commit a913501626e599fba9d702149896f36046832deb
Author: Pierre Schweitzer <pierre(a)>
AuthorDate: Thu Nov 23 15:04:05 2017 +0100
[FASTFAT_NEW] This is not permitted by WDK license.
We should rather import from MS GitHub and backport to NT5.2.
drivers/filesystems/fastfat_new/CMakeLists.txt | 44 -
drivers/filesystems/fastfat_new/acchksup.c | 374 --
drivers/filesystems/fastfat_new/allocsup.c | 5001 ------------------
drivers/filesystems/fastfat_new/cachesup.c | 1814 -------
drivers/filesystems/fastfat_new/cleanup.c | 1027 ----
drivers/filesystems/fastfat_new/close.c | 1224 -----
drivers/filesystems/fastfat_new/create.c | 5684 --------------------
drivers/filesystems/fastfat_new/devctrl.c | 308 --
drivers/filesystems/fastfat_new/deviosup.c | 3284 ------------
drivers/filesystems/fastfat_new/dirctrl.c | 1526 ------
drivers/filesystems/fastfat_new/dirsup.c | 3647 -------------
drivers/filesystems/fastfat_new/dumpsup.c | 381 --
drivers/filesystems/fastfat_new/ea.c | 2013 -------
drivers/filesystems/fastfat_new/easup.c | 3811 --------------
drivers/filesystems/fastfat_new/fastfat.rc | 5 -
drivers/filesystems/fastfat_new/fat.h | 729 ---
drivers/filesystems/fastfat_new/fatdata.c | 1424 -----
drivers/filesystems/fastfat_new/fatdata.h | 328 --
drivers/filesystems/fastfat_new/fatinit.c | 675 ---
drivers/filesystems/fastfat_new/fatprocs.h | 2817 ----------
drivers/filesystems/fastfat_new/fatprocssrc.c | 1 -
drivers/filesystems/fastfat_new/fatstruc.h | 1614 ------
drivers/filesystems/fastfat_new/fileinfo.c | 4635 ----------------
drivers/filesystems/fastfat_new/filobsup.c | 547 --
drivers/filesystems/fastfat_new/flush.c | 1261 -----
drivers/filesystems/fastfat_new/fsctrl.c | 6726 ------------------------
drivers/filesystems/fastfat_new/fspdisp.c | 472 --
drivers/filesystems/fastfat_new/lfn.h | 56 -
drivers/filesystems/fastfat_new/lockctrl.c | 726 ---
drivers/filesystems/fastfat_new/namesup.c | 1021 ----
drivers/filesystems/fastfat_new/nodetype.h | 193 -
drivers/filesystems/fastfat_new/pnp.c | 815 ---
drivers/filesystems/fastfat_new/read.c | 1649 ------
drivers/filesystems/fastfat_new/resrcsup.c | 807 ---
drivers/filesystems/fastfat_new/shutdown.c | 304 --
drivers/filesystems/fastfat_new/sources | 45 -
drivers/filesystems/fastfat_new/splaysup.c | 504 --
drivers/filesystems/fastfat_new/strucsup.c | 3626 -------------
drivers/filesystems/fastfat_new/timesup.c | 364 --
drivers/filesystems/fastfat_new/verfysup.c | 1853 -------
drivers/filesystems/fastfat_new/volinfo.c | 1272 -----
drivers/filesystems/fastfat_new/workque.c | 362 --
drivers/filesystems/fastfat_new/write.c | 2830 ----------
43 files changed, 67799 deletions(-)
diff --git a/drivers/filesystems/fastfat_new/CMakeLists.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index f21d829e63..0000000000
--- a/drivers/filesystems/fastfat_new/CMakeLists.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,44 +0,0 @@
- acchksup.c
- allocsup.c
- cachesup.c
- cleanup.c
- close.c
- create.c
- devctrl.c
- deviosup.c
- dirctrl.c
- dirsup.c
- dumpsup.c
- ea.c
- easup.c
- fatdata.c
- fatinit.c
- fatprocssrc.c
- fileinfo.c
- filobsup.c
- flush.c
- fsctrl.c
- fspdisp.c
- lockctrl.c
- namesup.c
- pnp.c
- read.c
- resrcsup.c
- shutdown.c
- splaysup.c
- strucsup.c
- timesup.c
- verfysup.c
- volinfo.c
- workque.c
- write.c
- fatprocs.h)
-add_library(fastfat SHARED ${SOURCE} fastfat.rc)
-set_module_type(fastfat kernelmodedriver)
-target_link_libraries(fastfat ${PSEH_LIB} memcmp)
-add_importlibs(fastfat ntoskrnl hal)
-add_pch(fastfat fatprocs.h SOURCE)
-add_cd_file(TARGET fastfat DESTINATION reactos/system32/drivers NO_CAB FOR all)
diff --git a/drivers/filesystems/fastfat_new/acchksup.c
deleted file mode 100644
index b0c78a81a4..0000000000
--- a/drivers/filesystems/fastfat_new/acchksup.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,374 +0,0 @@
-Copyright (c) 1989-2000 Microsoft Corporation
-Module Name:
- AcChkSup.c
- This module implements the FAT access checking routine
-#include "fatprocs.h"
-// Our debug trace level
- OUT PACCESS_TOKEN *RestrictedToken
- );
-#pragma alloc_text(PAGE, FatCheckFileAccess)
-#pragma alloc_text(PAGE, FatCreateRestrictEveryoneToken)
-#pragma alloc_text(PAGE, FatExplicitDeviceAccessGranted)
-FatCheckFileAccess (
- PIRP_CONTEXT IrpContext,
- IN UCHAR DirentAttributes,
- IN PACCESS_MASK DesiredAccess
- )
-Routine Description:
- This routine checks if a desired access is allowed to a file represented
- by the specified DirentAttriubutes.
- DirentAttributes - Supplies the Dirent attributes to check access for
- DesiredAccess - Supplies the desired access mask that we are checking for
-Return Value:
- BOOLEAN - TRUE if access is allowed and FALSE otherwise
- BOOLEAN Result;
- DebugTrace(+1, Dbg, "FatCheckFileAccess\n", 0);
- DebugTrace( 0, Dbg, "DirentAttributes = %8lx\n", DirentAttributes);
- DebugTrace( 0, Dbg, "DesiredAccess = %8lx\n", *DesiredAccess);
- //
- // This procedures is programmed like a string of filters each
- // filter checks to see if some access is allowed, if it is not allowed
- // the filter return FALSE to the user without further checks otherwise
- // it moves on to the next filter. The filter check is to check for
- // desired access flags that are not allowed for a particular dirent
- //
- Result = TRUE;
- _SEH2_TRY {
- //
- // Check for Volume ID or Device Dirents, these are not allowed user
- // access at all
- //
- if (FlagOn(DirentAttributes, FAT_DIRENT_ATTR_VOLUME_ID) ||
- FlagOn(DirentAttributes, FAT_DIRENT_ATTR_DEVICE)) {
- DebugTrace(0, Dbg, "Cannot access volume id or device\n", 0);
- try_return( Result = FALSE );
- }
- //
- // Check the desired access for the object - we only blackball that
- // we do not understand. The model of filesystems using ACLs is that
- // they do not type the ACL to the object the ACL is on. Permissions
- // are not checked for consistency vs. the object type - dir/file.
- //
- if (FlagOn(*DesiredAccess, ~(DELETE |
- DebugTrace(0, Dbg, "Cannot open object\n", 0);
- try_return( Result = FALSE );
- }
- //
- // Check for a read-only Dirent
- //
- if (FlagOn(DirentAttributes, FAT_DIRENT_ATTR_READ_ONLY)) {
- //
- // Check the desired access for a read-only dirent, we blackball
- //
- if (FlagOn(*DesiredAccess, ~(DELETE |
- DebugTrace(0, Dbg, "Cannot open readonly\n", 0);
- try_return( Result = FALSE );
- }
- }
- try_exit: NOTHING;
- DebugUnwind( FatCheckFileAccess );
- DebugTrace(-1, Dbg, "FatCheckFileAccess -> %08lx\n", Result);
- } _SEH2_END;
- return Result;
-FatExplicitDeviceAccessGranted (
- )
-Routine Description:
- This function asks whether the SID described in the input access state has
- been granted any explicit access to the given device object. It does this
- by acquiring a token stripped of its ability to acquire access via the
- Everyone SID and re-doing the access check.
- DeviceObject - the device whose ACL will be checked
- AccessState - the access state describing the security context to be checked
- ProcessorMode - the mode this check should occur against
-Return Value:
- NTSTATUS - Indicating whether explicit access was granted.
- NTSTATUS Status;
-#ifndef __REACTOS__
- BOOLEAN Result;
- PACCESS_TOKEN OriginalAccessToken;
- PACCESS_TOKEN RestrictedAccessToken;
- PACCESS_TOKEN *EffectiveToken;
- PRIVILEGE_SET PrivilegeSet;
- ACCESS_MASK GrantedAccess;
- //
- // If the access state indicates that specific access other
- // than traverse was acquired, either Everyone does have such
- // access or explicit access was granted. In both cases, we're
- // happy to let this proceed.
- //
- if (AccessState->PreviouslyGrantedAccess & (SPECIFIC_RIGHTS_ALL ^
- }
- //
- // If the manage volume privilege is held, this also permits access.
- //
- PrivilegeSet.PrivilegeCount = 1;
- PrivilegeSet.Privilege[0].Luid = RtlConvertLongToLuid( SE_MANAGE_VOLUME_PRIVILEGE );
- PrivilegeSet.Privilege[0].Attributes = 0;
- if (SePrivilegeCheck( &PrivilegeSet,
- &AccessState->SubjectSecurityContext,
- ProcessorMode )) {
- }
- //
- // Capture the subject context as a prelude to everything below.
- //
- SeLockSubjectContext( &AccessState->SubjectSecurityContext );
- //
- // Convert the token in the subject context into one which does not
- // acquire access through the Everyone SID.
- //
- // The logic for deciding which token is effective comes from
- // SeQuerySubjectContextToken; since there is no natural way
- // of getting a pointer to it, do it by hand.
- //
- if (ARGUMENT_PRESENT( AccessState->SubjectSecurityContext.ClientToken )) {
- EffectiveToken = &AccessState->SubjectSecurityContext.ClientToken;
- } else {
- EffectiveToken = &AccessState->SubjectSecurityContext.PrimaryToken;
- }
- OriginalAccessToken = *EffectiveToken;
- Status = FatCreateRestrictEveryoneToken( OriginalAccessToken,
&RestrictedAccessToken );
- if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) {
- SeReleaseSubjectContext( &AccessState->SubjectSecurityContext );
- return Status;
- }
- //
- // Now see if the resulting context has access to the device through
- // its explicitly granted access. We swap in our restricted token
- // for this check as the effective client token.
- //
- *EffectiveToken = RestrictedAccessToken;
-#ifndef __REACTOS__
- Result = SeAccessCheck( DeviceObject->SecurityDescriptor,
- SeAccessCheck( DeviceObject->SecurityDescriptor,
- &AccessState->SubjectSecurityContext,
- AccessState->OriginalDesiredAccess,
- 0,
- IoGetFileObjectGenericMapping(),
- ProcessorMode,
- &GrantedAccess,
- &Status );
- *EffectiveToken = OriginalAccessToken;
- //
- // Cleanup and return.
- //
- SeUnlockSubjectContext( &AccessState->SubjectSecurityContext );
- ObDereferenceObject( RestrictedAccessToken );
- return Status;
-FatCreateRestrictEveryoneToken (
- OUT PACCESS_TOKEN *RestrictedToken
- )
-Routine Description:
- This function takes a token as the input and returns a new restricted token
- from which Everyone sid has been disabled. The resulting token may be used
- to find out if access is available to a user-sid by explicit means.
- Token - Input token from which Everyone sid needs to be deactivated.
- RestrictedToken - Receives the the new restricted token.
- This must be released using ObDereferenceObject(*RestrictedToken);
-Return Value:
- NTSTATUS - Returned by SeFilterToken.
- //
- // Array of sids to disable.
- //
- TOKEN_GROUPS SidsToDisable;
- //
- // Restricted token will contain the original sids with one change:
- // If Everyone sid is present in the token, it will be marked for DenyOnly.
- //
- *RestrictedToken = NULL;
- //
- // Put Everyone sid in the array of sids to disable. This will mark it
- // for SE_GROUP_USE_FOR_DENY_ONLY and it'll only be applicable for Deny aces.
- //
- SidsToDisable.GroupCount = 1;
- SidsToDisable.Groups[0].Attributes = 0;
- SidsToDisable.Groups[0].Sid = SeExports->SeWorldSid;
- Status = SeFilterToken(
- Token, // Token that needs to be restricted.
- 0, // No flags
- &SidsToDisable, // Disable everyone sid
- NULL, // Do not create any restricted sids
- NULL, // Do not delete any privileges
- RestrictedToken // Restricted token
- );
- return Status;
diff --git a/drivers/filesystems/fastfat_new/allocsup.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 79a9e7865a..0000000000
--- a/drivers/filesystems/fastfat_new/allocsup.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,5001 +0,0 @@
-Copyright (c) 1990-2000 Microsoft Corporation
-Module Name:
- AllocSup.c
- This module implements the Allocation support routines for Fat.
-#include "fatprocs.h"
-// The Bug check file id for this module
-#define BugCheckFileId (FAT_BUG_CHECK_ALLOCSUP)
-// Local debug trace level
-#define FatMin(a, b) ((a) < (b) ? (a) : (b))
-// This strucure is used by FatLookupFatEntry to remember a pinned page
-// of fat.
-typedef struct _FAT_ENUMERATION_CONTEXT {
- VBO VboOfPinnedPage;
- PBCB Bcb;
- PVOID PinnedPage;
-// Local support routine prototypes
- IN PVCB Vcb,
- IN ULONG FatIndex,
- );
- IN PVCB Vcb,
- IN ULONG StartingFatIndex,
- IN ULONG ClusterCount,
- IN BOOLEAN ChainTogether
- );
- IN ULONG Value
- );
-// Note that the KdPrint below will ONLY fire when the assert does. Leave it
-// alone.
-#if DBG
- ULONG FreeClusterBitMapClear;
- ASSERT( (VCB)->FreeClusterBitMap.Buffer != NULL );
- FreeClusterBitMapClear = RtlNumberOfClearBits(&(VCB)->FreeClusterBitMap);
- if ((VCB)->CurrentWindow->ClustersFree != FreeClusterBitMapClear) {
- KdPrint(("FAT: ClustersFree %x h != FreeClusterBitMapClear %x h\n",
- (VCB)->CurrentWindow->ClustersFree,
- FreeClusterBitMapClear));
- }
- ASSERT( (VCB)->CurrentWindow->ClustersFree == FreeClusterBitMapClear );
-// The following macros provide a convenient way of hiding the details
-// of bitmap allocation schemes.
-// VOID
-// FatLockFreeClusterBitMap (
-// IN PVCB Vcb
-// );
-#define FatLockFreeClusterBitMap(VCB) { \
- ASSERT(KeAreApcsDisabled()); \
- ExAcquireFastMutexUnsafe( &(VCB)->FreeClusterBitMapMutex ); \
-// VOID
-// FatUnlockFreeClusterBitMap (
-// IN PVCB Vcb
-// );
-#define FatUnlockFreeClusterBitMap(VCB) { \
- ASSERT(KeAreApcsDisabled()); \
- ExReleaseFastMutexUnsafe( &(VCB)->FreeClusterBitMapMutex ); \
-// FatIsClusterFree (
-// IN PIRP_CONTEXT IrpContext,
-// IN PVCB Vcb,
-// IN ULONG FatIndex
-// );
-#define FatIsClusterFree(IRPCONTEXT,VCB,FAT_INDEX) \
- (RtlCheckBit(&(VCB)->FreeClusterBitMap,(FAT_INDEX)-2) == 0)
-// VOID
-// FatFreeClusters (
-// IN PIRP_CONTEXT IrpContext,
-// IN PVCB Vcb,
-// IN ULONG FatIndex,
-// IN ULONG ClusterCount
-// );
- if ((CLUSTER_COUNT) == 1) { \
- } else { \
- } \
-// VOID
-// FatAllocateClusters (
-// IN PIRP_CONTEXT IrpContext,
-// IN PVCB Vcb,
-// IN ULONG FatIndex,
-// IN ULONG ClusterCount
-// );
-#define FatAllocateClusters(IRPCONTEXT,VCB,FAT_INDEX,CLUSTER_COUNT) { \
- if ((CLUSTER_COUNT) == 1) { \
- } else { \
- } \
-// VOID
-// FatUnreserveClusters (
-// IN PIRP_CONTEXT IrpContext,
-// IN PVCB Vcb,
-// IN ULONG FatIndex,
-// IN ULONG ClusterCount
-// );
(VCB)->FreeClusterBitMap.SizeOfBitMap ); \
- ASSERT( (FAT_INDEX) >= 2);
- RtlClearBits(&(VCB)->FreeClusterBitMap,(FAT_INDEX)-2,(CLUSTER_COUNT));
- if ((FAT_INDEX) < (VCB)->ClusterHint) {
- (VCB)->ClusterHint = (FAT_INDEX);
- }
-// VOID
-// FatReserveClusters (
-// IN PIRP_CONTEXT IrpContext,
-// IN PVCB Vcb,
-// IN ULONG FatIndex,
-// IN ULONG ClusterCount
-// );
-// Handle wrapping the hint back to the front.
