Author: cwittich
Date: Sat Mar 6 15:12:31 2010
New Revision: 45943
add xmllite_winetest from wine 1.1.40
trunk/rostests/winetests/xmllite/ (with props)
trunk/rostests/winetests/xmllite/reader.c (with props)
trunk/rostests/winetests/xmllite/testlist.c (with props)
trunk/rostests/winetests/xmllite/xmllite.rbuild (with props)
Modified: trunk/rostests/winetests/directory.rbuild
--- trunk/rostests/winetests/directory.rbuild [iso-8859-1] (original)
+++ trunk/rostests/winetests/directory.rbuild [iso-8859-1] Sat Mar 6 15:12:31 2010
@@ -250,4 +250,7 @@
<directory name="winmm">
<xi:include href="winmm/winmm.rbuild" />
+ <directory name="xmllite">
+ <xi:include href="xmllite/xmllite.rbuild" />
+ </directory>
Propchange: trunk/rostests/winetests/xmllite/
--- bugtraq:logregex (added)
+++ bugtraq:logregex Sat Mar 6 15:12:31 2010
@@ -1,0 +1,2 @@
+([Ii]ssue|[Bb]ug)s? #?(\d+)(,? ?#?(\d+))*(,? ?(and |or )?#?(\d+))?
Propchange: trunk/rostests/winetests/xmllite/
bugtraq:message = See issue #%BUGID% for more details.
Propchange: trunk/rostests/winetests/xmllite/
bugtraq:url =
Propchange: trunk/rostests/winetests/xmllite/
tsvn:logminsize = 10
Added: trunk/rostests/winetests/xmllite/reader.c
--- trunk/rostests/winetests/xmllite/reader.c (added)
+++ trunk/rostests/winetests/xmllite/reader.c [iso-8859-1] Sat Mar 6 15:12:31 2010
@@ -1,0 +1,623 @@
+ * XMLLite IXmlReader tests
+ *
+ * Copyright 2010 (C) Nikolay Sivov
+ *
+ * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+ * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+ * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * Lesser General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+ * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA
+ */
+#include <stdarg.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include "windef.h"
+#include "winbase.h"
+#include "initguid.h"
+#include "ole2.h"
+#include "xmllite.h"
+#include "wine/test.h"
+DEFINE_GUID(IID_IXmlReaderInput, 0x0b3ccc9b, 0x9214, 0x428b, 0xa2, 0xae, 0xef, 0x3a,
0xa8, 0x71, 0xaf, 0xda);
+HRESULT WINAPI (*pCreateXmlReader)(REFIID riid, void **ppvObject, IMalloc *pMalloc);
+HRESULT WINAPI (*pCreateXmlReaderInputWithEncodingName)(IUnknown *stream,
+ IMalloc *pMalloc,
+ LPCWSTR encoding,
+ BOOL hint,
+ LPCWSTR base_uri,
+ IXmlReaderInput **ppInput);
+static const char *debugstr_guid(REFIID riid)
+ static char buf[50];
+ sprintf(buf, "{%08X-%04X-%04X-%02X%02X-%02X%02X%02X%02X%02X%02X}",
+ riid->Data1, riid->Data2, riid->Data3, riid->Data4[0],
+ riid->Data4[1], riid->Data4[2], riid->Data4[3], riid->Data4[4],
+ riid->Data4[5], riid->Data4[6], riid->Data4[7]);
+ return buf;
+static const char xmldecl_full[] = "<?xml version=\"1.0\"
encoding=\"UTF-8\" standalone=\"yes\"?>\n";
+static IStream *create_stream_on_data(const char *data, int size)
+ IStream *stream = NULL;
+ HGLOBAL hglobal;
+ void *ptr;
+ hglobal = GlobalAlloc(GHND, size);
+ ptr = GlobalLock(hglobal);
+ memcpy(ptr, data, size);
+ hr = CreateStreamOnHGlobal(hglobal, TRUE, &stream);
+ ok(hr == S_OK, "Expected S_OK, got %08x\n", hr);
+ ok(stream != NULL, "Expected non-NULL stream\n");
+ GlobalUnlock(hglobal);
+ return stream;
