Author: fireball
Date: Thu Oct 15 21:50:01 2009
New Revision: 43496
- Update gdi32_winetest to Wine-1.1.31 keeping a bitmap font test skipping hack.
Modified: trunk/rostests/winetests/gdi32/bitmap.c
--- trunk/rostests/winetests/gdi32/bitmap.c [iso-8859-1] (original)
+++ trunk/rostests/winetests/gdi32/bitmap.c [iso-8859-1] Thu Oct 15 21:50:01 2009
@@ -780,7 +780,9 @@
BitBlt(hdcmem2, 0, 0, 16,16, hdcmem, 0, 0, SRCCOPY);
ok(bits32[0] == 0xff00, "lower left pixel is %08x\n", bits32[0]);
- ok(bits32[17] == 0xff00ff, "bottom but one, left pixel is %08x\n",
+ ok(bits32[17] == 0xff00ff ||
+ broken(bits32[17] == 0x00ff00), /* Intermittent on Win9x/ME */
+ "bottom but one, left pixel is %08x\n", bits32[17]);
SelectObject(hdcmem2, oldbm2);
test_dib_info(hdib2, bits32, &pbmi->bmiHeader);
@@ -1954,7 +1956,9 @@
ok(bm.bmWidthBytes == BITMAP_GetWidthBytes(bm.bmWidth, bm.bmBitsPixel),
"wrong bmWidthBytes %d\n", bm.bmWidthBytes);
ok(bm.bmPlanes == planes, "wrong bmPlanes %u\n", bm.bmPlanes);
if(depths[i] == 15) {
- ok(bm.bmBitsPixel == 16, "wrong bmBitsPixel %d(15 bpp special)\n",
+ ok(bm.bmBitsPixel == 16 ||
+ broken(bm.bmBitsPixel == 15), /* Win9x/WinME */
+ "wrong bmBitsPixel %d(15 bpp special)\n", bm.bmBitsPixel);
} else {
ok(bm.bmBitsPixel == depths[i], "wrong bmBitsPixel %d\n",
@@ -2248,6 +2252,469 @@
ReleaseDC(NULL, screen_dc);
+static BOOL compare_buffers_no_alpha(UINT32 *a, UINT32 *b, int length)
+ int i;
+ for(i = 0; i < length; i++)
+ if((a[i] & 0x00FFFFFF) != (b[i] & 0x00FFFFFF))
+ return FALSE;
+ return TRUE;
+static void check_BitBlt_pixel(HDC hdcDst, HDC hdcSrc, UINT32 *dstBuffer, UINT32
+ DWORD dwRop, UINT32 expected, int line)
+ *srcBuffer = 0xFEDCBA98;
+ *dstBuffer = 0x89ABCDEF;
+ Rectangle(hdcSrc, 0, 0, 1, 1); /* A null operation to ensure dibs are coerced to X11
+ BitBlt(hdcDst, 0, 0, 1, 1, hdcSrc, 0, 0, dwRop);
+ ok(expected == *dstBuffer,
+ "BitBlt with dwRop %06X. Expected 0x%08X, got 0x%08X from line %d\n",
+ dwRop, expected, *dstBuffer, line);
+static void test_BitBlt(void)
+ HBITMAP bmpDst, bmpSrc;
+ HBITMAP oldDst, oldSrc;
+ HDC hdcScreen, hdcDst, hdcSrc;
+ UINT32 *dstBuffer, *srcBuffer;
+ HBRUSH hBrush, hOldBrush;
+ BITMAPINFO bitmapInfo;
+ memset(&bitmapInfo, 0, sizeof(BITMAPINFO));
+ bitmapInfo.bmiHeader.biSize = sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER);
+ bitmapInfo.bmiHeader.biWidth = 1;
+ bitmapInfo.bmiHeader.biHeight = 1;
+ bitmapInfo.bmiHeader.biPlanes = 1;
+ bitmapInfo.bmiHeader.biBitCount = 32;
+ bitmapInfo.bmiHeader.biCompression = BI_RGB;
+ bitmapInfo.bmiHeader.biSizeImage = sizeof(UINT32);
+ hdcScreen = CreateCompatibleDC(0);
+ hdcDst = CreateCompatibleDC(hdcScreen);
+ hdcSrc = CreateCompatibleDC(hdcDst);
+ /* Setup the destination dib section */
+ bmpDst = CreateDIBSection(hdcScreen, &bitmapInfo, DIB_RGB_COLORS,
+ NULL, 0);
+ oldDst = SelectObject(hdcDst, bmpDst);
+ hBrush = CreateSolidBrush(0x012345678);
+ hOldBrush = SelectObject(hdcDst, hBrush);
+ /* Setup the source dib section */
+ bmpSrc = CreateDIBSection(hdcScreen, &bitmapInfo, DIB_RGB_COLORS,
+ NULL, 0);
+ oldSrc = SelectObject(hdcSrc, bmpSrc);
+ check_BitBlt_pixel(hdcDst, hdcSrc, dstBuffer, srcBuffer, SRCCOPY, 0xFEDCBA98,
+ check_BitBlt_pixel(hdcDst, hdcSrc, dstBuffer, srcBuffer, SRCPAINT, 0xFFFFFFFF,
+ check_BitBlt_pixel(hdcDst, hdcSrc, dstBuffer, srcBuffer, SRCAND, 0x88888888,
+ check_BitBlt_pixel(hdcDst, hdcSrc, dstBuffer, srcBuffer, SRCINVERT, 0x77777777,
+ check_BitBlt_pixel(hdcDst, hdcSrc, dstBuffer, srcBuffer, SRCERASE, 0x76543210,
+ check_BitBlt_pixel(hdcDst, hdcSrc, dstBuffer, srcBuffer, NOTSRCCOPY, 0x01234567,
+ check_BitBlt_pixel(hdcDst, hdcSrc, dstBuffer, srcBuffer, NOTSRCERASE, 0x00000000,
+ check_BitBlt_pixel(hdcDst, hdcSrc, dstBuffer, srcBuffer, MERGECOPY, 0x00581210,
+ check_BitBlt_pixel(hdcDst, hdcSrc, dstBuffer, srcBuffer, MERGEPAINT, 0x89ABCDEF,
+ check_BitBlt_pixel(hdcDst, hdcSrc, dstBuffer, srcBuffer, PATCOPY, 0x00785634,
+ check_BitBlt_pixel(hdcDst, hdcSrc, dstBuffer, srcBuffer, PATPAINT, 0x89FBDFFF,
+ check_BitBlt_pixel(hdcDst, hdcSrc, dstBuffer, srcBuffer, PATINVERT, 0x89D39BDB,
+ check_BitBlt_pixel(hdcDst, hdcSrc, dstBuffer, srcBuffer, DSTINVERT, 0x76543210,
+ check_BitBlt_pixel(hdcDst, hdcSrc, dstBuffer, srcBuffer, BLACKNESS, 0x00000000,
+ check_BitBlt_pixel(hdcDst, hdcSrc, dstBuffer, srcBuffer, WHITENESS, 0xFFFFFFFF,
+ /* Tidy up */
+ SelectObject(hdcSrc, oldSrc);
+ DeleteObject(bmpSrc);
+ DeleteDC(hdcSrc);
+ SelectObject(hdcDst, hOldBrush);
+ DeleteObject(hBrush);
+ SelectObject(hdcDst, oldDst);
+ DeleteObject(bmpDst);
+ DeleteDC(hdcDst);
+ DeleteDC(hdcScreen);
+static void check_StretchBlt_pixel(HDC hdcDst, HDC hdcSrc, UINT32 *dstBuffer, UINT32
+ DWORD dwRop, UINT32 expected, int line)
+ *srcBuffer = 0xFEDCBA98;
+ *dstBuffer = 0x89ABCDEF;
+ StretchBlt(hdcDst, 0, 0, 2, 1, hdcSrc, 0, 0, 1, 1, dwRop);
+ ok(expected == *dstBuffer,
+ "StretchBlt with dwRop %06X. Expected 0x%08X, got 0x%08X from line
+ dwRop, expected, *dstBuffer, line);
+static void check_StretchBlt_stretch(HDC hdcDst, HDC hdcSrc, UINT32 *dstBuffer, UINT32
+ int nXOriginDest, int nYOriginDest, int nWidthDest,
int nHeightDest,
+ int nXOriginSrc, int nYOriginSrc, int nWidthSrc, int
+ UINT32 expected[4], UINT32 legacy_expected[4], int
+ memset(dstBuffer, 0, 16);
+ StretchBlt(hdcDst, nXOriginDest, nYOriginDest, nWidthDest, nHeightDest,
+ hdcSrc, nXOriginSrc, nYOriginSrc, nWidthSrc, nHeightSrc, SRCCOPY);
+ ok(memcmp(dstBuffer, expected, 16) == 0 ||
+ broken(compare_buffers_no_alpha(dstBuffer, legacy_expected, 4)),
+ "StretchBlt expected { %08X, %08X, %08X, %08X } got { %08X, %08X, %08X, %08X
} "
+ "stretching { %d, %d, %d, %d } to { %d, %d, %d, %d } from line %d\n",
+ expected[0], expected[1], expected[2], expected[3],
+ dstBuffer[0], dstBuffer[1], dstBuffer[2], dstBuffer[3],
+ nXOriginSrc, nYOriginSrc, nWidthSrc, nHeightSrc,
+ nXOriginDest, nYOriginDest, nWidthDest, nHeightDest, line);
+static void test_StretchBlt(void)
+ HBITMAP bmpDst, bmpSrc;
+ HBITMAP oldDst, oldSrc;
+ HDC hdcScreen, hdcDst, hdcSrc;
+ UINT32 *dstBuffer, *srcBuffer;
+ HBRUSH hBrush, hOldBrush;