(VCB)->FreeClusterBitMap.SizeOfBitMap ); \
- ASSERT( (FAT_INDEX) >= 2);
- RtlSetBits(&(VCB)->FreeClusterBitMap,(FAT_INDEX)-2,(CLUSTER_COUNT));
- if (_AfterRun - 2 >= (VCB)->FreeClusterBitMap.SizeOfBitMap) {
- _AfterRun = 2;
- }
- if (RtlCheckBit(&(VCB)->FreeClusterBitMap, _AfterRun - 2)) {
- (VCB)->ClusterHint = RtlFindClearBits( &(VCB)->FreeClusterBitMap, 1,
_AfterRun - 2) + 2; \
- if (1 == (VCB)->ClusterHint) {
- (VCB)->ClusterHint = 2;
- }
- }
- else {
- (VCB)->ClusterHint = _AfterRun;
- }
-// FatFindFreeClusterRun (
-// IN PIRP_CONTEXT IrpContext,
-// IN PVCB Vcb,
-// IN ULONG ClusterCount,
-// IN ULONG AlternateClusterHint
-// );
-// Do a special check if only one cluster is desired.
- (CLUSTER_COUNT == 1) && \
- FatIsClusterFree((IRPCONTEXT), (VCB), (CLUSTER_HINT)) ? \
- RtlFindClearBits( &(VCB)->FreeClusterBitMap, \
- (CLUSTER_HINT) - 2) + 2 \
-// FAT32: Define the maximum size of the FreeClusterBitMap to be the
-// maximum size of a FAT16 FAT. If there are more clusters on the
-// volume than can be represented by this many bytes of bitmap, the
-// FAT will be split into "buckets", each of which does fit.
-// Note this count is in clusters/bits of bitmap.
-#define MAX_CLUSTER_BITMAP_SIZE (1 << 16)
-// Calculate the window a given cluster number is in.
-#define FatWindowOfCluster(C) (((C) - 2) / MAX_CLUSTER_BITMAP_SIZE)
-#pragma alloc_text(PAGE, FatAddFileAllocation)
-#pragma alloc_text(PAGE, FatAllocateDiskSpace)
-#pragma alloc_text(PAGE, FatDeallocateDiskSpace)
-#pragma alloc_text(PAGE, FatExamineFatEntries)
-#pragma alloc_text(PAGE, FatInterpretClusterType)
-#pragma alloc_text(PAGE, FatLogOf)
-#pragma alloc_text(PAGE, FatLookupFatEntry)
-#pragma alloc_text(PAGE, FatLookupFileAllocation)
-#pragma alloc_text(PAGE, FatLookupFileAllocationSize)
-#pragma alloc_text(PAGE, FatMergeAllocation)
-#pragma alloc_text(PAGE, FatSetFatEntry)
-#pragma alloc_text(PAGE, FatSetFatRun)
-#pragma alloc_text(PAGE, FatSetupAllocationSupport)
-#pragma alloc_text(PAGE, FatSplitAllocation)
-#pragma alloc_text(PAGE, FatTearDownAllocationSupport)
-#pragma alloc_text(PAGE, FatTruncateFileAllocation)
- )
-Routine Description:
- Choose a window to allocate clusters from. Order of preference is:
- 1. First window with >50% free clusters
- 2. First empty window
- 3. Window with greatest number of free clusters.
- Vcb - Supplies the Vcb for the volume
-Return Value:
- 'Best window' number (index into Vcb->Windows[])
- ULONG i, Fave = 0;
- ULONG MaxFree = 0;
- ULONG FirstEmpty = -1;
- ASSERT( 1 != Vcb->NumberOfWindows);
- for (i = 0; i < Vcb->NumberOfWindows; i++) {
- if (Vcb->Windows[i].ClustersFree == ClustersPerWindow) {
- if (-1 == FirstEmpty) {
- //
- // Keep note of the first empty window on the disc
- //
- FirstEmpty = i;
- }
- }
- else if (Vcb->Windows[i].ClustersFree > MaxFree) {
- //
- // This window has the most free clusters, so far
- //
- MaxFree = Vcb->Windows[i].ClustersFree;
- Fave = i;
- //
- // If this window has >50% free clusters, then we will take it,
- // so don't bother considering more windows.
- //
- if (MaxFree >= (ClustersPerWindow >> 1)) {
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- //
- // If there were no windows with 50% or more freespace, then select the
- // first empty window on the disc, if any - otherwise we'll just go with
- // the one with the most free clusters.
- //
- if ((MaxFree < (ClustersPerWindow >> 1)) && (-1 != FirstEmpty)) {
- Fave = FirstEmpty;
- }
- return Fave;
-FatSetupAllocationSupport (
- )
-Routine Description:
- This routine fills in the Allocation Support structure in the Vcb.
- Most entries are computed using fat.h macros supplied with data from
- the Bios Parameter Block. The free cluster count, however, requires
- going to the Fat and actually counting free sectors. At the same time
- the free cluster bit map is initalized.
- Vcb - Supplies the Vcb to fill in.
-#ifndef __REACTOS__
- ULONG BitMapSize;
- PVOID BitMapBuffer;
- ULONG BitIndex;
-#ifndef __REACTOS__
- PBCB Bcb;
- ULONG Page;
- ULONG Offset;
- ULONG FatIndexBitSize;
- ULONG ClustersDescribableByFat;
- DebugTrace(+1, Dbg, "FatSetupAllocationSupport\n", 0);
- DebugTrace( 0, Dbg, " Vcb = %8lx\n", Vcb);
- //
- // Compute a number of fields for Vcb.AllocationSupport
- //
- Vcb->AllocationSupport.RootDirectoryLbo = FatRootDirectoryLbo( &Vcb->Bpb
- Vcb->AllocationSupport.RootDirectorySize = FatRootDirectorySize( &Vcb->Bpb
- Vcb->AllocationSupport.FileAreaLbo = FatFileAreaLbo( &Vcb->Bpb );
- Vcb->AllocationSupport.NumberOfClusters = FatNumberOfClusters( &Vcb->Bpb
- Vcb->AllocationSupport.FatIndexBitSize = FatIndexBitSize( &Vcb->Bpb );
- Vcb->AllocationSupport.LogOfBytesPerSector =
- Vcb->AllocationSupport.LogOfBytesPerCluster = FatLogOf(FatBytesPerCluster(
&Vcb->Bpb ));
- Vcb->AllocationSupport.NumberOfFreeClusters = 0;
- //
- // Deal with a bug in DOS 5 format, if the Fat is not big enough to
- // describe all the clusters on the disk, reduce this number. We expect
- // that fat32 volumes will not have this problem.
- //
- // Turns out this was not a good assumption. We have to do this always now.
- //
- ClustersDescribableByFat = ( ((FatIsFat32(Vcb)? Vcb->Bpb.LargeSectorsPerFat :
- Vcb->Bpb.SectorsPerFat) *
- Vcb->Bpb.BytesPerSector * 8)
- / FatIndexBitSize(&Vcb->Bpb) ) - 2;
- if (Vcb->AllocationSupport.NumberOfClusters > ClustersDescribableByFat) {
- Vcb->AllocationSupport.NumberOfClusters = ClustersDescribableByFat;
- }
- //
- // Extend the virtual volume file to include the Fat
- //
- {
- CC_FILE_SIZES FileSizes;
- FileSizes.AllocationSize.QuadPart =
- FileSizes.FileSize.QuadPart = (FatReservedBytes( &Vcb->Bpb ) +
- FatBytesPerFat( &Vcb->Bpb ));
- FileSizes.ValidDataLength = FatMaxLarge;
- if ( Vcb->VirtualVolumeFile->PrivateCacheMap == NULL ) {
- CcInitializeCacheMap( Vcb->VirtualVolumeFile,
- &FileSizes,
- &FatData.CacheManagerNoOpCallbacks,
- Vcb );
- } else {
- CcSetFileSizes( Vcb->VirtualVolumeFile, &FileSizes );
- }
- }
- _SEH2_TRY {
- if (FatIsFat32(Vcb) &&
- Vcb->AllocationSupport.NumberOfClusters > MAX_CLUSTER_BITMAP_SIZE) {
- Vcb->NumberOfWindows = (Vcb->AllocationSupport.NumberOfClusters +
-#ifndef __REACTOS__
- } else {
- Vcb->NumberOfWindows = 1;
-#ifndef __REACTOS__
- BitMapSize = Vcb->AllocationSupport.NumberOfClusters;
- }
- Vcb->Windows = FsRtlAllocatePoolWithTag( PagedPool,
- Vcb->NumberOfWindows *
- RtlInitializeBitMap( &Vcb->FreeClusterBitMap,
- 0 );
- //
- // Chose a FAT window to begin operation in.
- //
- if (Vcb->NumberOfWindows > 1) {
- //
- // Read the fat and count up free clusters. We bias by the two reserved
- // entries in the FAT.
- //
- FatExamineFatEntries( IrpContext, Vcb,
- 2,
- Vcb->AllocationSupport.NumberOfClusters + 2 - 1,
- NULL);
- //
- // Pick a window to begin allocating from
- //
- Vcb->CurrentWindow = &Vcb->Windows[ FatSelectBestWindow( Vcb)];
- } else {
- Vcb->CurrentWindow = &Vcb->Windows[0];
- //
- // Carefully bias ourselves by the two reserved entries in the FAT.
- //
- Vcb->CurrentWindow->FirstCluster = 2;
- Vcb->CurrentWindow->LastCluster =
Vcb->AllocationSupport.NumberOfClusters + 2 - 1;
- }
- //
- // Now transition to the FAT window we have chosen.
- //
- FatExamineFatEntries( IrpContext, Vcb,
- 0,
- 0,
- Vcb->CurrentWindow,
- NULL);
- //
- // Now set the ClusterHint to the first free bit in our favorite
- // window (except the ClusterHint is off by two).
- //
- Vcb->ClusterHint =
- (BitIndex = RtlFindClearBits( &Vcb->FreeClusterBitMap, 1, 0 )) != -1
- BitIndex + 2 : 2;
- DebugUnwind( FatSetupAllocationSupport );
- //
- // If we hit an exception, back out.
- //
- if (_SEH2_AbnormalTermination()) {
- FatTearDownAllocationSupport( IrpContext, Vcb );
- }
- } _SEH2_END;
- return;
-FatTearDownAllocationSupport (
- )
-Routine Description:
- This routine prepares the volume for closing. Specifically, we must
- release the free fat bit map buffer, and uninitialize the dirty fat
- Mcb.
- Vcb - Supplies the Vcb to fill in.
-Return Value:
- DebugTrace(+1, Dbg, "FatTearDownAllocationSupport\n", 0);
- DebugTrace( 0, Dbg, " Vcb = %8lx\n", Vcb);
- //
- // If there are FAT buckets, free them.
- //
- if ( Vcb->Windows != NULL ) {
- ExFreePool( Vcb->Windows );
- Vcb->Windows = NULL;
- }
- //
- // Free the memory associated with the free cluster bitmap.
- //
- if ( Vcb->FreeClusterBitMap.Buffer != NULL ) {
- ExFreePool( Vcb->FreeClusterBitMap.Buffer );
- //
- // NULL this field as an flag.
- //
- Vcb->FreeClusterBitMap.Buffer = NULL;
- }
- //
- // And remove all the runs in the dirty fat Mcb
- //
- FatRemoveMcbEntry( Vcb, &Vcb->DirtyFatMcb, 0, 0xFFFFFFFF );
- DebugTrace(-1, Dbg, "FatTearDownAllocationSupport -> (VOID)\n", 0);
- return;
-FatLookupFileAllocation (
- IN PFCB FcbOrDcb,
- IN VBO Vbo,
- OUT PULONG ByteCount,
- OUT PBOOLEAN Allocated,
- )
-Routine Description:
- This routine looks up the existing mapping of VBO to LBO for a
- file/directory. The information it queries is either stored in the
- mcb field of the fcb/dcb or it is stored on in the fat table and
- needs to be retrieved and decoded, and updated in the mcb.
- FcbOrDcb - Supplies the Fcb/Dcb of the file/directory being queried
- Vbo - Supplies the VBO whose LBO we want returned
- Lbo - Receives the LBO corresponding to the input Vbo if one exists
- ByteCount - Receives the number of bytes within the run the run
- that correpond between the input vbo and output lbo.
- Allocated - Receives TRUE if the Vbo does have a corresponding Lbo
- and FALSE otherwise.
- EndOnMax - Receives TRUE if the run ends in the maximal FAT cluster,
- which results in a fractional bytecount.
- Index - Receives the Index of the run
- VBO CurrentVbo;
- LBO CurrentLbo;
- LBO PriorLbo;
- VBO FirstVboOfCurrentRun;
- LBO FirstLboOfCurrentRun;
- BOOLEAN LastCluster;
- ULONG Runs;
- PVCB Vcb;
- FAT_ENTRY FatEntry;
- ULONG BytesPerCluster;
- DebugTrace(+1, Dbg, "FatLookupFileAllocation\n", 0);
- DebugTrace( 0, Dbg, " FcbOrDcb = %8lx\n", FcbOrDcb);
- DebugTrace( 0, Dbg, " Vbo = %8lx\n", Vbo);
- DebugTrace( 0, Dbg, " Lbo = %8lx\n", Lbo);
- DebugTrace( 0, Dbg, " ByteCount = %8lx\n", ByteCount);
- DebugTrace( 0, Dbg, " Allocated = %8lx\n", Allocated);
- Context.Bcb = NULL;
- Vcb = FcbOrDcb->Vcb;
- *EndOnMax = FALSE;
- //
- // Check the trivial case that the mapping is already in our
- // Mcb.
- //
- if ( FatLookupMcbEntry(Vcb, &FcbOrDcb->Mcb, Vbo, Lbo, ByteCount, Index) ) {
- *Allocated = TRUE;
- ASSERT( ByteCount != 0);
- //
- // Detect the overflow case, trim and claim the condition.
- //
- if (Vbo + *ByteCount == 0) {
- *EndOnMax = TRUE;
- }
- DebugTrace( 0, Dbg, "Found run in Mcb.\n", 0);
- DebugTrace(-1, Dbg, "FatLookupFileAllocation -> (VOID)\n", 0);
- return;
- }
- //
- // Initialize the Vcb, the cluster size, LastCluster, and
- // FirstLboOfCurrentRun (to be used as an indication of the first
- // iteration through the following while loop).
- //
- BytesPerCluster = 1 << Vcb->AllocationSupport.LogOfBytesPerCluster;
- BytesOnVolume.QuadPart = UInt32x32To64( Vcb->AllocationSupport.NumberOfClusters,
BytesPerCluster );
- LastCluster = FALSE;
- FirstLboOfCurrentRun = 0;
- //
- // Discard the case that the request extends beyond the end of
- // allocation. Note that if the allocation size if not known
- // AllocationSize is set to 0xffffffff.
- //
- if ( Vbo >= FcbOrDcb->Header.AllocationSize.LowPart ) {
- *Allocated = FALSE;
- DebugTrace( 0, Dbg, "Vbo beyond end of file.\n", 0);
- DebugTrace(-1, Dbg, "FatLookupFileAllocation -> (VOID)\n", 0);
- return;
- }
- //
- // The Vbo is beyond the last Mcb entry. So we adjust Current Vbo/Lbo
- // and FatEntry to describe the beginning of the last entry in the Mcb.
- // This is used as initialization for the following loop.
- //
- // If the Mcb was empty, we start at the beginning of the file with
- // CurrentVbo set to 0 to indicate a new run.
- //
- if (FatLookupLastMcbEntry( Vcb, &FcbOrDcb->Mcb, &CurrentVbo,
&CurrentLbo, &Runs )) {
- DebugTrace( 0, Dbg, "Current Mcb size = %8lx.\n", CurrentVbo + 1);
- CurrentVbo -= (BytesPerCluster - 1);
- CurrentLbo -= (BytesPerCluster - 1);
- //
- // Convert an index to a count.