+static void ok_pos_(IXmlReader *reader, int line, int pos, int line_broken,
+ int pos_broken, int todo, int _line_)
+ UINT l, p;
+ int broken_state;
+ hr = IXmlReader_GetLineNumber(reader, &l);
+ ok_(__FILE__, _line_)(hr == S_OK, "Expected S_OK, got %08x\n", hr);
+ hr = IXmlReader_GetLinePosition(reader, &p);
+ ok_(__FILE__, _line_)(hr == S_OK, "Expected S_OK, got %08x\n", hr);
+ if (line_broken == -1 && pos_broken == -1)
+ broken_state = 0;
+ else
+ broken_state = broken((line_broken == -1 ? line : line_broken) == l &&
+ (pos_broken == -1 ? pos : pos_broken) == p);
+ if (todo)
+ todo_wine
+ ok_(__FILE__, _line_)((l == line && pos == p) || broken_state,
+ "Expected (%d,%d), got (%d,%d)\n", line, pos, l,
+ else
+ {
+ ok_(__FILE__, _line_)((l == line && pos == p) || broken_state,
+ "Expected (%d,%d), got (%d,%d)\n", line, pos, l,
+ }
+#define ok_pos(reader, l, p, l_brk, p_brk, todo) ok_pos_(reader, l, p, l_brk, p_brk,
todo, __LINE__)
+typedef struct input_iids_t {
+ IID iids[10];
+ int count;
+} input_iids_t;
+static const IID *setinput_full[] = {
+ &IID_IXmlReaderInput,
+ &IID_IStream,
+ &IID_ISequentialStream,
+/* this applies to early xmllite versions */
+static const IID *setinput_full_old[] = {
+ &IID_IXmlReaderInput,
+ &IID_ISequentialStream,
+ &IID_IStream,
+/* after ::SetInput(IXmlReaderInput*) */
+static const IID *setinput_readerinput[] = {
+ &IID_IStream,
+ &IID_ISequentialStream,
+static const IID *empty_seq[] = {
+static input_iids_t input_iids;
+static void ok_iids_(const input_iids_t *iids, const IID **expected, const IID
**exp_broken, int todo, int line)
+ int i = 0, size = 0;
+ while (expected[i++]) size++;
+ if (todo) {
+ todo_wine
+ ok_(__FILE__, line)(iids->count == size, "Sequence size mismatch
(%d), got (%d)\n", size, iids->count);
+ }
+ else
+ ok_(__FILE__, line)(iids->count == size, "Sequence size mismatch (%d), got
(%d)\n", size, iids->count);
+ if (iids->count != size) return;
+ for (i = 0; i < size; i++) {
+ ok_(__FILE__, line)(IsEqualGUID(&iids->iids[i], expected[i]) ||
+ (exp_broken ? broken(IsEqualGUID(&iids->iids[i], exp_broken[i])) :
+ "Wrong IID(%d), got (%s)\n", i,
+ }
+#define ok_iids(got, exp, brk, todo) ok_iids_(got, exp, brk, todo, __LINE__)
+static const char *state_to_str(XmlReadState state)
+ static const char* state_names[] = {
+ "XmlReadState_Initial",
+ "XmlReadState_Interactive",
+ "XmlReadState_Error",
+ "XmlReadState_EndOfFile",
+ "XmlReadState_Closed"
+ };
+ static const char unknown[] = "unknown";
+ switch (state)
+ {
+ case XmlReadState_Initial:
+ case XmlReadState_Interactive:
+ case XmlReadState_Error:
+ case XmlReadState_EndOfFile:
+ case XmlReadState_Closed:
+ return state_names[state];
+ default:
+ return unknown;
+ }
+static const char *type_to_str(XmlNodeType type)
+ static const char* type_names[] = {
+ "XmlNodeType_None",
+ "XmlNodeType_Element",
+ "XmlNodeType_Attribute",
+ "XmlNodeType_Text",
+ "XmlNodeType_CDATA",
+ "", "",
+ "XmlNodeType_ProcessingInstruction",
+ "XmlNodeType_Comment",
+ "",
+ "XmlNodeType_DocumentType",
+ "", "",
+ "XmlNodeType_Whitespace",
+ "",
+ "XmlNodeType_EndElement",
+ "",
+ "XmlNodeType_XmlDeclaration"
+ };