+ BITMAPINFO biDst, biSrc;
+ UINT32 expected[4], legacy_expected[4];
+ memset(&biDst, 0, sizeof(BITMAPINFO));
+ biDst.bmiHeader.biSize = sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER);
+ biDst.bmiHeader.biWidth = 2;
+ biDst.bmiHeader.biHeight = -2;
+ biDst.bmiHeader.biPlanes = 1;
+ biDst.bmiHeader.biBitCount = 32;
+ biDst.bmiHeader.biCompression = BI_RGB;
+ memcpy(&biSrc, &biDst, sizeof(BITMAPINFO));
+ hdcScreen = CreateCompatibleDC(0);
+ hdcDst = CreateCompatibleDC(hdcScreen);
+ hdcSrc = CreateCompatibleDC(hdcDst);
+ /* Pixel Tests */
+ bmpDst = CreateDIBSection(hdcScreen, &biDst, DIB_RGB_COLORS,
+ NULL, 0);
+ oldDst = SelectObject(hdcDst, bmpDst);
+ bmpSrc = CreateDIBSection(hdcScreen, &biDst, DIB_RGB_COLORS,
+ NULL, 0);
+ oldSrc = SelectObject(hdcSrc, bmpSrc);
+ hBrush = CreateSolidBrush(0x012345678);
+ hOldBrush = SelectObject(hdcDst, hBrush);
+ check_StretchBlt_pixel(hdcDst, hdcSrc, dstBuffer, srcBuffer, SRCCOPY, 0xFEDCBA98,
+ check_StretchBlt_pixel(hdcDst, hdcSrc, dstBuffer, srcBuffer, SRCPAINT, 0xFFFFFFFF,
+ check_StretchBlt_pixel(hdcDst, hdcSrc, dstBuffer, srcBuffer, SRCAND, 0x88888888,
+ check_StretchBlt_pixel(hdcDst, hdcSrc, dstBuffer, srcBuffer, SRCINVERT, 0x77777777,
+ check_StretchBlt_pixel(hdcDst, hdcSrc, dstBuffer, srcBuffer, SRCERASE, 0x76543210,
+ check_StretchBlt_pixel(hdcDst, hdcSrc, dstBuffer, srcBuffer, NOTSRCCOPY, 0x01234567,
+ check_StretchBlt_pixel(hdcDst, hdcSrc, dstBuffer, srcBuffer, NOTSRCERASE, 0x00000000,
+ check_StretchBlt_pixel(hdcDst, hdcSrc, dstBuffer, srcBuffer, MERGECOPY, 0x00581210,
+ check_StretchBlt_pixel(hdcDst, hdcSrc, dstBuffer, srcBuffer, MERGEPAINT, 0x89ABCDEF,
+ check_StretchBlt_pixel(hdcDst, hdcSrc, dstBuffer, srcBuffer, PATCOPY, 0x00785634,
+ check_StretchBlt_pixel(hdcDst, hdcSrc, dstBuffer, srcBuffer, PATPAINT, 0x89FBDFFF,
+ check_StretchBlt_pixel(hdcDst, hdcSrc, dstBuffer, srcBuffer, PATINVERT, 0x89D39BDB,
+ check_StretchBlt_pixel(hdcDst, hdcSrc, dstBuffer, srcBuffer, DSTINVERT, 0x76543210,
+ check_StretchBlt_pixel(hdcDst, hdcSrc, dstBuffer, srcBuffer, BLACKNESS, 0x00000000,
+ check_StretchBlt_pixel(hdcDst, hdcSrc, dstBuffer, srcBuffer, WHITENESS, 0xFFFFFFFF,
+ SelectObject(hdcDst, hOldBrush);
+ DeleteObject(hBrush);
+ /* Top-down to top-down tests */
+ srcBuffer[0] = 0xCAFED00D, srcBuffer[1] = 0xFEEDFACE;
+ srcBuffer[2] = 0xFEDCBA98, srcBuffer[3] = 0x76543210;
+ expected[0] = 0xCAFED00D, expected[1] = 0xFEEDFACE;
+ expected[2] = 0xFEDCBA98, expected[3] = 0x76543210;
+ check_StretchBlt_stretch(hdcDst, hdcSrc, dstBuffer, srcBuffer,
+ 0, 0, 2, 2, 0, 0, 2, 2, expected, expected, __LINE__);
+ expected[0] = 0xCAFED00D, expected[1] = 0x00000000;
+ expected[2] = 0x00000000, expected[3] = 0x00000000;
+ check_StretchBlt_stretch(hdcDst, hdcSrc, dstBuffer, srcBuffer,
+ 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, expected, expected, __LINE__);
+ expected[0] = 0xCAFED00D, expected[1] = 0xCAFED00D;
+ expected[2] = 0xCAFED00D, expected[3] = 0xCAFED00D;
+ check_StretchBlt_stretch(hdcDst, hdcSrc, dstBuffer, srcBuffer,
+ 0, 0, 2, 2, 0, 0, 1, 1, expected, expected, __LINE__);
+ expected[0] = 0xCAFED00D, expected[1] = 0x00000000;
+ expected[2] = 0x00000000, expected[3] = 0x00000000;
+ check_StretchBlt_stretch(hdcDst, hdcSrc, dstBuffer, srcBuffer,
+ 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 2, 2, expected, expected, __LINE__);
+ expected[0] = 0x76543210, expected[1] = 0xFEDCBA98;
+ expected[2] = 0xFEEDFACE, expected[3] = 0xCAFED00D;
+ check_StretchBlt_stretch(hdcDst, hdcSrc, dstBuffer, srcBuffer,
+ 0, 0, 2, 2, 1, 1, -2, -2, expected, expected, __LINE__);
+ expected[0] = 0x76543210, expected[1] = 0xFEDCBA98;
+ expected[2] = 0xFEEDFACE, expected[3] = 0xCAFED00D;
+ check_StretchBlt_stretch(hdcDst, hdcSrc, dstBuffer, srcBuffer,
+ 1, 1, -2, -2, 0, 0, 2, 2, expected, expected, __LINE__);
+ /* This result seems broken. One might expect the following result:
+ * 0xFEDCBA98 0x76543210
+ */
+ expected[0] = 0xCAFED00D, expected[1] = 0x00000000;
+ expected[2] = 0xFEDCBA98, expected[3] = 0x76543210;
+ legacy_expected[0] = 0xCAFED00D, legacy_expected[1] = 0x00000000;
+ legacy_expected[2] = 0x00000000, legacy_expected[3] = 0x00000000;
+ todo_wine check_StretchBlt_stretch(hdcDst, hdcSrc, dstBuffer, srcBuffer,
+ 1, 1, -2, -2, 1, 1, -2, -2, expected,
+ legacy_expected, __LINE__);
+ expected[0] = 0x00000000, expected[1] = 0x00000000;
+ expected[2] = 0x00000000, expected[3] = 0xCAFED00D;
+ check_StretchBlt_stretch(hdcDst, hdcSrc, dstBuffer, srcBuffer,
+ 1, 1, 2, 2, 0, 0, 2, 2, expected, expected, __LINE__);
+ SelectObject(hdcDst, oldDst);
+ DeleteObject(bmpDst);
+ /* Top-down to bottom-up tests */
+ biDst.bmiHeader.biHeight = 2;
+ bmpDst = CreateDIBSection(hdcScreen, &biDst, DIB_RGB_COLORS,
+ NULL, 0);
+ oldDst = SelectObject(hdcDst, bmpDst);
+ expected[0] = 0xFEDCBA98, expected[1] = 0x76543210;
+ expected[2] = 0xCAFED00D, expected[3] = 0xFEEDFACE;
+ check_StretchBlt_stretch(hdcDst, hdcSrc, dstBuffer, srcBuffer,
+ 0, 0, 2, 2, 0, 0, 2, 2, expected, expected, __LINE__);
+ expected[0] = 0xFEEDFACE, expected[1] = 0xCAFED00D;
+ expected[2] = 0x76543210, expected[3] = 0xFEDCBA98;
+ check_StretchBlt_stretch(hdcDst, hdcSrc, dstBuffer, srcBuffer,
+ 0, 0, 2, 2, 1, 1, -2, -2, expected, expected, __LINE__);
+ SelectObject(hdcSrc, oldSrc);
+ DeleteObject(bmpSrc);
+ /* Bottom-up to bottom-up tests */
+ biSrc.bmiHeader.biHeight = 2;
+ bmpSrc = CreateDIBSection(hdcScreen, &biSrc, DIB_RGB_COLORS,
+ NULL, 0);
+ srcBuffer[0] = 0xCAFED00D, srcBuffer[1] = 0xFEEDFACE;
+ srcBuffer[2] = 0xFEDCBA98, srcBuffer[3] = 0x76543210;
+ oldSrc = SelectObject(hdcSrc, bmpSrc);
+ expected[0] = 0xCAFED00D, expected[1] = 0xFEEDFACE;
+ expected[2] = 0xFEDCBA98, expected[3] = 0x76543210;
+ check_StretchBlt_stretch(hdcDst, hdcSrc, dstBuffer, srcBuffer,
+ 0, 0, 2, 2, 0, 0, 2, 2, expected, expected, __LINE__);
+ expected[0] = 0x76543210, expected[1] = 0xFEDCBA98;
+ expected[2] = 0xFEEDFACE, expected[3] = 0xCAFED00D;
+ check_StretchBlt_stretch(hdcDst, hdcSrc, dstBuffer, srcBuffer,
+ 0, 0, 2, 2, 1, 1, -2, -2, expected, expected, __LINE__);
