Author: gedmurphy
Date: Wed Sep 23 20:05:31 2015
New Revision: 69332
- Add support for CAtlString and all its supporting base classes.
- It doesn't do much more than assign wchat_t arrarys and call LoadString, but
it's a full base to start adding more methods as people decide to.
Modified: trunk/reactos/lib/atl/atlcore.h
--- trunk/reactos/lib/atl/atlcore.h [iso-8859-1] (original)
+++ trunk/reactos/lib/atl/atlcore.h [iso-8859-1] Wed Sep 23 20:05:31 2015
@@ -204,8 +204,99 @@
return m_hInstResource;
+ HINSTANCE SetResourceInstance(HINSTANCE hInst)
+ {
+ return static_cast< HINSTANCE
>(InterlockedExchangePointer((void**)&m_hInstResource, hInst));
+ }
+ HINSTANCE GetHInstanceAt(int i);
extern CAtlBaseModule _AtlBaseModule;
+// String Resource helper functions
+#pragma warning(push)
+#pragma warning(disable: 4200)
+ WORD nLength;
+ WCHAR achString[];
+#pragma warning(pop)
+inline const ATLSTRINGRESOURCEIMAGE* _AtlGetStringResourceImage(
+ _In_ HINSTANCE hInstance,
+ _In_ HRSRC hResource,
+ _In_ UINT id)
+ ULONG nResourceSize;
+ HGLOBAL hGlobal;
+ UINT iIndex;
+ hGlobal = ::LoadResource(hInstance, hResource);
+ if (hGlobal == NULL) return NULL;
+ pImage = (const ATLSTRINGRESOURCEIMAGE*)::LockResource(hGlobal);
+ if (pImage == NULL) return NULL;
+ nResourceSize = ::SizeofResource(hInstance, hResource);
+ pImageEnd = (const ATLSTRINGRESOURCEIMAGE*)(LPBYTE(pImage) + nResourceSize);
+ iIndex = id & 0x000f;
+ while ((iIndex > 0) && (pImage < pImageEnd))
+ {
(sizeof(ATLSTRINGRESOURCEIMAGE) + (pImage->nLength * sizeof(WCHAR))));
+ iIndex--;
+ }
+ if (pImage >= pImageEnd) return NULL;
+ if (pImage->nLength == 0) return NULL;
+ return pImage;
+inline const ATLSTRINGRESOURCEIMAGE* AtlGetStringResourceImage(
+ _In_ HINSTANCE hInstance,
+ _In_ UINT id) throw()
+ HRSRC hResource;
+ hResource = ::FindResourceW(hInstance, MAKEINTRESOURCEW((((id >> 4) + 1) &
static_cast<WORD>(~0))), (LPWSTR)RT_STRING);
+ if (hResource == NULL) return NULL;
+ return _AtlGetStringResourceImage(hInstance, hResource, id);
+inline const ATLSTRINGRESOURCEIMAGE* AtlGetStringResourceImage(
+ _In_ HINSTANCE hInstance,
+ _In_ UINT id,
+ _In_ WORD wLanguage)
+ HRSRC hResource;
+ hResource = ::FindResourceExW(hInstance, (LPWSTR)RT_STRING, MAKEINTRESOURCEW((((id
>> 4) + 1) & static_cast<WORD>(~0))), wLanguage);
+ if (hResource == NULL) return NULL;
+ return _AtlGetStringResourceImage(hInstance, hResource, id);
+inline HINSTANCE AtlFindStringResourceInstance(
+ WORD wLanguage = 0)
+ HINSTANCE hInst = _AtlBaseModule.GetHInstanceAt(0);
+ for (int i = 1; hInst != NULL && strRes == NULL; hInst =
+ {
+ strRes = AtlGetStringResourceImage(hInst, nID, wLanguage);
+ if (strRes != NULL) return hInst;
+ }
+ return NULL;
}; // namespace ATL
Modified: trunk/reactos/lib/atl/atlsimpstr.h
--- trunk/reactos/lib/atl/atlsimpstr.h [iso-8859-1] (original)
