_consoleY = 0;
+ m_consoleWidth = rcClient.right;
+ m_consoleHeight = rcClient.bottom;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // center horizontally, no horizontal scrollbar
+ if(rcClient.right >= m_consoleWidth)
+ m_consoleX = (m_consoleWidth - rcClient.right) / 2;
+ // center vertically, no vertical scrollbar
+ if(rcClient.bottom >= m_consoleHeight)
+ m_consoleY = (m_consoleHeight - rcClient.right) / 2;
+ }
+ SCROLLINFO scroll = { sizeof(scroll), SIF_ALL, 0 };
+ // update the horizontal scrollbar
+ scroll.nMax = m_consoleWidth;
+ scroll.nPage = rcClient.right;
+ scroll.nPos = 0 - m_consoleX;
+ SetScrollInfo(m_uiWindow, SB_HORZ, &scroll, TRUE);
+ // update the vertical scrollbar
+ scroll.nMax = m_consoleHeight;
+ scroll.nPage = rcClient.bottom;
+ scroll.nPos = 0 - m_consoleY;
+ SetScrollInfo(m_uiWindow, SB_VERT, &scroll, TRUE);
+ // move/resize the console window
+ MoveWindow(m_consoleWindow, m_consoleX, m_consoleY, m_consoleWidth, m_consoleHeight,
+ }
+ return 0;
+ case WM_HSCROLL:
+ {
+ SCROLLINFO scroll = { sizeof(scroll), SIF_TRACKPOS };
+ GetScrollInfo(m_uiWindow, SB_HORZ, &scroll);
+ m_consoleX = - scroll.nTrackPos;
+ MoveWindow(m_consoleWindow, m_consoleX, m_consoleY, m_consoleWidth, m_consoleHeight,
+ }
+ return 0;
+ case WM_VSCROLL:
+ {
+ SCROLLINFO scroll = { sizeof(scroll), SIF_TRACKPOS };
+ GetScrollInfo(m_uiWindow, SB_VERT, &scroll);
+ m_consoleY = - scroll.nTrackPos;
+ MoveWindow(m_consoleWindow, m_consoleX, m_consoleY, m_consoleWidth, m_consoleHeight,
+ }
+ return 0;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ return DefWindowProc(m_uiWindow, uMsg, wParam, lParam);
+ }
+ /*
+ This is the full-screen title bar. It's displayed at the top of the
+ main UI window while in full-screen mode, and it contains two toolbars
+ with the pin, minimize, restore and close buttons
+ */
+ HWND m_fullScreenBarWindow;
+ /*
+ This is the console window. It has the same extent as the display on
+ the remote computer, or it fills the UI window in smart resizing mode,
+ and it contains the input and display windows
+ */
+ HWND m_consoleWindow;
+ LONG m_consoleX;
+ LONG m_consoleY;
+ LONG m_consoleWidth;
+ LONG m_consoleHeight;
+ bool m_smartSizing;
+ LRESULT ConsoleWindowProc(UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam)
+ {
+ switch(uMsg)
+ {
+ case WM_SIZE:
+ {
+ RECT rcClient;
+ GetClientRect(m_consoleWindow, &rcClient);
+ MoveWindow(m_inputWindow, 0, 0, rcClient.right, rcClient.bottom, TRUE);
+ MoveWindow(m_displayWindow, 0, 0, rcClient.right, rcClient.bottom, TRUE);
+ }
+ return 0;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ return DefWindowProc(m_consoleWindow, uMsg, wParam, lParam);
+ }
+ /*
+ This is the display window. It represents the virtual display of the
+ remote computer. It completely fills its parent, the console window,
+ and it runs in its own thread for performance reasons
+ */
+ HWND m_displayWindow;
+ LONG m_displayBufferWidth;
+ LONG m_displayBufferHeight;
+ HDC m_displayBuffer;
+ void * m_displayBufferRaw;
+ int m_displayBufferSave;
+ int m_displayBufferBitDepth;
+ int m_displayBufferByteDepth;
+ int m_displayBufferStride;
+ RECT m_displayBufferClip;
+ CRITICAL_SECTION m_displayBufferMutex;
+ LRESULT DisplayWindowProc(UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam)
+ {
+ switch(uMsg)
+ {
+ case WM_DESTROY:
+ PostQuitMessage(0);
+ return 0;
+ if(wParam == 0)
+ break;
+ case WM_PAINT:
+ {
+ HDC hdc = (HDC)wParam;
+ EnterCriticalSection(&m_displayBufferMutex);
+ if(hdc)
+ {
+ RECT rc;
+ GetClientRect(m_displayWindow, &rc);
+ BitBlt(hdc, 0, 0, rc.right, rc.bottom, m_displayBuffer, 0, 0, SRCCOPY);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ hdc = BeginPaint(m_displayWindow, &ps);
+ if(!m_smartSizing)
+ {
+ BitBlt
+ (
+ hdc,
+ ps.rcPaint.left,
+ ps.rcPaint.right - ps.rcPaint.left,
+ ps.rcPaint.bottom -,
+ m_displayBuffer,
+ ps.rcPaint.left,
+ );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // bleh. There has to be a better way
+ SetStretchBltMode(hdc, HALFTONE);
+ StretchBlt
+ (
+ hdc,
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ m_consoleWidth,
+ m_consoleHeight,
+ m_displayBuffer,
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ m_displayBufferWidth,
+ m_displayBufferHeight,
+ );
+ }
+ EndPaint(m_displayWindow, &ps);
+ }
+ LeaveCriticalSection(&m_displayBufferMutex);
+ }
+ return 0;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ return DefWindowProc(m_displayWindow, uMsg, wParam, lParam);
+ }
+ /* Screen repainting */
+ void Display_RepaintRect(const RECT * lprc)
+ {
+ if(m_smartSizing)
+ return Display_RepaintAll();
+ RECT rcDamage;
+ IntersectRect(&rcDamage, lprc, &m_displayBufferClip);
+ InvalidateRect(m_displayWindow, &rcDamage, FALSE);
+ }
+ void Display_RepaintArea(int x, int y, int cx, int cy)
+ {
+ if(m_smartSizing)
+ return Display_RepaintAll();
+ RECT rcDamage;
+ rcDamage.left = x;
+ = y;
+ rcDamage.right = x + cx;
+ rcDamage.bottom = y + cy;
+ Display_RepaintRect(&rcDamage);
+ }
+ void Display_RepaintPolygon(POINT * point, int npoints, int linewidth)
+ {
+ if(m_smartSizing)
+ return Display_RepaintAll();
+ RECT rcDamage;
+ rcDamage.left = MAXLONG;
+ rcDamage.right = 0;
+ rcDamage.bottom = 0;
+ for(int i = 0; i < npoints; ++ i)
+ {
+ if(point[i].x < rcDamage.left)
+ rcDamage.left = point[i].x;
+ if(point[i].y <
+ = point[i].y;
+ if(point[i].x > rcDamage.right)
+ rcDamage.right = point[i].x;
+ if(point[i].y > rcDamage.bottom)
+ rcDamage.bottom = point[i].y;
+ }
+ InflateRect(&rcDamage, linewidth, linewidth);
+ Display_RepaintRect(&rcDamage);
+ }
+ void Display_RepaintAll()
+ {
+ InvalidateRgn(m_displayWindow, NULL, FALSE);
+ }
+ void Display_SetClip(int x, int y, int cx, int cy)
+ {
+ m_displayBufferClip.left = x;
+ = y;
+ m_displayBufferClip.right = x + cx + 1;
+ m_displayBufferClip.bottom = y + cy + 1;
+ HRGN hrgn = CreateRectRgnIndirect(&m_displayBufferClip);
+ SelectClipRgn(m_displayBuffer, hrgn);
+ DeleteObject(hrgn);
+ }
+ void Display_ResetClip()
+ {
+ m_displayBufferClip.left = 0;
+ = 0;
+ m_displayBufferClip.right = m_displayBufferWidth;
+ m_displayBufferClip.bottom = m_displayBufferHeight;
+ SelectClipRgn(m_displayBuffer, NULL);
+ }
+ void Display_PaintBitmap(int x, int y, int cx, int cy, int width, int height, uint8 *
+ {
+ GdiFlush();
+ int fromstride = alignup(width * m_displayBufferByteDepth, 4);
+ int sizex = cx * m_displayBufferByteDepth;
+ const uint8 * src = data;
+ uint8 * dst =
+ (uint8 *)m_displayBufferRaw +
+ (m_displayBufferHeight - y - cy) * m_displayBufferStride +
+ x * m_displayBufferByteDepth;
+ for(int i = 0; i < cy; ++ i)
+ {
+ memcpy(dst, src, sizex);
+ src += fromstride;
+ dst += m_displayBufferStride;
+ }
+ Display_RepaintArea(x, y, cx, cy);
+ }
+ void Display_DestBlt(uint8 opcode, int x, int y, int cx, int cy)
+ {
+ int dcsave = SaveDC(m_displayBuffer);
+ SelectObject(m_displayBuffer, GetStockObject(BLACK_BRUSH));
+ PatBlt(m_displayBuffer, x, y, cx, cy, MAKELONG(0, opcode));
+ RestoreDC(m_displayBuffer, dcsave);
+ Display_RepaintArea(x, y, cx, cy);
+ }
+ void Display_PatBlt(uint8 opcode, int x, int y, int cx, int cy, BRUSH * brush, int
bgcolour, int fgcolour)
+ {
+ HBRUSH hbr = win32_create_brush(brush, fgcolour);
+ int dcsave = SaveDC(m_displayBuffer);
+ SetBkColor(m_displayBuffer, bgcolour);
+ SetTextColor(m_displayBuffer, fgcolour);
+ SetBrushOrgEx(m_displayBuffer, brush->xorigin, brush->yorigin, NULL);
+ SelectObject(m_displayBuffer, hbr);
+ PatBlt(m_displayBuffer, x, y, cx, cy, MAKELONG(0, opcode));
+ RestoreDC(m_displayBuffer, dcsave);
+ DeleteObject(hbr);
+ Display_RepaintArea(x, y, cx, cy);
+ }
+ void Display_ScreenBlt(uint8 opcode, int x, int y, int cx, int cy, int srcx, int srcy)
+ {
+ BitBlt(m_displayBuffer, x, y, cx, cy, m_displayBuffer, srcx, srcy, MAKELONG(0,
+ Display_RepaintArea(x, y, cx, cy);
+ }
+ void Display_MemBlt(uint8 opcode, int x, int y, int cx, int cy, HBITMAP src, int srcx,
int srcy)
+ {
+ HDC hdcSrc = CreateCompatibleDC(m_displayBuffer);
+ HGDIOBJ hOld = SelectObject(hdcSrc, src);
+ BitBlt(m_displayBuffer, x, y, cx, cy, hdcSrc, srcx, srcy, MAKELONG(0, opcode));
+ SelectObject(hdcSrc, hOld);
+ DeleteDC(hdcSrc);
+ Display_RepaintArea(x, y, cx, cy);
+ }
+ void Display_TriBlt(uint8 opcode, int x, int y, int cx, int cy, HBITMAP src, int srcx,
int srcy, BRUSH * brush, int bgcolour, int fgcolour)
+ {
+ // TODO
+ HDC hdcSrc = CreateCompatibleDC(m_displayBuffer);
+ HGDIOBJ hOld = SelectObject(hdcSrc, src);
+ //SELECT_BRUSH(brush, bgcolour, fgcolour);
+ BitBlt(m_displayBuffer, x, y, cx, cy, hdcSrc, srcx, srcy, MAKELONG(0, opcode));
