Author: tkreuzer
Date: Thu May 14 20:21:14 2015
New Revision: 67722
Update / improve math.h a bit
Modified: trunk/reactos/include/c++/cmath
--- trunk/reactos/include/c++/cmath [iso-8859-1] (original)
+++ trunk/reactos/include/c++/cmath [iso-8859-1] Thu May 14 20:21:14 2015
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
//Standard C++ math declarations
#pragma once
+#define _CMATH_
#include <math.h>
Modified: trunk/reactos/include/crt/crtdefs.h
--- trunk/reactos/include/crt/crtdefs.h [iso-8859-1] (original)
+++ trunk/reactos/include/crt/crtdefs.h [iso-8859-1] Thu May 14 20:21:14 2015
@@ -226,6 +226,10 @@
#define _CRT_OBSOLETE(_NewItem)
Modified: trunk/reactos/include/crt/math.h
--- trunk/reactos/include/crt/math.h [iso-8859-1] (original)
+++ trunk/reactos/include/crt/math.h [iso-8859-1] Thu May 14 20:21:14 2015
@@ -1,25 +1,19 @@
* This file has no copyright assigned and is placed in the Public Domain.
- * This file is part of the w64 mingw-runtime package.
- * No warranty is given; refer to the file DISCLAIMER within this package.
#ifndef _INC_MATH
#define _INC_MATH
#include "crtdefs.h"
-struct _exception;
#pragma pack(push,_CRT_PACKING)
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
-#if defined(__GNUC__)
-/* Some 3rd party code needs the declaration of C99 functions */
-#include "mingw_math.h"
+typedef float float_t;
+typedef double double_t;
@@ -37,7 +31,10 @@
struct _complex {
double x,y;
+#if !__STDC__ && !defined(__cplusplus)
+#define complex _complex
+#endif /* __STDC__ */
+#endif /* _COMPLEX_DEFINED */
#define _DOMAIN 1
#define _SING 2
@@ -45,191 +42,236 @@
#define _UNDERFLOW 4
#define _TLOSS 5
#define _PLOSS 6
#define EDOM 33
#define ERANGE 34
- _CRTIMP extern double _HUGE;
+ _CRTIMP extern double const _HUGE;
#define HUGE_VAL _HUGE
+#ifndef _HUGE_ENUF
+#define _HUGE_ENUF 1e+300
+#define INFINITY ((float)(_HUGE_ENUF * _HUGE_ENUF))
+#define HUGE_VALD ((double)INFINITY)
+#define HUGE_VALF ((float)INFINITY)
+#define HUGE_VALL ((long double)INFINITY)
+#define NAN ((float)(INFINITY * 0.0F))
+#define _DENORM (-2)
+#define _FINITE (-1)
+#define _INFCODE 1
+#define _NANCODE 2
+#define FP_NAN _NANCODE
+#define FP_ZERO 0
+#ifndef __cplusplus
#define _matherrl _matherr
- int __cdecl abs(_In_ int x);
- long __cdecl labs(_In_ long x);
- double __cdecl acos(_In_ double x);
- double __cdecl asin(_In_ double x);
- double __cdecl atan(_In_ double x);
- double __cdecl atan2(_In_ double y, _In_ double x);
- double __cdecl cos(_In_ double x);
- double __cdecl cosh(_In_ double x);
- double __cdecl exp(_In_ double x);
- double __cdecl fabs(_In_ double x);
- double __cdecl fmod(_In_ double x, _In_ double y);
- double __cdecl log(_In_ double x);
- double __cdecl log10(_In_ double x);
- double __cdecl pow(_In_ double x, double y);
- double __cdecl sin(_In_ double x);
- double __cdecl sinh(_In_ double x);
- double __cdecl sqrt(_In_ double x);
- double __cdecl tan(_In_ double x);
- double __cdecl tanh(_In_ double x);
+_Check_return_ int __cdecl abs(_In_ int x);
+_Check_return_ long __cdecl labs(_In_ long x);
+_Check_return_ long long __cdecl llabs(_In_ long long x);
+_Check_return_ double __cdecl acos(_In_ double x);
+_Check_return_ double __cdecl asin(_In_ double x);
+_Check_return_ double __cdecl atan(_In_ double x);
+_Check_return_ double __cdecl atan2(_In_ double y, _In_ double x);
+_Check_return_ double __cdecl cos(_In_ double x);
+_Check_return_ double __cdecl cosh(_In_ double x);
+_Check_return_ double __cdecl exp(_In_ double x);
+_Check_return_ _CRT_JIT_INTRINSIC double __cdecl fabs(_In_ double x);
+_Check_return_ double __cdecl fmod(_In_ double x, _In_ double y);
