Author: akhaldi
Date: Fri Aug 16 21:13:36 2013
New Revision: 59755
* Annotate mbstring_s.h.
* Update _mbsnbcpy_s() annotation in mbstring.h.
Modified: trunk/reactos/include/crt/mbstring.h
--- trunk/reactos/include/crt/mbstring.h [iso-8859-1] (original)
+++ trunk/reactos/include/crt/mbstring.h [iso-8859-1] Fri Aug 16 21:13:36 2013
@@ -3,6 +3,7 @@
* This file is part of the w64 mingw-runtime package.
* No warranty is given; refer to the file DISCLAIMER within this package.
@@ -390,13 +391,13 @@
_In_ size_t _Count);
- int
+ errno_t
- _Out_writes_z_(size) unsigned char* dst,
- _In_ size_t size,
- _In_z_ const unsigned char* src,
- _In_ size_t n);
+ _Out_writes_z_(_DstSizeInBytes) unsigned char *_Dst,
+ _In_ size_t _DstSizeInBytes,
+ _In_z_ const unsigned char *_Src,
+ _In_ size_t _MaxCount);
unsigned char*
Modified: trunk/reactos/include/crt/sec_api/mbstring_s.h
--- trunk/reactos/include/crt/sec_api/mbstring_s.h [iso-8859-1] (original)
+++ trunk/reactos/include/crt/sec_api/mbstring_s.h [iso-8859-1] Fri Aug 16 21:13:36 2013
@@ -3,6 +3,7 @@
* This file is part of the w64 mingw-runtime package.
* No warranty is given; refer to the file DISCLAIMER within this package.
@@ -16,37 +17,246 @@
- _CRTIMP errno_t __cdecl _mbscat_s(unsigned char *_Dst,size_t _DstSizeInBytes,const
unsigned char *_Src);
- _CRTIMP errno_t __cdecl _mbscat_s_l(unsigned char *_Dst,size_t _DstSizeInBytes,const
unsigned char *_Src,_locale_t _Locale);
- _CRTIMP errno_t __cdecl _mbscpy_s(unsigned char *_Dst,size_t _DstSizeInBytes,const
unsigned char *_Src);
- _CRTIMP errno_t __cdecl _mbscpy_s_l(unsigned char *_Dst,size_t _DstSizeInBytes,const
unsigned char *_Src,_locale_t _Locale);
- _CRTIMP errno_t __cdecl _mbslwr_s(unsigned char *_Str,size_t _SizeInBytes);
- _CRTIMP errno_t __cdecl _mbslwr_s_l(unsigned char *_Str,size_t _SizeInBytes,_locale_t
- _CRTIMP errno_t __cdecl _mbsnbcat_s(unsigned char *_Dst,size_t _DstSizeInBytes,const
unsigned char *_Src,size_t _MaxCount);
- _CRTIMP errno_t __cdecl _mbsnbcat_s_l(unsigned char *_Dst,size_t _DstSizeInBytes,const
unsigned char *_Src,size_t _MaxCount,_locale_t _Locale);
- _CRTIMP errno_t __cdecl _mbsnbcpy_s(unsigned char *_Dst,size_t _DstSizeInBytes,const
unsigned char *_Src,size_t _MaxCount);
- _CRTIMP errno_t __cdecl _mbsnbcpy_s_l(unsigned char *_Dst,size_t _DstSizeInBytes,const
unsigned char *_Src,size_t _MaxCount,_locale_t _Locale);
- _CRTIMP errno_t __cdecl _mbsnbset_s(unsigned char *_Dst,size_t _DstSizeInBytes,unsigned
int _Ch,size_t _MaxCount);
- _CRTIMP errno_t __cdecl _mbsnbset_s_l(unsigned char *_Dst,size_t
_DstSizeInBytes,unsigned int _Ch,size_t _MaxCount,_locale_t _Locale);
- _CRTIMP errno_t __cdecl _mbsncat_s(unsigned char *_Dst,size_t _DstSizeInBytes,const
unsigned char *_Src,size_t _MaxCount);
- _CRTIMP errno_t __cdecl _mbsncat_s_l(unsigned char *_Dst,size_t _DstSizeInBytes,const
unsigned char *_Src,size_t _MaxCount,_locale_t _Locale);
- _CRTIMP errno_t __cdecl _mbsncpy_s(unsigned char *_Dst,size_t _DstSizeInBytes,const
unsigned char *_Src,size_t _MaxCount);