+++ trunk/reactos/lib/atl/atlsimpstr.h [iso-8859-1] Wed Sep 23 20:05:31 2015
@@ -8,125 +8,388 @@
namespace ATL
- struct CStringData;
- __interface IAtlStringMgr
- {
- public:
- _Ret_maybenull_ _Post_writable_byte_size_(sizeof(CStringData) +
- CStringData* Allocate(
- _In_ int nAllocLength,
- _In_ int nCharSize) throw();
- void Free(_Inout_ CStringData* pData) throw();
- virtual _Ret_maybenull_ _Post_writable_byte_size_(sizeof(CStringData) +
- CStringData* Reallocate(
- _Inout_ CStringData* pData,
- _In_ int nAllocLength,
- _In_ int nCharSize) throw();
- CStringData* GetNilString() throw();
- IAtlStringMgr* Clone() throw();
- };
- struct CStringData
- {
- IAtlStringMgr* pStringMgr;
- int nDataLength;
- int nAllocLength;
- long nRefs;
- void* data() throw()
- {
- return (this + 1);
- }
- void AddRef() throw()
- {
- ATLASSERT(nRefs > 0);
- _InterlockedIncrement(&nRefs);
- }
- void Release() throw()
- {
- ATLASSERT(nRefs != 0);
- if (_InterlockedDecrement(&nRefs) <= 0)
- {
- pStringMgr->Free(this);
- }
- }
- };
- template< typename BaseType = char >
- class ChTraitsBase
- {
- public:
- typedef char XCHAR;
- typedef LPSTR PXSTR;
- typedef LPCSTR PCXSTR;
- typedef wchar_t YCHAR;
- typedef LPWSTR PYSTR;
- };
- template<>
- class ChTraitsBase< wchar_t >
- {
- public:
- typedef wchar_t XCHAR;
- typedef LPWSTR PXSTR;
- typedef char YCHAR;
- typedef LPSTR PYSTR;
- typedef LPCSTR PCYSTR;
- };
- template< typename BaseType, bool t_bMFCDLL = false>
- class CSimpleStringT
- {
- public:
- typedef typename ChTraitsBase<BaseType>::XCHAR XCHAR;
- typedef typename ChTraitsBase<BaseType>::PXSTR PXSTR;
- typedef typename ChTraitsBase<BaseType>::PCXSTR PCXSTR;
- typedef typename ChTraitsBase<BaseType>::YCHAR YCHAR;
- typedef typename ChTraitsBase<BaseType>::PYSTR PYSTR;
- typedef typename ChTraitsBase<BaseType>::PCYSTR PCYSTR;
- public:
- explicit CSimpleStringT(_Inout_ IAtlStringMgr* pStringMgr)
- {
- ATLENSURE(pStringMgr != NULL);
- CStringData* pData = pStringMgr->GetNilString();
- Attach(pData);
- }
- CSimpleStringT(_In_ const CSimpleStringT& strSrc)
- {
- CStringData* pSrcData = strSrc.GetData();
- CStringData* pNewData = CloneData(pSrcData);
+struct CStringData;
+__interface IAtlStringMgr
+ _Ret_maybenull_ _Post_writable_byte_size_(sizeof(CStringData) +
+ CStringData* Allocate(
+ _In_ int nAllocLength,
+ _In_ int nCharSize
+ );
+ void Free(
+ _Inout_ CStringData* pData
+ );
+ virtual _Ret_maybenull_ _Post_writable_byte_size_(sizeof(CStringData) +
+ CStringData* Reallocate(
+ _Inout_ CStringData* pData,
+ _In_ int nAllocLength,
+ _In_ int nCharSize
+ );
+ CStringData* GetNilString(void);
+ IAtlStringMgr* Clone(void);
+struct CStringData
+ IAtlStringMgr* pStringMgr;
+ int nAllocLength;
+ int nDataLength;
+ long nRefs;
+ void* data() throw()
+ {
+ return (this + 1);
+ }
+ void AddRef() throw()
+ {
+ ATLASSERT(nRefs > 0);
+ _InterlockedIncrement(&nRefs);
+ }
