XML parsing working with my local sample build script. Now we need to
start coding the makefile-generation
Added: branches/xmlbuildsystem/reactos/tools/rbuild.cpp
Added: branches/xmlbuildsystem/reactos/tools/rbuild.cpp
--- branches/xmlbuildsystem/reactos/tools/rbuild.cpp 2005-01-03
00:46:42 UTC (rev 12742)
+++ branches/xmlbuildsystem/reactos/tools/rbuild.cpp 2005-01-03
01:02:26 UTC (rev 12743)
@@ -0,0 +1,318 @@
+// rbuild.cpp
+#ifdef _MSC_VER
+#pragma warning ( disable : 4786 )
+#include <string>
+#include <vector>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <io.h>
+#include <assert.h>
+//#include <sys/stat.h>
+//#include <sys/types.h>
+using std::string;
+using std::vector;
+#ifdef _MSC_VER
+unsigned __int64
+unsigned long long
+filelen ( FILE* f )
+#ifdef WIN32
+ return _filelengthi64 ( _fileno(f) );
+#elif defined(UNIX)
+ struct stat64 file_stat;
+ if ( fstat64(fileno(f), &file_stat) != 0 )
+ return 0;
+ return file_stat.st_size;
+static const char* WS = " \t\r\n";
+static const char* WSEQ = " =\t\r\n";
+class XMLFile
+ vector<FILE*> _f;
+ string _buf;
+ const char *_p, *_end;
+ XMLFile() {}
+ void close()
+ {
+ while ( _f.size() )
+ {
+ fclose ( _f.back() );
+ _f.pop_back();
+ }
+ _buf.resize(0);
+ _p = _end = NULL;
+ }
+ bool open ( const char* filename )
+ {
+ close();
+ FILE* f = fopen ( filename, "r" );
+ if ( !f )
+ return false;
+ unsigned long len = (unsigned long)filelen(f);
+ _buf.resize ( len );
+ fread ( &_buf[0], 1, len, f );
+ _p = _buf.c_str();
+ _end = _p + len;
+ _f.push_back ( f );
+ next_token();
+ return true;
+ }
+ // next_token() moves the pointer to next token, which may be
+ // an xml element or a text element, basically it's a glorified
+ // skipspace, normally the user of this class won't need to call
+ // this function
+ void next_token()
+ {
+ _p += strspn ( _p, WS );
+ }
+ bool next_is_text()
+ {
+ return *_p != '<';
+ }
+ bool more_tokens()
+ {
+ return _p != _end;
+ }
+ // get_token() is used to return a token, and move the pointer
+ // past the token
+ bool get_token ( string& token )
+ {
+ const char* tokend;
+ if ( *_p == '<' )
+ {
+ tokend = strchr ( _p, '>' );
+ if ( !tokend )
+ tokend = _end;
+ else
+ ++tokend;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ tokend = strchr ( _p, '<' );
+ if ( !tokend )
+ tokend = _end;
+ while ( tokend > _p && isspace(tokend[-1]) )
+ --tokend;
+ }
+ if ( tokend == _p )
+ return false;
+ token = string ( _p, tokend-_p );
+ _p = tokend;
+ next_token();
+ return true;
+ }
+#if 0
+ bool getc ( char& c )
+ {
+ while ( _bufidx >= _buf.size() )
+ {
+ static buf[4096];
+ if ( !fgets ( buf, sizeof(buf), _f.back() ) )
+ {
+ fclose ( _f.back() );
+ f.pop_back();
+ continue;
+ }
+ _buf = buf;
+ _bufidx = 0;
+ // REM TODO FIXME - check for and load includes
+ /*char* p = &_buf[0];
+ p += strspn ( p, " \t" );
+ if ( *p++ != '#' )
+ break;
+ p += strspn ( p, " \t" );
+ if ( strncmp ( p, "include", 7 ) )
+ break;
+ p += 7;
+ if ( !isspace(*p++) )
+ break;*/
+ }
+ c = _buf[_bufidx++];
+ return true;
+ }
+class XMLAttribute
+ string name, value;
+ XMLAttribute() {}
+ XMLAttribute ( const string& name_, const string& value_ )
+ : name(name_), value(value_)
+ {
+ }
+ XMLAttribute ( const XMLAttribute& src )
+ {
+ name = src.name;
+ value = src.value;
+ }
+ XMLAttribute& operator = ( const XMLAttribute& src )
+ {
+ name = src.name;
+ value = src.value;
+ return *this;
+ }
+class XMLElement
+ string name;
+ vector<XMLAttribute> attributes;
+ vector<XMLElement*> subElements;
+ string value;
+ XMLElement() {}
+ // Parse() returns true if you need to look for a </tag> for
+ // this one...