- //
- Runs += 1;
- } else {
- DebugTrace( 0, Dbg, "Mcb empty.\n", 0);
- //
- // Check for an FcbOrDcb that has no allocation
- //
- if (FcbOrDcb->FirstClusterOfFile == 0) {
- *Allocated = FALSE;
- DebugTrace( 0, Dbg, "File has no allocation.\n", 0);
- DebugTrace(-1, Dbg, "FatLookupFileAllocation -> (VOID)\n", 0);
- return;
- } else {
- CurrentVbo = 0;
- CurrentLbo = FatGetLboFromIndex( Vcb, FcbOrDcb->FirstClusterOfFile );
- FirstVboOfCurrentRun = CurrentVbo;
- FirstLboOfCurrentRun = CurrentLbo;
- Runs = 0;
- DebugTrace( 0, Dbg, "First Lbo of file = %8lx\n", CurrentLbo);
- }
- }
- //
- // Now we know that we are looking up a valid Vbo, but it is
- // not in the Mcb, which is a monotonically increasing list of
- // Vbo's. Thus we have to go to the Fat, and update
- // the Mcb as we go. We use a try-finally to unpin the page
- // of fat hanging around. Also we mark *Allocated = FALSE, so that
- // the caller wont try to use the data if we hit an exception.
- //
- *Allocated = FALSE;
- _SEH2_TRY {
- FatEntry = (FAT_ENTRY)FatGetIndexFromLbo( Vcb, CurrentLbo );
- //
- // ASSERT that CurrentVbo and CurrentLbo are now cluster alligned.
- // The assumption here, is that only whole clusters of Vbos and Lbos
- // are mapped in the Mcb.
- //
- ASSERT( ((CurrentLbo - Vcb->AllocationSupport.FileAreaLbo)
- % BytesPerCluster == 0) &&
- (CurrentVbo % BytesPerCluster == 0) );
- //
- // Starting from the first Vbo after the last Mcb entry, scan through
- // the Fat looking for our Vbo. We continue through the Fat until we
- // hit a noncontiguity beyond the desired Vbo, or the last cluster.
- //
- while ( !LastCluster ) {
- //
- // Get the next fat entry, and update our Current variables.
- //
-#ifndef __REACTOS__
- FatLookupFatEntry( IrpContext, Vcb, FatEntry, &FatEntry, &Context );
- FatLookupFatEntry( IrpContext, Vcb, FatEntry, (PULONG)&FatEntry,
&Context );
- PriorLbo = CurrentLbo;
- CurrentLbo = FatGetLboFromIndex( Vcb, FatEntry );
- CurrentVbo += BytesPerCluster;
- switch ( FatInterpretClusterType( Vcb, FatEntry )) {
- //
- // Check for a break in the Fat allocation chain.
- //
- case FatClusterAvailable:
- case FatClusterReserved:
- case FatClusterBad:
- DebugTrace( 0, Dbg, "Break in allocation chain, entry = %d\n",
- DebugTrace(-1, Dbg, "FatLookupFileAllocation -> Fat Corrupt.
Raise Status.\n", 0);
- FatPopUpFileCorrupt( IrpContext, FcbOrDcb );
- FatRaiseStatus( IrpContext, STATUS_FILE_CORRUPT_ERROR );
- break;
- //
- // If this is the last cluster, we must update the Mcb and
- // exit the loop.
- //
- case FatClusterLast:
- //
- // Assert we know where the current run started. If the
- // Mcb was empty when we were called, thenFirstLboOfCurrentRun
- // was set to the start of the file. If the Mcb contained an
- // entry, then FirstLboOfCurrentRun was set on the first
- // iteration through the loop. Thus if FirstLboOfCurrentRun
- // is 0, then there was an Mcb entry and we are on our first
- // iteration, meaing that the last cluster in the Mcb was
- // really the last allocated cluster, but we checked Vbo
- // against AllocationSize, and found it OK, thus AllocationSize
- // must be too large.
- //
- // Note that, when we finally arrive here, CurrentVbo is actually
- // the first Vbo beyond the file allocation and CurrentLbo is
- // meaningless.
- //
- DebugTrace( 0, Dbg, "Read last cluster of file.\n", 0);
- //
- // Detect the case of the maximal file. Note that this really
- // a proper Vbo - those are zero-based, and this is a one-based number.
- // The maximal file, of 2^32 - 1 bytes, has a maximum byte offset of
- // 2^32 - 2.
- //
- // Just so we don't get confused here.
- //
- if (CurrentVbo == 0) {
- *EndOnMax = TRUE;
- CurrentVbo -= 1;
- }
- LastCluster = TRUE;
- if (FirstLboOfCurrentRun != 0 ) {
- DebugTrace( 0, Dbg, "Adding a run to the Mcb.\n", 0);
- DebugTrace( 0, Dbg, " Vbo = %08lx.\n",
- DebugTrace( 0, Dbg, " Lbo = %08lx.\n",
- DebugTrace( 0, Dbg, " Length = %08lx.\n", CurrentVbo -
- (VOID)FatAddMcbEntry( Vcb,
- &FcbOrDcb->Mcb,
- FirstVboOfCurrentRun,
- FirstLboOfCurrentRun,
- CurrentVbo - FirstVboOfCurrentRun );
- Runs += 1;
- }
- //
- // Being at the end of allocation, make sure we have found
- // the Vbo. If we haven't, seeing as we checked VBO
- // against AllocationSize, the real disk allocation is less
- // than that of AllocationSize. This comes about when the
- // real allocation is not yet known, and AllocaitonSize
- // contains MAXULONG.
- //
- // KLUDGE! - If we were called by FatLookupFileAllocationSize
- // Vbo is set to MAXULONG - 1, and AllocationSize to the lookup
- // hint. Thus we merrily go along looking for a match that isn't
- // there, but in the meantime building an Mcb. If this is
- // the case, fill in AllocationSize and return.
- //
- if ( Vbo == MAXULONG - 1 ) {
- *Allocated = FALSE;
- FcbOrDcb->Header.AllocationSize.QuadPart = CurrentVbo;
- DebugTrace( 0, Dbg, "New file allocation size = %08lx.\n",
- try_return ( NOTHING );
- }
- //
- // We will lie ever so slightly if we really terminated on the
- // maximal byte of a file. It is really allocated.
- //
- if (Vbo >= CurrentVbo && !*EndOnMax) {
- *Allocated = FALSE;
- try_return ( NOTHING );
- }
- break;
- //
- // This is a continuation in the chain. If the run has a
- // discontiguity at this point, update the Mcb, and if we are beyond
- // the desired Vbo, this is the end of the run, so set LastCluster
- // and exit the loop.
- //
- case FatClusterNext:
- //
- // This is the loop check. The Vbo must not be bigger than the size of
- // the volume, and the Vbo must not have a) wrapped and b) not been at
- // very last cluster in the chain, for the case of the maximal file.
- //
- if ( CurrentVbo == 0 ||
- (BytesOnVolume.HighPart == 0 && CurrentVbo >
BytesOnVolume.LowPart)) {
- FatPopUpFileCorrupt( IrpContext, FcbOrDcb );
- FatRaiseStatus( IrpContext, STATUS_FILE_CORRUPT_ERROR );
- }
- if ( PriorLbo + BytesPerCluster != CurrentLbo ) {
- //
- // Note that on the first time through the loop
- // (FirstLboOfCurrentRun == 0), we don't add the
- // run to the Mcb since it curresponds to the last
- // run already stored in the Mcb.
- //
- if ( FirstLboOfCurrentRun != 0 ) {
- DebugTrace( 0, Dbg, "Adding a run to the Mcb.\n", 0);
- DebugTrace( 0, Dbg, " Vbo = %08lx.\n",
- DebugTrace( 0, Dbg, " Lbo = %08lx.\n",
- DebugTrace( 0, Dbg, " Length = %08lx.\n", CurrentVbo -
- FatAddMcbEntry( Vcb,
- &FcbOrDcb->Mcb,
- FirstVboOfCurrentRun,
- FirstLboOfCurrentRun,
- CurrentVbo - FirstVboOfCurrentRun );
- Runs += 1;
- }
- //
- // Since we are at a run boundry, with CurrentLbo and
- // CurrentVbo being the first cluster of the next run,
- // we see if the run we just added encompases the desired
- // Vbo, and if so exit. Otherwise we set up two new
- // First*boOfCurrentRun, and continue.
- //
- if (CurrentVbo > Vbo) {
- LastCluster = TRUE;
- } else {
- FirstVboOfCurrentRun = CurrentVbo;
- FirstLboOfCurrentRun = CurrentLbo;
- }
- }
- break;
- default:
- DebugTrace(0, Dbg, "Illegal Cluster Type.\n", FatEntry);
- FatBugCheck( 0, 0, 0 );
- break;
- } // switch()
- } // while()
- //
- // Load up the return parameters.
- //
- // On exit from the loop, Vbo still contains the desired Vbo, and
- // CurrentVbo is the first byte after the run that contained the
- // desired Vbo.
- //
- *Allocated = TRUE;
- *Lbo = FirstLboOfCurrentRun + (Vbo - FirstVboOfCurrentRun);
- *ByteCount = CurrentVbo - Vbo;
- if (ARGUMENT_PRESENT(Index)) {
- //
- // Note that Runs only needs to be accurate with respect to where we
- // ended. Since partial-lookup cases will occur without exclusive
- // synchronization, the Mcb itself may be much bigger by now.
- //
- *Index = Runs - 1;
- }
- try_exit: NOTHING;
- DebugUnwind( FatLookupFileAllocation );
- //
- // We are done reading the Fat, so unpin the last page of fat
- // that is hanging around
- //
- FatUnpinBcb( IrpContext, Context.Bcb );
- DebugTrace(-1, Dbg, "FatLookupFileAllocation -> (VOID)\n", 0);
- } _SEH2_END;
- return;
-FatAddFileAllocation (
- IN PFCB FcbOrDcb,
- IN ULONG DesiredAllocationSize
- )
-Routine Description:
- This routine adds additional allocation to the specified file/directory.
- Additional allocation is added by appending clusters to the file/directory.
- If the file already has a sufficient allocation then this procedure
- is effectively a noop.
- FcbOrDcb - Supplies the Fcb/Dcb of the file/directory being modified.
- This parameter must not specify the root dcb.
- FileObject - If supplied inform the cache manager of the change.
- DesiredAllocationSize - Supplies the minimum size, in bytes, that we want
- allocated to the file/directory.
- PVCB Vcb;
- PLARGE_MCB McbToCleanup = NULL;
- PDIRENT Dirent = NULL;
- ULONG NewAllocation;
- PBCB Bcb = NULL;
- BOOLEAN UnwindWeAllocatedDiskSpace = FALSE;
- BOOLEAN UnwindAllocationSizeSet = FALSE;
- BOOLEAN UnwindCacheManagerInformed = FALSE;
- BOOLEAN UnwindWeInitializedMcb = FALSE;
- DebugTrace(+1, Dbg, "FatAddFileAllocation\n", 0);
- DebugTrace( 0, Dbg, " FcbOrDcb = %8lx\n", FcbOrDcb);
- DebugTrace( 0, Dbg, " DesiredAllocationSize = %8lx\n",
- //
- // If we haven't yet set the correct AllocationSize, do so.
- //
- if (FcbOrDcb->Header.AllocationSize.QuadPart == FCB_LOOKUP_ALLOCATIONSIZE_HINT)
- FatLookupFileAllocationSize( IrpContext, FcbOrDcb );
- }
- //
- // Check for the benign case that the desired allocation is already
- // within the allocation size.
- //
- if (DesiredAllocationSize <= FcbOrDcb->Header.AllocationSize.LowPart) {
- DebugTrace(0, Dbg, "Desired size within current allocation.\n", 0);
- DebugTrace(-1, Dbg, "FatAddFileAllocation -> (VOID)\n", 0);
- return;
- }
- DebugTrace( 0, Dbg, "InitialAllocation = %08lx.\n",
- //
- // Get a chunk of disk space that will fullfill our needs. If there
- // was no initial allocation, start from the hint in the Vcb, otherwise
- // try to allocate from the cluster after the initial allocation.
- //
- // If there was no initial allocation to the file, we can just use the
- // Mcb in the FcbOrDcb, otherwise we have to use a new one, and merge
- // it to the one in the FcbOrDcb.
- //
- Vcb = FcbOrDcb->Vcb;
- _SEH2_TRY {
- if (FcbOrDcb->Header.AllocationSize.LowPart == 0) {
- LBO FirstLboOfFile;
- ASSERT( FcbOrDcb->FcbCondition == FcbGood );
- FatGetDirentFromFcbOrDcb( IrpContext,
- FcbOrDcb,
- &Dirent,
- &Bcb );
- ASSERT( Bcb != NULL );
- //
- // Set this dirty right now since this call can fail.
- //
- FatSetDirtyBcb( IrpContext, Bcb, Vcb, TRUE );
- FatAllocateDiskSpace( IrpContext,
- Vcb,
- 0,
- &DesiredAllocationSize,
- &FcbOrDcb->Mcb );
- UnwindWeAllocatedDiskSpace = TRUE;
- McbToCleanup = &FcbOrDcb->Mcb;
- //
- // We have to update the dirent and FcbOrDcb copies of
- // FirstClusterOfFile since before it was 0
- //
- FatLookupMcbEntry( FcbOrDcb->Vcb,
- &FcbOrDcb->Mcb,
- 0,
- &FirstLboOfFile,
- NULL );
- DebugTrace( 0, Dbg, "First Lbo of file will be %08lx.\n",
FirstLboOfFile );
- FcbOrDcb->FirstClusterOfFile = FatGetIndexFromLbo( Vcb, FirstLboOfFile );
- Dirent->FirstClusterOfFile = (USHORT)FcbOrDcb->FirstClusterOfFile;
- if ( FatIsFat32(Vcb) ) {
- Dirent->FirstClusterOfFileHi =
(USHORT)(FcbOrDcb->FirstClusterOfFile >> 16);
- }
- //
- // Note the size of the allocation we need to tell the cache manager
- //
- NewAllocation = DesiredAllocationSize;
- } else {
- LBO LastAllocatedLbo;
- VBO DontCare;
- //
- // Get the first cluster following the current allocation. It is possible
- // the Mcb is empty (or short, etc.) so we need to be slightly careful
- // about making sure we don't lie with the hint.
- //
- (void)FatLookupLastMcbEntry( FcbOrDcb->Vcb, &FcbOrDcb->Mcb,
&DontCare, &LastAllocatedLbo, NULL );
- //
- // Try to get some disk space starting from there.
- //
- NewAllocation = DesiredAllocationSize -
- FsRtlInitializeLargeMcb( &NewMcb, PagedPool );
- UnwindWeInitializedMcb = TRUE;
- McbToCleanup = &NewMcb;
- FatAllocateDiskSpace( IrpContext,
- Vcb,
- (LastAllocatedLbo != ~0 ?
- FatGetIndexFromLbo(Vcb,LastAllocatedLbo + 1) :
- 0),
- &NewAllocation,
- &NewMcb );
- UnwindWeAllocatedDiskSpace = TRUE;
- }
- //
- // Now that we increased the allocation of the file, mark it in the
- // FcbOrDcb. Carefully prepare to handle an inability to grow the cache
- // structures.
- //
- FcbOrDcb->Header.AllocationSize.LowPart += NewAllocation;
- //
- // Handle the maximal file case, where we may have just wrapped. Note
- // that this must be the precise boundary case wrap, i.e. by one byte,
- // so that the new allocation is actually one byte "less" as far as
- // concerned. This is important for the extension case.
- //
- if (FcbOrDcb->Header.AllocationSize.LowPart == 0) {
- NewAllocation -= 1;
- FcbOrDcb->Header.AllocationSize.LowPart = 0xffffffff;
- }
- UnwindAllocationSizeSet = TRUE;
- //
- // Inform the cache manager to increase the section size
- //
- if ( ARGUMENT_PRESENT(FileObject) && CcIsFileCached(FileObject) ) {
- CcSetFileSizes( FileObject,
- (PCC_FILE_SIZES)&FcbOrDcb->Header.AllocationSize );
- UnwindCacheManagerInformed = TRUE;
- }
- //
- // In the extension case, we have held off actually gluing the new
- // allocation onto the file. This simplifies exception cleanup since
- // if it was already added and the section grow failed, we'd have to
- // do extra work to unglue it. This way, we can assume that if we
- // raise the only thing we need to do is deallocate the disk space.
- //
- // Merge the allocation now.
- //
- if (FcbOrDcb->Header.AllocationSize.LowPart != NewAllocation) {
- //
- // Tack the new Mcb onto the end of the FcbOrDcb one.
- //
- FatMergeAllocation( IrpContext,
- Vcb,
- &FcbOrDcb->Mcb,
- &NewMcb );
- }
- DebugUnwind( FatAddFileAllocation );
- //
- // Give FlushFileBuffer a clue here.
- //
- SetFlag(FcbOrDcb->FcbState, FCB_STATE_FLUSH_FAT);
- //
- // If we were dogged trying to complete this operation, we need to go
- // back various things out.