- _CRTIMP errno_t __cdecl _mbsncpy_s_l(unsigned char *_Dst,size_t _DstSizeInBytes,const
unsigned char *_Src,size_t _MaxCount,_locale_t _Locale);
- _CRTIMP errno_t __cdecl _mbsnset_s(unsigned char *_Dst,size_t _DstSizeInBytes,unsigned
int _Val,size_t _MaxCount);
- _CRTIMP errno_t __cdecl _mbsnset_s_l(unsigned char *_Dst,size_t
_DstSizeInBytes,unsigned int _Val,size_t _MaxCount,_locale_t _Locale);
- _CRTIMP errno_t __cdecl _mbsset_s(unsigned char *_Dst,size_t _DstSizeInBytes,unsigned
int _Val);
- _CRTIMP errno_t __cdecl _mbsset_s_l(unsigned char *_Dst,size_t _DstSizeInBytes,unsigned
int _Val,_locale_t _Locale);
- _CRTIMP unsigned char *__cdecl _mbstok_s(unsigned char *_Str,const unsigned char
*_Delim,unsigned char **_Context);
- _CRTIMP unsigned char *__cdecl _mbstok_s_l(unsigned char *_Str,const unsigned char
*_Delim,unsigned char **_Context,_locale_t _Locale);
- _CRTIMP errno_t __cdecl _mbsupr_s(unsigned char *_Str,size_t _SizeInBytes);
- _CRTIMP errno_t __cdecl _mbsupr_s_l(unsigned char *_Str,size_t _SizeInBytes,_locale_t
- _CRTIMP errno_t __cdecl _mbccpy_s(unsigned char *_Dst,size_t _DstSizeInBytes,int
*_PCopied,const unsigned char *_Src);
- _CRTIMP errno_t __cdecl _mbccpy_s_l(unsigned char *_Dst,size_t _DstSizeInBytes,int
*_PCopied,const unsigned char *_Src,_locale_t _Locale);
+ errno_t
+ __cdecl
+ _mbscat_s(
+ _Inout_updates_z_(_DstSizeInBytes) unsigned char *_Dst,
+ _In_ size_t _DstSizeInBytes,
+ _In_z_ const unsigned char *_Src);
+ errno_t
+ __cdecl
+ _mbscat_s_l(
+ _Inout_updates_z_(_DstSizeInBytes) unsigned char *_Dst,
+ _In_ size_t _DstSizeInBytes,
+ _In_z_ const unsigned char *_Src,
+ _In_opt_ _locale_t _Locale);
+ errno_t
+ __cdecl
+ _mbscpy_s(
+ _Out_writes_z_(_DstSizeInBytes) unsigned char *_Dst,
+ _In_ size_t _DstSizeInBytes,
+ _In_z_ const unsigned char *_Src);
+ errno_t
+ __cdecl
+ _mbscpy_s_l(
+ _Out_writes_z_(_DstSizeInBytes) unsigned char *_Dst,
+ _In_ size_t _DstSizeInBytes,
+ _In_z_ const unsigned char *_Src,
+ _In_opt_ _locale_t _Locale);
+ errno_t
+ __cdecl
+ _mbslwr_s(
+ _Inout_updates_opt_z_(_SizeInBytes) unsigned char *_Str,
+ _In_ size_t _SizeInBytes);
+ errno_t
+ __cdecl
+ _mbslwr_s_l(
+ _Inout_updates_opt_z_(_SizeInBytes) unsigned char *_Str,
+ _In_ size_t _SizeInBytes,
+ _In_opt_ _locale_t _Locale);
+ errno_t
+ __cdecl
+ _mbsnbcat_s(
+ _Inout_updates_z_(_DstSizeInBytes) unsigned char *_Dst,
+ _In_ size_t _DstSizeInBytes,
+ _In_z_ const unsigned char *_Src,
+ _In_ size_t _MaxCount);
+ errno_t
+ __cdecl
+ _mbsnbcat_s_l(
+ _Inout_updates_z_(_DstSizeInBytes) unsigned char *_Dst,
+ _In_ size_t _DstSizeInBytes,
+ _In_z_ const unsigned char *_Src,
+ _In_ size_t _MaxCount,
+ _In_opt_ _locale_t _Locale);
+ errno_t
+ __cdecl
+ _mbsnbcpy_s(
+ _Out_writes_z_(_DstSizeInBytes) unsigned char *_Dst,
+ _In_ size_t _DstSizeInBytes,
+ _In_z_ const unsigned char *_Src,
+ _In_ size_t _MaxCount);
+ errno_t
+ __cdecl
+ _mbsnbcpy_s_l(
+ _Out_writes_z_(_DstSizeInBytes) unsigned char *_Dst,
+ _In_ size_t _DstSizeInBytes,
+ _In_z_ const unsigned char *_Src,
+ _In_ size_t _MaxCount,
+ _In_opt_ _locale_t _Locale);
+ errno_t
+ __cdecl
