afternoon. I am including rosapps as we did in 0.2.8.
I am wondering
how people feel about the changing the preloaded qemu release to have
800x600res by default and the background to something some picture?
A question
related to that QEMU image. Wouldn't it be nice to have the most
current version of ROS available as a VMWare Virtual Machine, now that
VMWare released the VMWare player?!
It runs much quicker and it will still allow people to get the software
freely. I know there is usually some reluctance if it comes to using
"closed-source" in relation to open source projects, but here it could be
very useful and much more impressive as well, since VMWare is a dynamic
emulator unlike QEMU which fully emulates a x86.
What do you think?
May the source be with you, stranger ;)
ICQ: #281645