+ void Release() throw()
+ {
+ ATLASSERT(nRefs != 0);
+ if (_InterlockedDecrement(&nRefs) <= 0)
+ {
+ pStringMgr->Free(this);
+ }
+ }
+ bool IsLocked() const throw()
+ {
+ return (nRefs < 0);
+ }
+ bool IsShared() const throw()
+ {
+ return (nRefs > 1);
+ }
+class CNilStringData :
+ public CStringData
+ CNilStringData() throw()
+ {
+ pStringMgr = NULL;
+ nRefs = 2;
+ nDataLength = 0;
+ nAllocLength = 0;
+ achNil[0] = 0;
+ achNil[1] = 0;
+ }
+ void SetManager(_In_ IAtlStringMgr* pMgr) throw()
+ {
+ ATLASSERT(pStringMgr == NULL);
+ pStringMgr = pMgr;
+ }
+ wchar_t achNil[2];
+template< typename BaseType = char >
+class ChTraitsBase
+ typedef char XCHAR;
+ typedef LPSTR PXSTR;
+ typedef LPCSTR PCXSTR;
+ typedef wchar_t YCHAR;
+ typedef LPWSTR PYSTR;
+class ChTraitsBase< wchar_t >
+ typedef wchar_t XCHAR;
+ typedef LPWSTR PXSTR;
+ typedef char YCHAR;
+ typedef LPSTR PYSTR;
+ typedef LPCSTR PCYSTR;
+template< typename BaseType, bool t_bMFCDLL = false>
+class CSimpleStringT
+ LPWSTR m_pszData;
+ typedef typename ChTraitsBase<BaseType>::XCHAR XCHAR;
+ typedef typename ChTraitsBase<BaseType>::PXSTR PXSTR;
+ typedef typename ChTraitsBase<BaseType>::PCXSTR PCXSTR;
+ typedef typename ChTraitsBase<BaseType>::YCHAR YCHAR;
+ typedef typename ChTraitsBase<BaseType>::PYSTR PYSTR;
+ typedef typename ChTraitsBase<BaseType>::PCYSTR PCYSTR;
+ explicit CSimpleStringT(_Inout_ IAtlStringMgr* pStringMgr)
+ {
+ CStringData* pData = pStringMgr->GetNilString();
+ Attach(pData);
+ }
+ CSimpleStringT(_In_ const CSimpleStringT& strSrc)
+ {
+ CStringData* pSrcData = strSrc.GetData();
+ CStringData* pNewData = CloneData(pSrcData);
+ Attach(pNewData);
+ }
+ CSimpleStringT(_In_ const CSimpleStringT<BaseType, !t_bMFCDLL>& strSrc)
+ {
+ CStringData* pSrcData = strSrc.GetData();
+ CStringData* pNewData = CloneData(pSrcData);
+ Attach(pNewData);
+ }
+ CSimpleStringT& operator=(_In_opt_z_ PCXSTR pszSrc)
+ {
+ SetString(pszSrc);
+ return *this;
+ }
+ operator PCXSTR() const throw()
+ {
+ return m_pszData;
+ }
+ void Empty() throw()
+ {
+ CStringData* pOldData = GetData();
+ IAtlStringMgr* pStringMgr = pOldData->pStringMgr;
+ if (pOldData->nDataLength == 0) return;
+ if (pOldData->IsLocked())
+ {
+ SetLength(0);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ pOldData->Release();
+ CStringData* pNewData = pStringMgr->GetNilString();
- CSimpleStringT(_In_ const CSimpleStringT<BaseType, !t_bMFCDLL>&
- {
- CStringData* pSrcData = strSrc.GetData();
- CStringData* pNewData = CloneData(pSrcData);
- Attach(pNewData);
- }
- operator PCXSTR() const throw()
- {
- return m_pszData;
- }
- };
+ }
+ void SetString(_In_opt_z_ PCXSTR pszSrc)
+ {
+ SetString(pszSrc, StringLength(pszSrc));
+ }
+ void SetString(_In_reads_opt_(nLength) PCXSTR pszSrc,
+ _In_ int nLength)
+ {
+ if (nLength == 0)
+ {
+ Empty();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ UINT nOldLength = GetLength();