+ SelectObject(hdcSrc, hOld);
+ DeleteDC(hdcSrc);
+ Display_RepaintArea(x, y, cx, cy);
+ }
+ void Display_Line(uint8 opcode, int startx, int starty, int endx, int endy, PEN * pen)
+ {
+ HPEN hpen = CreatePen(pen->style, pen->width, pen->colour);
+ int dcsave = SaveDC(m_displayBuffer);
+ SetROP2(m_displayBuffer, opcode);
+ SelectObject(m_displayBuffer, hpen);
+ MoveToEx(m_displayBuffer, startx, starty, NULL);
+ LineTo(m_displayBuffer, endx, endy);
+ RestoreDC(m_displayBuffer, dcsave);
+ DeleteObject(hpen);
+ RECT rcDamage;
+ if(startx < endx)
+ {
+ rcDamage.left = startx;
+ rcDamage.right = endx;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ rcDamage.left = endx;
+ rcDamage.right = startx;
+ }
+ if(starty < endy)
+ {
+ = starty;
+ rcDamage.bottom = endy;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ = endy;
+ rcDamage.bottom = starty;
+ }
+ InflateRect(&rcDamage, pen->width, pen->width);
+ Display_RepaintRect(&rcDamage);
+ }
+ void Display_Rect(int x, int y, int cx, int cy, int colour)
+ {
+ HBRUSH hbr = CreateSolidBrush(colour);
+ int dcsave = SaveDC(m_displayBuffer);
+ SelectObject(m_displayBuffer, hbr);
+ SelectObject(m_displayBuffer, GetStockObject(NULL_PEN));
+ Rectangle(m_displayBuffer, x, y, x + cx + 1, y + cy + 1);
+ RestoreDC(m_displayBuffer, dcsave);
+ DeleteObject(hbr);
+ Display_RepaintArea(x, y, cx, cy);
+ }
+ void Display_Polygon(uint8 opcode, uint8 fillmode, POINT * point, int npoints, BRUSH *
brush, int bgcolour, int fgcolour)
+ {
+ HBRUSH hbr = win32_create_brush(brush, fgcolour);
+ int dcsave = SaveDC(m_displayBuffer);
+ SetBkColor(m_displayBuffer, bgcolour);
+ SetTextColor(m_displayBuffer, fgcolour);
+ SetPolyFillMode(m_displayBuffer, fillmode);
+ SelectObject(m_displayBuffer, hbr);
+ Polygon(m_displayBuffer, point, npoints);
+ RestoreDC(m_displayBuffer, dcsave);
+ Display_RepaintPolygon(point, npoints, 0);
+ }
+ void Display_Polyline(uint8 opcode, POINT * points, int npoints, PEN * pen)
+ {
+ POINT last = points[0];
+ for(int i = 1; i < npoints; ++ i)
+ {
+ points[i].x += last.x;
+ points[i].y += last.y;
+ last = points[i];
+ }
+ HPEN hpen = CreatePen(pen->style, pen->width, pen->colour);
+ int dcsave = SaveDC(m_displayBuffer);
+ SetROP2(m_displayBuffer, opcode);
+ SelectObject(m_displayBuffer, hpen);
+ Polyline(m_displayBuffer, points, npoints);
+ RestoreDC(m_displayBuffer, dcsave);
+ DeleteObject(hpen);
+ Display_RepaintPolygon(points, npoints, pen->width);
+ }
+ void Display_Ellypse(uint8 opcode, uint8 fillmode, int x, int y, int cx, int cy, BRUSH *
brush, int bgcolour, int fgcolour)
+ {
+ // TODO
+ Display_RepaintArea(x, y, cx, cy);
+ }
+ // TBD: optimize text drawing
+ void Display_DrawGlyph(int mixmode, int x, int y, int cx, int cy, HGLYPH glyph, int
srcx, int srcy, int bgcolour, int fgcolour)
+ {
+ HBITMAP hbmGlyph = (HBITMAP)glyph;
+ HDC hdcGlyph = CreateCompatibleDC(m_displayBuffer);
+ HGDIOBJ hOld = SelectObject(hdcGlyph, hbmGlyph);
+ int dcsave = SaveDC(m_displayBuffer);
+ switch(mixmode)
+ {
+ {
+ /*
+ ROP is DSPDxax:
+ - where the glyph (S) is white, D is set to the foreground color (P)
+ - where the glyph (S) is black, D is left untouched
+ This paints a transparent glyph in the specified color
+ */
+ HBRUSH hbr = CreateSolidBrush(fgcolour);
+ SelectObject(m_displayBuffer, hbr);
+ BitBlt(m_displayBuffer, x, y, cx, cy, hdcGlyph, srcx, srcy, MAKELONG(0, 0xe2));
+ DeleteObject(hbr);
+ }
+ break;
+ case MIX_OPAQUE:
+ {
+ /* Curiously, glyphs are inverted (white-on-black) */
+ SetBkColor(m_displayBuffer, fgcolour);
+ SetTextColor(m_displayBuffer, bgcolour);
+ BitBlt(m_displayBuffer, x, y, cx, cy, hdcGlyph, srcx, srcy, SRCCOPY);
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ RestoreDC(m_displayBuffer, dcsave);
+ SelectObject(hdcGlyph, hOld);
+ DeleteDC(hdcGlyph);
+ Display_RepaintArea(x, y, cx, cy);
+ }
+ void Display_DoGlyph(uint8 font, uint8 flags, int mixmode, int& x, int& y, int
bgcolour, int fgcolour, const uint8 * ttext, int& idx)
+ {
+ FONTGLYPH * glyph;
+ glyph = cache_get_font(/*This*/NULL, font, ttext[idx]);
+ if(!(flags & TEXT2_IMPLICIT_X))
+ {
+ int xyoffset = ttext[++ idx];
+ if((xyoffset & 0x80))
+ {
+ if (flags & TEXT2_VERTICAL)
+ y += ttext[idx + 1] | (ttext[idx + 2] << 8);
+ else
+ x += ttext[idx + 1] | (ttext[idx + 2] << 8);
+ idx += 2;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (flags & TEXT2_VERTICAL)
+ y += xyoffset;
+ else
+ x += xyoffset;
+ }
+ }
+ if(glyph)
+ {
+ Display_DrawGlyph
+ (
+ mixmode,
+ x + (short)glyph->offset,
+ y + (short)glyph->baseline,
+ glyph->width,
+ glyph->height,
+ glyph->pixmap,
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ bgcolour,
+ fgcolour
+ );
+ if(flags & TEXT2_IMPLICIT_X)
+ x += glyph->width;
+ }
+ }
+ void Display_DrawText
+ (
+ uint8 font,
+ uint8 flags,
+ uint8 opcode,
+ int mixmode,
+ int x,
+ int y,
+ int clipx,
+ int clipy,
+ int clipcx,
+ int clipcy,
+ int boxx,
+ int boxy,
+ int boxcx,
+ int boxcy,
+ BRUSH * brush,
+ int bgcolour,
+ int fgcolour,
+ uint8 * text,
+ uint8 length
+ )
+ {
+ int i, j;
+ DATABLOB *entry;
+ HBRUSH hbr = CreateSolidBrush(bgcolour);
+ HGDIOBJ holdbrush = SelectObject(m_displayBuffer, hbr);
+ HGDIOBJ holdpen = SelectObject(m_displayBuffer, GetStockObject(NULL_PEN));
+ if (boxcx > 1)
+ Rectangle(m_displayBuffer, boxx, boxy, boxx + boxcx + 1, boxy + boxcy + 1);
+ else if (mixmode == MIX_OPAQUE)
+ Rectangle(m_displayBuffer, clipx, clipy, clipx + clipcx + 1, clipy + clipcy + 1);
+ SelectObject(m_displayBuffer, holdpen);
+ SelectObject(m_displayBuffer, holdbrush);
+ DeleteObject(hbr);
+ if(boxcx > 1)
+ Display_RepaintArea(boxx, boxy, boxcx, boxcy);
+ else
+ Display_RepaintArea(clipx, clipy, clipcx, clipcy);
+ /* Paint text, character by character */
+ for (i = 0; i < length;)
+ {
+ switch (text[i])
+ {
+ case 0xff:
+ /* At least two bytes needs to follow */
+ if (i + 3 > length)
+ {
+ warning("Skipping short 0xff command:");
+ for (j = 0; j < length; j++)
+ fprintf(stderr, "%02x ", text[j]);
+ fprintf(stderr, "\n");
+ i = length = 0;
+ break;
+ }
+ cache_put_text(NULL /* TODO */, text[i + 1], text, text[i + 2]);
+ i += 3;
+ length -= i;
+ /* this will move pointer from start to first character after FF command */
+ text = &(text[i]);
+ i = 0;
+ break;
+ case 0xfe:
+ /* At least one byte needs to follow */
+ if (i + 2 > length)
+ {
+ warning("Skipping short 0xfe command:");
+ for (j = 0; j < length; j++)
+ fprintf(stderr, "%02x ", text[j]);
+ fprintf(stderr, "\n");
+ i = length = 0;
+ break;
+ }
+ entry = cache_get_text(/*This*/NULL, text[i + 1]);
+ if (entry->data != NULL)
+ {
+ if ((((uint8 *) (entry->data))[1] == 0)
+ && (!(flags & TEXT2_IMPLICIT_X)) && (i + 2 < length))
+ {
+ if (flags & TEXT2_VERTICAL)
+ y += text[i + 2];
+ else
+ x += text[i + 2];
+ }
+ for (j = 0; j < entry->size; j++)
+ Display_DoGlyph(font, flags, mixmode, x, y, bgcolour, fgcolour, ((uint8 *)
(entry->data)), j);
+ }
+ if (i + 2 < length)
+ i += 3;
+ else
+ i += 2;
+ length -= i;
+ /* this will move pointer from start to first character after FE command */
+ text = &(text[i]);
+ i = 0;
+ break;
+ default:
+ Display_DoGlyph(font, flags, mixmode, x, y, bgcolour, fgcolour, text, i);
+ i++;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ void Display_SaveDesktop(uint32 offset, int x, int y, int cx, int cy)
+ {
+ GdiFlush();
+ uint8 * data =
+ (uint8 *)m_displayBufferRaw +
+ x * m_displayBufferByteDepth +
+ (m_displayBufferHeight - y - cy) * m_displayBufferStride;
+ cache_put_desktop
+ (
+ /*This*/NULL,
+ offset * m_displayBufferByteDepth,
+ cx,
+ cy,
+ m_displayBufferStride,
+ m_displayBufferByteDepth,
+ data
+ );
+ }
+ void Display_RestoreDesktop(uint32 offset, int x, int y, int cx, int cy)
+ {
+ int fromstride = cx * m_displayBufferByteDepth;
+ const uint8 * src = cache_get_desktop(/*This*/NULL, offset, cx, cy,
+ uint8 * dst =
+ (uint8 *)m_displayBufferRaw +
+ x * m_displayBufferByteDepth +
+ (m_displayBufferHeight - y - cy) * m_displayBufferStride;
+ GdiFlush();
+ for(int i = 0; i < cy; ++ i)
+ {
+ memcpy(dst, src, fromstride);
+ src += fromstride;
+ dst += m_displayBufferStride;
+ }
+ Display_RepaintArea(x, y, cx, cy);
+ }
+ void Display_BeginUpdate()
+ {
+ EnterCriticalSection(&m_displayBufferMutex);
+ m_displayBufferSave = SaveDC(m_displayBuffer);
+ }
+ void Display_EndUpdate()
+ {
+ RestoreDC(m_displayBuffer, m_displayBufferSave);
+ LeaveCriticalSection(&m_displayBufferMutex);
+ }
+ /*
+ This is the input window. It receives the keyboard and mouse input from
+ the user, and it's the only window that can receive the keyboard focus.