+_Check_return_ double __cdecl log(_In_ double x);
+_Check_return_ double __cdecl log10(_In_ double x);
+_Check_return_ double __cdecl pow(_In_ double x, double y);
+_Check_return_ double __cdecl sin(_In_ double x);
+_Check_return_ double __cdecl sinh(_In_ double x);
+_Check_return_ _CRT_JIT_INTRINSIC double __cdecl sqrt(_In_ double x);
+_Check_return_ double __cdecl tan(_In_ double x);
+_Check_return_ double __cdecl tanh(_In_ double x);
- int __cdecl _matherr(_Inout_ struct _exception *except);
+int __CRTDECL _matherr(_Inout_ struct _exception *except);
- _Check_return_
- double
- __cdecl
- atof(
- _In_z_ const char *str);
- _Check_return_
- double
- __cdecl
- _atof_l(
- _In_z_ const char *str,
- _In_opt_ _locale_t locale);
+_Check_return_ _CRTIMP double __cdecl atof(_In_z_ const char *str);
+_Check_return_ _CRTIMP double __cdecl _atof_l(_In_z_ const char *str, _In_opt_ _locale_t
locale); // vista+
#endif /* _CRT_ATOF_DEFINED */
- _Check_return_ _CRTIMP double __cdecl _copysign(_In_ double x, _In_ double sgn);
- _Check_return_ _CRTIMP double __cdecl _chgsign(_In_ double x);
- _CRTIMP double __cdecl _cabs(_In_ struct _complex a);
- _CRTIMP double __cdecl ceil(_In_ double x);
- _CRTIMP double __cdecl floor(_In_ double x);
- _CRTIMP double __cdecl frexp(_In_ double x, _Out_ int *y);
- _CRTIMP double __cdecl _hypot(_In_ double x, _In_ double y);
- _CRTIMP double __cdecl _j0(_In_ double x);
- _CRTIMP double __cdecl _j1(_In_ double x);
- _CRTIMP double __cdecl _jn(_In_ int x, _In_ double y);
- _CRTIMP double __cdecl ldexp(_In_ double x, _In_ int y);
- _CRTIMP double __cdecl modf(_In_ double x, _Out_ double *y);
- _CRTIMP double __cdecl _y0(_In_ double x);
- _CRTIMP double __cdecl _y1(_In_ double x);
- _CRTIMP double __cdecl _yn(_In_ int x, _In_ double y);
- _CRTIMP float __cdecl _hypotf(_In_ float x, _In_ float y);
+_Check_return_ _CRTIMP double __cdecl _copysign(_In_ double x, _In_ double sgn);
+_Check_return_ _CRTIMP double __cdecl _chgsign(_In_ double x);
+_Check_return_ _CRTIMP double __cdecl _cabs(_In_ struct _complex a);
+_Check_return_ _CRTIMP double __cdecl _hypot(_In_ double x, _In_ double y);
+_Check_return_ _CRTIMP double __cdecl _j0(_In_ double x);
+_Check_return_ _CRTIMP double __cdecl _j1(_In_ double x);
+_Check_return_ _CRTIMP double __cdecl _jn(_In_ int x, _In_ double y);
+_Check_return_ _CRTIMP double __cdecl _nextafter(_In_ double x, _In_ double y);
+_Check_return_ _CRTIMP double __cdecl _y0(_In_ double x);
+_Check_return_ _CRTIMP double __cdecl _y1(_In_ double x);
+_Check_return_ _CRTIMP double __cdecl _yn(_In_ int x, _In_ double y);
+_Check_return_ _CRTIMP double __cdecl ceil(_In_ double x);
+_Check_return_ _CRTIMP double __cdecl floor(_In_ double x);
+_Check_return_ _CRTIMP double __cdecl frexp(_In_ double x, _Out_ int *y);
+_Check_return_ _CRTIMP double __cdecl ldexp(_In_ double x, _In_ int y);
+_Check_return_ _CRTIMP double __cdecl modf(_In_ double x, _Out_ double *y);
#if defined(__i386__) || defined(_M_IX86)
- _CRTIMP int __cdecl _set_SSE2_enable(_In_ int flag);
+_Check_return_ _CRTIMP int __cdecl _set_SSE2_enable(_In_ int flag);
#if defined(__x86_64) || defined(_M_AMD64)
- _CRTIMP float __cdecl _copysignf(_In_ float x, _In_ float sgn);
- _CRTIMP float __cdecl _chgsignf(_In_ float x);
- _CRTIMP float __cdecl _logbf(_In_ float x);
- _CRTIMP float __cdecl _nextafterf(_In_ float x, _In_ float y);
- _CRTIMP int __cdecl _finitef(_In_ float x);
- _CRTIMP int __cdecl _isnanf(_In_ float x);
- _CRTIMP int __cdecl _fpclassf(_In_ float x);
+_Check_return_ _CRTIMP float __cdecl _nextafterf(_In_ float x, _In_ float y);