+ bool Parse ( const string& token, bool& end_tag )
+ {
+ const char* p = token.c_str();
+ assert ( *p == '<' );
+ p++;
+ p += strspn ( p, WS );
+ end_tag = ( *p == '/' );
+ if ( end_tag )
+ {
+ ++p;
+ p += strspn ( p, WS );
+ }
+ const char* end = strpbrk ( p, WS );
+ if ( !end )
+ {
+ end = strpbrk ( p, "/>" );
+ assert ( end );
+ }
+ name = string ( p, end-p );
+ p = end;
+ p += strspn ( p, WS );
+ while ( *p != '>' && *p != '/' )
+ {
+ end = strpbrk ( p, WSEQ );
+ if ( !end )
+ {
+ end = strpbrk ( p, "/>" );
+ assert ( end );
+ }
+ string attribute ( p, end-p ), value;
+ p = end;
+ p += strspn ( p, WS );
+ if ( *p == '=' )
+ {
+ ++p;
+ p += strspn ( p, WS );
+ char quote = 0;
+ if ( strchr ( "\"'", *p ) )
+ {
+ quote = *p++;
+ end = strchr ( p, quote );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ end = strpbrk ( p, WS );
+ }
+ if ( !end )
+ {
+ end = strchr ( p, '>' );
+ assert(end);
+ if ( end[-1] == '/' )
+ end--;
+ }
+ value = string ( p, end-p );
+ p = end;
+ if ( quote && *p == quote )
+ p++;
+ p += strspn ( p, WS );
+ }
+ attributes.push_back ( XMLAttribute ( attribute,
value ) );
+ }
+ return !( *p == '/' ) && !end_tag;
+ }
+XMLElement* XMLParse ( XMLFile& f, bool* pend_tag = NULL )
+ string token;
+ if ( !f.get_token(token) )
+ return NULL;
+ XMLElement* e = new XMLElement;
+ bool end_tag;
+ if ( !e->Parse ( token, end_tag ) )
+ {
+ if ( pend_tag )
+ *pend_tag = end_tag;
+ else if ( end_tag )
+ {
+ delete e;
+ printf ( "syntax error: end tag '%s' not
expected\n", token.c_str() );
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ return e;
+ }
+ while ( f.more_tokens() )
+ {
+ if ( f.next_is_text() )
+ {
+ if ( !f.get_token ( token ) )
+ {
+ printf ( "internal tool error -
get_token() failed when more_tokens() returned true\n" );
+ break;
+ }
+ if ( e->subElements.size() )
+ printf ( "syntax error: mixing of inner
text with sub elements\n" );
+ if ( e->value.size() )
+ {
+ printf ( "syntax error: multiple
instances of inner text\n" );
+ e->value += " " + token;
+ }
+ else
+ e->value = token;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ XMLElement* e2 = XMLParse ( f, &end_tag );
+ if ( end_tag )
+ {
+ if ( e->name != e2->name )
+ printf ( "end tag name
mismatch\n" );
+ delete e2;
+ break;
+ }
+ e->subElements.push_back ( e2 );
+ }
+ }
+ return e;
+int main ( int argc, char** argv )
+ XMLFile f;
+ if ( !f.open ( "rbuild.xml" ) )
+ {
+ printf ( "couldn't open rbuild.xml!\n" );
+ return -1;
+ }
+ XMLElement* head = XMLParse ( f );
+ // REM TODO FIXME actually do something with the parsed info
+ return 0;