+ It completely fills its parent, the console window, and it runs in its
+ own thread for performance reasons and because of technical reasons
+ involving keyboard hooks in full-screen mode
+ */
+ HWND m_inputWindow;
+ HCURSOR m_inputCursor;
+ LRESULT InputWindowProc(UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam)
+ {
+ switch(uMsg)
+ {
+ case WM_DESTROY:
+ PostQuitMessage(0);
+ return 0;
+ /* Keyboard stuff */
+ // TODO: we need a good way to post output cross-thread
+ case WM_KEYDOWN:
+ //rdp_send_input(This, GetMessageTime(), RDP_INPUT_SCANCODE, RDP_KEYPRESS | (lparam
& 0x1000000 ? KBD_FLAG_EXT : 0), LOBYTE(HIWORD(lparam)), 0);
+ break;
+ case WM_KEYUP:
+ //rdp_send_input(This, GetMessageTime(), RDP_INPUT_SCANCODE, RDP_KEYRELEASE | (lparam
& 0x1000000 ? KBD_FLAG_EXT : 0), LOBYTE(HIWORD(lparam)), 0);
+ break;
+ /* Mouse stuff */
+ // Cursor shape
+ if(LOWORD(lParam) == HTCLIENT)
+ {
+ SetCursor(m_inputCursor);
+ return TRUE;
+ }
+ break;
+ // Movement
+ //rdp_send_input(This, GetMessageTime(), RDP_INPUT_MOUSE, MOUSE_FLAG_MOVE,
LOWORD(lparam), HIWORD(lparam));
+ break;
+ // Buttons
+ // TODO: X buttons
+ //rdp_send_input(This, GetMessageTime(), RDP_INPUT_MOUSE, MOUSE_FLAG_BUTTON1 |
+ break;
+ //rdp_send_input(This, GetMessageTime(), RDP_INPUT_MOUSE, MOUSE_FLAG_BUTTON2 |
+ break;
+ //rdp_send_input(This, GetMessageTime(), RDP_INPUT_MOUSE, MOUSE_FLAG_BUTTON3 |
+ break;
+ //rdp_send_input(This, GetMessageTime(), RDP_INPUT_MOUSE, MOUSE_FLAG_BUTTON1,
LOWORD(lparam), HIWORD(lparam));
+ break;
+ //rdp_send_input(This, GetMessageTime(), RDP_INPUT_MOUSE, MOUSE_FLAG_BUTTON2,
LOWORD(lparam), HIWORD(lparam));
+ break;
+ //rdp_send_input(This, GetMessageTime(), RDP_INPUT_MOUSE, MOUSE_FLAG_BUTTON3,
LOWORD(lparam), HIWORD(lparam));
+ break;
+ // Wheel
+ //mstsc_mousewheel(This, (SHORT)HIWORD(wparam), lparam);
+ break;
+ }
+ return DefWindowProc(m_inputWindow, uMsg, wParam, lParam);
+ }
#pragma warning(push)
#pragma warning(disable: 4584)
+/* The ActiveX control */
class RdpClient SEALED_:
/* COM basics */
public IUnknown,
@@ -137,7 +1266,7 @@
public IViewObject2,
// NOTE: the original has a vestigial, non-functional implementation of this, which we
- // public ISpecifyPropertyPages,
+ // ISpecifyPropertyPages
// Hidden interfaces, not available through QueryInterface
public IConnectionPoint,
@@ -145,6 +1274,10 @@
/* RDP client interface */
public MSTSCLib::IMsRdpClient4,
public MSTSCLib::IMsRdpClientNonScriptable2
+ // NOTE: implemented by inner classes due to requiring distinct IDispatch
+ // IMsRdpClientAdvancedSettings4
+ // IMsRdpClientSecuredSettings
/* An endless amount of COM glue */
@@ -224,8 +1357,13 @@
/* Glue to interface to rdesktop-core */
+ RdpClientUI * m_clientUI;
RDPCLIENT m_protocolState;
HANDLE m_protocolThread;
+ HANDLE m_protocolThreadWaitingReconnection;
+ bool m_reconnectAborted;
+ bool m_actuallyConnected;
+ bool m_loggedIn;
/* Properties */
// Storage fields
@@ -250,8 +1388,6 @@
long m_DesktopWidth;
long m_DesktopHeight;
long m_StartConnected;
- long m_HorizontalScrollBarVisible;
- long m_VerticalScrollBarVisible;
long m_ColorDepth;
long m_KeyboardHookMode;
long m_AudioRedirectionMode;
@@ -378,6 +1514,16 @@
return S_OK;
+ HRESULT ReplaceProperty(BSTR& prop, BSTR newValue)
+ {
+ assert(InsideApartment());
+ assert((prop == NULL && newValue == NULL) || prop != newValue);
+ SysFreeString(prop);
+ prop = newValue;
+ return S_OK;
+ }
HRESULT SetProperty(LPSTR& prop, BSTR newValue)
@@ -397,6 +1543,18 @@
prop = NULL;
+ return S_OK;
+ }
+ HRESULT ReplaceProperty(LPSTR& prop, LPSTR newValue)
+ {
+ assert(InsideApartment());
+ assert((prop == NULL && newValue == NULL) || prop != newValue);
+ if(prop)
+ delete[] prop;
+ prop = newValue;
return S_OK;
@@ -535,19 +1693,46 @@
AsyncEventCallback callback;
+ struct RedirectArguments
+ {
+ uint32 flags;
+ uint32 server_len;
+ wchar_t * server;
+ uint32 cookie_len;
+ char * cookie;
+ uint32 username_len;
+ wchar_t * username;
+ uint32 domain_len;
+ wchar_t * domain;
+ uint32 password_len;
+ wchar_t * password;
+ };
+ {
+ // no need to do anything. The interruption will be enough
+ }
bool HandleEvent(UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam, LRESULT& result)
+ result = 0;
+ /* Regular event to be dispatched to the container's sink */
+ assert(InSendMessage());
const EventArguments * eventArgs = reinterpret_cast<EventArguments *>(lParam);
@@ -568,26 +1753,122 @@
+ /* The protocol thread is about to die: prepare for disconnection */
- VARIANTARG arg = { };
- arg.vt = VT_I4;
- arg.lVal = static_cast<long>(wParam);
- FireEventInsideApartment(4, &arg, 1);
- if(m_protocolThread)
+ assert(InsideApartment());
+ assert(InSendMessage());
+ // Unblock the protocol thread and wait for it to terminate
+ ReplyMessage(0);
+ JoinProtocolThread();
+ // Finish disconnecting
+ PerformDisconnect(static_cast<long>(wParam));
+ }
+ break;
+ {
+ assert(InSendMessage());
+ assert(lParam);
+ assert(m_Connected);
+ assert(m_protocolState.redirect);
+ RedirectArguments * redirectArgs = reinterpret_cast<RedirectArguments
+ // BUGBUG: this is extremely messy and more prone to out-of-memory than it should be
+ LPSTR lpszNewServer = NULL;
+ LPSTR lpszNewCookie = NULL;
+ BSTR strNewUsername = NULL;
+ BSTR strNewDomain = NULL;
+ BSTR strNewPassword = NULL;
+ HRESULT hr = S_OK;
+ for(;;)
- WaitForSingleObject(m_protocolThread, INFINITE);
- CloseHandle(m_protocolThread);
+ // Allocate the new properties
+ // FIXME: convert the hostname to Punycode, not the ANSI codepage
+ lpszNewServer = AllocLpsz(redirectArgs->server, redirectArgs->server_len /
+ if(lpszNewServer == NULL && redirectArgs->server_len)
+ break;
+ lpszNewCookie = AllocLpsz(redirectArgs->cookie, redirectArgs->cookie_len);
+ if(lpszNewCookie == NULL && redirectArgs->cookie_len)
+ break;
+ strNewUsername = SysAllocStringLen(redirectArgs->username,
redirectArgs->username_len / sizeof(OLECHAR));
+ if(strNewUsername == NULL && redirectArgs->username_len)
+ break;
+ strNewDomain = SysAllocStringLen(redirectArgs->domain,
redirectArgs->domain_len / sizeof(OLECHAR));
+ if(strNewDomain == NULL && redirectArgs->domain_len)
+ break;
+ strNewPassword = SysAllocStringLen(redirectArgs->password,
redirectArgs->password_len / sizeof(OLECHAR));
+ if(strNewPassword == NULL && redirectArgs->password_len)
+ break;
+ hr = S_OK;
+ break;
- // TODO: do other disconnection work here...
- m_Connected = false;
+ // Success
+ if(SUCCEEDED(hr))
+ {
+ // set the new properties
+ ReplaceProperty(m_Server, lpszNewServer);
+ ReplaceProperty(m_LoadBalanceInfo, lpszNewCookie);
+ ReplaceProperty(m_UserName, strNewUsername);
+ ReplaceProperty(m_Domain, strNewDomain);
+ ReplaceProperty(m_ClearTextPassword, strNewPassword);
+ }
+ // Failure
+ else
+ {
+ // free the buffers
+ FreeLpsz(lpszNewServer);
+ FreeLpsz(lpszNewCookie);
+ SysFreeString(strNewUsername);
+ SysFreeString(strNewDomain);
+ SysFreeString(strNewPassword);
+ // signal the error
+ m_protocolState.disconnect_reason = 262;
+ m_protocolState.redirect = False;
+ result = -1;
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ // BUGBUG: this could potentially disconnect an unrelated connection established
+ {
+ assert(!InSendMessage());
+ if(m_Connected)
+ {
+ // Ask confirmation to the container in case we are logged in
+ if(m_loggedIn && !FireConfirmClose())
+ break;
+ // For reentrancy (OnConfirmClose could deviously call Disconnect)
+ if(m_protocolThread == NULL)
+ break;
+ // Terminate the protocol thread. It will fire the Disconnected event on exit
+ TerminateProtocolThread();
+ }
@@ -595,6 +1876,10 @@
return false;
+ // If the calling thread is blocked, unblock it ASAP
+ if(InSendMessage())
+ ReplyMessage(result);
return true;
@@ -666,8 +1951,8 @@
void FireDisconnected(long reason)
- // Source: control or protocol. Special handling
- SendNotifyMessage(m_controlWindow, RDPC_WM_DISCONNECT, reason, 0);
+ // Source: protocol. Special handling
+ SendMessage(m_controlWindow, RDPC_WM_DISCONNECT, reason, 0);
void FireEnterFullScreenMode()
@@ -744,6 +2029,17 @@
FireEventOutsideApartment(10, &arg, 1);
+ void FireFatalErrorFromApartment(long errorCode)
+ {
+ VARIANTARG arg = { };
+ arg.vt = VT_I4;
+ arg.lVal = errorCode;
+ // Source: control
+ FireEventInsideApartment(10, &arg, 1);
+ }
void FireWarning(long warningCode)
VARIANTARG arg = { };
@@ -789,14 +2085,19 @@
retval.vt = VT_BYREF | VT_BOOL;
retval.pboolVal = &allowClose;
- // Source: ??? // BUGBUG: fix this!