- //
- if (_SEH2_AbnormalTermination()) {
- //
- // Pull off the allocation size we tried to add to this object if
- // we failed to grow cache structures or Mcb structures.
- //
- if (UnwindAllocationSizeSet) {
- FcbOrDcb->Header.AllocationSize.LowPart -= NewAllocation;
- }
- if (UnwindCacheManagerInformed) {
- CcSetFileSizes( FileObject,
- (PCC_FILE_SIZES)&FcbOrDcb->Header.AllocationSize
- }
- //
- // In the case of initial allocation, we used the Fcb's Mcb and have
- // to clean that up as well as the FAT chain references.
- //
- if (FcbOrDcb->Header.AllocationSize.LowPart == 0) {
- if (Dirent != NULL) {
- FcbOrDcb->FirstClusterOfFile = 0;
- Dirent->FirstClusterOfFile = 0;
- if ( FatIsFat32(Vcb) ) {
- Dirent->FirstClusterOfFileHi = 0;
- }
- }
- }
- //
- // ... and drop the dirent Bcb if we got it. Do it now
- // so we can afford to take the exception if we have to.
- //
- FatUnpinBcb( IrpContext, Bcb );
- _SEH2_TRY {
- //
- // Note this can re-raise.
- //
- if ( UnwindWeAllocatedDiskSpace ) {
- FatDeallocateDiskSpace( IrpContext, Vcb, McbToCleanup );
- }
- //
- // We always want to clean up the non-initial allocation temporary Mcb,
- // otherwise we have the Fcb's Mcb and we just truncate it away.
- //
- if (UnwindWeInitializedMcb == TRUE) {
- //
- // Note that we already know a raise is in progress. No danger
- // of encountering the normal case code below and doing this again.
- //
- FsRtlUninitializeLargeMcb( McbToCleanup );
- } else {
- if (McbToCleanup) {
- FsRtlTruncateLargeMcb( McbToCleanup, 0 );
- }
- }
- } _SEH2_END;
- }
- DebugTrace(-1, Dbg, "FatAddFileAllocation -> (VOID)\n", 0);
- } _SEH2_END;
- //
- // Non-exceptional cleanup we always want to do. In handling the re-raise
- // during exceptions we had to make sure these two steps always happened there
- // So now we handle the usual case.
- //
- FatUnpinBcb( IrpContext, Bcb );
- if (UnwindWeInitializedMcb == TRUE) {
- FsRtlUninitializeLargeMcb( &NewMcb );
- }
-FatTruncateFileAllocation (
- IN PFCB FcbOrDcb,
- IN ULONG DesiredAllocationSize
- )
-Routine Description:
- This routine truncates the allocation to the specified file/directory.
- If the file is already smaller than the indicated size then this procedure
- is effectively a noop.
- FcbOrDcb - Supplies the Fcb/Dcb of the file/directory being modified
- This parameter must not specify the root dcb.
- DesiredAllocationSize - Supplies the maximum size, in bytes, that we want
- allocated to the file/directory. It is rounded
- up to the nearest cluster.
-Return Value:
- VOID - TRUE if the operation completed and FALSE if it had to
- block but could not.
- PVCB Vcb;
- PBCB Bcb = NULL;
- LARGE_MCB RemainingMcb;
- ULONG BytesPerCluster;
- PDIRENT Dirent = NULL;
- BOOLEAN UpdatedDirent = FALSE;
- ULONG UnwindInitialAllocationSize;
- ULONG UnwindInitialFirstClusterOfFile;
- BOOLEAN UnwindWeAllocatedMcb = FALSE;
- DebugTrace(+1, Dbg, "FatTruncateFileAllocation\n", 0);
- DebugTrace( 0, Dbg, " FcbOrDcb = %8lx\n", FcbOrDcb);
- DebugTrace( 0, Dbg, " DesiredAllocationSize = %8lx\n",
- //
- // If the Fcb isn't in good condition, we have no business whacking around on
- // the disk after "its" clusters.
- //
- // Inspired by a Prefix complaint.
- //
- ASSERT( FcbOrDcb->FcbCondition == FcbGood );
- //
- // If we haven't yet set the correct AllocationSize, do so.
- //
- if (FcbOrDcb->Header.AllocationSize.QuadPart == FCB_LOOKUP_ALLOCATIONSIZE_HINT)
- FatLookupFileAllocationSize( IrpContext, FcbOrDcb );
- }
- //
- // Round up the Desired Allocation Size to the next cluster size
- //
- Vcb = FcbOrDcb->Vcb;
- BytesPerCluster = 1 << Vcb->AllocationSupport.LogOfBytesPerCluster;
- //
- // Note if the desired allocation is zero, to distinguish this from
- // the wrap case below.
- //
- if (DesiredAllocationSize != 0) {
- DesiredAllocationSize = (DesiredAllocationSize + (BytesPerCluster - 1)) &
- ~(BytesPerCluster - 1);
- //
- // Check for the benign case that the file is already smaller than
- // the desired truncation. Note that if it wraps, then a) it was
- // specifying an offset in the maximally allocatable cluster and
- // b) we're not asking to extend the file, either. So stop.
- //
- if (DesiredAllocationSize == 0 ||
- DesiredAllocationSize >= FcbOrDcb->Header.AllocationSize.LowPart) {
- DebugTrace(0, Dbg, "Desired size within current allocation.\n",
- DebugTrace(-1, Dbg, "FatTruncateFileAllocation -> (VOID)\n",
- return;
- }
- }
- UnwindInitialAllocationSize = FcbOrDcb->Header.AllocationSize.LowPart;
- UnwindInitialFirstClusterOfFile = FcbOrDcb->FirstClusterOfFile;
- //
- // Update the FcbOrDcb allocation size. If it is now zero, we have the
- // additional task of modifying the FcbOrDcb and Dirent copies of
- // FirstClusterInFile.
- //
- // Note that we must pin the dirent before actually deallocating the
- // disk space since, in unwind, it would not be possible to reallocate
- // deallocated disk space as someone else may have reallocated it and
- // may cause an exception when you try to get some more disk space.
- // Thus FatDeallocateDiskSpace must be the final dangerous operation.
- //
- _SEH2_TRY {
- FcbOrDcb->Header.AllocationSize.QuadPart = DesiredAllocationSize;
- //
- // Special case 0
- //
- if (DesiredAllocationSize == 0) {
- //
- // We have to update the dirent and FcbOrDcb copies of
- // FirstClusterOfFile since before it was 0
- //
- ASSERT( FcbOrDcb->FcbCondition == FcbGood );
- FatGetDirentFromFcbOrDcb( IrpContext, FcbOrDcb, &Dirent, &Bcb );
- ASSERT( Dirent && Bcb );
- Dirent->FirstClusterOfFile = 0;
- if (FatIsFat32(Vcb)) {
- Dirent->FirstClusterOfFileHi = 0;
- }
- FcbOrDcb->FirstClusterOfFile = 0;
- FatSetDirtyBcb( IrpContext, Bcb, Vcb, TRUE );
- UpdatedDirent = TRUE;
- FatDeallocateDiskSpace( IrpContext, Vcb, &FcbOrDcb->Mcb );
- FatRemoveMcbEntry( FcbOrDcb->Vcb, &FcbOrDcb->Mcb, 0, 0xFFFFFFFF );
- } else {
- //
- // Split the existing allocation into two parts, one we will keep, and
- // one we will deallocate.
- //
- FsRtlInitializeLargeMcb( &RemainingMcb, PagedPool );
- UnwindWeAllocatedMcb = TRUE;
- FatSplitAllocation( IrpContext,
- Vcb,
- &FcbOrDcb->Mcb,
- DesiredAllocationSize,
- &RemainingMcb );
- FatDeallocateDiskSpace( IrpContext, Vcb, &RemainingMcb );
- FsRtlUninitializeLargeMcb( &RemainingMcb );
- }
- DebugUnwind( FatTruncateFileAllocation );
- //
- // Is this really the right backout strategy? It would be nice if we could
- // pretend the truncate worked if we knew that the file had gotten into
- // a consistent state. Leaving dangled clusters is probably quite preferable.
- //
- if ( _SEH2_AbnormalTermination() ) {
- FcbOrDcb->Header.AllocationSize.LowPart = UnwindInitialAllocationSize;
- if ( (DesiredAllocationSize == 0) && (Dirent != NULL)) {
- if (UpdatedDirent) {
- //
- // If the dirent has been updated ok and marked dirty, then we
- // failed in deallocatediscspace, and don't know what state
- // the on disc fat chain is in. So we throw away the mcb,
- // and potentially loose a few clusters until the next
- // chkdsk. The operation has succeeded, but the exception
- // will still propogate. 5.1
- //
- FatRemoveMcbEntry( Vcb, &FcbOrDcb->Mcb, 0, 0xFFFFFFFF );
- FcbOrDcb->Header.AllocationSize.QuadPart = 0;
- }
- else {
- Dirent->FirstClusterOfFile =
- if ( FatIsFat32(Vcb) ) {
- Dirent->FirstClusterOfFileHi =
- (USHORT)(UnwindInitialFirstClusterOfFile >> 16);
- }
- FcbOrDcb->FirstClusterOfFile = UnwindInitialFirstClusterOfFile;
- }
- }
- if ( UnwindWeAllocatedMcb ) {
- FsRtlUninitializeLargeMcb( &RemainingMcb );
- }
- //
- // Note that in the non zero truncation case, we will also
- // leak clusters. However, apart from this, the in memory and on disc
- // structures will agree.
- }
- FatUnpinBcb( IrpContext, Bcb );
- //
- // Give FlushFileBuffer a clue here.
- //
- SetFlag(FcbOrDcb->FcbState, FCB_STATE_FLUSH_FAT);
- DebugTrace(-1, Dbg, "FatTruncateFileAllocation -> (VOID)\n", 0);
- } _SEH2_END;
-FatLookupFileAllocationSize (
- IN PFCB FcbOrDcb
- )
-Routine Description:
- This routine retrieves the current file allocatio size for the
- specified file/directory.
- FcbOrDcb - Supplies the Fcb/Dcb of the file/directory being modified
- LBO Lbo;
- ULONG ByteCount;
- BOOLEAN DontCare;
- DebugTrace(+1, Dbg, "FatLookupAllocationSize\n", 0);
- DebugTrace( 0, Dbg, " FcbOrDcb = %8lx\n", FcbOrDcb);
- //
- // We call FatLookupFileAllocation with Vbo of 0xffffffff - 1.
- //
- FatLookupFileAllocation( IrpContext,
- FcbOrDcb,
- &Lbo,
- &ByteCount,
- &DontCare,
- &DontCare,
- NULL );
- //
- // FileSize was set at Fcb creation time from the contents of the directory entry,
- // and we are only now looking up the real length of the allocation chain. If it
- // cannot be contained, this is trash. Probably more where that came from.
- //
- if (FcbOrDcb->Header.FileSize.LowPart >
FcbOrDcb->Header.AllocationSize.LowPart) {
- FatPopUpFileCorrupt( IrpContext, FcbOrDcb );
- FatRaiseStatus( IrpContext, STATUS_FILE_CORRUPT_ERROR );
- }
- DebugTrace(-1, Dbg, "FatLookupFileAllocationSize -> (VOID)\n", 0);
- return;
-FatAllocateDiskSpace (
- IN PVCB Vcb,
- IN ULONG AbsoluteClusterHint,
- IN PULONG ByteCount,
- IN BOOLEAN ExactMatchRequired,
- )
-Routine Description:
- This procedure allocates additional disk space and builds an mcb
- representing the newly allocated space. If the space cannot be
- allocated then this procedure raises an appropriate status.
- Searching starts from the hint index in the Vcb unless an alternative
- non-zero hint is given in AlternateClusterHint. If we are using the
- hint field in the Vcb, it is set to the cluster following our allocation
- when we are done.
- Disk space can only be allocated in cluster units so this procedure
- will round up any byte count to the next cluster boundary.
- Pictorially what is done is the following (where ! denotes the end of
- the fat chain (i.e., FAT_CLUSTER_LAST)):
- Mcb (empty)
- becomes
- Mcb |--a--|--b--|--c--!
- ^
- ByteCount ----------+
- Vcb - Supplies the VCB being modified
- AbsoluteClusterHint - Supplies an alternate hint index to start the
- search from. If this is zero we use, and update,
- the Vcb hint field.
- ByteCount - Supplies the number of bytes that we are requesting, and
- receives the number of bytes that we got.
- ExactMatchRequired - Caller should set this to TRUE if only the precise run
- is acceptable.
- Mcb - Receives the MCB describing the newly allocated disk space. The
- caller passes in an initialized Mcb that is filled in by this procedure.
- Return Value:
- TRUE - Allocated ok
- FALSE - Failed to allocate exactly as requested (=> ExactMatchRequired was TRUE)
- UCHAR LogOfBytesPerCluster;
- ULONG BytesPerCluster;
- ULONG StartingCluster;
- ULONG ClusterCount;
- ULONG WindowRelativeHint;
-#if DBG
-#ifndef __REACTOS__
- ULONG i;
- ULONG PreviousClear;
- BOOLEAN Result = TRUE;
- DebugTrace(+1, Dbg, "FatAllocateDiskSpace\n", 0);
- DebugTrace( 0, Dbg, " Vcb = %8lx\n", Vcb);
- DebugTrace( 0, Dbg, " *ByteCount = %8lx\n", *ByteCount);
- DebugTrace( 0, Dbg, " Mcb = %8lx\n", Mcb);
- DebugTrace( 0, Dbg, " Hint = %8lx\n", AbsoluteClusterHint);
- ASSERT((AbsoluteClusterHint <= Vcb->AllocationSupport.NumberOfClusters + 2)
&& (1 != AbsoluteClusterHint));
- //
- // Make sure byte count is not zero
- //
- if (*ByteCount == 0) {
- DebugTrace(0, Dbg, "Nothing to allocate.\n", 0);
- DebugTrace(-1, Dbg, "FatAllocateDiskSpace -> (VOID)\n", 0);
- return;
- }
- //
- // Compute the cluster count based on the byte count, rounding up
- // to the next cluster if there is any remainder. Note that the
- // pathalogical case BytesCount == 0 has been eliminated above.
- //
- LogOfBytesPerCluster = Vcb->AllocationSupport.LogOfBytesPerCluster;
- BytesPerCluster = 1 << LogOfBytesPerCluster;
- *ByteCount = (*ByteCount + (BytesPerCluster - 1))
- & ~(BytesPerCluster - 1);
- //
- // If ByteCount is NOW zero, then we were asked for the maximal
- // filesize (or at least for bytes in the last allocatable sector).
- //
- if (*ByteCount == 0) {
- *ByteCount = 0xffffffff;
- ClusterCount = 1 << (32 - LogOfBytesPerCluster);
- } else {
- ClusterCount = (*ByteCount >> LogOfBytesPerCluster);
- }
- //
- // Make sure there are enough free clusters to start with, and
- // take them now so that nobody else takes them from us.
- //
- ExAcquireResourceSharedLite(&Vcb->ChangeBitMapResource, TRUE);
- FatLockFreeClusterBitMap( Vcb );
- if (ClusterCount <= Vcb->AllocationSupport.NumberOfFreeClusters) {
- Vcb->AllocationSupport.NumberOfFreeClusters -= ClusterCount;
- } else {
- FatUnlockFreeClusterBitMap( Vcb );
- ExReleaseResourceLite(&Vcb->ChangeBitMapResource);
- DebugTrace(0, Dbg, "Disk Full. Raise Status.\n", 0);
- FatRaiseStatus( IrpContext, STATUS_DISK_FULL );
- }
- //
- // Did the caller supply a hint?
- //
- if ((0 != AbsoluteClusterHint) && (AbsoluteClusterHint <
(Vcb->AllocationSupport.NumberOfClusters + 2))) {
- if (Vcb->NumberOfWindows > 1) {
- //
- // If we're being called upon to allocate clusters outside the
- // current window (which happens only via MoveFile), it's a problem.
- // We address this by changing the current window to be the one which
- // contains the alternate cluster hint. Note that if the user's
- // request would cross a window boundary, he doesn't really get what
- // he wanted.
- //
- if (AbsoluteClusterHint < Vcb->CurrentWindow->FirstCluster ||
- AbsoluteClusterHint > Vcb->CurrentWindow->LastCluster) {
- ULONG BucketNum = FatWindowOfCluster( AbsoluteClusterHint );
- ASSERT( BucketNum < Vcb->NumberOfWindows);
- //
- // Drop our shared lock on the ChangeBitMapResource, and pick it up
- // exclusive in preparation for making the window swap.
