At 22:02 29/01/2004 +0200, you wrote:
What the hell is this ? "Rene Tournois and
RosAsm" ????
:)) It's me. :))
Well, if you'd like a 'diversion' time from your hard work, here is it:
This attack is from one of the guys of the Win32 Assembly "community".
I am the Author of RosAsm. RosAsm is an Assembly developement environement
written _for_ ReactOS (GPLed, of course). In its actual state, it is an
integrated package with Assembler, IDE, Sources Editor, Disassembler,
Sources Level Debugger, Resources Editor, and so on... 5+ years of patient
work... More than an "Assembler" it is, better said, a "PE Assembly
Producer", directely outputing Assembly written Applications, that i
started the day i first heard of the ReactOS Project...
As long as i can not yet Auto-Compile RosAsm under ReactOS, i make use
of Windows for the Developements, and of course, i have to face Pro-M$
/ Anti GPL guys. As you may guess, the relationships are quite 'hatefull'
and often times 'bloody'... ;)
This 'world affair' origine is in a Thread called "The State of the
Union", initiated by Beth, at alt.lang.asm News Group. I did not post
much in this thread, other than for shouting at a guy asking Beth to
shut up.
After this Donkey sent me several hatefull Mails and the discussion
went where it should go, in such cases (...). The sentences of mine
he is publishing where extracted from my Mails. Though i am not shy,
at all, of my political and ethical opinions, they were written in
a _private_ area, and, if i had to express them publicly, i would do
the same, but in a more 'civilized' manner.
Bye, keep up with the good and hard work. (Hurry up with the Menus
implementation, so that i can begin promoting RosAsm the positive
way... :)) as long as i will not begin promoting my Tool before i
could, at least, Auto-Compile it under ReactOS, and as long as i can
not do this, actually, without being told "writing GPL _for_ Windows.
Shame on me if ever!... ;)
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