- FireEventOutsideApartment(15, NULL, 0, &retval);
+ // Source: control
+ FireEventInsideApartment(15, NULL, 0, &retval);
return allowClose != VARIANT_FALSE;
HRESULT FireReceivedTSPublicKey(void * publicKey, unsigned int publicKeyLength)
+ assert(m_Connected);
+ if(!m_NotifyTSPublicKey)
+ return S_OK;
BSTR bstrPublicKey = SysAllocStringByteLen(NULL, publicKeyLength);
if(bstrPublicKey == NULL)
@@ -979,8 +2280,6 @@
- m_HorizontalScrollBarVisible(),
- m_VerticalScrollBarVisible(),
@@ -1054,7 +2353,17 @@
assert(m_refCount == 0);
- // TODO: if connected, disconnect
+ if(m_Connected)
+ {
+ // Terminate the protocol thread
+ TerminateProtocolThread();
+ // Dispatch the RDPC_WM_DISCONNECT message sent by the dying thread
+ MSG msg;
+ PeekMessage(&msg, m_controlWindow, 0, 0, PM_NOREMOVE);
+ assert(!m_Connected);
+ }
@@ -1094,11 +2403,8 @@
- if(m_LoadBalanceInfo)
- delete[] m_LoadBalanceInfo;
- if(m_Server)
- delete[] m_Server;
+ FreeLpsz(m_LoadBalanceInfo);
+ FreeLpsz(m_Server);
@@ -1678,7 +2984,7 @@
virtual STDMETHODIMP IMsRdpClientAdvancedSettings::put_overallConnectionTimeout(long
- if(poverallConnectionTimeout >= 600)
+ if(poverallConnectionTimeout < 0 || poverallConnectionTimeout >= 600)
return Outer()->SetProperty(Outer()->m_overallConnectionTimeout,
@@ -2315,6 +3621,11 @@
return CONTAINING_RECORD(innerThis, RdpClient, m_securedSettings);
+ static RdpClient * InnerToOuter(RDPCLIENT * innerThis)
+ {
+ return CONTAINING_RECORD(innerThis, RdpClient, m_protocolState);
+ }
static const RdpClient * InnerToOuter(const RdpClientInner * innerThis)
return CONTAINING_RECORD(innerThis, RdpClient, m_inner);
@@ -2330,24 +3641,142 @@
return CONTAINING_RECORD(innerThis, RdpClient, m_securedSettings);
+ static const RdpClient * InnerToOuter(const RDPCLIENT * innerThis)
+ {
+ return CONTAINING_RECORD(innerThis, RdpClient, m_protocolState);
+ }
+ RdpClientUI * GetUI() const
+ {
+ assert(m_clientUI);
+ return m_clientUI;
+ }
+ /* Glue for rdesktop-core */
+ static bool OnPublicKey(RDPCLIENT * This, unsigned char * key, unsigned int key_size)
+ {
+ return InnerToOuter(This)->OnPublicKey(key, key_size);
+ }
+ static void OnLogon(RDPCLIENT * This)
+ {
+ return InnerToOuter(This)->OnLogon();
+ }
+ static bool OnRedirect
+ (
+ uint32 flags,
+ uint32 server_len,
+ wchar_t * server,
+ uint32 cookie_len,
+ char * cookie,
+ uint32 username_len,
+ wchar_t * username,
+ uint32 domain_len,
+ wchar_t * domain,
+ uint32 password_len,
+ wchar_t * password
+ )
+ {
+ return InnerToOuter(This)->OnRedirect
+ (
+ flags,
+ server_len,
+ server,
+ cookie_len,
+ cookie,
+ username_len,
+ username,
+ domain_len,
+ domain,
+ password_len,
+ password
+ );
+ }
- /* Thread that hosts rdesktop-core */
+ bool OnPublicKey(unsigned char * key, unsigned int key_size)
+ {
+ HRESULT hr = FireReceivedTSPublicKey(key, key_size);
+ if(FAILED(hr))
+ {
+ m_protocolState.disconnect_reason = 262;
+ return false;
+ }
+ return hr == S_OK;
+ }
+ void OnLogon()
+ {
+ m_loggedIn = true;
+ FireLoginComplete();
+ }
+ bool OnRedirect
+ (
+ uint32 flags,
+ uint32 server_len,
+ wchar_t * server,
+ uint32 cookie_len,
+ char * cookie,
+ uint32 username_len,
+ wchar_t * username,
+ uint32 domain_len,
+ wchar_t * domain,
+ uint32 password_len,
+ wchar_t * password
+ )
+ {
+ assert(m_Connected);
+ assert(!InsideApartment());
+ assert(IsWindow(m_controlWindow));
+ RedirectArguments redirectArgs =
+ {
+ flags,
+ server_len,
+ server,
+ cookie_len,
+ cookie,
+ username_len,
+ username,
+ domain_len,
+ domain,
+ password_len,
+ password
+ };
+ return SendMessage(m_controlWindow, RDPC_WM_REDIRECT, 0,
reinterpret_cast<LPARAM>(&redirectArgs)) == 0;
+ }
static DWORD WINAPI ProtocolLoopThreadProc(LPVOID lpParam)
static_cast<RdpClient *>(lpParam)->ProtocolLoop();
return 0;
+ {
+ }
+ // FIXME: various potential inconsistencies due to lack of detailed documentation of
expected semantics
void ProtocolLoop()
+ HANDLE waitingReconnection = NULL;
+ // Retrieve the local hostname to be passed to the server
DWORD hostnameLen = ARRAYSIZE(hostname);
if(!GetComputerNameW(hostname, &hostnameLen))
hostname[0] = 0;
- FireConnecting();
+ // Set some connection flags
uint32 flags = RDP_LOGON_NORMAL;
@@ -2358,6 +3787,27 @@
flags |= RDP_LOGON_AUTO;
+ // Notify the container that the connection process is beginning now
+ FireConnecting();
+ // Set the overall connection timer, if a timeout is set
+ // BUGBUG: the timeout semantics are ambiguous and have been most probably
+ HANDLE overallConnectionTimer = NULL;
+ LARGE_INTEGER overallTimeout;
+ if(m_overallConnectionTimeout)
+ {
+ overallTimeout.QuadPart = - ((m_overallConnectionTimeout * 1000 * 1000 * 1000) /
+ overallConnectionTimer = CreateWaitableTimer(NULL, FALSE, NULL);
+ if(overallConnectionTimer == NULL)
+ goto l_Disconnect;
+ }
+ if(overallConnectionTimer)
+ SetWaitableTimer(overallConnectionTimer, &overallTimeout, 0, ConnectionTimerAPC,
// Initial connection
BOOL disconnected = rdp_connect
@@ -2374,15 +3824,32 @@
- while(!disconnected)
+ if(overallConnectionTimer)
+ CancelWaitableTimer(overallConnectionTimer);
+ if(disconnected)
+ goto l_Disconnect;
+ // TODO: set the disconnect reason for every instance in which we abort the loop
+ for(;;)
BOOL deactivated = False;
uint32 extendedDisconnectReason = 0;
- // The main protocol loop
+ m_actuallyConnected = true;
+ // Notify the container of the successful connection
+ FireConnected();
+ // Main protocol loop
+ m_loggedIn = false;
rdp_main_loop(&m_protocolState, &deactivated, &extendedDisconnectReason);
+ rdp_disconnect(&m_protocolState);
+ m_actuallyConnected = false;
// Redirection
+ // BUGBUG: redirection is very messy and probably this implementation is not
m_protocolState.redirect = False;
@@ -2420,15 +3887,34 @@
// do not reconnect
if(reconnectMode == MSTSCLib::autoReconnectContinueStop)
- {
- disconnected = True;
- break;
- }
- // the container will reconnect manually with Connect or abort with Disconnect
+ goto l_Disconnect;
+ // the container will reconnect or abort manually
if(reconnectMode == MSTSCLib::autoReconnectContinueManual)
- // TODO: wait for a call to Connect or Disconnect
+ assert(!m_reconnectAborted);
+ assert(m_protocolThreadWaitingReconnection == NULL);
+ if(waitingReconnection == NULL)
+ {
+ waitingReconnection = CreateEvent(NULL, TRUE, FALSE, NULL);
+ if(waitingReconnection == NULL)
+ // TODO: fatal error
+ goto l_Disconnect;
+ }
+ m_protocolThreadWaitingReconnection = waitingReconnection;
+ WaitForSingleObject(waitingReconnection, INFINITE);
+ m_protocolThreadWaitingReconnection = NULL;
+ if(m_reconnectAborted)
+ {
+ // FIXME? do we set the disconnection status here?
+ goto l_Disconnect;
+ }
// reconnect automatically
@@ -2443,6 +3929,9 @@
++ autoReconnections;
+ if(overallConnectionTimer)
+ SetWaitableTimer(overallConnectionTimer, &overallTimeout, 0, ConnectionTimerAPC,
// Reconnection
success = rdp_reconnect
@@ -2458,26 +3947,94 @@
+ if(overallConnectionTimer)
+ CancelWaitableTimer(overallConnectionTimer);
// Disconnected
- // TODO: clean up protocol state, clear "connected" flag
+ if(overallConnectionTimer)
+ CloseHandle(overallConnectionTimer);
+ }
+ void JoinProtocolThread()
+ {
+ assert(m_protocolThread);
+ WaitForSingleObject(m_protocolThread, INFINITE);
+ CloseHandle(m_protocolThread);
+ m_protocolThread = NULL;
+ }
+ void TerminateProtocolThread()
+ {
+ assert(m_protocolThread);
+ // wake it up if it's waiting for a manual reconnection
+ if(m_protocolThreadWaitingReconnection)
+ {
+ assert(!m_reconnectAborted);
+ m_reconnectAborted = true;
+ SetEvent(m_protocolThreadWaitingReconnection);
+ }
+ // otherwise, attempt to interrupt any current blocking operation
+ else
+ {
+ // shutdown(m_protocolState.tcp.sock, SD_BOTH); // TBD: maybe in the future?
+ QueueUserAPC(DisconnectAPC, m_protocolThread, 0);
+ }
+ assert(m_protocolThreadWaitingReconnection == NULL);
+ }
+ void PerformDisconnect(long reason)
+ {
+ assert(InsideApartment());
+ assert(m_Connected);
+ // TODO: notify virtual channels
+ // TODO: do any other disconnection work here...
+ // Put the control in the disconnected state
+ m_Connected = false;
+ m_loggedIn = false;
+ // Notify the container
+ VARIANTARG arg = { };
+ arg.vt = VT_I4;
+ arg.lVal = reason;
+ FireEventInsideApartment(4, &arg, 1);
/* Startup initialization */
static BOOL Startup()
- // TODO: register control window class here
- return TRUE;
+ if(!RdpClientUI::Startup())
+ return FALSE;
+ WNDCLASSEX wcex = { sizeof(wcex) };
+ wcex.lpfnWndProc = ControlWindowProc;
+ wcex.hInstance = GetCurrentModule();
+ wcex.hCursor = LoadCursor(NULL, IDC_ARROW);
+ wcex.hbrBackground = (HBRUSH)(COLOR_WINDOW + 1);
+ wcex.lpszClassName = TEXT("MissTosca_Control");
+ return RegisterClassEx(&wcex);;
static void Shutdown()
- // TODO
+ UnregisterClass(TEXT("MissTosca_Control"), GetCurrentModule());
/* Class factory */
@@ -2609,11 +4166,128 @@
/* Pay no attention, ActiveX glue... */
- HRESULT CreateControlWindow()
- {
- // TODO
+ LRESULT ControlWindowProc(UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam)
+ {
+ switch(uMsg)
+ {
