Author: cwittich
Date: Sat Dec 8 18:17:39 2007
New Revision: 31082
Francois Gouget : Make the dword and binary data parsing both more flexible and stricter.
<fgouget at>
Jason Edmeades : Fix importing of .reg hex. <jason.edmeades at>
Modified: trunk/reactos/base/applications/regedit/regproc.c
--- trunk/reactos/base/applications/regedit/regproc.c (original)
+++ trunk/reactos/base/applications/regedit/regproc.c Sat Dec 8 18:17:39 2007
@@ -157,16 +157,14 @@
* Converts a hex representation of a DWORD into a DWORD.
-DWORD convertHexToDWord(char *str, BYTE *buf)
- DWORD dw;
- char xbuf[9];
- memcpy(xbuf,str,8);
- xbuf[8]='\0';
- sscanf(xbuf,"%08lx",&dw);
- memcpy(buf,&dw,sizeof(DWORD));
- return sizeof(DWORD);
+static BOOL convertHexToDWord(char* str, DWORD *dw)
+ char dummy;
+ if (strlen(str) > 8 || sscanf(str, "%lx%c", dw, &dummy) != 1) {
+ fprintf(stderr,"%s: ERROR, invalid hex value\n", getAppName());
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ return TRUE;
@@ -219,46 +217,45 @@
- * Converts a hex comma separated values list into a hex list.
- * The Hex input string must be in exactly the correct form.
- */
-DWORD convertHexCSVToHex(char *str, BYTE *buf, ULONG bufLen)
- char *s = str; /* Pointer to current */
- char *b = (char*) buf; /* Pointer to result */
- size_t strLen = strlen(str);
- size_t strPos = 0;
- DWORD byteCount = 0;
- memset(buf, 0, bufLen);
- /*
- * warn the user if we are here with a string longer than 2 bytes that does
- * not contains ",". It is more likely because the data is invalid.
- */
- if ( ( strLen > 2) && ( strchr(str, ',') == NULL) )
- fprintf(stderr,"%s: WARNING converting CSV hex stream with no comma, "
- "input data seems invalid.\n", getAppName());
- if (strLen > 3*bufLen)
- fprintf(stderr,"%s: ERROR converting CSV hex stream. Too long\n",
- getAppName());
- while (strPos < strLen) {
- char xbuf[3];
+* Converts a hex comma separated values list into a binary string.
+ */
+static BYTE* convertHexCSVToHex(char *str, DWORD *size)
+ char *s;
+ BYTE *d, *data;
+ /* The worst case is 1 digit + 1 comma per byte */
+ *size=(strlen(str)+1)/2;
+ data=HeapAlloc(GetProcessHeap(), 0, *size);
+ s = str;
+ d = data;
+ *size=0;
+ while (*s != '\0') {
UINT wc;
- memcpy(xbuf,s,2); xbuf[2]='\0';
- sscanf(xbuf,"%02x",&wc);
- if (byteCount < bufLen)
- *b++ =(unsigned char)wc;
- s+=3;
- strPos+=3;
- byteCount++;
- }
- return byteCount;
+ char dummy;
+ if (s[1] != ',' && s[1] != '\0' && s[2] !=
',' && s[2] != '\0') {
+ fprintf(stderr,"%s: ERROR converting CSV hex stream. Invalid sequence at
+ getAppName(), s);
+ HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(), 0, data);
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ if (sscanf(s, "%x%c", &wc, &dummy) < 1 || dummy !=
',') {
+ fprintf(stderr,"%s: ERROR converting CSV hex stream. Invalid value at
+ getAppName(), s);
+ HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(), 0, data);
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ *d++ =(BYTE)wc;
+ (*size)++;
+ /* Skip one or two digits and any comma */
+ while (*s && *s!=',') s++;
+ if (*s) s++;
+ }
+ return data;
@@ -417,11 +414,9 @@
LONG setValue(LPSTR val_name, LPSTR val_data)
LONG res;
- DWORD dwDataType, dwParseType = REG_BINARY;
+ DWORD dwDataType, dwParseType;
LPBYTE lpbData;
- BYTE convert[KEY_MAX_LEN];
- BYTE *bBigBuffer = 0;
- DWORD dwLen;
+ DWORD dwData, dwLen;
if ( (val_name == NULL) || (val_data == NULL) )
@@ -449,21 +444,16 @@
else if (dwParseType == REG_DWORD) /* Convert the dword types */
- dwLen = convertHexToDWord(val_data, convert);
- lpbData = convert;
+ if (!convertHexToDWord(val_data, &dwData))
+ lpbData = (BYTE*)&dwData;
+ dwLen = sizeof(dwData);
else if (dwParseType == REG_BINARY) /* Convert the binary data */
- size_t b_len = strlen (val_data)+2/3;
- if (b_len > KEY_MAX_LEN) {
- bBigBuffer = HeapAlloc (GetProcessHeap(), 0, b_len);
- dwLen = convertHexCSVToHex(val_data, bBigBuffer, (ULONG) b_len);
- lpbData = bBigBuffer;
- } else {
- dwLen = convertHexCSVToHex(val_data, convert, KEY_MAX_LEN);
- lpbData = convert;
- }
+ lpbData = convertHexCSVToHex(val_data, &dwLen);
+ if (!lpbData)
else /* unknown format */
@@ -479,8 +469,8 @@
- if (bBigBuffer)
- HeapFree (GetProcessHeap(), 0, bBigBuffer);
+ if (dwParseType == REG_BINARY)
+ HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(), 0, lpbData);
return res;
Modified: trunk/reactos/base/applications/regedit/regproc.h
--- trunk/reactos/base/applications/regedit/regproc.h (original)
+++ trunk/reactos/base/applications/regedit/regproc.h Sat Dec 8 18:17:39 2007
@@ -52,8 +52,6 @@
char* getToken(char** str, const char* delims);
void get_file_name(CHAR **command_line, CHAR *filename);
-DWORD convertHexToDWord(char *str, BYTE *buf);
-DWORD convertHexCSVToHex(char *str, BYTE *buf, ULONG bufLen);
LPSTR convertHexToHexCSV( BYTE *buf, ULONG len);
LPSTR convertHexToDWORDStr( BYTE *buf, ULONG len);
LPSTR getRegKeyName(LPSTR lpLine);