Author: tkreuzer
Date: Mon Aug 9 23:28:19 2010
New Revision: 48501
[WIN32K] Fix NtGdiMaskBlt to handle patterns correctly, use SRCAND, which is more
optimized, instead of DSTERASE, and set fore and background colors correctly to not
destroy alpha channel.
[SHELL32] Use MaskBlt to draw the shortcut overlay
Finally fixes bug 5455. Forever. (I hope.)
Modified: trunk/reactos/dll/win32/shell32/iconcache.c
--- trunk/reactos/dll/win32/shell32/iconcache.c [iso-8859-1] (original)
+++ trunk/reactos/dll/win32/shell32/iconcache.c [iso-8859-1] Mon Aug 9 23:28:19 2010
@@ -175,37 +175,16 @@
if (! BitBlt(TargetDC, 0, 0, SourceBitmapInfo.bmWidth, SourceBitmapInfo.bmHeight,
SourceDC, 0, 0, SRCCOPY)) goto fail;
- /* Check if we can use alpha blending */
- if (ShortcutBitmapInfo.bmBitsPixel == 32)
- {
- /* Use alpha blending to make sure the target alpha channel stays valid */
- if (NULL == SelectObject(ShortcutDC, ShortcutIconInfo.hbmColor)) goto fail;
- if (!GdiAlphaBlend(TargetDC, 0, SourceBitmapInfo.bmHeight -
- ShortcutBitmapInfo.bmWidth, ShortcutBitmapInfo.bmHeight,
- ShortcutDC, 0, 0, ShortcutBitmapInfo.bmWidth,
- (BLENDFUNCTION){AC_SRC_OVER, 0, 255, AC_SRC_ALPHA})) goto fail;
- }
- else
- {
- /* Copy the source xor bitmap to the target and clear out part of it by using
- the shortcut mask */
- if (! BitBlt(TargetDC, 0, SourceBitmapInfo.bmHeight - ShortcutBitmapInfo.bmHeight,
- ShortcutBitmapInfo.bmWidth, ShortcutBitmapInfo.bmHeight,
- ShortcutDC, 0, 0, SRCAND))
- {
- goto fail;
- }
- if (NULL == SelectObject(ShortcutDC, ShortcutIconInfo.hbmColor)) goto fail;
- /* Now put in the shortcut xor mask */
- if (! BitBlt(TargetDC, 0, SourceBitmapInfo.bmHeight - ShortcutBitmapInfo.bmHeight,
- ShortcutBitmapInfo.bmWidth, ShortcutBitmapInfo.bmHeight,
- ShortcutDC, 0, 0, SRCINVERT))
- {
- goto fail;
- }
- }
+ /* Copy the source xor bitmap to the target and clear out part of it by using
+ the shortcut mask */
+ if (NULL == SelectObject(ShortcutDC, ShortcutIconInfo.hbmColor)) goto fail;
+ if (!MaskBlt(TargetDC, 0, SourceBitmapInfo.bmHeight - ShortcutBitmapInfo.bmHeight,
+ ShortcutBitmapInfo.bmWidth, ShortcutBitmapInfo.bmHeight,
+ ShortcutDC, 0, 0, ShortcutIconInfo.hbmMask, 0, 0,
+ {
+ goto fail;
+ }
/* Clean up, we're not goto'ing to 'fail' after this so we can be lazy
and not set
handles to NULL */
Modified: trunk/reactos/subsystems/win32/win32k/objects/bitblt.c
--- trunk/reactos/subsystems/win32/win32k/objects/bitblt.c [iso-8859-1] (original)
+++ trunk/reactos/subsystems/win32/win32k/objects/bitblt.c [iso-8859-1] Mon Aug 9
23:28:19 2010
@@ -458,6 +458,42 @@
* A. It should be in here!