+ case WM_SIZE:
+ {
+ // TODO: resize UI
+ }
+ return 0;
+ case WM_PAINT:
+ {
+ LPCWSTR text = NULL;
+ if(!m_Connected)
+ text = m_DisconnectedText;
+ else if(m_actuallyConnected)
+ text = m_ConnectedStatusText;
+ else
+ text = m_ConnectingText;
+ RECT clientRect;
+ GetClientRect(m_controlWindow, &clientRect);
+ HDC hdc = BeginPaint(m_controlWindow, &ps);
+ SetBkColor(hdc, GetSysColor(COLOR_WINDOW));
+ SetTextColor(hdc, GetSysColor(COLOR_WINDOWTEXT));
+ SelectObject(hdc, GetStockObject(SYSTEM_FONT));
+ RECT textRect = clientRect;
+ DrawTextW
+ (
+ hdc,
+ text,
+ -1,
+ &textRect,
+ );
+ if(textRect.right > clientRect.right)
+ textRect.right = clientRect.right;
+ if(textRect.bottom > clientRect.bottom)
+ textRect.bottom = clientRect.bottom;
+ textRect.left = (clientRect.right - textRect.right) / 2;
+ textRect.right += textRect.left;
+ = (clientRect.bottom - textRect.bottom) / 2;
+ textRect.bottom +=;
+ DrawTextW
+ (
+ hdc,
+ text,
+ -1,
+ &textRect,
+ );
+ EndPaint(m_controlWindow, &ps);
+ }
+ return 0;
+ default:
+ {
+ LRESULT result;
+ if(HandleEvent(uMsg, wParam, lParam, result))
+ return result;
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ return DefWindowProc(m_controlWindow, uMsg, wParam, lParam);
+ }
+ static LRESULT CALLBACK ControlWindowProc(HWND hwnd, UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM
+ {
+ if(uMsg == WM_CREATE)
+ {
+ SetWindowLongPtr
+ (
+ hwnd,
+ (LONG_PTR)reinterpret_cast<LPCREATESTRUCT>(lParam)->lpCreateParams
+ );
+ }
+ RdpClient * Self = reinterpret_cast<RdpClient *>(GetWindowLongPtr(hwnd,
+ assert(Self);
+ return Self->ControlWindowProc(uMsg, wParam, lParam);
+ }
+ HRESULT CreateControlWindow(HWND hwndParent)
+ {
+ m_controlWindow = CreateWindow
+ (
+ TEXT("MissTosca_Control"),
+ hwndParent,
+ GetCurrentModule(),
+ this
+ );
+ if(m_controlWindow == NULL)
+ return HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(GetLastError());
m_UIParentWindowHandle = m_controlWindow;
- return E_FAIL;
+ return S_OK;
HRESULT DestroyControlWindow()
@@ -2679,7 +4353,7 @@
ShowWindow(m_controlWindow, SW_SHOW);
- hr = CreateControlWindow();
+ hr = CreateControlWindow(hwndParent);
@@ -2697,7 +4371,16 @@
- // TODO: focus the control window
+ SetWindowPos
+ (
+ m_controlWindow,
+ lprcPosRect->left,
+ lprcPosRect->top,
+ lprcPosRect->right - lprcPosRect->left,
+ lprcPosRect->bottom - lprcPosRect->top,
+ );
@@ -3045,7 +4728,21 @@
virtual STDMETHODIMP IOleInPlaceObject::SetObjectRects(LPCRECT lprcPosRect, LPCRECT
- // TODO: reposition the control window and set its region here
+ if(m_controlWindow == NULL)
+ return E_FAIL;
+ MoveWindow
+ (
+ m_controlWindow,
+ lprcPosRect->left,
+ lprcPosRect->top,
+ lprcPosRect->right - lprcPosRect->left,
+ lprcPosRect->bottom - lprcPosRect->top,
+ );
+ SetWindowRgn(m_controlWindow, CreateRectRgnIndirect(lprcClipRect), TRUE);
return E_NOTIMPL;
@@ -3515,12 +5212,12 @@
virtual STDMETHODIMP IMsTscAx::get_HorizontalScrollBarVisible(long * pfHScrollVisible)
- return GetProperty(m_HorizontalScrollBarVisible, pfHScrollVisible);
+ return E_NOTIMPL; // TODO
virtual STDMETHODIMP IMsTscAx::get_VerticalScrollBarVisible(long * pfVScrollVisible)
- return GetProperty(m_VerticalScrollBarVisible, pfVScrollVisible);
+ return E_NOTIMPL; // TODO
virtual STDMETHODIMP IMsTscAx::put_FullScreenTitle(BSTR rhs)
@@ -3576,17 +5273,24 @@
virtual STDMETHODIMP IMsTscAx::Connect()
+ {
+ // Protocol thread waiting for a manual reconnection: wake it up
+ if(m_protocolThreadWaitingReconnection)
+ {
+ SetEvent(m_protocolThreadWaitingReconnection);
+ return S_OK;
+ }
return E_FAIL;
+ }
m_Connected = true;
- // TODO: if the protocol thread is waiting to reconnect, wake it up
if(m_controlWindow == NULL)
- hr = CreateControlWindow();
+ hr = CreateControlWindow(NULL);
return hr;
@@ -3595,6 +5299,16 @@
// TODO: initialize plugin DLLs/channels
+ m_clientUI = new RdpClientUI();
+ if(m_clientUI == NULL)
+ {
+ break;
+ }
+ m_clientUI->Initialize(m_controlWindow);
m_protocolState.licence_username = BstrToLpsz(m_UserName);
@@ -3688,9 +5402,9 @@
return E_FAIL;
- // TODO: if the protocol thread is waiting to reconnect, wake it up
- return E_NOTIMPL; // TODO
+ // Terminate the protocol thread. On exit, it will fire the Disconnected event
+ TerminateProtocolThread();
+ return S_OK;
virtual STDMETHODIMP IMsTscAx::CreateVirtualChannels(BSTR newVal)
@@ -3776,7 +5490,21 @@
virtual STDMETHODIMP IMsRdpClient::RequestClose(MSTSCLib::ControlCloseStatus *
- return E_NOTIMPL; // TODO
+ if(pCloseStatus == NULL)
+ return E_POINTER;
+ if(!m_Connected)
+ {
+ *pCloseStatus = MSTSCLib::controlCloseCanProceed;
+ return S_OK;
+ }
+ *pCloseStatus = MSTSCLib::controlCloseWaitForEvents;
+ if(!PostMessage(m_controlWindow, RDPC_WM_REQUEST_CLOSE, 0, 0))
+ return HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(GetLastError());
+ return S_OK;
/* IMsRdpClient2 */
@@ -3884,6 +5612,330 @@
#pragma warning(pop)
+/* More glue to interface to the rdesktop code */
+extern "C"
+/* Orders */
+/* support routines */
+void ui_begin_update(RDPCLIENT * This)
+ RdpClient::InnerToOuter(This)->GetUI()->Display_BeginUpdate();
+void ui_end_update(RDPCLIENT * This)
+ RdpClient::InnerToOuter(This)->GetUI()->Display_EndUpdate();
+void ui_set_clip(RDPCLIENT * This, int x, int y, int cx, int cy)
+ RdpClient::InnerToOuter(This)->GetUI()->Display_SetClip(x, y, cx, cy);
+void ui_reset_clip(RDPCLIENT * This)
+ RdpClient::InnerToOuter(This)->GetUI()->Display_ResetClip();
+/* blits */
+void ui_destblt(RDPCLIENT * This, uint8 opcode, int x, int y, int cx, int cy)
+ RdpClient::InnerToOuter(This)->GetUI()->Display_DestBlt(opcode, x, y, cx, cy);
+void ui_memblt(RDPCLIENT * This, uint8 opcode, int x, int y, int cx, int cy, HBITMAP src,
int srcx, int srcy)
+ RdpClient::InnerToOuter(This)->GetUI()->Display_MemBlt(opcode, x, y, cx, cy, src,
srcx, srcy);
+void ui_patblt(RDPCLIENT * This, uint8 opcode, int x, int y, int cx, int cy, BRUSH *
brush, int bgcolour, int fgcolour)
+ RdpClient::InnerToOuter(This)->GetUI()->Display_PatBlt(opcode, x, y, cx, cy,
brush, bgcolour, fgcolour);
+void ui_screenblt(RDPCLIENT * This, uint8 opcode, int x, int y, int cx, int cy, int srcx,
int srcy)
+ RdpClient::InnerToOuter(This)->GetUI()->Display_ScreenBlt(opcode, x, y, cx, cy,
srcx, srcy);
+void ui_triblt(RDPCLIENT * This, uint8 opcode, int x, int y, int cx, int cy, HBITMAP src,
int srcx, int srcy, BRUSH * brush, int bgcolour, int fgcolour)
+ RdpClient::InnerToOuter(This)->GetUI()->Display_TriBlt(opcode, x, y, cx, cy, src,
srcx, srcy, brush, bgcolour, fgcolour);
+void ui_paint_bitmap(RDPCLIENT * This, int x, int y, int cx, int cy, int width, int
height, uint8 * data)
+ RdpClient::InnerToOuter(This)->GetUI()->Display_PaintBitmap(x, y, cx, cy, width,
height, data);
+/* shapes */
+void ui_ellipse(RDPCLIENT * This, uint8 opcode, uint8 fillmode, int x, int y, int cx, int
cy, BRUSH * brush, int bgcolour, int fgcolour)
+ // TODO
+// RdpClient::InnerToOuter(This)->GetUI()->Display_Ellipse(opcode, fillmode, x, y,
cx, cy, brush, bgcolour, fgcolour);
+void ui_line(RDPCLIENT * This, uint8 opcode, int startx, int starty, int endx, int endy,
PEN * pen)
+ RdpClient::InnerToOuter(This)->GetUI()->Display_Line(opcode, startx, starty, endx,
endy, pen);
+void ui_polygon(RDPCLIENT * This, uint8 opcode, uint8 fillmode, POINT * point, int
npoints, BRUSH * brush, int bgcolour, int fgcolour)
+ RdpClient::InnerToOuter(This)->GetUI()->Display_Polygon(opcode, fillmode, point,
npoints, brush, bgcolour, fgcolour);
+void ui_polyline(RDPCLIENT * This, uint8 opcode, POINT * points, int npoints, PEN * pen)
+ RdpClient::InnerToOuter(This)->GetUI()->Display_Polyline(opcode, points, npoints,
+void ui_rect(RDPCLIENT * This, int x, int y, int cx, int cy, int colour)
+ RdpClient::InnerToOuter(This)->GetUI()->Display_Rect(x, y, cx, cy, colour);
+/* text */
+void ui_draw_text
+ uint8 font,
+ uint8 flags,
+ uint8 opcode,
+ int mixmode,
+ int x,
+ int y,
+ int clipx,
+ int clipy,
+ int clipcx,
+ int clipcy,
+ int boxx,
+ int boxy,
+ int boxcx,
+ int boxcy,
+ BRUSH * brush,
+ int bgcolour,
+ int fgcolour,
+ uint8 * text,
+ uint8 length
+ RdpClient::InnerToOuter(This)->GetUI()->Display_DrawText
+ (
+ font,
+ flags,
+ opcode,
+ mixmode,
+ x,
+ y,
+ clipx,
+ clipy,
+ clipcx,
+ clipcy,
+ boxx,
+ boxy,
+ boxcx,
+ boxcy,
+ brush,
+ bgcolour,
+ fgcolour,
+ text,
+ length
+ );
+/* desktop save/restore */
+void ui_desktop_save(RDPCLIENT * This, uint32 offset, int x, int y, int cx, int cy)
+ RdpClient::InnerToOuter(This)->GetUI()->Display_SaveDesktop(offset, x, y, cx,
+void ui_desktop_restore(RDPCLIENT * This, uint32 offset, int x, int y, int cx, int cy)
+ RdpClient::InnerToOuter(This)->GetUI()->Display_RestoreDesktop(offset, x, y, cx,
+/* Resources */
+/* bitmaps */
+HBITMAP ui_create_bitmap(RDPCLIENT * This, int width, int height, uint8 * data)
+ return win32_create_dib(width, height, This->server_depth, data);
+void ui_destroy_bitmap(RDPCLIENT *, HBITMAP bmp)
+ DeleteObject(bmp);
+/* palettes */
+HCOLOURMAP ui_create_colourmap(RDPCLIENT *, COLOURMAP * colours)
+ return NULL;