+_Check_return_ _CRTIMP int __cdecl _isnanf(_In_ float x);
+_Check_return_ _CRTIMP int __cdecl _fpclassf(_In_ float x);
+#if defined(__x86_64) || defined(_M_AMD64) || \
+ defined(__arm__) || defined(_M_ARM) || \
+ defined(__arm64__) || defined(_M_ARM64)
+_Check_return_ _CRTIMP int __cdecl _finitef(_In_ float x);
+_Check_return_ _CRTIMP float __cdecl _logbf(_In_ float x);
+#endif /* _M_AMD64 || _M_ARM || _M_ARM64 */
#if defined(__ia64__) || defined (_M_IA64)
- _CRTIMP float __cdecl fabsf(_In_ float x);
- _CRTIMP float __cdecl ldexpf(_In_ float x, _In_ int y);
- _CRTIMP long double __cdecl tanl(_In_ long double x);
+_Check_return_ _CRTIMP float __cdecl ldexpf(_In_ float x, _In_ int y);
+_Check_return_ _CRTIMP long double __cdecl tanl(_In_ long double x);
- __CRT_INLINE float __cdecl fabsf(_In_ float x) { return ((float)fabs((double)x)); }
- __CRT_INLINE float __cdecl ldexpf(_In_ float x, _In_ int expn) { return (float)ldexp(x,
expn); }
- __CRT_INLINE long double tanl(_In_ long double x) { return (tan((double)x)); }
-#if (_WIN32_WINNT >= 0x600) && \
- (defined(__x86_64) || defined(_M_AMD64) || \
- defined (__ia64__) || defined (_M_IA64))
- _CRTIMP float __cdecl acosf(_In_ float x);
- _CRTIMP float __cdecl asinf(_In_ float x);
- _CRTIMP float __cdecl atanf(_In_ float x);
- _CRTIMP float __cdecl atan2f(_In_ float x, _In_ float y);
- _CRTIMP float __cdecl ceilf(_In_ float x);
- _CRTIMP float __cdecl cosf(_In_ float x);
- _CRTIMP float __cdecl coshf(_In_ float x);
- _CRTIMP float __cdecl expf(_In_ float x);
- _CRTIMP float __cdecl floorf(_In_ float x);
- _CRTIMP float __cdecl fmodf(_In_ float x, _In_ float y);
- _CRTIMP float __cdecl logf(_In_ float x);
- _CRTIMP float __cdecl log10f(_In_ float x);
- _CRTIMP float __cdecl modff(_In_ float x, _Out_ float *y);
- _CRTIMP float __cdecl powf(_In_ float b, _In_ float e);
- _CRTIMP float __cdecl sinf(_In_ float x);
- _CRTIMP float __cdecl sinhf(_In_ float x);
- _CRTIMP float __cdecl sqrtf(_In_ float x);
- _CRTIMP float __cdecl tanf(_In_ float x);
- _CRTIMP float __cdecl tanhf(_In_ float x);
+_Check_return_ __CRT_INLINE float __CRTDECL ldexpf(_In_ float x, _In_ int y) { return
(float)ldexp(x, y); }
+_Check_return_ __CRT_INLINE long double __CRTDECL tanl(_In_ long double x) { return
(tan((double)x)); }
+#if defined(__ia64__) || defined(_M_IA64) || \
+ defined(__arm__) || defined(_M_ARM) || \
+ defined(__arm64__) || defined(_M_ARM64)
+_Check_return_ _CRT_JIT_INTRINSIC _CRTIMP float __cdecl fabsf(_In_ float x);
- __CRT_INLINE float acosf(_In_ float x) { return ((float)acos((double)x)); }
- __CRT_INLINE float asinf(_In_ float x) { return ((float)asin((double)x)); }
- __CRT_INLINE float atanf(_In_ float x) { return ((float)atan((double)x)); }
- __CRT_INLINE float atan2f(_In_ float x, _In_ float y) { return
((float)atan2((double)x,(double)y)); }
- __CRT_INLINE float ceilf(_In_ float x) { return ((float)ceil((double)x)); }
- __CRT_INLINE float cosf(_In_ float x) { return ((float)cos((double)x)); }
- __CRT_INLINE float coshf(_In_ float x) { return ((float)cosh((double)x)); }
- __CRT_INLINE float expf(_In_ float x) { return ((float)exp((double)x)); }
- __CRT_INLINE float floorf(_In_ float x) { return ((float)floor((double)x)); }
- __CRT_INLINE float fmodf(_In_ float x, _In_ float y) { return
((float)fmod((double)x,(double)y)); }
- __CRT_INLINE float logf(_In_ float x) { return ((float)log((double)x)); }
- __CRT_INLINE float log10f(_In_ float x) { return ((float)log10((double)x)); }
- __CRT_INLINE float modff(_In_ float x, _Out_ float *y) {
- double _Di,_Df = modf((double)x,&_Di);
- *y = (float)_Di;
- return ((float)_Df);