+static const DWORD ROP3Table[256] =
+ 0x000042, 0x010289, 0x020C89, 0x0300AA, 0x040C88, 0x0500A9, 0x060865, 0x0702C5,
+ 0x080F08, 0x090245, 0x0A0329, 0x0B0B2A, 0x0C0324, 0x0D0B25, 0x0E08A5, 0x0F0001,
+ 0x100C85, 0x1100A6, 0x120868, 0x1302C8, 0x140869, 0x1502C9, 0x165CCA, 0x171D54,
+ 0x180D59, 0x191CC8, 0x1A06C5, 0x1B0768, 0x1C06CA, 0x1D0766, 0x1E01A5, 0x1F0385,
+ 0x200F09, 0x210248, 0x220326, 0x230B24, 0x240D55, 0x251CC5, 0x2606C8, 0x271868,
+ 0x280369, 0x2916CA, 0x2A0CC9, 0x2B1D58, 0x2C0784, 0x2D060A, 0x2E064A, 0x2F0E2A,
+ 0x30032A, 0x310B28, 0x320688, 0x330008, 0x3406C4, 0x351864, 0x3601A8, 0x370388,
+ 0x38078A, 0x390604, 0x3A0644, 0x3B0E24, 0x3C004A, 0x3D18A4, 0x3E1B24, 0x3F00EA,
+ 0x400F0A, 0x410249, 0x420D5D, 0x431CC4, 0x440328, 0x450B29, 0x4606C6, 0x47076A,
+ 0x480368, 0x4916C5, 0x4A0789, 0x4B0605, 0x4C0CC8, 0x4D1954, 0x4E0645, 0x4F0E25,
+ 0x500325, 0x510B26, 0x5206C9, 0x530764, 0x5408A9, 0x550009, 0x5601A9, 0x570389,
+ 0x580785, 0x590609, 0x5A0049, 0x5B18A9, 0x5C0649, 0x5D0E29, 0x5E1B29, 0x5F00E9,
+ 0x600365, 0x6116C6, 0x620786, 0x630608, 0x640788, 0x650606, 0x660046, 0x6718A8,
+ 0x6858A6, 0x690145, 0x6A01E9, 0x6B178A, 0x6C01E8, 0x6D1785, 0x6E1E28, 0x6F0C65,
+ 0x700CC5, 0x711D5C, 0x720648, 0x730E28, 0x740646, 0x750E26, 0x761B28, 0x7700E6,
+ 0x7801E5, 0x791786, 0x7A1E29, 0x7B0C68, 0x7C1E24, 0x7D0C69, 0x7E0955, 0x7F03C9,
+ 0x8003E9, 0x810975, 0x820C49, 0x831E04, 0x840C48, 0x851E05, 0x8617A6, 0x8701C5,
+ 0x8800C6, 0x891B08, 0x8A0E06, 0x8B0666, 0x8C0E08, 0x8D0668, 0x8E1D7C, 0x8F0CE5,
+ 0x900C45, 0x911E08, 0x9217A9, 0x9301C4, 0x9417AA, 0x9501C9, 0x960169, 0x97588A,
+ 0x981888, 0x990066, 0x9A0709, 0x9B07A8, 0x9C0704, 0x9D07A6, 0x9E16E6, 0x9F0345,
+ 0xA000C9, 0xA11B05, 0xA20E09, 0xA30669, 0xA41885, 0xA50065, 0xA60706, 0xA707A5,
+ 0xA803A9, 0xA90189, 0xAA0029, 0xAB0889, 0xAC0744, 0xAD06E9, 0xAE0B06, 0xAF0229,
+ 0xB00E05, 0xB10665, 0xB21974, 0xB30CE8, 0xB4070A, 0xB507A9, 0xB616E9, 0xB70348,
+ 0xB8074A, 0xB906E6, 0xBA0B09, 0xBB0226, 0xBC1CE4, 0xBD0D7D, 0xBE0269, 0xBF08C9,
+ 0xC000CA, 0xC11B04, 0xC21884, 0xC3006A, 0xC40E04, 0xC50664, 0xC60708, 0xC707AA,
+ 0xC803A8, 0xC90184, 0xCA0749, 0xCB06E4, 0xCC0020, 0xCD0888, 0xCE0B08, 0xCF0224,
+ 0xD00E0A, 0xD1066A, 0xD20705, 0xD307A4, 0xD41D78, 0xD50CE9, 0xD616EA, 0xD70349,
+ 0xD80745, 0xD906E8, 0xDA1CE9, 0xDB0D75, 0xDC0B04, 0xDD0228, 0xDE0268, 0xDF08C8,
+ 0xE003A5, 0xE10185, 0xE20746, 0xE306EA, 0xE40748, 0xE506E5, 0xE61CE8, 0xE70D79,