+void ui_set_colourmap(RDPCLIENT * This, HCOLOURMAP map)
+ // TODO
+/* cursors */
+HCURSOR ui_create_cursor(RDPCLIENT * This, unsigned int x, unsigned int y, int width, int
height, uint8 * andmask, uint8 * xormask)
+ uint8 * andbuf = NULL;
+ uint8 * xorbuf = NULL;
+ uint8 * andbits = win32_convert_scanlines(width, - height, 1, 2, 4, andmask,
+ uint8 * xorbits = win32_convert_scanlines(width, height, 24, 2, 4, xormask,
+ HBITMAP hbmMask = CreateBitmap(width, height, 1, 1, andbits);
+ HBITMAP hbmColor = win32_create_dib(width, height, 24, xorbits);
+ ICONINFO iconinfo;
+ iconinfo.fIcon = FALSE;
+ iconinfo.xHotspot = x;
+ iconinfo.yHotspot = y;
+ iconinfo.hbmMask = hbmMask;
+ iconinfo.hbmColor = hbmColor;
+ HICON icon = CreateIconIndirect(&iconinfo);
+ if(icon == NULL)
+ error("CreateIconIndirect %dx%d failed\n", width, height);
+ if(andbuf)
+ delete[] andbuf;
+ if(xorbuf)
+ delete[] xorbuf;
+ DeleteObject(hbmMask);
+ DeleteObject(hbmColor);
+ return icon;
+void ui_destroy_cursor(RDPCLIENT *, HCURSOR cursor)
+ DestroyIcon(cursor);
+/* glyphs */
+HGLYPH ui_create_glyph(RDPCLIENT * This, int width, int height, const uint8 * data)
+ uint8 * databuf = NULL;
+ uint8 * databits = win32_convert_scanlines(width, height, 1, 1, 2, data, &databuf);
+ HBITMAP hbm = CreateBitmap(width, height, 1, 1, databits);
+ if(databuf)
+ delete[] databuf;
+ const uint8 * p = data;
+ int stride = alignup(alignup(width, 8) / 8, 1);
+#ifdef _DEBUG
+ printf("glyph %p\n", hbm);
+ for(int i = 0; i < height; ++ i, p += stride)
+ {
+ for(int j = 0; j < width; ++ j)
+ {
+ int B = p[j / 8];
+ int b = 8 - j % 8 - 1;
+ if(B & (1 << b))
+ fputs("##", stdout);
+ else
+ fputs("..", stdout);
+ }
+ fputc('\n', stdout);
+ }
+ fputc('\n', stdout);
+ return hbm;
+void ui_destroy_glyph(RDPCLIENT *, HGLYPH glyph)
+ DeleteObject(glyph);
+/* Input window */
+void ui_move_pointer(RDPCLIENT * This, int x, int y)
+ // TODO
+void ui_set_cursor(RDPCLIENT * This, HCURSOR cursor)
+ // TODO
+void ui_set_null_cursor(RDPCLIENT * This)
+ // TODO
+/* Miscellaneous */
+void ui_resize_window(RDPCLIENT * This)
+void ui_bell(RDPCLIENT *)
+ MessageBeep(0);
+int ui_select(RDPCLIENT * This, SOCKET rdp_socket)
+ return SleepEx(0, TRUE) == WAIT_IO_COMPLETION;
+/* Events */
+BOOL event_pubkey(RDPCLIENT * This, unsigned char * key, unsigned int key_size)
+ if(!RdpClient::OnPublicKey(This, key, key_size))
+ return FALSE;
+ else
+ return TRUE;
+void event_logon(RDPCLIENT * This)
+ RdpClient::OnLogon(This);
+BOOL event_redirect(RDPCLIENT * This, uint32 flags, uint32 server_len, wchar_t * server,
uint32 cookie_len, char * cookie, uint32 username_len, wchar_t * username, uint32
domain_len, wchar_t * domain, uint32 password_len, wchar_t * password)
+ if
+ (
+ !RdpClient::OnRedirect
+ (
+ This,
+ flags,
+ server_len,
+ server,
+ cookie_len,
+ cookie,
+ username_len,
+ username,
+ domain_len,
+ domain,
+ password_len,
+ password
+ )
+ )
+ return FALSE;
+ else
+ return TRUE;
class ClassFactory: public IClassFactory
@@ -4017,8 +6069,6 @@
- InitCommonControls();
return FALSE;
Mon Aug 21 01:02:10 2006
@@ -4,16 +4,6 @@
#include "rdesktop/rdesktop.h"
#include "rdesktop/proto.h"
-template<class T, class U> T aligndown(const T& X, const U& align)
- return X & ~(T(align) - 1);
-template<class T, class U> T alignup(const T& X, const U& align)
- return aligndown(X + (align - 1), align);
extern "C"
@@ -199,897 +189,6 @@
HDC hdcBuffer;
UINT wmZMouseWheel;
- static
- win32_create_dib(LONG width, LONG height, WORD bitcount, const BYTE * data)
- {
- struct b_
- {
- }
- b;
- b.bmi.bmiHeader.biSize = sizeof(b.bmi.bmiHeader);
- b.bmi.bmiHeader.biWidth = width;
- b.bmi.bmiHeader.biHeight = height;
- b.bmi.bmiHeader.biPlanes = 1;
- b.bmi.bmiHeader.biBitCount = bitcount;
- b.bmi.bmiHeader.biCompression = BI_RGB;
- b.bmi.bmiHeader.biSizeImage = 0;
- b.bmi.bmiHeader.biXPelsPerMeter = 0;
- b.bmi.bmiHeader.biYPelsPerMeter = 0;
- if(bitcount > 8)
- {
- b.bmi.bmiHeader.biClrUsed = 0;
- b.bmi.bmiHeader.biClrImportant = 0;
- }
- else
- {
- b.bmi.bmiHeader.biClrUsed = 2 << bitcount;
- b.bmi.bmiHeader.biClrImportant = 2 << bitcount;
- // TODO: palette
- }
- HBITMAP hbm = CreateDIBitmap(hdcBuffer, &b.bmi.bmiHeader, CBM_INIT, data,
&b.bmi, DIB_RGB_COLORS);
- if(hbm == NULL)
- error("CreateDIBitmap %dx%dx%d failed\n", width, height, bitcount);
- return hbm;
- }
- static
- uint8 *
- win32_convert_scanlines(int width, int height, int bitcount, int fromalign, int toalign,
const uint8 * data, uint8 ** buffer)
- {
- // TBD: profile & optimize the most common cases
- assert(width > 0);
- assert(height);
- assert(bitcount && bitcount <= 32);
- assert(fromalign <= toalign);
- assert(data);
- assert(buffer);
- bool flipped = height < 0;
- if(flipped)
- height = - height;
- int bytesperrow = alignup(width * bitcount, 8) / 8;
- int fromstride = alignup(bytesperrow, fromalign);
- int tostride = alignup(bytesperrow, toalign);
- assert(fromstride <= tostride);
- int datasize = tostride * height;
- uint8 * dibits = new(malloc(datasize)) uint8;
- if(dibits == NULL)
- return NULL;
- const uint8 * src = data;
- uint8 * dest = dibits;
- const int pad = tostride - fromstride;
- assert(pad < 4);
- __assume(pad < 4);
- if(flipped)
- {
- dest += (height - 1) * tostride;
- tostride = - tostride;
- }
- for(int i = 0; i < height; ++ i)
- {
- memcpy(dest, src, fromstride);
- memset(dest + fromstride, 0, pad);
- src += fromstride;
- dest += tostride;
- }
- *buffer = dibits;
- return dibits;
- }
- void
- ui_resize_window(RDPCLIENT * This)
- {
- // EVENT: OnRemoteDesktopSizeChange
- // TODO: resize buffer
- SetWindowPos(hwnd, NULL, 0, 0, This->width, This->height, SWP_ASYNCWINDOWPOS |
- }
- int
- ui_select(RDPCLIENT * This, SOCKET rdp_socket)
- {
- return 1; // TODO: return 0 for user quit. Or just kill this silly function
- }
- void
- ui_move_pointer(RDPCLIENT * This, int x, int y)
- {
- POINT point;
- point.x = x;
- point.y = y;
- ClientToScreen(hwnd, &point);
- SetCursorPos(point.x, point.y);
- }
- HCURSOR hcursor;
- ui_create_bitmap(RDPCLIENT * This, int width, int height, uint8 * data)
- {
- return win32_create_dib(width, height, This->server_depth, data);
- }
- void
- ui_destroy_bitmap(RDPCLIENT * This, HBITMAP bmp)
- {
- DeleteObject(bmp);
- }
- ui_create_glyph(RDPCLIENT * This, int width, int height, const uint8 * data)
- {
- uint8 * databuf = NULL;
- uint8 * databits = win32_convert_scanlines(width, height, 1, 1, 2, data,
- if(databits == NULL)
- return NULL;
- HBITMAP hbm = CreateBitmap(width, height, 1, 1, databits);
- if(databuf)
- free(databuf);
- const uint8 * p = data;
- int stride = alignup(alignup(width, 8) / 8, 1);
- printf("glyph %p\n", hbm);
- for(int i = 0; i < height; ++ i, p += stride)
- {
- for(int j = 0; j < width; ++ j)
- {
- int B = p[j / 8];
- int b = 8 - j % 8 - 1;
- if(B & (1 << b))
- fputs("##", stdout);
- else
- fputs("..", stdout);
- }
- fputc('\n', stdout);
- }
- fputc('\n', stdout);
- return hbm;
- }
- void
- ui_destroy_glyph(RDPCLIENT * This, HGLYPH glyph)
- {
- DeleteObject(glyph);
- }
- ui_create_cursor(RDPCLIENT * This, unsigned int x, unsigned int y, int width, int
- uint8 * andmask, uint8 * xormask)
- {
- uint8 * andbuf = NULL;
- uint8 * xorbuf = NULL;
- uint8 * andbits = win32_convert_scanlines(width, - height, 1, 2, 4, andmask,
- if(andbits == NULL)
- return NULL;
- uint8 * xorbits = win32_convert_scanlines(width, height, 24, 2, 4, xormask,
- if(xorbits == NULL)
- {
- free(andbits);
- return NULL;
- }
- HBITMAP hbmMask = CreateBitmap(width, height, 1, 1, andbits);
- HBITMAP hbmColor = win32_create_dib(width, height, 24, xorbits);
- ICONINFO iconinfo;
- iconinfo.fIcon = FALSE;
- iconinfo.xHotspot = x;
- iconinfo.yHotspot = y;
- iconinfo.hbmMask = hbmMask;
- iconinfo.hbmColor = hbmColor;
- HICON icon = CreateIconIndirect(&iconinfo);
- if(icon == NULL)
- error("CreateIconIndirect %dx%d failed\n", width, height);
- if(andbuf)
- free(andbuf);
- if(xorbuf)
- free(xorbuf);
- DeleteObject(hbmMask);
- DeleteObject(hbmColor);
- return icon;
- }
- void
- ui_set_cursor(RDPCLIENT * This, HCURSOR cursor)
- {
- hcursor = cursor;
- }
- void
- ui_destroy_cursor(RDPCLIENT * This, HCURSOR cursor)
- {
- DestroyIcon(cursor);
- }
- void
- ui_set_null_cursor(RDPCLIENT * This)
- {
- hcursor = NULL;
- }
- ui_create_colourmap(RDPCLIENT * This, COLOURMAP * colours)
- {
- // TODO
- return 0;
- }
- void
- ui_destroy_colourmap(RDPCLIENT * This, HCOLOURMAP map)
- {
- // TODO: see above
- }
- void
- ui_set_colourmap(RDPCLIENT * This, HCOLOURMAP map)
- {
- // TODO
- }
- RECT rcClip; // TODO: initialize
- void
- ui_set_clip(RDPCLIENT * This, int x, int y, int cx, int cy)
- {
- rcClip.left = x;
- = y;
- rcClip.right = x + cx + 1;
- rcClip.bottom = y + cy + 1;
- HRGN hrgn = CreateRectRgnIndirect(&rcClip);
- SelectClipRgn(hdcBuffer, hrgn);
- DeleteObject(hrgn);
- }
- void
- ui_reset_clip(RDPCLIENT * This)
- {
- rcClip.left = 0;
- = 0;
- rcClip.right = This->width + 1;
- rcClip.bottom = This->height + 1;
- SelectClipRgn(hdcBuffer, NULL);
- }
- void
- ui_bell(RDPCLIENT * This)
- {
- MessageBeep(MB_OK); // TODO? use Beep() on remote sessions?