- }
- __CRT_INLINE float powf(_In_ float x, _In_ float y) { return
((float)pow((double)x,(double)y)); }
- __CRT_INLINE float sinf(_In_ float x) { return ((float)sin((double)x)); }
- __CRT_INLINE float sinhf(_In_ float x) { return ((float)sinh((double)x)); }
- __CRT_INLINE float sqrtf(_In_ float x) { return ((float)sqrt((double)x)); }
- __CRT_INLINE float tanf(_In_ float x) { return ((float)tan((double)x)); }
- __CRT_INLINE float tanhf(_In_ float x) { return ((float)tanh((double)x)); }
- __CRT_INLINE long double acosl(_In_ long double x) { return (acos((double)x)); }
- __CRT_INLINE long double asinl(_In_ long double x) { return (asin((double)x)); }
- __CRT_INLINE long double atanl(_In_ long double x) { return (atan((double)x)); }
- __CRT_INLINE long double atan2l(_In_ long double y, _In_ long double x) { return
(atan2((double)y, (double)x)); }
- __CRT_INLINE long double ceill(_In_ long double x) { return (ceil((double)x)); }
- __CRT_INLINE long double cosl(_In_ long double x) { return (cos((double)x)); }
- __CRT_INLINE long double coshl(_In_ long double x) { return (cosh((double)x)); }
- __CRT_INLINE long double expl(_In_ long double x) { return (exp((double)x)); }
- __CRT_INLINE long double floorl(_In_ long double x) { return (floor((double)x)); }
- __CRT_INLINE long double fmodl(_In_ long double x, _In_ long double y) { return
(fmod((double)x, (double)y)); }
- __CRT_INLINE long double frexpl(_In_ long double x, _Out_ int *y) { return
(frexp((double)x, y)); }
- __CRT_INLINE long double logl(_In_ long double x) { return (log((double)x)); }
- __CRT_INLINE long double log10l(_In_ long double x) { return (log10((double)x)); }
- __CRT_INLINE long double powl(_In_ long double x, _In_ long double y) { return
(pow((double)x, (double)y)); }
- __CRT_INLINE long double sinl(_In_ long double x) { return (sin((double)x)); }
- __CRT_INLINE long double sinhl(_In_ long double x) { return (sinh((double)x)); }
- __CRT_INLINE long double sqrtl(_In_ long double x) { return (sqrt((double)x)); }
- __CRT_INLINE long double tanhl(_In_ long double x) {return (tanh((double)x)); }
- __CRT_INLINE long double __cdecl fabsl(_In_ long double x) { return fabs((double)x); }
- __CRT_INLINE long double _chgsignl(_In_ long double _Number) { return
_chgsign((double)(_Number)); }
- __CRT_INLINE long double _copysignl(_In_ long double _Number, _In_ long double _Sign) {
return _copysign((double)(_Number),(double)(_Sign)); }
- __CRT_INLINE long double _hypotl(_In_ long double x, _In_ long double y) { return
_hypot((double)(x),(double)(y)); }
- __CRT_INLINE float frexpf(_In_ float x, _Out_ int *y) { return
((float)frexp((double)x,y)); }
- __CRT_INLINE long double ldexpl(_In_ long double x, _In_ int y) { return
ldexp((double)x, y); }
- __CRT_INLINE long double modfl(_In_ long double x, _Out_ long double *y) {
- double _Di,_Df = modf((double)x,&_Di);
- *y = (long double)_Di;
- return (_Df);
- }
-#ifndef NO_OLDNAMES
+_Check_return_ __CRT_INLINE float __CRTDECL fabsf(_In_ float x) { return
((float)fabs((double)x)); }
+#endif /* _M_IA64 || _M_ARM || _M_ARM64 */
+#if defined(_CRTBLD) || \
+ defined(__x86_64) || defined(_M_AMD64) || \
+ defined(__ia64__) || defined(_M_IA64) || \
+ defined(__arm__) || defined(_M_ARM) || \
+ defined(__arm64__) || defined(_M_ARM64)
+_Check_return_ _CRTIMP float __cdecl _chgsignf(_In_ float x);
+_Check_return_ _CRTIMP float __cdecl _copysignf(_In_ float x, _In_ float y);
+_Check_return_ _CRTIMP float __cdecl _hypotf(_In_ float x, _In_ float y);
+_Check_return_ _CRTIMP float __cdecl acosf(_In_ float x);
+_Check_return_ _CRTIMP float __cdecl asinf(_In_ float x);