+ 0xE81D74, 0xE95CE6, 0xEA02E9, 0xEB0849, 0xEC02E8, 0xED0848, 0xEE0086, 0xEF0A08,
+ 0xF00021, 0xF10885, 0xF20B05, 0xF3022A, 0xF40B0A, 0xF50225, 0xF60265, 0xF708C5,
+ 0xF802E5, 0xF90845, 0xFA0089, 0xFB0A09, 0xFC008A, 0xFD0A0A, 0xFE02A9, 0xFF0062,
static __inline BYTE
SwapROP3_SrcDst(BYTE bRop3)
@@ -468,6 +504,30 @@
#define BKGND_ROP3(ROP4) (ROP3Table[(SwapROP3_SrcDst((ROP4)>>24)) & 0xFF])
#define DSTCOPY 0x00AA0029
#define DSTERASE 0x00220326 /* dest = dest & (~src) : DSna */
+/* NOTE: An alternative algorithm could use a pattern brush, created from
+ * the mask bitmap and then use raster operation 0xCA to combine the fore
+ * and background bitmaps. In this case erasing the bits beforehand would be
+ * unneccessary. On the other hand the Operation does not provide an optimized
+ * version in the DIB code, while SRCAND and SRCPAINT do.
+ * A fully correct implementation would call Eng/DrvBitBlt, but our
+ * EngBitBlt completely ignores the mask surface.
+ *
+ * Msk Fg Bk => x
+ * P S D DPSDxax
+ * ------------------------------------------
+ * 0 0 0 0 0000xax = 000ax = 00x = 0
+ * 0 0 1 1 1001xax = 101ax = 10x = 1
+ * 0 1 0 0 0010xax = 001ax = 00x = 0
+ * 0 1 1 1 1011xax = 100ax = 10x = 1
+ * 1 0 0 0 0100xax = 010ax = 00x = 0
+ * 1 0 1 0 1101xax = 111ax = 11x = 0
+ * 1 1 0 1 0110xax = 011ax = 01x = 1
+ * 1 1 1 1 1111xax = 110ax = 10x = 1
+ *
+ * Operation index = 11001010 = 0xCA = PSaDPnao = DPSDxax
+ * ^ no, this is not random letters, its reverse
Polish notation
+ */
@@ -485,187 +545,95 @@
DWORD dwRop,
IN DWORD crBackColor)
- HBITMAP hOldMaskBitmap, hBitmap2, hOldBitmap2, hBitmap3, hOldBitmap3;
- HDC hDCMask, hDC1, hDC2;
- static const DWORD ROP3Table[256] =
- {
- 0x00000042, 0x00010289,
- 0x00020C89, 0x000300AA,
- 0x00040C88, 0x000500A9,
- 0x00060865, 0x000702C5,
- 0x00080F08, 0x00090245,
- 0x000A0329, 0x000B0B2A,
- 0x000C0324, 0x000D0B25,
- 0x000E08A5, 0x000F0001,
- 0x00100C85, 0x001100A6,
- 0x00120868, 0x001302C8,
- 0x00140869, 0x001502C9,
- 0x00165CCA, 0x00171D54,
- 0x00180D59, 0x00191CC8,
- 0x001A06C5, 0x001B0768,
- 0x001C06CA, 0x001D0766,
- 0x001E01A5, 0x001F0385,
- 0x00200F09, 0x00210248,
- 0x00220326, 0x00230B24,
- 0x00240D55, 0x00251CC5,
- 0x002606C8, 0x00271868,
- 0x00280369, 0x002916CA,
- 0x002A0CC9, 0x002B1D58,
- 0x002C0784, 0x002D060A,
- 0x002E064A, 0x002F0E2A,
- 0x0030032A, 0x00310B28,
- 0x00320688, 0x00330008,
