Oliver Schneider wrote:
afternoon. I
am including rosapps as we did in 0.2.8. I am wondering
how people feel about the changing the preloaded qemu release to have
800x600res by default and the background to something some picture?
A question related to that QEMU image. Wouldn't it be nice to have the most
current version of ROS available as a VMWare Virtual Machine, now that
VMWare released the VMWare player?!
It runs much quicker and it will still allow people to get the software
freely. I know there is usually some reluctance if it comes to using
"closed-source" in relation to open source projects, but here it could be
very useful and much more impressive as well, since VMWare is a dynamic
emulator unlike QEMU which fully emulates a x86.
What do you think?
I've spent the last 6 months or so just lurking and seeing what's going
on with the ReactOS project and am really impressed how it's coming
along. Good work guys! Just wanted to add my tuppence worth on the subject.
I can't imagine it would do any harm at all to release a VMWare ReactOS
virtual machine. If nothing else, it would only help promote the project
showing the performance of ReactOS that QEMU possibly couldn't. It'd be
a good thing to offer both anyway, that's how I see it. Talking of
which, I'm going to go build a vmware virtual machine and have another
look at reactos!
Cheers and keep up the good work!