+ UINT_PTR nOffset = pszSrc - GetString();
+ PXSTR pszBuffer = GetBuffer(nLength);
+ if (nOffset <= nOldLength)
+ {
+ CopyCharsOverlapped(pszBuffer, GetAllocLength(),
+ pszBuffer + nOffset, nLength);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ CopyChars(pszBuffer, GetAllocLength(), pszSrc, nLength);
+ }
+ ReleaseBufferSetLength(nLength);
+ }
+ }
+ static int __cdecl StringLength(_In_opt_z_ const wchar_t* psz) throw()
+ {
+ if (psz == NULL) return 0;
+ return (int)wcslen(psz);
+ }
+ PXSTR GetBuffer()
+ {
+ CStringData* pData = GetData();
+ if (pData->IsShared())
+ {
+ // We should fork here
+ Fork(pData->nDataLength);
+ }
+ return m_pszData;
+ }
+ int GetAllocLength() const throw()
+ {
+ return GetData()->nAllocLength;
+ }
+ int GetLength() const throw()
+ {
+ return GetData()->nDataLength;
+ }
+ PCXSTR GetString() const throw()
+ {
+ return m_pszData;
+ }
+ void ReleaseBufferSetLength(_In_ int nNewLength)
+ {
+ ATLASSERT(nNewLength >= 0);
+ SetLength(nNewLength);
+ }
+ bool IsEmpty() const throw()
+ {
+ return (GetLength() == 0);
+ }
+ _Ret_notnull_ _Post_writable_size_(nMinBufferLength + 1) PXSTR GetBuffer(_In_ int
+ {
+ return PrepareWrite(nMinBufferLength);
+ }
+ CStringData* GetData() const throw()
+ {
+ return reinterpret_cast<CStringData*>(m_pszData) - 1;
+ }
+ static void __cdecl CopyChars(
+ _Out_writes_to_(nDestLen, nChars) XCHAR* pchDest,
+ _In_ size_t nDestLen,
+ _In_reads_opt_(nChars) const XCHAR* pchSrc,
+ _In_ int nChars) throw()
+ {
+ memcpy(pchDest, pchSrc, nChars * sizeof(XCHAR));
+ }
+ static void __cdecl CopyCharsOverlapped(
+ _Out_writes_to_(nDestLen, nDestLen) XCHAR* pchDest,
+ _In_ size_t nDestLen,
+ _In_reads_(nChars) const XCHAR* pchSrc,
+ _In_ int nChars) throw()
+ {
+ memmove(pchDest, pchSrc, nChars * sizeof(XCHAR));
+ }
+ void Attach(_Inout_ CStringData* pData) throw()
+ {
+ m_pszData = static_cast<PXSTR>(pData->data());
+ }
+ __declspec(noinline) void Fork(_In_ int nLength)
+ {
+ CStringData* pOldData = GetData();
+ int nOldLength = pOldData->nDataLength;
+ CStringData* pNewData = pOldData->pStringMgr->Clone()->Allocate(nLength,
+ if (pNewData == NULL)
+ {
+ throw; // ThrowMemoryException();
+ }
+ int nCharsToCopy = ((nOldLength < nLength) ? nOldLength : nLength) + 1;
+ CopyChars(PXSTR(pNewData->data()), nCharsToCopy,
+ PCXSTR(pOldData->data()), nCharsToCopy);
+ pNewData->nDataLength = nOldLength;
+ pOldData->Release();
+ Attach(pNewData);
+ }
+ PXSTR PrepareWrite(_In_ int nLength)
+ {
+ CStringData* pOldData = GetData();
+ int nShared = 1 - pOldData->nRefs;
+ int nTooShort = pOldData->nAllocLength - nLength;
+ if ((nShared | nTooShort) < 0)
+ {
+ PrepareWrite2(nLength);
+ }
+ return m_pszData;
+ }
+ void PrepareWrite2(_In_ int nLength)
+ {
+ CStringData* pOldData = GetData();
+ if (pOldData->nDataLength > nLength)
+ {
+ nLength = pOldData->nDataLength;