+ SelectObject(hdcDst, oldDst);
+ DeleteObject(bmpDst);
+ /* Bottom-up to top-down tests */
+ biDst.bmiHeader.biHeight = -2;
+ bmpDst = CreateDIBSection(hdcScreen, &biDst, DIB_RGB_COLORS,
+ NULL, 0);
+ oldDst = SelectObject(hdcDst, bmpDst);
+ expected[0] = 0xFEDCBA98, expected[1] = 0x76543210;
+ expected[2] = 0xCAFED00D, expected[3] = 0xFEEDFACE;
+ check_StretchBlt_stretch(hdcDst, hdcSrc, dstBuffer, srcBuffer,
+ 0, 0, 2, 2, 0, 0, 2, 2, expected, expected, __LINE__);
+ expected[0] = 0xFEEDFACE, expected[1] = 0xCAFED00D;
+ expected[2] = 0x76543210, expected[3] = 0xFEDCBA98;
+ check_StretchBlt_stretch(hdcDst, hdcSrc, dstBuffer, srcBuffer,
+ 0, 0, 2, 2, 1, 1, -2, -2, expected, expected, __LINE__);
+ /* Tidy up */
+ SelectObject(hdcSrc, oldSrc);
+ DeleteObject(bmpSrc);
+ DeleteDC(hdcSrc);
+ SelectObject(hdcDst, oldDst);
+ DeleteObject(bmpDst);
+ DeleteDC(hdcDst);
+ DeleteDC(hdcScreen);
+static void check_StretchDIBits_pixel(HDC hdcDst, UINT32 *dstBuffer, UINT32 *srcBuffer,
+ DWORD dwRop, UINT32 expected, int line)
+ const UINT32 buffer[2] = { 0xFEDCBA98, 0 };
+ BITMAPINFO bitmapInfo;
+ memset(&bitmapInfo, 0, sizeof(BITMAPINFO));
+ bitmapInfo.bmiHeader.biSize = sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER);
+ bitmapInfo.bmiHeader.biWidth = 2;
+ bitmapInfo.bmiHeader.biHeight = 1;
+ bitmapInfo.bmiHeader.biPlanes = 1;
+ bitmapInfo.bmiHeader.biBitCount = 32;
+ bitmapInfo.bmiHeader.biCompression = BI_RGB;
+ bitmapInfo.bmiHeader.biSizeImage = sizeof(buffer);
+ *dstBuffer = 0x89ABCDEF;
+ StretchDIBits(hdcDst, 0, 0, 2, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, &buffer, &bitmapInfo,
+ ok(expected == *dstBuffer,
+ "StretchDIBits with dwRop %06X. Expected 0x%08X, got 0x%08X from line
+ dwRop, expected, *dstBuffer, line);
+static void check_StretchDIBits_stretch(HDC hdcDst, UINT32 *dstBuffer, UINT32
+ int nXOriginDest, int nYOriginDest, int
nWidthDest, int nHeightDest,
+ int nXOriginSrc, int nYOriginSrc, int nWidthSrc,
int nHeightSrc,
+ UINT32 expected[4], UINT32 legacy_expected[4],
int line)
+ BITMAPINFO bitmapInfo;
+ memset(&bitmapInfo, 0, sizeof(BITMAPINFO));
+ bitmapInfo.bmiHeader.biSize = sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER);
+ bitmapInfo.bmiHeader.biWidth = 2;
+ bitmapInfo.bmiHeader.biHeight = -2;
+ bitmapInfo.bmiHeader.biPlanes = 1;
+ bitmapInfo.bmiHeader.biBitCount = 32;
+ bitmapInfo.bmiHeader.biCompression = BI_RGB;
+ memset(dstBuffer, 0, 16);
+ StretchDIBits(hdcDst, nXOriginDest, nYOriginDest, nWidthDest, nHeightDest,
+ nXOriginSrc, nYOriginSrc, nWidthSrc, nHeightSrc,
+ srcBuffer, &bitmapInfo, DIB_RGB_COLORS, SRCCOPY);
+ ok(memcmp(dstBuffer, expected, 16) == 0 || /* Win2k/XP
+ broken(compare_buffers_no_alpha(dstBuffer, legacy_expected, 4)) || /* Win9X/ME
+ broken(nWidthSrc < 0 || nHeightSrc < 0), /*
Win9X/ME */
+ "StretchDIBits expected { %08X, %08X, %08X, %08X } got { %08X, %08X, %08X,
%08X } "
+ "stretching { %d, %d, %d, %d } to { %d, %d, %d, %d } from line %d\n",
+ expected[0], expected[1], expected[2], expected[3],
+ dstBuffer[0], dstBuffer[1], dstBuffer[2], dstBuffer[3],
+ nXOriginSrc, nYOriginSrc, nWidthSrc, nHeightSrc,
+ nXOriginDest, nYOriginDest, nWidthDest, nHeightDest, line);
+static void test_StretchDIBits(void)
+ HBITMAP bmpDst;
+ HBITMAP oldDst;
+ HDC hdcScreen, hdcDst;
+ UINT32 *dstBuffer, srcBuffer[4];
+ HBRUSH hBrush, hOldBrush;
+ UINT32 expected[4], legacy_expected[4];
+ memset(&biDst, 0, sizeof(BITMAPINFO));
+ biDst.bmiHeader.biSize = sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER);
+ biDst.bmiHeader.biWidth = 2;
+ biDst.bmiHeader.biHeight = -2;
+ biDst.bmiHeader.biPlanes = 1;
+ biDst.bmiHeader.biBitCount = 32;
+ biDst.bmiHeader.biCompression = BI_RGB;
+ hdcScreen = CreateCompatibleDC(0);
+ hdcDst = CreateCompatibleDC(hdcScreen);
+ /* Pixel Tests */
+ bmpDst = CreateDIBSection(hdcScreen, &biDst, DIB_RGB_COLORS,
+ NULL, 0);
+ oldDst = SelectObject(hdcDst, bmpDst);
+ hBrush = CreateSolidBrush(0x012345678);
+ hOldBrush = SelectObject(hdcDst, hBrush);
+ check_StretchDIBits_pixel(hdcDst, dstBuffer, srcBuffer, SRCCOPY, 0xFEDCBA98,
+ check_StretchDIBits_pixel(hdcDst, dstBuffer, srcBuffer, SRCPAINT, 0xFFFFFFFF,
+ check_StretchDIBits_pixel(hdcDst, dstBuffer, srcBuffer, SRCAND, 0x88888888,
+ check_StretchDIBits_pixel(hdcDst, dstBuffer, srcBuffer, SRCINVERT, 0x77777777,
+ check_StretchDIBits_pixel(hdcDst, dstBuffer, srcBuffer, SRCERASE, 0x76543210,
+ check_StretchDIBits_pixel(hdcDst, dstBuffer, srcBuffer, NOTSRCCOPY, 0x01234567,
+ check_StretchDIBits_pixel(hdcDst, dstBuffer, srcBuffer, NOTSRCERASE, 0x00000000,
+ check_StretchDIBits_pixel(hdcDst, dstBuffer, srcBuffer, MERGECOPY, 0x00581210,
+ check_StretchDIBits_pixel(hdcDst, dstBuffer, srcBuffer, MERGEPAINT, 0x89ABCDEF,
+ check_StretchDIBits_pixel(hdcDst, dstBuffer, srcBuffer, PATCOPY, 0x00785634,
+ check_StretchDIBits_pixel(hdcDst, dstBuffer, srcBuffer, PATPAINT, 0x89FBDFFF,
+ check_StretchDIBits_pixel(hdcDst, dstBuffer, srcBuffer, PATINVERT, 0x89D39BDB,
+ check_StretchDIBits_pixel(hdcDst, dstBuffer, srcBuffer, DSTINVERT, 0x76543210,
+ check_StretchDIBits_pixel(hdcDst, dstBuffer, srcBuffer, BLACKNESS, 0x00000000,
+ check_StretchDIBits_pixel(hdcDst, dstBuffer, srcBuffer, WHITENESS, 0xFFFFFFFF,
+ SelectObject(hdcDst, hOldBrush);
+ DeleteObject(hBrush);
+ /* Top-down destination tests */
+ srcBuffer[0] = 0xCAFED00D, srcBuffer[1] = 0xFEEDFACE;
+ srcBuffer[2] = 0xFEDCBA98, srcBuffer[3] = 0x76543210;
+ expected[0] = 0xCAFED00D, expected[1] = 0xFEEDFACE;
+ expected[2] = 0xFEDCBA98, expected[3] = 0x76543210;
+ check_StretchDIBits_stretch(hdcDst, dstBuffer, srcBuffer,
+ 0, 0, 2, 2, 0, 0, 2, 2, expected, expected, __LINE__);
+ expected[0] = 0xCAFED00D, expected[1] = 0x00000000;
+ expected[2] = 0x00000000, expected[3] = 0x00000000;
+ legacy_expected[0] = 0xFEDCBA98, legacy_expected[1] = 0x00000000;
+ legacy_expected[2] = 0x00000000, legacy_expected[3] = 0x00000000;
+ todo_wine check_StretchDIBits_stretch(hdcDst, dstBuffer, srcBuffer,
+ 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, expected, legacy_expected,
+ expected[0] = 0xFEDCBA98, expected[1] = 0xFEDCBA98;
