In retrospect there is one important area for the Assembly Language Programmer.
It would only be interesting to the serious enthusiast.
It is writing primitives for very tight Smalltalk.
It is the area of embedded systems.
Owing to a buggys Windows98se I cannot send attachments (indirectly a good thing).
An Example is below.
Regards and rosuccess
---- Redefined Horizons <redefined.horizons(a)> wrote:
Wow! Great news!
Now let me ask about volunteering to help with the project. I'd like to get
some experience programming in assembly language and/or machine code.
Is there any need for this on the ReactOS project? Can I start on some
simple assembly language programming tasks for ReactOS and have someone that
can guide me through the tough spots?
Let me know if I can help in this area.
On 10/17/05, KJKHyperion <hackbunny(a)> wrote:
> Redefined Horizons wrote:
> > [1] Is ReactOS built on a Unix core, or is it a new operating
> > sytem from the ground up?
> ReactOS is all-original, written from the ground up as a clone of the
> Windows design
> > [2] Can you dual boot with ReactOS and a Linux operating system like
> > Debian? If you can, is there a place where I can find instructions on
> > how to do so?
> yes, see
> <>
> > [3] Does an application that runs on Microsoft Windows have to be
> > ported before it can be run on ReactOS?
> No
> > Can I try installing the program to see how it works?
> Yes
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PAGE 85,132
TITLE User Defined Primitive #92 (INT 62H)
; This is an example of a possible user defined primitive.
; The primitive below "primitive92" is an implementation
; of the String at: primitive.
; The first part of the code "installs" the primitive
; "segment and offset" address into INT 62H vector.
; The second part, "primitive92" defines the code that
; will be executed when primitive number 92 from
; "Smalltalk/V" is invoked.
INCLUDE fixdptrs.usr
INCLUDE access.usr
ASSUME CS:code,DS:code,ES:code
ORG 100H
start: JMP installPrim
primitive92 PROC FAR
; This is code that will be executed everytime primitive
; number 92 is invoked from "Smalltalk/V"
enterPrimitive ;enter primitive macro (see macro
MOV CX,DI ;copy receiver in CX
; getClass DI,DX,ES ;put class of receiver in DX
; CMP DX,ClassStringPtr ;if class of receiver is not
; JNE failure ;String then primitive fails
; ;(This check is commnet since it is
; ;not necessary but it is shown here
; ;as an example on how to use the
; ;getClass macro
MOV DI,[BP+16] ;put index argument in DI
SHR DI,1 ;shift right and
MOV AX,DI ;copy in AX
JNC smallInt ;if no carry (even number) then
RCL DI,1 ;its a small integer and jump else
;restore the index object ptr
MOV DX,SS ;set ES to address classes segment
CMP WORD PTR ES:[DI],ClassLargePosInt ;if class of index object
JNE failure ;pointer is LargePositiveInteger
;then continue else primitive fails
getObjectAddress DI,BX,ES ;get address of index object ptr
CMP WORD PTR ES:[BX],4 ;size of this large positive
JNE failure ;integer must be 4 (2 bytes for
;size header + 2 bytes for the
;number itself) - not 4 suggests
;that number is more than 2 bytes
;long and primitive fails else
MOV AX,ES:[BX+2] ;move 2 byte integer into AX and
JMP haveIndex ;jump to haveIndex
smallInt: JLE failure ;if after shift sign of integer
;changes or its zero then
;primitive fails (index must be
;greater than zero)
haveIndex: INC AX ;index +1 to correct byte access
JZ failure ;later on; if value goes to 0 then
;index was too large and primitive
MOV BX,CX ;set BX to receiver object ptr and
getObjectAddress BX,DI,ES ;get address of receiver (string)
isSizeEven BX,CX,DS ;check even/odd length of string
;object (JZ for even length)
MOV BX,ES:[DI] ;move size of string to BX
JZ even ;if isSizeEven result is zero
DEC BX ;condition flag then length
;of string is even (BX - 2 bytes
;for size header) else length of
;string is odd (BX - 3) so adjust
;size of string (BX) by -1
even: CMP AX,BX ;adjusted index must be less than
JAE failure ;BX (string size) else primitive
;now we must get the character
;from the string and turn it into
;an object pointer
XOR CH,CH ;set CH to zero
MOV BX,AX ;set BX to be adjusted index
MOV CL,ES:[DI+BX] ;move to CL the char from string
SHL CX,1 ;multiply CX by 2
ADD CX,FirstCharacterPtr ;add to CX the base character ptr
MOV BX,CX ;set BX to result char pointer
exitWithSuccess 1 ;and enter into successful exit
;macro with arg count 1 (the index)
failure: exitWithFailure 1 ;failure macro with arg count 1
primitive92 ENDP
primitive92end LABEL BYTE ;label for exit and stay resident
; This is primitive "installation code" with the exit and
; stay resident
installPrim PROC NEAR
MOV AX,CS ;set DS to address code segment
MOV DX,OFFSET primitive92 ;load DX with primitive offset
MOV AX,2562H ;use DOS to set address of INT 62H
LEA DX,primitive92end ;load DX with address beyond last
INT 27H ;byte - exit and stay resident
installPrim ENDP
code ENDS
END start