Privet Ulrikhe :)
Maybe it's quite difficult to understand the achievements.Let me explain them:
1)Graphics without glitches.
Do yo see any glitches during the whole video?It maybe sound easy but it's not.
2)Smooth graphics.
Having no glitches is something cool but to play this kind of game you need a decent
number of FPS.And the video shows a playable game :)
3)Internet reliability.
Why the FPS is decent?Because our new network stack is fast but also Reliable.Try this
game with the old network stack,with some luck you will able to play for 2 minutes before
dropping packets or the app being killed.
4)OS reliability.
You can have a perfect-pure-network stack but the OS must be reliable itself or you will
begin been flooded by: Memory couldn't be read errors.This video lasts more than 10
minutes without problems.
5)Reliable controls
You can have a stable OS, you can have a decent FPS,but also you need controls.Controls
must be reliable.Believe me or not but Jimtabor and Mjmartin had bad days trying to fix
the Message Queue mess.Sometimes pressing a key in one direction wasnt answering,or was
getting stuck or forced to move to the other not desired direction.
The user needs a fast answer since he presses a button and the character moves.This
envolves a fast answer and a correct integration between:
Network,Controls,Video,Memory..If one were failing, this video wouldnt have never seen the
About sound.We have sound support.Why did they publish the video without sound?
1)Maybe the video was recorded without sound.
2)Maybe they didnt install AC97 because our current regression.
3)Maybe they understood the difficulties to reach the stage ReactOS is now and the cool
work made by ReactOS devs to make possible playing an online game and just wanted to show
us that.
And about your VM rant: The performance inside a VM is lower than in Real Hardware.So the
smoothness and the playability increases in RH.
About not being fun for you to watch a game video:Just dont click on it.
If you are not able to appreciate the work needed to reach that state then,for sure,you
wont find it Funny.
I'm pretty sure those who joins IRC,talks in our Forum,and follows our releases will
find it enjoyable. This video is for all,but mainly:For them ;)
I really hope one day you will be able to understand the underlying importance of this
video and not just seeing the surface.
Best regards and special thanks to all the devs :)
Enviado desde mi iPhone
El 31/08/2011, a las 09:26, "Ulrikhe Lukoie" <lukoie(a)> escribió:
Hello victor,
first its just the VM
second - i dont see any fun to stear at someone playing game,
and moreover for such a long time.
third - there's no sound. whats the fun to stear at the game without
the sound?
ok, it's quake, so what?
Tuesday, August 30, 2011, 10:00:50 PM, you wrote:
Hi guys!
Wojo664 has made a nice video. He has been playing Quake2 against
Saibamen by network, stressing our new network stack.
They have been playing for a long time so seems it is pretty reliable. And evenmore:
Who wants to play Quake2?
If you dont have time at least watch this incredible video:
Which will be the next?Starcraft?DiabloII?
Thanks Wojo!
Best regards,
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