+ expected[2] = 0xFEDCBA98, expected[3] = 0xFEDCBA98;
+ check_StretchDIBits_stretch(hdcDst, dstBuffer, srcBuffer,
+ 0, 0, 2, 2, 0, 0, 1, 1, expected, expected, __LINE__);
+ expected[0] = 0x42441000, expected[1] = 0x00000000;
+ expected[2] = 0x00000000, expected[3] = 0x00000000;
+ legacy_expected[0] = 0x00543210, legacy_expected[1] = 0x00000000;
+ legacy_expected[2] = 0x00000000, legacy_expected[3] = 0x00000000;
+ todo_wine check_StretchDIBits_stretch(hdcDst, dstBuffer, srcBuffer,
+ 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 2, 2, expected, legacy_expected,
+ expected[0] = 0x00000000, expected[1] = 0x00000000;
+ expected[2] = 0x00000000, expected[3] = 0x00000000;
+ check_StretchDIBits_stretch(hdcDst, dstBuffer, srcBuffer,
+ 0, 0, 2, 2, 1, 1, -2, -2, expected, expected, __LINE__);
+ expected[0] = 0x00000000, expected[1] = 0x00000000;
+ expected[2] = 0x00000000, expected[3] = 0x00000000;
+ check_StretchDIBits_stretch(hdcDst, dstBuffer, srcBuffer,
+ 0, 0, 2, 2, 1, 1, -2, -2, expected, expected, __LINE__);
+ expected[0] = 0x00000000, expected[1] = 0x00000000;
+ expected[2] = 0x00000000, expected[3] = 0x00000000;
+ check_StretchDIBits_stretch(hdcDst, dstBuffer, srcBuffer,
+ 1, 1, -2, -2, 1, 1, -2, -2, expected, expected,
+ expected[0] = 0x00000000, expected[1] = 0x00000000;
+ expected[2] = 0x00000000, expected[3] = 0xCAFED00D;
+ check_StretchDIBits_stretch(hdcDst, dstBuffer, srcBuffer,
+ 1, 1, 2, 2, 0, 0, 2, 2, expected, expected, __LINE__);
+ SelectObject(hdcDst, oldDst);
+ DeleteObject(bmpDst);
+ /* Bottom up destination tests */
+ biDst.bmiHeader.biHeight = 2;
+ bmpDst = CreateDIBSection(hdcScreen, &biDst, DIB_RGB_COLORS,
+ NULL, 0);
+ oldDst = SelectObject(hdcDst, bmpDst);
+ expected[0] = 0xFEDCBA98, expected[1] = 0x76543210;
+ expected[2] = 0xCAFED00D, expected[3] = 0xFEEDFACE;
+ check_StretchDIBits_stretch(hdcDst, dstBuffer, srcBuffer,
+ 0, 0, 2, 2, 0, 0, 2, 2, expected, expected, __LINE__);
+ /* Tidy up */
+ SelectObject(hdcDst, oldDst);
+ DeleteObject(bmpDst);
+ DeleteDC(hdcDst);
+ DeleteDC(hdcScreen);
static void test_GdiAlphaBlend(void)
/* test out-of-bound parameters for GdiAlphaBlend */
@@ -2310,6 +2777,10 @@
ScaleWindowExtEx(hdcSrc, 10, 1, 10, 1, NULL);
expect_eq(pGdiAlphaBlend(hdcDst, 0, 0, 20, 20, hdcSrc, -1, 0, 30, 30, blend), TRUE,
BOOL, "%d");
expect_eq(pGdiAlphaBlend(hdcDst, 0, 0, 20, 20, hdcSrc, 0, -1, 30, 30, blend), TRUE,
BOOL, "%d");
+ SetLastError(0xdeadbeef);
+ expect_eq(pGdiAlphaBlend(hdcDst, 0, 0, 20, 20, NULL, 0, 0, 20, 20, blend), FALSE,
BOOL, "%d");
+ expect_eq(GetLastError(), 0xdeadbeef, int, "%d");
SelectObject(hdcDst, oldDst);
SelectObject(hdcSrc, oldSrc);
@@ -2389,6 +2860,9 @@
+ test_BitBlt();
+ test_StretchBlt();
+ test_StretchDIBits();
Modified: trunk/rostests/winetests/gdi32/clipping.c
--- trunk/rostests/winetests/gdi32/clipping.c [iso-8859-1] (original)
+++ trunk/rostests/winetests/gdi32/clipping.c [iso-8859-1] Thu Oct 15 21:50:01 2009
@@ -189,13 +189,13 @@
HRGN hrgn;
XFORM xform;
-if (0) /* crashes under Win9x */
- SetLastError(0xdeadbeef);
- hrgn = ExtCreateRegion(NULL, 0, NULL);
- ok(!hrgn, "ExtCreateRegion should fail\n");
%u\n", GetLastError());
+ if (0) /* crashes under Win9x */
+ {
+ SetLastError(0xdeadbeef);
+ hrgn = ExtCreateRegion(NULL, 0, NULL);
+ ok(!hrgn, "ExtCreateRegion should fail\n");
%u\n", GetLastError());
+ } = 0; = 0;
Modified: trunk/rostests/winetests/gdi32/font.c
--- trunk/rostests/winetests/gdi32/font.c [iso-8859-1] (original)
+++ trunk/rostests/winetests/gdi32/font.c [iso-8859-1] Thu Oct 15 21:50:01 2009
@@ -2175,7 +2175,7 @@
seg->id_range_offset = GET_BE_WORD(cmap->end_count[3 * segs + 1 + seg_num]);
-static BOOL get_first_last_from_cmap4(void *ptr, DWORD *first, DWORD *last)
+static BOOL get_first_last_from_cmap4(void *ptr, DWORD *first, DWORD *last, DWORD limit)
int i;
cmap_format_4 *cmap = (cmap_format_4*)ptr;
@@ -2200,7 +2200,15 @@
+ code - seg.start_count
+ i - seg_count;
- index = GET_BE_WORD(glyph_ids[index]);
+ /* some fonts have broken last segment */
+ if ((char *)(glyph_ids + index + sizeof(*glyph_ids)) < (char *)ptr +
+ index = GET_BE_WORD(glyph_ids[index]);
+ else
+ {
+ trace("segment %04x/%04x index %04x points to nowhere\n",
+ seg.start_count, seg.end_count, index);
+ index = 0;
+ }
if(index) index += seg.id_delta;
if(*first == 0x10000)
@@ -2273,7 +2281,7 @@
r = get_first_last_from_cmap0(cmap, first, last);
case 4:
- r = get_first_last_from_cmap4(cmap, first, last);
+ r = get_first_last_from_cmap4(cmap, first, last, size);
trace("unhandled cmap format %d\n", format);
@@ -2914,10 +2922,67 @@
+/* bug #9995: there is a limit to the character width that can be specified */
+static void test_GetTextMetrics2(const char *fontname, int font_height)
+ HFONT of, hf;
+ HDC hdc;
+ BOOL ret;
+ int ave_width, height, width, ratio, scale;
+ if (!is_truetype_font_installed( fontname)) {
+ skip("%s is not installed\n", fontname);
+ return;
+ }
+ hdc = CreateCompatibleDC(0);
+ ok( hdc != NULL, "CreateCompatibleDC failed\n");
+ /* select width = 0 */
+ hf = CreateFontA(font_height, 0, 0, 0, FW_REGULAR, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE,
+ fontname);
+ ok( hf != NULL, "CreateFontA failed\n");
+ of = SelectObject( hdc, hf);
+ ret = GetTextMetricsA( hdc, &tm);
+ ok(ret, "GetTextMetricsA error %u\n", GetLastError());
+ height = tm.tmHeight;
+ ave_width = tm.tmAveCharWidth;
+ SelectObject( hdc, of);
+ DeleteObject( hf);
+ trace("height %d, ave width %d\n", height, ave_width);
+ for (width = ave_width * 2; /* nothing*/; width += ave_width)
+ {
+ hf = CreateFont(height, width, 0, 0, FW_REGULAR, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE,
+ ok(hf != 0, "CreateFont failed\n");
+ of = SelectObject(hdc, hf);
+ ret = GetTextMetrics(hdc, &tm);
+ ok(ret, "GetTextMetrics error %u\n", GetLastError());
+ SelectObject(hdc, of);
+ DeleteObject(hf);
+ if (tm.tmAveCharWidth == ave_width || width / height > 200)
+ break;
+ }
+ DeleteDC(hdc);
+ ratio = width / height;
+ scale = width / ave_width;
+ trace("max width/height ratio (%d / %d) %d, max width scale (%d / %d)