+_Check_return_ _CRTIMP float __cdecl atanf(_In_ float x);
+_Check_return_ _CRTIMP float __cdecl atan2f(_In_ float x, _In_ float y);
+_Check_return_ _CRTIMP float __cdecl ceilf(_In_ float x);
+_Check_return_ _CRTIMP float __cdecl cosf(_In_ float x);
+_Check_return_ _CRTIMP float __cdecl coshf(_In_ float x);
+_Check_return_ _CRTIMP float __cdecl expf(_In_ float x);
+_Check_return_ _CRTIMP float __cdecl floorf(_In_ float x);
+_Check_return_ _CRTIMP float __cdecl fmodf(_In_ float x, _In_ float y);
+_Check_return_ _CRTIMP float __cdecl logf(_In_ float x);
+_Check_return_ _CRTIMP float __cdecl log10f(_In_ float x);
+_Check_return_ _CRTIMP float __cdecl modff(_In_ float x, _Out_ float *y);
+_Check_return_ _CRTIMP float __cdecl powf(_In_ float b, _In_ float e);
+_Check_return_ _CRTIMP float __cdecl sinf(_In_ float x);
+_Check_return_ _CRTIMP float __cdecl sinhf(_In_ float x);
+_Check_return_ _CRTIMP float __cdecl sqrtf(_In_ float x);
+_Check_return_ _CRTIMP float __cdecl tanf(_In_ float x);
+_Check_return_ _CRTIMP float __cdecl tanhf(_In_ float x);
+#if defined(_MSC_VER) && (defined(_M_AMD64) || defined(_M_ARM))
+/* Make sure intrinsics don't get in our way */
+#pragma warning(suppress:4164) /* intrinsic not declared */
+#endif /* _MSC_VER */
+_Check_return_ __CRT_INLINE float _chgsignf(_In_ float x) { return
(float)_chgsign((double)x); }
+_Check_return_ __CRT_INLINE float _copysignf(_In_ float x, _In_ float y) { return
(float)_copysign((double)x, (double)y); }
+_Check_return_ __CRT_INLINE float _hypotf(_In_ float x, _In_ float y) { return
(float)_hypot((double)x, (double)y); }
+_Check_return_ __CRT_INLINE float acosf(_In_ float x) { return (float)acos((double)x); }
+_Check_return_ __CRT_INLINE float asinf(_In_ float x) { return (float)asin((double)x); }
+_Check_return_ __CRT_INLINE float atanf(_In_ float x) { return (float)atan((double)x); }
+_Check_return_ __CRT_INLINE float atan2f(_In_ float x, _In_ float y) { return
(float)atan2((double)x,(double)y); }
+_Check_return_ __CRT_INLINE float ceilf(_In_ float x) { return (float)ceil((double)x); }
+_Check_return_ __CRT_INLINE float cosf(_In_ float x) { return (float)cos((double)x); }
+_Check_return_ __CRT_INLINE float coshf(_In_ float x) { return (float)cosh((double)x); }
+_Check_return_ __CRT_INLINE float expf(_In_ float x) { return (float)exp((double)x); }
+_Check_return_ __CRT_INLINE float floorf(_In_ float x) { return (float)floor((double)x);
+_Check_return_ __CRT_INLINE float fmodf(_In_ float x, _In_ float y) { return
(float)fmod((double)x,(double)y); }
+_Check_return_ __CRT_INLINE float logf(_In_ float x) { return (float)log((double)x); }
+_Check_return_ __CRT_INLINE float log10f(_In_ float x) { return (float)log10((double)x);
+_Check_return_ __CRT_INLINE float modff(_In_ float x, _Out_ float *y) { double _Di,_Df =
modf((double)x,&_Di); *y = (float)_Di; return (float)_Df; }
+_Check_return_ __CRT_INLINE float powf(_In_ float x, _In_ float y) { return
(float)pow((double)x,(double)y); }
+_Check_return_ __CRT_INLINE float sinf(_In_ float x) { return (float)sin((double)x); }
+_Check_return_ __CRT_INLINE float sinhf(_In_ float x) { return (float)sinh((double)x); }
+_Check_return_ __CRT_INLINE float sqrtf(_In_ float x) { return (float)sqrt((double)x); }
+_Check_return_ __CRT_INLINE float tanf(_In_ float x) { return (float)tan((double)x); }
+_Check_return_ __CRT_INLINE float tanhf(_In_ float x) { return (float)tanh((double)x); }
+_Check_return_ __CRT_INLINE double hypot(_In_ double x, _In_ double y) { return _hypot(x,
y); }
+_Check_return_ __CRT_INLINE float hypotf(_In_ float x, _In_ float y) { return _hypotf(x,
