We are writing a Microsoft Windows compatible operating system...this
means we must do things the way windows does them...however you are more
than welcome to change the way a particular thing works, and either
submit it to the list for review or make it one of your own side
projects/addons. Sorry if this sounds rather zealotish, but that's the
way it has to be.
Besides, we aren't even remotely close to that level of networking yet
and probably won't be for months, if not years, to come.
ros(a)xzite.fsnet.co.uk wrote:
i know it may be a little early in the development of
ReactOS to open this
particular can of worms, but i would like to sound out opinion on the way
that NT/W2K/XP implements domain logons.
i maintain several small school networks of mainly win9x machines with rh9
samba servers. so far so good. add xp to the equation and it all goes tits
up. the standard ms implementation depends on copying all user data to the
client machine on logon, and copying it all back on logoff. everone knows
that this is hugely wasteful of network resources, leads to enormous
amounts of user data being scattered across the network on client machine
hard drives, and allows "false logons" where the impression is given that
a user has logged on, (cached logons) when they haven't, because the
server was bogged down with data transfers to other users who had logged
on. the ms driven solution is the ridiculous Gb network cards, or hardware
solutions to implementation problems. this default behaviour is almost
impossible to prevent, (trust me, i have tried) could we implement a far
simpler system where user data is stored on the server, (be it linux or
ms) and accessed when required rather than copied back and forth on mass.
this would lead to fast logons, reliable data transfers and less stressed
sysadmins. does anyone else have any opinions on this?
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