+ width, height, ratio, width, ave_width, scale);
+ ok(ratio >= 90 && ratio <= 110, "expected width/height ratio
90-110, got %d\n", ratio);
@@ -2952,4 +3017,10 @@
+ test_GetTextMetrics2("Tahoma", -11);
+ test_GetTextMetrics2("Tahoma", -55);
+ test_GetTextMetrics2("Tahoma", -110);
+ test_GetTextMetrics2("Arial", -11);
+ test_GetTextMetrics2("Arial", -55);
+ test_GetTextMetrics2("Arial", -110);
Modified: trunk/rostests/winetests/gdi32/gdiobj.c
--- trunk/rostests/winetests/gdi32/gdiobj.c [iso-8859-1] (original)
+++ trunk/rostests/winetests/gdi32/gdiobj.c [iso-8859-1] Thu Oct 15 21:50:01 2009
@@ -266,9 +266,49 @@
+static void test_region(void)
+ HRGN hrgn = CreateRectRgn(10, 10, 20, 20);
+ RECT rc = { 5, 5, 15, 15 };
+ BOOL ret = RectInRegion( hrgn, &rc);
+ ok( ret, "RectInRegion should return TRUE\n");
+ /* swap left and right */
+ SetRect( &rc, 15, 5, 5, 15 );
+ ret = RectInRegion( hrgn, &rc);
+ ok( ret, "RectInRegion should return TRUE\n");
+ /* swap top and bottom */
+ SetRect( &rc, 5, 15, 15, 5 );
+ ret = RectInRegion( hrgn, &rc);
+ ok( ret, "RectInRegion should return TRUE\n");
+ /* swap both */
+ SetRect( &rc, 15, 15, 5, 5 );
+ ret = RectInRegion( hrgn, &rc);
+ ok( ret, "RectInRegion should return TRUE\n");
+ DeleteObject(hrgn);
+ /* swap left and right in the region */
+ hrgn = CreateRectRgn(20, 10, 10, 20);
+ SetRect( &rc, 5, 5, 15, 15 );
+ ret = RectInRegion( hrgn, &rc);
+ ok( ret, "RectInRegion should return TRUE\n");
+ /* swap left and right */
+ SetRect( &rc, 15, 5, 5, 15 );
+ ret = RectInRegion( hrgn, &rc);
+ ok( ret, "RectInRegion should return TRUE\n");
+ /* swap top and bottom */
+ SetRect( &rc, 5, 15, 15, 5 );
+ ret = RectInRegion( hrgn, &rc);
+ ok( ret, "RectInRegion should return TRUE\n");
+ /* swap both */
+ SetRect( &rc, 15, 15, 5, 5 );
+ ret = RectInRegion( hrgn, &rc);
+ ok( ret, "RectInRegion should return TRUE\n");
+ DeleteObject(hrgn);
+ test_region();
Modified: trunk/rostests/winetests/gdi32/mapping.c
--- trunk/rostests/winetests/gdi32/mapping.c [iso-8859-1] (original)
+++ trunk/rostests/winetests/gdi32/mapping.c [iso-8859-1] Thu Oct 15 21:50:01 2009
@@ -342,9 +342,227 @@
ReleaseDC(0, hdc);
+static void test_setvirtualresolution(void)
+ DWORD r;
+ INT horz_res = GetDeviceCaps(hdc, HORZRES);
+ INT horz_size = GetDeviceCaps(hdc, HORZSIZE);
+ INT log_pixels_x = GetDeviceCaps(hdc, LOGPIXELSX);
+ SIZE orig_lometric_vp, orig_lometric_wnd;
+ pSetVirtualResolution = (void
+ if(!pSetVirtualResolution)
+ {
+ win_skip("Don't have SetVirtualResolution\n");
+ return;
+ }
+ /* Get the true resolution limits */
+ SetMapMode(hdc, MM_LOMETRIC);
+ GetViewportExtEx(hdc, &orig_lometric_vp);
+ GetWindowExtEx(hdc, &orig_lometric_wnd);
+ SetMapMode(hdc, MM_TEXT);
+ r = pSetVirtualResolution(hdc, 4000, 1000, 400, 200); /* 10 pix/mm x 5 pix/mm */
+ ok(r == TRUE, "got %d\n", r);
+ expect_LPtoDP(hdc, 1000, 1000);
+ expect_viewport_ext(hdc, 1, 1);
+ expect_window_ext(hdc, 1, 1);
+ SetMapMode(hdc, MM_LOMETRIC);
+ expect_LPtoDP(hdc, 1000, -500);
+ expect_viewport_ext(hdc, 4000, -1000);
+ expect_window_ext(hdc, 4000, 2000);
+ /* Doesn't change the device caps */
+ ok(horz_res == GetDeviceCaps(hdc, HORZRES), "horz_res changed\n");
+ ok(horz_size == GetDeviceCaps(hdc, HORZSIZE), "horz_size changed\n");
+ ok(log_pixels_x == GetDeviceCaps(hdc, LOGPIXELSX), "log_pixels_x
+ r = pSetVirtualResolution(hdc, 8000, 1000, 400, 200); /* 20 pix/mm x 5 pix/mm */
+ ok(r == TRUE, "got %d\n", r);
+ expect_LPtoDP(hdc, 1000, -500); /* No change, need to re-set the mapping mode */
+ SetMapMode(hdc, MM_TEXT);
+ SetMapMode(hdc, MM_LOMETRIC);
+ expect_LPtoDP(hdc, 2000, -500);
+ expect_viewport_ext(hdc, 8000, -1000);
+ expect_window_ext(hdc, 4000, 2000);
+ r = pSetVirtualResolution(hdc, 8000, 1000, 200, 200); /* 40 pix/mm x 5 pix/mm */
+ ok(r == TRUE, "got %d\n", r);
+ SetMapMode(hdc, MM_TEXT);
+ SetMapMode(hdc, MM_LOMETRIC);
+ expect_LPtoDP(hdc, 4000, -500);
+ expect_viewport_ext(hdc, 8000, -1000);
+ expect_window_ext(hdc, 2000, 2000);
+ r = pSetVirtualResolution(hdc, 8000, 1000, 200, 200); /* 40 pix/mm x 5 pix/mm */
+ ok(r == TRUE, "got %d\n", r);
+ SetMapMode(hdc, MM_TEXT);
+ SetMapMode(hdc, MM_LOMETRIC);
+ expect_LPtoDP(hdc, 4000, -500);
+ expect_viewport_ext(hdc, 8000, -1000);
+ expect_window_ext(hdc, 2000, 2000);
+ r = pSetVirtualResolution(hdc, 8000, 2000, 200, 200); /* 40 pix/mm x 10 pix/mm */
+ ok(r == TRUE, "got %d\n", r);
+ SetMapMode(hdc, MM_TEXT);
+ SetMapMode(hdc, MM_LOMETRIC);
+ expect_LPtoDP(hdc, 4000, -1000);
+ expect_viewport_ext(hdc, 8000, -2000);
+ expect_window_ext(hdc, 2000, 2000);
+ r = pSetVirtualResolution(hdc, 0, 0, 10, 0); /* Error */
+ ok(r == FALSE, "got %d\n", r);
+ SetMapMode(hdc, MM_TEXT);
+ SetMapMode(hdc, MM_LOMETRIC);
+ expect_LPtoDP(hdc, 4000, -1000);
+ expect_viewport_ext(hdc, 8000, -2000);
+ expect_window_ext(hdc, 2000, 2000);
+ r = pSetVirtualResolution(hdc, 0, 0, 0, 0); /* Reset to true resolution */
+ ok(r == TRUE, "got %d\n", r);
+ SetMapMode(hdc, MM_TEXT);
+ SetMapMode(hdc, MM_LOMETRIC);
+ expect_viewport_ext(hdc,,;
+ expect_window_ext(hdc,,;
+ DeleteDC(hdc);
+static inline void expect_identity(int line, XFORM *xf)
+ ok(xf->eM11 == 1.0, "%d: got %f\n", line, xf->eM11);
+ ok(xf->eM12 == 0.0, "%d: got %f\n", line, xf->eM12);
+ ok(xf->eM21 == 0.0, "%d: got %f\n", line, xf->eM21);
+ ok(xf->eM22 == 1.0, "%d: got %f\n", line, xf->eM22);
+ ok(xf->eDx == 0.0, "%d: got %f\n", line, xf->eDx);
+ ok(xf->eDy == 0.0, "%d: got %f\n", line, xf->eDy);
+static inline void xform_near_match(int line, XFORM *got, XFORM *expect)
+ ok(fabs(got->eM11 - expect->eM11) < 0.001, "%d: got %f expect
%f\n", line, got->eM11, expect->eM11);
+ ok(fabs(got->eM12 - expect->eM12) < 0.001, "%d: got %f expect
%f\n", line, got->eM12, expect->eM12);
+ ok(fabs(got->eM21 - expect->eM21) < 0.001, "%d: got %f expect
%f\n", line, got->eM21, expect->eM21);
+ ok(fabs(got->eM22 - expect->eM22) < 0.001, "%d: got %f expect
%f\n", line, got->eM22, expect->eM22);
+ ok(fabs(got->eDx - expect->eDx) < 0.001, "%d: got %f expect %f\n",
line, got->eDx, expect->eDx);
