I will have a look at RosCMS and the related issue/bug tomorrow.
For the meantime, it's easy to fix an related entry by making sure it
has the following 4 metadata values:
"number" (news/newsletter/interview number; e.g. 43)
"number_sort" (number with leading zeros for string-sorting; e.g. 00043)
"pub_date" (date, iso-format; e.g. 2008-04-04)
"pub_user" (user-id; e.g. 2)
... and of course it should also have the "status = stable" one attached.
The only tricky thing is to fill out the "pub_user" as you have to
insert the authors user-id (which can be found e.g. in other entries).
To check if an news/newsletter/interview entry has the required
metadata, just hover with the mouse over an entry in the main table
and check out the "Quick Info" bar.
To view/add/delete metadata, open an entry and click on the "Details"
link (located on top of the edit-dialog). (this step is probably only
for language maintainers)
Sorry, for any inconvience; I promise to take care about it (as
mentioned above) tomorrow.
Best regards,