+ }
+ if (pOldData->IsShared())
+ {
+ Fork(nLength);
+ }
+ else if (pOldData->nAllocLength < nLength)
+ {
+ int nNewLength = pOldData->nAllocLength;
+ if (nNewLength > 1024 * 1024 * 1024)
+ {
+ nNewLength += 1024 * 1024;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ nNewLength = nNewLength + nNewLength / 2;
+ }
+ if (nNewLength < nLength)
+ {
+ nNewLength = nLength;
+ }
+ Reallocate(nNewLength);
+ }
+ }
+ void Reallocate(_In_ int nLength)
+ {
+ CStringData* pOldData = GetData();
+ ATLASSERT(pOldData->nAllocLength < nLength);
+ IAtlStringMgr* pStringMgr = pOldData->pStringMgr;
+ if (pOldData->nAllocLength >= nLength || nLength <= 0)
+ {
+ return;
+ }
+ CStringData* pNewData = pStringMgr->Reallocate(pOldData, nLength,
+ if (pNewData == NULL) throw;
+ Attach(pNewData);
+ }
+ void SetLength(_In_ int nLength)
+ {
+ ATLASSERT(nLength >= 0);
+ ATLASSERT(nLength <= GetData()->nAllocLength);
+ if (nLength < 0 || nLength > GetData()->nAllocLength)
+ throw;
+ GetData()->nDataLength = nLength;
+ m_pszData[nLength] = 0;
+ }
Modified: trunk/reactos/lib/atl/atlstr.h
--- trunk/reactos/lib/atl/atlstr.h [iso-8859-1] (original)
+++ trunk/reactos/lib/atl/atlstr.h [iso-8859-1] Wed Sep 23 20:05:31 2015
@@ -2,42 +2,128 @@
#define __ATLSTR_H__
#pragma once
-#ifndef __cplusplus
- #error ATL requires C++ compilation (use a .cpp suffix)
#include <atlbase.h>
#include <cstringt.h>
namespace ATL
- template< typename _BaseType = char, class StringIterator =
- class StrTraitATL :
- public StringIterator
+class CAtlStringMgr : public IAtlStringMgr
+ IAtlMemMgr* m_MemMgr;
+ CNilStringData m_NilStrData;
+ CAtlStringMgr(_In_opt_ IAtlMemMgr* MemMgr = NULL):
+ m_MemMgr(MemMgr)
- public:
- static HINSTANCE FindStringResourceInstance(_In_ UINT nID) throw()
- {
- return(AtlFindStringResourceInstance(nID));
- }
+ m_NilStrData.SetManager(this);
+ }
- static IAtlStringMgr* GetDefaultManager() throw()
- {
- return CAtlStringMgr::GetInstance();
- }
- };
+ virtual ~CAtlStringMgr(void)
+ {
+ }
+ static IAtlStringMgr* GetInstance(void)
+ {
+ static CWin32Heap Win32Heap(::GetProcessHeap());
+ static CAtlStringMgr StringMgr(&Win32Heap);
+ return &StringMgr;
+ }
+ virtual _Ret_maybenull_ _Post_writable_byte_size_(sizeof(CStringData) + NumChars *
CharSize) CStringData* Allocate(
+ _In_ int NumChars,
+ _In_ int CharSize)
+ {
+ size_t SizeBytes;
+ CStringData* StrData;
+ SizeBytes = sizeof(CStringData) + ((NumChars + 1) * CharSize);
+ StrData = static_cast<CStringData*>(m_MemMgr->Allocate(SizeBytes));
+ if (StrData == NULL) return NULL;
+ StrData->pStringMgr = this;
+ StrData->nRefs = 1;
+ StrData->nAllocLength = NumChars;
+ StrData->nDataLength = 0;
+ return StrData;
+ }
+ virtual void Free(_In_ CStringData* StrData)
+ {
+ ATLASSERT(StrData->pStringMgr == this);
+ m_MemMgr->Free(StrData);
+ }
+ virtual _Ret_maybenull_ _Post_writable_byte_size_(sizeof(CStringData) +