+ ok(fabs(got->eDy - expect->eDy) < 0.001, "%d: got %f expect %f\n",
line, got->eDy, expect->eDy);
+static void test_gettransform(void)
+ BOOL (WINAPI *pGetTransform)(HDC, DWORD, XFORM *);
+ XFORM xform, expect;
+ BOOL r;
+ SIZE lometric_vp, lometric_wnd;
+ pGetTransform = (void *)GetProcAddress(GetModuleHandleA("gdi32.dll"),
+ if(!pGetTransform)
+ {
+ win_skip("Don't have GetTransform\n");
+ return;
+ }
+ r = pGetTransform(hdc, 0x203, &xform); /* World -> Page */
+ ok(r == TRUE, "got %d\n", r);
+ expect_identity(__LINE__, &xform);
+ r = pGetTransform(hdc, 0x304, &xform); /* Page -> Device */
+ ok(r == TRUE, "got %d\n", r);
+ expect_identity(__LINE__, &xform);
+ r = pGetTransform(hdc, 0x204, &xform); /* World -> Device */
+ ok(r == TRUE, "got %d\n", r);
+ expect_identity(__LINE__, &xform);
+ r = pGetTransform(hdc, 0x402, &xform); /* Device -> World */
+ ok(r == TRUE, "got %d\n", r);
+ expect_identity(__LINE__, &xform);
+ SetMapMode(hdc, MM_LOMETRIC);
+ GetViewportExtEx(hdc, &lometric_vp);
+ GetWindowExtEx(hdc, &lometric_wnd);
+ r = pGetTransform(hdc, 0x203, &xform); /* World -> Page */
+ ok(r == TRUE, "got %d\n", r);
+ expect_identity(__LINE__, &xform);
+ r = pGetTransform(hdc, 0x304, &xform); /* Page -> Device */
+ ok(r == TRUE, "got %d\n", r);
+ expect.eM11 = (FLOAT) /;
+ expect.eM12 = expect.eM21 = 0.0;
+ expect.eM22 = (FLOAT) /;
+ expect.eDx = expect.eDy = 0.0;
+ xform_near_match(__LINE__, &xform, &expect);
+ r = pGetTransform(hdc, 0x204, &xform); /* World -> Device */
+ ok(r == TRUE, "got %d\n", r);
+ xform_near_match(__LINE__, &xform, &expect);
+ r = pGetTransform(hdc, 0x402, &xform); /* Device -> World */
+ ok(r == TRUE, "got %d\n", r);
+ expect.eM11 = (FLOAT) /;
+ expect.eM22 = (FLOAT) /;
+ xform_near_match(__LINE__, &xform, &expect);
+ SetGraphicsMode(hdc, GM_ADVANCED);
+ expect.eM11 = 10.0;
+ expect.eM22 = 20.0;
+ SetWorldTransform(hdc, &expect);
+ r = pGetTransform(hdc, 0x203, &xform); /* World -> Page */
+ ok(r == TRUE, "got %d\n", r);
+ xform_near_match(__LINE__, &xform, &expect);
+ r = pGetTransform(hdc, 0x304, &xform); /* Page -> Device */
+ ok(r == TRUE, "got %d\n", r);
+ expect.eM11 = (FLOAT) /;
+ expect.eM22 = (FLOAT) /;
+ xform_near_match(__LINE__, &xform, &expect);
+ r = pGetTransform(hdc, 0x204, &xform); /* World -> Device */
+ ok(r == TRUE, "got %d\n", r);
+ expect.eM11 *= 10.0;
+ expect.eM22 *= 20.0;
+ xform_near_match(__LINE__, &xform, &expect);
+ r = pGetTransform(hdc, 0x402, &xform); /* Device -> World */
+ ok(r == TRUE, "got %d\n", r);
+ expect.eM11 = 1 / expect.eM11;
+ expect.eM22 = 1 / expect.eM22;
+ xform_near_match(__LINE__, &xform, &expect);
+ r = pGetTransform(hdc, 0x102, &xform);
+ ok(r == FALSE, "got %d\n", r);
+ r = pGetTransform(hdc, 0x103, &xform);
+ ok(r == FALSE, "got %d\n", r);
+ r = pGetTransform(hdc, 0x104, &xform);
+ ok(r == FALSE, "got %d\n", r);
+ r = pGetTransform(hdc, 0x202, &xform);
+ ok(r == FALSE, "got %d\n", r);
+ r = pGetTransform(hdc, 0x302, &xform);
+ ok(r == FALSE, "got %d\n", r);
+ r = pGetTransform(hdc, 0x303, &xform);
+ ok(r == FALSE, "got %d\n", r);
+ r = pGetTransform(hdc, 0x403, &xform);
+ ok(r == FALSE, "got %d\n", r);
+ r = pGetTransform(hdc, 0x404, &xform);
+ ok(r == FALSE, "got %d\n", r);
+ r = pGetTransform(hdc, 0xffff, &xform);
+ ok(r == FALSE, "got %d\n", r);
+ test_setvirtualresolution();
+ test_gettransform();
Modified: trunk/rostests/winetests/gdi32/metafile.c
--- trunk/rostests/winetests/gdi32/metafile.c [iso-8859-1] (original)
+++ trunk/rostests/winetests/gdi32/metafile.c [iso-8859-1] Thu Oct 15 21:50:01 2009
@@ -1277,6 +1277,26 @@
HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(), 0, eto1);
HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(), 0, eto2);
+ else if (emr1->iType == EMR_EXTSELECTCLIPRGN && !lstrcmpA(desc,
+ {
+ /* We have to take care of NT4 differences here */
+ diff = memcmp(emr1, emr2, emr1->nSize);
+ if (diff)
+ {
+ emr_nt4 = HeapAlloc(GetProcessHeap(), 0, emr2->nSize);
+ memcpy(emr_nt4, emr2, emr2->nSize);
+ /* Correct the nRgnSize field */
+ emr_nt4->dParm[5] = sizeof(RECT);
+ diff = memcmp(emr1, emr_nt4, emr1->nSize);
+ if (!diff)
+ win_skip("Catered for NT4 differences\n");
+ HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(), 0, emr_nt4);
+ }
+ }
diff = memcmp(emr1, emr2, emr1->nSize);
@@ -1302,15 +1322,22 @@
BOOL ignore_scaling)
unsigned char buf[MF_BUFSIZE];
- UINT mfsize, offset;
+ UINT mfsize, offset1, offset2, diff_nt4, diff_9x;
const ENHMETAHEADER *emh1, *emh2;
mfsize = GetEnhMetaFileBits(mf, MF_BUFSIZE, buf);
ok (mfsize > 0, "%s: GetEnhMetaFileBits error %d\n", desc,
+ /* ENHMETAHEADER size could differ, depending on platform */
+ diff_nt4 = sizeof(SIZEL);
+ diff_9x = sizeof(SIZEL) + 3 * sizeof(DWORD);
if (mfsize < MF_BUFSIZE)
- ok(mfsize == bsize, "%s: mfsize=%d, bsize=%d\n", desc, mfsize, bsize);
+ ok(mfsize == bsize ||
+ broken(mfsize == bsize - diff_nt4) || /* NT4 */
+ broken(mfsize == bsize - diff_9x), /* Win9x/WinME */
+ "%s: mfsize=%d, bsize=%d\n", desc, mfsize, bsize);
ok(bsize >= MF_BUFSIZE, "%s: mfsize > bufsize (%d bytes),
@@ -1325,23 +1352,32 @@
ok(emh1->dSignature == ENHMETA_SIGNATURE, "expected ENHMETA_SIGNATURE, got
%u\n", emh1->dSignature);
ok(emh1->iType == emh2->iType, "expected EMR_HEADER, got %u\n",
- ok(emh1->nSize == emh2->nSize, "expected nSize %u, got %u\n",
emh1->nSize, emh2->nSize);
+ ok(emh1->nSize == emh2->nSize ||
+ broken(emh1->nSize - diff_nt4 == emh2->nSize) ||
+ broken(emh1->nSize - diff_9x == emh2->nSize),
+ "expected nSize %u, got %u\n", emh1->nSize, emh2->nSize);
ok(emh1->dSignature == emh2->dSignature, "expected dSignature %u, got
%u\n", emh1->dSignature, emh2->dSignature);
- ok(emh1->nBytes == emh2->nBytes, "expected nBytes %u, got %u\n",
emh1->nBytes, emh2->nBytes);
- ok(emh1->nRecords == emh2->nRecords, "expected nBytes %u, got %u\n",
emh1->nRecords, emh2->nRecords);
- offset = emh1->nSize;
- while (offset < emh1->nBytes)
- {
- const ENHMETARECORD *emr1 = (const ENHMETARECORD *)(bits + offset);
- const ENHMETARECORD *emr2 = (const ENHMETARECORD *)(buf + offset);
- trace("EMF record %u, size %u/record %u, size %u\n",