- //
- FatUnlockFreeClusterBitMap(Vcb);
- ExReleaseResourceLite(&Vcb->ChangeBitMapResource);
- ExAcquireResourceExclusiveLite(&Vcb->ChangeBitMapResource, TRUE);
- FatLockFreeClusterBitMap(Vcb);
- Window = &Vcb->Windows[BucketNum];
- //
- // Again, test the current window against the one we want - some other
- // thread could have sneaked in behind our backs and kindly set it to
the one
- // we need, when we dropped and reacquired the ChangeBitMapResource
- //
- if (Window != Vcb->CurrentWindow) {
- _SEH2_TRY {
- Wait = BooleanFlagOn(IrpContext->Flags,
- SetFlag(IrpContext->Flags, IRP_CONTEXT_FLAG_WAIT);
- //
- // Change to the new window (update Vcb->CurrentWindow) and
scan it
- // to build up a freespace bitmap etc.
- //
- FatExamineFatEntries( IrpContext, Vcb,
- 0,
- 0,
- Window,
- NULL);
- if (!Wait) {
- ClearFlag(IrpContext->Flags, IRP_CONTEXT_FLAG_WAIT);
- }
- if (_SEH2_AbnormalTermination()) {
- //
- // We will have raised as a result of failing to pick up
- // chunk of the FAT for this window move. Release our
- // and return the cluster count to the volume.
- //
- Vcb->AllocationSupport.NumberOfFreeClusters +=
- FatUnlockFreeClusterBitMap( Vcb );
- ExReleaseResourceLite(&Vcb->ChangeBitMapResource);
- }
- } _SEH2_END;
- }
- }
- //
- // Make the hint cluster number relative to the base of the current
- //
- // Currentwindow->Firstcluster is baised by +2 already, so we will lose
- // bias already in AbsoluteClusterHint. Put it back....
- //
- WindowRelativeHint = AbsoluteClusterHint -
Vcb->CurrentWindow->FirstCluster + 2;
- }
- else {
- //
- // Only one 'window', ie fat16/12. No modification necessary.
- //
- WindowRelativeHint = AbsoluteClusterHint;
- }
- }
- else {
- //
- // Either no hint supplied, or it was out of range, so grab one from the Vcb
- //
- // NOTE: Clusterhint in the Vcb is not guaranteed to be set (may be -1)
- //
- WindowRelativeHint = Vcb->ClusterHint;
- AbsoluteClusterHint = 0;
- //
- // Vcb hint may not have been initialized yet. Force to valid cluster.
- //
- if (-1 == WindowRelativeHint) {
- WindowRelativeHint = 2;
- }
- }
- ASSERT((WindowRelativeHint >= 2) && (WindowRelativeHint <
Vcb->FreeClusterBitMap.SizeOfBitMap + 2));
- //
- // Keep track of the window we're allocating from, so we can clean
- // up correctly if the current window changes after we unlock the
- // bitmap.
- //
- Window = Vcb->CurrentWindow;
- //
- // Try to find a run of free clusters large enough for us.
- //
- StartingCluster = FatFindFreeClusterRun( IrpContext,
- Vcb,
- ClusterCount,
- WindowRelativeHint );
- //
- // If the above call was successful, we can just update the fat
- // and Mcb and exit. Otherwise we have to look for smaller free
- // runs.
- //
- // This test is a bit funky. Note that the error return from
- // RtlFindClearBits is -1, and adding two to that is 1.
- //
- if ((StartingCluster != 1) &&
- ((0 == AbsoluteClusterHint) || (StartingCluster == WindowRelativeHint))
- ) {
-#if DBG
- PreviousClear = RtlNumberOfClearBits( &Vcb->FreeClusterBitMap );
-#endif // DBG
- //
- // Take the clusters we found, and unlock the bit map.
- //
- FatReserveClusters(IrpContext, Vcb, StartingCluster, ClusterCount);
- Window->ClustersFree -= ClusterCount;
- StartingCluster += Window->FirstCluster;
- StartingCluster -= 2;
- ASSERT( PreviousClear - ClusterCount == Window->ClustersFree );
- FatUnlockFreeClusterBitMap( Vcb );
- //
- // Note that this call will never fail since there is always
- // room for one entry in an empty Mcb.
- //
- FatAddMcbEntry( Vcb, Mcb,
- 0,
- FatGetLboFromIndex( Vcb, StartingCluster ),
- *ByteCount);
- _SEH2_TRY {
- //
- // Update the fat.
- //
- FatAllocateClusters(IrpContext, Vcb,
- StartingCluster,
- ClusterCount);
- DebugUnwind( FatAllocateDiskSpace );
- //
- // If the allocate clusters failed, remove the run from the Mcb,
- // unreserve the clusters, and reset the free cluster count.
- //
- if (_SEH2_AbnormalTermination()) {
- FatRemoveMcbEntry( Vcb, Mcb, 0, *ByteCount );
- FatLockFreeClusterBitMap( Vcb );
- // Only clear bits if the bitmap window is the same.
- if (Window == Vcb->CurrentWindow) {
- // Both values (startingcluster and window->firstcluster) are
- // already biased by 2, so will cancel, so we need to add in the 2
- FatUnreserveClusters( IrpContext, Vcb,
- StartingCluster - Window->FirstCluster + 2,
- ClusterCount );
- }
- Window->ClustersFree += ClusterCount;
- Vcb->AllocationSupport.NumberOfFreeClusters += ClusterCount;
- FatUnlockFreeClusterBitMap( Vcb );
- }
- ExReleaseResourceLite(&Vcb->ChangeBitMapResource);
- } _SEH2_END;
- } else {
- //
- // Note that Index is a zero-based window-relative number. When appropriate
- // it'll get converted into a true cluster number and put in Cluster, which
- // will be a volume relative true cluster number.
- //
- ULONG Index;
- ULONG Cluster;
- ULONG CurrentVbo;
- ULONG PriorLastCluster;
- ULONG BytesFound;
- ULONG ClustersFound = 0;
- ULONG ClustersRemaining;
- BOOLEAN LockedBitMap = FALSE;
- BOOLEAN SelectNextContigWindow = FALSE;
- //
- // Drop our shared lock on the ChangeBitMapResource, and pick it up again
- // exclusive in preparation for making a window swap.
- //
- FatUnlockFreeClusterBitMap(Vcb);
- ExReleaseResourceLite(&Vcb->ChangeBitMapResource);
- ExAcquireResourceExclusiveLite(&Vcb->ChangeBitMapResource, TRUE);
- FatLockFreeClusterBitMap(Vcb);
- LockedBitMap = TRUE;
- _SEH2_TRY {
- if ( ExactMatchRequired && (1 == Vcb->NumberOfWindows)) {
- //
- // Give up right now, there are no more windows to search!
- // searchs the whole bitmap, so we would have found any contiguous run
- // large enough.
- //
- try_leave( Result = FALSE);
- }
- //
- // While the request is still incomplete, look for the largest
- // run of free clusters, mark them taken, allocate the run in
- // the Mcb and Fat, and if this isn't the first time through
- // the loop link it to prior run on the fat. The Mcb will
- // coalesce automatically.
- //
- ClustersRemaining = ClusterCount;
- CurrentVbo = 0;
- PriorLastCluster = 0;
- while (ClustersRemaining != 0) {
- //
- // If we just entered the loop, the bit map is already locked
- //
- if ( !LockedBitMap ) {
- FatLockFreeClusterBitMap( Vcb );
- LockedBitMap = TRUE;
- }
- //
- // Find the largest run of free clusters. If the run is
- // bigger than we need, only use what we need. Note that
- // this will then be the last while() iteration.
- //
- // 12/3/95: need to bias bitmap by 2 bits for the defrag
- // hooks and the below macro became impossible to do without in-line
- // procedures.
- //
- // ClustersFound = FatLongestFreeClusterRun( IrpContext, Vcb, &Index
- ClustersFound = 0;
- if (!SelectNextContigWindow) {
- if ( 0 != WindowRelativeHint) {
- ULONG Desired = Vcb->FreeClusterBitMap.SizeOfBitMap -
(WindowRelativeHint - 2);
- //
- // We will try to allocate contiguously. Try from the current
hint the to
- // end of current window. Don't try for more than we
actually need.
- //
- if (Desired > ClustersRemaining) {
- Desired = ClustersRemaining;
- }
- if (RtlAreBitsClear( &Vcb->FreeClusterBitMap,
- WindowRelativeHint - 2,
- Desired))
- {
- //
- // Clusters from hint->...windowend are free. Take
- //
- Index = WindowRelativeHint - 2;
- ClustersFound = Desired;
- if (FatIsFat32(Vcb)) {
- //
- // We're now up against the end of the current
window, so indicate that we
- // want the next window in the sequence next time
around. (If we're not up
- // against the end of the window, then we got what we
needed and won't be
- // coming around again anyway).
- //
- SelectNextContigWindow = TRUE;
- WindowRelativeHint = 2;
- }
- else {
- //
- // FAT 12/16 - we've run up against the end of the
volume. Clear the
- // hint, since we now have no idea where to look.
- //
- WindowRelativeHint = 0;
- }
-#if DBG
- PreviousClear = RtlNumberOfClearBits(
&Vcb->FreeClusterBitMap );
-#endif // DBG
- }
- else {
- if (ExactMatchRequired) {
- //
- // If our caller required an exact match, then
we're hosed. Bail out now.
- //
- try_leave( Result = FALSE);
- }
- //
- // Hint failed, drop back to pot luck
- //
- WindowRelativeHint = 0;
- }
- }
- if ((0 == WindowRelativeHint) && (0 == ClustersFound)) {
- if (ClustersRemaining <=
Vcb->CurrentWindow->ClustersFree) {
- //
- // The remaining allocation could be satisfied entirely from
- // window. We will ask only for what we need, to try and
- // unnecessarily fragmenting large runs of space by always
- // (part of) the largest run we can find. This call will
return the
- // first run large enough.
- //
- Index = RtlFindClearBits( &Vcb->FreeClusterBitMap,
ClustersRemaining, 0);
- if (-1 != Index) {
- ClustersFound = ClustersRemaining;
- }
- }
- if (0 == ClustersFound) {
- //
- // Still nothing, so just take the largest free run we can
- //
- ClustersFound = RtlFindLongestRunClear(
&Vcb->FreeClusterBitMap, &Index );
- }
-#if DBG
- PreviousClear = RtlNumberOfClearBits(
&Vcb->FreeClusterBitMap );
-#endif // DBG
- if (ClustersFound >= ClustersRemaining) {
- ClustersFound = ClustersRemaining;
- }
- else {
- //
- // If we just ran up to the end of a window, set up a hint
- // we'd like the next consecutive window after this one.
(FAT32 only)
- //
- if ( ((Index + ClustersFound) ==
Vcb->FreeClusterBitMap.SizeOfBitMap) &&
- FatIsFat32( Vcb)
- ) {
- SelectNextContigWindow = TRUE;
- WindowRelativeHint = 2;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- if (ClustersFound == 0) {
- ULONG FaveWindow = 0;
- BOOLEAN SelectedWindow;
- //
- // If we found no free clusters on a single-window FAT,
- // there was a bad problem with the free cluster count.
- //
- if (1 == Vcb->NumberOfWindows) {
- FatBugCheck( 0, 5, 0 );
- }
- //
- // Switch to a new bucket. Possibly the next one if we're
- // currently on a roll (allocating contiguously)
- //
- SelectedWindow = FALSE;
- if ( SelectNextContigWindow) {
- ULONG NextWindow;
- NextWindow = (((ULONG)((PUCHAR)Vcb->CurrentWindow -
(PUCHAR)Vcb->Windows)) / sizeof( FAT_WINDOW)) + 1;
- if ((NextWindow < Vcb->NumberOfWindows) &&
- ( Vcb->Windows[ NextWindow].ClustersFree > 0)
- ) {
- FaveWindow = NextWindow;
- SelectedWindow = TRUE;
- }
- else {
- if (ExactMatchRequired) {
- //
- // Some dope tried to allocate a run past the end of the
- //
- try_leave( Result = FALSE);
- }
- //
- // Give up on the contiguous allocation attempts
- //
- WindowRelativeHint = 0;
- }
- SelectNextContigWindow = FALSE;
- }
- if (!SelectedWindow) {
- //
- // Select a new window to begin allocating from
- //
- FaveWindow = FatSelectBestWindow( Vcb);
- }
- //
- // By now we'd better have found a window with some free
- //
- if (0 == Vcb->Windows[ FaveWindow].ClustersFree) {
- FatBugCheck( 0, 5, 1 );
- }
- Wait = BooleanFlagOn(IrpContext->Flags, IRP_CONTEXT_FLAG_WAIT);
- SetFlag(IrpContext->Flags, IRP_CONTEXT_FLAG_WAIT);
- FatExamineFatEntries( IrpContext, Vcb,
- 0,
- 0,
- &Vcb->Windows[FaveWindow],
- NULL);
- if (!Wait) {
- ClearFlag(IrpContext->Flags, IRP_CONTEXT_FLAG_WAIT);
- }
- //
- // Now we'll just go around the loop again, having switched
- // and allocate....
- //
-#if DBG
- PreviousClear = RtlNumberOfClearBits( &Vcb->FreeClusterBitMap
-#endif //DBG
- } // if (clustersfound == 0)
- else {
- //
- // Take the clusters we found, convert our index to a cluster
- // and unlock the bit map.
- //
- Window = Vcb->CurrentWindow;
- FatReserveClusters( IrpContext, Vcb, (Index + 2), ClustersFound );
- Cluster = Index + Window->FirstCluster;
- Window->ClustersFree -= ClustersFound;
- ASSERT( PreviousClear - ClustersFound == Window->ClustersFree );
- FatUnlockFreeClusterBitMap( Vcb );
- LockedBitMap = FALSE;
- //
- // Add the newly alloced run to the Mcb.
- //
- BytesFound = ClustersFound << LogOfBytesPerCluster;
- FatAddMcbEntry( Vcb, Mcb,
- CurrentVbo,
- FatGetLboFromIndex( Vcb, Cluster ),
- BytesFound );
- //
- // Connect the last allocated run with this one, and allocate
- // this run on the Fat.
- //
- if (PriorLastCluster != 0) {
- FatSetFatEntry( IrpContext,
- Vcb,
- PriorLastCluster,
- (FAT_ENTRY)Cluster );
- }
- //
- // Update the fat
- //
- FatAllocateClusters( IrpContext, Vcb, Cluster, ClustersFound );
- //
- // Prepare for the next iteration.
- //
- CurrentVbo += BytesFound;
- ClustersRemaining -= ClustersFound;
- PriorLastCluster = Cluster + ClustersFound - 1;
- }
- } // while (clustersremaining)
- DebugUnwind( FatAllocateDiskSpace );
- ExReleaseResourceLite(&Vcb->ChangeBitMapResource);
- //
- // Is there any unwinding to do?
- //
- if ( _SEH2_AbnormalTermination() || (FALSE == Result)) {
- //
- // Flag to the caller that they're getting nothing
- //
- *ByteCount = 0;
- //
- // There are three places we could have taken this exception:
- // when switching the window (FatExamineFatEntries), adding
- // a found run to the Mcb (FatAddMcbEntry), or when writing
- // the changes to the FAT (FatSetFatEntry). In the first case
- // we don't have anything to unwind before deallocation, and
- // can detect this by seeing if we have the ClusterBitmap
- // mutex out.
- if (!LockedBitMap) {
- FatLockFreeClusterBitMap( Vcb );
- //
- // In these cases, we have the possiblity that the FAT
- // window is still in place and we need to clear the bits.
- // If the Mcb entry isn't there (we raised trying to add
- // it), the effect of trying to remove it is a noop.
- //
- if (Window == Vcb->CurrentWindow) {
- //
- // Cluster reservation works on cluster 2 based window-relative
- // numbers, so we must convert. The subtraction will lose the
- // cluster 2 base, so bias the result.
- //
- FatUnreserveClusters( IrpContext, Vcb,
- (Cluster - Window->FirstCluster) + 2,
- ClustersFound );
- }
- //
- // Note that FatDeallocateDiskSpace will take care of adjusting
- // to account for the entries in the Mcb. All we have to account
- // for is the last run that didn't make it.
- //
- Window->ClustersFree += ClustersFound;
- Vcb->AllocationSupport.NumberOfFreeClusters += ClustersFound;
- FatUnlockFreeClusterBitMap( Vcb );
- FatRemoveMcbEntry( Vcb, Mcb, CurrentVbo, BytesFound );
- } else {
- //
- // Just drop the mutex now - we didn't manage to do anything
- // that needs to be backed out.