- }
- static
- void
- win32_repaint_rect(RDPCLIENT * This, const RECT * lprc)
- {
- RECT rcDamage;
- IntersectRect(&rcDamage, lprc, &rcClip);
-#if 0
- HDC hdc = GetDC(hwnd);
- SelectObject(hdc, GetStockObject(NULL_PEN));
- SelectObject(hdc, CreateSolidBrush(RGB(255, 0, 0)));
- Rectangle(hdc, rcDamage.left,, rcDamage.right + 1, rcDamage.bottom + 1);
- ReleaseDC(hwnd, hdc);
- Sleep(200);
- InvalidateRect(hwnd, &rcDamage, FALSE);
- }
- static
- void
- win32_repaint_area(RDPCLIENT * This, int x, int y, int cx, int cy)
- {
- RECT rcDamage;
- rcDamage.left = x;
- = y;
- rcDamage.right = x + cx;
- rcDamage.bottom = y + cy;
- win32_repaint_rect(This, &rcDamage);
- }
- static
- void
- win32_repaint_poly(RDPCLIENT * This, POINT * point, int npoints, int linewidth)
- {
- RECT rcDamage;
- rcDamage.left = MAXLONG;
- rcDamage.right = 0;
- rcDamage.bottom = 0;
- for(int i = 0; i < npoints; ++ i)
- {
- if(point[i].x < rcDamage.left)
- rcDamage.left = point[i].x;
- if(point[i].y <
- = point[i].y;
- if(point[i].x > rcDamage.right)
- rcDamage.right = point[i].x;
- if(point[i].y > rcDamage.bottom)
- rcDamage.bottom = point[i].y;
- }
- InflateRect(&rcDamage, linewidth, linewidth);
- win32_repaint_rect(This, &rcDamage);
- }
- static
- void
- win32_repaint_whole(RDPCLIENT * This)
- {
- InvalidateRgn(hwnd, NULL, FALSE);
- }
- static
- win32_create_brush(RDPCLIENT * This, BRUSH * brush, COLORREF fgcolour)
- {
- if(brush == NULL)
- return (HBRUSH)GetStockObject(NULL_BRUSH);
- switch(brush->style)
- {
- case BS_SOLID:
- case BS_NULL:
- case BS_HATCHED:
- case BS_PATTERN:
- case BS_PATTERN8X8:
- break;
- default:
- return NULL;
- }
- switch(brush->style)
- {
- case BS_SOLID:
- return CreateSolidBrush(fgcolour);
- case BS_HATCHED:
- return CreateHatchBrush(brush->pattern[0], fgcolour);
- case BS_NULL:
- return (HBRUSH)GetStockObject(NULL_BRUSH);
- case BS_PATTERN:
- case BS_PATTERN8X8:
- {
- uint16 pattern[8];
- for(size_t i = 0; i < 8; ++ i)
- pattern[i] = brush->pattern[i];
- HBITMAP hpattern = CreateBitmap(8, 8, 1, 1, pattern);
- HBRUSH hbr = CreatePatternBrush(hpattern);
- DeleteObject(hpattern);
- return hbr;
- }
- }
- }
- void
- ui_paint_bitmap(RDPCLIENT * This, int x, int y, int cx, int cy, int width, int height,
uint8 * data)
- {
- assert(This->server_depth >= 8);
- assert(rcClip.left == 0 && == 0 && rcClip.right ==
This->width + 1 && rcClip.bottom == This->height + 1);
- GdiFlush();
- // TBD: we can cache these values
- int Bpp = alignup(This->server_depth, 8) / 8;
- int tostride = alignup(This->width * Bpp, 4);
- int fromstride = alignup(width * Bpp, 4);
- int sizex = cx * Bpp;
- const uint8 * src = data;
- uint8 * dst = (uint8 *)pBuffer + (This->height - y - cy) * tostride + x * Bpp;
- for(int i = 0; i < cy; ++ i)
- {
- memcpy(dst, src, sizex);
- src += fromstride;
- dst += tostride;
- }
- win32_repaint_area(This, x, y, cx, cy);
- }
- void
- ui_destblt(RDPCLIENT * This, uint8 opcode,
- /* dest */ int x, int y, int cx, int cy)
- {
- int dcsave = SaveDC(hdcBuffer);
- SelectObject(hdcBuffer, GetStockObject(BLACK_BRUSH));
- PatBlt(hdcBuffer, x, y, cx, cy, MAKELONG(0, opcode));
- RestoreDC(hdcBuffer, dcsave);
- win32_repaint_area(This, x, y, cx, cy);
- }
- void
- ui_patblt(RDPCLIENT * This, uint8 opcode,
- /* dest */ int x, int y, int cx, int cy,
- /* brush */ BRUSH * brush, int bgcolour, int fgcolour)
- {
- HBRUSH hbr = win32_create_brush(This, brush, fgcolour);
- int dcsave = SaveDC(hdcBuffer);
- SetBkColor(hdcBuffer, bgcolour);
- SetTextColor(hdcBuffer, fgcolour);
- SetBrushOrgEx(hdcBuffer, brush->xorigin, brush->yorigin, NULL);
- SelectObject(hdcBuffer, hbr);
- PatBlt(hdcBuffer, x, y, cx, cy, MAKELONG(0, opcode));
- RestoreDC(hdcBuffer, dcsave);
- DeleteObject(hbr);
- win32_repaint_area(This, x, y, cx, cy);
- }
- void
- ui_screenblt(RDPCLIENT * This, uint8 opcode,
- /* dest */ int x, int y, int cx, int cy,
- /* src */ int srcx, int srcy)
- {
- BitBlt(hdcBuffer, x, y, cx, cy, hdcBuffer, srcx, srcy, MAKELONG(0, opcode));
- win32_repaint_area(This, x, y, cx, cy);
- }
- void
- ui_memblt(RDPCLIENT * This, uint8 opcode,
- /* dest */ int x, int y, int cx, int cy,
- /* src */ HBITMAP src, int srcx, int srcy)
- {
- HDC hdcSrc = CreateCompatibleDC(hdcBuffer);
- HGDIOBJ hOld = SelectObject(hdcSrc, src);
- BitBlt(hdcBuffer, x, y, cx, cy, hdcSrc, srcx, srcy, MAKELONG(0, opcode));
- SelectObject(hdcSrc, hOld);
- DeleteDC(hdcSrc);
- win32_repaint_area(This, x, y, cx, cy);
- }
- void
- ui_triblt(RDPCLIENT * This, uint8 opcode,
- /* dest */ int x, int y, int cx, int cy,
- /* src */ HBITMAP src, int srcx, int srcy,
- /* brush */ BRUSH * brush, int bgcolour, int fgcolour)
- {
- // TODO
- HDC hdcSrc = CreateCompatibleDC(hdcBuffer);
- HGDIOBJ hOld = SelectObject(hdcSrc, src);
- //SELECT_BRUSH(brush, bgcolour, fgcolour);
- BitBlt(hdcBuffer, x, y, cx, cy, hdcSrc, srcx, srcy, MAKELONG(0, opcode));
- SelectObject(hdcSrc, hOld);
- DeleteDC(hdcSrc);
- win32_repaint_area(This, x, y, cx, cy);
- }
- void
- ui_line(RDPCLIENT * This, uint8 opcode,
- /* dest */ int startx, int starty, int endx, int endy,
- /* pen */ PEN * pen)
- {
- HPEN hpen = CreatePen(pen->style, pen->width, pen->colour);
- int dcsave = SaveDC(hdcBuffer);
- SetROP2(hdcBuffer, opcode);
- SelectObject(hdcBuffer, hpen);
- MoveToEx(hdcBuffer, startx, starty, NULL);
- LineTo(hdcBuffer, endx, endy);
- RestoreDC(hdcBuffer, dcsave);
- DeleteObject(hpen);
- RECT rcDamage;
- if(startx < endx)
- {
- rcDamage.left = startx;
- rcDamage.right = endx;
- }
- else
- {
- rcDamage.left = endx;
- rcDamage.right = startx;
- }
- if(starty < endy)
- {
- = starty;
- rcDamage.bottom = endy;
- }
- else
- {
- = endy;
- rcDamage.bottom = starty;
- }
- InflateRect(&rcDamage, pen->width, pen->width);
- win32_repaint_rect(This, &rcDamage);
- }
- void
- ui_rect(RDPCLIENT * This,
- /* dest */ int x, int y, int cx, int cy,
- /* brush */ int colour)
- {
- HBRUSH hbr = CreateSolidBrush(colour);
- int dcsave = SaveDC(hdcBuffer);
- SelectObject(hdcBuffer, hbr);
- SelectObject(hdcBuffer, GetStockObject(NULL_PEN));
- Rectangle(hdcBuffer, x, y, x + cx + 1, y + cy + 1);
- RestoreDC(hdcBuffer, dcsave);
- DeleteObject(hbr);
- win32_repaint_area(This, x, y, cx, cy);
- }
- void
- ui_polygon(RDPCLIENT * This, uint8 opcode,
- /* mode */ uint8 fillmode,
- /* dest */ POINT * point, int npoints,
- /* brush */ BRUSH * brush, int bgcolour, int fgcolour)
- {
- HBRUSH hbr = win32_create_brush(This, brush, fgcolour);
- int dcsave = SaveDC(hdcBuffer);
- SetBkColor(hdcBuffer, bgcolour);
- SetTextColor(hdcBuffer, fgcolour);
- SetPolyFillMode(hdcBuffer, fillmode);
- SelectObject(hdcBuffer, hbr);
- Polygon(hdcBuffer, point, npoints);
- RestoreDC(hdcBuffer, dcsave);
- win32_repaint_poly(This, point, npoints, 0);
- }
- void
- ui_polyline(RDPCLIENT * This, uint8 opcode,
- /* dest */ POINT * points, int npoints,
- /* pen */ PEN * pen)
- {
- POINT last = points[0];
- for(int i = 1; i < npoints; ++ i)
- {
- points[i].x += last.x;
- points[i].y += last.y;
- last = points[i];
- }
- HPEN hpen = CreatePen(pen->style, pen->width, pen->colour);
- int dcsave = SaveDC(hdcBuffer);
- SetROP2(hdcBuffer, opcode);
- SelectObject(hdcBuffer, hpen);
- Polyline(hdcBuffer, points, npoints);
- RestoreDC(hdcBuffer, dcsave);
- DeleteObject(hpen);
- win32_repaint_poly(This, points, npoints, pen->width);
- }
- void
- ui_ellipse(RDPCLIENT * This, uint8 opcode,
- /* mode */ uint8 fillmode,
- /* dest */ int x, int y, int cx, int cy,
- /* brush */ BRUSH * brush, int bgcolour, int fgcolour)
- {
- // TODO
- win32_repaint_area(This, x, y, cx, cy);
- }
- // TBD: optimize text drawing
- void
- ui_draw_glyph(RDPCLIENT * This, int mixmode,
- /* dest */ int x, int y, int cx, int cy,
- /* src */ HGLYPH glyph, int srcx, int srcy,
- int bgcolour, int fgcolour)
- {
- HBITMAP hbmGlyph = (HBITMAP)glyph;
- HDC hdcGlyph = CreateCompatibleDC(hdcBuffer);
- HGDIOBJ hOld = SelectObject(hdcGlyph, hbmGlyph);
- int dcsave = SaveDC(hdcBuffer);
- switch(mixmode)
- {
- {
- /*
- ROP is DSPDxax:
- - where the glyph (S) is white, D is set to the foreground color (P)
- - where the glyph (S) is black, D is left untouched
- This paints a transparent glyph in the specified color
- */
- HBRUSH hbr = CreateSolidBrush(fgcolour);
- SelectObject(hdcBuffer, hbr);
- BitBlt(hdcBuffer, x, y, cx, cy, hdcGlyph, srcx, srcy, MAKELONG(0, 0xe2));
- DeleteObject(hbr);
- }
- break;
- case MIX_OPAQUE:
- {
- /* Curiously, glyphs are inverted (white-on-black) */
- SetBkColor(hdcBuffer, fgcolour);
- SetTextColor(hdcBuffer, bgcolour);
- BitBlt(hdcBuffer, x, y, cx, cy, hdcGlyph, srcx, srcy, SRCCOPY);
- }
- break;
- }
- RestoreDC(hdcBuffer, dcsave);
- SelectObject(hdcGlyph, hOld);
- DeleteDC(hdcGlyph);
- win32_repaint_area(This, x, y, cx, cy);
- }
- // TBD: a clean-up would be nice, too...