- emr1->iType, emr1->nSize, emr2->iType, emr2->nSize);
+ ok(emh1->nBytes == emh2->nBytes ||
+ broken(emh1->nBytes - diff_nt4 == emh2->nBytes) ||
+ broken(emh1->nBytes - diff_9x == emh2->nBytes),
+ "expected nBytes %u, got %u\n", emh1->nBytes, emh2->nBytes);
+ ok(emh1->nRecords == emh2->nRecords, "expected nRecords %u, got
%u\n", emh1->nRecords, emh2->nRecords);
+ offset1 = emh1->nSize;
+ offset2 = emh2->nSize; /* Needed for Win9x/WinME/NT4 */
+ while (offset1 < emh1->nBytes)
+ {
+ const ENHMETARECORD *emr1 = (const ENHMETARECORD *)(bits + offset1);
+ const ENHMETARECORD *emr2 = (const ENHMETARECORD *)(buf + offset2);
+ trace("%s: EMF record %u, size %u/record %u, size %u\n",
+ desc, emr1->iType, emr1->nSize, emr2->iType, emr2->nSize);
if (!match_emf_record(emr1, emr2, desc, ignore_scaling)) return -1;
- offset += emr1->nSize;
+ /* We have already bailed out if iType or nSize don't match */
+ offset1 += emr1->nSize;
+ offset2 += emr2->nSize;
return 0;
@@ -1421,8 +1457,8 @@
if (compare_mf_disk_bits(mf_name, MF_BLANK_BITS, sizeof(MF_BLANK_BITS),
"mf_blank") != 0)
- dump_mf_bits(hMetafile, "mf_Blank");
- EnumMetaFile(0, hMetafile, mf_enum_proc, 0);
+ dump_mf_bits(hmf_copy, "mf_Blank");
+ EnumMetaFile(0, hmf_copy, mf_enum_proc, 0);
ret = DeleteMetaFile(hmf_copy);
@@ -1440,6 +1476,7 @@
hmf = SetMetaFileBitsEx(sizeof(MF_GRAPHICS_BITS), MF_GRAPHICS_BITS);
+ trace("hmf %p\n", hmf);
ok(hmf != 0, "SetMetaFileBitsEx error %d\n", GetLastError());
type = GetObjectType(hmf);
ok(type == OBJ_METAFILE, "SetMetaFileBitsEx created object with type %d\n",
@@ -1456,21 +1493,23 @@
/* NULL data crashes XP SP1 */
/*hmf = SetMetaFileBitsEx(sizeof(MF_GRAPHICS_BITS), NULL);*/
- /* Now with not zero size */
+ /* Now with zero size */
hmf = SetMetaFileBitsEx(0, MF_GRAPHICS_BITS);
+ trace("hmf %p\n", hmf);
ok(!hmf, "SetMetaFileBitsEx should fail\n");
ok(GetLastError() == ERROR_INVALID_DATA ||
broken(GetLastError() == ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER), /* Win9x */
"wrong error %d\n", GetLastError());
- /* Now with not even size */
+ /* Now with odd size */
hmf = SetMetaFileBitsEx(sizeof(MF_GRAPHICS_BITS) - 1, MF_GRAPHICS_BITS);
+ trace("hmf %p\n", hmf);
ok(!hmf, "SetMetaFileBitsEx should fail\n");
ok(GetLastError() == 0xdeadbeef /* XP SP1 */, "wrong error %d\n",
- /* Now with zeroed out or faked some header fields */
+ /* Now with zeroed out header fields */
assert(sizeof(buf) >= sizeof(MF_GRAPHICS_BITS));
memcpy(buf, MF_GRAPHICS_BITS, sizeof(MF_GRAPHICS_BITS));
mh = (METAHEADER *)buf;
@@ -1480,6 +1519,7 @@
mh->mtHeaderSize = 0;
hmf = SetMetaFileBitsEx(sizeof(MF_GRAPHICS_BITS), buf);
+ trace("hmf %p\n", hmf);
ok(!hmf, "SetMetaFileBitsEx should fail\n");
ok(GetLastError() == ERROR_INVALID_DATA ||
broken(GetLastError() == ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER), /* Win9x */
@@ -1491,6 +1531,7 @@
/* corruption of mtSize doesn't lead to a failure */
mh->mtSize *= 2;
hmf = SetMetaFileBitsEx(sizeof(MF_GRAPHICS_BITS), buf);
+ trace("hmf %p\n", hmf);
ok(hmf != 0, "SetMetaFileBitsEx error %d\n", GetLastError());
if (compare_mf_bits(hmf, MF_GRAPHICS_BITS, sizeof(MF_GRAPHICS_BITS),
"mf_Graphics") != 0)
@@ -1508,6 +1549,7 @@
/* zeroing mtSize doesn't lead to a failure */
mh->mtSize = 0;
hmf = SetMetaFileBitsEx(sizeof(MF_GRAPHICS_BITS), buf);
+ trace("hmf %p\n", hmf);
ok(hmf != 0, "SetMetaFileBitsEx error %d\n", GetLastError());
if (compare_mf_bits(hmf, MF_GRAPHICS_BITS, sizeof(MF_GRAPHICS_BITS),
"mf_Graphics") != 0)
@@ -1793,7 +1835,9 @@
ok(rgn1->data.rdh.dwSize == sizeof(rgn1->data.rdh), "expected
sizeof(rdh), got %u\n", rgn1->data.rdh.dwSize);
ok(rgn1->data.rdh.iType == RDH_RECTANGLES, "expected RDH_RECTANGLES, got
%u\n", rgn1->data.rdh.iType);
ok(rgn1->data.rdh.nCount == 1, "expected 1, got %u\n",
- ok(rgn1->data.rdh.nRgnSize == sizeof(RECT), "expected sizeof(RECT), got
%u\n", rgn1->data.rdh.nRgnSize);
+ ok(rgn1->data.rdh.nRgnSize == sizeof(RECT) ||
+ broken(rgn1->data.rdh.nRgnSize == 168), /* NT4 */
+ "expected sizeof(RECT), got %u\n", rgn1->data.rdh.nRgnSize);
hrgn = CreateRectRgn(0, 0, 0, 0);
@@ -1812,7 +1856,7 @@
PlayEnhMetaFileRecord(hdc, handle_table, emr, n_objs);
ret = GetClipRgn(hdc, hrgn);
- ok(ret == 1, "GetClipRgn returned %d, expected 0\n", ret);
+ ok(ret == 1, "GetClipRgn returned %d, expected 1\n", ret);
/* Win9x returns empty clipping region */
if (is_win9x) return 1;
@@ -1846,7 +1890,9 @@
ok( == sizeof(rgn1->data.rdh), "expected sizeof(rdh),
got %u\n",;
ok( == RDH_RECTANGLES, "expected RDH_RECTANGLES, got
ok( == 1, "expected 1, got %u\n",;
- ok( == sizeof(RECT), "expected sizeof(RECT), got
+ ok( == sizeof(RECT) ||
+ broken( == 168), /* NT4 */
+ "expected sizeof(RECT), got %u\n",;
@@ -1862,6 +1908,7 @@
HRGN hrgn;
INT ret;
+ RECT rc_res, rc_sclip;
hdc = CreateEnhMetaFileA(0, NULL, NULL, NULL);
@@ -1900,6 +1947,22 @@
ReleaseDC(hwnd, hdc);
+ hdc = CreateEnhMetaFileA(0, NULL, NULL, NULL);
+ SetRect(&rc_sclip, 100, 100, GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXSCREEN),
+ hrgn = CreateRectRgn(rc_sclip.left,, rc_sclip.right, rc_sclip.bottom);
+ SelectClipRgn(hdc, hrgn);
+ GetClipBox(hdc, &rc_res);
+ todo_wine ok(EqualRect(&rc_res, &rc_sclip),
+ "expected rc_res (%d, %d) - (%d, %d), got (%d, %d) - (%d,
+ rc_sclip.left,, rc_sclip.right, rc_sclip.bottom,
+ rc_res.left,, rc_res.right, rc_res.bottom);
+ hemf = CloseEnhMetaFile(hdc);
+ DeleteEnhMetaFile(hemf);
+ DeleteObject(hrgn);
+ DeleteDC(hdc);
*lpEMFR, INT nObj, LPARAM lpData)
@@ -2262,6 +2325,198 @@
HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(), 0, buffer);
+static BOOL near_match(int x, int y)
+ int epsilon = min(abs(x), abs(y));
+ epsilon = max(epsilon/100, 2);
+ if(x < y - epsilon || x > y + epsilon) return FALSE;
+ return TRUE;
+static void getwinmetafilebits(UINT mode, int scale, RECT *rc)
+ HDC display_dc, emf_dc;
+ ENHMETAHEADER *enh_header;
+ UINT size, emf_size, i;
+ WORD check = 0;
+ DWORD rec_num = 0;
+ INT horz_res, vert_res, horz_size, vert_size;
+ display_dc = GetDC(NULL);
+ ok(display_dc != NULL, "display_dc is NULL\n");