+ static const char unknown[] = "unknown";
+ switch (type)
+ {
+ case XmlNodeType_None:
+ case XmlNodeType_Element:
+ case XmlNodeType_Attribute:
+ case XmlNodeType_Text:
+ case XmlNodeType_CDATA:
+ case XmlNodeType_ProcessingInstruction:
+ case XmlNodeType_Comment:
+ case XmlNodeType_DocumentType:
+ case XmlNodeType_Whitespace:
+ case XmlNodeType_EndElement:
+ case XmlNodeType_XmlDeclaration:
+ return type_names[type];
+ default:
+ return unknown;
+ }
+static void test_read_state_(IXmlReader *reader, XmlReadState expected,
+ XmlReadState exp_broken, int todo, int line)
+ XmlReadState state;
+ int broken_state;
+ state = -1; /* invalid value */
+ hr = IXmlReader_GetProperty(reader, XmlReaderProperty_ReadState,
+ ok_(__FILE__, line)(hr == S_OK, "Expected S_OK, got %08x\n", hr);
+ if (exp_broken == -1)
+ broken_state = 0;
+ else
+ broken_state = broken(exp_broken == state);
+ if (todo)
+ {
+ todo_wine
+ ok_(__FILE__, line)(state == expected || broken_state, "Expected (%s), got
+ state_to_str(expected), state_to_str(state));
+ }
+ else
+ ok_(__FILE__, line)(state == expected || broken_state, "Expected (%s), got
+ state_to_str(expected), state_to_str(state));
+#define test_read_state(reader, exp, brk, todo) test_read_state_(reader, exp, brk, todo,
+typedef struct _testinput
+ const IUnknownVtbl *lpVtbl;
+ LONG ref;
+} testinput;
+static inline testinput *impl_from_IUnknown(IUnknown *iface)
+ return (testinput *)((char*)iface - FIELD_OFFSET(testinput, lpVtbl));
+static HRESULT WINAPI testinput_QueryInterface(IUnknown *iface, REFIID riid, void**
+ if (IsEqualGUID( riid, &IID_IUnknown ))
+ {
+ *ppvObj = iface;
+ IUnknown_AddRef(iface);
+ return S_OK;
+ }
+ input_iids.iids[input_iids.count++] = *riid;
+ *ppvObj = NULL;
+static ULONG WINAPI testinput_AddRef(IUnknown *iface)
+ testinput *This = impl_from_IUnknown(iface);
+ return InterlockedIncrement(&This->ref);
+static ULONG WINAPI testinput_Release(IUnknown *iface)
+ testinput *This = impl_from_IUnknown(iface);
+ LONG ref;
+ ref = InterlockedDecrement(&This->ref);
+ if (ref == 0)
+ {
+ HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(), 0, This);
+ }
+ return ref;
+static const struct IUnknownVtbl testinput_vtbl =
+ testinput_QueryInterface,
+ testinput_AddRef,
+ testinput_Release
+static HRESULT testinput_createinstance(void **ppObj)
+ testinput *input;
+ input = HeapAlloc(GetProcessHeap(), 0, sizeof (*input));
+ if(!input) return E_OUTOFMEMORY;
+ input->lpVtbl = &testinput_vtbl;
+ input->ref = 1;
+ *ppObj = &input->lpVtbl;
+ return S_OK;
+static BOOL init_pointers(void)
+ /* don't free module here, it's to be unloaded on exit */
+ HMODULE mod = LoadLibraryA("xmllite.dll");
+ if (!mod)
+ {
+ win_skip("xmllite library not available\n");
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+#define MAKEFUNC(f) if (!(p##f = (void*)GetProcAddress(mod, #f))) return FALSE;
+ MAKEFUNC(CreateXmlReader);
+ MAKEFUNC(CreateXmlReaderInputWithEncodingName);
+#undef MAKEFUNC
+ return TRUE;
+static void test_reader_create(void)
+ IXmlReader *reader;
+ IUnknown *input;
+ /* crashes native */
+ if (0)
+ {
+ hr = pCreateXmlReader(&IID_IXmlReader, NULL, NULL);