nChars*nCharSize) CStringData* Reallocate(
+ _Inout_ _Post_readable_byte_size_(sizeof(CStringData)) CStringData* StrData,
+ _In_ int nChars,
+ _In_ int nCharSize) throw()
+ {
+ ATLASSERT(StrData->pStringMgr == this);
+ CStringData* pNewData;
+ ULONG SizeBytes;
+ ULONG nDataBytes;
+ nChars++;
+ nDataBytes = nChars * nCharSize;
+ SizeBytes = sizeof(CStringData) + nDataBytes;
+ pNewData = static_cast< CStringData* >(m_MemMgr->Reallocate(StrData,
+ if (pNewData == NULL) return NULL;
+ pNewData->nAllocLength = nChars - 1;
+ return pNewData;
+ }
+ virtual CStringData* GetNilString() throw()
+ {
+ m_NilStrData.AddRef();
+ return &m_NilStrData;
+ }
+ virtual IAtlStringMgr* Clone() throw()
+ {
+ return this;
+ }
+ static bool StaticInitialize()
+ {
+ GetInstance();
+ return true;
+ }
- template< typename _CharType = wchar_t>
- class ChTraitsOS :
- public ChTraitsBase<_CharType>
+template<typename _BaseType = char, class StringIterator =
+class StrTraitATL :
+ public StringIterator
+ static HINSTANCE FindStringResourceInstance(_In_ UINT nID) throw()
- protected:
+ return AtlFindStringResourceInstance(nID);
+ }
- public:
+ static IAtlStringMgr* GetDefaultManager() throw()
+ {
+ return CAtlStringMgr::GetInstance();
+ }
- };
+template< typename _CharType = wchar_t>
+class ChTraitsOS :
+ public ChTraitsBase<_CharType>
typedef CStringT<wchar_t, StrTraitATL<wchar_t,
ChTraitsCRT<wchar_t>>> CAtlStringW;
Modified: trunk/reactos/lib/atl/cstringt.h
--- trunk/reactos/lib/atl/cstringt.h [iso-8859-1] (original)
+++ trunk/reactos/lib/atl/cstringt.h [iso-8859-1] Wed Sep 23 20:05:31 2015
@@ -2,75 +2,122 @@
#define __CSTRINGT_H__
#pragma once
#include <atlsimpstr.h>
#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <wchar.h>
+#include <atlmem.h>
namespace ATL
- template< typename _CharType = wchar_t>
- class ChTraitsCRT :
- public ChTraitsBase<_CharType>
+inline UINT WINAPI _AtlGetConversionACP() throw()
+ return CP_ACP;
+ return CP_THREAD_ACP;
+template<typename _CharType = wchar_t>
+class ChTraitsCRT : public ChTraitsBase<_CharType>
+ static int __cdecl GetBaseTypeLength(_In_z_ LPCWSTR pszSource) throw()
- public:
+ return ::WideCharToMultiByte(_AtlGetConversionACP(), 0, pszSource, -1, NULL, 0,
NULL, NULL) - 1;
+ }
- };
+ static int __cdecl GetBaseTypeLength(
+ _In_reads_(nLength) LPCWSTR pszSource,
+ _In_ int nLength) throw()
+ {
+ return ::WideCharToMultiByte(CP_THREAD_ACP, 0, pszSource, nLength, NULL, 0, NULL,
+ }
+ static void __cdecl ConvertToBaseType(
+ _Out_writes_(nDestLength) LPWSTR pszDest,
+ _In_ int nDestLength,
+ _In_ LPCWSTR pszSrc,
+ _In_ int nSrcLength = -1)
+ {
+ if (nSrcLength == -1)
+ nSrcLength = 1 + GetBaseTypeLength(pszSrc);
+ wmemcpy(pszDest, pszSrc, nSrcLength);
+ }
- namespace _CSTRING_IMPL_
+namespace _CSTRING_IMPL_
+ template <typename _CharType, class StringTraits>
+ struct _MFCDLLTraitsCheck