+ horz_res = GetDeviceCaps(display_dc, HORZRES);
+ vert_res = GetDeviceCaps(display_dc, VERTRES);
+ horz_size = GetDeviceCaps(display_dc, HORZSIZE);
+ vert_size = GetDeviceCaps(display_dc, VERTSIZE);
+ emf_dc = CreateEnhMetaFileA(display_dc, NULL, rc, NULL);
+ ok(emf_dc != NULL, "emf_dc is NULL\n");
+ for(i = 0; i < 3000; i++) /* This is enough to take emf_size > 0xffff */
+ Rectangle(emf_dc, 0, 0, 1000, 20);
+ emf = CloseEnhMetaFile(emf_dc);
+ ok(emf != NULL, "emf is NULL\n");
+ emf_size = GetEnhMetaFileBits(emf, 0, NULL);
+ enh_header = HeapAlloc(GetProcessHeap(), 0, emf_size);
+ emf_size = GetEnhMetaFileBits(emf, emf_size, (BYTE*)enh_header);
+ DeleteEnhMetaFile(emf);
+ /* multiply by scale, when scale != 1 the recording and playback dcs
+ have different resolutions */
+ enh_header-> *= scale;
+ emf = SetEnhMetaFileBits(emf_size, (BYTE*)enh_header);
+ ok(emf != NULL, "emf is NULL\n");
+ ok(EqualRect((RECT*)&enh_header->rclFrame, rc), "Frame rectangles
+ size = GetWinMetaFileBits(emf, 0, NULL, mode, display_dc);
+ ok(size ||
+ broken(size == 0), /* some versions of winxp fail for some reason */
+ "GetWinMetaFileBits returns 0\n");
+ if(!size) goto end;
+ mh = HeapAlloc(GetProcessHeap(), 0, size);
+ GetWinMetaFileBits(emf, size, (BYTE*)mh, mode, display_dc);
+ for(i = 0; i < size / 2; i++) check += ((WORD*)mh)[i];
+ ok(check == 0, "check %04x\n", check);
+ rec = (METARECORD*)(mh + 1);
+ while(rec->rdSize && rec->rdFunction)
+ {
+ const DWORD chunk_size = 0x2000;
+ DWORD mfcomment_chunks = (emf_size + chunk_size - 1) / chunk_size;
+ if(rec_num < mfcomment_chunks)
+ {
+ DWORD this_chunk_size = chunk_size;
+ if(rec_num == mfcomment_chunks - 1)
+ this_chunk_size = emf_size - rec_num * chunk_size;
+ ok(rec->rdSize == (this_chunk_size + 44) / 2, "%04x: got %04x
expected %04x\n", rec_num, rec->rdSize, (this_chunk_size + 44) / 2);
+ ok(rec->rdFunction == META_ESCAPE, "%04x: got %04x\n", rec_num,
+ if(rec->rdSize < (this_chunk_size + 44) / 2) break;
+ ok(rec->rdParm[0] == MFCOMMENT, "got %04x\n",
+ ok(rec->rdParm[1] == this_chunk_size + 34, "got %04x %x\n",
rec->rdParm[1], emf_size + 34);
+ ok(rec->rdParm[2] == 0x4d57, "got %04x\n", rec->rdParm[2]);
/* WMFC */
+ ok(rec->rdParm[3] == 0x4346, "got %04x\n", rec->rdParm[3]);
/* " */
+ ok(rec->rdParm[4] == 1, "got %04x\n", rec->rdParm[4]);
+ ok(rec->rdParm[5] == 0, "got %04x\n", rec->rdParm[5]);
+ ok(rec->rdParm[6] == 0, "got %04x\n", rec->rdParm[6]);
+ ok(rec->rdParm[7] == 1, "got %04x\n", rec->rdParm[7]);
+ /* parm[8] is the checksum, tested above */
+ if(rec_num > 0) ok(rec->rdParm[8] == 0, "got %04x\n",
+ ok(rec->rdParm[9] == 0, "got %04x\n", rec->rdParm[9]);
+ ok(rec->rdParm[10] == 0, "got %04x\n", rec->rdParm[10]);
+ ok(rec->rdParm[11] == mfcomment_chunks, "got %04x\n",
rec->rdParm[11]); /* num chunks */
+ ok(rec->rdParm[12] == 0, "got %04x\n", rec->rdParm[12]);
+ ok(rec->rdParm[13] == this_chunk_size, "got %04x expected
%04x\n", rec->rdParm[13], this_chunk_size);
+ ok(rec->rdParm[14] == 0, "got %04x\n", rec->rdParm[14]);
+ ok(*(DWORD*)(rec->rdParm + 15) == emf_size - this_chunk_size - rec_num *
chunk_size, "got %08x\n", *(DWORD*)(rec->rdParm + 15)); /* DWORD size
remaining after current chunk */
+ ok(*(DWORD*)(rec->rdParm + 17) == emf_size, "got %08x emf_size
%08x\n", *(DWORD*)(rec->rdParm + 17), emf_size);
+ ok(!memcmp(rec->rdParm + 19, (char*)enh_header + rec_num * chunk_size,
this_chunk_size), "bits mismatch\n");
+ }
+ else if(rec_num == mfcomment_chunks)
+ {
+ ok(rec->rdFunction == META_SETMAPMODE, "got %04x\n",
+ ok(rec->rdParm[0] == mode, "got %04x\n", rec->rdParm[0]);
+ }
+ else if(rec_num == mfcomment_chunks + 1)
+ {
+ POINT pt;
+ ok(rec->rdFunction == META_SETWINDOWORG, "got %04x\n",
+ switch(mode)
+ {
+ case MM_TEXT:
+ pt.y = MulDiv(rc->top, vert_res, vert_size * 100) + 1;
+ pt.x = MulDiv(rc->left, horz_res, horz_size * 100);
+ break;
+ pt.y = MulDiv(-rc->top, 1, 10) + 1;
+ pt.x = MulDiv( rc->left, 1, 10);
+ break;
+ pt.y = -rc->top + 1;
+ pt.x = (rc->left >= 0) ? rc->left : rc->left + 1; /* strange
but true */
+ break;
+ pt.y = MulDiv(-rc->top, 10, 254) + 1;
+ pt.x = MulDiv( rc->left, 10, 254);
+ break;
+ pt.y = MulDiv(-rc->top, 100, 254) + 1;
+ pt.x = MulDiv( rc->left, 100, 254);
+ break;
+ case MM_TWIPS:
+ pt.y = MulDiv(-rc->top, 72 * 20, 2540) + 1;
+ pt.x = MulDiv( rc->left, 72 * 20, 2540);
+ break;
+ default:
+ pt.x = pt.y = 0;
+ }
+ ok(near_match((short)rec->rdParm[0], pt.y), "got %d expect
%d\n", (short)rec->rdParm[0], pt.y);
+ ok(near_match((short)rec->rdParm[1], pt.x), "got %d expect
%d\n", (short)rec->rdParm[1], pt.x);
+ }
+ if(rec_num == mfcomment_chunks + 2)
+ {
+ ok(rec->rdFunction == META_SETWINDOWEXT, "got %04x\n",
+ ok(near_match((short)rec->rdParm[0], MulDiv(rc->bottom - rc->top,
vert_res, vert_size * 100)),
+ "got %d\n", (short)rec->rdParm[0]);
+ ok(near_match((short)rec->rdParm[1], MulDiv(rc->right - rc->left,
horz_res, horz_size * 100)),
+ "got %d\n", (short)rec->rdParm[1]);
+ }
+ rec_num++;
+ rec = (METARECORD*)((WORD*)rec + rec->rdSize);
+ }
+ HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(), 0, mh);
+ HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(), 0, enh_header);
+ DeleteEnhMetaFile(emf);
+ ReleaseDC(NULL, display_dc);
+static void test_GetWinMetaFileBits(void)
+ UINT mode;
+ RECT frames[] =
+ {
+ { 1000, 2000, 3000, 6000},
+ {-1000, 2000, 3000, 6000},
+ { 1000, -2000, 3000, 6000},
+ { 1005, 2005, 3000, 6000},
+ {-1005, -2005, 3000, 6000},
+ {-1005, -2010, 3000, 6000},
+ {-1005, 2010, 3000, 6000},
+ { 0, 0, 1, 1},
+ { -1, -1, 1, 1},
+ { 0, 0, 0, 0}
+ };
+ for(mode = MM_MIN; mode <= MM_MAX; mode++)
+ {
+ RECT *rc;
+ trace("mode %d\n", mode);
+ for(rc = frames; rc->right - rc->left > 0; rc++)
+ {
+ trace("frame %d,%d - %d,%d\n", rc->left, rc->top,
rc->right, rc->bottom);
+ getwinmetafilebits(mode, 1, rc);
+ getwinmetafilebits(mode, 2, rc);
+ }
+ }
static BOOL (WINAPI *pGdiIsMetaPrintDC)(HDC);
static BOOL (WINAPI *pGdiIsMetaFileDC)(HDC);
static BOOL (WINAPI *pGdiIsPlayMetafileDC)(HDC);
@@ -2385,6 +2640,7 @@
/* For metafile conversions */
+ test_GetWinMetaFileBits();