+ hr = pCreateXmlReader(NULL, (LPVOID*)&reader, NULL);
+ }
+ hr = pCreateXmlReader(&IID_IXmlReader, (LPVOID*)&reader, NULL);
+ ok(hr == S_OK, "Expected S_OK, got %08x\n", hr);
+ test_read_state(reader, XmlReadState_Closed, -1, FALSE);
+ /* Null input pointer, releases previous input */
+ hr = IXmlReader_SetInput(reader, NULL);
+ ok(hr == S_OK, "Expected S_OK, got %08x\n", hr);
+ test_read_state(reader, XmlReadState_Initial, XmlReadState_Closed, FALSE);
+ /* test input interface selection sequence */
+ hr = testinput_createinstance((void**)&input);
+ ok(hr == S_OK, "Expected S_OK, got %08x\n", hr);
+ input_iids.count = 0;
+ hr = IXmlReader_SetInput(reader, input);
+ ok(hr == E_NOINTERFACE, "Expected E_NOINTERFACE, got %08x\n", hr);
+ ok_iids(&input_iids, setinput_full, setinput_full_old, FALSE);
+ IUnknown_Release(input);
+ IXmlReader_Release(reader);
+static void test_readerinput(void)
+ IXmlReaderInput *reader_input;
+ IXmlReader *reader, *reader2;
+ IUnknown *obj, *input;
+ IStream *stream;
+ LONG ref;
+ hr = pCreateXmlReaderInputWithEncodingName(NULL, NULL, NULL, FALSE, NULL, NULL);
+ ok(hr == E_INVALIDARG, "Expected E_INVALIDARG, got %08x\n", hr);
+ hr = pCreateXmlReaderInputWithEncodingName(NULL, NULL, NULL, FALSE, NULL,
+ ok(hr == E_INVALIDARG, "Expected E_INVALIDARG, got %08x\n", hr);
+ hr = CreateStreamOnHGlobal(NULL, TRUE, &stream);
+ ok(hr == S_OK, "Expected S_OK, got %08x\n", hr);
+ ref = IStream_AddRef(stream);
+ ok(ref == 2, "Expected 2, got %d\n", ref);
+ IStream_Release(stream);
+ hr = pCreateXmlReaderInputWithEncodingName((IUnknown*)stream, NULL, NULL, FALSE,
NULL, &reader_input);
+ ok(hr == S_OK, "Expected S_OK, got %08x\n", hr);
+ /* IXmlReaderInput grabs a stream reference */
+ ref = IStream_AddRef(stream);
+ ok(ref == 3, "Expected 3, got %d\n", ref);
+ IStream_Release(stream);
+ /* try ::SetInput() with valid IXmlReaderInput */
+ hr = pCreateXmlReader(&IID_IXmlReader, (LPVOID*)&reader, NULL);
+ ok(hr == S_OK, "Expected S_OK, got %08x\n", hr);
+ ref = IUnknown_AddRef(reader_input);
+ ok(ref == 2, "Expected 2, got %d\n", ref);
+ IUnknown_Release(reader_input);
+ hr = IXmlReader_SetInput(reader, reader_input);
+ ok(hr == S_OK, "Expected S_OK, got %08x\n", hr);
+ test_read_state(reader, XmlReadState_Initial, -1, FALSE);
+ /* IXmlReader grabs a IXmlReaderInput reference */
+ ref = IUnknown_AddRef(reader_input);
+ ok(ref == 3, "Expected 3, got %d\n", ref);
+ IUnknown_Release(reader_input);
+ ref = IStream_AddRef(stream);
+ ok(ref == 4, "Expected 4, got %d\n", ref);
+ IStream_Release(stream);
+ /* reset input and check state */
+ hr = IXmlReader_SetInput(reader, NULL);
+ ok(hr == S_OK, "Expected S_OK, got %08x\n", hr);
+ test_read_state(reader, XmlReadState_Initial, XmlReadState_Closed, FALSE);
+ IXmlReader_Release(reader);
+ ref = IStream_AddRef(stream);
+ ok(ref == 3, "Expected 3, got %d\n", ref);
+ IStream_Release(stream);
+ ref = IUnknown_AddRef(reader_input);
+ ok(ref == 2, "Expected 2, got %d\n", ref);
+ IUnknown_Release(reader_input);
+ /* IID_IXmlReaderInput */
+ /* it returns a kind of private undocumented vtable incompatible with IUnknown,
+ so it's not a COM interface actually.