- //
- FatUnlockFreeClusterBitMap( Vcb );
- }
- _SEH2_TRY {
- //
- // Now we have tidied up, we are ready to just send the Mcb
- // off to deallocate disk space
- //
- FatDeallocateDiskSpace( IrpContext, Vcb, Mcb );
- //
- // Now finally (really), remove all the entries from the mcb
- //
- FatRemoveMcbEntry( Vcb, Mcb, 0, 0xFFFFFFFF );
- } _SEH2_END;
- }
- DebugTrace(-1, Dbg, "FatAllocateDiskSpace -> (VOID)\n", 0);
- } _SEH2_END; // finally
- }
- return;
-FatDeallocateDiskSpace (
- IN PVCB Vcb,
- )
-Routine Description:
- This procedure deallocates the disk space denoted by an input
- mcb. Note that the input MCB does not need to necessarily describe
- a chain that ends with a FAT_CLUSTER_LAST entry.
- Pictorially what is done is the following
- Fat |--a--|--b--|--c--|
- Mcb |--a--|--b--|--c--|
- becomes
- Fat |--0--|--0--|--0--|
- Mcb |--a--|--b--|--c--|
- Vcb - Supplies the VCB being modified
- Mcb - Supplies the MCB describing the disk space to deallocate. Note
- that Mcb is unchanged by this procedure.
-Return Value:
- None.
- LBO Lbo;
- VBO Vbo;
- ULONG RunsInMcb;
- ULONG ByteCount;
- ULONG ClusterCount;
- ULONG ClusterIndex;
- ULONG McbIndex;
- UCHAR LogOfBytesPerCluster;
- DebugTrace(+1, Dbg, "FatDeallocateDiskSpace\n", 0);
- DebugTrace( 0, Dbg, " Vcb = %8lx\n", Vcb);
- DebugTrace( 0, Dbg, " Mcb = %8lx\n", Mcb);
- LogOfBytesPerCluster = Vcb->AllocationSupport.LogOfBytesPerCluster;
- RunsInMcb = FsRtlNumberOfRunsInLargeMcb( Mcb );
- if ( RunsInMcb == 0 ) {
- DebugTrace(-1, Dbg, "FatDeallocateDiskSpace -> (VOID)\n", 0);
- return;
- }
- _SEH2_TRY {
- //
- // Run though the Mcb, freeing all the runs in the fat.
- //
- // We do this in two steps (first update the fat, then the bitmap
- // (which can't fail)) to prevent other people from taking clusters
- // that we need to re-allocate in the event of unwind.
- //
- ExAcquireResourceSharedLite(&Vcb->ChangeBitMapResource, TRUE);
- RunsInMcb = FsRtlNumberOfRunsInLargeMcb( Mcb );
- for ( McbIndex = 0; McbIndex < RunsInMcb; McbIndex++ ) {
- FatGetNextMcbEntry( Vcb, Mcb, McbIndex, &Vbo, &Lbo, &ByteCount
- //
- // Assert that Fat files have no holes.
- //
- ASSERT( Lbo != 0 );
- //
- // Write FAT_CLUSTER_AVAILABLE to each cluster in the run.
- //
- ClusterCount = ByteCount >> LogOfBytesPerCluster;
- ClusterIndex = FatGetIndexFromLbo( Vcb, Lbo );
- FatFreeClusters( IrpContext, Vcb, ClusterIndex, ClusterCount );
- }
- //
- // From now on, nothing can go wrong .... (as in raise)
- //
- FatLockFreeClusterBitMap( Vcb );
- for ( McbIndex = 0; McbIndex < RunsInMcb; McbIndex++ ) {
- ULONG ClusterEnd;
- ULONG MyStart, MyLength, count;
-#if DBG
-#ifndef __REACTOS__
- ULONG PreviousClear, i;
- ULONG i;
- FatGetNextMcbEntry( Vcb, Mcb, McbIndex, &Vbo, &Lbo, &ByteCount
- //
- // Mark the bits clear in the FreeClusterBitMap.
- //
- ClusterCount = ByteCount >> LogOfBytesPerCluster;
- ClusterIndex = FatGetIndexFromLbo( Vcb, Lbo );
- Window = Vcb->CurrentWindow;
- //
- // If we've divided the bitmap, elide bitmap manipulation for
- // runs that are outside the current bucket.
- //
- ClusterEnd = ClusterIndex + ClusterCount - 1;
- if (!(ClusterIndex > Window->LastCluster ||
- ClusterEnd < Window->FirstCluster)) {
- //
- // The run being freed overlaps the current bucket, so we'll
- // have to clear some bits.
- //
- if (ClusterIndex < Window->FirstCluster &&
- ClusterEnd > Window->LastCluster) {
- MyStart = Window->FirstCluster;
- MyLength = Window->LastCluster - Window->FirstCluster + 1;
- } else if (ClusterIndex < Window->FirstCluster) {
- MyStart = Window->FirstCluster;
- MyLength = ClusterEnd - Window->FirstCluster + 1;
- } else {
- //
- // The range being freed starts in the bucket, and may possibly
- // extend beyond the bucket.
- //
- MyStart = ClusterIndex;
- if (ClusterEnd <= Window->LastCluster) {
- MyLength = ClusterCount;
- } else {
- MyLength = Window->LastCluster - ClusterIndex + 1;
- }
- }
- if (MyLength == 0) {
- continue;
- }
-#if DBG
-#ifndef __REACTOS__
- PreviousClear = RtlNumberOfClearBits( &Vcb->FreeClusterBitMap );
- //
- // Verify that the Bits are all really set.
- //
- ASSERT( MyStart + MyLength - Window->FirstCluster <=
Vcb->FreeClusterBitMap.SizeOfBitMap );
- for (i = 0; i < MyLength; i++) {
- ASSERT( RtlCheckBit(&Vcb->FreeClusterBitMap,
- MyStart - Window->FirstCluster + i) == 1 );
- }
-#endif // DBG
- FatUnreserveClusters( IrpContext, Vcb,
- MyStart - Window->FirstCluster + 2,
- MyLength );
- }
- //
- // Adjust the ClustersFree count for each bitmap window, even the ones
- // that are not the current window.
- //
- if (FatIsFat32(Vcb)) {
- Window = &Vcb->Windows[FatWindowOfCluster( ClusterIndex )];
- } else {
- Window = &Vcb->Windows[0];
- }
- MyStart = ClusterIndex;
- for (MyLength = ClusterCount; MyLength > 0; MyLength -= count) {
- count = FatMin(Window->LastCluster - MyStart + 1, MyLength);
- Window->ClustersFree += count;
- //
- // If this was not the last window this allocation spanned,
- // advance to the next.
- //
- if (MyLength != count) {
- Window++;
- MyStart = Window->FirstCluster;
- }
- }
- //
- // Deallocation is now complete. Adjust the free cluster count.
- //
- Vcb->AllocationSupport.NumberOfFreeClusters += ClusterCount;
- }
-#if DBG
- if (Vcb->CurrentWindow->ClustersFree !=
- RtlNumberOfClearBits(&Vcb->FreeClusterBitMap)) {
- DbgPrint("%x vs %x\n", Vcb->CurrentWindow->ClustersFree,
- RtlNumberOfClearBits(&Vcb->FreeClusterBitMap));
- DbgPrint("%x for %x\n", ClusterIndex, ClusterCount);
- }
- FatUnlockFreeClusterBitMap( Vcb );
- DebugUnwind( FatDeallocateDiskSpace );
- //
- // Is there any unwinding to do?
- //
- ExReleaseResourceLite(&Vcb->ChangeBitMapResource);
- if ( _SEH2_AbnormalTermination() ) {
- LBO Lbo;
- VBO Vbo;
- ULONG Index;
- ULONG Clusters;
- ULONG FatIndex;
- ULONG PriorLastIndex;
- //
- // For each entry we already deallocated, reallocate it,
- // chaining together as nessecary. Note that we continue
- // up to and including the last "for" iteration even though
- // the SetFatRun could not have been successful. This
- // allows us a convienent way to re-link the final successful
- // SetFatRun.
- //
- // It is possible that the reason we got here will prevent us
- // from succeeding in this operation.
- //
- PriorLastIndex = 0;
- for (Index = 0; Index <= McbIndex; Index++) {
- FatGetNextMcbEntry(Vcb, Mcb, Index, &Vbo, &Lbo, &ByteCount);
- FatIndex = FatGetIndexFromLbo( Vcb, Lbo );
- Clusters = ByteCount >> LogOfBytesPerCluster;
- //
- // We must always restore the prior iteration's last
- // entry, pointing it to the first cluster of this run.
- //
- if (PriorLastIndex != 0) {
- FatSetFatEntry( IrpContext,
- Vcb,
- PriorLastIndex,
- (FAT_ENTRY)FatIndex );
- }
- //
- // If this is not the last entry (the one that failed)
- // then reallocate the disk space on the fat.
- //
- if ( Index < McbIndex ) {
- FatAllocateClusters(IrpContext, Vcb, FatIndex, Clusters);
- PriorLastIndex = FatIndex + Clusters - 1;
- }
- }
- }
- DebugTrace(-1, Dbg, "FatDeallocateDiskSpace -> (VOID)\n", 0);
- } _SEH2_END;
- return;
-FatSplitAllocation (
- IN PVCB Vcb,
- IN VBO SplitAtVbo,
- OUT PLARGE_MCB RemainingMcb
- )
-Routine Description:
- This procedure takes a single mcb and splits its allocation into
- two separate allocation units. The separation must only be done
- on cluster boundaries, otherwise we bugcheck.
- On the disk this actually works by inserting a FAT_CLUSTER_LAST into
- the last index of the first part being split out.
- Pictorially what is done is the following (where ! denotes the end of
- the fat chain (i.e., FAT_CLUSTER_LAST)):
- Mcb |--a--|--b--|--c--|--d--|--e--|--f--|
- ^
- SplitAtVbo ---------------------+
- RemainingMcb (empty)
- becomes
- Mcb |--a--|--b--|--c--!
- RemainingMcb |--d--|--e--|--f--|
- Vcb - Supplies the VCB being modified
- Mcb - Supplies the MCB describing the allocation being split into
- two parts. Upon return this Mcb now contains the first chain.
- SplitAtVbo - Supplies the VBO of the first byte for the second chain
- that we creating.
- RemainingMcb - Receives the MCB describing the second chain of allocated
- disk space. The caller passes in an initialized Mcb that
- is filled in by this procedure STARTING AT VBO 0.
-Return Value:
- VOID - TRUE if the operation completed and FALSE if it had to
- block but could not.
- VBO SourceVbo;
- VBO TargetVbo;
- VBO DontCare;
- LBO Lbo;
- ULONG ByteCount;
- ULONG BytesPerCluster;
- DebugTrace(+1, Dbg, "FatSplitAllocation\n", 0);
- DebugTrace( 0, Dbg, " Vcb = %8lx\n", Vcb);
- DebugTrace( 0, Dbg, " Mcb = %8lx\n", Mcb);
- DebugTrace( 0, Dbg, " SplitAtVbo = %8lx\n", SplitAtVbo);
- DebugTrace( 0, Dbg, " RemainingMcb = %8lx\n", RemainingMcb);
- BytesPerCluster = 1 << Vcb->AllocationSupport.LogOfBytesPerCluster;
- //
- // Assert that the split point is cluster alligned
- //
- ASSERT( (SplitAtVbo & (BytesPerCluster - 1)) == 0 );
- //
- // We should never be handed an empty source MCB and asked to split
- // at a non zero point.
- //
- ASSERT( !((0 != SplitAtVbo) && (0 == FsRtlNumberOfRunsInLargeMcb( Mcb))));
- //
- // Assert we were given an empty target Mcb.
- //
- //
- // This assert is commented out to avoid hitting in the Ea error
- // path. In that case we will be using the same Mcb's to split the
- // allocation that we used to merge them. The target Mcb will contain
- // the runs that the split will attempt to insert.
- //
- //
- // ASSERT( FsRtlNumberOfRunsInMcb( RemainingMcb ) == 0 );
- //
- _SEH2_TRY {
- //
- // Move the runs after SplitAtVbo from the souce to the target
- //
- SourceVbo = SplitAtVbo;
- TargetVbo = 0;
- while (FatLookupMcbEntry(Vcb, Mcb, SourceVbo, &Lbo, &ByteCount, NULL)) {
- FatAddMcbEntry( Vcb, RemainingMcb, TargetVbo, Lbo, ByteCount );
- FatRemoveMcbEntry( Vcb, Mcb, SourceVbo, ByteCount );
- TargetVbo += ByteCount;
- SourceVbo += ByteCount;
- //
- // If SourceVbo overflows, we were actually snipping off the end
- // of the maximal file ... and are now done.
- //
- if (SourceVbo == 0) {
- break;
- }
- }
- //
- // Mark the last pre-split cluster as a FAT_LAST_CLUSTER
- //
- if ( SplitAtVbo != 0 ) {
- FatLookupLastMcbEntry( Vcb, Mcb, &DontCare, &Lbo, NULL );
- FatSetFatEntry( IrpContext,
- Vcb,
- FatGetIndexFromLbo( Vcb, Lbo ),
- }
- DebugUnwind( FatSplitAllocation );
- //
- // If we got an exception, we must glue back together the Mcbs
- //
- if ( _SEH2_AbnormalTermination() ) {
- TargetVbo = SplitAtVbo;
- SourceVbo = 0;
- while (FatLookupMcbEntry(Vcb, RemainingMcb, SourceVbo, &Lbo,
&ByteCount, NULL)) {
- FatAddMcbEntry( Vcb, Mcb, TargetVbo, Lbo, ByteCount );
- FatRemoveMcbEntry( Vcb, RemainingMcb, SourceVbo, ByteCount );
- TargetVbo += ByteCount;
- SourceVbo += ByteCount;
- }
- }
- DebugTrace(-1, Dbg, "FatSplitAllocation -> (VOID)\n", 0);
- } _SEH2_END;
- return;
-FatMergeAllocation (
- IN PVCB Vcb,
- )
-Routine Description:
- This routine takes two separate allocations described by two MCBs and
- joins them together into one allocation.
- Pictorially what is done is the following (where ! denotes the end of
- the fat chain (i.e., FAT_CLUSTER_LAST)):
- Mcb |--a--|--b--|--c--!
- SecondMcb |--d--|--e--|--f--|
- becomes
- Mcb |--a--|--b--|--c--|--d--|--e--|--f--|
- SecondMcb |--d--|--e--|--f--|
- Vcb - Supplies the VCB being modified
- Mcb - Supplies the MCB of the first allocation that is being modified.
- Upon return this Mcb will also describe the newly enlarged
- allocation
- SecondMcb - Supplies the ZERO VBO BASED MCB of the second allocation
- that is being appended to the first allocation. This
- procedure leaves SecondMcb unchanged.
-Return Value:
- VOID - TRUE if the operation completed and FALSE if it had to
- block but could not.
- VBO SpliceVbo;
- LBO SpliceLbo;
- VBO SourceVbo;
- VBO TargetVbo;
- LBO Lbo;
- ULONG ByteCount;
- DebugTrace(+1, Dbg, "FatMergeAllocation\n", 0);
- DebugTrace( 0, Dbg, " Vcb = %8lx\n", Vcb);
- DebugTrace( 0, Dbg, " Mcb = %8lx\n", Mcb);
- DebugTrace( 0, Dbg, " SecondMcb = %8lx\n", SecondMcb);
- _SEH2_TRY {
- //
- // Append the runs from SecondMcb to Mcb
- //
- (void)FatLookupLastMcbEntry( Vcb, Mcb, &SpliceVbo, &SpliceLbo, NULL );
- SourceVbo = 0;
- TargetVbo = SpliceVbo + 1;
- while (FatLookupMcbEntry(Vcb, SecondMcb, SourceVbo, &Lbo, &ByteCount,
NULL)) {
- FatAddMcbEntry( Vcb, Mcb, TargetVbo, Lbo, ByteCount );
- SourceVbo += ByteCount;
- TargetVbo += ByteCount;
- }
- //
- // Link the last pre-merge cluster to the first cluster of SecondMcb
- //
- FatLookupMcbEntry( Vcb, SecondMcb, 0, &Lbo, (PULONG)NULL, NULL );
- FatSetFatEntry( IrpContext,
- Vcb,
- FatGetIndexFromLbo( Vcb, SpliceLbo ),
- (FAT_ENTRY)FatGetIndexFromLbo( Vcb, Lbo ) );
- DebugUnwind( FatMergeAllocation );
- //
- // If we got an exception, we must remove the runs added to Mcb
- //
- if ( _SEH2_AbnormalTermination() ) {
- ULONG CutLength;
- if ((CutLength = TargetVbo - (SpliceVbo + 1)) != 0) {
- FatRemoveMcbEntry( Vcb, Mcb, SpliceVbo + 1, CutLength);
- }
- }
- DebugTrace(-1, Dbg, "FatMergeAllocation -> (VOID)\n", 0);
- } _SEH2_END;
- return;
-// Internal support routine
-FatInterpretClusterType (
- IN PVCB Vcb,
- )
-Routine Description:
- This procedure tells the caller how to interpret the input fat table
- entry. It will indicate if the fat cluster is available, resereved,
- bad, the last one, or the another fat index. This procedure can deal
- with both 12 and 16 bit fat.
