For those who are at the Linux world expo at
Frankfurt, how
is that going? I, and probably the rest of the people reading
the mail lists whana know any news from you guys.
Yeah, sorry about not reporting earlier, I'd expected to be able to hook up
to the Internet there in some way but that didn't happen.
We've been there with Aleksey Bragin, KJK::Hyperion, Steven Edwards and
myself on all 3 days, Wednesday Emanuele Aliberti and Eric Kohl were there
and Thursday Thomas Weidenmueller. I think Thomas already summed it up quite
nicely. We didn't have as much visitors as at Linux World in San Francisco
last year, but the people in Frankfurt were far more positive about ReactOS
than the people in SF. I was also amazed at the number of people who had
already heard about the project, must have been between 50 and 75%. We
distributed a few hundred hand-outs and 80 LiveCDs. It was nice to see some
of the people accept a hand-out, walk on with their head down reading it,
suddenly stop and turn back to look at the demo.
Most of the time we ran the Quake 1 demo plus some other stuff, depending on
our mood. Sometimes ReactOS would crash after a few minutes, sometimes it
would stay up for an hour or so. Running too many programs at the same time
was a sure recipe for a crash. Still, most people didn't run away even if it
crashed, they understood the alpha-state of development.
We also made contact with some other OSS groups, like the Samba people and
the Linux-on-XBOX guys. Everyone seemed very willing to cooperate.
For me personally the nicest thing was to meet some of the other developers.
I'd seen Steven before but none of the others. We also had some good
discussions about future plans (what to target after 0.3).
I took some pictures, will post them on some website tomorrow, I'm too tired
Gé van Geldorp.