+ Such query will be used only to check if input is really IXmlReaderInput */
+ obj = (IUnknown*)0xdeadbeef;
+ hr = IUnknown_QueryInterface(reader_input, &IID_IXmlReaderInput,
+ ok(hr == S_OK, "Expected S_OK, got %08x\n", hr);
+ ref = IUnknown_AddRef(reader_input);
+ ok(ref == 3, "Expected 3, got %d\n", ref);
+ IUnknown_Release(reader_input);
+ IUnknown_Release(reader_input);
+ IUnknown_Release(reader_input);
+ IStream_Release(stream);
+ /* test input interface selection sequence */
+ hr = testinput_createinstance((void**)&input);
+ ok(hr == S_OK, "Expected S_OK, got %08x\n", hr);
+ input_iids.count = 0;
+ ref = IUnknown_AddRef(input);
+ ok(ref == 2, "Expected 2, got %d\n", ref);
+ IUnknown_Release(input);
+ hr = pCreateXmlReaderInputWithEncodingName(input, NULL, NULL, FALSE, NULL,
+ ok(hr == S_OK, "Expected S_OK, got %08x\n", hr);
+ ok_iids(&input_iids, empty_seq, NULL, FALSE);
+ /* IXmlReaderInput stores stream interface as IUnknown */
+ ref = IUnknown_AddRef(input);
+ ok(ref == 3, "Expected 3, got %d\n", ref);
+ IUnknown_Release(input);
+ hr = pCreateXmlReader(&IID_IXmlReader, (LPVOID*)&reader, NULL);
+ ok(hr == S_OK, "Expected S_OK, got %08x\n", hr);
+ input_iids.count = 0;
+ ref = IUnknown_AddRef(reader_input);
+ ok(ref == 2, "Expected 2, got %d\n", ref);
+ IUnknown_Release(reader_input);
+ ref = IUnknown_AddRef(input);
+ ok(ref == 3, "Expected 3, got %d\n", ref);
+ IUnknown_Release(input);
+ hr = IXmlReader_SetInput(reader, reader_input);
+ ok(hr == E_NOINTERFACE, "Expected E_NOINTERFACE, got %08x\n", hr);
+ ok_iids(&input_iids, setinput_readerinput, NULL, FALSE);
+ test_read_state(reader, XmlReadState_Closed, -1, FALSE);
+ ref = IUnknown_AddRef(input);
+ ok(ref == 3, "Expected 3, got %d\n", ref);
+ IUnknown_Release(input);
+ ref = IUnknown_AddRef(reader_input);
+ ok(ref == 3 || broken(ref == 2) /* versions 1.0.x and 1.1.x - XP, Vista */,
+ "Expected 3, got %d\n", ref);
+ IUnknown_Release(reader_input);
+ /* repeat another time, no check or caching here */
+ input_iids.count = 0;
+ hr = IXmlReader_SetInput(reader, reader_input);
+ ok(hr == E_NOINTERFACE, "Expected E_NOINTERFACE, got %08x\n", hr);
+ ok_iids(&input_iids, setinput_readerinput, NULL, FALSE);
+ /* another reader */
+ hr = pCreateXmlReader(&IID_IXmlReader, (LPVOID*)&reader2, NULL);
+ ok(hr == S_OK, "Expected S_OK, got %08x\n", hr);
+ /* resolving from IXmlReaderInput to IStream/ISequentialStream is done at
+ ::SetInput() level, each time it's called */
+ input_iids.count = 0;
+ hr = IXmlReader_SetInput(reader2, reader_input);
+ ok(hr == E_NOINTERFACE, "Expected E_NOINTERFACE, got %08x\n", hr);
+ ok_iids(&input_iids, setinput_readerinput, NULL, FALSE);
+ IXmlReader_Release(reader2);
+ IXmlReader_Release(reader);
+ IUnknown_Release(reader_input);
+ IUnknown_Release(input);
+static void test_reader_state(void)
+ IXmlReader *reader;
+ hr = pCreateXmlReader(&IID_IXmlReader, (LPVOID*)&reader, NULL);
+ ok(hr == S_OK, "Expected S_OK, got %08x\n", hr);
+ /* invalid arguments */
+ hr = IXmlReader_GetProperty(reader, XmlReaderProperty_ReadState, NULL);
+ ok(hr == E_INVALIDARG, "Expected E_INVALIDARG, got %08x\n", hr);
+ IXmlReader_Release(reader);
+static void test_read_xmldeclaration(void)
+ IXmlReader *reader;
+ IStream *stream;
+ XmlNodeType type;
+ UINT count = 0;