y); }
+_Check_return_ __CRT_INLINE float frexpf(_In_ float x, _Out_ int *y) { return
((float)frexp((double)x,y)); }
+/* long double equals double, so just use inline wrappers */
+_Check_return_ __CRT_INLINE long double acosl(_In_ long double x) { return
(acos((double)x)); }
+_Check_return_ __CRT_INLINE long double asinl(_In_ long double x) { return
(asin((double)x)); }
+_Check_return_ __CRT_INLINE long double atanl(_In_ long double x) { return
(atan((double)x)); }
+_Check_return_ __CRT_INLINE long double atan2l(_In_ long double y, _In_ long double x) {
return (atan2((double)y, (double)x)); }
+_Check_return_ __CRT_INLINE long double ceill(_In_ long double x) { return
(ceil((double)x)); }
+_Check_return_ __CRT_INLINE long double cosl(_In_ long double x) { return
(cos((double)x)); }
+_Check_return_ __CRT_INLINE long double coshl(_In_ long double x) { return
(cosh((double)x)); }
+_Check_return_ __CRT_INLINE long double expl(_In_ long double x) { return
(exp((double)x)); }
+_Check_return_ __CRT_INLINE long double fabsl(_In_ long double x) { return
fabs((double)x); }
+_Check_return_ __CRT_INLINE long double floorl(_In_ long double x) { return
(floor((double)x)); }
+_Check_return_ __CRT_INLINE long double fmodl(_In_ long double x, _In_ long double y) {
return (fmod((double)x, (double)y)); }
+_Check_return_ __CRT_INLINE long double frexpl(_In_ long double x, _Out_ int *y) { return
(frexp((double)x, y)); }
+_Check_return_ __CRT_INLINE long double hypotl(_In_ long double x, _In_ long double y) {
return _hypot((double)x, (double)y); }
+_Check_return_ __CRT_INLINE long double logl(_In_ long double x) { return
(log((double)x)); }
+_Check_return_ __CRT_INLINE long double log10l(_In_ long double x) { return
(log10((double)x)); }
+_Check_return_ __CRT_INLINE long double powl(_In_ long double x, _In_ long double y) {
return (pow((double)x, (double)y)); }
+_Check_return_ __CRT_INLINE long double sinl(_In_ long double x) { return
(sin((double)x)); }
+_Check_return_ __CRT_INLINE long double sinhl(_In_ long double x) { return
(sinh((double)x)); }
+_Check_return_ __CRT_INLINE long double sqrtl(_In_ long double x) { return
(sqrt((double)x)); }
+_Check_return_ __CRT_INLINE long double tanhl(_In_ long double x) {return
(tanh((double)x)); }
+_Check_return_ __CRT_INLINE long double _chgsignl(_In_ long double number) { return
_chgsign((double)number); }
+_Check_return_ __CRT_INLINE long double _copysignl(_In_ long double number, _In_ long
double sign) { return _copysign((double)number, (double)sign); }
+_Check_return_ __CRT_INLINE long double _hypotl(_In_ long double x, _In_ long double y) {
return _hypot((double)x, (double)y); }
+_Check_return_ __CRT_INLINE long double ldexpl(_In_ long double x, _In_ int y) { return
ldexp((double)x, y); }
+_Check_return_ __CRT_INLINE long double modfl(_In_ long double x, _Out_ long double *y) {
return (long double)modf((double)x, (double *)y); }
+/* Support for some functions, not exported in MSVCRT */
+_Check_return_ __CRT_INLINE double round(_In_ double x) { return (x < 0) ? ceil(x -
0.5f) : floor(x + 0.5); }
+_Check_return_ __CRT_INLINE float roundf(_In_ float x) { return (x < 0) ? ceilf(x -
0.5f) : floorf(x + 0.5); }
+_Check_return_ __CRT_INLINE long double roundl(_In_ long double x) { return (x < 0) ?
ceill(x - 0.5f) : floorl(x + 0.5); }
+_Check_return_ __CRT_INLINE long lround(_In_ double x) { return (long)((x < 0) ? (x -
0.5f) : (x + 0.5)); }
+_Check_return_ __CRT_INLINE long lroundf(_In_ float x) { return (long)((x < 0) ? (x -
0.5f) : (x + 0.5)); }
+_Check_return_ __CRT_INLINE long lroundl(_In_ long double x) { return (long)((x < 0) ?
