The RosBE step by step link is out of date, you can download
releases of the RosBE from:
Unfortunately the latest release there is 0.3.3, the latest release
is actually 0.3.4 which was released yesterday, until it is uploaded to
sourceforge you can grab it from:
Alex Ionescu wrote:
Dear ReactOS Users, Testers and Developers,
Secondly, on the topic of regression testing. I'm hoping most of you are
now using the official RosBE, the ReactOS Building Environment. If
you're not, please do so (on Windows). It is the *only* supported
environment. If you're having problems with headers, compiling, or are
seeing boot failures, please do not come to ask us for help until you
are using the RosBE. This will help us avoid many compiler
incompatibilities and make us bettter able to help you in a timely fashion.
That's all, thank you for your time.
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