- 0x003406C4, 0x00351864,
- 0x003601A8, 0x00370388,
- 0x0038078A, 0x00390604,
- 0x003A0644, 0x003B0E24,
- 0x003C004A, 0x003D18A4,
- 0x003E1B24, 0x003F00EA,
- 0x00400F0A, 0x00410249,
- 0x00420D5D, 0x00431CC4,
- 0x00440328, 0x00450B29,
- 0x004606C6, 0x0047076A,
- 0x00480368, 0x004916C5,
- 0x004A0789, 0x004B0605,
- 0x004C0CC8, 0x004D1954,
- 0x004E0645, 0x004F0E25,
- 0x00500325, 0x00510B26,
- 0x005206C9, 0x00530764,
- 0x005408A9, 0x00550009,
- 0x005601A9, 0x00570389,
- 0x00580785, 0x00590609,
- 0x005A0049, 0x005B18A9,
- 0x005C0649, 0x005D0E29,
- 0x005E1B29, 0x005F00E9,
- 0x00600365, 0x006116C6,
- 0x00620786, 0x00630608,
- 0x00640788, 0x00650606,
- 0x00660046, 0x006718A8,
- 0x006858A6, 0x00690145,
- 0x006A01E9, 0x006B178A,
- 0x006C01E8, 0x006D1785,
- 0x006E1E28, 0x006F0C65,
- 0x00700CC5, 0x00711D5C,
- 0x00720648, 0x00730E28,
- 0x00740646, 0x00750E26,
- 0x00761B28, 0x007700E6,
- 0x007801E5, 0x00791786,
- 0x007A1E29, 0x007B0C68,
- 0x007C1E24, 0x007D0C69,
- 0x007E0955, 0x007F03C9,
- 0x008003E9, 0x00810975,
- 0x00820C49, 0x00831E04,
- 0x00840C48, 0x00851E05,
- 0x008617A6, 0x008701C5,
- 0x008800C6, 0x00891B08,
- 0x008A0E06, 0x008B0666,
- 0x008C0E08, 0x008D0668,
- 0x008E1D7C, 0x008F0CE5,
- 0x00900C45, 0x00911E08,
- 0x009217A9, 0x009301C4,
- 0x009417AA, 0x009501C9,
- 0x00960169, 0x0097588A,
- 0x00981888, 0x00990066,
- 0x009A0709, 0x009B07A8,
- 0x009C0704, 0x009D07A6,
- 0x009E16E6, 0x009F0345,
- 0x00A000C9, 0x00A11B05,
- 0x00A20E09, 0x00A30669,
- 0x00A41885, 0x00A50065,
- 0x00A60706, 0x00A707A5,
- 0x00A803A9, 0x00A90189,
- 0x00AA0029, 0x00AB0889,
- 0x00AC0744, 0x00AD06E9,
- 0x00AE0B06, 0x00AF0229,
- 0x00B00E05, 0x00B10665,
- 0x00B21974, 0x00B30CE8,
- 0x00B4070A, 0x00B507A9,
- 0x00B616E9, 0x00B70348,
- 0x00B8074A, 0x00B906E6,
- 0x00BA0B09, 0x00BB0226,
- 0x00BC1CE4, 0x00BD0D7D,
- 0x00BE0269, 0x00BF08C9,
- 0x00C000CA, 0x00C11B04,
- 0x00C21884, 0x00C3006A,
- 0x00C40E04, 0x00C50664,
- 0x00C60708, 0x00C707AA,
- 0x00C803A8, 0x00C90184,
- 0x00CA0749, 0x00CB06E4,
- 0x00CC0020, 0x00CD0888,
- 0x00CE0B08, 0x00CF0224,
- 0x00D00E0A, 0x00D1066A,
- 0x00D20705, 0x00D307A4,
- 0x00D41D78, 0x00D50CE9,
- 0x00D616EA, 0x00D70349,
- 0x00D80745, 0x00D906E8,
- 0x00DA1CE9, 0x00DB0D75,
- 0x00DC0B04, 0x00DD0228,
- 0x00DE0268, 0x00DF08C8,
- 0x00E003A5, 0x00E10185,
- 0x00E20746, 0x00E306EA,
- 0x00E40748, 0x00E506E5,
- 0x00E61CE8, 0x00E70D79,
- 0x00E81D74, 0x00E95CE6,
- 0x00EA02E9, 0x00EB0849,
- 0x00EC02E8, 0x00ED0848,