+ _mbsnbset_s(
+ _Inout_updates_z_(_DstSizeInBytes) unsigned char *_Dst,
+ _In_ size_t _DstSizeInBytes,
+ _In_ unsigned int _Ch,
+ _In_ size_t _MaxCount);
+ errno_t
+ __cdecl
+ _mbsnbset_s_l(
+ _Inout_updates_z_(_DstSizeInBytes) unsigned char *_Dst,
+ _In_ size_t _DstSizeInBytes,
+ _In_ unsigned int _Ch,
+ _In_ size_t _MaxCount,
+ _In_opt_ _locale_t _Locale);
+ errno_t
+ __cdecl
+ _mbsncat_s(
+ _Inout_updates_z_(_DstSizeInBytes) unsigned char *_Dst,
+ _In_ size_t _DstSizeInBytes,
+ _In_z_ const unsigned char *_Src,
+ _In_ size_t _MaxCount);
+ errno_t
+ __cdecl
+ _mbsncat_s_l(
+ _Inout_updates_z_(_DstSizeInBytes) unsigned char *_Dst,
+ _In_ size_t _DstSizeInBytes,
+ _In_z_ const unsigned char *_Src,
+ _In_ size_t _MaxCount,
+ _In_opt_ _locale_t _Locale);
+ errno_t
+ __cdecl
+ _mbsncpy_s(
+ _Out_writes_z_(_DstSizeInBytes) unsigned char *_Dst,
+ _In_ size_t _DstSizeInBytes,
+ _In_z_ const unsigned char *_Src,
+ _In_ size_t _MaxCount);
+ errno_t
+ __cdecl
+ _mbsncpy_s_l(
+ _Out_writes_z_(_DstSizeInBytes) unsigned char *_Dst,
+ _In_ size_t _DstSizeInBytes,
+ _In_z_ const unsigned char *_Src,
+ _In_ size_t _MaxCount,
+ _In_opt_ _locale_t _Locale);
+ errno_t
+ __cdecl
+ _mbsnset_s(
+ _Inout_updates_z_(_DstSizeInBytes) unsigned char *_Dst,
+ _In_ size_t _DstSizeInBytes,
+ _In_ unsigned int _Val,
+ _In_ size_t _MaxCount);
+ errno_t
+ __cdecl
+ _mbsnset_s_l(
+ _Inout_updates_z_(_DstSizeInBytes) unsigned char *_Dst,
+ _In_ size_t _DstSizeInBytes,
+ _In_ unsigned int _Val,
+ _In_ size_t _MaxCount,
+ _In_opt_ _locale_t _Locale);
+ errno_t
+ __cdecl
+ _mbsset_s(
+ _Inout_updates_z_(_DstSizeInBytes) unsigned char *_Dst,
+ _In_ size_t _DstSizeInBytes,
+ _In_ unsigned int _Val);
+ errno_t
+ __cdecl
+ _mbsset_s_l(
+ _Inout_updates_z_(_DstSizeInBytes) unsigned char *_Dst,
+ _In_ size_t _DstSizeInBytes,
+ _In_ unsigned int _Val,
+ _In_opt_ _locale_t _Locale);
+ _Check_return_
+ unsigned char *
+ __cdecl
+ _mbstok_s(
+ _Inout_opt_z_ unsigned char *_Str,
+ _In_z_ const unsigned char *_Delim,
+ _Inout_ _Deref_prepost_opt_z_ unsigned char **_Context);
+ _Check_return_
+ unsigned char *
+ __cdecl
+ _mbstok_s_l(
+ _Inout_opt_z_ unsigned char *_Str,
+ _In_z_ const unsigned char *_Delim,
+ _Inout_ _Deref_prepost_opt_z_ unsigned char **_Context,
+ _In_opt_ _locale_t _Locale);
+ errno_t
+ __cdecl
+ _mbsupr_s(
+ _Inout_updates_z_(_SizeInBytes) unsigned char *_Str,
+ _In_ size_t _SizeInBytes);
+ errno_t
+ __cdecl
+ _mbsupr_s_l(
+ _Inout_updates_z_(_SizeInBytes) unsigned char *_Str,
+ _In_ size_t _SizeInBytes,
+ _In_opt_ _locale_t _Locale);
+ errno_t
+ __cdecl
+ _mbccpy_s(
+ _Out_writes_z_(_DstSizeInBytes) unsigned char *_Dst,
+ _In_ size_t _DstSizeInBytes,
+ _Out_opt_ int *_PCopied,
+ _In_z_ const unsigned char *_Src);
+ errno_t
+ __cdecl
+ _mbccpy_s_l(
+ _Out_writes_z_(_DstSizeInBytes) unsigned char *_Dst,
+ _In_ size_t _DstSizeInBytes,
+ _Out_opt_ int *_PCopied,
+ _In_z_ const unsigned char *_Src,
+ _In_opt_ _locale_t _Locale);
+#endif /* _MBSTRING_S_DEFINED */
#ifdef __cplusplus
+#endif /* MINGW_HAS_SECURE_API */
+#endif /* _INC_MBSTRING_S */