Hi GvG!
Ge van Geldorp wrote:
>>For those who are at the Linux world expo at Frankfurt, how
>>is that going? I, and probably the rest of the people reading
>>the mail lists whana know any news from you guys.
> Yeah, sorry about not reporting earlier, I'd expected to be able to hook up
> to the Internet there in some way but that didn't happen.
> We've been there with Aleksey Bragin, KJK::Hyperion, Steven Edwards and
> myself on all 3 days, Wednesday Emanuele Aliberti and Eric Kohl were there
> and Thursday Thomas Weidenmueller. I think Thomas already summed it up quite
> nicely. We didn't have as much visitors as at Linux World in San Francisco
> last year, but the people in Frankfurt were far more positive about ReactOS
> than the people in SF. I was also amazed at the number of people who had
> already heard about the project, must have been between 50 and 75%. We
> distributed a few hundred hand-outs and 80 LiveCDs. It was nice to see some
> of the people accept a hand-out, walk on with their head down reading it,
> suddenly stop and turn back to look at the demo.
That's good news.
> Most of the time we ran the Quake 1 demo plus some other stuff, depending on
Quake 1 !!!!! how!?!!? write up a Howto_Quake_Reactos!
Please Please Please!!!!! 8^)
> our mood. Sometimes ReactOS would crash after a few minutes, sometimes it
> would stay up for an hour or so. Running too many programs at the same time
> was a sure recipe for a crash. Still, most people didn't run away even if it
> crashed, they understood the alpha-state of development.
> We also made contact with some other OSS groups, like the Samba people and
> the Linux-on-XBOX guys. Everyone seemed very willing to cooperate.
> For me personally the nicest thing was to meet some of the other developers.
> I'd seen Steven before but none of the others. We also had some good
> discussions about future plans (what to target after 0.3).
> I took some pictures, will post them on some website tomorrow, I'm too tired
> now.
> Gé van Geldorp.
Very Good!