- 0x00EE0086, 0x00EF0A08,
- 0x00F00021, 0x00F10885,
- 0x00F20B05, 0x00F3022A,
- 0x00F40B0A, 0x00F50225,
- 0x00F60265, 0x00F708C5,
- 0x00F802E5, 0x00F90845,
- 0x00FA0089, 0x00FB0A09,
- 0x00FC008A, 0x00FD0A0A,
- 0x00FE02A9, 0x00FF0062,
- };
+ HBITMAP hbmFore, hbmBack;
+ HDC hdcMask, hdcFore, hdcBack;
+ PDC pdc;
+ HBRUSH hbr;
+ COLORREF crFore, crBack;
if (!hbmMask)
- return NtGdiBitBlt(hdcDest, nXDest, nYDest, nWidth, nHeight, hdcSrc, nXSrc,
nYSrc, FRGND_ROP3(dwRop), 0, 0);
- /* 1. make mask bitmap's dc */
- hDCMask = NtGdiCreateCompatibleDC(hdcDest);
- hOldMaskBitmap = (HBITMAP)NtGdiSelectBitmap(hDCMask, hbmMask);
- /* 2. make masked Background bitmap */
- /* 2.1 make bitmap */
- hDC1 = NtGdiCreateCompatibleDC(hdcDest);
- hBitmap2 = NtGdiCreateCompatibleBitmap(hdcDest, nWidth, nHeight);
- hOldBitmap2 = (HBITMAP)NtGdiSelectBitmap(hDC1, hBitmap2);
- /* 2.2 draw dest bitmap and mask */
- NtGdiBitBlt(hDC1, 0, 0, nWidth, nHeight, hdcSrc, nXSrc, nYSrc, SRCCOPY, 0, 0);
- NtGdiBitBlt(hDC1, 0, 0, nWidth, nHeight, hdcDest, nXDest, nYDest, BKGND_ROP3(dwRop),
0, 0);
- NtGdiBitBlt(hDC1, 0, 0, nWidth, nHeight, hDCMask, xMask, yMask, DSTERASE, 0, 0);
- /* 3. make masked Foreground bitmap */
- /* 3.1 make bitmap */
- hDC2 = NtGdiCreateCompatibleDC(hdcDest);
- hBitmap3 = NtGdiCreateCompatibleBitmap(hdcDest, nWidth, nHeight);
- hOldBitmap3 = (HBITMAP)NtGdiSelectBitmap(hDC2, hBitmap3);
- /* 3.2 draw src bitmap and mask */
- NtGdiBitBlt(hDC2, 0, 0, nWidth, nHeight, hdcDest, nXDest, nYDest, SRCCOPY, 0, 0);
- NtGdiBitBlt(hDC2, 0, 0, nWidth, nHeight, hdcSrc, nXSrc, nYSrc, FRGND_ROP3(dwRop),
- NtGdiBitBlt(hDC2, 0, 0, nWidth, nHeight, hDCMask, xMask, yMask, SRCAND, 0, 0);
- /* 4. combine both and copy the result to hdcDest */
- NtGdiBitBlt(hDC1, 0, 0, nWidth, nHeight, hDC2, 0, 0, SRCPAINT, 0, 0);
- NtGdiBitBlt(hdcDest, nXDest, nYDest, nWidth, nHeight, hDC1, 0, 0, SRCCOPY, 0, 0);
- /* 5. restore all objects */
- NtGdiSelectBitmap(hDCMask, hOldMaskBitmap);
- NtGdiSelectBitmap(hDC1, hOldBitmap2);
- NtGdiSelectBitmap(hDC2, hOldBitmap3);
- /* 6. delete all temp objects */
- GreDeleteObject(hBitmap2);
- GreDeleteObject(hBitmap3);
- NtGdiDeleteObjectApp(hDC1);
- NtGdiDeleteObjectApp(hDC2);
- NtGdiDeleteObjectApp(hDCMask);
+ return NtGdiBitBlt(hdcDest,
+ nXDest,
+ nYDest,
+ nWidth,
+ nHeight,
+ hdcSrc,
+ nXSrc,
+ nYSrc,
+ FRGND_ROP3(dwRop),
+ crBackColor,
+ 0);
+ /* Lock the dest DC */