- Vcb - Supplies the Vcb to examine, yields 12/16 bit info
- Entry - Supplies the fat entry to examine
-Return Value:
- CLUSTER_TYPE - Is the type of the input Fat entry
- DebugTrace(+1, Dbg, "InterpretClusterType\n", 0);
- DebugTrace( 0, Dbg, " Vcb = %8lx\n", Vcb);
- DebugTrace( 0, Dbg, " Entry = %8lx\n", Entry);
- switch(Vcb->AllocationSupport.FatIndexBitSize ) {
- case 32:
- Entry &= FAT32_ENTRY_MASK;
- break;
- case 12:
- ASSERT( Entry <= 0xfff );
- if (Entry >= 0x0ff0) {
- Entry |= 0x0FFFF000;
- }
- break;
- default:
- case 16:
- ASSERT( Entry <= 0xffff );
- if (Entry >= 0x0fff0) {
- Entry |= 0x0FFF0000;
- }
- break;
- }
- DebugTrace(-1, Dbg, "FatInterpretClusterType ->
FatClusterAvailable\n", 0);
- return FatClusterAvailable;
- } else if (Entry < FAT_CLUSTER_RESERVED) {
- DebugTrace(-1, Dbg, "FatInterpretClusterType -> FatClusterNext\n",
- return FatClusterNext;
- } else if (Entry < FAT_CLUSTER_BAD) {
- DebugTrace(-1, Dbg, "FatInterpretClusterType ->
FatClusterReserved\n", 0);
- return FatClusterReserved;
- } else if (Entry == FAT_CLUSTER_BAD) {
- DebugTrace(-1, Dbg, "FatInterpretClusterType -> FatClusterBad\n",
- return FatClusterBad;
- } else {
- DebugTrace(-1, Dbg, "FatInterpretClusterType -> FatClusterLast\n",
- return FatClusterLast;
- }
-// Internal support routine
-FatLookupFatEntry (
- IN PVCB Vcb,
- IN ULONG FatIndex,
- )
-Routine Description:
- This routine takes an index into the fat and gives back the value
- in the Fat at this index. At any given time, for a 16 bit fat, this
- routine allows only one page per volume of the fat to be pinned in
- memory. For a 12 bit bit fat, the entire fat (max 6k) is pinned. This
- extra layer of caching makes the vast majority of requests very
- fast. The context for this caching stored in a structure in the Vcb.
- Vcb - Supplies the Vcb to examine, yields 12/16 bit info,
- fat access context, etc.
- FatIndex - Supplies the fat index to examine.
- FatEntry - Receives the fat entry pointed to by FatIndex. Note that
- it must point to non-paged pool.
- Context - This structure keeps track of a page of pinned fat between calls.
- DebugTrace(+1, Dbg, "FatLookupFatEntry\n", 0);
- DebugTrace( 0, Dbg, " Vcb = %8lx\n", Vcb);
- DebugTrace( 0, Dbg, " FatIndex = %4x\n", FatIndex);
- DebugTrace( 0, Dbg, " FatEntry = %8lx\n", FatEntry);
- //
- // Make sure they gave us a valid fat index.
- //
- FatVerifyIndexIsValid(IrpContext, Vcb, FatIndex);
- //
- // Case on 12 or 16 bit fats.
- //
- // In the 12 bit case (mostly floppies) we always have the whole fat
- // (max 6k bytes) pinned during allocation operations. This is possibly
- // a wee bit slower, but saves headaches over fat entries with 8 bits
- // on one page, and 4 bits on the next.
- //
- // The 16 bit case always keeps the last used page pinned until all
- // operations are done and it is unpinned.
- //
- //
- //
- if (Vcb->AllocationSupport.FatIndexBitSize == 12) {
- //
- // Check to see if the fat is already pinned, otherwise pin it.
- //
- if (Context->Bcb == NULL) {
- FatReadVolumeFile( IrpContext,
- Vcb,
- FatReservedBytes( &Vcb->Bpb ),
- FatBytesPerFat( &Vcb->Bpb ),
- &Context->Bcb,
- &Context->PinnedPage );
- }
- //
- // Load the return value.
- //
- FatLookup12BitEntry( Context->PinnedPage, FatIndex, FatEntry );
- } else if (Vcb->AllocationSupport.FatIndexBitSize == 32) {
- //
- //
- ULONG PageEntryOffset;
- ULONG OffsetIntoVolumeFile;
- //
- // Initialize two local variables that help us.
- //
- OffsetIntoVolumeFile = FatReservedBytes(&Vcb->Bpb) + FatIndex *
- PageEntryOffset = (OffsetIntoVolumeFile % PAGE_SIZE) / sizeof(FAT_ENTRY);
- //
- // Check to see if we need to read in a new page of fat
- //
- if ((Context->Bcb == NULL) ||
- (OffsetIntoVolumeFile / PAGE_SIZE != Context->VboOfPinnedPage /
- //
- // The entry wasn't in the pinned page, so must we unpin the current
- // page (if any) and read in a new page.
- //
- FatUnpinBcb( IrpContext, Context->Bcb );
- FatReadVolumeFile( IrpContext,
- Vcb,
- OffsetIntoVolumeFile & ~(PAGE_SIZE - 1),
- &Context->Bcb,
- &Context->PinnedPage );
- Context->VboOfPinnedPage = OffsetIntoVolumeFile & ~(PAGE_SIZE - 1);
- }
- //
- // Grab the fat entry from the pinned page, and return
- //
- *FatEntry = ((PULONG)(Context->PinnedPage))[PageEntryOffset] &
- } else {
- //
- //
- ULONG PageEntryOffset;
- ULONG OffsetIntoVolumeFile;
- //
- // Initialize two local variables that help us.
- //
- OffsetIntoVolumeFile = FatReservedBytes(&Vcb->Bpb) + FatIndex *
- PageEntryOffset = (OffsetIntoVolumeFile % PAGE_SIZE) / sizeof(USHORT);
- //
- // Check to see if we need to read in a new page of fat
- //
- if ((Context->Bcb == NULL) ||
- (OffsetIntoVolumeFile / PAGE_SIZE != Context->VboOfPinnedPage /
- //
- // The entry wasn't in the pinned page, so must we unpin the current
- // page (if any) and read in a new page.
- //
- FatUnpinBcb( IrpContext, Context->Bcb );
- FatReadVolumeFile( IrpContext,
- Vcb,
- OffsetIntoVolumeFile & ~(PAGE_SIZE - 1),
- &Context->Bcb,
- &Context->PinnedPage );
- Context->VboOfPinnedPage = OffsetIntoVolumeFile & ~(PAGE_SIZE - 1);
- }
- //
- // Grab the fat entry from the pinned page, and return
- //
- *FatEntry = ((PUSHORT)(Context->PinnedPage))[PageEntryOffset];
- }
- DebugTrace(-1, Dbg, "FatLookupFatEntry -> (VOID)\n", 0);
- return;
-FatSetFatEntry (
- IN PVCB Vcb,
- IN ULONG FatIndex,
- )
-Routine Description:
- This routine takes an index into the fat and puts a value in the Fat
- at this index. The routine special cases 12, 16 and 32 bit fats. In
- all cases we go to the cache manager for a piece of the fat.
- We have a special form of this call for setting the DOS-style dirty bit.
- Unlike the dirty bit in the boot sector, we do not go to special effort
- to make sure that this hits the disk synchronously - if the system goes
- down in the window between the dirty bit being set in the boot sector
- and the FAT index zero dirty bit being lazy written, then life is tough.
- The only possible scenario is that Win9x may see what it thinks is a clean
- volume that really isn't (hopefully Memphis will pay attention to our dirty
- bit as well). The dirty bit will get out quickly, and if heavy activity is
- occurring, then the dirty bit should actually be there virtually all of the
- time since the act of cleaning the volume is the "rare" occurance.
- There are synchronization concerns that would crop up if we tried to make
- this synchronous. This thread may already own the Bcb shared for the first
- sector of the FAT (so we can't get it exclusive for a writethrough). This
- would require some more serious replumbing to work around than I want to
- consider at this time.
- We can and do, however, synchronously set the bit clean.
- At this point the reader should understand why the NT dirty bit is where it is.
- Vcb - Supplies the Vcb to examine, yields 12/16/32 bit info, etc.
- FatIndex - Supplies the destination fat index.
- FatEntry - Supplies the source fat entry.
- LBO Lbo;
- PBCB Bcb = NULL;
- ULONG SectorSize;
- ULONG OffsetIntoVolumeFile;
- ULONG WasWait = TRUE;
- BOOLEAN RegularOperation = TRUE;
- BOOLEAN CleaningOperation = FALSE;
- BOOLEAN ReleaseMutex = FALSE;
- DebugTrace(+1, Dbg, "FatSetFatEntry\n", 0);
- DebugTrace( 0, Dbg, " Vcb = %8lx\n", Vcb);
- DebugTrace( 0, Dbg, " FatIndex = %4x\n", FatIndex);
- DebugTrace( 0, Dbg, " FatEntry = %4x\n", FatEntry);
- //
- // Make sure they gave us a valid fat index if this isn't the special
- // clean-bit modifying call.
- //
- if (FatIndex == FAT_DIRTY_BIT_INDEX) {
- //
- // We are setting the clean bit state. Of course, we could
- // have corruption that would cause us to try to fiddle the
- // reserved index - we guard against this by having the
- // special entry values use the reserved high 4 bits that
- // we know that we'll never try to set.
- //
- //
- // We don't want to repin the FAT pages involved here. Just
- // let the lazy writer hit them when it can.
- //
- RegularOperation = FALSE;
- switch (FatEntry) {
- CleaningOperation = TRUE;
- break;
- switch (Vcb->AllocationSupport.FatIndexBitSize) {
- case 12:
- FatEntry = FAT12_DIRTY_ENTRY;
- break;
- case 32:
- FatEntry = FAT32_DIRTY_ENTRY;
- break;
- default:
- FatEntry = FAT16_DIRTY_ENTRY;
- break;
- }
- break;
- default:
- FatRaiseStatus( IrpContext, STATUS_FILE_CORRUPT_ERROR );
- break;
- }
- //
- // Disable dirtying semantics for the duration of this operation. Force this
- // operation to wait for the duration.
- //
- WasWait = FlagOn( IrpContext->Flags, IRP_CONTEXT_FLAG_WAIT );
- SetFlag( IrpContext->Flags, IRP_CONTEXT_FLAG_WAIT |
- } else {
- ASSERT( !(FatEntry & ~FAT32_ENTRY_MASK) );
- FatVerifyIndexIsValid(IrpContext, Vcb, FatIndex);
- }
- //
- // Set Sector Size
- //
- SectorSize = 1 << Vcb->AllocationSupport.LogOfBytesPerSector;
- //
- // Case on 12 or 16 bit fats.
- //
- // In the 12 bit case (mostly floppies) we always have the whole fat
- // (max 6k bytes) pinned during allocation operations. This is possibly
- // a wee bit slower, but saves headaches over fat entries with 8 bits
- // on one page, and 4 bits on the next.
- //
- // In the 16 bit case we only read the page that we need to set the fat
- // entry.
- //
- //
- //
- _SEH2_TRY {
- if (Vcb->AllocationSupport.FatIndexBitSize == 12) {
- PVOID PinnedFat;
- //
- // Make sure we have a valid entry
- //
- FatEntry &= 0xfff;
- //
- // We read in the entire fat. Note that using prepare write marks
- // the bcb pre-dirty, so we don't have to do it explicitly.
- //
- OffsetIntoVolumeFile = FatReservedBytes( &Vcb->Bpb ) + FatIndex * 3 /
- FatPrepareWriteVolumeFile( IrpContext,
- Vcb,
- FatReservedBytes( &Vcb->Bpb ),
- FatBytesPerFat( &Vcb->Bpb ),
- &Bcb,
- &PinnedFat,
- RegularOperation,
- FALSE );
- //
- // Mark the sector(s) dirty in the DirtyFatMcb. This call is
- // complicated somewhat for the 12 bit case since a single
- // entry write can span two sectors (and pages).
- //
- // Get the Lbo for the sector where the entry starts, and add it to
- // the dirty fat Mcb.
- //
- Lbo = OffsetIntoVolumeFile & ~(SectorSize - 1);
- FatAddMcbEntry( Vcb, &Vcb->DirtyFatMcb, (VBO) Lbo, Lbo, SectorSize);
- //
- // If the entry started on the last byte of the sector, it continues
- // to the next sector, so mark the next sector dirty as well.
- //
- // Note that this entry will simply coalese with the last entry,
- // so this operation cannot fail. Also if we get this far, we have
- // made it, so no unwinding will be needed.
- //
- if ( (OffsetIntoVolumeFile & (SectorSize - 1)) == (SectorSize - 1) ) {
- Lbo += SectorSize;
- FatAddMcbEntry( Vcb, &Vcb->DirtyFatMcb, (VBO) Lbo, Lbo, SectorSize
- }
- //
- // Store the entry into the fat; we need a little synchonization
- // here and can't use a spinlock since the bytes might not be
- // resident.
- //
- FatLockFreeClusterBitMap( Vcb );
- ReleaseMutex = TRUE;
- FatSet12BitEntry( PinnedFat, FatIndex, FatEntry );
- FatUnlockFreeClusterBitMap( Vcb );
- ReleaseMutex = FALSE;
- } else if (Vcb->AllocationSupport.FatIndexBitSize == 32) {
- //
- //
- PULONG PinnedFatEntry32;
- //
- // Read in a new page of fat
- //
- OffsetIntoVolumeFile = FatReservedBytes( &Vcb->Bpb ) +
- FatIndex * sizeof( FAT_ENTRY );
- FatPrepareWriteVolumeFile( IrpContext,
- Vcb,
- OffsetIntoVolumeFile,
- sizeof(FAT_ENTRY),
- &Bcb,
- (PVOID *)&PinnedFatEntry32,
- RegularOperation,
- FALSE );
- //
- // Mark the sector dirty in the DirtyFatMcb
- //
- Lbo = OffsetIntoVolumeFile & ~(SectorSize - 1);
- FatAddMcbEntry( Vcb, &Vcb->DirtyFatMcb, (VBO) Lbo, Lbo, SectorSize);
- //
- // Store the FatEntry to the pinned page.
- //
- // Preserve the reserved bits in FAT32 entries in the file heap.
- //
-#ifdef ALPHA
- FatLockFreeClusterBitMap( Vcb );
- ReleaseMutex = TRUE;
-#endif // ALPHA
- if (FatIndex != FAT_DIRTY_BIT_INDEX) {
- *PinnedFatEntry32 = ((*PinnedFatEntry32 & ~FAT32_ENTRY_MASK) |
- } else {
- *PinnedFatEntry32 = FatEntry;
- }
-#ifdef ALPHA
- FatUnlockFreeClusterBitMap( Vcb );
- ReleaseMutex = FALSE;
-#endif // ALPHA
- } else {
- //
- //
- PUSHORT PinnedFatEntry;
- //
- // Read in a new page of fat
- //
- OffsetIntoVolumeFile = FatReservedBytes( &Vcb->Bpb ) +
- FatIndex * sizeof(USHORT);
- FatPrepareWriteVolumeFile( IrpContext,
- Vcb,
- OffsetIntoVolumeFile,
- sizeof(USHORT),
- &Bcb,
- (PVOID *)&PinnedFatEntry,
- RegularOperation,
- FALSE );
- //
- // Mark the sector dirty in the DirtyFatMcb
- //
- Lbo = OffsetIntoVolumeFile & ~(SectorSize - 1);
- FatAddMcbEntry( Vcb, &Vcb->DirtyFatMcb, (VBO) Lbo, Lbo, SectorSize);
- //
- // Store the FatEntry to the pinned page.
- //
- // We need extra synchronization here for broken architectures
- // like the ALPHA that don't support atomic 16 bit writes.
- //
-#ifdef ALPHA
- FatLockFreeClusterBitMap( Vcb );
- ReleaseMutex = TRUE;
-#endif // ALPHA
- *PinnedFatEntry = (USHORT)FatEntry;
-#ifdef ALPHA
- FatUnlockFreeClusterBitMap( Vcb );
- ReleaseMutex = FALSE;
-#endif // ALPHA
- }
- DebugUnwind( FatSetFatEntry );
- //
- // Re-enable volume dirtying in case this was a dirty bit operation.
- //
- ClearFlag( IrpContext->Flags, IRP_CONTEXT_FLAG_DISABLE_DIRTY );
- //
- // Make this operation asynchronous again if needed.
- //
- if (!WasWait) {
- ClearFlag( IrpContext->Flags, IRP_CONTEXT_FLAG_WAIT );
- }
- //
- // If we still somehow have the Mutex, release it.
