Casper Hornstrup -> [my e-mail] for ros-general(a) "RE:
[ros-general] dos support in reactos" @ 26-Feb-2004, 15:18:28
>>Why waste your time with DOS? There is already
FreeDOS freely
> Short answer: Because WinNT, Win2k and WinXP
support DOS, two.
CH> Microsoft Windows support a lot of things that ReactOS will
CH> support.
It is not very good IMHO.At least this is not a reason to be proud with
this fact.Since this sounds like "Windows always will be better than ROS"
and "ROS will never get really compatible with WinNT & 2k" :\
> Longer answer: Because there existing still a lot
of programs created
> for DOS, Win16 and so on. And it would be nice, to can all this older
> programs run.
CH> Is it really worth the thousands of hours of work and
added complexity
CH> of ReactOS?
Without VDM and WOW it is only half of WinNT\Win2k and it is strange to
declare compatibility with those M$ OS'es then.Microsoft has success
with Windows also because they keeping reasonable compatibility with
"old apps" so users don't need to discard all sw they had before and
hence migration to their new OS not very painful thing.
Can you say, what a hell all these subsystems and other NT stuff
needed then?Just to launch one "Win32 subsystem" over all this stuff?:))
And btw, there is also DOS support for Linux exists.Hey, what do you
expect users to do to launch "old apps" with ROS?Reboot into FreeDOS?:\
What a f.....g way to reboot each time you need to run "old app" :((
Another question is that it is not a highest priority task yet :-)
For example I'm having problems to boot ROS on real hw (some kernel
mode driver deadlock happens) that means there is still some prob's
in kernel or drivers.But anyway ROS getting better each day and I'm
dreaming about time when it will be possible to use ROS as my usual
desktop OS.Unfortunately without DOS\Win16 support it losts too much
in comfortability of use compared to M$ Windows.
Good Bye, Casper.See you later.
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