+ pdc = DC_LockDc(hdcDest);
+ if (!pdc) return FALSE;
+ /* Get brush and colors from dest dc */
+ hbr = pdc->pdcattr->hbrush;
+ crFore = pdc->pdcattr->crForegroundClr;
+ crBack = pdc->pdcattr->crBackgroundClr;
+ /* Unlock the DC */
+ DC_UnlockDc(pdc);
+ /* 1. Create mask bitmap's dc */
+ hdcMask = NtGdiCreateCompatibleDC(hdcDest);
+ NtGdiSelectBitmap(hdcMask, hbmMask);
+ /* 2. Create masked Background bitmap */
+ /* 2.1 Create bitmap */
+ hdcBack = NtGdiCreateCompatibleDC(hdcDest);
+ hbmBack = NtGdiCreateCompatibleBitmap(hdcDest, nWidth, nHeight);
+ NtGdiSelectBitmap(hdcBack, hbmBack);
+ /* 2.2 Copy source bitmap */
+ NtGdiSelectBrush(hdcBack, hbr);
+ IntGdiSetBkColor(hdcBack, crBack);
+ IntGdiSetTextColor(hdcBack, crFore);
+ NtGdiBitBlt(hdcBack, 0, 0, nWidth, nHeight, hdcSrc, nXSrc, nYSrc, SRCCOPY, 0, 0);
+ /* 2.3 Do the background rop */
+ NtGdiBitBlt(hdcBack, 0, 0, nWidth, nHeight, hdcDest, nXDest, nYDest,
BKGND_ROP3(dwRop), 0, 0);
+ /* 2.4 Erase the foreground pixels */
+ IntGdiSetBkColor(hdcBack, 0xffffffff);
+ IntGdiSetTextColor(hdcBack, 0);
+ NtGdiBitBlt(hdcBack, 0, 0, nWidth, nHeight, hdcMask, xMask, yMask, SRCAND, 0, 0);
+ /* 3. Create masked Foreground bitmap */
+ /* 3.1 Create bitmap */
+ hdcFore = NtGdiCreateCompatibleDC(hdcDest);
+ hbmFore = NtGdiCreateCompatibleBitmap(hdcDest, nWidth, nHeight);
+ NtGdiSelectBitmap(hdcFore, hbmFore);
+ /* 3.2 Copy the dest bitmap */
+ NtGdiSelectBrush(hdcFore, hbr);
+ IntGdiSetBkColor(hdcFore, crBack);
+ IntGdiSetTextColor(hdcFore, crFore);
+ NtGdiBitBlt(hdcFore, 0, 0, nWidth, nHeight, hdcDest, nXDest, nYDest, SRCCOPY, 0, 0);
+ /* 2.3 Do the foreground rop */
+ NtGdiBitBlt(hdcFore, 0, 0, nWidth, nHeight, hdcSrc, nXSrc, nYSrc, FRGND_ROP3(dwRop),
+ /* 2.4 Erase the background pixels */
+ IntGdiSetBkColor(hdcFore, 0);
+ IntGdiSetTextColor(hdcFore, 0xffffffff);
+ NtGdiBitBlt(hdcFore, 0, 0, nWidth, nHeight, hdcMask, xMask, yMask, SRCAND, 0, 0);
+ /* 3. Combine the fore and background into the background bitmap */
+ NtGdiBitBlt(hdcBack, 0, 0, nWidth, nHeight, hdcFore, 0, 0, SRCPAINT, 0, 0);
+ /* 4. Copy the result to hdcDest */
+ NtGdiBitBlt(hdcDest, nXDest, nYDest, nWidth, nHeight, hdcBack, 0, 0, SRCCOPY, 0, 0);
+ /* 5. delete all temp objects */
+ NtGdiDeleteObjectApp(hdcBack);
+ NtGdiDeleteObjectApp(hdcFore);
+ NtGdiDeleteObjectApp(hdcMask);
+ GreDeleteObject(hbmFore);
+ GreDeleteObject(hbmBack);
return TRUE;