- //
- if (ReleaseMutex) {
- ASSERT( _SEH2_AbnormalTermination() );
- FatUnlockFreeClusterBitMap( Vcb );
- }
- //
- // Unpin the Bcb. For cleaning operations, we make this write-through.
- //
- if (CleaningOperation && Bcb) {
- IO_STATUS_BLOCK IgnoreStatus;
- CcRepinBcb( Bcb );
- CcUnpinData( Bcb );
- DbgDoit( IrpContext->PinCount -= 1 );
- CcUnpinRepinnedBcb( Bcb, TRUE, &IgnoreStatus );
- } else {
- FatUnpinBcb(IrpContext, Bcb);
- }
- DebugTrace(-1, Dbg, "FatSetFatEntry -> (VOID)\n", 0);
- } _SEH2_END;
- return;
-// Internal support routine
-FatSetFatRun (
- IN PVCB Vcb,
- IN ULONG StartingFatIndex,
- IN ULONG ClusterCount,
- IN BOOLEAN ChainTogether
- )
-Routine Description:
- This routine sets a continuous run of clusters in the fat. If ChainTogether
- is TRUE, then the clusters are linked together as in normal Fat fasion,
- with the last cluster receiving FAT_CLUSTER_LAST. If ChainTogether is
- FALSE, all the entries are set to FAT_CLUSTER_AVAILABLE, effectively
- freeing all the clusters in the run.
- Vcb - Supplies the Vcb to examine, yields 12/16 bit info, etc.
- StartingFatIndex - Supplies the destination fat index.
- ClusterCount - Supplies the number of contiguous clusters to work on.
- ChainTogether - Tells us whether to fill the entries with links, or
-Return Value:
-#define MAXCOUNTCLUS 0x10000
- ULONG SectorSize;
- ULONG Cluster;
- LBO StartSectorLbo;
- LBO FinalSectorLbo;
- LBO Lbo;
- PVOID PinnedFat;
-#ifndef __REACTOS__
- ULONG StartingPage;
- BOOLEAN ReleaseMutex = FALSE;
- ULONG SavedStartingFatIndex = StartingFatIndex;
- DebugTrace(+1, Dbg, "FatSetFatRun\n", 0);
- DebugTrace( 0, Dbg, " Vcb = %8lx\n", Vcb);
- DebugTrace( 0, Dbg, " StartingFatIndex = %8x\n", StartingFatIndex);
- DebugTrace( 0, Dbg, " ClusterCount = %8lx\n", ClusterCount);
- DebugTrace( 0, Dbg, " ChainTogether = %s\n", ChainTogether ?
- //
- // Make sure they gave us a valid fat run.
- //
- FatVerifyIndexIsValid(IrpContext, Vcb, StartingFatIndex);
- FatVerifyIndexIsValid(IrpContext, Vcb, StartingFatIndex + ClusterCount - 1);
- //
- // Check special case
- //
- if (ClusterCount == 0) {
- DebugTrace(-1, Dbg, "FatSetFatRun -> (VOID)\n", 0);
- return;
- }
- //
- // Set Sector Size
- //
- SectorSize = 1 << Vcb->AllocationSupport.LogOfBytesPerSector;
- //
- // Case on 12 or 16 bit fats.
- //
- // In the 12 bit case (mostly floppies) we always have the whole fat
- // (max 6k bytes) pinned during allocation operations. This is possibly
- // a wee bit slower, but saves headaches over fat entries with 8 bits
- // on one page, and 4 bits on the next.
- //
- // In the 16 bit case we only read one page at a time, as needed.
- //
- //
- //
- _SEH2_TRY {
- if (Vcb->AllocationSupport.FatIndexBitSize == 12) {
-#ifndef __REACTOS__
- StartingPage = 0;
- //
- // We read in the entire fat. Note that using prepare write marks
- // the bcb pre-dirty, so we don't have to do it explicitly.
- //
- RtlZeroMemory( &SavedBcbs[0], 2 * sizeof(PBCB) * 2);
- FatPrepareWriteVolumeFile( IrpContext,
- Vcb,
- FatReservedBytes( &Vcb->Bpb ),
- FatBytesPerFat( &Vcb->Bpb ),
- &SavedBcbs[0][0],
- &PinnedFat,
- FALSE );
- //
- // Mark the affected sectors dirty. Note that FinalSectorLbo is
- // the Lbo of the END of the entry (Thus * 3 + 2). This makes sure
- // we catch the case of a dirty fat entry straddling a sector boundry.
- //
- // Note that if the first AddMcbEntry succeeds, all following ones
- // will simply coalese, and thus also succeed.
- //
- StartSectorLbo = (FatReservedBytes( &Vcb->Bpb ) + StartingFatIndex * 3
/ 2)
- & ~(SectorSize - 1);
- FinalSectorLbo = (FatReservedBytes( &Vcb->Bpb ) + ((StartingFatIndex
- ClusterCount) * 3 + 2) / 2) & ~(SectorSize - 1);
- for (Lbo = StartSectorLbo; Lbo <= FinalSectorLbo; Lbo += SectorSize) {
- FatAddMcbEntry( Vcb, &Vcb->DirtyFatMcb, (VBO) Lbo, Lbo, SectorSize
- }
- //
- // Store the entries into the fat; we need a little
- // synchonization here and can't use a spinlock since the bytes
- // might not be resident.
- //
- FatLockFreeClusterBitMap( Vcb );
- ReleaseMutex = TRUE;
- for (Cluster = StartingFatIndex;
- Cluster < StartingFatIndex + ClusterCount - 1;
- Cluster++) {
- FatSet12BitEntry( PinnedFat,
- Cluster,
- ChainTogether ? Cluster + 1 : FAT_CLUSTER_AVAILABLE );
- }
- //
- // Save the last entry
- //
- FatSet12BitEntry( PinnedFat,
- Cluster,
- ChainTogether ?
- FatUnlockFreeClusterBitMap( Vcb );
- ReleaseMutex = FALSE;
- } else if (Vcb->AllocationSupport.FatIndexBitSize == 32) {
- //
- //
- for (;;) {
- VBO StartOffsetInVolume;
- VBO FinalOffsetInVolume;
- ULONG Page;
- ULONG FinalCluster;
- PULONG FatEntry;
- ULONG ClusterCountThisRun;
- StartOffsetInVolume = FatReservedBytes(&Vcb->Bpb) +
- StartingFatIndex * sizeof(FAT_ENTRY);
- if (ClusterCount > MAXCOUNTCLUS) {
- ClusterCountThisRun = MAXCOUNTCLUS;
- } else {
- ClusterCountThisRun = ClusterCount;
- }
- FinalOffsetInVolume = StartOffsetInVolume +
- (ClusterCountThisRun - 1) *
-#ifndef __REACTOS__
- StartingPage = StartOffsetInVolume / PAGE_SIZE;
- {
- ULONG NumberOfPages;
- ULONG Offset;
- NumberOfPages = (FinalOffsetInVolume / PAGE_SIZE) -
- (StartOffsetInVolume / PAGE_SIZE) + 1;
- RtlZeroMemory( &SavedBcbs[0][0], (NumberOfPages + 1) *
sizeof(PBCB) * 2 );
- for ( Page = 0, Offset = StartOffsetInVolume & ~(PAGE_SIZE - 1);
- Page < NumberOfPages;
- Page++, Offset += PAGE_SIZE ) {
- FatPrepareWriteVolumeFile( IrpContext,
- Vcb,
- Offset,
- &SavedBcbs[Page][0],
- (PVOID *)&SavedBcbs[Page][1],
- FALSE );
- if (Page == 0) {
- FatEntry = (PULONG)((PUCHAR)SavedBcbs[0][1] +
- (StartOffsetInVolume % PAGE_SIZE));
- }
- }
- }
- //
- // Mark the run dirty
- //
- StartSectorLbo = StartOffsetInVolume & ~(SectorSize - 1);
- FinalSectorLbo = FinalOffsetInVolume & ~(SectorSize - 1);
- for (Lbo = StartSectorLbo; Lbo <= FinalSectorLbo; Lbo += SectorSize)
- FatAddMcbEntry( Vcb, &Vcb->DirtyFatMcb, (VBO)Lbo, Lbo,
SectorSize );
- }
- //
- // Store the entries
- //
- // We need extra synchronization here for broken architectures
- // like the ALPHA that don't support atomic 16 bit writes.
- //
-#ifdef ALPHA
- FatLockFreeClusterBitMap( Vcb );
- ReleaseMutex = TRUE;
-#endif // ALPHA
- FinalCluster = StartingFatIndex + ClusterCountThisRun - 1;
- Page = 0;
- for (Cluster = StartingFatIndex;
- Cluster <= FinalCluster;
- Cluster++, FatEntry++) {
- //
- // If we just crossed a page boundry (as opposed to starting
- // on one), update our idea of FatEntry.
- if ( (((ULONG_PTR)FatEntry & (PAGE_SIZE-1)) == 0) &&
- (Cluster != StartingFatIndex) ) {
- Page += 1;
- FatEntry = (PULONG)SavedBcbs[Page][1];
- }
- *FatEntry = ChainTogether ? (FAT_ENTRY)(Cluster + 1) :
- }
- //
- // Fix up the last entry if we were chaining together
- //
- if ((ClusterCount <= MAXCOUNTCLUS) &&
- ChainTogether ) {
- *(FatEntry-1) = FAT_CLUSTER_LAST;
- }
-#ifdef ALPHA
- FatUnlockFreeClusterBitMap( Vcb );
- ReleaseMutex = FALSE;
-#endif // ALPHA
- {
- ULONG i = 0;
- //
- // Unpin the Bcbs
- //
- while ( SavedBcbs[i][0] != NULL ) {
- FatUnpinBcb( IrpContext, SavedBcbs[i][0] );
- SavedBcbs[i][0] = NULL;
- i += 1;
- }
- }
- if (ClusterCount <= MAXCOUNTCLUS) {
- break;
- } else {
- StartingFatIndex += MAXCOUNTCLUS;
- ClusterCount -= MAXCOUNTCLUS;
- }
- }
- } else {
- //
- //
- VBO StartOffsetInVolume;
- VBO FinalOffsetInVolume;
- ULONG Page;
- ULONG FinalCluster;
- PUSHORT FatEntry;
- StartOffsetInVolume = FatReservedBytes(&Vcb->Bpb) +
- StartingFatIndex * sizeof(USHORT);
- FinalOffsetInVolume = StartOffsetInVolume +
- (ClusterCount - 1) * sizeof(USHORT);
-#ifndef __REACTOS__
- StartingPage = StartOffsetInVolume / PAGE_SIZE;
- //
- // Read in one page of fat at a time. We cannot read in the
- // all of the fat we need because of cache manager limitations.
- //
- // SavedBcb was initialized to be able to hold the largest
- // possible number of pages in a fat plus and extra one to
- // accomadate the boot sector, plus one more to make sure there
- // is enough room for the RtlZeroMemory below that needs the mark
- // the first Bcb after all the ones we will use as an end marker.
- //
- {
- ULONG NumberOfPages;
- ULONG Offset;
- NumberOfPages = (FinalOffsetInVolume / PAGE_SIZE) -
- (StartOffsetInVolume / PAGE_SIZE) + 1;
- RtlZeroMemory( &SavedBcbs[0][0], (NumberOfPages + 1) * sizeof(PBCB) *
2 );
- for ( Page = 0, Offset = StartOffsetInVolume & ~(PAGE_SIZE - 1);
- Page < NumberOfPages;
- Page++, Offset += PAGE_SIZE ) {
- FatPrepareWriteVolumeFile( IrpContext,
- Vcb,
- Offset,
- &SavedBcbs[Page][0],
- (PVOID *)&SavedBcbs[Page][1],
- FALSE );
- if (Page == 0) {
- FatEntry = (PUSHORT)((PUCHAR)SavedBcbs[0][1] +
- (StartOffsetInVolume % PAGE_SIZE));
- }
- }
- }
- //
- // Mark the run dirty
- //
- StartSectorLbo = StartOffsetInVolume & ~(SectorSize - 1);
- FinalSectorLbo = FinalOffsetInVolume & ~(SectorSize - 1);
- for (Lbo = StartSectorLbo; Lbo <= FinalSectorLbo; Lbo += SectorSize) {
- FatAddMcbEntry( Vcb, &Vcb->DirtyFatMcb, (VBO) Lbo, Lbo, SectorSize
- }
- //
- // Store the entries
- //
- // We need extra synchronization here for broken architectures
- // like the ALPHA that don't support atomic 16 bit writes.
- //
-#ifdef ALPHA
- FatLockFreeClusterBitMap( Vcb );
- ReleaseMutex = TRUE;
-#endif // ALPHA
- FinalCluster = StartingFatIndex + ClusterCount - 1;
- Page = 0;
- for (Cluster = StartingFatIndex;
- Cluster <= FinalCluster;
- Cluster++, FatEntry++) {
- //
- // If we just crossed a page boundry (as opposed to starting
- // on one), update our idea of FatEntry.
- if ( (((ULONG_PTR)FatEntry & (PAGE_SIZE-1)) == 0) &&
- (Cluster != StartingFatIndex) ) {
- Page += 1;
- FatEntry = (PUSHORT)SavedBcbs[Page][1];
- }
- *FatEntry = (USHORT) (ChainTogether ? (FAT_ENTRY)(Cluster + 1) :
- }
- //
- // Fix up the last entry if we were chaining together
- //
- if ( ChainTogether ) {
- }
-#ifdef ALPHA
- FatUnlockFreeClusterBitMap( Vcb );
- ReleaseMutex = FALSE;
-#endif // ALPHA
- }
- ULONG i = 0;
- DebugUnwind( FatSetFatRun );
- //
- // If we still somehow have the Mutex, release it.
- //
- if (ReleaseMutex) {
- ASSERT( _SEH2_AbnormalTermination() );
- FatUnlockFreeClusterBitMap( Vcb );
- }
- //
- // Unpin the Bcbs
- //
- while ( SavedBcbs[i][0] != NULL ) {
- FatUnpinBcb( IrpContext, SavedBcbs[i][0] );
- i += 1;
- }
- //
- // At this point nothing in this finally clause should have raised.
- // So, now comes the unsafe (sigh) stuff.
- //
- if ( _SEH2_AbnormalTermination() &&
- (Vcb->AllocationSupport.FatIndexBitSize == 32) ) {
- //
- // Fat32 unwind
- //
- // This case is more complex because the FAT12 and FAT16 cases
- // pin all the needed FAT pages (128K max), after which it
- // can't fail, before changing any FAT entries. In the Fat32
- // case, it may not be practical to pin all the needed FAT
- // pages, because that could span many megabytes. So Fat32
- // attacks in chunks, and if a failure occurs once the first
- // chunk has been updated, we have to back out the updates.
- //
- // The unwind consists of walking back over each FAT entry we
- // have changed, setting it back to the previous value. Note
- // that the previous value with either be FAT_CLUSTER_AVAILABLE
- // (if ChainTogether==TRUE) or a simple link to the successor
- // (if ChainTogether==FALSE).
- //
- // We concede that any one of these calls could fail too; our
- // objective is to make this case no more likely than the case
- // for a file consisting of multiple disjoint runs.
- //
- while ( StartingFatIndex > SavedStartingFatIndex ) {
- StartingFatIndex--;
- FatSetFatEntry( IrpContext, Vcb, StartingFatIndex,
- ChainTogether ?
- StartingFatIndex + 1 : FAT_CLUSTER_AVAILABLE );
- }
- }
- DebugTrace(-1, Dbg, "FatSetFatRun -> (VOID)\n", 0);
- } _SEH2_END;
- return;
-// Internal support routine
-FatLogOf (
- IN ULONG Value
- )
-Routine Description:
- This routine just computes the base 2 log of an integer. It is only used
- on objects that are know to be powers of two.
- Value - The value to take the base 2 log of.
-Return Value:
- UCHAR - The base 2 log of Value.
- UCHAR Log = 0;
- DebugTrace(+1, Dbg, "LogOf\n", 0);
- DebugTrace( 0, Dbg, " Value = %8lx\n", Value);
- //
- // Knock bits off until we we get a one at position 0
- //
- while ( (Value & 0xfffffffe) != 0 ) {
- Log++;
- Value >>= 1;
- }
- //
- // If there was more than one bit set, the file system messed up,
- // Bug Check.
- //
- if (Value != 0x1) {
- DebugTrace( 0, Dbg, "Received non power of 2.\n", 0);
- FatBugCheck( Value, Log, 0 );
- }
- DebugTrace(-1, Dbg, "LogOf -> %8lx\n", Log);
- return Log;
- IN PVCB Vcb,
- IN BOOLEAN SetupWindows,
- )
-Routine Description:
- This routine handles scanning a segment of the FAT into in-memory structures.
- There are three fundamental cases, with variations depending on the FAT type:
- 1) During volume setup, FatSetupAllocations
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