+ hr = pCreateXmlReader(&IID_IXmlReader, (LPVOID*)&reader, NULL);
+ ok(hr == S_OK, "Expected S_OK, got %08x\n", hr);
+ /* position methods with Null args */
+ hr = IXmlReader_GetLineNumber(reader, NULL);
+ ok(hr == E_INVALIDARG, "Expected E_INVALIDARG, got %08x\n", hr);
+ hr = IXmlReader_GetLinePosition(reader, NULL);
+ ok(hr == E_INVALIDARG, "Expected E_INVALIDARG, got %08x\n", hr);
+ stream = create_stream_on_data(xmldecl_full, sizeof(xmldecl_full));
+ hr = IXmlReader_SetInput(reader, (IUnknown*)stream);
+ ok(hr == S_OK, "Expected S_OK, got %08x\n", hr);
+ ok_pos(reader, 0, 0, -1, -1, FALSE);
+ type = -1;
+ hr = IXmlReader_Read(reader, &type);
+todo_wine {
+ ok(hr == S_OK, "Expected S_OK, got %08x\n", hr);
+ ok(type == XmlNodeType_XmlDeclaration,
+ "Expected XmlNodeType_XmlDeclaration, got %s\n",
+ /* new version 1.2.x and 1.3.x properly update postition for <?xml ?> */
+ ok_pos(reader, 1, 3, -1, 55, TRUE);
+ /* check attributes */
+ hr = IXmlReader_MoveToNextAttribute(reader);
+ todo_wine ok(hr == S_OK, "Expected S_OK, got %08x\n", hr);
+ ok_pos(reader, 1, 7, -1, 55, TRUE);
+ hr = IXmlReader_MoveToFirstAttribute(reader);
+ todo_wine ok(hr == S_OK, "Expected S_OK, got %08x\n", hr);
+ ok_pos(reader, 1, 7, -1, 55, TRUE);
+ hr = IXmlReader_GetAttributeCount(reader, &count);
+todo_wine {
+ ok(hr == S_OK, "Expected S_OK, got %08x\n", hr);
+ ok(count == 3, "Expected 3, got %d\n", count);
+ hr = IXmlReader_GetDepth(reader, &count);
+todo_wine {
+ ok(hr == S_OK, "Expected S_OK, got %08x\n", hr);
+ ok(count == 1, "Expected 1, got %d\n", count);
+ IStream_Release(stream);
+ IXmlReader_Release(reader);
+ r = CoInitialize( NULL );
+ ok( r == S_OK, "failed to init com\n");
+ if (!init_pointers())
+ {
+ CoUninitialize();
+ return;
+ }
+ test_reader_create();
+ test_readerinput();
+ test_reader_state();
+ test_read_xmldeclaration();
+ CoUninitialize();
Propchange: trunk/rostests/winetests/xmllite/reader.c
svn:eol-style = native
Added: trunk/rostests/winetests/xmllite/testlist.c
--- trunk/rostests/winetests/xmllite/testlist.c (added)
+++ trunk/rostests/winetests/xmllite/testlist.c [iso-8859-1] Sat Mar 6 15:12:31 2010
@@ -1,0 +1,15 @@
+/* Automatically generated file; DO NOT EDIT!! */
+#define WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN
+#include <windows.h>
+#include "wine/test.h"
+extern void func_reader(void);
+const struct test winetest_testlist[] =
+ { "reader", func_reader },
+ { 0, 0 }
Propchange: trunk/rostests/winetests/xmllite/testlist.c
svn:eol-style = native
Added: trunk/rostests/winetests/xmllite/xmllite.rbuild
--- trunk/rostests/winetests/xmllite/xmllite.rbuild (added)
+++ trunk/rostests/winetests/xmllite/xmllite.rbuild [iso-8859-1] Sat Mar 6 15:12:31 2010
@@ -1,0 +1,14 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+<!DOCTYPE module SYSTEM "../../../tools/rbuild/project.dtd">
+<module name="xmllite_winetest" type="win32cui"
installbase="bin" installname="xmllite_winetest.exe"
+ <include base="wininet_winetest">.</include>
+ <define name="__ROS_LONG64__" />
+ <library>wine</library>
+ <library>xmllite</library>
+ <library>ole32</library>
+ <library>ntdll</library>
+ <file>reader.c</file>
+ <file>testlist.c</file>
Propchange: trunk/rostests/winetests/xmllite/xmllite.rbuild
svn:eol-style = native