Curtis Spivey wrote:
As a general
rule, if something doesn't run under Wine, it most likely won't
run under ReactOS at the moment. This will change though, the list of
working software is growing and will continue to do so until everything
That's too bad. I haven't used Windoze for several months now. I
hoped to never use it again. I do really miss my Bible software. I
hate to throw $500 out the window. I've used Bibletime, but it's just
not the quality application that I'm looking for.
I have windows ME installed on a partition but I have been unable to
get it to boot.
Well M$ wHinders does not like to be second. Not one bit! If it is
anywhere but the first primary partition, you will have to tell grub to
hide the partitions that come before it. Assuming this is the first
hard drive in your system, and that wHindersME is on the second partion,
insert into /boot/grub/grub.conf a line that goes "hide (hd0,0)" before
the lines that hand the booting off to wHindersME. Also, make the
wHindersME partition the active boot partition. But be sure to unhide
the hidden partitions during subsequent boots. If wHindersME is not on
the first physical drive, it will be necessary to swap drives. You can
do that physically, or just tell grub to do it. Here's an example of
two of the entries in my grub.conf:
title M$ wHinders 95 (hde1)
# if hde is the second physical HDD, it is hd1 in grub
unhide (hd1,0) <--- This gets hidden by another boot
map (hd0) (hd1) <--- These two lines tell grub to swap the
map (hd1) (hd0) first two physical HD's in BIOS' report
rootnoverify (hd1,0) <--- This is necessary to boot M$ wHinders
chainloader +1 <--- This tells grub to read 1st sector
(of hda2)
boot <--- This tells grub, "OK, let her rip."
title M$ wHinders 98 (hda2)
hide (hd0,0) <--- This hides hda1
unhide (hd0,1) <--- This ensures that hda2 is UNhidden
unhide (hd1,0) <--- This gets hidden by another boot
unhide (hd2,0) <--- As does this
rootnoverify (hd0,1) <--- This is necessary to boot M$ wHinders
chainloader +1 <--- This tells grub to read 1st sector
(of hda2)
makeactive <--- This activates the boot flag of hda2
boot <--- This tells grub, "OK, let her rip."