(x - 0.5f) : (x + 0.5)); }
+_Check_return_ __CRT_INLINE long long llround(_In_ double x) { return (long long)((x <
0) ? (x - 0.5f) : (x + 0.5)); }
+_Check_return_ __CRT_INLINE long long llroundf(_In_ float x) { return (long long)((x <
0) ? (x - 0.5f) : (x + 0.5)); }
+_Check_return_ __CRT_INLINE long long llroundl(_In_ long double x) { return (long
long)((x < 0) ? (x - 0.5f) : (x + 0.5)); }
+_Check_return_ __CRT_INLINE double rint(_In_ double x) { return round(x); }
+_Check_return_ __CRT_INLINE float rintf(_In_ float x) { return roundf(x); }
+_Check_return_ __CRT_INLINE long double rintl(_In_ long double x) { return roundl(x); }
+_Check_return_ __CRT_INLINE long lrint(_In_ double x) { return (long)((x < 0) ? (x -
0.5f) : (x + 0.5)); }
+_Check_return_ __CRT_INLINE long lrintf(_In_ float x) { return (long)((x < 0) ? (x -
0.5f) : (x + 0.5)); }
+_Check_return_ __CRT_INLINE long lrintl(_In_ long double x) { return (long)((x < 0) ?
(x - 0.5f) : (x + 0.5)); }
+_Check_return_ __CRT_INLINE long long llrint(_In_ double x) { return (long long)((x <
0) ? (x - 0.5f) : (x + 0.5)); }
+_Check_return_ __CRT_INLINE long long llrintf(_In_ float x) { return (long long)((x <
0) ? (x - 0.5f) : (x + 0.5)); }
+_Check_return_ __CRT_INLINE long long llrintl(_In_ long double x) { return (long long)((x
< 0) ? (x - 0.5f) : (x + 0.5)); }
+#ifndef NO_OLDNAMES /* !__STDC__ */
#define SING _SING
@@ -238,35 +280,82 @@
#define TLOSS _TLOSS
#define PLOSS _PLOSS
#define matherr _matherr
+//_CRTIMP extern double HUGE;
#define HUGE _HUGE
- // _CRTIMP double __cdecl cabs(struct _complex x);
- #define cabs _cabs
- _CRTIMP double __cdecl hypot(_In_ double x, _In_ double y);
- _CRTIMP double __cdecl j0(_In_ double x);
- _CRTIMP double __cdecl j1(_In_ double x);
- _CRTIMP double __cdecl jn(_In_ int x, _In_ double y);
- _CRTIMP double __cdecl y0(_In_ double x);
- _CRTIMP double __cdecl y1(_In_ double x);
- _CRTIMP double __cdecl yn(_In_ int x, _In_ double y);
- __CRT_INLINE float __cdecl hypotf(_In_ float x, _In_ float y) { return (float) hypot(x,
y); }
+//_CRT_NONSTDC_DEPRECATE(_cabs) _CRTIMP double __cdecl cabs(_In_ struct _complex x);
+#define cabs _cabs
+_CRT_NONSTDC_DEPRECATE(_j0) _CRTIMP double __cdecl j0(_In_ double x);
+_CRT_NONSTDC_DEPRECATE(_j1) _CRTIMP double __cdecl j1(_In_ double x);
+_CRT_NONSTDC_DEPRECATE(_jn) _CRTIMP double __cdecl jn(_In_ int x, _In_ double y);
+_CRT_NONSTDC_DEPRECATE(_y0) _CRTIMP double __cdecl y0(_In_ double x);
+_CRT_NONSTDC_DEPRECATE(_y1) _CRTIMP double __cdecl y1(_In_ double x);
+_CRT_NONSTDC_DEPRECATE(_yn) _CRTIMP double __cdecl yn(_In_ int x, _In_ double y);
#endif /* NO_OLDNAMES */
#ifdef __cplusplus
+#ifndef _CMATH_
extern "C++" {
- template<class _Ty> inline _Ty _Pow_int(_Ty x,int y) {
- unsigned int _N;
- if(y >= 0) _N = (unsigned int)y;
- else _N = (unsigned int)(-y);
- for(_Ty _Z = _Ty(1);;x *= x) {
- if((_N & 1)!=0) _Z *= x;
- if((_N >>= 1)==0) return (y < 0 ? _Ty(1) / _Z : _Z);
- }
- }
+//inline long abs(_In_ long x) { return labs(x); }
+_Check_return_ inline double abs(_In_ double x) throw() { return fabs(x); }
+_Check_return_ inline float abs(_In_ float x) throw() { return fabsf(x); }
+_Check_return_ inline float acos(_In_ float x) throw() { return acosf(x); }
+_Check_return_ inline float asin(_In_ float x) throw() { return asinf(x); }
+_Check_return_ inline float atan(_In_ float x) throw() { return atanf(x); }
+_Check_return_ inline float atan2(_In_ float y, _In_ float x) throw() { return atan2f(y,
x); }
+_Check_return_ inline float ceil(_In_ float x) throw() { return ceilf(x); }
+_Check_return_ inline float copysign(_In_ float x, _In_ float y) throw() { return
_copysignf(x, y); }
+_Check_return_ inline float cos(_In_ float x) throw() { return cosf(x); }
+_Check_return_ inline float cosh(_In_ float x) throw() { return coshf(x); }