- template <typename _CharType, class StringTraits>
- struct _MFCDLLTraitsCheck
- {
- const static bool c_bIsMFCDLLTraits = false;
- };
+ const static bool c_bIsMFCDLLTraits = false;
+ };
+template <typename BaseType, class StringTraits>
+class CStringT :
+ public CSimpleStringT <BaseType, _CSTRING_IMPL_::_MFCDLLTraitsCheck<BaseType,
+ typedef CSimpleStringT<BaseType, _CSTRING_IMPL_::_MFCDLLTraitsCheck<BaseType,
StringTraits>::c_bIsMFCDLLTraits> CThisSimpleString;
+ typedef StringTraits StrTraits;
+ typedef typename CThisSimpleString::XCHAR XCHAR;
+ typedef typename CThisSimpleString::PXSTR PXSTR;
+ typedef typename CThisSimpleString::PCXSTR PCXSTR;
+ typedef typename CThisSimpleString::YCHAR YCHAR;
+ typedef typename CThisSimpleString::PYSTR PYSTR;
+ typedef typename CThisSimpleString::PCYSTR PCYSTR;
+ CStringT() throw() :
+ CThisSimpleString(StringTraits::GetDefaultManager())
+ {
- template< typename BaseType, class StringTraits>
- class CStringT :
- public CSimpleStringT <BaseType,
_CSTRING_IMPL_::_MFCDLLTraitsCheck<BaseType, StringTraits>::c_bIsMFCDLLTraits>
+ explicit CStringT( _In_ IAtlStringMgr* pStringMgr) throw() :
+ CThisSimpleString(pStringMgr)
- public:
- typedef CSimpleStringT<BaseType,
_CSTRING_IMPL_::_MFCDLLTraitsCheck<BaseType, StringTraits>::c_bIsMFCDLLTraits>
- typedef StringTraits StrTraits;
- typedef typename CThisSimpleString::XCHAR XCHAR;
- typedef typename CThisSimpleString::PXSTR PXSTR;
- typedef typename CThisSimpleString::PCXSTR PCXSTR;
- typedef typename CThisSimpleString::YCHAR YCHAR;
- typedef typename CThisSimpleString::PYSTR PYSTR;
- typedef typename CThisSimpleString::PCYSTR PCYSTR;
+ }
- public:
- CStringT() throw() :
- CThisSimpleString(StringTraits::GetDefaultManager())
- {
- }
- explicit CStringT( _In_ IAtlStringMgr* pStringMgr) throw() :
- CThisSimpleString(pStringMgr)
- {
- }
+ static void __cdecl Construct(_In_ CStringT* pString)
+ {
+ new pString (CStringT);
+ }
- CStringT(_In_ const VARIANT& varSrc);
- CStringT(
- _In_ const VARIANT& varSrc,
- _In_ IAtlStringMgr* pStringMgr);
+ CStringT(_In_ const CStringT& strSrc) :
+ CThisSimpleString(strSrc)
+ {
+ }
- static void __cdecl Construct(_In_ CStringT* pString)
- {
- new(pString)CStringT;
- }
+ CStringT& operator=(_In_opt_z_ PCXSTR pszSrc)
+ {
+ CThisSimpleString::operator=(pszSrc);
+ return *this;
+ }
- CStringT(_In_ const CStringT& strSrc) :
- CThisSimpleString(strSrc)
- {
- }
- };
+ _Check_return_ BOOL LoadString(_In_ HINSTANCE hInstance,
+ _In_ UINT nID)
+ {
+ const ATLSTRINGRESOURCEIMAGE* pImage = AtlGetStringResourceImage(hInstance,
+ if (pImage == NULL) return FALSE;
+ int nLength = StringTraits::GetBaseTypeLength(pImage->achString,
+ PXSTR pszBuffer = GetBuffer(nLength);
+ StringTraits::ConvertToBaseType(pszBuffer, nLength, pImage->achString,
+ ReleaseBufferSetLength(nLength);
+ return TRUE;
+ }
} //namespace ATL