-#define DO_GLYPH(ttext,idx) \
- glyph = cache_get_font (This, font, ttext[idx]);\
- if (!(flags & TEXT2_IMPLICIT_X))\
- {\
- xyoffset = ttext[++idx];\
- if ((xyoffset & 0x80))\
- {\
- if (flags & TEXT2_VERTICAL)\
- y += ttext[idx+1] | (ttext[idx+2] << 8);\
- else\
- x += ttext[idx+1] | (ttext[idx+2] << 8);\
- idx += 2;\
- }\
- else\
- {\
- if (flags & TEXT2_VERTICAL)\
- y += xyoffset;\
- else\
- x += xyoffset;\
- }\
- }\
- if (glyph != NULL)\
- {\
- ui_draw_glyph (This, mixmode, x + (short) glyph->offset,\
- y + (short) glyph->baseline,\
- glyph->width, glyph->height,\
- glyph->pixmap, 0, 0, bgcolour, fgcolour);\
- if (flags & TEXT2_IMPLICIT_X)\
- x += glyph->width;\
- }\
- void
- ui_draw_text(RDPCLIENT * This, uint8 font, uint8 flags, uint8 opcode, int mixmode, int
x, int y,
- int clipx, int clipy, int clipcx, int clipcy,
- int boxx, int boxy, int boxcx, int boxcy, BRUSH * brush,
- int bgcolour, int fgcolour, uint8 * text, uint8 length)
- {
- FONTGLYPH * glyph;
- int i, j, xyoffset;
- DATABLOB *entry;
- HBRUSH hbr = CreateSolidBrush(bgcolour);
- HGDIOBJ holdbrush = SelectObject(hdcBuffer, hbr);
- HGDIOBJ holdpen = SelectObject(hdcBuffer, GetStockObject(NULL_PEN));
- if (boxcx > 1)
- Rectangle(hdcBuffer, boxx, boxy, boxx + boxcx + 1, boxy + boxcy + 1);
- else if (mixmode == MIX_OPAQUE)
- Rectangle(hdcBuffer, clipx, clipy, clipx + clipcx + 1, clipy + clipcy + 1);
- SelectObject(hdcBuffer, holdpen);
- SelectObject(hdcBuffer, holdbrush);
- DeleteObject(hbr);
- if(boxcx > 1)
- win32_repaint_area(This, boxx, boxy, boxcx, boxcy);
- else
- win32_repaint_area(This, clipx, clipy, clipcx, clipcy);
- /* Paint text, character by character */
- for (i = 0; i < length;)
- {
- switch (text[i])
- {
- case 0xff:
- /* At least two bytes needs to follow */
- if (i + 3 > length)
- {
- warning("Skipping short 0xff command:");
- for (j = 0; j < length; j++)
- fprintf(stderr, "%02x ", text[j]);
- fprintf(stderr, "\n");
- i = length = 0;
- break;
- }
- cache_put_text(This, text[i + 1], text, text[i + 2]);
- i += 3;
- length -= i;
- /* this will move pointer from start to first character after FF command */
- text = &(text[i]);
- i = 0;
- break;
- case 0xfe:
- /* At least one byte needs to follow */
- if (i + 2 > length)
- {
- warning("Skipping short 0xfe command:");
- for (j = 0; j < length; j++)
- fprintf(stderr, "%02x ", text[j]);
- fprintf(stderr, "\n");
- i = length = 0;
- break;
- }
- entry = cache_get_text(This, text[i + 1]);
- if (entry->data != NULL)
- {
- if ((((uint8 *) (entry->data))[1] == 0)
- && (!(flags & TEXT2_IMPLICIT_X)) && (i + 2 < length))
- {
- if (flags & TEXT2_VERTICAL)
- y += text[i + 2];
- else
- x += text[i + 2];
- }
- for (j = 0; j < entry->size; j++)
- DO_GLYPH(((uint8 *) (entry->data)), j);
- }
- if (i + 2 < length)
- i += 3;
- else
- i += 2;
- length -= i;
- /* this will move pointer from start to first character after FE command */
- text = &(text[i]);
- i = 0;
- break;
- default:
- DO_GLYPH(text, i);
- i++;
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- void
- ui_desktop_save(RDPCLIENT * This, uint32 offset, int x, int y, int cx, int cy)
- {
- GdiFlush();
- int Bpp = alignup(This->server_depth, 8) / 8;
- int stride = alignup(This->width * Bpp, 4);
- uint8 * data = (uint8 *)pBuffer + x * Bpp + (This->height - y - cy) * stride;
- cache_put_desktop(This, offset * Bpp, cx, cy, stride, Bpp, data);
- }
- void
- ui_desktop_restore(RDPCLIENT * This, uint32 offset, int x, int y, int cx, int cy)
- {
- // TBD: we can cache these values
- int Bpp = alignup(This->server_depth, 8) / 8;
- int tostride = alignup(This->width * Bpp, 4);
- int fromstride = cx * Bpp;
- const uint8 * src = cache_get_desktop(This, offset, cx, cy, Bpp);
- uint8 * dst = (uint8 *)pBuffer + x * Bpp + (This->height - y - cy) * tostride;
- GdiFlush();
- for(int i = 0; i < cy; ++ i)
- {
- memcpy(dst, src, fromstride);
- src += fromstride;
- dst += tostride;
- }
- win32_repaint_area(This, x, y, cx, cy);
- }
- int nSavedDC;
- void
- ui_begin_update(RDPCLIENT * This)
- {
- nSavedDC = SaveDC(hdcBuffer);
- }
- void
- ui_end_update(RDPCLIENT * This)
- {
- RestoreDC(hdcBuffer, nSavedDC);
- }
- int event_pubkey(RDPCLIENT * This, const unsigned char * key, size_t key_size)
- {
- return True;
- }
- void event_logon(RDPCLIENT * This)
- {
- }
@@ -1193,7 +292,7 @@
if(LOWORD(lparam) == HTCLIENT)
- SetCursor(hcursor);
+ //SetCursor(hcursor);
return TRUE;
@@ -1291,10 +390,12 @@
SelectObject(hdcBuffer, hbmBuffer);
+#if 0
rcClip.left = 0; = 0;
rcClip.right = This->width + 1;
rcClip.bottom = This->height + 1;
BOOL deactivated;
uint32 ext_disc_reason;
@@ -1507,7 +608,7 @@
This->rdp.current_status = 1;
- hcursor = NULL;
+ //hcursor = NULL;
ZeroMemory(&wc, sizeof(wc));
Modified: trunk/reactos/base/applications/tsclient/rdesktop/iso.c
--- trunk/reactos/base/applications/tsclient/rdesktop/iso.c (original)
+++ trunk/reactos/base/applications/tsclient/rdesktop/iso.c Mon Aug 21 01:02:10 2006
@@ -228,9 +228,7 @@
iso_disconnect(RDPCLIENT * This)
- if(!iso_send_msg(This, ISO_PDU_DR))
- return False;
+ iso_send_msg(This, ISO_PDU_DR);
return tcp_disconnect(This);
Modified: trunk/reactos/base/applications/tsclient/rdesktop/proto.h
--- trunk/reactos/base/applications/tsclient/rdesktop/proto.h (original)
+++ trunk/reactos/base/applications/tsclient/rdesktop/proto.h Mon Aug 21 01:02:10 2006
@@ -310,8 +310,9 @@
unsigned int seamless_send_focus(RDPCLIENT * This, unsigned long id, unsigned long
/* events */
-int event_pubkey(RDPCLIENT * This, const unsigned char * key, size_t key_size);
+BOOL event_pubkey(RDPCLIENT * This, unsigned char * key, unsigned int key_size);
void event_logon(RDPCLIENT * This);
+BOOL event_redirect(RDPCLIENT * This, uint32 flags, uint32 server_len, wchar_t * server,
uint32 cookie_len, char * cookie, uint32 username_len, wchar_t * username, uint32
domain_len, wchar_t * domain, uint32 password_len, wchar_t * password);
/* *INDENT-OFF* */
#ifdef __cplusplus
Modified: trunk/reactos/base/applications/tsclient/rdesktop/rdesktop.h
--- trunk/reactos/base/applications/tsclient/rdesktop/rdesktop.h (original)
+++ trunk/reactos/base/applications/tsclient/rdesktop/rdesktop.h Mon Aug 21 01:02:10 2006
@@ -303,6 +303,7 @@
SOCKET sock;
struct stream in;
struct stream out;
+ long connection_timeout;
Modified: trunk/reactos/base/applications/tsclient/rdesktop/rdp.c
--- trunk/reactos/base/applications/tsclient/rdesktop/rdp.c (original)
+++ trunk/reactos/base/applications/tsclient/rdesktop/rdp.c Mon Aug 21 01:02:10 2006
@@ -1340,50 +1340,81 @@
static BOOL
process_redirect_pdu(RDPCLIENT * This, STREAM s /*, uint32 * ext_disc_reason */ )
- uint32 len;
- // FIXME!!! allocate the strings used here
+ uint32 flags;
+ uint32 server_len;
+ wchar_t * server;
+ uint32 cookie_len;
+ char * cookie;
+ uint32 username_len;
+ wchar_t * username;
+ uint32 domain_len;
+ wchar_t * domain;
+ uint32 password_len;
+ wchar_t * password;
/* these 2 bytes are unknown, seem to be zeros */
in_uint8s(s, 2);
/* read connection flags */
- in_uint32_le(s, This->redirect_flags);
+ in_uint32_le(s, flags);
/* read length of ip string */
- in_uint32_le(s, len);
+ in_uint32_le(s, server_len);
/* read ip string */
- rdp_in_unistr(This, s, This->redirect_server, len);
+ server = (wchar_t *)s->p;
+ in_uint8s(s, server_len);
/* read length of cookie string */
- in_uint32_le(s, len);
+ in_uint32_le(s, cookie_len);
/* read cookie string (plain ASCII) */
- in_uint8a(s, This->redirect_cookie, len);
- This->redirect_cookie[len] = 0;
+ cookie = (char *)s->p;
+ in_uint8s(s, cookie_len);
/* read length of username string */
- in_uint32_le(s, len);
+ in_uint32_le(s, username_len);
/* read username string */
- rdp_in_unistr(This, s, This->redirect_username, len);
+ username = (wchar_t *)s->p;
+ in_uint8s(s, username_len);
/* read length of domain string */
- in_uint32_le(s, len);
+ in_uint32_le(s, domain_len);
/* read domain string */
- rdp_in_unistr(This, s, This->redirect_domain, len);
+ domain = (wchar_t *)s->p;
+ in_uint8s(s, domain_len);
/* read length of password string */
- in_uint32_le(s, len);
+ in_uint32_le(s, password_len);
/* read password string */
- rdp_in_unistr(This, s, This->redirect_password, len);
+ password = (wchar_t *)s->p;
+ in_uint8s(s, password_len);
This->redirect = True;
- return True;
+ return event_redirect
+ (
+ This,
+ flags,
+ server_len,
+ server,
+ cookie_len,
+ cookie,
+ username_len,
+ username,
+ domain_len,
+ domain,
+ password_len,
+ password
+ );
/* Process incoming packets */
Modified: trunk/reactos/base/applications/tsclient/rdesktop/tcp.c
--- trunk/reactos/base/applications/tsclient/rdesktop/tcp.c (original)
+++ trunk/reactos/base/applications/tsclient/rdesktop/tcp.c Mon Aug 21 01:02:10 2006
@@ -68,17 +68,36 @@
tcp_send(RDPCLIENT * This, STREAM s)
int length = (int)(s->end - s->data);
- int sent, total = 0;
+ int total = 0;
+ DWORD sent;
+ OVERLAPPED overlapped;
+ memset(&overlapped, 0, sizeof(overlapped));
while (total < length)
- sent = send(This->tcp.sock, s->data + total, length - total, 0);
- if (sent <= 0)
- {
- // error("send: %s\n", strerror(errno)); // EOF
+ WriteFile((HANDLE)This->tcp.sock, s->data + total, length - total, NULL,
+ switch(WaitForSingleObjectEx((HANDLE)This->tcp.sock, INFINITE, TRUE))
+ {
+ /* Success */
+ case WAIT_OBJECT_0:
+ break;
+ /* Timeout or error */
+ default:
This->disconnect_reason = 772;
+ /* Aborted, must disconnect ASAP */
+ CancelIo((HANDLE)This->tcp.sock);
+ break;
+ }
+ /* Wait for completion. We could hang here, but we shouldn't */
+ if(!GetOverlappedResult((HANDLE)This->tcp.sock, &overlapped, &sent, TRUE))
return False;
- }
total += sent;
@@ -91,7 +110,7 @@
tcp_recv(RDPCLIENT * This, STREAM s, uint32 length)
unsigned int new_length, end_offset, p_offset;
- int rcvd = 0;
+ DWORD rcvd = 0;
if (s == NULL)
@@ -137,18 +156,37 @@
while (length > 0)
+ OVERLAPPED overlapped;
+ memset(&overlapped, 0, sizeof(overlapped));
if (!ui_select(This, This->tcp.sock))
/* User quit */
return NULL;
- rcvd = recv(This->tcp.sock, s->end, length, 0);
- if (rcvd < 0)
- {
- // error("recv: %s\n", strerror(errno)); // EOF
+ ReadFile((HANDLE)This->tcp.sock, s->end, length, NULL, &overlapped);
+ switch(WaitForSingleObjectEx((HANDLE)This->tcp.sock, INFINITE, TRUE))
+ {
+ /* Success */
+ case WAIT_OBJECT_0:
+ break;
+ /* Timeout or error */
+ default:
This->disconnect_reason = 1028;
- return NULL;
- }
- else if (rcvd == 0)
+ /* Aborted, must disconnect ASAP */
+ CancelIo((HANDLE)This->tcp.sock);
+ break;
+ }
+ /* Wait for completion. We could hang here, but we shouldn't */
+ if(!GetOverlappedResult((HANDLE)This->tcp.sock, &overlapped, &rcvd, TRUE))
+ return False;
+ if (rcvd == 0)
error("Connection closed\n");
This->disconnect_reason = 2308;
@@ -232,6 +270,8 @@
servaddr.sin_family = AF_INET;
servaddr.sin_port = htons(This->tcp_port_rdp);
+ // TODO: apply connection timeout here
if (connect(This->tcp.sock, (struct sockaddr *) &servaddr, sizeof(struct
sockaddr)) < 0)