+_Check_return_ inline float exp(_In_ float x) throw() { return expf(x); }
+_Check_return_ inline float fabs(_In_ float x) throw() { return fabsf(x); }
+_Check_return_ inline float floor(_In_ float x) throw() { return floorf(x); }
+_Check_return_ inline float fmod(_In_ float x, _In_ float y) throw() { return fmodf(x,
y); }
+_Check_return_ inline float frexp(_In_ float x, _Out_ int * y) throw() { return frexpf(x,
y); }
+_Check_return_ inline float hypot(_In_ float x, _In_ float y) throw() { return _hypotf(x,
y); }
+_Check_return_ inline float ldexp(_In_ float x, _In_ int y) throw() { return ldexpf(x,
y); }
+_Check_return_ inline float log(_In_ float x) throw() { return logf(x); }
+_Check_return_ inline float log10(_In_ float x) throw() { return log10f(x); }
+_Check_return_ inline float modf(_In_ float x, _Out_ float * y) throw() { return modff(x,
y); }
+_Check_return_ inline float pow(_In_ float x, _In_ float y) throw() { return powf(x, y);
+_Check_return_ inline float sin(_In_ float x) throw() { return sinf(x); }
+_Check_return_ inline float sinh(_In_ float x) throw() { return sinhf(x); }
+_Check_return_ inline float sqrt(_In_ float x) throw() { return sqrtf(x); }
+_Check_return_ inline float tan(_In_ float x) throw() { return tanf(x); }
+_Check_return_ inline float tanh(_In_ float x) throw() { return tanhf(x); }
+_Check_return_ inline long double abs(_In_ long double x) throw() { return fabsl(x); }
+_Check_return_ inline long double acos(_In_ long double x) throw() { return acosl(x); }
+_Check_return_ inline long double asin(_In_ long double x) throw() { return asinl(x); }
+_Check_return_ inline long double atan(_In_ long double x) throw() { return atanl(x); }
+_Check_return_ inline long double atan2(_In_ long double y, _In_ long double x) throw() {
return atan2l(y, x); }
+_Check_return_ inline long double ceil(_In_ long double x) throw() { return ceill(x); }
+_Check_return_ inline long double copysign(_In_ long double x, _In_ long double y)
throw() { return _copysignl(x, y); }
+_Check_return_ inline long double cos(_In_ long double x) throw() { return cosl(x); }
+_Check_return_ inline long double cosh(_In_ long double x) throw() { return coshl(x); }
+_Check_return_ inline long double exp(_In_ long double x) throw() { return expl(x); }
+_Check_return_ inline long double fabs(_In_ long double x) throw() { return fabsl(x); }
+_Check_return_ inline long double floor(_In_ long double x) throw() { return floorl(x);
+_Check_return_ inline long double fmod(_In_ long double x, _In_ long double y) throw() {
return fmodl(x, y); }
+_Check_return_ inline long double frexp(_In_ long double x, _Out_ int * y) throw() {
return frexpl(x, y); }
+_Check_return_ inline long double hypot(_In_ long double x, _In_ long double y) throw() {
return hypotl(x, y); }
+_Check_return_ inline long double ldexp(_In_ long double x, _In_ int y) throw() { return
ldexpl(x, y); }
+_Check_return_ inline long double log(_In_ long double x) throw() { return logl(x); }
+_Check_return_ inline long double log10(_In_ long double x) throw() { return log10l(x);
+_Check_return_ inline long double modf(_In_ long double x, _Out_ long double * y) throw()
{ return modfl(x, y); }
+_Check_return_ inline long double pow(_In_ long double x, _In_ long double y) throw() {
return powl(x, y); }
+_Check_return_ inline long double sin(_In_ long double x) throw() { return sinl(x); }
+_Check_return_ inline long double sinh(_In_ long double x) throw() { return sinhl(x); }
+_Check_return_ inline long double sqrt(_In_ long double x) throw() { return sqrtl(x); }
+_Check_return_ inline long double tan(_In_ long double x) throw() { return tanl(x); }
+_Check_return_ inline long double tanh(_In_ long double x) throw() { return tanhl(x); }
+#endif /* !_CMATH_ */
+#endif /* __cplusplus */
#pragma pack(pop)